can you paint thismy bookcasee什么my daugher

跪求英语高手帮忙,谢谢!判断句子,正确的不改,错误的写出正确句子:1.This book isn`t for my sister.2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.3.What is your friend`s favourite book?4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.5.P_百度作业帮
跪求英语高手帮忙,谢谢!判断句子,正确的不改,错误的写出正确句子:1.This book isn`t for my sister.2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.3.What is your friend`s favourite book?4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.5.P
跪求英语高手帮忙,谢谢!判断句子,正确的不改,错误的写出正确句子:1.This book isn`t for my sister.2.I`m going to paint the bookcase with blue.3.What is your friend`s favourite book?4.Jim is going to turning off the stereo.5.Penny,not put that glass on the dressing table.6.Are you going to put the chair in the front of the window?7.What are you going to do with those flowers?8.My friend is going to show me her new dress.9.There is a soap on the cupboard.10.Is there some milk in that bottle?用所给词语组句:1.any,tin,is,tobacco,in,there,that2.not,is,chocolate,refrigerator,the,there,any,in3.passport,a,on,stereo,there,the,,going,mother,send,flowers,these,I,to,my5.Tina,going,with,letter,what,that,is,do,to6.not,do,in,of,car,the,stand,front7.mother,making,bed,the,her,is8.half,coffee,in,kitchen,a,pound,there,of,is,the9.students,going,the,are,do,homework,their,to10.colour,going,paint,to,ara,you,your,desk,what
1,Is there any tobacco in that tin?2,There is not any chocolate in the refrigerator3,there is a passport on the stereo4,I'm going to send these flowers my mother5,what is Tina going to do with that letter?6,Do not stand in front of the car7,Her mother is making the bed8,there is a half of pound coffee in the kitchen9,The students are going to do their homework10,What colour are you going to paint your desk?
4.Jim is going to turn off the stereo5.Penny,do not put that glass on the dressing table.有一阵子没有学习的动力啦,因为英语基础较差,每次遇到困难就退缩,今天在此开贴,希望与各位涯客共勉!  不要笑偶哦,偶选择了新概念第一册开始,主要以练习听力口语为主,背诵默写为辅:  第一册,暂定每天三大课,因为以前有学习过,速度快点,就当是复习,每天学完来此留贴,重在坚持!
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  和我一样  我经常立志,能坚持下来的时候太少了,基础也差  握握手,每天和你一起学点
  lesson 1  Excuse me!    Excuse me?  Yes?  Is this your handbag?  Pardon?  Is this your handbag?  Yes,it is.  Thank you very much!    New words:  pen  pencil  watch  coat  skirt  shirt  dress  car   house
  Lesson 3  Sorry,sir.    My coat and my umbrella please.  Here is my ticket.  Thank you ,sir.  Number five.  Here is your umbrella and your coat.  This is not my umbrella.  Sorry, sir  Is this your umbrella?  No,it isn't  Is this it?  Yes, it is.  Thank you very much.    New words:  umbrella  ticket  cloakroom  teacher  student  son   daughter  
  Lesson 5  Nice to meet you!    Good morning!  Good morning,Mr.Black!    This is Miss Sophie Dupont.  Sophie is a new student.  She is French.    Sophie,this is Hans.  He is German.  Nice to meet you.    And this is Naoko.  She is Japanese.  Nice to meet you.    And this id Chang-woo .  He is Korean.  Nice to meet you.    And this is Luming.  He is Chinese.  Nice to meet you.    Nnd this is Xiaohui.  She is Chinese,too.  Nice to meet you.    New words:  Swedish  Itatian  American  English
  Lesson 7  Are you a teacher?    I'm a new student.  My name's Robert.  Nice to meet you.  My name's Sophie.    Are you French?  Yes, I am.    Are you French,too?  No,I am not.    What nationality are you?  I'm Italian.  Are you a teacher?  No,I'm not.  What's your job?  I'm a keyboard operator.  What's yure job?  I'm an engineer.    New words:  nationality  keyboard  operator  engineer  policeman  policewoman  taxi driver  air hostess  postman  nurse  mechanic  hairdresser  housewife  milkman        
  Lesson 7  Are you a teacher?    I'm a new student.  My name's Robert.  Nice to meet you.  My name's Sophie.    Are you French?  Yes, I am.    Are you French,too?  No,I am not.    What nationality are you?  I'm Italian.  Are you a teacher?  No,I'm not.  What's your job?  I'm a keyboard operator.  What's yure job?  I'm an engineer.    New words:  nationality  keyboard  operator  engineer  policeman  policewoman  taxi driver  air hostess  postman  nurse  mechanic  hairdresser  housewife  milkman        
  Lesson 9  How are you today?    Hello Helen.  Hi,Steven.    How are you today?  I'm very well,thank you.  And you?  I'm fine,thanks.    How's Tony?  He's fine,thanks.  How's Emma?  She's very well,too,Helen.    Goodbye, Helen.  Nice to see you.  Nice to see you,too, Steven.  Goodbye.    New words:  fat  thin  tall  short  dirty  clean  hot  cold  old  young  busy  lazy  
