Five years ( )in the past yearssince we met last time.填什么

Five years ( ) past since we met last time.填什么_百度知道
Five years ( ) past since we met last time.填什么
Five years (
) past since we met last time.填什么 Five years (
)past since we met last time.括号里能不能填had?
不能答案是 hassince与现在完成时连用Five years (
has) passed since we met last time.
表示时间,距离,金钱,数量等做主语时谓语动词用单数,现在完成时态的结构是 have/has+动词的过去分词(原句中的past应该是 passed)
不能。这是一句由since引导的时间状语从句,从句用过去式,所以主句得用现在完成时,即have been。
看错了,把past 看成passed,应该填have been
五年做主语,动词最好用pass, past是形容词,句子格式常用it做主语,即it has been past for five years since ......
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第一篇:形容家人的句子描写失去亲人的句子 不会让他们失望的 1、你的亲人只是到了你看不到的地方,但是他们能看到你,他们不希望因为他们而让你过得 不好,要让他们知道你是非坚强的人,不会让他们失望的。2、去的已经去了,但他一定不希望我们活着的人过得痛苦。他一定希望我们在表达了适度的 悲哀之后,应该照样会好好地活着。他会在另一个世界为我们祝福的! 3、确实失去,就要越坚强,过去的事就让它过去,无法挽回过去。就让我们坚强起来,失去 了一个人,至少还有其他人,不会让我们觉得寂寞的!& 4、人生就是这样,想要拥有却不能够拥有,或许会使人们自暴自弃。5、人死不能复生,我知道你伤心,难过,但是日子还是要照样过,现实生活不会因为你失去 一个人,时间就停止,想哭就哭出来,我的肩膀借你靠,哭完以后请坚强,好好过日子,别 让他走的不放心。6、上帝对每个人都是公平的,你在失去一些东西的时候,也获得了一些宝贵的东西。人人都 要拥有一颗感恩的心。7、逝者已登仙界,生者节哀顺变。请记得,他的教诲和疼爱会永远陪伴在你身边,你的脑海 里还会经常浮现出他微笑的慈颜;请为了关心你的亲朋更加积极而快乐地活着,让他在天堂 里为你自豪地笑眯了亲切和蔼的双眼。感谢欣赏本文,更多伤感的句子请关注:表达心情不好的句子& 那些忧伤的句子第一篇:形容家人的句子描写夕阳的好句子 夕阳西下,大地沐浴在余辉的彩霞中,人们三三两两地在街道上漫步,晚风 徐徐地拂送来一阵阵花木夹杂的幽香,使人心旷神怡,更觉夕阳无限好。一抹殷红色的夕阳照在西山上,湛蓝湛蓝的天空浮动着大块大块的白色云 朵,它们在夕阳的辉映下呈现出火焰一般的嫣红,倘若你仔细地看,你会看见那云 絮在空中飘动,就像置身于轻纱般的美梦似的,会使你远离烦恼的困扰。池鱼归渊,炊烟唤子,客旅兼程。夕阳吻地的轻响,划分了白天与黑夜。于是 投林的倦鸟,也便如诗人焚烧的诗稿,载着夕阳的殷殷血焰归去了?? 一阵清爽的夜风扑面而来,仿佛一切烦恼与疲惫都置之度外了,身体的每一 根紧张的神经也渐渐舒缓了; 风儿吹皱的河面,泛起了层层涟漪,折射着殷红的霞 光,像撒下一河红色的玛瑙,熠熠生辉;远处的小竹林闪着绿幽幽的光,在微风中 轻轻摇响竹叶,风儿吹动树叶那飒飒作响的声音,像唱着一首动听的歌; 高空的风, 恣意地追逐着、戏弄着,撕扯着云朵。再往下看,一条小河―小北江,竹子的色调和晚霞的红晕,使小北江又增添了 一份静谧的气氛,而竹子那风度翩翩的倩影和晚霞那瑰丽似锦的光芒,又使小北 江在人们心目中倍增亲切;几条小渔船归航了,在河面划开了一道波光粼粼的水 纹。小鸟时而在半空中飞过,时而能听见喜鹊那清脆悦耳的鸣叫,这时,我才从黄 昏的梦中苏醒过来。太阳落山了,燃烧着的晚霞也渐渐暗淡下来了。转眼间,西天的最后一抹晚霞已经融进冥冥的暮色之中,天色逐渐暗下来了, 四周的群山,呈现出青黛色的轮廓,暮色渐浓,大地一片混沌迷茫。这宛如一首交响曲的尾音,优美极了,但却渐渐地归于岑寂、无声,引起人们 心中无穷的感喟,给校园的黄昏铺上一层感人肺腑的诗意:“大漠孤烟直,长河落 日圆”是它无与伦比的磅礴气势;“一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红”是它成 熟的风韵;“人间重晚情”更衬出了它的宁静?? 渐渐的,渐渐的,夜幕降临了,我的脑海中还浮现着那醉人的黄昏,那美丽而 令人心驰神往的情景深深地吸引着我:我的视线、我的精神、我的思想??全都 被这美得难以形容的“黄昏图”所沉浸了,我陷入了这种莫名其妙的感觉中,不 能自拔。我怀着恋恋不舍的心情,迈着沉重的脚步,静静地离开了这黄昏的边界??
夕阳,明月,繁星??是美丽的,曾有多少位作家、诗人用最美的语言描述 它们。可我却被那美丽的落日深深地吸引了。临近落日,闪耀光芒一天的太阳,依然光焰十足,毫无倦态。渐渐地,太 阳变成了 一个淡淡的黄球,仿佛一个圆圆的大金盘。一会儿那淡黄的颜色开始 加深,又成了一个略带红色的火球。这时候,太阳光芒已经不那么刺眼,而变得 柔和,仿佛女孩的脸蛋,美丽可爱。落日的光芒照在都市那鳞次栉比的房屋上,给一幢幢房屋镶嵌了一道道金 色的边框, 使千万家庭都沐浴在落日的余辉之中。夕阳旁边的云霞色彩变化极快, 一会儿百合色,一会儿金黄色,一会儿半紫半黄,一会儿半灰半红,真是五彩缤 纷,变幻无穷。云霞的形状也多姿多彩。有时像团团的彩棉,有时象江面的波浪,它们变 化得是那样自然,那样迅速,那样瑰丽。不一会,那火红的太阳接近了地平线,天边顿时燃起一大片似火的红霞, 宛如万面红旗招展。片刻间,太阳碰到了地平线,但他好像还要在天边多停留一 会儿似的,仿佛要为世界多增添一些光和热。一眨眼,那金盘般的太阳已是半个 了。他好像在向人们说:“再见。”最终,太阳钻进了地平线,但落日完美的景 象却久久地印刻在我的脑海里。啊!日落的景象真是美丽,使人好像进入仙景般的世界。我深深被这日落 美景所陶醉,我爱这美丽的落日。天色暗淡,残阳如血,黄河边上如镶金边的落日,此时正圆,光芒四射,刺 人眼膜如梦似幻,好不真实。最后一丝残阳打在地上与暗淡黄的沙漠融为一体, 金光璀璨,吞天沃日。夕阳从西山上斜射过来,地面的一切都罩在一片模糊的玫瑰色之中。此时, 太阳的脸是鲜红鲜红的,它的光像是被谁掠去了似的,不再耀人眼目,而是十分 柔和明亮。太阳向西缓缓地退着,像个俏丽的少女一样温存、恬静我站在窗前,凝望着 那朵毫无瑕疵的白云,或许是在蓝天的衬托下吧,她显得出特有的纯洁与端庄, 正如同淑女般漫步在天空中。忽然,她一下子涨红了脸,变得是那么的羞涩而又 妩媚。是谁惊动了她?我回头望去,只见一轮红日正在缓缓滑落,将西边的天空染 得通红。哦,是夕阳。瞧,那夕阳边的云霞,好似得到了夕阳的赏赐,变得欣喜 异常,时而围坐一团,倾诉衷肠;时而围着夕阳跳起了探戈;更有自我陶醉的, 远离他人,自我欣赏??看得出他们的心情都不错,脸儿也都是红红的,泛着金 光。
夕阳或许是受了鼓舞,越发的精神了。他周围的一切也因此变幻出无穷的魅 力。那一排排黄色的屋顶变得金灿灿的了,那家家户户窗户上折射出的光汇聚在 一起,给小区洒上了一层特殊的光,仿佛将人带入了仙境一般;小区里那一片树 林也好似抹上了一层淡淡的油, 愈加翠绿诱人了。沿着小区尽头流去的那条小河, 此时也有了别样的感觉,静谧而不乏温馨?? 渐渐的,夕阳收敛起他最后的光芒,还来不及说一声再见,便垂下头去,合 上了双眼,静静地睡去了。再看原先的那群追随者,也适时收敛起兴致,变幻成 暗云,等待夕阳的再次到来。归山的落日,散发柔美的光芒,既不强烈,又不刺眼,十分温暖,甚至像个 俏丽的少女一样温存、恬静我站在窗前,凝望着那朵毫无瑕疵的白云,或许是在 蓝天的衬托下吧,她显得出特有的纯洁与端庄,正如同淑女般漫步在天空中。阵阵凉风吹皱了平静的海面,白天拥挤的人潮已离去,海浪一步又有一步地 吞噬着沙滩上的脚印,汹涌的浪涛,向无声的沙滩,诉说着它的寂寞。艳丽的晚霞,像是打翻了的颜料,洒在天边,烘托着鲜红的夕阳。而夕阳却 像喝醉了酒,投入了水中,晃啊晃的,把蓝色的海洋,都染成了耀眼的殷红。渔船点点,如浪花上的花蕊,在斜阳的陪伴下,家人的期待中,满载而归。远天,归鸟盘旋海面,翅膀仿佛擦过晚霞,此时正是“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋 水共长天一色”的美景。啊!海边的黄昏,真是令人流连往返。第一篇:形容家人的句子句子表达准确性
了解了句子成分之后,我们就可以学写句子 了。句子的写作是书面表达的基础。没有正确 的句子,就无法表达一个完整的概念,就无法准确传达自己的思想。句子的写作首先要求符 合语法规则,其次要得体。句子符合语法规则是指所写句子符合语法要求,句式正确;动 词的时态、语态、形式使用得当;从属、并列合理;主谓人称、数一致;意思转承准确。本 节主要介绍英语句子的一些常用句型。一、简单句的基本句型 任何一个简单句都由主语和谓语组成,它们是句子不可或缺的成分,又叫主要成分。谓语 动词有及物动词、 不及物动词和连系动词之分。正是谓语动词的特点决定着句子的不同结构。例如连系动词后要跟表语;大多数及物动词后要跟一个宾语(直接宾语),有的及物动词要跟 两个宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语),还有的及物动词要跟复合宾语(宾语加宾语补足语)。根据 这类特点可以构成大量的句子。本单元的六种基本句型就是从大量的句子中抽出来的典型句 式,是语言结构的基本模式。要想写好简单句,必须记住简单句的这六种基本句型。它们 是: 1. 主语+谓语(vi.) 2. 主语+系动词+表语 3. 主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语 4. 主语+谓语(vt.)+间接宾语+直接宾语 5. 主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语+宾语补足语 6. There be+主语+状语(介词短语) 【句型 1】主语+谓语(vi.)+(状语[副词、名词、介词短语等] ) 【佳句存盘】 1. We study hard. 我们努力学习。2. The red sun rises in the east. 一轮红日从东方升起。3. The Second World War broke out in
年爆发了第二次世界大战。4. The boy looked out of the window. 那个男孩朝窗外看去。5. The book sells well. 这本书很畅销。6. They worked day and night. 他们夜以继日地工作。【写作点津】 主语和不及物动词(短语)是组成本句型不可缺少的必要成分。在实际运用中,不及物动词 往往与副词、介词及其他相关成分有相对稳定的搭配关系。上述例句虽然长短不一,但都属 于这一基本句型。我们在学习此句型时,应当重视不同动词与其相关词汇的搭配关系。Exercise 1 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我们的英语老师教得很好。2 五年前宋杰住在合肥。3 一天,她高兴地走进我的房间。4 今年暑假你们打算乘飞机还是乘船旅行? 5 从上海来的轮船早到了半小时。参考答案
