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Goffis 第11期
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Mrs. Goff is a math teacher at Lincoln High School. Mrs. Goff and I met my freshman year. Zach Howe
Mrs. Goff is a math teacher at Lincoln High School. Mrs. Goff and I met my freshman year. Zach Howe and I were on our way to a baseball game when he said he needed to get his stuff from Mrs. Goff’s room. I had no idea who she was then, but he said she was great. Well, he was definitely right.Last year, I had a college math class that required me to be in the computer lab, which was located directly behind Mrs. Goff’s room. When I struggled in the section, I would go to Mrs. Goff’s and ask for assistance. She told me that I was a little too dependent and not confident enough in my ability.A little confidence, combined with effort, will do wonders for anyone in anything. If you go into something thinking negative thoughts, negative things will happen. Mrs. Goff taught me that it was OK to make a few mistakes. Mistakes are a part of everyone’s life. She told me that it is how you learn from them that defines your character. A person that learns from his or her mistakes is more likely to be a successful person in life.This year, I have spent a lot of time with Mrs. Goff. She really helps me instill(逐渐灌输) confidence in myself and others around me. The encouragement that she has given me made me realize that I can do the same thing for people. Therefore, she has helped my leadership skills and increased my confidence in being outgoing.Mrs. Goff is a great role model in my life, and I appreciate everything she has done for me. I will never forget the things that she has done for me and the things she has helped me learn and accomplish throughout high school. I hope to be as good a teacher as she and give encouragement that she has for me and all of her students.小题1:What can we conclude from the passage?A.A little confidence may help you achieve what might be impossible.B.Mrs. Goff is the best math teacher.C.A teacher determines the fate of a student.D.The author became successful due to Mrs. Goff.小题2:What does the author intend to say in the third paragraph?A.You are sure to succeed with confidence and effort.B.Take a positive attitude towards your mistakes.C.Try to avoid making mistakes in your everyday life.D.A successful person may make fewer mistakes.小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A.the author now is working as an excellent teacher.B.Mrs. Goff has a great effect on the author.C.the author has made many mistakes at school.D.Mrs. Goff should have helped the author more.小题4:Mrs. Goff spent much time with the make him realize he can help people help him gain more and more tell him how to give others share her experience with him and others.
1I had a job interview this morning at 10:30 in a place which was quite far from my house.I had asked my brother to_&&___me at the bus stop. But he was running late and it was already 9:45 before I reached the bus stop.__&&__, I caught my first bus and had to wait at another stop for the second one.Then, in front of my__&&__, a little girl (who may have been a beggar) was hit by a car!The car drove off without__&&__. The girl was badly hurt in her hands and legs. She was_&&____heavily and was screaming in pain. After a few seconds she fainted(昏厥).People standing nearby didn’t seem to know_&&___ to do. I ran over and called for an auto. A_&&____, who seemed to be the girl’s grandpa, ran towards us with_&&____steaming down his cheeks. I took them both to ______ in the auto. They admitted the girl and_&&___ to start her treatment. Happily, she was well__&&___ and soon came back to consciousness. She smiled at me and hugged her grandpa. I_&&____ the bill, gave them a little money, then I__&&___ for my interview.It was 1:30p.m. Before I got home. I was __&&__hours late! The one interview who was still there asked what had__&&__ me. I told him, and then gave him one of our Smile cards and_&&____ about the project. He was very impressed!It would be __&&___ to say I got the job.&&&&&&___, because I was so late he could not pass me on to the next level.Getting the job might have made me happy, but helping that young girl and her grandpa made me even __&&____! I really thank God for giving me that__&&___ to help.