  Lesson 11  Is this your shirt?    Whose shirt is that?  Is this your shirt,Dave?  No,sir.  It's not my shirt.  This is my shirt.  My shirt's blue.    Is this shirt Tim's.  Perhaps it is,sir.  Tim's shirt's white.    Tim!  Yes,sir?  Is this your shirt?  Yes,sir.  Here you are.  Catch!  Thank you,sir.      New words:  father  mother  sister  brother  blouse  tie                                          
  推荐:最早的专业远程教育高新技术软件企业,2000年国内首先提出三分屏标准课件,并成为远程教育行业事实标准,占领80%市场.同时提供DRM课件加密、远教平台(培训版、政府版)、直播软件、课件拍摄及制作服务.客户包括中国会计网、好医生、万国司法学校、股票培训学校、国家劳动部项目管理师网、建设部培训项目网、新华会计网、政法英杰、上海热力培训网、点睛网络课堂、大庆鸿名网校、新华司法培训网、罗德金桥培训学校、日知新网校、长沙希赛网、台州电信、湖南教育信息网、交大铭泰、广东省国税干部培训网、山东省财政干部培训网等上百家培训学校及政府单位。  北京软望时代网站 /
  Lesson 13  A new dress    What colour's your new dress?  It's green.  Come upstairs and see it.  Thank you.  Look!  Here it is!  That is a nice dress.  It's very smart.  My hat's new,too.  What colour is it?  It's the same colour.  It's green,too.  That is a lovely hat!      NEW WORDS:  colour  upstairs  smart  same  lovely  carpet  red   black  white  green  blue  yellow  orange  grey  brown  
  Lesson 15  Your passports,please.    Are you Swedish?  No,we are not.  We are Danish.  Are your friends Danish,too?  No, they are not.  They are Norwegian.  Your passports, please.  Here you are.  Are these your cases?  No, they aren't.  Our cases are brown.  Here they are.  Are you tourist?  Yes,we are.  Are your friends tourist,too?  Yes, they are.  That's fine.  Thank you very much!      NEW WORDS:  customs  officer  tourist  Swedish  Dutch  Russian  Norwegian  Danish
  Lesson 17  How do you do?    Come and meet our employee,Mr.Richards.  Thank you.Mr.Jackson.  This is Nicola Grey and this is Claire Taylor.  How do you do?  Those woman are very hard-working.  What are their jobs?  They're keyboard operator.  This is Michael Baker,and this is Jeremy Short.  How do you do?  They aren't very busy!  Whar are their jobs?  They are sales reps.  They are very lazy.  Who is this young man?  This is Jim.  He's our office assistant.      NEW WORDS:  employee  assistant  mechanic
  work hard and good luck
  Lesson 19  Tired and thirsty    What's the matter,children.  We are tired and thirsty,Mum.  Sit down here.  Are you all right now.  No,we're not.  Look!  There's an ice cream man.  Two ice creams please.  Here you are,children.  Thanks ,mum.  These ice creams are nice.  Are you all right now.  Yes ,we are,thank you!      NEW WORDS:  tired  thirsty  ice cream  big  small  open  shut  light  heavy  long  shoe  grandfather  grandmother
   How do you do?
  Lesson 21  Whick book?    Give me a book please,Jane.  Whick book?  This one?  No,not that one.The red one.  This one?  Yes,please.  Here you are.  Thank you.      NEW WORDS:  empty  full  large  little  sharp  blunt  box  glass  cup  bottle  tin  knife  fork  spoon
  Lesson 23  Which glasses?    Give me some glasses please,Jane.  Which glasses?  These glasses?  No,not those.  The ones on the shelf.  These?  Yes,please.  Here you are.  Thank you.      NEW WORDS:  shelf  desk ,
plate , cupboard  television, cigarette, floor  dressing table, magazine, newspaper ,stereo
An unknown goddess  
Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.  
The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.
  Lesson 25  Mrs.Smith's kitchen    Mrs.Smith's kitchen is small.  There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.  The refrigerator is white.  It is on the right.  There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.  The cooker is blue.  It is on the left.  There is a table in the middle of the room.  There is a bottle on the table.  The bottle is empty.  There is a cup on the table ,too.  The cup is clean.    NEW WORDS:  kitchen , refrigerator ,eletric cooker  
  Lesson 27  Mrs.Smith's living room    Mrs.Smith's living room is large.  There is a television in the room.  The television is near the window.  There are some magazines on the television.  There is a table in the room.  There are some newspapers on the table.  There are some armchairs in the room.  The armchairs are near the table.  There is a stereo in the room.  The stereo is near the door.  There are soom books on the stereo.  There are some pictures in the room.  The pictures are on the wall.      NEW WORDS:  living room ,armchair , trousers.
