翻译英语: 请不要让老年人站着(大意是这样,请注意言简意赅是什么意思)谢谢!

钢铁侠1 2 3的英文简介 最好是50词以内有中英对照 不要网页直接翻译的 言简意赅_百度知道
钢铁侠1 2 3的英文简介 最好是50词以内有中英对照 不要网页直接翻译的 言简意赅
tark publicly proclaims that Iron Man is his bodyguard. Beneath his polished veneer, forever fighting to prove that his armor is not hollow, since he is empowered by machinery and sustained by another man&#39.非常简单的一段, and to avoid prosecution for his own violence he once announced that the man in the suit had dis heart, Iron Man may be the most troubled of Marvel's heroes,自己去翻译就行了. He might have been talking about himself
make/revise/update quotation and agreement
好文推荐:英语翻译1 、(老幼病残孕专座)2、 票款当面点清,过后不补3、公交IC卡充值4、请在此排队购买车票5、小心,危险!6、请勿奔跑,当心跌倒_百度作业帮
英语翻译1 、(老幼病残孕专座)2、 票款当面点清,过后不补3、公交IC卡充值4、请在此排队购买车票5、小心,危险!6、请勿奔跑,当心跌倒
courtesy seatBus IC card recharge outletsPlease buy tickets in this queueCaution!Caution!Slippery!LS:绝对准确的哈,我在国外留学,天天看这些标语~楼上的,有些是不能直译的!您所在的位置: &
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a human-rights report with a twist 一份歪曲事实的人权报告
good chemistry 志趣相投
economic plan 经济方略
be widely reprinted 广为转载
turn combustible 激怒反目
a far cry from 相去甚远;天壤之别;大相径庭;截然不同;迥然不同
Achieving those targets will be a breeze.
We (my wife and I ) have had 23 years investing in each other.
They overwhelmed the police as much with courtesy as with force.
Premier seemed a pleasant but rather dull man in a grey suit, a far cry from Interior Minister.
Their anxiety had reached a clinical condition.
All the ones we have seen here have four-star abilities with five-star ambitions.
In three years as US Secretary of Transportation, Skinner has emerged as the administration''s top crisis manager, a loyalist whose tenacity and competence have earned him Bush''s respect and admiration.
作为美国的交通部长,斯金纳三年中表现出他是行政当局处理危机事务的高手,且忠心耿耿,坚毅能干。这些使他赢得了布什的尊重和赞赏。tenacity and competence译为“坚毅能干”。
These people will tend to flood the cities,worsening already strained urban resources.
Our Good Society is disfigured by huge debts:entrenched poverty,persistent racial tension,the breakdown of the family and staggering budget deficits.
The reality of a nurse''s job is still appalling pay,mounting workloads and dismal living conditions.
But the firms have gone to greater and greater lengths to hold on to their star employees,the ones who really produce the profits.
The premier wants to take another star turn on the world stage,even (if) his troubles are mounting back home.
*They assert that scientists lack ethics,morals,and a sense of responsibility,and that they have let the public down othey conclude that gene technology must be banned from Switzerland,signaling the rest of the world to follow suit.
结构分析:句子框架是They assert that.and that.;they conclude that.分号连接两个并列句。前面的并列分句套嵌两个并列的that引导的宾语从句,做assert的宾语;后面的并列分句套嵌一个that引导的宾语从句,做conclude的宾语。两个分句的主语they指前句提到的proponents of the initiative.另外on…occasions意为“在……场合或(重大的)时刻”;signal在此处为动词,译为“向……示意”;follow suit译为“跟着做,依样行事”。
*This assumption rests on the fallacy of the inherent laziactually,aside from abnormally lazy people,there would be very few who would not want to earn more than the minimum,and who would prefer to do nothing rather than work.
结构分析:句子的框架是This assumption rests on……;actually,aside from……,there would be very few who would……,and who would……。分号连接两个并列分句。在第二个分句中,介问短语aside from abnormally(特别地)lazy people作状语,主句是一个there be存在句,包含两个并列的由关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰few.Rest on在此意为“依据”。aside from相当于“except”,泽为“除了”。
Breakdown of equipment and morale装备逐渐破损、士气不振
Be always quite difficult是很困难的→一直困难重重
1.A settlement and peace will remain elusive.
