
谁能帮忙翻译一下这篇文章? 感激不尽!!! 在线等马上要,不要英语翻译软件的,要正常流畅的语言,谢谢In his poetry, W.B. Yeats often praised ritual and ceremony as civilized qualities, without which real c_百度作业帮
谁能帮忙翻译一下这篇文章? 感激不尽!!! 在线等马上要,不要英语翻译软件的,要正常流畅的语言,谢谢In his poetry, W.B. Yeats often praised ritual and ceremony as civilized qualities, without which real c
谁能帮忙翻译一下这篇文章? 感激不尽!!! 在线等马上要,不要英语翻译软件的,要正常流畅的语言,谢谢In his poetry, W.B. Yeats often praised ritual and ceremony as civilized qualities, without which real civilization, indeed, could not exist. Strangely, even as a child in a small town in Texas--where Yeats himself was quite unknown, I' m sure--I also was given to ritual and ceremony, as this small incident reveals. I had a dog, a red cocker named Irma, who had come to us as a bitch in heat, pursued by a pack of mongrels--and thus acquired by serendipity, just as I had acquired other strays, including my three greyhounds. That first day I sheltered her in my barn. Later she gave birth to five black hounds, whose tails we duly severed with sharp scissors, as befitted even factitious cockers. But one summer day, when I must have been all of twelve, Irma met a sad fate: I started up the '47 Studebaker, popped forward--and over something. It was Irma. Irma was dead .So we needed a funeral befitting her status and dignity. Before long I had rounded up my brothers and two of my cousins, and we had neatly boxed Irma, made a wooden cross, and left-with a shovel, a Bible, and my battered old trumpet—for Hidden Valley, a few miles out of town. Our Studebake stuttered down dirt roads, until we came at last to our destination. Then we hacked out a hol under the cottonwood trees on the bank of a dry creek after that we gently lowered Irma's box, and with dignified ceremony passed the shovel as each of us, tearless but solemn, sprinkled dirt over the old box. Bible in hand, I turned to Ecclesiastes to read of the generation that passé away and the generation that comes in its place. Then, finally, trembling, I brought the trumpet to m: lips. A thin, quivering, off-key tune sounded over Irma' grave as the cross was driven home. We knew, with childish certainty, that Irma rested at peace in Hidden Valley for ever.
Yeats himself was quite unknown, I' m sure--I also was given to ritual and ceremony, as this small incident reveals. I had a dog, a red cocker named Irma, who had come to us as a bitch in heat, pursue...
在他的诗歌中,威叶芝经常表扬仪式和典礼文明素质,没有真正的文明,事实上,不可能存在的。奇怪的是,即使作为一个孩子,在德克萨斯一个小县城——在叶芝自己是完全未知的,我相信——我也给予了仪式和典礼,为这个小事件揭示。我有一只狗,一个红色的小名叫欧玛,谁参加了我们作为一个发情的母狗,被一群杂种——从而获得好运,正如我所获得的其他流浪狗,包括我的三。第一天我为她在我的谷仓。后来她生了五个黑色的猎犬的尾巴,...英语高手请进,谁能把这篇文章翻译一下,感激不尽第13课 看病Many professions have their own words and expressions.This is true for the medical profession.Doctors use many technical terms that most people do not understand.But _百度作业帮
英语高手请进,谁能把这篇文章翻译一下,感激不尽第13课 看病Many professions have their own words and expressions.This is true for the medical profession.Doctors use many technical terms that most people do not understand.But
英语高手请进,谁能把这篇文章翻译一下,感激不尽第13课 看病Many professions have their own words and expressions.This is true for the medical profession.Doctors use many technical terms that most people do not understand.But there are also expressions we use every day to tell about a person's health.Let me explain.Last month, I was not feeling well.I was under the weather.I thought I had caught a cold.I had a runny nose, itchy eyes, a sore throat and a cough.I felt tired and run-down.I was in poor condition because I had not been getting enough rest.My body hurt all over.I also had severe head pains -- a real splitting headache.And I was running a fever.My body temperature was higher than normal.At one point, I blacked out.That's right, I was out cold.I lost consciousness and my friend had to bring me around.He used cold water on my face to restore my consciousness.I grew concerned that I might take a turn for the worse.I did not want to become sicker because then surely I would be at death's door.My friend took me to the doctor.I told the doctor I thought I had come down with a cold.When the doctor saw me, she immediately wanted to run some tests.She said that medical tests would help her discover why I was sick.The doctor also asked when I had my last physical.I do not get yearly checkups.But I probably should get a medical exam by a doctor every year.Then the nurse drew my blood.She used a needle to take a small amount of blood from my arm.She sent it to a laboratory for tests.The nurse also took my temperature.She used a thermometer to measure my body temperature.The doctor told me I had influenza, or the flu.But she told me I would recover soon.She said I was over the worst of the disease.She told me to rest at home and to stay away from other people because the flu can spread.It is contagious.Thankfully, I did not have to go under the knife.I did not need an operation.Instead, I did just what the doctor ordered.I went home and did exactly what was needed to become healthy again.Soon, I was on the mend.I was pulling through and recovering from my sickness.Now I am back on my feet.I am physically healthy again.Even better, the doctor has given me a clean bill of health.She says that I am one hundred percent cured.I am back to normal and I feel great.In fact, I feel on top of the world.My friends say I now look like the picture of health.
