My sister became a nurse twoseveral years agoo.

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Family challenges millions left to nurse
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An inheritance worth millions of kronor left to a nurse by a patient who died three years ago is now being contested in a Malm? court.
Two years before the 84-year-old woman died, she changed her testament making her nurse, who had helped her battle Parkinson's disease, the sole inheritor of 2.9 million kronor.
The woman, who had no blood relatives, had previously named her sister-in-law as the sole beneficiary. But, after a change was made in 2001, the nurse became the recipient of the money.
The money is now being fought for by the sister-in-law, who has said the Malm? woman's "foolishness and weak will" was being exploited.
The sister-in-law's lawyer pointed out that the old woman was dependent on the nurse who had responsibility for her health.
The nurse's lawyer countered saying the nurse went and visited the woman after she was released from the hospital.
The National Board of Health and Welfare said it generally prohibits healthcare workers to be beneficiaries of patients' testaments, but said circumstances are different because the nurse had a private relationship with the lady after the care period.
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Bachelor's degree
I was asked from the time I could talk “What do you want to be when you grow up.” My answers were always changing depending upon whatever new fad or hero I was into at that time…Nascar, Teenage Ninja Turtle, GI Joe, Fireman, Cowboy, Football player…it wasn’t somethin I seriously thought about at the time, except football, as to what I could make a living at doing or what would make me happy in the future…it was all about what made me happy at that moment…but then I started getting older and the question...
When I Grow Up
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roles, spouse, parent, manager, entrepreneur, volunteer, caregiver, and more. We offer a flexible learning environment, with individually designed degree programs, and opportunities to study online,face to face, or a combination of the two.
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3. Your strengths and experiences (educational, employment...
United States
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Jennifer Smith
English 111
February 16, 2011
Essay One - Revised
“What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?”
We are usually asked this question very early in life: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s one of the biggest questions asked of children, from toddlers to teenagers. It’s always asked to help encourage kids to think of their future. After all, how many children really know what they want to do with the rest of their lives? Oh yeah, there are those lucky few who have a...
Academic degree,
High school,
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I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother.
Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene fresh from a
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In &Why I Want a Wife,& Brady offers hypothetical criteria for an ideal wife in a satirical commentary on how the work of wives is often taken for granted. The humor of the essay lies in its structure: on the surface it seems to accept the criteria it puts forth, while the meaning actually operates in the recognition that the narrator is being sarcastic.
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I Want a Wife
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When I first read this essay I seen how they expect their wives to have them do a list of things that seems to bottomless.
More and more men are being the “stay...
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I want to be a pilot
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2006 singles,
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a spectator, I do believe that both cultures are privileged in different parts of the books, and the influences on both generation of acculturation and assimilation in this book also need dialectic discussion. But the author ,as
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What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
“What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?”
We are usually asked this question very early in life: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s one of the biggest questions asked of children, from toddlers to teenagers. It’s always asked to help encourage kids to think of their future. After all, how many children really know what they want to do with the rest of their lives? Oh yeah, there are those lucky few who have a special calling. Many kids will say...
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English-language films,
clothes to his new job, could he? Poking fun at the responsibilities involved in marriage is similar to the attitude presented in Judy Brady’s 1971 essay, &Why I Want a Wife.&
In &Why I Want a Wife,& Brady offers hypothetical criteria for an ideal wife in a satirical commentary on how the work of wives is often taken for granted. The humor of the essay lies in its structure: on the surface it seems to accept the criteria it puts forth, while the meaning actually operates in the recognition that the...
Jonathan Swift,
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As a young man entering my senior year of high school, my mind races as I try to figure out what it is that I’ll commit my life to.
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do you want to be when you grow up? Most children will say they want to be a doctor, teacher, police officer, etc. When I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer would vary between giraffeopologist (the name I gave to people who studied giraffes), a witch, or a mad scientist. My answer started to change the years passed, I grew older, became wiser and started to discover who I am and what I was really interested in, the human body and mind. At the age of thirteen I figured I had watched...
1996 albums,
Debut albums,
Judy Brady's I want a wife
In Judy Brady’s essay, “I Want a Wife”, she explores why she would like to have a wife. Brady’s style and structure contribute to her theme of female repression. Various style techniques, such as repetition and irony, are used along with the structural technique of using levels of intimacy. One of Brady’s main style techniques is the use of repetition. She is constantly describing what she wants in a wife and the duties that the wife should take care of: “I want a wife who...