1 Our English teacher teaches very well. 2 Song Jie lived in Hefei five years ago. 3 One day she came into my room happily. 4 Are you going to travel by plane or by ship this summer vocation? 5 The ship from Shanghai arrived half an hour earlier. 【句型 2】主语+系动词+表语 【佳句存盘】 1. Sun Xuanjun’s father is a doctor. 孙璇君的父亲是医生。2. This story is about a singer. 这是关于一位歌手的故事。3. The answer is right. 这个答案是正确的。4. My grandpa is seventy years old. 我爷爷七十岁了。5. He is in the teacher’s office.他在老师的办公室。6. The teacher got angry. 老师生气了。7. The story sounds interesting. 那个故事听起来很有趣。8. Her dream has come true. 她的梦想实现了。9. The teacher seemed to be pleased with my work. 老师好像对我的工作很满意。【写作点津】 本句型中的连系动词以 be 为最多。此外还有少数其他连系动词,如 appear, become, get, grow, look, prove, remain 等。本句型的特点是“连系动词+表语”二者缺一不可。例如“The teacher angry”和“The story about a singer” 都不成为一个句子。用作表语的最常见的有名词和形容词,其次是介词短 语和不定式短语等。Exercise 2 Put the following sentences into English. 1 李甜甜是个聪明的女孩。2 张飞在三年级六班。3 冬季白天短,夜晚长。4 早起对人体健康有益。5 这些玫瑰花闻起来很香。参考答案 1 Li Tiantian is a clever girl. 2 Zhang Fei is in Class 6 Grade 3. 3 In winter, the days are short, and the nights are long. 4 Getting up early is good for your health. 5 These roses smell sweet. 【句型 3】主语+谓语(vt.)+宾语+(状语) 【佳句存盘】 1. We love China. 我们爱中国。2. Tom speaks Chinese quite well. 汤姆汉语讲得很好。3. They enjoyed themselves very much last night. 他们昨天晚上玩得很开心。4. Do you remember his telephone number? 你记得他的电话号码吗? 5. Li Yang put the book into his bag. 李扬把书放进书包里。6. He thought about the problem for a few moments.
他把这个问题思考了一会儿。7. Mother put off going to see the doctor. 母亲推迟去看医生。8. Li Tiantian tried to find the answer. 李甜甜想方设法找到答案。9. I haven’t decided whether to go or not. 我还没有决定去还是不去。【写作点津】 上述例句都是本句型的典型句子,修饰谓语动词的状语通常放在句末。这些状语多数是副 词或介词短语,也可以用名词短语、分词或不定式短语等作状语。至于及物动词,则既可以 是单个的及物动词,也可以是短语动词。Exercise 3 Put the following sentences into English. 1 她每天晚上看电视。2 这本书胡珊珊读过多次了。3 明天下午我们将进行英语考试。4 大多数人很喜欢轻音乐。5 她几乎不知道该如何写作文。6 我想再试一次。7 老师记得曾把时间告诉过我们。参考答案 1 She watches TV every evening. 2 Hu Shanshan has read the book many times. 3 We shall have an English test tomorrow afternoon. 4 Most of people enjoy light music very much. 5 She hardly knows how to write a composition. 6 I want to have another try. 7 The teacher remembered telling us the time. 【句型 4】主语+谓语(vt.)+间接宾语+直接宾语 【佳句存盘】 1. Zhou Nan lent me some money.(...some money to me.) 周楠借给我一些钱。2. Mother bought me a new dress(...a new dress for me.) 妈妈给我买了一件新衣服。3. The evening dress cost her forty dollars. 这件晚礼服花了她四十美元。4. Wang Xiaoqiong often asks the teacher a lot of questions in class. 王晓琼常常在课堂上问老师许多问题。5. I tell Liu Shiyu that he has passed the exam. 我告诉刘时雨他这次考试已经及格了。6. The girl asked me whether I could repair the bike. 那个女孩问我是否会修理自行车。7. Mr White asked them where they were going to have the meeting. 怀特先生问他们准备在哪儿开会。8. He told me how to make a chair. 他告诉我如何做椅子。【写作点津】 英语中有些及物动词要跟双宾语,即直接宾语(指物)和间接宾语(指人)。要求跟双宾语的 动词有:ask, bring, buy, cost, fetch, give, hand, lend, offer, pass, pay, read, return, save, sell, send,
show, take, teach, tell, write 等。间接宾语通常在直接宾语之前, 如本句型及例句所示。如果将间接宾语置于直接宾语之后, 则需借助介词 to 或 for。Exercise 4 Put the following sentences into English. 1 刘江给了我一朵红玫瑰。2 这孩子把他的身世告诉了我。3 她给我做了一件漂亮衣服。4 这项工作花了我们半个小时。5 在晚会上郭宝艳为我们唱了一首流行歌曲。6 吴老师给我们提出了一些有关英语学习的建议。7 请把那本字典递给我好吗? 参考答案 1 Liu Jiang gave me a red rose. 2 The boy told me his story. 3 She made me a beautiful dress. 4 It took us half an hour to finish the work. 5 Guo Baoyan sang us a pop song at the party. 6 Mr Wu gave us some advice on how to learn English well. 7 Would you please pass me the dictionary? 【句型 5】主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 【佳句存盘】 1. We elected Liu Lei our monitor. 我们选刘磊当班长。2. The news made him unhappy. 这个消息使他很不愉快。3. I told Ding Yanyan to open the window. 我叫丁研研把窗户打开。4. You shouldn’t let him go there alone. 你不应当让他一个人去那儿。5. We watched the train leaving the station. 我们看着火车离开车站。6. I had the bike repaired. 我找人把自行车修好了。7. I feel it very pleasant to be with your family. 我感到跟你们一家人在一起很愉快。8. He Pei felt it strange that Wu Fangfang should have refused the invitation. 吴方方竟然拒绝邀请,这使贺培感到很奇怪。【写作点津】 英语中,有些及物动词除要求跟宾语外,还必须外加一个补足语,句意才能完整。作宾语 补足语的主要是名词、形容词、不定式和分词,副词和介词短语等也可以用作宾语补足语。要求跟名词或形容词作宾语补足语的及物动词有: call, consider, choose, elect, feel, find, get, keep, make, name, paint, push, set, suppose, think, turn 等。要求跟不定式作宾补的及物动词有:ask, expect, force, get, have, hear, help, let, listen to, make, notice, order, permit, persuade, see, tell, want, watch, warn 等。其中 have, hear, let, listen to, make, notice, see, watch, feel 要求跟不带 to 的不定式作宾补。动词 help 后作宾补的不定式可 以带 to,也可以不带 to。本句型中的“宾语+宾语补足语” ,也可称之为复合宾语。宾语和宾补之间有着逻辑上的主 谓关系,因此,逻辑上的主谓关系乃是本句型的特点,它和第四基本句型中的“间接宾语+ 直接宾语”的区别就在于间接宾语和直接宾语之间并无逻辑上的主谓关系。
Exercise 5 Put the following sentences into English. 1 同学们把教室保持得干干净净。2 他们选这位年轻人当工厂的经理。3 我们认为语言并不容易学。4 我们要使学校变得更加美丽。5 同学们已经做好了出发的一切准备工作。6 她的手表昨晚被人偷去了。7 我们发觉有许多人站在学校大门口。8 我认为本月内完成这项工作有困难。参考答案 1 The students keep the classroom clean. 2 They made the young man manager of the factory. 3 We don’t think the language easy to learn. 4 We will make our school more beautiful. 5 The students have got everything ready to start. 6 She had her watch stolen last night. 7 We noticed a lot of people standing at the gate of our school. 8 I think it difficult to finish the work this month. 【句型 6】There be+主语+状语(介词短语) 【佳句存盘】 1. There is a dictionary on the desk. 桌上有一本字典。2. There are several guests in the hall. 客厅里有几位客人。3. There will be a sports meeting next week. 下周将举行运动会。4. There stands a big tree in front of the classroom. 教室前面有一棵大树。5. There used to be a shop on the corner of the street. 在街的这个拐角处过去有一个商店。【写作点津】 本句型又叫 There be 句型,表示人或事物“存在”的概念,一般译作“有” ,但应注意与 表示“拥有”概念的“有”(have)的区别。例如: I have two birds. 我有两只鸟。(鸟为我所有) There are two birds in the cage. 笼子里有两只鸟。(鸟在笼子里) 本句型句首的 There 只是一个引导词, 本身并无任何词汇意义。句子的主语是处于动词 be 后的那个名词。动词 be 的人称和数应同其后的主语取得一致。动词 be 的时态随具体情况 而变化。注意:动词 be 要和其后的主语取得一致。如果是单个的主语,动词 be 则随这个主语的 数和人称而变化。如果是并列的主语,动词 be 一般随最靠近 be 的那个主语的人称和数而变 化。在本句型中,还可将谓语动词 be 换成某些表示“来往,存在,发生”之类的不及物动词, 如 arrive, come, go, exist, happen, live, remain, seem, stand 等。Exercise 6 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我们村解放前没有学校。2 今天下午没有课。
3 在他的卧室里只有一张床和一把椅子。4 灯还亮着,办公室里一定有人。5 昨天大街上发生了一起严重的交通事故。参考答案 1There were no schools in our village before liberation. 2There will be no class this afternoon. 3In his bedroom there was only a bed and a chair. 4The light is still on. There must be someone in the office. 5There happened a heavy traffic accident in the street yesterday.