  忙忙,落下了一些课了,困了,今天没法学习了,明天补上.  祝各涯友中秋节快乐!
  Lesson 29  Come in, Amy.    Come in ,Amy.  Shut the door, please.  This bedroom's very untidy.  What must I do,Mrs.Jones?  Open the window and air the room.  Then put these clothes in teh wardrobe.  Then make the bed.  Dust the dressing table.  Then sweep the floor.    NEW WORDS:  shut ,bedroom, untidy, clothes, wardrobe, dust, sweep  sharpen, put on, take off, turn on ,turn off.
Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea.
  An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini.   The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization.   Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone.  They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.   The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.  
   终于把An unknown goddess
完结  Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses -- often three storeys high -- were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.  
The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. It's missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.
  作者:fanny0927 回复日期: 22:52:58 
    “天天学英语,坚持中”,每天坚持学习,我的英语功底不好,现在学的是《爱上背单词》,公司电脑里面装有金山词霸,每天都可以听听,下个月我想专门去镇上的培训班学习,你们觉得怎么样?    背单词我老是记不住,还是放到句子力好些,GRE例外,那就得记
  过完国庆回来了,这个周期有点长, 嘻嘻, 落下好多了, 继续努力!
  Lesson 31  Where's Sally?    Where's sally, Jack?  She's in the garden,Jean.  What's she doing?  She's sitting under the tree.  Is Tim in the garden,too?  Yes, he is.  He is climbing the tree.  I beg your pardon?  Who's climbing the tree?  Tim is.  What about the dog?  The dog is in the garden, too.  It's running across the grass.  It's running after a cat.    NEW WORDS:  garden ,tree ,climb , grass ,across   
  Lesson 33  A fine day    It is a fine day today.  These are some clouds in the sky,  but the sun is shining.  Mr.Jones is with his family.  They're walking over the bridge.  These are some boats in the river.  Mr.Jones and his wife are looking at them.  Sally is looking at a big ship.  The ship is going under the bridge.  Tim is looking at an aeroplane.  The aeroplane is flying over the river.    NEW WORDS:  cloud , sky , shine , family , walk ,bridge , boat , river  ship , aeroplane , fly , sleep , shave ,cry , wash , jump
  Lesson 35  Our village    This is a photograph of our village.  Our village is in a valley.  It is between two hills.  The village is on a river.    Here is another photograph of the village.  My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.  We are on the left.  There is a boy in the water.  He is swimming across the river.    Here is another photograph.  This is the school building.  It is beside a park.  The park is on the right.  Some children are coming out of the building.  Some of them are going into the park.    NEW WORDS:  photograph ,village, valley ,building , park ,swim
      作者:吴晨枫 回复日期: 23:34:19 
    LZ去哪里了,这么快就结束了?    我回来了, 继续努力中, 涯友们也别落下了~~
  Lesson 37  Making a bookcase    You're working hard,George?  What are you doing?  I'm making a bookcase.  Give me that hammer please,Dan.  Which hammer?  This one?  No, not that one.  The big one.  Here you are!  Thanks ,Dan.  What are you going to do now,George?  I'm going to panit it.  What colour are you going to paint it?  I'm going to paint it pink.  Pink!  This bookcase isn't for me.  It's for my daughter, Susan.  Pink's her favourite colour.    NEW WORDS:  bookcase ,hammer ,paint ,favourite ,pink ,dish
  Lesson 39 Don't drop it!    What are you going to do with that vase ,Penny?  I'm going to put it on this table ,Sam.  Don't do that!  Give it to me.  What are you going to do with it?  I'm going to put it here, in front of the window.  Be careful!  Don't drop it!  Don't put it there , Sam.  Put it here, on this shelf.  There we are!  It's a lovely vase.  Those flowers are lovely, too.    NEW WORDS:  careful , vase , drop , flower
  Lesson 41 Penny's bag    Is that bag heavy ,Penny?  Not very.  Here!  Put it on this chair.  What's in it?  A piece of cheese.  A loaf of bread.  A bar of soap.  A bar of chocolate.  A bottle of milk.  A pound of sugar.  Half a pound of coffee.  A quarter of a pound of tea, and a tin of tobacco.  Is that tin of tobacco for me?  Well, it's certainly not for me!    NEW WORDS:  cheese , chocolate , tobacco ,soap , certainly
  Lesson 43 Hurry up!    Can you make the tea , Sam?  Yes, of course i can , Penny.  Is there any water in this kettle ?  Yes, there is.  Where's the tea?  It's over there, behind the teapot.  Can you see it?  I can see the teapot, but i can't see the tea.  There it is!  It's in front of you.  Oh yes! I can see it now.  Where are the cups?  There are some in the cupboard.  Can you find them?  Yes. Here they are.  Hurry up, Sam!  The kettle's boiling.    NEW WORDS:  kettle , teapot ,boil
  Lesson 45 The boss's letter    Can you come here a minute please , Bob?  Yes, sir?  Where's Pamela?  She's next door.  She's in her office , sir.  Can she type this letter for me ? Ask her please.  Yes, sir.  Can you type this letter for the boss please, Pamela?  Yes, of course I can.  Here you are.  Thank you , Bob.  Bob?  Yes? What's the matter?  I can't type this letter.  I can't read it.  The boss's handwriting is terribe.    NEW WORDS:  minute , terrible , handwriting
  Lesson 47 A cup of coffee    Do you like coffee, Ann?  Yes, I do.  Do you want a cup?  Yes, please ,Christine.  Do you want any sugar?  Yes, please.  Do you want any milk?  No, thank you.  I don't like milk in my coffee.  I like black coffee.  Do you like biscuits?  Yes , I do.  Do you want one?  Yes, please.    NEW WORDS:  biscuit ,fresh ,butter , pure ,ripe ,jam ,sweet ,choice , wine
  加油  !!!