小题1:A.dropB.sendC.takeD.deliver小题2:A.ActuallyB.LuckilyC.SurprisinglyD.Gradually小题3:A.busB.seatC.eyesD.feet小题4:A.noticingB.speedingC.knockingD.stopping小题5:A.cryingB.bleedingC.sleepingD.trembling小题6:A.howB.whereC.whoD.what小题7:A.beggarB.driverC.policemanD.gentleman小题8:A.wordsB.sweatC.tearsD.blood小题9:A.homeB.interviewC.busD.hospital小题10:A.preparedB.intendedC.rushedD.promised小题11:A.cared aboutB.looked afterC.dealt withD.carried out小题12:A.boughtB.acceptedC.paidD.donated小题13:A.set aboutB.set offC.set outD.set up小题14:A.twoB.threeC.fourD.five小题15:A.delayedB.happenedC.hitD.terrified小题16:A.complainedB.explainedC.debatedD.introduced小题17:A.niceB.shamefulC.hopelessD.unbelievable小题18:A.andB.soC.butD.or小题19:A.prouderB.greaterC.happierD.harder小题20:A.courageB.opportunityC.positionD.situation2Today, we are talking about money. I can share a bit about my history with money and my new view when it comes to usinggreen paper.I made a web page with links to posts about our financial journey where you can look for more details of where we’ve been and how we got where we are now. It was a big part of my story in the past and was a huge part of our downsizing journey. We got out of debt and stayed out of debt.So I feel eager to share the benefits of being on this side. It takes planning and more careful thought whenever a dollar is spent now than it did when I had a wallet full of credit cards. I now like to think all of my dollars having a job. So many of us work for money and don’t consider that money should work for us, too. Make your dollars do the job of helping you live the life you want.Each time money is spent or saved, it should be going toward something that you purposefully want for your life. Last week I was out and I spent $20 on food in 3 days. It made me angry because afterward I thought about eating is not at all what for my life.On the other hand, there are times I spend $20 while out with my family and it doesn’t bother me one bit. An afternoon out with my kids during which we stop for ice cream, and do something fun together has a completely different feel to it.In the end, I want the dollars I spend to have purpose like I can enjoy life while still planning and saving for the future.小题1:What do the underlined words “green paper” in Paragraph I refer to ______.A.moneyB.workC.newspaperD.book小题2:You can learn about the writer’s history with money making a web reading posts about their financial going on a financial writing to him小题3:In the writer’s opinion, ________.A.more credit cards should be used in our daily lifeB.we should work hard to make more should help us live betterD.saving money is very easy小题4:Why did the writer feel happy with the money spent with his family?A.Because the money is spent on food.B.Because the money is spent in doing something fun.C.Because eating is what he wanted for his life.D.Because the money went toward something that he wanted for his life.3A couple of weeks ago,my friend offered to sell some of our things for us. I thought it was a good opportunity to&&&&&&&my 7 year old son’s room and&&&&&&&&some toys that were no longer suitable for him to play with. We&&&&&&that all the money we got from selling the toys would be his money.The night before the&&&&&&,we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was too&&&&&&for him. In the yard he&&&&&&the bike for the last time and then happily put it onto the truck. This little bike had at least two previous owners as far as we&&&&&&.It wasn’t in the best&&&&&&and was certainly not new,but the tires were&&&&&&good.We put a price of $10 on it,but it didn’t sell. So,after the sale was&&&&&&,my friend put it on the sidewalk with a sign that&&&&&&“FREE,BIKE”. Within five minutes her doorbell rang. A little boy was&&&&&&there. In poor English he asked whether the bike was&&&&&&&free. She said yes and that he could have it for&&&&&&He smiled,got on the bike and rode away.Later that evening when I told my son how much money he had made at the sale,he was very&&&&&,shouting happily. He asked about a few of his things,wondering&&&&they had been sold. When he asked about the bike,I told him about the little boy and that made him&&&&&&.He was much happier than when I told him how much he had&&&&&&.He was so happy to&&&&&&that someone else would make good&&&&&&of that little bike!