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英语语料库(for CATTI)
BBC 听英语一、做工精湛仿造品愚弄艺术界毕加索、达芬奇、安迪?沃霍尔、肖恩?格林哈尔希??肖恩是谁?肖恩?格林 哈尔希可是艺术界的知名人物, 不过艺术界宁愿忘记他才好,因为他伪造并销售 仿真度极高的艺术品长达 17 年之久才被警方逮捕。课文内容词汇: Art 艺术On 17 November 2007 a man was jailed for producing works of art. Why? Because the sculptures and artefacts Shaun Greenhalgh made were fakes: fakes that had conned museums and galleries out of over ?500,000. Shaun had left school with no qualifications, but tried his hand at a wide range of crafts C from watercolour painting to sculpture. The young Greenhalgh hoped to make it as an artist himself. His pieces were not admired, however, and he turned to forgery. He ended up creating a cottage industry in his garden shed, with the help of his family. If the son had a talent for art, his father, George, had the gift of the gab and approached potential buyers. He came up with detailed stories about how he found artworks which had been lost for generations. In 2003, they sold a 50cm statue called the 'Amarna Princess' to Bolton Museum. George claimed his own grandfather had bought it at an auction in 1892 at an aristocrat's home, and had papers which appeared to back up his story. After talking to art experts, the museum paid more than ?400,000 for the statue. The successful scam made the forgers grow bolder. But when they approached the British Museum with some more fake artefacts, an expert spotted mistakes and tipped off the police. After 18 months of investigations, the police knocked at the family's door. They were surprised by the Greenhalgh's humble home. Where were the riches of successful criminals? The police concluded that Shaun was motivated by &a resentment of the art market& and by a desire to deceive art experts, rather than by money. But how did he manage to fool so many experts? Irvin Finkel from the British Museum says the family produced things that &in a way we were looking for already&. So when experts saw them they wanted to embrace these apparently long-lost treasures. 词汇表artefact 人工(艺术)制品 to con 欺骗,欺诈 to try your hand at 试试手,尝试亲自动手 craft 手工艺品,手艺 watercolour painting 水彩画 sculpture 雕刻,雕塑 forgery 伪造 cottage industry 家庭手工业,小作坊工业 the gift of the gab 能说会道 artwork 艺术品 auction 拍卖 aristocrat 贵族 back up 证实(说法) scam 骗局 to tip off 给(某人)通风报信 riches 财富 resentment 不满,愤恨测验与练习1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. True or false? Shaun Greenhalgh studied art at university before he became a professional painter. 2. Who was good at convincing people to buy the forgeries? 3. Why was the British Museum suspicious of their artwork? 4. What made the police think that Shaun Greenhalgh's main interest was not money? 5. What may have caused experts to be fooled by the Greenhalgh family? 2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。从每个表格中选择一个意思合适 的单词填入句子的空格处。 1. Vincent van Gogh produced nearly 150 __________ paintings during his life. He used vibrant colours. sculpture watercolour auctions riches 2. The lawyer presented evidence which backed __________ her statement. on at over up 3. Stephen can sell a fridge to an Eskimo. He has __________. tried his hand at it the gift of the gab a cottage industry tipped off 4. You have to be careful with these Ancient Egyptian __________. They are worth a fortune. riches fakes artefacts qualifications 5. Some people say that living with __________ is like taking poison and expecting the other person to get sick. con resentment appreciation talent答案1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 1. True or false? Shaun Greenhalgh studied art at university before he became a professional painter. False. Shaun Greenhalgh left school with no qualifications. 2. Who was good at convincing people to buy the forgeries? Shaun Greenhalgh's father, George, approached potential buyers and claimed that he had inherited the artworks. 3. Why was the British Museum suspicious of their artwork? Because an art expert spotted a mistake on one item. 4. What made the police think that Shaun Greenhalgh's main interest was not money? When they came to arrest the Greenhalghs, the police noticed that their house was not big and impressive C it was humble. 5. What may have caused experts to be fooled by the Greenhalgh family? Their willingness to believe that the pieces offered to them were the ones they were looking for. 2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。从每个表格中选择一个意思合适 的单词填入句子的空格处。 1. Vincent van Gogh produced nearly 150 watercolour paintings during his life. He used vibrant colours. 2. The lawyer presented evidence which backed up her statement. 3. Stephen can sell a fridge to an Eskimo. He has the gift of the gab. 4. You have to be careful with these Ancient Egyptian artefacts. They are worth a fortune. 5. Some people say that living with resentment is like taking poison and expecting the other person to get sick.二、三个表达“真实的”近义词区别本期节目的问题: I am not clear about the differences between real and authentic as well as true. Would you please explain it for me? Thanks and look forward hearing from you. Nancy, China 内容简介: 在日常对话或者写作中,real、authentic、true 这三个词出现的频率都很高。 从字面意思上看, 它们都带有“真的”的意思。那么到底区别在哪里呢?我们将 通过例句来一一为大家讲解。 听完节目,你觉得这三个词中哪两个最适合用在下 面例句中呢?(答案在页面下方) It's _______ that Qin Shi Huang was a ________ emperor in China. 如 果 你 有 英 语 疑 问 请 和 我 们 联 系 @BBC 英 语 教 学 或 者 发 邮 件 到:questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk.文字稿:Helen 大家好!欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的《你问我答》,我是 Helen。这是一档为大家 解答英语疑问的节目。我们非常欢迎大家通过邮件和我们联系,我们的邮箱是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk 。本期节目的问题来自 Nancy, 由我代读: Question I am not clear about the differences between 'real' and 'authentic' as well as 'true'. Would you please explain it for me? Thanks and look forward hearing from you. Nancy, China Helen 谢谢 Nancy 的提问,她想知道 real, authentic 和 true 这三个英语单词的区 别。从字面上看,这三个词都带有“真”的意思。那么区别到底在哪里呢?我们 将通过例句来一一为大家讲解。 首先我们来看 real 这个单词。Real 是英语里使用非常频繁的单词之一。它是 一个形容词,它的主要意思是“真正存在的东西,人或发生的事件”;强调不是 想象中的。比如: Examples Qin Shi Huang was a real emperor in China. 秦始皇真的是中国的一位皇帝。 There is a real threat that the school could close. 学校面临着被关闭的 危险是真正存在的。 I found a real fossil on the beach. 我在沙滩上找到了一块真正的化石。 Helen Authentic,也是形容词,它的一个常用含义是“有根据的,可靠可信的”。这 个词出现在古董收藏或者是需要鉴别真假的场景下指“真货”,比如: Examples This is an authentic vase from the Ming dynasty. 这是一个真正的明朝花 瓶。 This letter is now deemed authentic by the experts. 专家鉴定这封信是真 的。 After examination, we are sure this is an authentic painting by Van Gogh. 经过鉴定,我们确认这是梵高的一幅原画。 Helen 同时, authentic 这个词在用来表示我们吃到的东西是“地道的,原汁原味的” 时候,也常常被用到,比如: Examples Jemma's Kitchen is a place in London where you can sample authentic Sichuan street food. 