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视频:爱尔兰承认堕胎合法 爱尔兰女性:我们创造了历史!爱尔兰全民公投 堕胎合法化了!爱尔兰全民公投 堕胎合法化了!大可的奇谈百家号爱尔兰在2018年5月 25日针对堕胎是否合法举行了全民公投,公投的结果于当地时间星期六晚上公布:赞成堕胎合法66.4%
不赞成堕胎合法33.6%,这表明,爱尔兰堕胎合法化了!据调查,有更多的年轻人比老年人更认同堕胎合法化,而最终的公投结果,几乎是压倒性的优势,更多的民众赞成了堕胎的合法化。结果或许表明,爱尔兰正朝着更为世俗化的方向走。堕胎合法化虽然可能带来一定的社会问题,比如堕胎的泛滥。但是禁止堕胎也会带来严重的社会问题,比如妇女偶然怀孕,如果怀孕之前两人没有很稳固的关系,或者胎儿经过检查有畸形或者疾病,如果必须要把胎儿生下来,对于孕妇和家庭来说,都是一个潜在的隐患。同时,禁止堕胎的社会问题,还不仅仅存在于把孩子生下来的那一刻,而更多的可能表现在孩子的成长方面。美国社会有一段时间犯罪率突然降低,而警察所做的与之前并没有什么差别,社会学家也百思不得其解,后来最终发现,犯罪率的降低和堕胎合法化有关系。这是因为,堕胎合法化使得孕妇可以对于自己的怀孕,有选择的决定生还是不生。这样就使得那些出生之后未获得父母关照的孩子的比例大大下降,而这些出生之后未获得父母后天良好关照和教育的孩子,过早的走入社会,就更有可能从事违法犯罪。是否允许堕胎是个关系到全社会的大问题。虽然世界很多国家已经宣布堕胎合法化,但是对于爱尔兰来说,堕胎合法化对于社会的冲击还是比较大的。其原因在于爱尔兰是一个天主教的国家,而天主教是禁止堕胎的。之前妇女堕胎不仅仅会受到道德的谴责,也会受到宗教的谴责,以及法律的制裁。因此,这次公投不仅仅是堕胎合法化的胜利,同时也是世俗对于宗教的胜利。爱尔兰也向着更为自由,宽容,多元的方向在走。爱尔兰这个对于禁止堕胎法案的废除,虽然胜利的有些迟,但是终于还是胜利了,中国由于没有天主教的包袱,因此不需要在堕胎这个问题上,有更多的考虑,我们已经在世俗化的方向走的很远了,不过,怀孕还是一件大事,因此小编认为,除非是非要堕胎不可的情形,如果怀孕,还是尽量把宝宝生下来吧。对于爱尔兰堕胎合法化的公投和公投结果,你怎么看呢?本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。大可的奇谈百家号最近更新:简介:文化啃老,文字创新,孔子曰:无可无不可作者最新文章相关文章BBC新闻:爱尔兰激辩堕胎是否应该合法_BBC Learning English_VOA英语网
:Timeline: Ireland and abortion
A referendum will take place on 25 May on whether to reform Ireland's strict abortion laws.
The vote will decide whether to repeal a constitutional amendment that effectively bans terminations.
1992 - a court case and referendum
A 14-year-old suicidal rape victim is initially prevented by the courts from travelling to England to terminate her pregnancy. It is a controversy that will become known as the X Case.
The ruling prompts demonstrations by both anti-abortion and pro-choice campaigners across Ireland, in New York and London.
However, the ruling is later overturned by Ireland's Supreme Court. It says the credible threat of suicide is grounds for an abortion in Ireland.
No government since then has enacted legislation to give medical practitioners legal certainty as to when terminations can be carried out.
In November that year, as a result of the X case and the judgement in the Supreme Court appeal, the government put forward three possible amendments to the constitution.
They are enumerated as the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth amendments. Two of them are passed.
The Thirteenth Amendment said the abortion ban would not limit freedom of travel from Ireland to other countries for a legal abortion.
The Fourteenth Amendment said Irish citizens had the freedom to learn about abortion services in other countries.
However, the Twelfth Amendment is rejected. It had proposed that the possibility of suicide was not a sufficient threat to justify an abortion.
Another referendum is held and the people of Ireland are asked if the threat of suicide as a ground for legal abortion should be removed.
It is again rejected (this time marginally) by voters.
After three women take a case against Ireland, the European Court of Human RightsHer husband, Praveen Halappanavar, says she repeatedly asked for a termination but was refused because there was a foetal heartbeat.
When asked if he thought his wife would still be alive if the termination had been allowed, Mr Halappanavar told the BBC: &Of course, no doubt about it.&
Following her death, about 2,000 protesters assemble outside the Irish parliament in Dublin to call for the Irish government to urgently reform the Republic's abortion laws.