许多行业有他们自己的词和词组。 这是对于医疗业可靠。 医生使用多数人民不了解的许多技术术语。 但有并且我们过去常每天告诉关于人的健康的表示。 让我解释。 上个月, 我没有感觉好。 我是在天气之下。 我认为我感冒一。 我有一只流动的鼻子、痒的眼睛、疼痛喉头和咳嗽。 我感到疲乏和荒废。 我是在恶劣的情况...
许多行业都有自己的词语. 这才是真正的医学界人士. 医生使用许多术语,一般人并不了解. 但也表达每天要用约告诉人的健康. 让我解释. 上个月,我感到不适应. 我是根据天气. 我还以为自己感冒. 我有鼻子流鼻水、眼睛痒、声音沙哑、咳嗽. 我感到厌烦和破烂. 我是差,因为我没有休息. 我的身体伤害散尽. 我也有严重头部疼痛--真正头痛欲裂. 我发烧. 我的体温高于正常. 下午一点,我昏了过去. 对呀,...各位大虾,帮帮忙翻译下这句英语:closed-door policy love affair.感激不尽!谢谢_百度作业帮
各位大虾,帮帮忙翻译下这句英语:closed-door policy love affair.感激不尽!谢谢
各位大虾,帮帮忙翻译下这句英语:closed-door policy love affair.感激不尽!谢谢
close-door policy 是指 闭关政策,love affair是指爱情事件,风流韵事?因为没有前后文,只能这样猜测.你当前的位置 :
女xing丰胸后的图片?想要摆脱小胸吗?想要让自己变得更有魅力吗?那么跟着菲菲一起来了解更多关于最好的丰胸产品的问题吧!似乎在不久以前,好多人都是口中说着&我不在乎你的长相&、&内在美才最重要&的话,可是眼睛却总是往美女丰满的胸部瞄&&其实,像这样的话,其中的可信度是多少早已经是一个公开的秘密了&&没有好的外在美,谁会去关心你的胸中有多少丘壑啊?所以,对于现在的女xing来说,丰胸才是受欢迎、有市场的&王道&。如何快速丰胸?迪丽唯娜的丰胸效果看得见,让男人心动神摇不再是个梦想。最好的丰胸产品&&&最好的丰胸产品胸部天生都有大小之分,就和人都有高矮胖瘦一样,可是当自己是天生平胸的那一波,任凭按摩等效果均不佳的情况下,我开始思考什么丰胸效果好,开始因为想知道而困惑,我知道,我羡慕那些天生胸部比较丰满的女人,那是女人该有的姿态。本来就比较注重外表的我,加上工作关系,不得不到处寻找。可是尝试了很多,却很少有比较好的效果,平平的胸部依然伴随着我,如果不是遇到他,我应该就会放弃寻找了。可是当那个回忆了无数次的第一个暗恋的人出现的时候,我告诉自己,一定要找到,让自己变成完美的女人,&迪丽唯娜&帮我这个大忙。他是我第一个恋人,可是是暗恋而已,因为那个小小的年纪,我压根还不知道我需要为而发愁的年纪,爱情离我们真的太远。可是当那个大男生又站在我面前的时候,我才知道我还是喜欢他的,默默的看着他,我告诉自己要赶紧找到,让自己有一个蜕变。听说迪丽唯娜了,已经有数万的女xing朋友都在迪丽唯娜的帮助下成功摆脱了&太平公主&的烦恼!已经有朋友试用过了,我赶忙给自己在订购了1个周期的,不到半个月的时间而已,我竟然就感到胸部开始有了一点点发热发胀的青春期那时才有的发育的感觉,我也开始相信迪丽唯娜就是。到了一个月的时候,胸部那种发热发胀的感觉已经十分的明显,因为胸部已经开始有了要发育的那种感觉。于是我就又在上订了2个周期的产品。到了两个月的时候,看着在一天天增大的胸部已经比较饱满,我知道自己太幸运了!摸着弹xing十足的胸部,胸部皮肤变得好了很多,更加白皙嫩滑。三个月之后,我的胸部已经彻底的饱满了起来,那么的丰满,让我的女人味儿倍增。因为迪丽唯娜我不再为而发愁,更不用为平平的胸部发愁。满足了自己的心愿,我也自信了起来,那内心一直保鲜的爱恋终于也鼓足勇气说出了口!&最好的丰胸产品&&迪丽唯娜丰胸之呼吸丰胸盘腿端坐、两脚底并拢;两膝尽量向下、上半身尽量向上伸展、两臂尽量向上伸直;用鼻吸气,控制双肩不上抬,充分扩展胸廓,同时上半身前倾、腹部尽量下压;上半身倾至最大限度,屏住呼吸;等到憋不住气时、边用嘴吐气边抬起上半身,两臂不要用力。起身呼吸5次稍做调整后,重复此动作5~10次。呼吸过程中可以舒展上腹部,但小腹一定要收紧。呼吸节奏适中,不宜过快或过慢。原理分析:正确的呼吸方法不仅能供给充足的氧气,有效缓解疲劳,更有意想不到的丰胸效果。迪丽唯娜专家实验证实,进行此呼吸练习3月后,练习者胸部平均增大,同时腰部变瘦。最好的丰胸产品以上方法配合迪丽唯娜使用可以达到快速隆胸的效果哦!!!【迪丽唯娜说】女xing丰胸后的图片?拥有丰满的上围一直是女xingxing感的重要指标之一,如果你想要在姐妹们面前自信满满的挺身而出,那么以下的六个丰胸小妙招你必须要知道。 丰胸食疗法丰胸食疗法: 日常饮食中的花生、核桃、黄豆、莲子、红枣、桂圆肉、木瓜、牛奶、猪脚,以及植物中的莴苣、芝、路边常见的蒲公英等,都是一些容易取得的丰胸食材。另外多吃蛋白质、脂肪及胶质类的食物,亦有不错的效果。最好的丰胸产品
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matrixgapp.s.et2求高手帮我翻译一篇英文,小女在这感激不尽,谢谢O(∩_∩)O谢谢What’s so bad about American parents, anyway?By Brigid SchulteIt wasn’t that long ago that American parents were gripped with Tiger Mother anxiety. Did we overprais_百度作业帮
求高手帮我翻译一篇英文,小女在这感激不尽,谢谢O(∩_∩)O谢谢What’s so bad about American parents, anyway?By Brigid SchulteIt wasn’t that long ago that American parents were gripped with Tiger Mother anxiety. Did we overprais
