
练习舌尖颤音的时候,舌尖轻轻向上卷起(轻到不费一点劲),轻轻接触硬腭前部(轻到没有多少接触的感觉,总之要放松),用连续的呼出气流吹动它,让它自己振动起来。学会吹动舌尖以后,再学习同时让声带振动。开始学习的时候宁可让舌尖多颤动一段时间。实际语言里可能只要颤动两三下就够了。小舌颤音甚至可以用漱口的办法让小舌颤动起来。可以设想,在大风中空气很快流过高高烟囱的两侧,烟囱也会摆动起来。因为是使用气流吹动的,所以说是伯努利效应的结果。那种运动方式的原理,是跟颤音不一样的。舌尖颤音要人用神经指挥肌肉去让舌尖运动。伯努利效应使飞机机翼产生升力,可以飞上天。或者说,机翼上表面的流线型比下表面的流线型长,飞机前进的时候,空气流过上表面比流过下表面快,于是气流压向机翼上表面的负压力大于下表面的负压力,飞机就获得了上升的力量。两条船挨得太近会相向靠拢或碰撞,也是那种负压力作用的结果。声带所以能够振颤,主要是伯努利效应和弹性力的结果,不是神经脉冲指挥的。补充一点。练习发舌尖颤音的一开始,舌尖轻轻向上卷起,接触上腭。与此同时舌面边缘也要起作用,把口腔前边的出口全都堵住。舌面边缘用一定力量,紧*左练习发舌尖颤音的一开始,舌尖轻轻向上卷起,接触上腭。与此同时舌面边缘也要起作用,把口腔前边的出口全都堵住。舌面边缘用一定力量,紧*左右两侧的上腭和牙床。它们不参加颤动,只是使舌尖的活门缩小,同时使舌尖有弹性。也就是说,舌面两侧的边缘是不动的。呼出气流的压力会把舌尖推开。如果吹不动舌尖,可能是舌尖太紧张(无声),更可能是两侧漏气(有h...... 声)。如果吹的时候听到一声th...... ,然后舌尖停在外头不动了,一定是缺少弹力,也就是两侧太放松,或者舌尖太紧张,也可能是舌尖后卷不够。如果听到的是一声tx......,是舌根太高太紧张。舌尖活门调得小一些,可能更容易颤动起来。舌尖向上顶得太紧,会听到trrr,就累了。东北地区车把式的“得儿驾”就是trjia……。关键是要学会rrrrr的轻松的颤动。增音练习:1、增加与颤音发音部位相同的辅音,在音节当中体会舌的颤动。如:嘟——/tru/。练习时拉长音,注意力不要放在是否为舌尖上,而应放在气流的体验上。2、音节末尾的颤音比较难发,根据个人情况可以随意增加一个元音,之后再把该元音弱化。千万别控制,也不要企图从闪音、卷舌音过度到颤音,一定别控制尤其是舌头,多想一想疾风中的旗帜.3、躺着练的效果会比较好。咱们来看看这个好强的baby好标准的西班牙语多级颤音“RR”吧~~~
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The Spanish language is second only to English in the United States, with over <a...就职公司擅长领域毕业院校展开收起上一组会员目前就职Instituto de Ense?anza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan Ramón Fernández” - Profesor, Instituto Superior del Profesorado &Dr. Joaquín V....曾经就职Instituto de Ense?anza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández& - Profesor, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Facultad de Filosofía y...教育背景Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto Universitas收起展开收起陈昱彤目前就职圣雅阁西班牙语 - 西班牙语翻译 日语翻译教育背景Universidad Rey Juan Carlos收起展开收起目前就职合纵文化 - 双语翻译、助理, 深圳阳光西班牙语文化交流中心 - 西班牙语老师教育背景Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, KEDGE Business School, 对外经济贸易大学收起展开收起guadalupe suo目前就职新东方科技教育集团 - 西班牙语教师曾经就职深圳阳光西班牙语文化交流中心 - 西班牙语教师, 深圳市流行外语文化交流中心 - 西班牙语教师, 新世界教育集团深圳爱马德对外汉语培训中心 - 对外汉语教师(西班牙语方向)教育背景中国科学院心理研究所, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad de La Habana收起展开收起目前就职长沙新东方学校 - 西班牙语教师, 言众言教育 - 西班牙语老师曾经就职长沙第二外国语学校 - 西班牙语老师, 三一重工泵送海外部 - 西班牙语培训讲师, Orientalmente - Marketing Intern, Zhejiang Taizhou Media Group - Interpreter, Changsha Qingshan...教育背景Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona收起展开收起目前就职恒大足球学校 - 西班牙语口译员曾经就职大连国际 - 西班牙语翻译, 中国水电 - 西班牙语翻译教育背景吉林华桥外国语学院, 吉林华侨外国语学院收起展开收起目前就职深圳市有棵树科技股份有限公司 - 西班牙语营销, 深圳市有棵树科技股份有限公司 - 西班牙语推广, 深圳有棵树科技股份有限公司 - 西班牙语推广教育背景黑龙江外国语学院, 黑龙江外国语学院收起展开收起目前就职中石化中原建设 - 西班牙语翻译曾经就职南昌对外总公司委内瑞拉分公司 - 西班牙语翻译教育背景北京第二外国语学院, 陕西国际商贸学院收起展开收起目前就职--- - Intérprete Freelance曾经就职China Gezhouba Group Company Limited - Intérprete, Consulado General de Argentina en Shanghai - Oficial Comercial Asistente (Assistant...