小题1:A.cleanB.checkC.displayD.design小题2:A.look forB.go with小题3:A.refusedB.agreedC.wroteD.lied小题4:A.tripB.showC.saleD.decision小题5:A.weakB.smallC.newD.thin小题6:A.rodeB.foundC.watchedD.felt小题7:A.doubtedB.knewC.toldD.thought小题8:A.timeB.chanceC.placeD.shape小题9:A.alsoB.neverC.stillD.hardly小题10:A.aheadB.onC.nearD.over小题11:A.saidB.repeatedC.copiedD.expressed小题12:A.jumpingB.standingC.walkingD.shouting小题13:A.barelyB.usuallyC.reallyD.always小题14:A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing小题15:A.calmB.scaredC.excitedD.disappointed小题16:A.whenB.ifC.whyD.how小题17:A.smileB.worryC.leaveD.cry小题18:A.enjoyedB.lostC.boughtD.made小题19:A.hearB.understandC.rememberD.think小题20:A.interestB.moneyC.useD.price4The owner of an Alabama Chinese restaurant named “Good Friend” shot at a customer who complained about a fly in her eggroll Thursday night. The bullet narrowly missed 20-year-old Birmingham resident Jatari Walker who told the Daily News she is scarred by the entire experience.“I can’t sleep,” she said Saturday afternoon. “And since it happened I’ve had no appetite.”Walker ordered a combination platter(大浅盘)and eggroll from the Good Friend Chinese and Seafood Restaurant on Dennison Ave. Thursday evening. After paying her $7 bill she went back to her car and discovered a fly inside. “I thought I need to take this back,” she said.The customer went back and asked for a repayment and said the owner Chun HinChing, 52, was unhappy with her because she announced her discovery in front of other customers. After an argument he repaid the money and Walker — who is now a former frequent customer of the business — turned and walked to the exit.That’s when Ching drew a handgun and fired a single shot over her head.“He just shot the gun at me and I ran,” she said, adding she could feel the bullet whiz past her head.Birmingham Police Department spokesman Lt. Sean Edwards told the News the owner was charged with attempted murder and was transported to Jefferson County Jail on $100,000 bail(保释金).Police believe Ching intended to hit Walker with the bullet and missed, Edwards said. The bullet hit the top of the door frame of the take-out business.Ching did not tell police why he fired at Walker, Edwards said.Edwards said he did not recall any previous problems at the business. He said Ching did not say why he had a weapon but added it was not uncommon for stores in that neighborhood.“No one was injured from the gunshot”, Edwards said.Calls placed to the restaurant Saturday afternoon were not answered.小题1:What happened on Thursday night in Good Friend Chinese and Seafood Restaurant?A.A fire broke out but luckily no one was injured.B.The restaurant owner refused to repay the money.C.The egg rolls caused sickness among some customers.D.A young woman narrowly escaped being killed by a bullet.小题2:Why did Walker go back to the restaurant after buying the food?A.Because she left her car key in the restaurant.B.Because she discovered a fly in the egg roll.C.Because she forgot to take the combination platter.D.Because she found the owner charged her too much.小题3:The restaurant owner fired on Walker when ______.A.she was about to leaveB.she was arguing with himC.she asked for a repaymentD.she announced her discovery小题4:We can learn from the passage that ______.A.this is the first time for Walker to buy food from Good Friend RestaurantB.the owner was unhappy with the complaint and refused to repay the is common for a restaurant owner in that neighborhood to have a weaponD.if someone had been hit, Ching would have been charged with attempted murder
Goff是什么意思 Goff在线翻译 Goff什么意思 Goff的意思 Goff的翻译 Goff的解释 Goff的发音 Goff的同义词 Goff的反义词 Goff的例句 Goff的相关词组
GoffGoff 基本解释戈夫 Gough的变体;戈夫;Goff的近义词手机查看Goff的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 Goff 即可Goff 网络解释1. 关闭继电器:GON: 打开继电器(1-128) | GOFF:关闭继电器(1-128) | CON: 打开摄像机解码器的继电器(1-8)Goff 双语例句1. There are many such equations[5], ranging from the approximate Antoine equation, to the far more detailed Goff-Gratch_equation.&&&&有许多这类方程的[5],从近似公式,对目前·更详细的Goff-Gratch _方程。2. The mechanism was further studied by the particles sedimentation test in combination with DLVO theory and Aim-Goff model. It is concluded that the addition of sodium hexametaphosphate can disperse the agglomeration of silica fume and increase the packing density, thus improve the mechanical performance.&&&&本文应用Aim-Goff模型探讨了其作用机理,研究显示,加入六偏磷酸钠分散了硅灰的团聚体,提高了水泥基复合材料的堆积密度,从而改善了水泥基复合材料的力学性能。