  Lesson 49 At the butcher's    Do you want any meat today,Mrs.Bird?  Yes, please.  Do you want beef or lamb.  Beef, please.  This lamb's very good.  I like lamb, but my husband doesn't.  What about some steak?  This is a nice piece.  Give me that piece, please.  And a pound of mince, too.  Do you want a chicken, Mrs.Bird?  They're very nice.  No, thank you.  My husband likes steak,but he doesn't like chicken.  To tell
you the truth , Mrs.Bird.  I don't like chicken either.    NEW WORDS:  butcher ,beef , lamb ,steak ,mince , chicken
  Lesson 51 A pleasant climate    Where do you come from?  I come from Greese.  What's the climate like in your country?  It's very pleasant.  What's the weather like in spring?  It's often windy in March.  It's always warm in April and May,  but it rains sometimes.  What's it like in summer?  It's always hot in June ,July and August.  The sun shines every day.  Is it cold or warm in autumn?  It's always warm in September and October.  It's often cold in November and it rains sometimes.  Is it very cold in winter?  It's often cold in December ,January and February.  It snows sometimes.    NEW WORDS:  spring ,summer , autumn , winter  january , february , march, april , may , june , july , august ,september , october , november , december  
  Lesson 53 An interesting climate    Where do you come from?  I come form England.  What's the climate like in your country?  It's mild, but it's not always pleasant.  The weather's often cold in the North and windy in the East.  It's often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South.  Which seasons do you like best?  I like spring and summer.  The days are long and the nights are short.  The sun rises early and sets late.  I don't like autumn and winter.  The days are short and the nights are long.  The sun rises late and sets early.  Our climate is not very good , but it's certainly interesting.  It's our favourite subject of conversation.    NEW WORDS:  north , south , west , east, conversation ,interesting
  Lesson 55 The Sawyer family    The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.  In the morning,Mr.Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.  Their father takes them to school every day.  Mrs.Sawyer stays at home every day.  She does the housework.  She always eats her lunch at noon.  In the afternoon,  she usually sees her friends.  They often drink tea together.  In the evening,  the children come home from school.  They arrive home early.  Mr.Sawyer comes home from work.  He arrives home late.  At night,  the chlildren always do their homework.  Then they go to bed.  Mr.Sawyer ususlly reads his newspaper,but sometime he and his wife watch television.    NEW WORDS:  live ,usually , together , arrive
  Lesson 57 An unusual day    It is eight o'clock.  The children go to school by car every day.  but today, they are going to school on foot.  It is ten o'clock.  Mrs.Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning,  but this morning, she's going to the shops.  It is four o'clock.  In the afternoon,  Mrs.Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.  But this afternoon , she's drinking tea in the garden.  It is six o'clock.  In the evening,  the children usually do their homework,  but this evening, they're not doing their homework.  At the moment, they're playing in the garden.  It is nine o'clock.  Mr.Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night.  But he's not reading his newspaper tonight.  At the moment, he's reading an interesting book.    NEW WORDS:  o'clock ,moment
  Lesson 59 Is that all?    I want some envelopes, please.  Do you want the large size or the small size.  The large size, please.  Do you have any writing paper?  Yes , we do.  I don't have any small pads?  I only have large ones.  Do you want a pad?  Yes , please.  And I want some glue.  A bottle of glue.  And I want a large box of chalk,too.  I only have small boxes.  Do you want one?  No, thank you.  Is that all?  That's all ,thank you.  What else do you want?  I want my change.    NEW WORDS:  envelope , shop assitant , pad , glue , chalk , change
  Lesson 61 A bad cold    Where's Jimmy?  He's in bed.  What's the matter with him?  He feels ill.  He looks ill.  We must call the doctor.  Yes, we must.  Can you remember the doctor's telephone mumber?  Yes.  It's 09754.  Open your mouth,Jimmy.  Show me your tongue.  Say &Ah&.  What's the matter with him ,doctor?  He has a bad cold, Mr.Williams.  So he must stay in bed for a week.  That's good news for Jimmy.  Good news?  Why?  Because he doesn't like school.    NEW WORDS:  doctor , telephone ,remember , mouth , tongue , headache ,aspirin , earache , toothache , denist , stomach ache , medicine ,temperature , flu , measles , mumps