动词时态句型-句子表达准确性 动词时态句型 句子表达准确性
(一)一般现在时态句型 【句型 7】主语+谓语(用动词原形表示)+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. The weather is fine. 今天天气好。2. We love our motherland. 我们热爱祖国。3. Zhou Wei often gets up early. 周伟常常起得早。4. He doesn’t believe that. 他并不相信那个。5. Does it seldom snow here?这儿很少下雪吗? 【写作点津】 一般现在时态用动词的现在式(或叫动词原形)表示,其用法有三: (1)表示现在的事实。例如表示人们现在的感觉和认识,以及事物的性质和状态等。(2)表示现在的习惯。例如表示人和事物现在的生活习惯以及反复的动作等。(3)表示不变的真理。例如“1+1=2”“太阳从东边升起”等不分时间和空间而永恒不变的 , 真理。在使用一般现在时态的时候, 应特别注意它并不表示此时此刻正在进行的动作。如果要表 示这层意思,则要用现在进行时态。注意:① 当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词应加-s。② 疑问句和否定句的谓语动词变 化形式。Exercise 7 Put the following sentences into English. 1 姚萍喜欢运动。2 地球绕太阳转。3 我每天骑自行车去上学。4 你多久看一次电影? 5 财富未必带来幸福。参考答案 1Yao Ping loves sports. 2The earth moves round the sun. 3I go to school by bike every day. 4How often do you go to see a film? 5Wealth does not always bring happiness. 【句型 8】主句(一般将来时)+when/if 等从句(一般现在时) 【佳句存盘】 1. I’ll call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing. 我一到北京就会给你打电话的。2. They won’t come to see us if it rains next Sunday. 如果下星期天下雨,他们就不会来看我们。3. The teacher will tell you about it when he comes. 老师来的时候会把这件事告诉你的。4. Chen Jian will accept the job unless the salary is too low.
如果薪金不是太低的话,陈建会接受这份工作的。【写作点津】 上面的例句都是含有表示时间或条件的状语从句的复合句。主语中用一般将来时, 状语从 句中用一般现在时。显然,从句中用的一般现在时并不表示现在的事实或习惯,也不表示不 变的真理,而是表示将来的动作或状态。在表示时间或条件的状语从句中,通常要用一般现 在时表示将来的动作或状态,这是中学生容易出错的语法点,应引起注意。Exercise 8 Put the following sentences into English. 1 如果你努力学习,你就一定会通过考试的。2 他们一来到武汉,就会去参观黄鹤楼(the Yellow Crane Tower)。3 如果明天下雨,运动会就会延期。4 除非他病了,否则他一定会参加舞会的。5 如果明天不下雨,我就去那儿。参考答案 1You will pass the examination if you work(study)hard. 2As soon as they come to Wuhan, they will visit the Yellow Crane Tower. 3If it rains tomorrow, the sports meeting will be put off. 4He will certainly come to the dancing party unless he is ill. 5I’ll go there tomorrow unless it rains. (二)一般过去时态句型 【句型 9】主语+谓语动词(用动词的过去式表示)+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. I met him last night. 昨晚我碰见他。2. Huang Zhen hurried home after class. 下课后黄振就赶忙回家了。3. Tom was seriously sick that day. 汤姆那天患了重病。4. Wang Yan often came to help us when she was here. 王艳在这儿时,常来帮助我们。5. I went to bed at about ten after I did my homework. 我做完作业后大约十点去睡觉。【写作点津】 一般过去时态表示过去的动作、状态或习惯等,谓语用动词的过去式表示。规则动词的过 去式是在动词原形后加-ed,不规则动词的过去式有不规则变化,需要记住。在一般过去时态的句子中通常有表示过去时间的状语, 例如 yesterday, that day, last night, a week ago, at that time, in the past, just now 等。一般过去时态常易同现在完成时态和过去完成时态混用,在使用时应引起注意。Exercise 9 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我们的英语老师在大学时学过德语。2 她告诉我,她并不喜欢那些礼物。3 昨天晚上我们去看你,但你不在家。4 他在作文中出了许多错误。5 去年我去看了他两次。参考答案 1Our English teacher studied German when he was at college.
2She told me that she did not like the gifts. 3We went to see you last night, but you were not at home. 4He made a lot of mistakes in his composition. 5I went to see him twice last year. 【句型 10】主语+used to+动词原形(过去常常)+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. He used to live in Shanghai. 他过去常住在上海。2. She used to be happy and gay. 她过去总是高高兴兴的。3. They used to get up late on Sundays. 他们过去总是星期天起得很晚。4. She used to come to see me once a week. 她过去总是每周来看我一次。【写作点津】 “used to+动词原形……”表示过去某段时间内习惯的行为或状态,意思是“过去常常” 或“过去总是” ,往往暗含“跟现在不同”的意思。注意: “used to+动词原形……”同“be used to+n/doing”的区别,前者意思是“过去常常” , 其中的 to 是不定式符号,后跟动词原形;后者意思是“习惯于” ,其中的 to 是介词,后跟 名词或动名词,be 可以根据需要用不同的时态。Exercise 10 Put the following sentences into English. 1 李甜甜过去总是骑自行车来。2 他现在不在这儿工作,但是过去在。3 我过去和她很熟。4 过去学校附近有一个邮局。5 我们年轻的时候常在这个池塘里游泳。参考答案 1 Li Tiantian used to come by bike. 2 He doesn’t work here now, but he used to. 3 I used to know her very well. 4 There used to be a post office near the school. 5 We used to swim in this pool when we were young. (三)一般将来时态句型 【句型 11】主语+will/shall+动词原形+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. I shall write him a letter next month.下个月我将给他写信。2. You will be free tomorrow morning. 明天早晨你就会有空了。3. She will teach you French next term. 下学期她将教你们法语。4. They will come to see me this evening. 今晚他们会来看我的。【写作点津】 一般将来时表示未来的动作或状态,由“助动词 shall(will)+动词原形”构成。主语为第 一人称(I 和 we)时,常用“shall+动词原形” ,其余人称均用“will+动词原形” 。但在美国口 语中,不论人称如何,一律用“will+动词原形” 。在口语中,will 在名词或代词后常简缩为’ ll,否定式 will not 常简缩为 won’t。Exercise 11 Put the following sentences into English. 1 于雷明年将是十七岁了。
2 我会尽力帮助你的。3 我们永远也不会忘记我们聚在一起的那个日子。4 下个月我将中学毕业。5 无论什么时候我有困难,李甜甜都会来帮我。参考答案 1. Yu Lei will be 17 years old next year. 2. I will do my best to help you. 3. We’ll never forget the day when we get together. 4. I’ll graduate from middle school next week. 5. Whenever I’m in trouble, Li Tiantian will come to help me. 【句型 12】主语+be going to+动词原形+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. I am going to draw a picture of a horse. 我打算画一匹马。2. We are going to make a model plane. 我们准备做一架模型飞机。3. She is going to get married next month. 她下个月就要结婚了。4. We are going to start this evening. 我们今晚就要出发了。5. There is going to be a football match next Saturday. 下周六将有一场足球赛。【写作点津】 “be going to+动词原形”被普遍地用来表示“接近的未来” ,有“就要,即将”或“打 算做什么”的意思,也就是说,这个句型既可以表示“主观意图” ,也可以表示“客观可能 性” ,但是不能用来表示“单纯将来” 。例如一般不说:I’m going to be 16 next month. 应该 说:I’ll be 16 next month. 本句型用来表示“现在将来时” ,其中的 be 要用它的现在式,并根据主语的人称而变化。Exercise 12 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我认为天会下雪的。2 我会告诉你如何做这个实验。3 今天下午我们要打扫教室。4 明天外宾要来参观我们的工厂。5 你打算怎样过寒假? 参考答案 1 I think it’s going to snow. 2 I am going to tell you how to do the experiment. 3 We’re going to clean the classroom this afternoon. 4 The foreigners are going to visit our factory tomorrow. 5 How are you going to spend your winter holiday? 【句型 13】主语+be about to+动词原形(即将)+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. Hurry up! The train is about to leave. 赶快!火车就要开了。2. It’s 6∶20. The film is about to begin. 六点二十了,电影就要开始了。3. Wait a minute. They are about to get ready. 等一等,他们马上就要准备好了。4. I’m about to leave when the telephone rings.