位于伦敦的《Jemma 的厨房》餐厅是一个能品尝到地道四川小吃 的去处。 Helen 在以上几个含有 authentic 的例句中,有时候也可以用 real 来替代 authentic。 好,再让我们来看看 true 这个形容词,它的意思是“准确的,真实的”,强调 某事的真实性是基于事实的。 在表达事情或者感情是“真实的”的情况下,我们 往往会用 true。比如,“true love 真爱”,“true feeling 真感情”。偶尔 人们也会说“real love”或者“real feeling”, 但没有 “authentic love” 或“authentic feeling”这种说法。 请听例句: Examples The film was based on a true story. 电影是根据真实故事改编的。 It was true that Peter lost 500,000 pounds gambling. Peter 赌博输了 50 万镑,这是真的。 Helen 英语单词,尤其是同义词的使用是讲究语境的。在不同的语境中 real, authentic 和 true 这三个词还是有着细微的区别。 我们还是通过例句来体会一 下。 我拿着一部手机,但是你看不出来究竟是一部真的手机还是一个模型,你 会怎么问呢? Example A: Is it a real phone? 这是一个真的电话吗? B: Yes, it's a real phone. 是的,这是真的电话。 Helen 这里需要用 real。想像下一个场景:我给你看我收藏的一部英国威廉王子用过 的手机,你问我这部电话真的是威廉王子用过的? Example A: Is it authentic? 这是真的吗? B: Yes, it's authentic. It's been authenticated by experts. 是的,这是 真的。专家已经鉴定过了。 Helen 这里我们也可以用 real 来代替 authentic C “Is it real?”。下一个场景: 有人告诉你我家里放着一部价值 30 万人民币的手机, 你想知道这件事儿是真的 吗? Example A: Is it true that you have a phone worth 300,000 RMB? B: No, that's not true. Who told you that? 当然不是真的了?怎么可能呢? 谁说的? Helen 为了加深印象,我们再总结一下:authentic, true 和 real 都带有“真实的” 含义。 Authentic 常用于鉴定一件东西的真假, 比如古董; 它的另一个含义是“地 道的、原汁原味的”,用于对品味的描述;true 是用来强调事情的真实性是有 事实依据的,一个人说的话是不是真的?某件事情是不是真的发生了;real 是 英语中最常用的表达“真实的”单词之一,形容真正存在的东西、人或发生的事 件,不是想象中的东西。Real 在有些语境下能够替代 authentic 和 true。 好了, 希望以上的内容回答了 Nancy 的问题,同时也对大家的英语学习有帮助。 感谢收听,我们下次节目再见!答案:It's true that Qin Shi Huang was a real emperor in China.三、家具和居家物品的英语表达(Furniture and household item)本期节目的问题: I'm Cici, I'm from Shanghai, China. Look around our house, there are many different furniture. I want to know the names of different furniture, could you explain to me? That's all. Thank you. 内容简介: 衣食住行。 本期节目我们就来谈谈其中的“住”。看看你对用英语描述家居和家 具的掌握有多少。 这要首先感谢 Cici 的问题, 让我们能有机会畅谈一个很实用的问题。虽然你可 能对自己家里的每样家具和电器都很熟悉, 但是你知道其对应的英文名称吗?还 有, 英国人家里特有的家具和用品的名称你又了解多少?节目中的家具和居家用 品大盘点一定让你满意。 最后还“赠送”一个家具和居家物品汉英对照表。Happy Learning ! 欢迎你加入并和我们一起讨论英语学习的方方面面。请通过微博 @BBC 英语教学 或邮件与我们取得联系。邮箱地址是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. 文字稿: Yang Li 大家好!欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的《你问我答》 ,我是杨莉。这是一档为大家解 答英语疑问的节目。我们非常欢迎大家把自己的问题录音后通过邮箱发送给我 们,我们的邮箱是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk 。 本期节目的问题来自 Cici。 请听她的录音: Question I'm Cici, I'm from Shanghai, China. Look around our house, there are many different furniture. I want to know the names of different furniture, could you explain to me? That's all. Thank you. Yang Li 谢谢 Cici 的提问。 这可是个很实用的问题呀!一方面是不知道家具和汉语对应 的英文名称; 另一方面是英国人家里特有的、不为中国人所熟悉的家具和家居用 品怎么说。 好吧我们来一次家具盘点。请我的英国同事 Neil 介绍一下他自己家 中的家具和家居用品。Thanks for joining me today, Neil. Neil It's a pleasure. My home is a typical suburban house, with a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom 他说,“不客气。我的家是个典型的市郊房子,有两个卧室,一个客厅,一个厨 房和一个卫生间”。 Neil In my living room, I have a fireplace with a marble mantelpiece. There is a large mirror above the fireplace. I have chosen to install a large electric fire in the fireplace, which is the focal point of the room. Arranged around this I have a couple of comfortable sofas, a large coffee table, which I use to dump the bits and
anything from books, newspapers, and even, on occasion, my dinner! “在我的客厅里, 有一个壁炉, 壁炉架是大理石的, 上方有一个大镜子。我选择 安装了一个电壁炉使之成为客厅的中心点。在壁炉前我摆放了两个舒适的沙发, 中间是个大咖啡桌,放零零碎碎的东西,有报纸,书籍,偶尔还有我的晚餐。” Neil I also have a wide screen TV, a CD player, a digital radio and my two bookcases of course. I enjoy reading books and listening to music. My old-fashioned standard lamp is in the corner. “我还有宽屏电视,CD 播放器、数码收音机,当然还有我的两个书柜。我喜欢 读书和听音乐。墙角儿是个老式台灯。” Neil I have two large bedrooms, one with a double bed, the other with a king-size bed and a bunk bed which my nephews use when they come to visit me with their mum and dad! I was able to furnish both rooms with top quality wood furniture, including beautiful wardrobes with a matching dressing table and night tables. “我有两个大卧室, 一间卧室里有张双人床,另一间卧室里有一张加大双人床和 一张上下床, 我的两个侄子每次和他们父母来看我的时候都用这个上下铺!我给 两个房间里都购置了高质量的实木家具,包括漂亮的衣柜、配套的梳妆台和床头 柜。” Neil The style of my kitchen is quite modern, it has a solid wood theme for all the cabinets and work tops. As a contrast all my appliances are stainless steel, such as the refrigerator, the oven, the microwave and the kitchen sink. So are all the smaller gadgets such as my kettle, the coffee maker and the food mixer. “我的厨房是现代风格的, 实木主题的橱柜和台面。与其形成鲜明对照的是不锈 钢的电器,比如冰箱、烤箱和微波炉以及洗碗池都是不锈钢的。其他小电器,比 如热水壶,咖啡壶和食品搅拌机也都选择了不锈钢材料。” Neil My bathroom is a bit small, so I always describe it as 'compact'. Nevertheless, it manages to contain all the usual features, including a really nice shower, bath unit, with a matching basin and toilet, all in a modern style. “我的卫生间有点小, 我称它为“紧凑适用”吧。不过麻雀虽小五脏俱全,卫 生间配有一套很好的浴缸加淋浴,还有配套的洗手盆和马桶,整体感觉都是现代 风格的。” Yang Li 好了,听了这些希望你来试试哟,看你能不能把周围的所有家具用英语说出来。 还有困难吗?没关系, 我已经预料到了。所以我特意编纂了一个全方位的家具名 称列表 a list of some of the most commonly-used furniture and household appliances. 可以下载,收藏和随时查阅。再次感谢 Cici 的录音提问。希望大 家从中获益。感谢收听,我们下次节目再见! Furniture and household items 家具和家居物品 wardrobe (大)衣柜 dressing table 梳妆台,镜台 chest of drawers 五斗柜,衣柜 bedside/ chest table 床头柜 king-size bed 加大双人床 double bed 双人床 single bed 单人床 bunk bed 上下床 sofa bed 沙发床 settee 沙发 armchair 单人沙发,扶手椅 coat stand 衣帽架 coffee table 茶几,咖啡桌 bookcase 书柜 bookshelf 书架 stool 凳子 table 桌子 cupboard 放置衣服、食品等的橱柜 desk 办公桌,写字台 drinks cabinet 酒柜,饮料柜 filing cabinet 档案柜,公文柜 sideboard 餐具柜 doormat 门垫 dustbin 垃圾箱 dustpan and brush 簸箕和刷子 fuse box 保险丝盒 hot tap 热水龙头 houseplant 盆栽植物 ironing board 烫衣板 lampshade 灯罩 light switch 电灯开关 mop 拖把 ornament 装饰物四、手机没电了(out of juice)The script of this programme 本节目台词Helen: 欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学制作的《地道英语》节目。大家好,我是 Helen。 Neil: Hello everyone. I'm Neil. It's great to be here today Helen. Helen: You are very cheerful today. Neil: I feel pretty good, I walked from the train station to the office and the walk seems to have energised me. (phone rings) Helen: That's my mobile. Hello, hello? Anyone there? Hello? Neil: Oh dear Helen, it looks like you may be out of juice. Helen: 你说什么?I am not drinking any juice. 我可没喝果汁。不过我的手 机好像没电了。 Neil: That's what I mean. Your phone isn't working because it's out of juice. Helen: 请你解释一下:这个果汁 juice 和我的手机有什么关系呢? Neil: When you've used all the battery power of something like a mobile phone, so that it doesn't work anymore, we can say it's 'out of juice'. It's a slang expression. Helen: 我听明白了,out of juice 的意思就是“没电了”,不过大家要注意这 是个口语表达。请听例句。 Examples? ?My laptop's out of juice. This is so frustrating. I am packing three spare phone batteries so I don't run out of juice on my climbing trip.Helen: Can we use it for anything else apart from batteries? 