  Lesson 63 Thank you , doctor.    How's Jimmy today?  Better. Thank you ,doctor.  Can I see him please, Mrs. Williams?  Certainly , doctor.  Come upstairs.  You look very well ,Jimmy.  You are better now, but you mustn't get up yet.  You must stay in bed for another two days.  The boy mustn't go to school yet, Mrs.Williams.  And he mustn't eat rich food.  Does he have a temperature ,doctor?  No, he doesn't.  Must he stay in bed?  Yes.  He must remain in bed for another two days.  He can get up for about two hours each day, but you must keep the room warm.  Where's Mr.Williams this evening?  He's in bed , doctor.  Can you see him please?  He has a bad cold ,too.    NEW WORDS:  better , certainly , get up ,rich , remain ,match
,library , drive , quickly
,lean out of , berak , noise
  Lesson 65 Not a baby    What are you going to do this evening ,Jill.  I'm going to meet some friends ,Dad.  You mustn't come home late.  Your must be home at half past ten.  I can't get home so early ,Dad.  Can I have the key to the front door , please.  No, you can't.  Jill's eighteen years old , TOM.  She's not a baby.  Give her the key.  She always comes home early.  Oh, all right.  Here you are .  But you must come home after a quarter past eleven.  Do you hear?  Yes, Dad.  Thanks ,Mum.  That's all riht.  Goodbye.  Enjoy yourself!  We always enjoy ourselves ,Mum.  Goodbye.    NEW WORDS:  key , baby ,enjoy , yourself , ourselves , herself ,himself ,themselves , myself  
      作者:难也不难 回复日期: 12:39:28 
    又是一个受害者    哂意思啊
  Lesson 67 The weekend    Hello.  Were you at the butcher's?  Yes, I was.  Were you at the butcher's ,too?  No,I wasn't.  I was at the greengrocer's.  How's Jimmy today?  He's very well ,thank you.  Was he absent from school last week?  Yes, he was.  He was absent on Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday .  How are you all keeping?  very well , thank you.  We're going to spend three days in the country.  We're going to stay my monther's for the weekend.  Friday ,Saturday ,Sunday in the country.  Aren't you lucky!    NEW WORDS:  monday,tuesday, wednesday, thursday ,friday, saturday ,sunday, lucky ,spend ,weekend, greengrocer ,absent
  Lesson 69 The car race    There is a car race near our town every year.  In 1995,there was a very big car.  There were hundreds of people there.  My wife and I were at the race.  Our friends Julie and Jack were there ,too.  You can see us in the crowd.  We are standing on the left.  There were twenty cars in the race.  There were English cars ,French cars, German cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.  It was an exciting finish.  The winner was Billy Stewart.  He was in car number fifteen.  Five other cars were just behind him.  On the way home, my wife said to me 'Don't drive so quickly'!  You aren't Billy Stewart.    NEW WORDS:  race , town ,crowd ,exciting ,finish , winner , behind , stationer , Denmark
  Lesson 71 He's awful!    What's Ron Marston like , Pauline?  He's awful!  He telephoned me four times yesterday and three times the day before yesterday.  He telephoned the office yesterday morning and yesterday afternoon.  My boss answered the telephone.  What did your boss say to him?  He said & Pauline is typing letters. She can't speak to you now&!  Then I arrived home at six o'clock yesterday evening.  He telephoned again,but I didn't answer the phone.  Did he telephone again last night?  Yes ,he did.  He telephoned at nine o'clock .  What did you said to him?  I said& This is Pauling's monther. Please don't telephone my daugher again&.  Did he telephone again?  No, he didn't.    NEW WORDS:  awful ,telephone , time , answer
  Lesson 73 The way to King Street    Last week Mrs.Mills went to London.  She does not know London very well , so she lost her way.  Suddenly ,she saw a man near a bus shop.  'I can ask him the way' she said to herself.  'Excuse me' she said, 'Can you tell me the way to King Street ,please'.  The man smiled pleasantly.  He did not understand English.  He spoke German.  He was a tourist.  Then he put his hand into his pocket and took out a phrasebook.  He opened the book and found a phrase.  He read the phrase slowly,  'I'm sorry ' he said 'I do not speak english'.    NEW WORDS:  suddenly
smile , pleasantly , understand , pocket , phrasebook , slowly
  Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes    Do you have any shoes like these?  What size? Size five.  What colour? Black.  I'm sorry.  We don't have any .  But my sister bought this pair last month.  Did she buy them here?  No,she bought them in the U.S.  We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don't have any now.  Can you get a pair for me ,please?  I'm afraid that I can't.  They were in fashion last year and the year before last.  But they're not in fashion this year.  These shoes are in fashion now.  They look very uncomfortable.  They are very uncomfortable.  But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!    NEW WORDS:  buy , fashion , uncomfortable , wear , pair