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Florence Nightingale
I want a wife
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When I Grow Up
(Names of the authors have been changed to protect identities)
Jesse B. Age 9
Winner (tie) of 3rd Place Prize for ages 7-10.
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use their special talent. Lots of people are born with different talents. I think that it is a good idea
to try different stuff. If you find something you really like and you’re really good at it you should
go for it. But talents aren’t the only things of...
Foster care
I remember when I was just a little girl, about the age of twelve, when I went to the Bedford Stadium and hundreds of people were scattered in the stands and at half time the announcer started to announce a bunch of girls names. I looked down to see a bunch of girls in long dresses march down the field with what seemed to be prince charming on their arms. After a while they all were down the field and the stadium would get quiet, and then the announcer would scream out a name and...
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Sit back and relax as I talk to you about my decision to home educate.
I truly believe that I am being led in this direction by the Lord. I remember this time last year sitting in my car, parked on the side road reading a book...
Alternative education,
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Aysegul Torun
English 201 A\B
May. 3rd, 2012
“I Want A Wife” by Judy Brady
1) According to Brady, wife is who takes care of every households, children, and husband. Also person who only works for her children and husband but not herself.
2) In Brady’s word a wife’s responsibilities are take care of the children, for example, to prepare them for school, make sure they are eaten, and clean. Also of course another responsibility is to take care of her husband. There are some expected...
When I was 11,
My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I told her I wanted to be the girl sitting next to me.
Again when I was 12
My teacher asked me what my name was and
I said I was the girl that was next to the girl sitting next to me.
I thought She was lovely with blonde hair and her eyes sparkled brighter than the moon
And her laugh lit up the sky with embers and stars
And I envied her collarbones and fingers and I wished to myself that one day I might...
I want a wife
Marriage is one of the basic institutions of society. The article “I Want a Wife”, written by Judy Brady in 1971, illustrates the role of women in marriage. She humorously criticizes wife’s duties which range from doing chores and tasks such as laundry, cooking, cleaner, and helper to take care of the husband’s physical, mental, social, and sexual needs. Also, in her essay, she defines a wife as a nurse, an assistant, a host, and a nanny. She wants a wife for her to help out. Brady...
male citizens. Judy Brady's essay &I Want A Wife& first appeared in the Ms. Magazine's inaugural issue in 1971. I believe that genre of the article is a classic piece of feminist humor and is depicted as satirical prose. In this essay Brady aims to convince her readers to look objectively at a man's viewpoints and expectations of what he thinks a wife is and what she should be. Brady skillfully uses clear arguments, repetition of key words, stylish language to make her essay strong and convincing.
Gender role,
Well, as long as I can remember I was a sick child and, I figured that I wanted to be a nurse, someone who was always helping people and that at a point of time in my life hey helped me. Despite, that I was a sick child I enjoy working with people and helping them as well, I have a lot of patience, and I’m very comfortable with a work environment like that.
I already knew that Nursing is a health care profession that involves taking care of another person in...
Certified Nursing Assistant,
Health care
Who I Want to be When I am Older
Every human historically and presently, thrives for the same thing, success. Some seek it through monetary values, while others perceive success as the amount of power one possesses. Ralph Waldo Emerson however, offered a new perspective of the meaning of success. He claimed, “To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children… to leave the world a better place, to know one life has breathed easier because you have lived...
Albert Einstein,
American philosophers,
Concord, Massachusetts
Ever since I was small, people always ask me &What do you want to be when you grow up?& I used crayons to illustrate my dream career. My drawing was hung in the hallways for my parents to see. I remember the typical careers of my kindergarden class- ballerinas, firefighters, singers, and astronauts.
I remembered mine. My picture showed a stick figure with black hair holding a mic. Underneath the beautiful drawing, I wrote &When I grow up, I want to be a singer.& To this day I can still remember...
Professor McNair
English 101-K35A7
October 14,2013
Is This The Place I Want To Stay In?
October 24, 2004. It is the first day of school after moving to NY, walking in to class I realize I am no longer in a place I know. Everyone looks and speaks so differently, they speak a language I can't understand. Finally, a girl walk up to me, she is Taiwanese just like me. I was so happy when she told me she will be my translator for the year. Her name is Joanne, and...