除了表示 电池没电之外,这个短语还有其它用法吗? Neil: Sure, sometimes if a person feels low on energy, they could say, 'I'm out of juice'. Also if your car is low on petrol, you could say, 'The car's running out of juice.' Helen: 当一个人觉得自己能量很低的时候、没劲儿或者汽车没油的时候也能用 out of juice 来形容。Thanks for explaining this phrase. Now I'm feeling quite thirsty - a glass of juice would be most welcome. Neil: Let's get some then. Meanwhile, charge your phone, so it's got plenty of juice. Helen: Will do. Neil: See you next time. Both: Bye!五、你爱吃甜食吗?(Sweet tooth)Finn 又牙疼了!他埋怨他的母亲给了他一口“甜牙”;不过 Li 认为该受埋怨 的是英国的“甜文化”。他们到底在打什么哑谜? 文字稿 Li 欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的《地道英语》节目。我是杨莉,和我在一起的还有我的 同事 Finn。Hi Finn. (Finn is suffering from a bad toothache) Finn Hello everyone? Li Oh dear, your face is a bit swollen. What's the matter? 怎么脸肿了? Finn I've got this bad toothache again! You know, blame my mother for giving me a sweet tooth. Li Yes you are very sweet and you always bring us nice chocolates and sweets. 你的确很甜,总给我们带好吃的东西。But why should you blame your mother for this great quality C your kindness? Finn Oh that's very sweet of you Li, but the phrase to have 'a sweet tooth' is another way of saying that someone craves sweet food all the time, such as sweets, deserts and chocolates. Li I see. 啊明白了。英语短语 to have a sweet tooth 常常用来表示某人特爱吃 甜点。比如,糖果,巧克力和蛋糕等甜品。 Finn That's right. Have you noticed that I take five sugars for my tea? I usually have six or seven cups of tea every day, Li! Li It sounds like you do have a sweet tooth! Let's hear some examples of how this expression is used: Examples John always has a bag of sweets open on his desk. He's got such a sweet tooth. I wish I didn't have a sweet tooth, because I had four rotten teeth pulled out and eight filled when I was only twenty. Li You know what Finn, don't blame your mother. 你该埋怨的呀不是你妈妈, 而是英国的‘甜文化’。我觉得英国的甜品世界数第一! Blame the 'sweet' culture of Britain. I think that this country makes the best deserts in the world! Finn Well it is difficult to resist the temptation of those yummy cakes you see in the shops! Li So, seeing as you've got such bad toothache, perhaps I could help you with the delicious cheesecake you have with you in the studio? Finn Oh? you are cheeky, aren't you, Li? Li I will buy you one back when your toothache is gone, I promise. Finn That's a deal! Li and Finn Bye.六、常客,长期没有变动的人(Part of the furniture)Helen 告诉 Neil 她碰到了一个 Neil 的老同事。Neil 回想起他的工作史,还 用到了一个听似不太礼貌的比喻,听听 Neil 是怎么解释这个比喻的用法吧。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编 辑过程中对节目做出的改变。) Helen 大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的《地道英语》。 我是 Helen,和我在一起的 还有我的同事 Neil。 Neil Hello everyone. Helen Neil, guess who I met yesterday? Neil No idea. Anyone I know? Helen The name is Jonathan Kendall - he said you guys worked together a long time ago. Neil Oh yes, we did. Gosh, it must have been nearly 15 years ago if my memory is right. Helen Wow, that is a long time ago. Neil So, what is he doing now? Helen He works at Radio Melody. He is now the station manager. Neil He is still there! Wow, he really is part of the furniture. Helen What do you mean 'he's part of the furniture'? 说某人是家具的一部分, 这好像不太礼貌吧?That doesn't sound very polite. Neil Oh, I don't mean it literally. It's an expression we use to describe someone or something that's been in the same place for a very long time. You almost think they will be there forever. Helen Right, I've got it. 说某人是“家具的一部分”的实际意思是“常客”或“长 期没有变动的人”犹如家里或办公室常年摆设的家具一样,固定不变,大家都习 以为常了。 让我们来听几个例句吧。 Examples John has been the school caretaker for nearly twenty years. He's become part of the furniture. We come here so often, it's almost as if we are part of the furniture. She's had a seat in parliament for over 50 years - she's part of the furniture in the House of Commons. Helen So, how long have you been at the BBC? Neil I've lost count. Let me see, I left school at 18, did an apprenticeship for 2 years and then I joined BBC in 1995. Helen That's twenty years. My goodness! So you are part of the furniture at the BBC! Neil Yes, you are absolutely right. Where have all the years gone? Helen Will you be here for the next twenty years? Neil Who knows? Let's wait and see.七、私人专属时间(Me time)Are you tired of doing everything for others? Take some me time! The script of this programme 本节目台词 Feifei: 欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学制作的 《地道英语》 节目。 大家好, 我是冯菲菲。 Rob: ?and me, Rob. Hello. I'm afraid I won't be here for long, Feifei. Feifei: Why? What's happened, Rob? Rob: Well, I have so much to do. I have to write some texts, I am presenting this and two other programmes, and ? yes, I have to upload material to our website? Feifei: That's a lot to do, and you look stressed. Rob: Yeah. It's not just that? I have to take my son to school, my cat to the vet, buy my wife a birthday present... Feifei: Rob, 你也太忙了点儿吧。You need some 'me time'! Rob: Oh yes, I do! That would be brilliant! Me time is an expression which means time we have for ourselves to do just what we want. Yes, I really do need some me time. Feifei: Me time 这个表达的意思是属于自己的、用来放松的、做自己想做的事 情的私人时间。下面我们来听几个使用 me time 的例句。 Examples I've just sent my mum to a spa in the countryside. She's been taking care of the whole family and is really in need of some me time! A: Oh, six in the morning! I'm going to be late for work! B: Ignore the alarm clock today. It's Sunday! Stay in bed till late and have some me time. Feifei: 哎,我觉得 Rob 的生活这够忙碌的,要不我做个好人给他点儿“私人 时间”。You know, Rob, these examples have inspired me so much that I'll let you have some me time for the rest of the programme. Rob: Really?! Feifei: Yes. What do you like to do to relax? Rob: Well? I'd like to ? Feifei: Yes? Rob: What I'd like, I'd really really like is? to take a nap. And now I'm going to do just that. OK. Thanks Feifei. Bye everyone! Feifei: Rob? Rob? 睡着了,咱们就让他安静的休息会儿吧。谢谢大家收听,我 们下次再会。Bye!八、这么多有关”dog”的句子,竟然都和“狗”无关在中国,与狗有关的词语大都不是特别好的意思。 比如:狗屁不通、狗仗人势、狗急跳墙、人模狗样、狗尾续貂、狼心狗肺、鸡犬 升天?? 好像,一提到狗,整个世界都是满满的恶意。 然而,在西方,“dog”的身份绝对不仅仅只是宠物这么简单,大多数的情况下, 他们扮演的甚至是家人的角色。 狗狗死后,人们会为它立墓碑;狗狗生病了,有专门的宠物医院和医生照顾; 在俄罗斯,打狗狗和在中国酒驾量刑差不多,是要被监禁的。 而狗狗在西方文明中受到的尊重,通过语言,就已经展示出来了。 大量使用“dog”的词组和句子都是充满了褒义和善意的表达。 比如: a lucky dog 幸运者; a big dog 大款; a top dog 身居要职的人。 可见, 在西方, 狗有着仅次于人的地位, 它是可以用来形容人的。 如果你不了解, 别人跟你讲:a lucky dog, 你或许还以为别人在骂你,那笑话可不是闹的一点 两点的了。 除了人以外,与狗狗有关的词汇还可以用来形容天气。The dog days of summer 是指一年中最热的三伏天。Rain cats and dogs。是指倾盆大雨,而不是雨淋猫 狗。 当然,还有更多的在日常生活中会用到 dog 的句子。 今天我们举例一些经常会见到的句子,希望大家不要在沟通中闹笑话咯! 1.to lead a dog's life 形容人过着贫困潦倒、惨不忍睹的生活 Tom’s been leading a dog's life since he got divorced。 汤姆自离婚后一直过着混沌潦倒的日子。 2.dog eat dog 残酷、竞争激烈 Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world。 有人说,我们生活在一个竞争激烈的世界。 3.work like a dog 指一个人努力、卖命地工作 They say that to be successful, a person has to work like a dog。 