求高手帮我翻译一篇英文,小女在这感激不尽,谢谢O(∩_∩)O谢谢What’s so bad about American parents, anyway?By Brigid SchulteIt wasn’t that long ago that American parents were gripped with Tiger Mother anxiety. Did we overpraise our kids in the name of promoting self-esteem? Were we forfeiting an Ivy League future for them if we didn’t force them to practice endless hours of violin or rip up birthday cards that weren’t perfect? Were we, as Amy Chua said in her best-selling memoir, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” raising children who were “soft” and “entitled?”
Now, though, it’s the French who have it figured out. Just like Chua’s book, journalist Pamela Druckerman’s recently released “Bringing Up Bebe” — which lauds the “wisdom” of French parents, who love their children but don’t live for them the way American parents do — has hit the bestseller lists. Another new parenting-by-comparison book, “How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm,” extols the virtues of the Argentines, who keep Baby up late for special occasions, and the Japanese, who let their kids fight it out.Such frenzied fascination with foreign parenting raises a question: Are American parents really that bad?The simple answer is no. Of course we love our children and want what’s best for them. Our problem is that we’re not sure what, exactly — in our driven, achievement-oriented country — is best. Perhaps instead of snapping up the latest foreign fad or obsessing over every international test score ranking, American parents would do well to look no further than a very American ideal: the pursuit of happiness.The American stereotype is pervasive: the hovering helicopter parents who rush to prevent a toddler from falli worry that their child isn’t zooming through Piaget’s s are hawkishly on the lookout for any stay up late perfecting that popsicle-stick diorama of Fort Ticonderoga for their second- ferry the middle-schooler to travel soccer, violin, ballet demand online grade books to check up on a high- call and harangu and now, according to a recent report on NPR, submit grown children’s resumes, sit in on job interviews and demand a “Take Your Parent to Work” day.Researchers who analyze what people do with their time have found that, on average, American parents indeed spend more time with their children than parents in other developed countries. (French fathers? From time studies, you’d think they didn’t even have children.) American mothers who work outside the home — and that’s three-fourths of all moms, many of whom work full-time — spend more time with their children today than stay-at-home mothers did in the 1960s. They do so by forgoing sleep, personal care, housework and any shred of personal leisure. Their “free time” is largely spent with their kids.


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