2008 singles,
Debut albums,
Debut singles
A day I would like to forget
It started out as a normal day, I went to school but, school got out at ten because of snow. As my little brother and I were walking off the bus, I saw a u-haul parked in our driveway. I thought I was going blind for a second, I didn’t know what was going on. My first thought was “Does my mother know about his move?” Before I saw anything else, my step-dad walked outside to greet my brother and I. All three of us plus his mother and sister came inside the house and...
2006 albums,
2009 singles,
English-language films
Growing up I had dreams of
what I wanted to be when I grew up.
As I got older my dreams changed to
new things, I never stuck to one thing
for too long. I soon realized that one
day I would have to pick one thing and
actually pursue it. There are many
things I would like to do but to this day
I still cannot pick one.
When I was younger I wanted to
be many things “when I grew up.” I
wanted to be a dancer, a teacher, a
gymnast, a professional sports player,
a singer...
1996 albums,
American films,
Good Habits for Writers
1. Did I begin this essay on the day it was assigned?
2. Did I ask questions about part of the assignment I did not understand?
3. Did I work at least twelve hours on this paper?
4. Did I bring drafts of this essay to class when requested?
5. Did I have another person read my draft?
6. Did I proofread my draft in stages rather than all at once?
Essay Submission Checklist
□ Follows correct MLA format (see the end of the...
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I want a wife
Published in 1971, “I want a wife” written by Judy Brady illustrates successfully the role of women in marriage. Brady humorously mentions a wife’s duties which range from doing chores and tasks, such as laundry and cooking, to take care of the husband’s mental, physical, social, and sexual needs. The repetition of “I want a wife who will…” is used effectively to emphasis the husband’s selfishness. Brady is right when she lays out a list of what most women are expected do after...
Academic degree,
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Why I would want to be a Teacher
Jamie Croneberger
Grand Canyon University- EDU 310
August 16th, 2012
I want to become a teacher because I, one day, ant to open up my own Day Care Center where I can teach and help the toddlers and babies learn and grow before they start in Pre- Kindergarten. I have always wanted to help younger kids ever since I had my son Anthony and my daughter Kaitlynn. I am having trouble finding a decent...
Certified teacher,
High school
Descriptive Essay
There are moments during the day when there is just too much noise.
White noise hisses from the television in the corner. The high pitch buzz of rock music blares from earbuds implanted into the ears of someone nearby.
Even the insistent clickity-clack of fingers across a computer keyboard seem to add to the flurry of traffic already flushed into my mind, via my overwhelmed ears.
For me, there is one moment in my day that quiet is treasured.
When I can no longer take it, I escape...
Book cover,
Ernest Cline
I Want A Wife Analysis
Courtnnie Booker
Roberts Wesleyan College
A “wife” is defined as a “married woman considered in relation (married) to her husband” ( Throughout the years, the status of a ‘wife’ held little value. Judy Brady's &I Want A Wife” is a satirical piece that explores the traditional roles women play in a family. The purpose of this essay is to provide a crystal clear unbalanced portrayal of the conditions of the common ‘wife’ during the 60’s and 70’s. While Brady...
Essay One: Why I Want To Pursue a Degree In ECE
Angelina D. Lewis
MOC @ Wilmington
Early Childhood Education
June 7, 2011
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve known what I wanted to do.
I am one of those people who was blessed enough to realize my passion at an early age. As far back as I can remember, I’ve wanted to become a teacher. I can remember as a child sitting in my room, surrounded by my stuffed animals (or students, as I saw them) and forcing...
Certified teacher,
“What I want to be when I grow-up”
By: Lauren Phillips
When I grow-up, I would like to become a prosecuting attorney (A prosecutor is the lawyer that will bring charges against a criminal. Then try them in court. They work for the government to put away the bad guys.). Because, I believe that I can take on the task of enforcing criminal laws among those who supposable “broke the law”. I also believe that I will feel satisfactory knowing that I could have possible keep another criminal of the...
Academic degree,
Bachelor's degree,
Criminal law
many toddlers, I was fascinated by building blocks. They held me spellbound for hours on end and pushed me to make some imaginative, if not structurally unsafe buildings. I thus grew up with a great passion for architecture, and was very certain I would one day be an architect. But as I drifted into Secondary school, my interests changed. History, among all subjects captivated me the most. I grew very much interested in the past, and as I went from “Ancient Egypt” to “Communist Russia” I found myself...