他们说,一个人想要成功就得拼命工作。 4.dog-tired 筋疲力尽 Such hard work can make him dog-tired。 如此坚辛的工作使他疲惫不堪。 5.sick as a dog 病得严重 The situation would be even worse if she became sick as a dog。 如果她病得厉害,情况会更糟。 6.Every dog has its days。每个人都有属于自己的运气/每个人都有时来运转 的一天 Don't give up and try your best I believe every dog has its day。 不要放弃,继续努力,我相信每个人都会有成功的时候。 7.You can never teach an old dog new tricks. 老古董学不会新东西 You're never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a computer. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, you know。 不要指望教你 79 岁的老父亲学会电脑。年长的人学不会新事物。 8.meaner than a junkyard dog 冷漠,不友好 He is a man meaner than a junkyard dog。 他是一个残酷、冷漠的男人。 9.His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴、豆腐心 I wouldn't be scared of her if I were you. Her bark's a lot worse than her bite。 如果我是你,我不会怕她。她是个刀子嘴,豆腐心的人。 10.let sleeping dogs lie 不要自找麻烦、自讨苦吃 Green is trying to let sleeping dogs lie。 格林在努力避免招惹是非。九、我要疯了……(Go potty) 内容简介 家里有小朋友的朋友们可能听说过 potty 这个词。不过它的意思在这里是不一 样的,什么事情能让 Neil 不停的说 potty? 快来听听吧。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。 本文稿可能没有体现录 制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。 ) Helen Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Helen and joining me today is Neil. Neil Hello everyone. Helen Neil, tell me your first ever job? Neil I worked in a local supermarket stacking shelves when I was sixteen. Helen How was it? Neil It’s quite boring, just moving things from one place to another. But I was very happy when I got my first pay check. Helen And how long did you stay in your first job? Neil No very long, about three months during the summer holiday. If I stayed there any longer, I would have gone potty. Helen What, potty? Did you have to get permission to use the toilet? Neil Oh no, nothing like that. Nobody needed permission to go to the toilet. Helen Well, you said you would have gone potty. My baby son has to be reminded about his potty every day. Neil Helen! I used the word ‘potty’ to mean that I would be ‘going crazy’ if I had to work in the supermarket forever. It’s not baby poo, wee-wee potty. Helen Oh, I’m sorry. 我是习惯反映,一听到 potty 就想到小朋友们用的小尿盆。 但你说的不是这个意思。 Neil No, they are two very different things. If someone is potty or is going potty, that means they are crazy or going crazy. Helen Neil 说的 potty 或者 go potty 意思是疯癫的,发疯了。 让我们来听几个例 句吧。 Examples My boss wants me to work on New Year’s day for no extra money, he must be potty. 我老板让我元旦加班,还不付加班费,他疯了吗? She’s potty to sale off her car so cheaply. 她肯定疯了才会这么便宜的把车给卖了。 Neil There is another mean to ‘potty’. If someone is really keen on something we can use the phrase ‘to be potty about something’. For example, my brother potty about comic books, he spent all his savings collecting them. Helen Neil 说 potty 还有另一个意思是“对什么东西着迷‘。比如他的弟弟对漫画特 别着迷,他把所有的存款都花在收集漫画上了。 Neil Well, I am glad we cleared up the meaning on that. It won’t do us any good if people heard us arguing over potties. Helen Oh no. They’d think we’ve gone potty. Both Bye.十、不得不吞的苦药(A bitter pill to swallow)内容简介菲菲因为晋升不成功而有些沮丧。 Rob 试图开导菲菲, 但他用了一个奇怪的成语, 字面意思是“难以下咽的药片”。听节目,看 Rob 用这个成语安慰菲菲到底是 什么意思?文字稿(关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。 本文稿可能没有体现录 制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。)Feifei 大家好,欢迎收听《地道英语》。我是冯菲菲,还有我的同事 Rob。 Rob Hi everyone? errr, Feifei, are you OK? You don't sound as cheerful as normal. Feifei I feel terrible today C I've got a headache, I feel really tired? I think I'm developing flu. 我看我还是吃点儿药吧。 Rob Hold on Feifei. Are you sure you're getting flu? This hasn't got anything to do with that job promotion that you didn't get? Feifei Of course not? well maybe a little. Rob Hmm, I know you wanted that promotion so much but Daisy got it instead. Feifei Exactly C and I've been working here much longer than her and I have loads more experience. It's so unfair! Rob I know? it's a bitter pill to swallow. Feifei 我知道这些药片苦, 不过我们都知道“良药苦口利于病”。 我说, 我升值不成功, 这又病了,你能同情一下我吗? Rob I was Feifei! When I said 'it's a bitter pill to swallow' I really meant it's a situation that’s unpleasant and difficult to accept. Feifei OK, I see! You're saying I'm finding Daisy's promotion hard to accept? Rob It's tough Feifei but that's the way things are. Let's hear some more examples of this phrase in action. Examples When John found out about his wife's affair with his best friend, it was a bitter pill to swallow. It was a bitter pill to swallow knowing that my older sister finished the race quicker than me. My friend has booked the same flights as me for half the price C it's a bitter pill to swallow! Feifei 在英语里,表达 a bitter pill to swallow 的意思是“不得不吞的苦药、苦果, 必须接受的严酷现实”。也就是说,就算不喜欢、不同意、不赞同也没办法,只 能接受。Hmm, I like the phrase but it doesn't make me feel any better. Rob You'll just have to swallow the decision Feifei! Daisy is going to be your boss from now on. Feifei Oh dear? I think my flu might be getting worse now? 我还是把药吃了吧。 Yuk, that really was bitter! Rob I think two tablets are enough for now Feifei. Maybe you should take tomorrow off work. Feifei What a great idea, Rob! See you later. Rob Bye!十一、物美价廉(Cheap and cheerful)内容简介 Neil 和 Li 谈 论 他 们 收 到 的 圣 诞 礼 物 。 Li 形 容 她 的 礼 物 是 “cheap and cheerful”。可是 Neil 的太太给他买的智能手表却是 cheap and nasty。这两 个短语是什么意思?听节目。 文字稿 (关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。 本文稿可能没有体现录 制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。 ) Li 大家好。欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学节目《地道英语》 。我是杨莉。今天我的搭档是 Neil. Neil Hello everyone. How was your Christmas, Li? Did you receive lots of nice presents? Li Yes, loads. 是啊,我收到了很多圣诞礼物,不过都不是很贵重的东西。 Everything was cheap and cheerful. Neil Oh, that's a nice phrase you used. When people say that something is cheap and cheerful, they mean the product doesn't cost much but it serves its purpose. The customer is happy with it! Li 没错,cheap and cheerful 是个很地道的英式表达,形容一件商品或物品既不 贵又适用,物美价廉。So it is a positive phrase. Let's hear a couple of examples of how it is used. Examples She enjoys shopping for cheap and cheerful presents. He made a lot of money from designing cheap and cheerful toys for children. Li Some people design very clever little gifts. Look at this nice bracelet. It's actually a USB stick! Neil That reminds me of the smart watch my wife bought me online. In less than a week the battery has completely gone! It's useless. Li Neil 说,他太太从网上给他买的一块智能手表才用了不到一个星期就没电了。 这就不是物美价廉喽。If the quality is bad, I would use another phrase: 'cheap and nasty'! 这叫“价廉物劣”,也是一个有用的短语。