可不可以举一些there be 句型课件is ,there be 句型课件are的句型

高考作文万能句式_百度文库 两大类热门资源免费畅读 续费一年阅读会员,立省24元! 评价文档: 高考作文万能句式 高​考​作​文​万​能​句​式​,​只​要​在​作​文​中​灵​活​运​用​,​作​文​定​会​得​高​分​。 阅读已结束,如果下载本文需要使用 想免费下载本文? 下载文档到电脑,查找使用更方便 还剩1页未读,继续阅读 你可能喜欢there be句型,疑问句变否定句和肯定句!那位高手和低手帮帮小弟的忙,这两句怎么变?变完之后给我讲讲怎么变哈,咱不能光要知道答案呐!还得懂得它的道理塞!1:Are there ang men in the room?2:Is there any_百度作业帮 there be句型,疑问句变否定句和肯定句!那位高手和低手帮帮小弟的忙,这两句怎么变?变完之后给我讲讲怎么变哈,咱不能光要知道答案呐!还得懂得它的道理塞!1:Are there ang men in the room?2:Is there any there be句型,疑问句变否定句和肯定句!那位高手和低手帮帮小弟的忙,这两句怎么变?变完之后给我讲讲怎么变哈,咱不能光要知道答案呐!还得懂得它的道理塞!1:Are there ang men in the room?2:Is there any food in the fridge? 1.there aren't any men in the room.there are some men in the room.2.there is some food in the fridge.there isn't any food in the fridge.there be 句型变化只是看 be动词的位置变化就可以了.疑问句就把be动词提到句首,否定句就把NOT加到be 动词的后面就可以了.同样,在疑问句中,把句首的be动词提到 there 后面.然后,要看句中名词或名词短语修饰词的变化.如果是否定语气,就要把some变成any.同样.要注意名词的单复数形式或者是名词的属性,这样动词才能进行相应的变化. 1:Are there ang men in the room? 肯定句,there are some men in the room.否定句there are not any men in the room.2:Is there any food in the fridge?肯定句 there is some food in the fridge.


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