我正要离开,这时电话铃响了。【写作点津】 “be about to+动词原形”(= be just going to+动词原形)表示即将发生的动作,但一般不与 时间状语连用, 例如不可说: The train is about to leave at 6∶30.应该说: The train will leave at 6∶30. 或 The train is to leave at 6∶30. 下面各句中的时间状语应删去。(1)I’m about to go home immediately. (2)Mike is about to get married next week. (3)John is about to leave for Canada tonight. “be about to+动词原形”还可以用过去式,以表示“过去即将” 。例如: He was about to sing,but his mother stopped him. 他正准备唱歌,而他妈妈却不让他唱。Exercise 13 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我们要有一次物理考试。2 他就要到上海去。3 我们马上就走。4 会议马上就要开始了。5 我们正要出发,这时突然下起了大雪。参考答案 1 We’re about to have a physics exam. 2 He is about to leave for Shanghai. 3 We are about to leave. 4 The meeting is about to begin. 5 We were about to start, when it snowed heavily. (四)现在进行时句型 【句型 14】主语+am/is/are+动词-ing+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. Guo Xiang is watching TV now. 现在郭祥正在看电视。2. They are doing their homework. 他们现在正在做家庭作业。3. We are reviewing our lessons these days. 这些天我们都在复习功课。4. Jane is coming to China tomorrow. 明天简就要来中国了。5. You Shengjuan is always smiling. 尤圣娟总是面带笑容。【写作点津】 现在进行时主要用来表示现时或现阶段正在进行的动作。例句 1 和例句 2 表示现时(此时 此刻)正在进行的动作, 例句 3 表示现阶段(这几天里)正在进行的动作。此动作不一定正在此 时此刻发生。现在进行时还可以表示即将发生的动作(如例句 4),但仅限于少数表示“来往、 出发、到达”之类的动词,如 arrive, come, go, leave, start 等。此外,现在进行时还可以表 示经常性的习惯动作(如例句 5),此时常和 always, constantly,continually 等副词连用。在这 种表示习惯动作的用法中,常常带有说话人的某种感情色彩, 如责备、不满、 埋怨、 赞扬等。又如: He is always thinking of others. 他总是想着别人。(表示赞扬) 并不是所有的动词都能使用现在进行时态。那些含有“状态”意义而并不表示动作的动词 通常不用这种时态,例如表示“存在”的动词(be, exist)、表示“感官”的动词(hear, see)、
表示“情感”的动词(hate, like, love)、表示“认识”的动词(believe, know, remember)等。请注意,下列各例中的不同动词的用法。What are you seeing?(误) What are you looking at?(正) I am hearing the radio.(误) I am listening to the radio.(正) He is finding his key.(误) He is looking for his key.(正) Exercise 14 Put the following sentences into English. 1 他们正在大厅里练唱。2 有人敲门。去看看是谁。3 请等一等,琼斯先生正在会上发言呢。4 有些学生没有听老师讲课,他们在望着窗外。5 你们老是在我的花园里打球,我警告你们下次别再来了。参考答案 1 They are practising singing in the hall. 2 Somebody is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is. 3 Wait a minute. Mr Jones is speaking(talking)at the meeting. 4 Some students are not listening to the teacher. They’re looking out of the window. 5 You are always playing ball in my garden. I warn you not to come again. (五)过去进行时态句型 【句型 15】主语+was/were+动词-ing+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. I was cleaning the room at that very moment. 当时我正在打扫卫生。2. We were listening to a lecture at 2∶30 yesterday. 昨天两点半钟我们正在听讲座。3. What was he doing when you went to see him yesterday? 昨天你去看他的时候他在做什么呢? 4. They were having a meeting when the fire broke out. 发生火灾时他们正在开会。【写作点津】 过去进行时态表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。这一特定时间一般用表 示过去的时间状语来表示,如 then, just then, at that moment, at twelve o’clock, 以及表示过 去的 when-从句等。注意一般过去时态与过去进行时态在用法上的区别。一般过去时态表示在过去某段时间发生的动作或存在的状态, 而过去进行时则表示过去某 个时间正在进行的动作。试比较: It rained hard last night. 昨晚下过大雨。(强调“下过了”) It was raining hard last night. 昨晚一直下着大雨。(强调“一直下着”) Exercise 15
Put the following sentences into English. 1 昨天下午两点我们在做实验。2 你知道高明当时在做什么吗? 3 我们下火车的时候天正下着大雪。4 我敲门时你们在做什么? 5 由于当时我正在读一本有趣的书,所以我不知道外边在发生什么事。参考答案 1 We were doing our experiments at 2 p.m. yesterday. 2 Do you know what Gao Ming was doing at that time? 3 It was snowing heavily when we got off the train. 4 What were you doing when I knocked at the door? 5 As I was reading an interesting book, I didn’t know what was going on outside. (六)现在完成时态句型 【句型 16】主语+have/has+过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. I have already posted my letters. 我把信件都邮寄了。2. He has just finished his work. 他刚刚做完工作。3. We have learned English for three years. 我们已经学了三年英语。4. How long have you been ill? 你病了多久了? 5. He has lived here since he came to this city. 自从他到这座城市以来就一直住在这里。6. I have learned 2000 words since I began to learn English. 我从开始学英语以来至今已学了二千个单词。7. His parents have gone to Shanghai. 他的父母已经到上海去了。8. His parents have been to Shanghai. 他的父母亲曾经去过上海。【写作点津】 现在完成时态的基本概念有二: (1)表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。(2)表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。在使用本句型时,应注意以下几点: (1)由于现在完成时属于现在时态的范围,因而不能和表示过去的时间状语(如 last week, yesterday 等)连用,但可以同 already, never, ever, just, yet 等状语连用。例如不可说:I’ve finished the work last week. 但可说:I’ve already finished the work. (2)由于现在完成时表示动作的延续过程,因而那些不能表示延续动作的动词(又叫“瞬间 动词”)应慎重,特别是不能把这些动词的肯定式同 for 或 since 引导的时间状语连用。例 如不可说:His mother has died for five years. 应该说:His mother died five years ago. 或 His mother has been dead for five years. 这是因为 die 是瞬间动词,人一断气就死了,死的过程 绝不可能延续达五年之久。这类瞬间动词常用的还有:arrive, begin, become, come, go, die, join, leave, marry, receive, start 等。(3)注意现在完成时态和一般过去时态在概念上的区别。前者表示过去发生的某一动作对 现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况;而后者只单纯表示过去的动作或状态,和现 在不发生关系。试比较下面的句子: I have lost my pen. 我的钢笔丢了。(我现在没有钢笔用了。) I lost my pen. 我的钢笔丢了。(只说明过去丢了,不说明现在是否有钢笔。)
Exercise 16 Put the following sentences into English. 1 今天晚上我写好了三封信。2 他和他的父母去北京了。3 我的祖母已经去世十年了。4 我的哥哥去过美国,他在那儿学习过两年。他现在在上海教书。5 他从中学毕业以后就一直在这家百货商店工作。他从来没有离开过这座城市。参考答案 1 I have written three letters tonight. 2 He has gone to Beijing with his parents. 3 My grandmother has been dead for ten years. 4 My brother has been to the United States. He studied there for two years. He is teaching in Shanghai now. 5 He has worked in this department store since he graduated from middle school. He has never left this city. (七)过去完成时态句型 【句型 17】主语+had+过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. I had seen three English films by the end of last week. 到上周末为止我已经看过三部英语电影了。2. The concert had already begun before I got the theatre. 我到达剧场之前音乐会早已开始了。3. Father had been ill for a month when the doctor was sent for. 父亲病了一个多月才去请医生。4. After I had finished reading, I began to write. 我看完书后就开始写作。5. No sooner had they arrived in the city than they began to work. 他们一到达这座城市就开始工作。6. No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once more. 他刚一睡着电话铃又响了。【写作点津】 过去完成时态表示过去某一时间或某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作(见例句 1 和例句 2);它还可以表示从过去某一时间开始,持续到另一时间的动作或状态(见例句 3)。当一个由 after, before 等连词引导的从句表示的动作前后紧接时,由于连词本身已经说明 了两个动作发生的先后关系, 所以这两个动作都可以用一般过去时表示。如例句 4 就可以改 为:After I finished reading, I began to write. 注意:过去完成时是一种相对的时态,也就是说,只有在与过去时间(或动作)相比较时, 才能使用过去完成时态,以表示“过去的过去”这一概念。有的学生常把过去完成时用来表 示单纯的过去,这种常见的错误就是因为没有掌握“过去的过去”这一概念而产生的,因而 把一般过去时态同过去完成时态混用了。例如: He had received a letter yesterday.(误) He received a letter yesterday.(正) Exercise 17 Put the following sentences into English. 1 她说她以前从来没有见过那位先生。
2 我到达时,史密斯先生已经离开了办公室。3 我服了这种药后感觉舒服多了。4 这孩子拒绝告诉他的妈妈他是从哪里搞来这些钱的。5 到去年年底为止,大约有 160 人死于车祸。参考答案 1 She said that she had never met that gentleman before. 2 When I arrived, Mr Smith had left the office already. 3 I felt much better after I had taken the medicine. 4 The child refused to tell his mother where he had got the money. 5 By the end of last year, about 160 people had been killed in traffic accidents. (八)过去将来时态句型 【句型 18】主语+would/was going to+动词原形+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. He said he would come to see us. 他曾说过他要来看我们的。2. She thought the plane wouldn’t take off. 她曾以为飞机不会起飞了。3. Whenever Tong Kai had time, he would help me with my study. 每当仝凯有时间,他总是帮助我学习。4. Li Tiantian said she was going to start the next morning. 李甜甜说她打算第二天早上就起程。5. Liu Hengyan told me that there was going to be a concert this evening. 刘恒严告诉我今晚将有一场音乐会。【写作点津】 过去将来时态表示从过去某一时间来看将要发生的动作和状态。它是一种相对的时态, 总 是同某一过去的时间或过去的动作相对应而存在,因此,这个时态大多用在宾语从句中。过去将来时还可以用来表示过去习惯性动作,如例句 3 中的 would help。Exercise 18 Put the following sentences into English. 1 他们相信他们将会赢得这场足球赛。2 没有人知道会议将于何时开始。3 我想在下次会上你会同意我的。4 我告诉她不要担忧。我们肯定会好好照顾她的孩子的。5 我们期待那位老教授将会给我们一些如何学好英语的意见。参考答案 1 They were sure they would win the football game. 2 No one knew when the meeting would begin. 3 I thought you would agree with me at the next meeting. 4 I told her not to worry. We would surely take good care of her child. 5 We expected that the old professor would give us some advice on how to learn English well.