Let's hear some examples. Examples Oh, everything in this shop is cheap and nasty. Don't buy anything. My boyfriend is very stingy. The hotel where we stayed was cheap and nasty. I wouldn't recommend it. Neil To be honest I don't like online shopping because you can easily be fooled by their wonderful-looking pictures. Li 是啊,本想追求物美价廉 cheap and cheerful, 可是弄不好,反倒赔钱,因为, 到手的物品粗制滥造 cheap and nasty ! 谁都不会喜欢的。 Neil No one likes a product that is cheap and nasty, but I hope everyone likes the two phrases we have taught today. Li Cheers! Neil Bye!十二、词 汇一、海淘党双 11 必备购物英语! 海淘党双 11 必备购物英语!超实用! 中国日报网双语新闻 中国日报网双语新闻话说,双 11 马上就要来了,你懂的。 双语君特意整理了实用海淘英语,送给早就准备好买买买的你!选购商品海淘的第一步,一定要看懂关于宝贝的各种信息。 商品详情 Details ?物品种类 all departments 所有分类 appliances 电器 arts, crafts & sewing 美术、手工、缝纫用品 automotive 汽车用品 baby 母婴用品 beauty 美容化妆品 cell phones & accessories 手机及配件 clothing & accessories 服装配饰 collectibles & fine art 收藏品艺术品 CDs & Vinyl CD、黑胶唱片grocery & gourmet food 杂货、食品 health & personal care 健康、个人护理品 home & kitchen 家具、厨房用品 industrial & scientific 工业、科学用品 jewelry 首饰 movies & TV 电影电视 musical instruments 乐器 office products 办公用品 patio, lawn & garden 园艺用品 sports & outdoors 运动、户外用品 tools & home improvement 家装工具 toys & games 玩具游戏 video games 电子游戏 ?宝贝信息 in stock 有货 out of stock 断货 only x left in stock 只剩 x 件 new 全新 used 二手 size 尺寸 color 颜色 origin 产地 qty = quantity 数量 product details 产品详情 sold by xx 由 xx 商家出售 new product display 上架新品 quality guarantee 品质保证 ?常见表达 Material: Wool Blend 布料:羊毛混纺 Occasion: Casual 场合:休闲 Garment Care: Hand-wash and Machine washable 衣服护理:手洗,也可机洗 Fit: Runs small (59%) 合身度:偏小(基于 59%的评论) Platform measures approximately 1& (鞋子)防水台高约 1 英寸 Frequently bought together... 经常和此商品一起购买的商品?? Customers who bought this item also bought... 购买此商品的人还购买了?? 折扣与价格 Discount product promotions 商品促销 you save x% 为你节省 x% best seller 最畅销 today's deals 今日特价 list price 市场价 price 现价 promotional codes 优惠码 gift/egift cards (电子)礼品卡 浏览评价 Customer reviews ?4 out of 5 stars 4 星评价 ?Excellent Bag! Worth every penny!! 超棒的包包!物有所值! ?The zippers are poor quality. 拉链质量好差。 ?Thumb's up for general quality and warmth. 整体质量和保暖度好评。 ?It performed as advertised. 和卖家描述得差不多。 ?Great jacket. Super comfy! 衣服超棒,超级舒服! ?Cute but not very durable. 可爱但是不耐穿。 ?WAY TOO SMALL! Had to return. 太小了!!!必须退货。 增值服务 Services free shipping 免费送货 shipping weight 送货重量 gift-wrap available 提供礼品包装 free return 免费退货下单与支付 下单 Order placement add to cart 加入购物车 place your order 下单 checkout 结账 shipping method 送货方式 tracking number 订单编号 送货 Shipping shipping & handling 配送费 tracking number 快递追踪编号 free shipping on orders over $100 满一百美金包邮 ?Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to countries outside the US. 送货:此商品支持直邮到美国以外的国家。 ?Shipping Advisory: This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order. Additional shipping charges will not apply. 送货公告:此商品必须与其他物品分开包装,不会另收运费。 发货地址 Shipping address 信用卡信息填写完成后,接下来重要的一步,就是填写个人信息了。地址的填写 是关键,顺序和中文正好相反,从小到大。 ? 常用地址词汇 甲/乙/丙/丁 -A/B/C/D 楼/层 -/F 号 -No. 室/房-Room 单元-Unit 楼/栋- Building 住宅区/小区 - Residential Quater 公司 -Com.或 Crop 或 LTD.CO 号宿舍 - Dormitory 厂 -Factory 酒楼/酒店 -Hotel 巷/弄 -Lane 路 -Road 花园- Garden 院- Yard 街- Street 大学 - College 信箱 -Mailbox 村-Vallage 镇 -Town 县 - County 区 - District 市 - City 省 - Prov. 邮编 - zip code ? 举例 河南省南阳市中州路 42 号 No.42, Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City, Henan Province 中山市东区亨达花园 7 栋 702 Room 702, Building No 7, Hengda Garden, East District, Zhongshan 支付 Payment 有了心仪的商品,支付时也别急着付钱,看清楚对方收款的币种,必要时确认下 汇率,才能确保不花冤枉钱。 ? 国外常见的支付方式 1. Paypal 2. Visa/Mastercard 3. TT(Tested Cable/Telex 电汇) ? 海淘时需要辨认的货币 亚洲 CNY 人民币 HKD 港币 JPY 日元 KRW 韩元 THB 泰铢 TWD 新台币 SGD 新加坡元 欧美 GBP 英镑 EUR 欧元 USD 美元 RUB 卢布 CAD 加元 AUD 澳大利亚元 CHF 瑞士法郎 ? 在线支付相关词汇 payment methods 支付方式 payment due 应付货款 pay on delivery 货到付款 balance 余额 Savings account 储蓄帐户 Card type 银行卡类型 Debit card 借记卡 Credit Card 信用卡 Card No 银行卡号 I.D. 证件 I.D. No 证件号码 Transfer 转账 CVV 信用卡背面的后三位数,即 Card Verification Value(信用卡验证值), 也称 CVC(Card Verification Code,信用卡验证码)和 security code(安全 码)。 ? 与客服交流 有些问题,比如支付细节等等,你还不是很明白,这是就要致电询问客服,而下 面这段对话一定能帮到你。 关于支付细节的对话: A: Mr White, may I pay by Alipay? 怀特先生,我可以用支付宝吗? B: Alipay is only accepted if the amount involved for each transaction is less than $1000. 我们只接受每笔交易 1000 美金以下的支付宝付款。 A:So what's your requirement of payment? 那么您有什么付款要求呢? B:We request a 10% payment at the time of ordering. 我方要求订货时交纳 10%的预付款。售后问题海淘一族也不是顺风顺水的, 遇到售后问题怎么办,以下这些表达可以帮助你和 国外客服沟通。 账号登陆出现问题 : ?My account is (账号邮箱), and I can't log on with my password. Could you please help check my account and confirm my registration status? Thanks. 我的账号是 xxx,现在用我的密码无法登陆账号,能否帮我查看一下账号注册状 态?谢谢。 催促网站发货 : ?My order number is (订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). I kindly request you accelerate the processing. Thanks. 我的订单号是 XXX,某月某日下单,请快一点发货谢谢。 要求发货合箱 : ?My order number is (订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). I'm writing to ask if you could ship all things that I ordered in a single package, instead of separating them into several packages. Thank you. 我的订单号是 XXX,某月某日下单。我想询问一下是否可以把我的订单都合在一 起发货,不要分开发货,谢谢。 申请退货 : ?My order number is (订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). I'd like to return the item as the color is different from what I expected. Could you offer me free shipping label so that I can return it? Thanks. 我的订单号是 XXX,某月某日下单。由于宝贝的颜色和我想的不一样,现在想退 货。可否给我一个免费退货标签?谢谢。 追问快递号 : ?My order number is (订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). Is it possible that I have the tracking number of it? Thanks. 我的订单号是 XXX,某月某日下单。可否告知快递追踪编号?谢谢。 要求退回差价 : ?My order number is (订单号). I have purchased the item from your website only to notice a few days later that its price has dropped about $8. Could you refund me the price difference to my original credit card, please? Thanks. 我的订单号是 XXX。我从你们网站买了这件商品没几天就发现宝贝降了 8 刀。你 能不能给我补回差价,把钱打到原信用卡账号上呢?谢谢。 追问砍单原因 : ?My order number is (订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). I found that you have cancelled it without notifying me. May I know the reason? 我的订单号是 XXX,某月某日下单。我发现你们没有通知我,就把我的订单取消 了,可否告知原因? 修改送货地址 : ?My order number is (订单号), which was placed on (订单日期). Is there any chance I could change my shipping address? The new address is XXX. Thanks. 我的订单号是 XXX,某月某日下单。能否修改一下我的送货地址?我的新地址是 XXX。谢谢。 售后相关词汇 online dispute 网上纠纷 negative comment/feedback 差评 rate this item 给宝贝评分 write a review 评价 buyers shows 买家秀 change or cancel an order 修改或取消订单 track a package/parcel 追踪包裹 returns and refunds 退货、退款 replace or exchange items 换货 return a gift 退还礼品 check return status 查看退货状态 print return label 打上退货标签 prepare package 准备包裹二、如何描述一个人 中国日报网双语新闻 中国日报网双语新闻从外貌到性格, 从特征到风格, 掌握以下词汇你也能用英语准确描绘出一个人哦。 