  Lesson 77 Terrible toothache    Good morning , Mr.Croft.  Good morning , nurse.  I want to see the dentist ,please.  Do you have an appointment?  No, I don't.  Is it urgent?  Yes, it is .  It's very urgent.  I feel awful.  I have a terrible toothache.  Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday , April 24th?  I must see the dentist now, nurse.  The dentist is very busy at the moment.  Can you come at 2 p.m?  That's very late.  Can the dentist see me now?  I'm afraid that he can't , Mr.Croft.  Can't you wait till this afternoon?  I can wait , but my toothache can't?    NEW WORDS:  appointment , urgent , till
  Lesson 79 Carol's shopping lish    Whar are you doing , Carol?  I'm making a shopping lish, Tom.  What do we need?  We need a lot of things this week.  I must go to the grocer's.  We haven't got much tea or coffee,and we haven't got any sugar or jam.  What about vegetables?  I must go to the greengrocer's.  We haven't got many tomatoes,but we have got a lot of potatoes.  I must go to the butcher's ,too.  We need some meat.  We haven't got any meat at all.  Have we got any beer and wine?  No, we haven't.  But I'm not going to get any.  I hope that you've got some money.  I haven't got much  Well, I haven't got much either.    NEW WORDS:  shopping , list ,vegetable , money
  Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes    Hi,Carol!  Where's Tom?  He's upstairs.  He's having a bath.  Tom?  Yes?  Sam's here.  I'm nearly ready.  Hello , Sam.  Have a cigarette?  No,thank you ,Tom.  Have a glass of whisky then.  OK. Thanks.  Is dinner ready, Carol?  It's nearly ready.  We can hve dinner at seven o'clock.  Sam and I had lunch together today.  We went to a restaurant.  What did you have?  We had roast beef and potatoes.  Oh!  What's the matter, Carol?  Well,you're going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight.    NEW WORDS:  bath , nearly ,ready , dinner , restaurant , roast
  Lesson 83 Going on holiday    Hello,Sam.  Come in.  Hi ,Sam.  We're having lunch.  Do you want to have lunch with us?  No, thank you ,Tom.  I've already had lunch.  I had lunch at half past twelve.  Have a cup of coffer then.  I've just had a cup, thanks.  I had one after my lunch.  Let's go into the living room, Carol.  We can have our coffee there.  Excuse the mess,Sam.  This room's very untidy.  We're packing our suitcases.  We're going to leave tomorrow.  Tom and I are going to have a holiday.  Aren't you lucky!  When are you going to have a holiday ,Sam?  I don't know.  I've already had my holidday this year.  Where did you go?  I stayed at home!    NEW WORDS:  mess , pack , suitcase , already , leave
  Lesson 85 Paris in the spring    Hi,Ken.  Hello ,George.  Have you just been to the cinema?  Yes, I have.  What's on?  Paris in the spring.  Oh,I've already seen it.  I saw it on television last year.  It's an old film,but it's very good.  Paris is a beautiful city.  I've never been there.  Have you ever been there,Ken?  Yes,I have.  I was there in April.  Paris in the spring ,eh?  It was spring,but the weather was awful.  It rained all the time.  Just like London!    NEW WORDS:  nicema ,beautiful , city , film ,Paris
  Lesson 87 A car crash    Is my car ready yet?  I don't know ,sir.  What's the number of your car?  It's LFZ312G.  When did you bring it to us?  I brought it here three days ago.  Oh yes,I remember now.  Have your mechanics finished yet?  No, they're still working on it.  Let's go into the garage and have a look at it.  Isn't that your car?  Well,it was my car.  Didn't you have a crash?  That's right.  I drove it into a lamp-post.  Can your mechanics repair it?  Well, they're trying to repair it,sir.  But to tell you the truth ,you need a new car!    NEW WORDS:  attendant ,bring , garage , crash , lamp-post , repair ,try
  Lesson 89 For sale    Good afternoon.  I believe that this house is for sale!  That's right.  May I have a look at it ,please?  Yes , of course.  Come in.  How long have you lived here?  I've
lived here for twenty years.  Twenty years!  That's a long time.  Yes, I've been there since 1976.  Then why do you want to sell it?  Because I've just retired.  I want to buy a small house in the country.  How much does this house cost?  68,500  That's a lot of money!  It's worth every penny of it!  Well , I like this house, but I can't decide yet.  My wife must see it first.  Women always have the last word.    NEW WORDS:  believe , since ,sell , because , retire , cost ,pound , worth , penny
  excuse me?
can you remember what you learned?