教育背景Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto Saint Jean收起展开收起目前就职吉林送变电工程公司 国际公司 - 西班牙语翻译曾经就职昱辉阳光 - Overseas Sales Representative, 天津世新翻译公司 - 兼职西班牙语笔译(Traducdora de espa?ol)教育背景Dalian University of Foreign Lauguages, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Universitat Rovira i Virgili收起展开收起目前就职新密万力实业发展 - 西班牙语业务, 郑州一帆机械设备有限公司 - 业务经理曾经就职河北华路天宇集团 - 驻外西班牙语翻译教育背景华北水利水电大学收起展开收起目前就职辽宁鼎昇环境检测有限公司 - 西班牙语翻译曾经就职中荷人寿保险有限公司大连分公司 - 业务行政实习生, 做到网 - 西班牙语翻译(兼职), 大连统一饮品有限公司 - 销售教育背景大连外国语大学, 大连外国语大学收起展开收起目前就职Traductora e Intérprete autónoma - Spanish Freelance Translator/ Interpreter 西班牙语自由翻译, Matrici S. Coop. - Spanish Interpreter 西班牙语翻译曾经就职Applus+ - Administrative Assistant 行政助理, Mas Consulting Group - GM Assistant (Intern) 总经理助理, Mandarin House - CFL Teacher 对外汉语兼职教师教育背景Shanghai International Studies University收起展开收起付裕目前就职中国十五冶 - 西班牙语翻译, 中国十五冶金建设集团厄瓜多尔项目部 - 西班牙语工程翻译收起展开收起目前就职潘朵信息科技有限公司 - 西班牙语销售, 潘朵信息科技有限公司 - 西班牙语销售教育背景临沂大学收起展开收起目前就职PM TRADEX - Presidente, Zhongtian - Presidente, Galeria d&#39;Art i Disseny Patricia Mu?oz - Presidente, Patricia Mu?oz 帕特里夏西班牙语学校 -...曾经就职MIG Spain / MIG Shanghai - Executive Assistant / HR Coordinator / Head of Translation Department, Shanghai CIIC Science & Technology...教育背景Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Clic Asia, Centre d&#39;Estudis Orientals, Casa de Protocolo, Casa de Protocolo, Red Centro de Estudios,...收起展开收起目前就职西班牙语家教 - 西语家教, Shandong shengye grinding ball co.,ltd. - sales manager, 山东盛晔磨球有限公司 - 销售经理教育背景山东青年政治学院收起展开收起目前就职传神 (中国) 网络科技有限公司 Transn (China) Technology Co., Ltd - Spanish Translator, 乐滋国际少儿英文艺术 Lenz International Kids - English Teacher, 西班牙语老师...曾经就职济南飞越外语培训学校 Feiyue Foreign Language School - English Teacher, ProQualitas Consultores - Consultant, Almacenes ParisSantiago - Jefa de...教育背景山东大学, Universidad Diego Portales, Universidad Diego Portales收起展开收起目前就职Telso International Logistics Company - Overseas Sales, Somosol深圳阳光西班牙语交流中心 - Spanish teacher, Part time - Interpreter Spanish-Chinese曾经就职Longre Oufeng朗阁教育集团旗下欧风小语种 - Spanish teacher, Suzhou AIST hospital - English Translater教育背景Universidad de Deusto, Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Language Institute收起展开收起刘晓晰目前就职中央电视台西班牙语频道 - 编辑收起展开收起下一组会员As more economies, communities, and businesses go &global,& more designers are being asked to adapt their layouts to work with different languages. This course will help you adapt English language design to Spanish, covering everything from translation to copyfitting, even if you don&#39;t know &hola& from &hello.& Diane Burns shows you how to take three examples (an existing sign, a flyer, and a catalog created in InDesign) and successfully convert them to Spanish. Along the way, she shares InDesign tips that will make you more productive in any language.&br&&br&&cr&&lf&&cr&&lf&Want to learn... 高级帐号视频上一组文章下一组文章西班牙语The Spanish language is second only to English in the United States, with over . The language is so prevalent that its use extends outside expected demographics: 2.8 non-Hispanic speakers are proficient in Spanish. Because it is such a common language in the U.S., knowing Spanish is a valuable skill for any job seeker. The Future of Spanish in the United States Spanish is one of the