Physical Appearance 外貌 ?Hair 头发 Straight 直(发) Curly 卷(发) Cropped 短(发) Black 黑色 Auburn 红褐色 Blonde 金(发) Brunette 深褐色 ?Height 身高 Towering 人高马大 Tapering 又高又瘦 Lanky 瘦长的(贬义) Squat 矮胖的 Dwarfish 矮小的 ?Shapes 身材 Curvaceous 有曲线的(用于女性) Chiseled 轮廓分明的(用于男性) Rotund 浑圆的 Plump 圆胖的 Well-built 健美的 Personality 个性 Calm 冷静的 Impulsive 冲动的 Arrogant 傲慢的 Humble 谦卑的 Eccentric 古怪的 Charismatic 有魅力的 Extroverted 外向的 Introverted 内向的 Easy-going 随和的 Aggressive 好胜的,咄咄逼人的 Shy 害羞的 Characteristics & Traits 特征 Adorable 可爱的 Clever 聪明的 Intelligent 智慧的,理解力强的 Generous 慷慨的 Mysterious 神秘的,难懂的 Creative 富有创造力的 Flexible 灵活的,能变通的 Sensitive 敏感的 Moody 情绪化的 Snobbish 势利的;自命不凡的 Sensible 理智的 Emotional 感性的 Sophisticated 世故的 Grumpy 性格暴躁的 Humorous 幽默的 Excitable 易激动的 Industrious 勤奋的 Style 时尚风格 Flamboyant 华丽浮夸 Chic 时髦雅致 Eclectic 兼收并蓄 Modest 简约端庄 Casual 休闲名著中的经典形象描写学了这么多,来看实例吧。以下文学名著的经典人物被描绘地惟妙惟肖,这些作 家们是如何用词的呢?一起来学习吧。 斯嘉丽 Scarlett 出处:《飘》(Gonewith the Wind)作者:玛格丽特?米切尔 (Margaret Mitchell)ScarlettO'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. 那斯嘉丽?奥哈拉小姐长得并不美, 可是极富于魅力, 男人见了她, 往往要着迷, 就像塔尔顿家那一对双胞胎兄弟似的。 But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. 可是质地虽然不调和,她那一张脸蛋儿却实在迷人得很,下巴颏儿尖尖的,牙床 骨儿方方的。 Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends. 她的眼珠子是一味的淡绿色,不杂一丝儿的茶褐,周围竖着一圈儿粗黑的睫毛, 眼角微微有点翘。 Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin - that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded with bonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns. 上面斜竖着两撇墨黑的蛾眉, 在她那木兰花一般白的皮肤上,划出两条异常惹眼 的斜线。 就是她那一身皮肤, 也正是南方女人最最喜爱的, 谁要长着这样的皮肤, 就要拿帽子、面罩、手套之类当心保护着,舍不得让佐治亚那大热的太阳晒黑。 达西 Darcy作者:简?奥斯汀 (Jane Austen)His friend Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year. 他的朋友达西先生立刻引起全场的注意, 因为他身材魁伟, 眉清目秀, 举止高贵, 于是他进场不到五分钟,大家都纷纷传说他每年有一万磅的收入。 The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr Bingley. 男宾们都称赞他一表人才,女宾们都说他比彬格莱先生俊美得多。 And he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the ti for he was di to be above his company, and above being pleased. 人们差不多有半个晚上都带着爱慕的目光看着他。最后人们才发现他为人骄傲, 看不起人,巴结不上他,因此对他起了厌恶的感觉,他那众望所归的极盛一时的 场面才黯然失色。 罗切斯特 Rochester 出处:《简?爱》(Jane Eyre) 作者:夏洛蒂?勃朗特 (Charlotte Bronte)His figure was enveloped in a riding cloak, fur collar its details were not apparent, but I traced the general points of middle height and considerable breadth of chest. 他身上裹着骑手披风,戴着皮毛领,系着钢扣子。他的脸部看不大清楚,但我依 稀辨认得出,他大体中等身材,胸膛很宽。 He had a dark face, with stern featu his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful a he was past youth, but had not reached middle- perhaps he might be thirty-five. 他的脸庞黝黑,面容严厉、眉毛浓密;他的眼睛和紧锁的双眉看上去刚才遭到了 挫折、并且愤怒过。他青春已逝,但未届中年,大约三十五岁。于连 Julien 出处:《红与黑》(The Red and the Black) 作者:司汤达 (Stendhal)Hewas a lad eighteen or nineteen years of age, small in stature, with irregular but delicate features, and of a constitution apparently weakly. 他是个十八、九岁的瘦小青年,看起来羸弱,面部的轮廓也不大周正,但颇为清 秀。 H and his large black eyes, which in quiet moments showed thought and vivacity, were ablaze now with the fiercest hatred. 还有一个鹰勾鼻子。一双大而黑的眼睛,静时显露出沉思和热情。此刻却闪烁着 最凶恶的憎恨的表情。 His dark brown hair, growing very low on his forehead, gave him a narrow brow, that in moments of anger looked positively wicked. 深褐色的头发长得很低,盖住了大半个额头,发怒的时候凶相毕露。 His face would hardly be remarked among the infinite variety of human countenances by any feature particularly striking. 他的容貌并不出众,在芸芸众生中并不会引人注目。 His slight, well-proportioned figure gave evidence more of agility than of strength. 他的身材修长而匀称,更多地显示出敏捷而非力量。玛格丽特 Marguerite 出处:《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias) 作者:小仲马 (Alexandre Dumas, fils)Itwas impossible to see more charm in beautythan in that of Marguerite... 玛格丽特可真是个绝色女子?? Set, in an oval of indescribable grace, two black eyes, surmounted by eyebrows of so pure a curve that it
在一张流露着难以描绘其风韵的鹅蛋脸上,嵌着两只乌黑的大眼睛,上面两道弯 弯细长的眉毛,纯净得犹如人工画就的一般; veil these eyes with lovely lashes, which, when drooped, cast their shadow on the ro 眼睛上盖着浓密的睫毛,当眼帘低垂时,给玫瑰色的脸颊投去一抹淡淡的阴影; trace a delicate, straight nose, the nostrils a little open, in an ardent aspiration toward th 细巧而挺直的鼻子透出股灵气,鼻翼微鼓,像是对情欲生活的强烈渴望; design a regular mouth, with lips parted graciously over te 一张端正的小嘴轮廓分明,柔唇微启,露出一口洁白如奶的牙齿; colour the skin with the down of a peach that no hand has touched, and you will have the general aspect of that charming countenance. 皮肤颜色就像未经人手触摸过的蜜桃上的绒衣――这些就是这张美丽的脸蛋给 您的大致印象。 The hair, black as jet, waving naturally or not, was parted on the forehead in two large folds and draped back over the head, leaving in sight just the tip of the ears, in which there glittered two diamonds, worth four to five thousand francs each. 黑玉色的头发,不知是天然的还是梳理成的,像波浪一样地鬈曲着,在额前分梳 成两大绺,一直拖到脑后,露出两个耳垂,耳垂上闪烁着两颗各值四五千法郎的 钻石耳环。三、天冷吃火锅!锅底、酱料、食材英文大搜罗 中国日报网双语新闻 中国日报网双语新闻很多人不喜欢冬天,认为冬天是伤感的季节。 但双语君不这么认为因为,冬天在我心中是吃火锅的最佳季节。 看着食材在高汤中翻滚,想着那鲜美炽热的口感?? 但是!如果你带着歪果仁去吃火锅,要怎么给人家介绍菜单上那些食材,特别是 五花八门的调味料呢?别急,我们都给你准备好了!工具 equipment : 便携式炉灶 portable burner 电磁炉 induction cooker 筷子 chopsticks 小漏勺 small strainers 浅碗 shallow bowl 火锅锅底 soup base 清汤锅 plain broth 麻辣锅 spicy broth 鸳鸯锅 double-flavor hot pot 菌汤锅 mushroom soup pot 微辣 mildly spicy 中辣 moderately spicy 特辣 very spicy 调味料 seasoning 蘸酱 dipping sauce 芝麻酱 sesame paste 海鲜酱 hoisin sauce 辣椒酱 chili sauce 超级辣酱 tabasco sauce 花生酱 peanut sauce 豆腐乳 fermented bean curd 老干妈 Lao Gan Ma Chili Black Bean Sauce 豆豉 fermented black soybean 酱油 soy sauce 生抽 light soy sauce 醋 vinegar 料酒 rice wine 蚝油 oyster sauce 大蒜 garlic 生姜 ginger 葱花 chopped scallions 香菜 coriander 青椒 green pepper 红辣椒 chilli 蔬菜 vegetable 白菜 Chinese cabbage 空心菜 water spinach 油麦菜/生菜 lettuce 茼蒿 crown daisy 菠菜 spinach 韭菜 Chinese chive/leek 韭黄 leek shoot 冬瓜 white gourd 青笋 endive sprout 豆芽 bean sprout 黄瓜 cucumber 西兰花 broccoli 花菜 cauliflower 白萝卜 white radish 土豆 potato 山药 Chinese yam 莲藕 lotus root 胡萝卜 carrot 木耳 agaric fungus 海带 seaweed 香菇 shiitake mushrooms 野山菌 wild edible fungi 平菇 oyster mushrooms 金针菇 golden mushrooms 豆腐 tofu 油豆腐 fried bean curd puff 油面筋 fried gluten puff 粉条 starch noodles 肉类 meat 羊肉卷 sliced mutton 肥牛 beef 牛百叶 omasum 牛蹄筋 beef tendons 毛肚 tripes 脑花 brain 鸭血 duck blood curd 鸭舌 duck tongue 鸭肠 duck intestine 鹅肠 goose intestine 鹌鹑蛋 quail eggs 鸡脯肉 fresh grade breast 海鲜 seafood 鱼头 fish head 鳝鱼片 eel slice 墨鱼仔 cuttlefish 蟹肉 crab 大虾 prawn 龙虾 lobster 小龙虾 crawfish 扇贝 scallop 鲍鱼 abalone 蛤 clam 肉丸 meatball 虾丸 shrimp meatballs 撒尿牛丸 juicy beef balls 牛肉丸 beef meatballs 猪肉丸 pork meatballs 脆皮肠 crispy intestine 香肠 sausage 鱼丸 fish balls 午餐肉 luncheon meat 或 spam 主食 staple 玉米 corn 牛肉饺 beef dumplings 猪肉饺 pork dumplings 虾米饺 shrimp dumplings 龙须面 fine noodles 小吃 snacks 歪果仁眼中的火锅 对于习惯一人吃一份菜的歪果仁来说,火锅简直颠覆了他们的三观:原来一顿饭 还可以这样吃得这么好玩,新世界的大门打开了?? 快来看看外国小伙伴都怎么描述火锅的吧。 ?So much fun and so god-damn delicious. Basically the best communal food ever :) 好玩!好吃爆了!基本上是最好的大家一起吃的东西了! ?Chinese hot pot is truly communal: Not only do you sit down to eat with all your companions, but you cook the food together in the same pot of simmering broth. 中式火锅真的特别适合一大群人吃,不仅可以和所有小伙伴们坐下来一起吃,还 能围着同一个锅,就着滚滚的高汤一起煮吃的。 ?Go to &all you can eat& hot pot places. They exist and are amazing. 去那种“吃到饱”(自助)火锅店!真的有这种地方哦,可棒可棒了! ?I'll usually start with a water base, and then add all the mushrooms, and vegetables, and tofu, and seafood balls, and meat. The broth afterwards is glorious. Yum. You can also finish off with some noodles. Damn, I can't wait for it to get cold again. 我通常先煮一个清水锅,然后加入各种蘑菇、蔬菜、豆腐、海鲜丸、还有肉。煮 完以后的汤太美味了,好吃!最后还可以就着面条干掉它。讨厌,我已经等不及 了,天快变冷吧! ?Frozen tofu is the best thing ever. If you take extra firm tofu and freeze it, the freezing expands all the pores. When it melts, it gives you a super porous soup sponge. ;) 冻豆腐是最好东西的没有之一。如果你把多余的老豆腐冻起来,冷冻以后,豆腐 上所有的孔都张开了。煮化了以后,就像是一个吸满汤的超级海绵。 ?To keep it simple, I like to make a quick dipping sauce by combining soy sauce with a drizzle of sesame oil and a touch of chili oil or chili flakes. 我喜欢做简单快捷的蘸酱, 用酱油加入几滴芝麻油, 再来一点点辣椒油或辣椒粉。 ?After you've concocted your dipping sauce ― add a little of this and a little of that ― the fun begins. 把你的蘸酱调制好以后――加点这个加点那个――真正好玩的就开始了。 ?We always use chopsticks, although a fork will work just fine. A ladle is useful for some of the more slippery items. 我们通常用筷子,不过叉子也挺好用哒。勺子也很管用,可以舀那些比较滑的食 物。 ?Eating is a free-for-all: Just pick what you like and dip it in the broth ― no need to wait until someone else is finished before you dive in. 吃的时候场面那叫一个热闹,只要拣自己喜欢的,扔进汤里就行,而且不用等别 人吃完他们的再扔自己的。四、教你如何看懂英文经济数据看到英文财经新闻,很多人都会头疼。 那些关于国家宏观经济数据, 或股市大盘分析以及企业股价高低变化的描述,看 起来真费力。 但考虑到这是你们考研、考博、考四六级、考雅思托福 GRE、考职称、考这考那 的阅读难点之一,双语君决定总结一下英文经济数据表达的要点。 请集中精力,跟着双语君认真学起来。 升与降,高与低 英文词语中关于经济数据下跌的描述有很多种,如 fall, drop, be lower, slip 等,更为严重的还有 plummet 和 collapse 等。 微跌:slip, drop, down Chinese stocks slipped in early trade, with Shanghai stocks dropping 0.7% and Hong Kong's Hang Seng down 1%. 中国股市在早盘出现微跌。上证指数跌了 0.7%,而香港恒生指数跌了 1%。 Shares closed Friday at $74.73, down 0.5% on the day, 28% for the year to date and 20% for the past 52 weeks. 周五股价报收 74.73 美元,当日跌幅 0.5%,今年迄今位置跌幅 28%,过去 52 周 跌幅 20%。 跌幅较大:plummet, collapse The FTSE fell 1% while the Dow Jones plummeted 250 points and the price of Brent crude dropped to almost $48.5 a barrel, its lowest point this year. 英国富时指数 (FISE) 下跌 1%, 道琼斯指数 (Dow Jones) 暴跌 250 点 (约至 17000 点),而布伦特原油价格则跌至每桶 48.5 美元,创下年内最低。 达到某一数值,用介词 to 连接 Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 1.8% to 18,743.83 and Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 1.0% to 22,420.89. 日本产经指数 225 下跌了 1.8%,至 18743.83 点,香港恒生指数下跌了 1%,至 22420.89 点。 表达增减的幅度,用介词 by 连接 After sizzling growth over the last couple of quarters, shares of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba's(BABA) have fallen by over 16% over the past six months, with investors getting out after the company's most recent quarter. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴的股价经历几个季度的高速增长后在过去的六个月内下 跌了 16%,股民们都在最近一个月内撤资。 表示增减的具体数字:lose/gain The Dow fell for the first time in seven days Tuesday, losing 49 points to 17,081. The S&P 500 lost 13 to 2003. The S&P has rebounded smartly, gaining about 7% since retesting its August low on Sept. 28. 13 日,道琼斯指数七日内首次下跌,收市报 17081 点,下跌了 49 点。标普 500 指数报收 2003 点,下跌了 13 点。自 9 月 28 日再一次跌至 8 月低值后,标普指 数迅速回升并上涨 7%。 Companies in the financial sector are expected to show an average 7.5% earnings gain, according to Thomson Reuters. The worst sectors are expected to be energy with a 65% earnings decline and materials, with earnings off by 20%. Consumer discretionary and telecom are seen to be the biggest gainers, with earnings growth of about 11% each. 据汤森路透报道,金融行业的企业盈利收益率将达到平均 7.5%,最糟糕的行业 是能源行业,预计利润减少 65%,而材料行业的利润下降 20%。非必需消费品和 电信行业的盈收益率最大,预计各将上涨接近 11%。 同比 在财经词语中,同比是指与上一自然年度(或财年)的同一时期(如月或季度) 相比较而得得出的增长或下降的比率。 通常,表示同比时,可以用以下表达: ?from the same period last year ?compared to the previous year ?from a year earlier ?year-on-year 例句 The Hangzhou-based company reported revenue of $3.27 billion for its June quarter, an increase of 28% from the same period last year, down from a 40% year-on-year revenue increase in the previous quarter. 阿里巴巴第一财季营收 32.7 亿美元,同比增长 28%,较上一季度 40%的增长有所 下降。 The company's latest filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission reveals that the &average selling price& for the iPhone increased by 11% in 2015 compared to the previous year. 苹果在向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中显示,2015 年,iPhone 的&平均售 价&同比上涨了 11%。 Industrial output in September rose 5.7% from a year earlier, compared with economists’ median estimate of 6%. 九月,工业产值同比增长 5.7%,经济学家预计的中位数为 6%。 连续上涨和下滑 表示连续性的增长或下降,可以 consecutive 或 in a row 以及 in a straight months/years。 另外, 也可以直接用类似 a 17-month low/high 的表达方式。 例 如: Food prices fell by 2.5% in the year to September in the wake of continued supermarket price wars. This means that prices in the sector fell for the 15th month in a row. 由于超市价格战,9 月份食品价格下跌 2.5%。这意味着食品行业价格连续 15 个 月下滑。 Spain's economy shrank for a seventh consecutive quarter between January and March as domestic demand slumped. 由于国内需求暴跌,西班牙经济在第一季度出现连续七个季度的萎缩。 Today Microsoft announced that for the 25th consecutive month, its Xbox 360 console was the best selling device in its class. 微软在今天宣布其 Xbox 360 持续 25 月在同类产品中实现销售第一。 Pound weakened against both the euro and the dollar, nearing a 17-month low against the dollar of $1.5188 and slipping 0.2% lower against the euro. 英磅兑换欧元和美元走弱,美元的汇率接近 17 个月来的最低,为 1:1.5188, 与欧元的汇率则下跌了 2%。 峰值和低谷 在某种趋势(momentum)达到了最高或是最低时,通常用 highest 或 lowest 来 表示。 最低点:lowest 或 lowest level Meanwhile, petrol prices fell by 3.7p per litre over the year, and diesel prices - at 110.2p per litre - are at their lowest in close to six years. There was also a fall in the price of household gas. 同时, 汽油价格在过去的一年每升下跌 3.7 便士, 柴油价格每升降至 110.2 便士, 均接近六年来最低值。家用天然气价格也出现下跌。 The Purchasing Managers UK Services PMI slipped to 55.8 in December, down from 58.6 in November, marking its lowest level since May. 英国服务业 PMI 指数从(2014 年)11 月的 58.6 下跌至 12 月的 55.8,是五月以 来最低点。 最高值/记录:用 high、the highest 或 record high/level 来表示。看例句, 注意相关的动词搭配, The stock has shed almost 45% since notching a high of $119.15 back in November. 与 2014 年 11 月接近 119.15 美元的高点相比,股价暴跌了 45%。 Goldman's shares, which hit their highest since May 2008 on Wednesday, were down 0.3% at $200.53 in afternoon trading amid questions about whether the results were sustainable. 4 月 15 日上午,高盛的股价涨至自 2008 年 5 月以来新高,随后下午降至每股 200.53 美金(降 0.3 个百分点),人们纷纷议论这个结果是否维持得下去。 The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to a new record level Tuesday, closing well above a peak set before the US economy entered a recession in 2007. 道琼斯平均工业指数在周二达到新高,收盘时超过美国在 2007 年进入衰退前的 最高指数。 