
您的位置: > > >伪造照片怎么说?伪造照片怎么说?&近日有网友爆料称,四川凉山自治州会理县政府网站发布的一则新闻中使用了合成痕迹明显的照片,在相片中,县领导&飘浮&在一条公路的上空,图片说明称这几位领导在&检查新建成的通乡公路&。事后会理县政府承认照片系合成,当事人也发了致歉信。&&  请看相关报道:  The screen grab of the doctored photo taken , June 28, 2011.  Government of Huili county, Southwest China's Sichuan province apologized for posing a doctored picture of its officials on Monday, Xinhua News Agency reported.&&
&&&&&&& 据新华社的报道,四川会理县政府周一为会理县官员上传伪造照片一事致歉。  上文报道中的doctored picture就是&伪造照片&,眼尖的网友一下子就看出这是一张composite photo(合成照片),也就是在电脑上用Photoshop软件合成的照片。Doctor在这里的意思是&篡改,伪造&,短语doctor it up则表示&润色,提升&之意,例如:I wrote the letter but Ted doctored it up - to make it look professional。(信是我写的,不过泰德又给润色了一下,这样让它看起来更专业一些。)  说到照片,许多年轻女孩子都喜欢去拍个photo album(写真集),还有一些人喜欢玩玩self-snapshot(自拍),如果一个人很&上相&,我们就说他或她comes out well in pictures/photos。&分享到: 手机上普特
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英文翻译p-i-p picture in picturepicture-in-picture (pip)pinppipicture in picture:&&&& paint:&&&&Chinese painting
例句与用法1.5 . auto scan 16 - channel preview p - in - p display5 .自动扫台16频道预览画中画播放2.First hong kong picture - in - picture function dvd !全港首创画中画功能! 3.Picture and picture带画中画的4.Variable display pattern offers unique split screen , displays main and sub windows side by side pandp or sub window in main window pinp不同显示模式提供唯一分割显示,以画中画或,画并画显示主画面及次画面5.You can choose to view the screen shots with a single monitor in picture in picture mode , or using a second monitor in full - screen mode你可以选择用一个显示屏画中画模式或两个显示屏全萤幕模式去观看画面。 6.Can link evd , dvd , vga etc . to do a set of video frequency signal , can receive the television signal directly , can link the video frequency signal and the vga signal in the meantime , carry out the painting function in painting可以连接evd dvd vga等多组视频信号,可直接接收电视信号,可同时连接视频信号和vga信号,实现画中画功能。 7.In addition to conventional patterns of displaysuch as showing the far - end site on a full screen or displaying near - end and far - end sites in picture - in - picture modea variety of other display patterns are available with the sony pcs - g50除了传统的显示模式如全屏幕显示远端会址或以画中画模式显示近端和远端会址外, pcs - g50还提供其他的显示模式。 8.Features include full 10 - bit data processing , high - quality , motion - adaptive deinterlacing up to hdtv 1080i with enhanced low - angle processing , frame - rate conversion , picture - in - picture ( pip ) , picture - off - picture ( pop ) , high - quality scaling for multi - windows . in addition , the chip offers programmable pixelboost其主要的功能包括了全10位的数字处理,高品质,采用增强的小角度处理技术和运动自适应技术的高清1080i逐行处理,帧频转换,画中画,画外画,高性能的多窗口缩放。
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(2)draw绘画 (素描画)
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Larry和他妹妹吵架,来找李华诉苦。他们会提到两个常用语:talk to a brick wall和get the picture.
Larry: (Sounding frustrated) Hey, Lihua.
LH: Larry,你怎么不高兴啊?
Larry: I just got off the phone with my sister. She is about to graduate from high school and she is not serious about applying to college. No matter what I say, she just won't take my advice. (Sigh). Sometimes talking to her is like talking to a brick wall.
LH: 哦。你妹妹高中毕业不想考大学,不论你怎么劝她,她就是不听。对了,你刚才说talking to a brick wall,你干嘛要对着砖墙说话呢?
Larry: Not literally talk to a brick wall. I'm saying talking to my sister is like talking to a brick wall. A brick wall doesn't listen, doesn't respond and doesn't care. And that's what it's like to talk to my sister about college.
LH: 我明白了!Talk to a brick wall就是对牛弹琴。你跟你妹妹苦口婆心说了半天,可她根本连一句话也听不进去。你呀,就好像对着一面墙说话一样。
Larry: Right.
LH: Larry,你别太担心。你说了那么半天,我想多多少少还是会有点用的。
Larry: I suppose you're right. I guess she's just at that age where she doesn't like to hear advice from other people. My parents have lately been feeling the same way when they speak to her, too.
LH: 其实也不光是青春期的孩子才这么固执,有时候我跟我妈说话,也觉得I'm talking to a brick wall!她怎么都听不进我的话!
Larry: Your mother? But she's such a sweet lady.
LH: Larry, 你可不知道!每次我跟她说我毕业后要留在美国找工作,她都一万个不行。我无论说什么,她非要我回国不可,我感觉自己真像talking to a brick wall一样!
Larry: Oh, that does sound frustrating. So what are you going to do?
LH: 我?我才不管她说什么。我的人生我作主!
Larry: (Laughter) I bet your mother feels like she's talking to a brick wall when she speaks with you - the same way you feel about speaking with her!
LH: Larry,你别笑了。你想想,妈妈不理解我,不支持我,我有多难受!
Larry: Yea, I get the picture.
LH: You got a picture? 什么照片啊,给我看看。
Larry: Not a picture - the picture. To say that you get the picture means that you understand something.
LH: Oh, I get the picture,就是说我明白。
Larry: Right. You can imagine that knowing about something creates a picture in your mind.
LH: 对,get the picture就好像看到了别人头脑中所想的画面,也就是了解了别人的想法。
Larry: Sometimes it's hard for people to understand exactly why other people want what they want, and it may seem talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. But you have to have patience - hopefully someday your mother will get the picture.
LH: 对,要想让别人了解自己的想法,有时得多花点时间和耐心。我想,你妹妹早晚也能了解你的想法。She will get the picture!
Larry: You don't understand, Lihua. If my sister doesn't get the picture now, it might be too late! What if she doesn't get into a good college?
LH: 你别光想你妹了,想想我吧。我妈非让我一毕业就回国,我怎么办?我必须得找个能一直留在美国的原因,说服我妈。这个,你可以帮我,You get the picture, Larry?
Larry: (Larry thought Lihua wanted to get married. gulps) Umm, I think so.
LH: 你可以帮我找工作啊!
Larry: OH! (happily) Right! I get the picture now. I will certainly try my hardest to find you a great job.
LH: Larry,你真好,总能猜透我的心思!
Larry: Well, I almost got the wrong picture a second ago.
LH: 啊?你差点猜错了?你以为我在说什么?难道是说让我嫁给你?!你想得倒美!
Larry: (Nervous), Ah, Lihua, Let's not worry about that. Let me think how we can make your mother happy. She's always nice to me. Maybe if I talk to her, it wouldn't be like talking to a brick wall.
LH: 你愿意的话就去试试看,不过我妈耳朵根子硬得很呢!
(来源:流行美语 编辑:崔旭燕)
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