  Lesson 91 Poor Ian!    Has Ian sold his house yet?  Yes, he has.  He sold it last week.  Has he moved to his new house yet?  No, not yet?  He's still here.  He's going to move tomorrow.  When? Tomorrow morning?  No, tomorrow afternoon.  I'll miss him .  He has always been a good neighbour.  He's a very nice person.  We'll all miss him.  When will the new people move into this house?  I think that they'll move in the day after tomorrow.  Will you see Ian today ,Jenny?  Yes, I will.  Please give him my regards.  Poor Ian!  He didn't want to leave this house.  No, he didn't want to leave
, but his wife did!    NEW WORDS:  neighbour , person , poor ,move , miss
  Lesson 93 Our new neighbour    Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.  He's a pilot.  He was in the R.A.F.  He will fly to New York next month.  The month after next he'll fly to Tokyo.  At the moment, he's in Madrid.  He flew to spain a week ago.  He'll return to London , the week after next.  He's only forty-one years old,and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.  Nigel is a very lucky man.  But his wife isn't very lucky.  She usually stays at home.    NEW WORDS:  pilot , return , fly
  Lesson 95 Tickets,please.    Two return tickets to London ,please.  What time will the next train leave?  At nineteen minutes past eight.  Which platform?  Platform two.  Over the bridge.  What time will the next train leave?  At eight nineteen.  We've got plenty of time.  It's only three minutes to eight.  Let's go and have a drink.  There's a bar next door to the station.  We had better go back to station now, Ken.  Tickets, please.  We want to catch the eight nineteen to London.  You've just missed it.  What? It's only eight fifteen.  I'm sorry ,sir?  That clock's ten minutes slow.  When's the next train?  In five hours' time!    NEW WORDS:  platform , plenty , bar , station , porter , catch ,miss
  Lesson 99 Ow!    Ow!  What's the matter, Andy?  I slipped and fell downstairs.  Have you hurt yourself?  Yes , I have.  I think that I've hurt my back.  Try and stand up.  Can you stand up?  Here.  Let me help you.  I'm sorry , Lucy.  I'm afraid that I can't get up.  I think that the doctor had better see you.  I'll phone Dr.Carter.  The doctor says that he will come at once.  I'm sure that you need an X-ray ,Andy.    NEW WORDS:  slip ,fall, downstairs , hurt ,stand up , at once ,sure
  Lesson 103 The French test    How was the exam ,Richard?  Not too bad.  I think I passed in English and Mathematics.  The questions were evey easy.  How about you ,Cary?  The Eenlish and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me.  I hope I haven't failled.  I think I failled the French paper.  I could answer sixteen of the questions.  They were very easy.  But I couldn't answer the rest.  They were too difficult for me.  French tests are awful ,aren't they?  I hate them.  I'm sure I've got a low mark.  Oh, cheer up!  Perhaps we didn't do too badly.  The gug next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.  Yes?  Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!  He didn't write a word !    NEW WORDS:  exam , pass , mathematics ,fail ,mark , rest ,difficult , hate ,low ,cheer up , guy
  Lesson 105 Full of mistakes    Where's Samdra, Bob?  I want her.  Do you want to speak to her?  Yes , I do.  I want her to come to my office.  Tell her to come at once.  Did you want to see me?  Oh ,
yes ,Samdra.  How do you spell 'intelligent'.  Can you tell me?  INTELLIGENT.  That's right.  You've typed it with only one 'L'.  This letter's full of mistakes.  I want you to type it again.  Yes, I'll do that .  I'm sorry about that.  And here's a little present for you.  What is it?  It's a dictionary.  I hope It'll help you.    NEW WORDS:  spell ,intelligent , mistake , present , dictionary
  Lesson 107 It's too small.    Do you like this dress ,madam?  I like the colour very much.  It's a lovely dress.  But it's too small for me.  What about this one?  It's a lovely dress.  It's a very smart.  Short skitrs are in fashion now.  Would you like to try it?  All right.  I'm afraid the green dress is too small for me as well.  It's smaller than the blue one.  I don't like the colour either.  It doesn't suit me at all.  I think the blue dress is prettier.  Could you show me another blue dress?  I want a dress like that one,but it must be my size.  I'm afraid I haven't got a large dress.  This is the largest dress in the shop.    NEW WORDS:  madam , smart , suit , pretty  
      作者:pigs_fly 回复日期: 14:05:16 
    excuse me? LZ can you remember what you learned?     其实,我不在意记住的内容, 教材只是学习的平台, 重要的一点:
就是坚持做这件事, 这样的学习也许一点用都没有,但是,我想坚持,坚持到底就是胜利,希望有一天,我能有收获, 到时再和涯友共享.
