be youtruebe with 与 be youtruebe of 什么情况可以混用。

be true with和be true of的区别请问be true with和be true of有什么区别_百度作业帮
be true with和be true of的区别请问be true with和be true of有什么区别
请问be true with和be true of有什么区别
意思不一样.be true with--对...一样,对...也是真的be true of---适用于(符合于)
对……真诚的适用于……my love will be true_百度百科
收藏 查看&my love will be true
《my love will be true》是由演唱的一首歌曲,收录在专辑《美丽的爱情》中。这是一首流行风格的歌曲,歌曲展现了高超的唱功。所属专辑美丽的爱情歌曲原唱歌曲语言英语
第三张国语专辑《美丽的爱情》中的歌曲。这张专辑除了延续以往前两张专辑《快乐为主》、《孤单芭蕾》Evonne式唯美浪漫外,更在企划概念视觉造型上加入许多不同以往的元素,从艺人本身的特质出发,赋予歌手更多的生命包括强调她原本就活泼好动男孩子气的性格,还有与生俱来的正义感喜欢帮助弱小,更有她对爱情和女性友情的看法,都一一完整呈现在这词曲中。These are my words
You're never supposed to hear from me at all
That I'm just another one standing by you
Praying to the stars
To become someone special to you
I've been waiting for so long
For you to be near
My love has just begun since you called my name
As if I breathed for the first time
As light as feather soaring up high
Bright as guiding light in my eyes
The world has just begun with your shining
smile as if you created my all
The moon was made out of your dreams
The ocean was made out of your tears
I realize all on my own
Wondering the reason why
My heart and soul confused
Give me a chance
Is it too late to be next to you won't ask for more
For the rest of my life
Wanna give you my all every night and day
My love will be true
Trying hard to reach
Less than zero hope that's hard for me to keep
Hangin on to promise without meaning(日-)出生于美国,华裔美国人,台湾歌手、演员。因为外貌和擅长芭蕾舞而有“雪白”称号。曾获第14届最佳新人奖、并和在音乐剧《》中合作,在与台湾香港地区巡回演出。她的妹妹(Ivy)也开始在发展。
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看be true ,举例句_百度作业帮
be true ,举例句
be true ,举例句
be true of适用于符合于…,对…适用be true of 符合于…,对…适用on the part of就…来说;在…一边be true of 对…适用,符合as well也对…一样,对…也是真的be true of 对…一样,对…也是真的1.The same should be true of mutual concessions.互让也是如此.2.That could be true of the proposed merger too,of course.上述合并案当然也是这样 a true portrayal of life 生活的真实写照4.presumed to be true in the absence of proof to the contrary.相反地在缺乏根据的基础上假定为真实的.5.If that is true of writing fiction,you can be sure it is true of dealing with people face-to-face.如果写小说的秘诀是这样,那应用在待人处世」,你可以确定,更应该如此了.6.Something taken to be true for the purpose of argum an assumption.假设为了争论或调查而被认为是真实的事物;一个假想7.Out of the blue,can this be true?这样突如其来地,是真实的吗?8.the the quality of seeming to be true.真实的外表;看上去是真实的.9.The converse of this statement may not be true.这话反过来说就不一定对.10.The quality of appearing to be true or real.逼真;可能性貌似正确或真实的性质11.of words so related that both cannot be true but both may be false.相关词语不能同时为真但可同时为假.12.of words so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false.相关命题中两者不能同时为真也不能同时为假.13.The description of your blind date seems to be too good to be true.你把你这次相亲描述得太美好了,不像是真的.14.Most commonly,we ask of fiction that it shall be true.我们常常期望小说情节真实.15.It is possible,of course,that the converse of this theory may also be true.当然该原理的逆命题也有可能成立.16.How can it be the true development of taking humans as essentials?怎样才能真正做到以人为本的发展?17.Their story has the stamp of truth,ie seems very likely to be true.他们说的这事儿看来是真的.18.Of course it may not be true,but he really drinks an awful lot.当然这可能不是真的,但他确实喝得很多.19.The signature on a negotiable instrument shall be the true name of the party thereto.在票据上的签名,应当为该当事人的本名.20.The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.推理由已知或假定的正确前提出发作出逻辑推理的行为或过程be true of与be the same with都是“与……情况相同”,它们的区别是什么?
be true of与be the same with都是“与……情况相同”,它们的区别是什么?
be true of的意思是 也 同样(适用) 的意思
如this rule is true of
all cases 这条规则 无论什么情况 都适用
be the same with是“与……情况一样”,
它们的区别在于 前者强调 客观真理
后者强调 一样


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