描述增减的常用词汇表示增加to add (to be) up to build up to climb to come up to enhance to gain to go up to grow to increase to push up to rise表示增长幅度很大to jump 跃升 to rocket 猛增 to shoot up 猛增 to surge 大幅度上升表示减少(to be) down to bring down to come down to cut to decline to descend to drop to fall to do down to lessen to lower to reduce to retreat to slide to slow down.表示减少的幅度很大to plummet to plunge to collapse五、套餐、流量、充值的英语说法……出国买电话卡不用愁了出国旅游、工作、生活的一大问题就是通讯,牵涉到买电话卡、选择套餐、查询 余额等一系列问题,但是英语不会说可咋办? 本着实用原则,双语君整理了相关英语表达,快学起来吧! 流量 data 是了,手机数据流量可不要说成 traffic、flow 什么的,就是 data。这词怎么 用?看例句: I consumed 100MB of data today. 我今天用了 100 兆流量。 注: MB,兆字节,megabyte,读音为 [?me??ba?t]; GB,十亿字节,gigabyte,读音为[????ba?t]。 This plan will appeal to certain types of mobile users, particularly those with heavy data demands. 这个套餐计划对某些手机用户来说会比较有吸引力, 尤其是那些流量需求比较大 的用户。 It is important to estimate your data usage per month. 估算好你每月的流量使用量很重要。 电话卡没钱 run out of credit 电话卡没钱了,可以说 run out of credit。 此外,还可以说 run out of airtime / minutes,airtime 和 minute 都是指通 话时间,即通话时长已经用完了。 My phone is running out of credit. 我手机快没钱了。 I've just run out of credit on my phone. 我手机没钱了。 I hate it when an important phone call is interrupted because I've run out of airtime. 我最讨厌因为通话时间用完了,重要电话被切断。 If you run out of minutes on TracFone, do you loose your number? 如果 TracFone(美国一家电信运营商)的卡没钱了,会不会被销号? 套餐 plan/package/bundle 在国外买电话卡的时候,我们常能见到这类表达: ?Unlimited Data Plan 包流量套餐 ?family plan 家庭套餐 ?a plan with unlimited national talk 套餐含国内无限打 ?Talk+Text+Data plan 通话+短信+流量套餐 Plan, 计划, 也就是我们常说的各种套餐了, 其他同样意思的词还有 package (套 餐)、bundle(捆绑)。 下面通过例句来看看这些词怎么用: This plan has unlimited talk & text, 1.5 GB data for $45 per month. Additional data is available for $10 per 500 MB. 这款套餐资费为每月 45 美元,通话短信不限量,包 1.5G 流量。套餐外流量按每 500 兆 10 美元收费。 T-Mobile has launched an all-inclusive package that gives customers unlimited calls, texts and Internet access. T-Mobile(美国一家电信运营商)推出了的一款全包套餐,用户可以无限量打电 话、发短信、上网。 To add a data package to one of these plans you can either call 611 or use AT&T's online site. 如果想在这些套餐以外再叠加流量包,你可以拨打 611 或上 AT&T(美国一家电 信运营商)的网页操作。 In many cases, data is charged very high unless you purchase a data bundle. 通常来说,上网流量收费都很高,除非你买一个流量套餐。流量转存 rollover data 这个功能大家一定都不陌生,即本月未使用完的套餐流量转存至下月。例句: Unused data on the plan roll over to the next month when the plan renews. 套餐中未使用的流量在下月套餐生效后转存进去。 T-Mobile lets you accumulate unused data over a 12-month rolling period. T-Mobile 允许你在 12 个月的周期内积累未用的流量。流量上限 data cap 即流量消费有上限,达到一定量后,运营商会暂停数据流量功能,避免高额流量 费用损失。 Do you have a 2GB cap like I do? 你和我一样是 2G 流量上限的套餐吗? I exceeded my data cap this morning and found that I have no data. 我今天早上超流量上限了,现在一点流量都没了。预付费 prepaid 简单理解,就是先交钱,再享受服务。Prepaid card,预付费电话卡,即用户需 要预先支付费用,然后在这个费用的范围内使用电话卡的业务。 与之相反的,postpaid(后付费),是先使用业务,到月底再结清帐单。例句: I purchased a prepaid 10GB plan. I have used up the 10GB in 3 weeks and called in to add money for another 10GB. 我买了一个 10G 的预付费套餐。3 个星期就把 10G 用光了,然后打电话又加钱充 了 10G 流量。 现购现付 pay as you go相当于预付费,先充值再使用,没有月租费,打多少收多少。 它不同于包月套餐(monthly plan),是按照通话时长、短信数量、流量多少来 收费的套餐。例句: If you don't want a monthly cell phone plan, many carriers offer pay-as-you-go plans that let you buy minutes as you need them. 如果你不想买包月套餐, 很多运营商都提供现购现付的套餐, 你可以按自己的需 要买通话时间。 For those who only want a cell phone for occasional or emergency use, pay as you go could make good sense. 对于那些偶尔用用手机或应急才用的人来说,现购现付是最好的选择。充值 top up/refill/recharge 表达充值的词很多,我们通过一些例句来学习一下用法。 How do I top up my pay-as-you-go phone? 我该怎么给我的现购现付的手机卡充值呢? I need to top up my boyfriend's phone so he can text me back. 我要给我男朋友的手机充值,这样他才能给我回短信。 You can refill your account any time by going to a Sprint store. 你可以到一家 Sprint(美国一家电信运营商)门店去给电话卡充值。 Looking for recharging your prepaid phone, this website helps you in just three easy steps: Enter phone number, select amount, to top up. 想给预付费的手机卡充值?这个网站可以用三个简单步骤帮你解决: 输入你的电 话号码,选择金额,充值。 You can add data right from this page. No need to run out and buy a Top-Up card. 你可以直接在这个网页上充流量,不需要出门买充值卡啦。网络信号覆盖 network coverage人们在选购电话卡时, 都会考虑该卡的运营商的信号覆盖好不好,如果在国外旅 游,出了大城市就没信号,可就麻烦了呢。例句: Is T-Mobile's network coverage really that poor? T-Mobile 家的信号真的这么差么? T-Mobile's coverage is terrific within NYC and drops off about 35-40 miles outside the city. T-Mobile 的信号在纽约城里很好,出了城 35 到 40 英里就不行了。漫游 roaming即手机在异地使用的业务。国际漫游就是 international roaming。例句: International Roaming has proven to be usually very expensive, especially for data. Many cases have been reported where users come home facing a bill that equates to a month's salary or more. 国际漫游收费奇高,尤其是流量资费。有很多这样的事例,一些人回国以后,收 到的话费账单相当于一个月的工资甚至更高。热点 hotspot也就是 WIFI 热点, 指把手机接收的 GPRS、 3G 或 4G 信号转化为 WIFI 信号再发出 去,这样手机就成了一个 WIFI 热点。 当你的手机开启热点,身边的人就可以连接你的热点享受无线 WIFI 了。这是一 家人外出旅游不错的选择。例句: Does AT&T offer smartphone mobile hotspot? AT&T 是否提供智能手机热点服务? Sprint now includes mobile hotspot service with its unlimited plan, offering 3GB of hotspot data. Sprint 现在已将移动热点服务加入它的无限量套餐中,提供 3G 的热点流量。流媒体播放 streamStreaming media 其实是指流媒体,即采用流式传输的方式在网络播放的媒体格 式。 歪果仁口语中说的 stream(动词),其实可以简单理解为在线播放视频或音频。 例句: How much data does a streaming music app eat up? 一个流媒体音乐 app 能吃掉多少流量? Consuming data through downloading or streaming video can be expensive on mobiles, so we like &All You Can Eat& data plans! 用手机流量下载东西或在线播放视频会很贵, 所以我们都喜欢用&吃到饱&的流量 套餐(即一定时间内无限上网的套餐计划)。运营商 carrier即提供网络服务的供应商, 你在决定买哪家运营商的电话卡时,可能要权衡各家 的套餐、资费、信号等因素。 Which is the best carrier in the US? 美国最好的运营商是哪家? The carrier recently doubled the amount of data it offers in its monthly plans. 这家运营商近期将其包月计划中的数据流量增加了一倍。SIM 卡 SIM card SIM 卡是(Subscriber Identity Module 客户识别模块)的缩写,也就是通常 我们要买的电话卡。 例句: Check your device's compatibility before you swap in a local SIM. 在换上当地电话卡之前,要检查自己的手机制式是否兼容。 I would like to get a SIM card for my Android phone so that I can make some local calls, check email or look up tourist attraction information. 我想给我的安卓手机买一张 SIM 卡,然后可以拨打当地电话,查邮箱,或者查询 景点信息。 I want to convert my regular SIM card in to a MicroSIM. 我想把我的普通 SIM 卡改成小型 MicroSIM。实用问句学了这么多, 但实际上你在买电话卡的时候,可能需要的也就是问几个简单的问 题,下面都给你列出来啦! ?Where can I get a prepaid SIM card with data plan in the airport? 我在机场什么地方能买到预付款的带流量套餐的 SIM 卡? ?How much data do I need? 我需要买多少流量? ?What kind of data plan is right for me? 我该买哪种流量套餐? ?How to check my data plan usage on my iPhone? 我要怎么在我的 iPhone 上查询套餐流量使用情况? ?How can I check my account balance? 我要怎样才能查到我的电话卡余额? ?My phone is running out of credit. How can I top up my phone? 我手机快没钱了。我该怎么给手机充值呢?六、那些形形色色的人用英语如何描述中文里常有些词可以形容那些形形色色的人, 那英文中有没有呢?今天就来学习 下 10 种形形色色人的说法。 1 一根筋儿 one track-minded 别跟他较劲了,他一根筋,你还不知道? Stop reasoning with him. Don't you know he is one track-minded? 2 出众的人 a lulu 要说漂亮,我们公司新来的秘书可算是个相貌出众的女孩子了。 Talking about being pretty, our company's new secretary is indeed a lulu. 3 两面派 two-faced 我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。 I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. (注:run with the hare and hunt with}


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