被动语态-句子表达准确性 被动语态 句子表达准确性
【句型 19】主语+am(is, are)+过去分词+…… 主语+was(were)+过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1.I am trusted by the boss.(= The boss trusts me.)老板信任我。2.You are treated very well by your teacher.(= Your teacher treats you very well.) 老师对你很好。3.She is respected by all her students.(= All her students respect her.) 全体学生都尊敬她。4.The little child was saved by Tom.(= Tom saved the little child.) 这个小孩被汤姆救起来了。5.The new houses were built by the villagers themselves.(= The villagers themselves built the new houses.)这些新房子都是由村民们自己建造的。【写作点津】 本句型是一般现在时和一般过去时的被动结构。注意上述例句中动词 be 随主语的人称和 数而变化。英语中被动语态的句子很多,译成汉语时,被动结构常可译成主动结构(见例句 1-例句 3)。如果译成被动结构(如例句 1 我被老板信任着)就不是通顺的汉语了。当然,英 语的被动结构也可以译成“被……”“由……”等(见例句 4 和例句 5)。如果不必说明动作 , 的执行者,则英语被动句中的 by-短语也常可省略。Exercise 19 Put the following sentences into English. 1 这本书是去年由郑州大学出版社出版的。2 世界上许多国家都广泛地使用英语。3 我们这所学校是解放前建造的。4 这些邮票都是我父亲年轻时收集的。5 昨天开了一次会。几位老师由于工作努力在会上受到表扬。参考答案 1 The book was published by Zhengzhou University Publishing House last year. 2 English is widely used in many countries in the world. 3 Our school was founded before liberation. 4 These stamps were collected by my father when he was young. 5 A meeting was held yesterday. Several teachers were praised for their hard work at the meeting. 【句型 20】主语+will/shall be+过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. We shall be asked to attend the meeting. 我们将应邀参加会议。2. The library will be completed at the end of the year. 图书馆将在年底建成。3. The sports meeting will be held next week.
运动会将于下周举行。【写作点津】 本句型表示一般将来时的被动语态。第一人称单、复数用 shall,其余人称用 will。在 美国英语中,所有人称都可以用 will。将来时的其他表示法,如 be going to, be to 等, 也可以有相应的被动语态结构,如“be going to be+过去分词”“be to be+过去分词” , 。例如: The presents are going to be posted tomorrow. 这些礼物将于明日寄出。These goods are to be shipped next Wednesday. 这些货物定于下星期三用船运出。Exercise 20 Put the following sentences into English. 1 杨利伟的名字将永远被中国人所铭记。2 这个实验将在两周内完成。3 会议将在下周一九点举行。4 他们将不允许进入这座大楼。5 我的家乡将要建更多的工厂。参考答案 1 The name of Yang Liwei will be remembered by the Chinese people forever. 2 The experiment will be finished in two weeks. 3 The meeting will be held at nine o’clock next Monday. 4 They will not be allowed to enter the building. 5 More factories will be built in our hometown. 【句型 21】主语+is(am, are)+being+过去分词+…… 主语+was(were)+being+过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. She is being examined by a doctor. 医生正在给她做检查。2. They are being tried by some policemen. 警察正在审问他们。3. The ice in the basin is being turned into water. 盆里的冰正在变成水。4. The classroom was being cleaned when the teacher came in. 老师进来时,教室还正在打扫呢。5. Some workshops were being built when we went to the factory. 我们到那家工厂时,有几个车间还正在修建。【写作点津】 本句型表示现在进行时和过去进行时的被动语态,其中的 being 是 be 的现在分词 (be+ing),有进行的意味。在使用进行时的被动语态结构时,切不可将句型中的 being 漏 掉。Exercise 21 Put the following sentences into English. 1 袁帅的自行车正在被修理。2 你打电话时,客人正在被领着参观我们的学校。3 这些问题正在被一群专家讨论着。4 湖边正在兴建一座新的图书馆。5 那些书正在印刷中,并将于下个月出版。参考答案 1 Yuan Shuai’s bike is being repaired.
2 The guests were being shown around our school when you phoned. 3 The problems are being discussed by a group of experts. 4 A new library is being built by the lake. 5 Those books are being printed and will be published next month. 【句型 22】主语+have(has)been+过去分词+…… 主语+had been+过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. The passengers have been sent to a hotel by the driver. 旅客们已由这位司机送到饭店去了。2. A new school has been opened in my hometown. 我的家乡开办了一所新的学校。3. He told me this programme had been shown on TV. 他告诉我,这个节目已经在电视上演过。【写作点津】 本句型是现在完成时和过去完成时的被动语态。在现在完成时的被动语态中, 除主语是第 三人称单数要用 has 外,其余人称均用 have。由于过去完成时表示“过去的过去” ,因而 要同表示过去的时间状语或谓语动词连用,在过去完成时的被动语态中也不例外(见例句 3)。Exercise 22 Put the following sentences into English. 1 所有脏衣服都已经洗过了。2 那些信都在四点钟以前写完了。3 我们的寝室还没有打扫过。4 这些机器都已经修理好了。5 那位官员说,空气和水都被污染了。参考答案 1 All the dirty clothes have been washed. 2 Those letters had been finished by 4 o’clock. 3 Our bedroom has not been cleaned. 4 The machines have been repaired. 5 The officials said that air and water had been polluted. 【句型 23】主语+情态动词+be+过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. The lock can be fixed right away. 这把锁可以立刻修好。2. The compositions must be handed in after class. 作文必须在下课后交上来。3. They may be invited to the dinner party. 他们有可能被邀请参加餐会。4. He asked whether these tools might be needed in his work. 他问这些工具是否可能在他的工作中需要。【写作点津】 含有情态动词的被动语态是在情态动词后加“be+过去分词”结构。could, might, had to 分别是 can, may, must 的过去式。Exercise 23 Put the following sentences into English.
1 这块桌布必须清洗了。2 图画必须在星期五以前交上来。3 我们的旅行得推迟到下星期。4 不可以带婴儿入音乐厅。5 运动会应当在五一节以前举行。参考答案 1 The table cloth must be cleaned(washed). 2 The drawings must be handed in before Friday. 3 Our journey must(has to)be delayed until next week. 4 Babies may not be taken into the concert hall. 5 The sports meeting should be held before Labour Day. 【句型 24】主语+be+短语动词的过去分词+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. Mr White was called on yesterday(by me). 我昨天拜访过怀特先生。2. Pronunciation must be paid attention to(by us). 我们必须注意发音。3. The money for the tickets should be handed in today. 买票的钱应当今天上交。【写作点津】 短语动词通常由“vi.+prep.”“vt.+prep. (ad.)”“vt.+n.+prep.”等构成。短语动词 、 、 是一个不可分割的整体,在变为被动语态时,不可丢掉构成短语动词的介词或副词。Exercise 24 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我们因大雪受阻,不能出发。(prevent from) 2 他的母亲外出了,他由姨妈照看。(look after) 3 这些设备已经花了大量的资金。(spend on) 4 老人应当受到尊敬,不应当同他们开玩笑。(make fun of) 5 当学生发音出了错误时,他们不应当受到嘲笑。(laugh at) 6 他是一个靠不住的人。(depend on) 参考答案 1 We were prevented from going(starting)by snow. 2 His mother is out. He is looked after by his aunt. 3 A great deal of money has been spent on the equipment. 4 Old people should be respected. They should not be made fun of. 5 Students should not be laughed at when they make some mistakes in pronunciation. 6 He is a man that can’t be depended on.