in the United States, up 233 percent since 1980. Growth is expected to continue, with projections for 39 to 43 million Spanish speakers by 2020. Three-fourths of Hispanics in the country speak Spanish. Though the number of families who speak Spanish at home is declining, it’s still regarded as an important skill in the Hispanic community. Ninety-five percent of Hispanic adults believe it’s important for future generations to speak Spanish. While the use of Spanish is most prevalent among recent immigrants, use of the language persists into later generations. Seventy-nine percent of second-generation Latinos speak Spanish, as do 38 percent of youths in the third generation and higher. Spanish as a Job Skill Fluency in a foreign language is one of the most desired job skills among employers today. Proficiency in Spanish is seen as a plus in many fields. While Spanish is valuable across the United States, it is particularly useful in certain parts of the country. In California, more than 4.3 million people speak only Spanish, representing nearly 14 percent of the population. Texas has over 2.3 million residents who speak only Spanish. Other states with a high population of Spanish-only speakers include New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, and New York. Careers for Spanish Speakers Overall, job applicants who are fluent in Spanish can expect to make 5 percent more money than those who speak only English. Careers for those with a strong command of the Spanish language include:
Cultural Events Coordinator Travel Agent Customer Support Importer/Exporter International Banking Officer
Those with a degree in Spanish can pursue high-paying jobs with a focus on education, such as a Spanish teacher or college professor. With a background in politics and diplomacy, this skill translates well to a career as an interpreter, immigration officer, or foreign diplomat. The high number of native Spanish speakers in the United States makes this a skill that transfers as easily to low-paying jobs as it does to high-income jobs. There are many more jobs for bilingual Spanish-English speakers with lower salaries than higher ones. Spanish Compared to Other Second Languages If you’re interested in learning a new language, Spanish isn’t the most lucrative option. Jobs that seek second languages like French and Japanese generally pay better. However, if you’re looking for a versatile skill that will fill out a resume for everything from retail to politics, this is a valuable skill to have. If you’re fortunate enough to speak Spanish fluently as a second language, you can use this skill at every level and count on a steady growth in the number of jobs that require bilingual or Spanish-only speakers.上一组数据分析下一组数据分析}


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