2003 invasion of Iraq,
Ancient Egypt,
Why I Want To Be a Police Officer
Career Choices in Criminal Justice
Dr. Darwin L. Driggers, Ybor Campus
October 11, 2011
Why I Want To Be a Police Officer
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a police officer. I’m sure, as a little boy, what first caught my attention were the flashing lights and sirens on the police cars. It could have also been then the facts that police officer were permitted to carry a gun and had the ability to run...
Criminal justice
name is Colby Bean, I was born and raised in maine. I live in a town called Hartland, its a small town so there is really nothing to do, when i was younger I used to play sports but the only one i really got into was basketball but the problem with only playing one sport is that you only play for a few months out of the year. So I decided that I had to find something to do for the seven to eight months that I wasn't playing basketball. So in decided to start watching movies, I started with some classics...
Educational years,
Fifth grade
protects, and honors the United States of America. Ever since I was a young boy, I saw greatness in the United States Army and hoped to one day be a part of it. I always envisioned myself in a leadership position and when I decided to join the Army, I knew being an officer was for me. To me, being an officer in the U.S. Army is a career unlike any other. There are many opportunities as an officer in the Army to advance, further education, and grow as a person. The army allows you to switch your MOS and...
Continental Army,
Officer Candidate School
Leadership and Organizational
Reflection Essay
The first smart goals I chose are to learn to become a leader and to have better time management skills. I chose these because I work on a small unit with no assigned charge nurse. Any day you go in to work it could be your day to be charge nurse so everyone on the unit needs to be able to step up and be a leader. Time management is a skill that every nurse needs to learn. In my opinion, if you have good time management skills it can...
Florence Nightingale,
life if she could have done anything to raise her children better. 2In Tillie Olsen’s short story “I Stand Here Ironing,” Olsen addresses the psychological development of the 3gradual alienation between mother and daughter from infancy to adulthood, where the mother uses an unconventional way of parenting her daughter and all her daughter craves is her mother’s love. Eventually, the daughter grows up not knowing love herself. 4,5Because the mother’s parenting is not conventional, it affects her child’s...
International Management
International Human Resource Management Course
Do I Want To Be An Expatriate?
Many students dream of becoming an expatriate or be working for some multinational firm with the prospect of to be given the foreign assignment in near future. Not unusual in these days. Not to mention the students at my university program – International Management, in which the word International emphasizes the future international work background...
Developed country
Topic: Write about the person whom you admire.
I. Vocabulary
Word | Part of speech | Meaning | Example |
sophomore | n | The second- year student | I’m a sophomore at Hai Phong private university now. |
petite | adj | Small, little of a woman or a girl | My sister is petite and many people want to be like her. |
extraordinary | adj | Exceeding he common degree, measure, condition. | Mozart has extraordinary talent about music. |
energy | n | Ability to act or work with strength and...
A Good School,
High school
Why I Write
People write for many reasons.
Some write to learn about themselves, express themselves, or to educate others. Still others write in an attempt to create a permanent record of thoughts, or to create a fictional world that can be shared with their readers.
For the most part, I have written and continue to write in order to get good grades.
The focus on different aspects of the writing experience has changed as I have become older.
In my freshman year of high school the main...
High school
if something tragic happened? When something bad happens to you, you think all of your friends are going to be there right next to you. I unfortunetaly learned the hard way that is not the case. I did learn that my family will be there no matter what happens in my life. Parents are there to put food on the table, take care of the kids, and make sure they are doing the best they can for their child/children.
I believe that family loves you no matter what: if you mess up, get injured, basically anything...
1998 singles,
2005 singles,
2007 singles
13th April 2013
Dear Mr. Cameron,
I am writing to express my opinion about the Wylfa nuclear power station issue. It is quite a controversial topic and I hope that you will listen to all I have to say.
This map shows Cemaes Bay in Anglesey, Wales, which is the location of the Wylfa power plant.
The current Wylfa power plant is due to shut down in 2014, but nuclear regulators have signed an agreement for plans to build new reactors in North Wales. This is the start of Horizon Nuclear Power’s proposals...
Energy development,
Fossil fuel
Andrea Longoria
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American films,
English-language films
Why I Want to be a Fire Fighter
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Fire department
&Why I Want a Wife& ? Judy Brady
&According to the dictionary, a wife is a &woman married to a man.& But, as many women know, a wife is much more: coo, housekeeper, nutritionist, chauffeur, friend, sex partner, valet, nurse, social secretary, ego-builder, and more. Rather than complains why she herself would like to have a wife.
I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother.
Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared...
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