疑问句型-句子表达准确性 疑问句型 句子表达准确性
(一)一般疑问句句型 【句型 25】Be+主语+谓语+……? 【佳句存盘】 1. Are you a doctor? 你是医生吗? 2. Is Ma Mimi good at singing? 马咪咪会唱歌吗? 3. Are they in Grade Three? 他们是三年级学生吗? 4. Is there a post office near the building? 这座大楼附近有邮局吗? 5. Were you born in Anhui? 你出生在安徽吗? 【写作点津】 这是“主系表”结构的一般疑问句的句型,其中的系动词 be 应置于主语之前,也就是说 系动词 be 和主语应颠倒位置。在被动结构和进行时态中, 不是系动词, be 而是助动词, 但它们的一般疑问句也只是将 be 提至主语之前,其他语序不变。例如: Was she scolded by her mother? 她受到她母亲的责备吗? Is she coming to the meeting? 她来参加会议吗? 连系动词 be 的将来时(shall/will+be)或完成时(have/has+been)的句子, 变成一般疑问句时, 只需将 shall/will 或 have/has 提至主语前。如: Will you be at home tonight? 你今晚在家吗? Have you been to Beijing? 你到过北京吗? Exercise 25 Put the following sentences into English. 1 他们是亲密朋友吗? 2 这个周末有聚会吗? 3 你能按时完成这个计划吗? 4 他正在办公室里写信吗? 5 当你出发时天在下雨吗? 参考答案 1 Are they close friends? 2 Will there be a party this weekend? 3 Will you be able to complete the design on time? 4 Is he writing in his office? 5 Was it raining when you started? 【句型 26】Do(Does/Did)+主语+谓语+……? 【佳句存盘】 1. Do you know Deng Xin’s address? 你知道邓昕的地址吗? 2. Does Yang Jian do his homework every evening? 杨剑每晚做家庭作业吗? 3. Did they arrive in Wuhan yesterday? 他们是昨天到达武汉的吗? 4. Have you an English-Chinese dictionary? 你有英汉词典吗? 5. Do you often have breakfast at 6∶30 a.m.? 你常常在上午六点半吃早饭吗? 【写作点津】 本句型是行为动词一般疑问句的句型。如果陈述句的谓语动词是行为动词, 变成一般疑问
句时要借助于助动词 do,并将助动词 do 置于主语之前。注意,助动词 do 要随人称和时 态而变化。第一、二人称及第三人称复数的现在时用 do,第三人称单数现在时用 does,过 去时则不论人称如何一律用 did。在本句型中,除了将 do,does,did 置于句首外,还应注意把原陈述句的行为动词恢复成 它的原形(即动词原形)。在美国英语中,无论 have 作“有”解或是作行为动词用,其一般疑问句都要借助于助动 词 do。而在英国英语中,只有当 have 作行为动词用时,其一般疑问句要用助动词 do;当 其作“有”解时,则将 have/has 提至主语前。Exercise 26 Put the following sentences into English. 1 她喜欢游泳吗? 2 倪景斌参加这次竞赛了吗? 3 这辆公共汽车把我带到东湖公园吗? 4 上周你们有运动会吗? 5 你是六点钟吃晚饭吗? 参考答案 1 Does she like swimming? 2 Did Ni Jingbin join in the competition? 3 Does this bus take me to the East Lake Park? 4 Did you have sports meeting last week? 5 Do you have supper at six? 【句型 27】情态动词+主语+谓语+……? 【佳句存盘】 1. May I come in? 我可以进来吗? 2. Can you swim across the river? 你能游过这条河吗? 3. Must we hand in the exercise today? 我们今天必须交作业吗? 【写作点津】 情态动词的一般疑问句应将情态动词(can, may, must)放在主语之前。有的动词(如 dare, need)既可以作情态动词,又可以作实义动词,因此它们的一般疑问句可以有两种形式。例 如: Dare he go there alone?(情态动词) Does he dare to go there alone?(实义动词) Need he go there alone?(情态动词) Does he need to go there alone?(实义动词) Exercise 27 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我可以用你的自行车吗? 2 如果我不能按时看完,我必须来续借吗? 3 你能用英文写信吗? 4 我可以借用你的电话吗? 5 我们必须在两天内完成这项工作吗? 参考答案 1 May I use your bike? 2 Must I come and renew it if I can’t finish it on time?
3 Can you write(letters)in English? 4 May I use your telephone? 5 Must we finish the work in two days? (二)特殊疑问句句型 【句型 28】特殊疑问词+谓语+……? 【佳句存盘】 1. Who cleaned the classroom? 谁打扫的教室? 2. Which book is yours? 哪本书是你的? 3. Which goes faster, a car or a train? 哪个跑得快些,是汽车还是火车? 【写作点津】 这是向主语或主语修饰语提问的句型,提问时疑问代词 who, whose, what, which 置于句 首,其语序为正常语序(主语和谓语无须颠倒)。Exercise 28 Put the following sentences into English. 1 谁赢了,李灿还是贺培? 2 你父亲怎么了? 3 房子后面是什么?是驴子还是马? 4 哪一个是陈静的姐姐?高的还是矮的? 5 谁把我的伞拿走了? 参考答案 1 Who won,Li Can or He Pei? 2 What has happened to your father? 3 What’s behind the house, a donkey or a horse? 4 Which is Chen Jing’s sister, the tall one or the short one? 5 Who took away my umbrella? 【句型 29】特殊疑问词+助动词+主语+谓语+……? 【佳句存盘】 1. When do you go to school? 你什么时候上学? 2. Where did you go last night? 昨晚你上哪儿去了? 3. How long have you been in China? 你到中国多久了? 4. Why didn’t you visit the museum? 为什么你不参观博物馆? 5. Whom did you see on the way? 在路上你看见谁了? 【写作点津】 这是向句子的状语或宾语等(除主语外)提问的句型,通常用疑问副词(when, where, how, why 等)提问状语,而用疑问代词(whom, what, which 等)提问宾语或定语。疑问词置于句首, 其语序为倒装语序(主语和谓语中的助动词要颠倒)。Exercise 29 Put the following sentences into English. 1 你是谁?是干什么的? 2 你是怎样来武汉的,坐火车还是乘船? 3 为什么你问我这样一些问题呢?
4 你学习英语多久了? 5 你还要过多久才能准备好呢? 参考答案 1 Who are you? And what are you? 2 How did you come to Wuhan, by train or by ship? 3 Why do you ask me such questions? 4 How long have you studied English? 5 How soon will you be ready? (三)反意疑问句句型 【句型 30】陈述句+简短问句? 【佳句存盘】 1. You know his telephone number, don’t you? 你知道他的电话号码,对吗? 2. He has come back, hasn’t he? 他已经回来了,对吗? 3. You aren’t using the dictionary, are you? 你现在不用字典了,对吗? 4. We can’t take the books out, can we? 这些书我们不能拿出去,对吗? 【写作点津】 反意疑问句由两个部分构成。前一部分是一个陈述句,提出情况或看法;后一部分是一个 简短问句,问对方同不同意前述的情况或看法。如前一部分为肯定形式,则后一部分通常用 否定形式。如前一部分是否定形式,则后一部分为肯定形式。两部分在时态上要一致。后一 部分所用的助动词或情态动词要与前一部分的谓语动词一致。回答这类问题时,答案若是肯定的,则答语前要用 yes;答案若是否定的,则答语前要用 no。注意,当陈述句是否定形式时,英语的答语和汉语的答语是不一致的。如果陈述句中带有否定意义的词,如 no, never, hardly, seldom 等,那么这部分就应算否定 形式,因此,简短问句就要用肯定形式。例如: You have never believed him, have you? 你从来不相信他,对吗? He had nothing to say against Guo Jing, did he? 他对郭静没有反对意见,对吗? Exercise 30 Put the following sentences into English. 1 你已经把信寄了,是吗? 2 图书馆八点开门,是吗? 3 她是一周之前离开城市的,是吗? 4 路上有一些脚印,是吗? 5 学生们以前没有听说过这个故事,是吗? 6 我们几乎没有想到他会在这次入学考试中取得成功,是吗? 参考答案 1 You have posted your letter, haven’t you? 2 The library opens at eight, doesn’t it? 3 She left the city a week ago, didn’t she? 4 There were some footmarks on the way, weren’t there? 5 The students haven’t heard the story before, have they? 6 We hardly expected him to succeed in the entrance examination, did we? 【句型 31】祈使句+简短问句? 【佳句存盘】
1. Open the window, will you? 打开窗户,好不好? 2. Let’s go swimming, shall we? 咱们游泳去,好吗? 3. Let him be here by 10 o’clock, shall we? 叫他十点前来这儿,好吗? 【写作点津】 祈使句通常含有命令口吻, 但如果后边加上一个简短问句, 就会使口气变得委婉客气一些。本句型就是“祈使句+简短问句”的反意疑问句句型。如果是第二人称祈使句,后面用“will you?” ;如果是第一或第三人称祈使句,后面就用“shall we” ,这里不必遵循“前部肯定, 后部否定”的原则。在肯定形式的祈使句后边,也照样用 “will you?”或“shall we?” 。Exercise 31 Put the following sentences into English. 1 再来点饮料,好吗? 2 打开收音机,好吗? 3 咱们征求一下老师的建议,好吗? 4 把那件白衬衣给我,好吗? 5 不要这样大声讲话,好吗? 参考答案 1 Have a little more drink, will you? 2 Turn on the radio, will you? 3 Let’s ask the teacher for advice, shall we? 4 Bring me the white shirt, will you? 5 Don’t speak so loud, will you?