Candle-lit vigils are held around the country.
Abortion legislation is again amended to allow terminations under certain conditions - the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act is signed into law.
It It calls for the strict prohibition to be reversed, including reforming the right to life of the unborn in the constitution if necessary, to allow women to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy safely.
The case involves a woman called Amanda Mellet who had to travel abroad for an abortion.
The UN committee says the hospital where she was treated did not provide any options regarding the foetus's remains and she had to leave them behind.
Three weeks later, the ashes are unexpectedly delivered to her by courier.
Ms Mellet files a complaint with the UN over her experiences.
She is later awarded compensation by the Irish government - thought to be the first time this had happened.
The move is hailed as &highly significant& by pro-choice campaigners.
Meanwhile, the terms of reference are outlined for a Citizens' Assembly to begin examining the Eighth amendment. This is a public body set up to advise the Irish government on a number of ethical and political dilemmas facing the Irish people.
The Citizens' AssemblyIt votes 64% to 36% in favour of having no restrictions in early pregnancy.
The chairperson, Justice Mary Laffoy, said: &The members voted that they wanted to remove Article 40.3.3 from the constitution, and for the avoidance of doubt, to replace it with a provision in the constitution, which would make it clear that termination of pregnancy, any rights of the unborn, and any rights of the pregnant woman are matters for the Oireachtas.
&In other words, it would be solely a matter for the Oireachtas to decide how to legislate on these issues.&
However, anti-abortion campaigners dismiss the results of the ballots as a &muddled and confused farce&.
An Oireachtas (Legislature of Ireland) committee in 2017 also recommends substantial reform of the law.
The committee's chair, Senator Catherine Noone, concludes that &we need some change& and in order to effect that the constitution needed to be amended to remove article 40.3.3.
The Irish government says it will hold a referendum in 2018 on 2018 - Referendum date set
Irish Housing Minister Eoghan Murphy signs an order to set the date of an abortion referendum.
The wording is then finalised, giving the go-ahead for voters to have their say on the issue.
It comes after Ireland's Supreme Court ruled that state protections for unborn babies do not extend beyond the right to life.
Voters will be asked if they want to repeal article 40.3.3.
The wording will be: &Provision may be made by law for the regulation of termination of pregnancies.&
来自: 文章地址:爱尔兰推出新政&留学生毕业后最长合法停留一年--教育频道 中国最权威教育网站_人民网--人民网
  人民网北京3月14日电&(记者&郝孟佳)日前,爱尔兰贸易与科技局在爱尔兰驻华大使馆召开发布会,发布了&爱尔兰教育&的新品牌标识。新标识由爱尔兰政府发起,旨在搭建吸引和招募海外留学生的平台,为学生提供独特的体验和长远的价值。  爱尔兰驻华大使戴克澜先生和&爱尔兰教育&品牌主任欧拉?巴特斯女士  爱尔兰驻华大使戴克澜在新闻发布会上表示,爱尔兰将采取长期和可持续发展的国际教育市场发展战略,努力为海外留学生提供高质量的教育服务,并将在发展和建设爱尔兰国际领先的教育品牌方面发挥积极作用。  前不久,爱尔兰政府刚刚发布了爱尔兰国际教育战略,重点关注了为海外学生提升教育质量问题。爱尔兰的签证、移民及劳动力市场准入政策将加强和更具竞争力,同时爱尔兰会采取新的奖学金计划以吸引国际高水平人才。  总部位于都柏林的“爱尔兰教育”品牌主任欧拉?巴特斯比女士在会上表示,爱尔兰优质教育名扬海外的基石来自于对优质教育的承诺,新政策将提升爱尔兰在国际教育市场的核心竞争力。比如,对于各学位课程的签证申请将会加快审批;留学生毕业后可以根据不同等级的学习和证书,在爱尔兰合法停留六个月到一年的时间,以获取工作机会。她说,学校有责任帮助学生寻找工作,爱尔兰有一千多家国际公司,可以提供很多的工作机会。  爱尔兰驻华商务参赞巴克利表示,爱尔兰在中国有一百多家企业,有的是办事处,有的是公司,企业的数量一直都在递增,爱尔兰公司更希望雇佣能说中文的员工,这就给中国学生提供了就业机会。
发短信上手机人民网爱尔兰驳回堕胎合法化草案 不允许胎儿畸形时堕胎_国际新闻_大众网
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【环球网报道 记者 赵怡蓁】据法国《费加罗报》7月7日报道,爱尔兰议会于当地时间7月7日驳回了一项法律草案。该草案内容为,在胎儿严重畸形的情况下,应将堕胎合法化。
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