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"A very shocking statement indeed "!! but this is true.
Every patient we encounter in the community or hospital expect us (doctors) to be honest, but they often do not&listen. As a doctor, the most difficult thing I&encountered was to "Conceal truth".
We have been administering chemicals (common term used - drugs) into your body like a snake injecting venom since . Every one knows what happens when poison is injected by a snake, but no one expects or believe we administer chemicals&that can kill people like you faster. Majority of people who die of snake bite is due to shock and not necessarily toxins. You must know every drug available in the market has side-effect, some occur&as soon as you take them and others produce long term problems.
You will soon start hearing about "". These are chemicals that are more toxic than snake&venom. Drugs that were invented but not tested in humans or licensed for human consumption. I was shocked when I heard doctors in US, EU and China started using these drugs. Why can't these doctors be honest and tell patients the truth? Is it not our duty not to harm patients who trust us? What are they trying to achieve?&
Pharmaceutical companies are keen to produce these chemicals as it is easier to gain marketing approval for an orphan drug. There may be other financial incentives, such as extended exclusivity, all intended to encourage the development of orphan drugs. &
The revenue-generating potential of un-licenced orphan drugs is great than licensed&non-orphan drugs, even though patient populations for rare diseases are significantly smaller. Moreover, orphan drugs have greater profitability when considered in the full context of developmental drivers including government financial incentives, smaller clinical trial sizes, shorter clinical trial times and higher rates of regulatory success.
Last year doctors in USA, Europe and China started using a drug "" that was not licensed for human consumption (because it is very toxic)&to&treat antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. Very soon, they found out a bacteria has started carrying information and spreading it to other friendly bacteria living in and our body, faster than lightning. The first
that is carried in a
and can be transferred between bacterial strains was created in&2016. This plasmid-borne mcr-1 gene has since been isolated in various town in China, Europe and the United States.
If this is true, I can say we will be on our knees begging for mercy from the universe in ten years not twenty five.
My prayer "" is true. (Video presentation in Medica, Germany in 2006).
Device manufacturers claiming to protect healthcare workers by introducing the so called "". They claimed reduce needle stick injury will reduce the risk of blood borne disease like hepatitis and HIV.&They discouraged and stifled my&contribution that was designed&to reduce&"". I only thought MRSA will bring an abrupt halt of&surgical procedures, organ transplants and IVF.
The worst thing that has happened now is what I did not predict in 2005.&&We knew bacteria can swap body parts but had no idea how a fungus or a virus could also share the technical know how or genes and develop resistant to treatment.
Now we know the callous attitude of device manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies did not save many healthcare workers getting HIV infection but helped MRSA to create an army of micro-organisms that will&is not only threatening our profession but threatening our very existence.&
The only option now I think is to leave the bacteria alone. Experimenting on patients using orphan drugs or other chemicals will only irate them. We must develop methods or strategies to help us identify&infected individuals, avoid contact and help reduce spread by imposing quarantine as soon as possible.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything”. Albert Einstein
We human would not have been in the situation as we are in, if the scientists who developed Guns and Antibiotics were not born on this earth. Both created tools to "Kill, Conquer & Rule". Please do not blame religion or people in power but blame yourself for not doing anything.
“When patients describe the symptoms for which they are seeking professional attention, they are reporting the story of an illness as they have lived and experienced it. Srivatsa K.M; QHJ (BMJ),1996.&
Access to medical information is often triggered after an illness of a friend or family member. People spend billions of dollars a year in unnecessary medical consultations, tests, and treatments.
Common diseases commonly occur, rare diseases rarely happen, but we neglected these so-called “Minor Ailments”. Symptoms of common diseases or ailments are under-researched, little understood and managed by doctors with uncertainty and often using common sense. More than 80% of infections do not require any treatment but no doctors will&send you home without a prescription or requesting tests, investigations or referring you to specialist care..WHY?
. Promote self- reduce delays in a diagnosis, get the right treatment to reduce complications and death.