感叹句型-句子表达准确性 感叹句型 句子表达准确性
【句型 32】What(a/an)+名词+主语+谓语! 【佳句存盘】 1. What a good girl she is! 她是多好的姑娘呀! 2. What good news it is! 多好的消息呀! 3. What an ugly face she has! 她的面容多丑呀! 4. What splendid clothes they are! 这些衣服多漂亮呀! 【写作点津】 “What(a/an)+名词+主语+谓语!”是感叹句的基本句型之一。what 是形容词,作“多么的” 解,用以说明它后面的名词。如果这个名词是单数可数名词,则在 what 后要加不定冠词 a 或 an,如果这个名词是不可数名词或复数可数名词,在 what 后则不加任何冠词。在口语 中,本句型中的主语和谓语常可省略。例如: What a good girl!多好的姑娘! What good news!多好的消息! Exercise 32 Put the following sentences into English. 1 它们是多么漂亮的颜色啊! 2 多么精彩的游戏啊! 3 昨晚我们欣赏到了多么优美的音乐啊! 4 多糟糕的天气啊! 5 多么寂静的夜晚啊! 参考答案 1 What beautiful colors they are! 2 What a wonderful game it was! 3 What nice music we enjoyed last night! 4 What terrible weather! 5 What a silent night it was! 【句型 33】How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语! 【佳句存盘】 1. How cold it is! 天气多冷啊! 2. How fast he is running! 他跑得多快呀! 【写作点津】 “How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语!” 也是感叹句的一个基本句型。how 是副词,作“多么” 解,修饰后面的形容词或副词。本句型与【句型 32】的不同在于 what 后跟名词,而 how 后跟形容词或副词。有时,这两个句型可以互换。例如: How cold it is! =What cold weather it is!天气多冷呀! 本句型中的形容词(或副词)有时也可省略,而构成“How+主语+谓语!”的结构。例如: How time flies!(= How fast time flies!)时间过得多快啊! Exercise 33 Put the following sentences into English. 1 这消息多令人鼓舞啊! 2 这男孩多勤奋啊!
3 我们多么激动呀! 4 瞧,那辆汽车开得多快! 5 他们做出了这种事情!多么愚蠢! 参考答案 1 How encouraging the news is! 2 How diligent the boy is! 3 How excited we were! 4 Look, how fast the car is running! 5 They have done such things! How foolish(they are)!
祈使句型 句子表达准确性 祈使句型-句子表达准确性 句型
【句型 34】动词原形+(其他) 【佳句存盘】 1. Close the window. 把窗子关起来。(命令) 2. Sit down, please.(Please sit down.)请坐。(请求) 3. Be silent, boys and girls. 孩子们,安静。(劝告) 4. Don’t read it aloud. Read silently. 别大声朗读,要默读。(命令) 【写作点津】 上述例句都属于第二人称祈使句,主语(You)都省略了。在口语中,主语(You)也可以不省 略,而把对方的名字放在句尾,则在表示命令的口气中稍加感情色彩。例如: You make questions, Zhou Feng. And you give answers, Chen Jing. 周凤,你提问题。陈静, 你回答。第二人称祈使句的否定式是在动词原形前面加 Don’t(如例句 4),也可以加 never, 表示 更强的否定意味。试比较: Don’t ask such silly questions again. 别再提这种傻问题了。Never ask such silly questions again. 千万不要再提这种傻问题了。Exercise 34 Put the following sentences into English. 1 请读出这些单词。2 请把这些句子翻译成汉语。3 不要把自己藏在树后。4 孩子们,不要怕。5 下星期天一定要加入我们噢。参考答案 1 Read out these words, please. 2 Please translate these sentences into Chinese. 3 Don’t hide yourself behind the tree. 4 Don’t be afraid, children. 5 Be sure to join us next Sunday. 【句型 35】Let+宾语+动词原形+…… 【佳句存盘】 1. Let’s clean the window. 咱们来擦窗户吧。2. Let him do that alone. 让他一个人去做吧。3. Let us not waste our time arguing about it. 咱们不要浪费时间争论这件事了。【写作点津】 本句型表示对说话者本人或对第三者提出建议、命令、征求意见的口气,所以又叫第一人 称或第三人称祈使句。注意,在宾语之后用不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语。Let’s 和 Let us 是有区别的。Let us 里的 us 有时包括对方,有时不包括对方,这要视 情况而定;但 Let’s 里的 us 则总是包括对方的,即“我(们)和你(们)”也就是“咱们” 。Exercise 35
Put the following sentences into English. 1 咱们回家吧。2 孩子们,让我告诉你们一个故事。3 让他们举办一个晚会。4 让我们讨论一下,好吗? 5 外面太黑。妈妈,不要让他出去。参考答案 1 Let’s go home. 2 Let me tell you a story, children. 3 Let them have a party. 4 Let us have a discussion, shall we? 5 It’s very dark outside. Mother, don’t let him go out. 【句型 36】祈使句+and/or(otherwise)+简单句 【佳句存盘】 1. Try it again, and you will succeed. 再试一下,你就会成功的。2. Run fast, and you will catch the train. 快点跑,你就会赶上火车的。3. Take the chance, or/otherwise you will regret it. 抓住这次机会,否则你会后悔的。【写作点津】 本句型是祈使语气的一种特殊用法。例句的前半部形式上是一个祈使句, 但意义上却近似 于一个 if-从句。上述各例相当于: 1.If you try it again, you will succeed. 2.If you run fast, you will catch the train. 3.If you don’t take the chance, you will regret it. Exercise 36 Put the following sentences into English. 1 保持安静,你就不会被人发现。2 再说大声点,我们就会听到你。3 走快点,否则我们就会迟到了。4 出示你的证件,我们才会让你进来。5 要努力学习,否则你就要考不及格。参考答案 1 Keep quiet, and you will not be found. 2 Speak louder, and we will hear you. 3 Walk fast, or we’ll be late. 4 Show your pass, and we’ll let you in. 5 Study hard, or you’ll fail in the exam.
并列句型-句子表达准确性 并列句型 句子表达准确性
【句型 37】简单句+并列连词+简单句 【佳句存盘】 1. Huang Jie is in Class Five and I am in Class Six. 黄杰在五班,我在六班。2. Jiang Weiwei can play the piano but not the violin. 姜维维会弹钢琴,但不会拉小提琴。3. Tom was poor while his brother became very rich. 汤姆很穷,而他的弟弟却发了财。4. He was ill, however/still/yet he went to school. 他虽然有病,但还是去上学了。5. Will you come or not? 你来,还是不来? 6. He lost his job, so he was unhappy these days. 他丢了工作,因而这些天心情不太好。7. It must have rained last night, for the road is wet. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为路面很潮湿。8. His mother did not scold him, but comforted him instead. 他的母亲没有责骂他,反而安慰他。【写作点津】 由 and, or, but, while, yet, so, for 等并列连词连接两个或两个以上互不依从的分句的句子叫 并列句。连接并列句的连词可分为以下几类: ① 单纯连词:and,both...and...,not only... but also...,as well as 等。② 转折连词:but,however,yet,still,while 等。③ 选择连词:or,not...but...,either...or...,neither...nor...等。④ 推理连词:so,therefore,for 等。Exercise 37 Put the following sentences into English. 1 她的双亲去世,留给她很多钱。2 我本打算昨天告诉你,但你不在办公室。3 他太累了,所以睡得很沉。4 不是你去,就是我去。5 韩慧婕不但歌唱得好,而且舞跳得也好。6 我们花了好长时间才到那儿,因为路程太远了。7 李甜甜叫我去,我也就去了。参考答案 1 Her parents died and left her a lot of money. 2 I meant to tell you yesterday, but you were not in your office. 3 H therefore he fell sound asleep. 4 Either you’ll go or I’ll. 5 Not only does Han Huijie sing well, but also she dances well. 6 It took us a long time to get there, for it was a long way to go. 7 Li Tiantian asked me to go, so I went.
