
they say my smile reminds them the most beautiful flower in the Spring, so I smile always , just for delighting your heart when you are approaching.
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)英语翻译将下列文字翻译成英文,可进行适当修改,语法语句要准确,英文大神进.文字如下:我们天天讲学习,可是我们伙伴中很多人都不是很明白学习到底有多重要,甚至有的朋友觉得学习根本_百度作业帮
纯手工翻译如下,部分中文当中固有的语言习惯我已经帮你适当改成了更地道的英文表达方式:Study has already become one of our daily topics, however many of us are not even aware of the importance of studying, furthermore some even choose to disregard it entirely.Yes, indeed you might be correct, but may I ask how many among those teachers of university and PhD students are millionaires? Only a few, or almost none, right? Hence, these teachers are not capable of advising their students how to immediately transform their knowledge to tools that can be utilized to make a fortune!Why is this the case? If they didn't even manage to earn one million dollars for themselves, why should we expect them to teach us how to reach this goal? Hence, we have to learn from those who have indeed earned a million or even ten million dollars. It is vital to look up to those who have reached the mountain top as our role models, and until then will we realize how beautiful it really is up there.已经反复检查,确保没有错误.如果你有不大明白的地方可以告诉我,我来给你解释.如果帮到你的话记得要采纳答案哦~ 祝一切顺利 :)翻译下面句子,求大神No life is more tragic than that of the individual who nurses a dream.什么意思?求大神_百度作业帮
翻译下面句子,求大神No life is more tragic than that of the individual who nurses a dream.什么意思?求大神
翻译下面句子,求大神No life is more tragic than that of the individual who nurses a dream.什么意思?求大神
没有谁比那些只抱有梦想,(但没有实际行动的)人更可悲了。我认为这里有隐含的 意思 (没有实际行动) 不然就不会有 可悲 之意
完整的句子是No life is more tragic. than that of the individual who nurses a dream, an ambition, always wishing and hoping, but never giving it a chance to happen.作者是Richard M. DeVos意思是:人生最悲剧的莫过于一个有梦想有抱负的人一直期望着幻想着却从不去努力实现(梦想)
就会很可悲英语翻译大神进!急!在线等!完全看不懂在讲什么?!句子结构也理不清楚.跪求翻译大神帮忙看看,在线等!急死我了Our study revealed that differences in time on task are partly a result of operationalizing the hypothes_百度作业帮
英语翻译大神进!急!在线等!完全看不懂在讲什么?!句子结构也理不清楚.跪求翻译大神帮忙看看,在线等!急死我了Our study revealed that differences in time on task are partly a result of operationalizing the hypothes
英语翻译大神进!急!在线等!完全看不懂在讲什么?!句子结构也理不清楚.跪求翻译大神帮忙看看,在线等!急死我了Our study revealed that differences in time on task are partly a result of operationalizing the hypothesis (rich mental actions require more time) and partly due to other variables (e.g. individual differences between learners). We argue that it is useful to break the concept of time on task down into gross, tare and net time. Gross time is the total amount of time needed to perform a task (e.g. 50 minutes). Net time is the time in which the learner manipulates the target vocabulary in working memory. Tare time is the time dedicated to issues that do not directly involve the target vocabulary, but that are nonetheless necessary to perform the task, for example a procedural discussion between two learners. From the perspective of the multi-feature hypothesis, it is logical that net time differs between tasks.Manipulating a wide range of different features simply requires more time than manipulating a limited range.rare time is different too, since elaborate assignments, such as those of the writing task, are more likely to elicit procedural discussions.


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