3. The collaborative work that they have done this past year with the students at Vermont Commons School is a great example of how people from different cultures and nations can use systems thinking skills to investigate, research together and attempt to solve some of the most complex problems facing the world today.&&&&最后,代表我的同事,Piper Stover and Peter Goff,我想衷心感谢陈义柏,南京教育科技中心的主任,感谢他用他的领导和远识,帮助建立了这样一个有利于中美教育的合作。能够称呼他为合作人和朋友,是我们的荣幸。4. Goff called me up on that, the son of a bitch, and the way he talked to me you'd never guess I pay him a hundred grand a year under the table.&&&&高夫跟我说过这件事了,这个婊子养的,从他说话的口气你简直看不出来我每年都暗中付给他十万美元。5. 5. The monumental challenge of making a dress this size has been given to seamstress Judy Goff who calculated the amount of fabric needed during an interview with Inside Edition.&&&&女裁缝师朱迪·戈夫接下了制作这件庞大婚纱的巨大挑战,而她也在InsideEdition的访谈中计算出出制作的所需布料。6. 6. Specify the GOFF C compiler option if compiling in native z/OS.&&&&如果要在原生z/OS上编译,那么必须指定GOFFC编译器选项。7. The tests of standard using water ratio can reflect the existence of the dense packing phenomenon directly, First, calculated the Particle-Size-Distribution of multi-powders based the dense packed Andreasen equation, then, calculated the packing density based Aim and Goff model.&&&&本文首先根据紧密堆积Andreasen方程对多元粉体体系粒度分布进行计算,根据Aim和Goff模型计算了粉体颗粒体系堆积密实度。8. 8. That way, Goff says, your friend gets to determine whether or not he or she ends up on the receiving end of your brutal truth.&&&&高夫说,通过这种方式,作为残酷事实的接受者,你的朋友要决定是否结束一段感情。9. Goff calls this the iron fist, velvet glove approach.&&&&高夫将这种方式称为外柔内刚的铁拳。10. But Phil Goff, its wonkish veteran leader, has struggled against the charismatic Mr Key.&&&&但工党老而顽固的领袖菲尔·戈夫坚持与极具魅力的约翰·基对抗。11. 11. Hardworking kiwi families are feeling the financial squeeze as prices continue to rise on the back of National's GST hike and Government imposed charges, says Labour Leader Phil Goff.&&&&&&本国物价继国家党上调GST后持续上涨以及政府的各种征费使勤奋工作的新西兰人感受到日常生活的捉襟见肘。12. 12. Dr Lee Goff can work out a time of death from just a few maggots on a corpse.&&&&&&李·高飞博士可以通过尸体上的一些蛆推定出死亡时间。13. 13. In2007, Goff, M. Robyn Andersen, PhD, of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and colleagues came up with a " symptom index " indicative of ovarian cancer.&&&&&&2007年,弗雷德o哈钦森癌症研究中心的戈夫、MoRobyno安徒生博士和同事们建立了一套诊断卵巢癌的“症状指数”。14. Phil Goff, the New Zealand Trade Minister, said that any new meeting of ministers would very likely not take place until well into next year.&&&&&&新西兰贸易部长菲尔戈夫(philgoff)表示,在明年年初之后的较长时间内,很可能不会举行任何新的部长级会谈。15. Labour leader Phil Goff agreed.&&&&&&工党领袖菲尔。哥夫表示同意。16. " They're very good at10 in and using the Internet, but don't always understand what they get back, " said Linda Goff, head of instructional services for the CSUS library.&&&&&&“他们很擅长打字和使用网络,但总是搞不清楚他们从网上得到了哪些东西”,州立大学图书馆的建设服务处的处长琳达o高芙如是说。17. Shares in the airport and [in] the Ports of Auckland ought to remain in the public sector, Mr Goff told New Zealand radio.&&&&&&奥克兰国际机场和奥克兰港口的股权应该留在公共部门手中,戈夫在接受新西兰电台采访时表示。18. Goff18. Doctor Goff notes that the disease is 90% curable when found in its earliest form.&&&&&&Goff博士提到如果在癌症的最早期发现的话,有90%的病例都是可以治愈的。19. Doctor Goff notes that the disease is 90% parable when found in its earliest form.&&&&&&Goff 医生认为如果早期就发现,90%的癌症是可以治愈的。20. Goff20. Among the distinguished guests were Mr. Philip Bruce Goff, Minister of Trade of New Zealand, Mr. Tony Browne, ambassador from New Zealand to China and Mr. Zhang Yuanyuan, ambassador from China to New Zealand, Mr.&&&&&&新方出席庆典的贵宾有新西兰商务部部长费尔-高夫阁下、新西兰驻华大使包逸之阁下、中国驻新西兰大使张援远阁下、新西兰航空董事长约翰-帕尔马先生与新西兰航空首席执行官罗伯-费夫先生。Goff 单语例句1. Goff said teenagers'consensual sexual experimentation should not be a crime.2. But Justice Minister Phil Goff was unrepentant, saying the situation risked turning teenagers into criminals and must be changed.3. Goff congratulated China on the success of its first manned space flight.4. China is New Zealand's third largest trading partner and fifth most profitable export market, according to the New Zealand Trade Minister Phil Goff.5. Goff said in a statement on Thursday that regional security would be the main focus of discussions.Goff是什么意思,Goff在线翻译,Goff什么意思,Goff的意思,Goff的翻译,Goff的解释,Goff的发音,Goff的同义词,Goff的反义词,Goff的例句,Goff的相关词组,Goff意思是什么,Goff怎么翻译,单词Goff是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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