It 句型 句子表达准确性 句型-句子表达准确性
(一)it 作形式主语的句型 一 【句型 38】It+be+a./n.+不定式(动词-ing 分词,从句) 【佳句存盘】 1. It is our duty to help the poor. 帮助穷人是我们的责任。2. It is difficult for us to work out the problem. 对我们来说,解出这道题是很难的。3. It is interesting that you should like him. 你竟然喜欢他,真是有趣。4. It’s no use telling him that. 把这件事告诉他,毫无用处。【句型 39】It takes sb. some time to do sth. 【佳句存盘】 1. It takes years to master a language. 要精通一门语言需要几年时间。2. It took us nine days to finish the work. 完成这项工作花了我们九天时间。3. It’ll take him a long time to write the article. 要写这篇文章,他将要花很长的时间。【句型 40】It is said(suggested, etc.)+that-从句 【佳句存盘】 1. It is said that Jim got married a week ago. 据说,吉姆一周前结婚了。2. It was reported that our troops had crossed the river. 据报道,我们的部队已经渡江了。【句型 41】It seems+that-从句/as if-从句 【佳句存盘】 1. It seems that John will win the race.(= John seems to win the race.) 看来约翰可能在这次竞赛中获胜。2. It seemed to me(that)we had done something wrong.(= We seemed to have done something wrong.)我似乎觉得我们做错了什么事情。(二)it 作形式宾语的句型 二 【句型 42】主语+谓语+it+宾补+不定式/动词-ing 分词/从句 【佳句存盘】 1. I found it important to learn spoken English. 我发现学习英语口语非常重要。2. You may think it strange that anyone would live there. 那儿竟然有人住,你可能觉得奇怪。3. We thought it no use doing that. 我们认为做那件事毫无用处。【句型 43】It+be+被强调部分+that-从句 【佳句存盘】 1. It was I that(who)gave Alice 50 dollars yesterday. 昨天是我给爱丽丝五十美元的。2. It was 50 dollars that I gave Alice yesterday. 昨天我给爱丽丝的是五十美元钱。
宾语从句句型-句子表达准确性 宾语从句句型 句子表达准确性
【句型 44】主语+及物动词+that-从句 【佳句存盘】 1. The letter says(that)they are arriving on Sunday. 信上说,他们将在星期天到达。2. I don’t think(that)you are right. 我想你是不对的。3. We thought it a pity that Li Tiantian missed the chance. 我们认为,李甜甜失去这次机会很可惜。4. We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone. 我们认为,他对每一个人都说了谎是错误的。5. He told me that he was wrong. 他告诉我说他错了。6. I am afraid that I have failed the exam. 我担心考砸了。7. She made sure that she had turn off the gas. 她确信她关了煤气。【写作点津】 在动词 say, think, hope, suppose, believe, expect, explain, hear, know, wonder, find, regret, forget, remember, decide 等后可接 that 引导的宾语从句,that 常可省略。此外还要注意以下 几点: ① 若宾语从句后还有补足语,要用 it 作形式宾语,而把宾语从句放在句尾,如例句 3 和 例句 4。② 在 think, believe, expect, suppose 等动词后,要注意否定转移现象,如例句 2。③ 有些具有动词含义的形容词后也可接 that 从句,如例句 6 和例句 7。④ 主句是过去式,从句中也要用过去的某种时态(客观真理除外)。Exercise 44 Put the following sentences into English. 1 他发现他的英语太差了。2 刘芹决定当个护士。3 我猜想你对政治不感兴趣。4 我们认为他们在课堂上打架真不光彩。5 我们对她不辞而别感到奇怪。参考答案 1 He found that his English was too poor. 2 Liu Qin decides that she is going to be a nurse. 3 I imagine that you’re not interested in politics. 4 We thought it a shame they fought against each other in class. 5 We fell it strange that she should leave without saying good-bye. 【句型 45】主句+whether/if+从句 【佳句存盘】 1. The teacher asked if anyone was absent. 老师问是否有人缺席。2. I wonder whether Li Tiantian will come(or not). 我不知道李甜甜会不会来。【写作点津】 if 和 whether 可引导一个表示疑问的宾语从句,二者一般情况下可通用。但要注意:
① whether 后紧跟 or not 时,不可用 if 代替。② whether 可用于不定式前,if 不可以。③ whether 引导的从句可位于介词之后,if 不可以。Exercise 45 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我问她是否有字典。2 我不知道你是否会帮助我。3 我还没有决定我是学英语还是学法语。4 我不知道郭凯是否能按时到这里。5 我不能断定刘磊是否在家。参考答案 1 I asked her whether she had a dictionary. 2 I wonder if you will help me or not. 3 I haven’t decided whether to learn English or to learn French. 4 I don’t know whether Guo Kai will be here on time. 5 I’m not sure whether Liu Lei is at home. 【句型 46】主句+连接代词/连接副词+从句 【佳句存盘】 1. No one knows what Li Daiheng is doing. 没有人知道李岱恒在干什么。2. Fu Yu asks which exercise is the most difficult. 付宇问哪一道练习最难。3. They were interested in what was going on in the art. 他们对在艺术界发生的事很感兴趣。4. I take back what I said just now. 我收回刚才说的话。5. Could you tell me where the booking office is? 你能不能告诉我售票处在什么地方? 【写作点津】 连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which 等和连接副词 when, where, why, how 等都可以 引导宾语从句。注意:从句中要用陈述语气。Exercise 46 Put the following sentences into English. 1 我出去看看出了什么事。2 我一定要谢谢你为我所做的事。3 你要哪一个就挑选哪一个。4 我想知道你打算怎样去北京。5 老师不明白这个男孩为什么有这么多奇怪的问题。参考答案 1 I’ll go out to see what is happening. 2 I must thank you for what you have done for me. 3 You may choose whichever you want. 4 I want to know how you’ll go to Beijing. 5 The teacher didn’t understand why the boy had so many strange questions.
表语从句句型-句子表达准确性 表语从句句型 句子表达准确性
【句型 47】主语+系动词+表语从句 【佳句存盘】 1. The truth is that I have never been there. 事实是我从未到过那里。2. This is just what Hao Yantao wants. 这正是郝艳涛想要的东西。3. The question is who will have a try first. 问题是谁先试一试。4. The problem is whether we can find each other at the station. 问题是我们能否在车站互相找到。5. That’s why I’m going to help you. 这就是我要帮助你的原因。【写作点津】 引导表语从句的连词有连接词 that, whether, as if; 连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which 等及连接副词 when, where, how, why 等。Exercise 47 Put the following sentences into English. 1.问题是谁来帮助我们。2.今天的中国不再是五十年前的中国。3.她不像以前那个样子。4.问题是我们什么时候完成这项工程。5.这就是古泗州城所处的位置。6.我的建议是我们说话要特别小心。参考答案 1.The question is who will come to help us. 2.China of today is no longer what it was fifty years ago. 3.She is not what she used to be. 4.The question is when we’ll complete the works. 5.This was where the Old Sizhou Town lay. 6.My suggestion is that we should pay special attention to what we’ll say.
主语从句句型-句子表达准确性 主语从句句型 句子表达准确性
主语从句句型 【句型 48】主语从句+主句谓语部分 It+主句谓语部分+主语从句 【佳句存盘】 1. Who will go makes no difference. 谁去都没有关系。2. That she left me makes me very sad. 她离开了我,这使我很伤心。3. Which house I’ll buy is not decided. 我要买哪幢房子还没有决定。4. How we’ll solve the problem should be discussed again. 我们怎样来解决这个问题还要讨论。5. Whether Li Tiantian will go or not is up to her to decided. 李甜甜去还是不去要由她自己来决定。6. It is not decided where the graduates will be sent to work. 这些毕业生将分到什么地方去工作还没有决定。【写作点津】 主语从句可由连接词 that, whether, 连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which 等及连接副 词 when, where, how, why 等连接。还可用 it 作形式主语,把主语从句置于句末。Exercise 48 Put the following sentences into English. 1 谁的钱包被偷了必须弄清楚。2 他们中哪一个会赢这场比赛还很难说。3 你叔叔什么时候到,信中没有提到。4 这位画家是什么地方人我们都不知道。5 我们什么时候开运动会还是个问题。参考答案 1 Whose wallet was stolen must be made clear. 2 Which of them will win the game is hard to say. 3 When your uncle will arrive was not mentioned in his letter. 4 Where the painter is from is unknown to us all. 5 It is still a question when we’ll have our sports meeting.
状语从句句型-句子表达准确性 状语从句句型 句子表达准确性
(一)时间状语从句句型 一 时间状语从句句型
【句型 49】主句+when(while, as, before, after)+从句 【佳句存盘】 1. When my uncle came yesterday, I was busy with my work. 昨天我叔叔来的时候,我正忙于工作。2. I took care of my little brother while Mother was away. 妈妈不在家时,我照顾小弟弟。3. The girls sang merrily as they were walking along the river. 姑娘们沿江走去,边走边唱。4. He had finished his homework before I got home. 我回到家之前,他已经做完了家庭作业。5. I’ll go and see him before he starts for Beijing. 他动身去北京之前,我会去看望他的。6. My brother learned English after he had entered the college. 我哥哥上大学之后才学习英语。【写作点津】 when, while 和 as 都可以引导时间状语从句,但是在所表示的意思上有所区别。when:主要用来指一点时间,也可以用来指一段时间。因此 when-从句中的谓语动词可以 是瞬间性动词,也可以是延续性动词。while:只可以指一段时间,而不可指一点时间。因此,在 while-从句中的谓语动词必须 是延续性动词,谓语一般限于进行时或状态动词的一般时。as:相当于 when, while(在……时,当……期间)。它既可以指一点时间,也可以指一段时 间。如果我们谈论同时发生的事情或同时存在的情况,as, when 或 while 都可以通用。注意,when 和 while 还可以作并列连词,连接并列的分句,此时,when 作“这时”或“那 时”(and then)解,while 作“而;却”解。作并列连词用时,when 前面的分句通常用进行时 或状态动词的一般时。在使用 before(在……之前)和 after(在……之后)两个从属连词时,要注意主句谓语动词和 从句谓语动词之间的时间关系。Exercise 49 Put the following sentences into English. 1 他一边听老师讲课一边记笔记。2 太阳一出来我们就起床。3 我在写作的时候,请保持安静。4 她读书的时候睡着了。5 她正在说话,这时,突然进来一个警察。6 昨晚他在下雨之前就到家了。7 王艳在上中学之前就学过英语。参考答案
1 He took notes as/while/when he was listening to the teacher. 2 We get up when the sun rises. 3 Please keep silent while/when I’m writing. 4 While(she was)reading, she fell asleep. 5 She was speaking when a policeman came in. 6 He got home before it began to rain yesterday evening. 7 Wang Yan had learned some English before she went to middle school. 【句型 50】主句+until/till-从句 【佳句存盘】 1. He stayed up until/till it was four next morning. 他熬夜一直熬到第二天凌晨四点。2. Liu Chunlei did not go home unti}


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