  作者:我是快乐土豆 回复日期: 12:04:48 
    我们可以在QQ留言,聊天,学到哪一课了,一起用英文在QQ聊,或者通过电话聊?你觉得可以吗?我一直想找一个能和我同步学习的人,一起练口语,一起恋英语邮件,不知道你愿意吗?如果愿意请在8:00-17.30打我办公电话,5//QQ:    嗨 ,很高兴可以通过这个平台共同努力, 目前我还没有自信可以电话沟通,用英文哦
  Lesson 109 A good idea    Shall I make some coffee, Jean?  That's a good idea ,Charlotte.  It's ready.  Do you want any milk?  Just a little, please.  What about some sugar?  Two teaspoonfuls?  No, less than that.  One and a half teaspoonfuls ,please.  That's enough for me.  That was very nice.  Would you like some more?  Yes,please.  I'd like a cigarette ,too.  May I have one?  Of course.  I think there are a few in that box.  I'm afraid it's empty.  What a pity.  It doesn't matter.  Have a biscuit instead.  Eat more and smoke less!  That's very good advice.    NEW WORDS:  idea , teaspoonful , pity ,advice , instead
  Lesson 111 The most expensive model    I like this television very much.  How much does it cost.  It's the most expensive model in the shop.  It costs five hundred pounds.  That's too expensive for us.  We can't afford all that money.  This model's less expensive than that one.  It's only three hundred pounds.  But, of course,  It's not as good as the expensive one.  I don't like this model.  The other model's more expensive,but it's worth the money.  Can we buy it on intralments?  Of course.  You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds,and than fourteen pounds a month for three years.  Do you like it, dear?  I certainly do,but I don't like the price.  You always want the best,but we can't afford it.  Sometimes you think you're a millionare.  Millionares don't buy things on intralments!    NEW WORDS:  model , afford , deposit , instalment , price ,millionaire
  Lesson 113 Small change    Pares ,please.  Trafalgar Square,please.  I'm sorry,sir.  I can't change ten pounds note.  Haven't you got any small change?  I've got no small change, I'm afraid.  I'll ask some of the passengers.  Have you any small change,sir?  I'm sorry.  I'v got none.  I haven't got any either.  Can you change this ten pounds note,madam?  I'm afraid I can't.  Neither can I.  I'm very sorry ,sir.  You must get off the bus.  None of our passengers can change this one.  They're all millionaireS.  Except us.  I've got some small change.  So have I!    NEW WORDS:  conductor , fare , change ,note , passenger , none , neither , get off ,tramp , except
  Lesson115 Knock,knock!    Isn't there anyone at home?  I'll knock again,Helen.  Everything's very quiet.  I'm sure there's no one at home.  But that's impossible.  Carol and Tom invited us to lunch.  Look through the window.  Can you see anything?  Nothing at all.  Let's try the back door.  Look!Everyone's in the garden.  Hello ,Helen. Hello ,Jim.  Everybody wants to have lunch in the garden.  It's nice and warm out here.  Come and have something to drink.  Thanks, Carol.  May I have a glass of beer please?  Beer?  There's none left.  You can have some lemonade.  Lemonade!  Don't believe her,Jim.  She's only joking.  Have some beer!    NEW WORDS:  anyone , knock, quiet ,impossible ,invite , anything , nothing ,lemonade , joke
  Lesson117 Tommy's breakfast    When my husband was going into the dining room this morning,he dropped some coins on the floor.  There were coins everywhere.  We looked for them,but we could not find them all.  While we were having breakfast,our little boy,Tommy,found two small coins on the floor.  He put them both into his mouth.  We both tried to get the coins,but it was too late.  Tommy had already swallowed them.  Later that morning, when I was doing the housework,my husband phoned me from the office.  'How's Tommy?' he asked.  'I don't know.' I answered.  ' Tommy's been to the toilet three times this morning, but I haven't had any change yet!'    NEW WORDS:  dining room ,coin , mouth ,swallow ,later , toilet
  Lesson119 A true story    Do you like stories?  I want to tell you a true story.  It happened to a friend of mine a year ago.  While my friend , George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen.  After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room .  It was very dark, so they turned on a torch.  Suddenly , they heard a voice behind them.  'What's up? What's up?' someone called.  The thieves dropped the torch and ran away as quickly as they could.  George heard the noise and came downstairs quickly.  He turned on the light, but he couldn't see anyone.  The thieves had already gone.  But George's parrot , Henry ,was still there.  'What's up, George?' he called.  'Nothing , Henry,' George said and smiled.  'Go back to sleep.'    NEW WORDS:  story ,happen ,thief ,enter ,dark ,torch , voice , parrot
  贴子沉了,涯友们也和一样,忘记学习了吗?希望大家还是在坚持学习喔  07年结束了,没有划上完满的符号,08年开始了,我们还是一起努力 吧,加油~~


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