2.In California,hundreds of billions of dollars ride on the success of earthquake prediction.
3.At this difficult stage,ex-president of the USA may have more celebrity than influence.
4.Rushing to the scene to congratulate his troops on a textbook performance,Interior Minister Charles Pasqua told reporters,The nightmare is over.
5.Britains will have the chance in the next few months to try out an emerging technology that could put mobile telephones within the reach of even modest domestic budgets.
*What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data.
结构分析:句子的框架是What science strives for is……as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data.这是一个主从复合句。名词性从句What science strives for作主语。介词短语as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory date作状语。介词短语as regards也作regarding,意为“关于”。Sensory data意为“感性材料”。
*If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety,the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men, we shall not be in want of the means to approach such a state.
结构分析:句子的框架是if we desire……,the welfare and the free development……,we shall not be in want of……。if引导条件状语从句。desire的宾语被状语sincerely and passionately隔开。In want of相当于“in need of”,在此句中译为“缺乏”。approach在此作动词意为“靠近”。
*While we consider this to be the best form of democracy, it is not without difficulties and possible limitations, some of which may become apparent in this case.
结构分析:句子框架是While…,it is not without difficulties and possible limitations.“while引导让步状语从句。相当于though,修饰主句。指示代词this指代前面提到的公众投票来决策问题的做法。主句中又套嵌数量词some of加关系代词which引导的定语从句修饰difficulties and possible limitations.Not without为双重否定的介词短语,做表语,可以译成肯定句。
*But such a system would not only be the beginning of real freedom of contract between employers and employees; its principal advantage would be the improvement of freedom in interpersonal relationships in every sphere of daily life.
结构分析:句子的框架是But such a system would not only be……its principal advantage would be the improvement of。叫分号连接两个并列分句。sphere意为“领域”。
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图 话 校 园
热 门 推 荐
校 园 周 刊
NO.20 戏说红楼梦那点事
    NO.19 2010高考雷人作文
    NO.18 校园里的世界杯
NO.17 80后女生职场生活
NO.16 新三国的被对比时代
NO.15 毕业了还伪装大学生
NO.14 浪漫爱情谁买单
NO.13 走进世博的大学生
NO.12 拿出校园拼客精神
NO.11 现代婆婆与80后儿媳
NO.10 君鹏妈妈喊你上春晚
NO.9 90后的价值立方体
NO.8 戏里戏外 反串人生
NO.7 蚁族城市不相信眼泪
NO.6 爱情与房子一起成长
NO.5 网络文化热点排行榜
NO.4 毕业生晒第一份薪酬
NO.3 谁是谁的招牌
NO.2 拿什么拯救网瘾学生
NO.1 九零后去选秀
NO.84 2009校园极品榜
NO.83 校园暴力KO校
NO.82 装嫩女大学生
NO.81 九零后上大学
NO.80 08奥运关键词
NO.79 非主流生活
NO.78 去香港读大学
NO.77 九零后贱女孩
NO.76 明星高考故事
NO.75 我的彪悍妈妈
NO.74 在韩国当明星
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NO.59 回首再见他
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NO.49 校园突发事件
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NO.32 关注师生恋
NO.31 新年新愿望
NO.30 05校园怪事录
NO.29 校园同性恋
NO.28 把网恋看清楚
NO.27 无间校园暴力
NO.26 80后青春写作
NO.25 9月献给老师
NO.24 我的校草生活
NO.23 漂流的常青树
NO.22 夏日短裙风波
NO.21 纪念抗战胜利
NO.20 我的爱情童话
NO.19 五月之恋
NO.18 音乐青春期
NO.17 校园星一派
NO.16 校园整人事件
NO.15 在QQ上偷望你
NO.14 我把青春献给
NO.13 酷极七彩校园
NO.12 浪漫情人节
NO.11 我是女生
NO.10 最接近我的人
NO.09 免费圣诞乐园
NO.08 校园时尚一族
NO.07 爱情无关结果
NO.06 教育遭遇早恋
NO.05 文体精华特刊
NO.04 青春写作
NO.03 开心暑假
NO.02 毕业动情骊歌
NO.01 创刊号
青 春 期 教 育
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