Unfortunately, we (doctors) have still not developed a method to clinical differentiate bacterial from viral infection. Why did the CDC, GMC, Royal Colleges, BMA, WMA ignored our plea and allow nurses and chemist to diagnose and prescribe antibiotics in 2006?
by the very politicians who are spending billions paying compensation, bribing pharmaceutical companies to "Discover Antibiotics and Tests" to avert a major crisis that will wipe out a generation.
. I do not know weather I should cry or laugh because the callous attitude and arrogance has not only inflicted harm to people living all over the world. Air travel has increased the spread of infections all over the world fifty times faster and so it is estimated 300 millions could die in 250 days.
, the UN has said in a hard-hitting report.
Health Service Ombudsman said "". She&found significant failings in treatment of the condition, which is caused when the body's immune system overreacts to infection.It focused on ten patients who were not treated urgently enough and died.The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence will produce guidance for GPs and clinicians to help them recognise sepsis at an early stage.&Around 44,000 people are estimated to die of sepsis each year, accounting for 100,000 hospital admissions.
Politicians, drug manufacturers, CDC, scientists and doctors are living under an illusion, brain wash people, wasting time and money claiming to "Discover a Miracle Drug". Unfortunately, they are not going to happen, because its not ONE but we need EIGHTEEN new antibiotics to fight bacteria, not virus, fungus, TB or malaria. By irritating the micro-organisms we will make them more virulent and vicious threatening our very existence.
Please do not think it takes 100s of years before "Tsunami of bugs" start killing millions, but it will occur before&our children are young adults. We must prepare to live without antibiotic and also develop alternative methods to identify infected people. The main reason we are in trouble is because we continued to abuse antibiotics, our body has forgotten how to defend its self. The bacteria threatened by antibiotics in the last 40 years, have evolved and become stronger and more virulent than before.
Its sad but true, universe (not Allah, Jesus or Krishna) will choose people who are not fit to survive and so they have no option to survive but can choose not to spread infections to others.
The vision I encountered in 2013, is loud and clear. Image resembling 7i, was flashing in my front of my eyes, day and night. I was alone living in Germany thought I was going mad.&I started reading all about "Flashing images" and dreams. After I read about vision and dreams, "&after they had visions or dreams changed the world, so I named my company, 7i Med Ltd and went to India searching for solutions to fight infection. Fortunately, I had invented my tool "MAYA" in 2003 and was convinced "Reduction of infected people visiting hospitals and clinics is mandatory to reduce spreading infection in the community. Ebola infection confirmed my hypothesis ""
Here in the interview I said "The threat is not for humanity but a threat to medical profession"
Now I know what this meant - "Integrate Innovation (Maya) to Initially Identify Infected Individual and Isolate them (not kill them).
"We must Learn to Live and Let Live" and I think partial exposure to bacteria will kindle some kind of immunity or chemical changes in our body making us develop resistance. This is how, human beings survived for millions of years in the past.
This is "" and well known as theory of evolution.
Prof Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, said: “Epidemic and pandemic diseases are among the greatest of all threats to human health and security, against which we have for too long done too little to prepare. After four inquiries into the preventable tragedy of Ebola, there is now a strong consensus about what must be done but "NO ONE KNOWS HOW"
MAYA Knows because I have thought about this coming in 1989!!! Disruptive technologies are created for the&benefit of humanity but the companies who are threatened&will not allow such inventions or methods made available.
By&stifling innovations created with passion to&alleviate pain and suffering, the&decision maker of this multinational company have not only killed themselves but have helped bacteria and&micro-organisms to threaten over very existance.
So please act now, spread the message and help us create a network of like minded doctors and people so that we can all do something to protect our family, friends and children.&
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1.Mary is always slower than you,________?A.isn’t she B.aren’t you C.is it D.are you2.My parents and I_______doctors.A.both are B.are both
1.A 反意疑问句要根据主句中的谓语动词来定.2.B 常见的主系表结构,We are both doctors.
Both of us are doctors.
A反意疑问句 前否定 后肯定 主句没有not或其他的否定词(hardly seldom never few little ...)都是肯定句Bboth是副词 副词的位置是be动词之后,行为动词之前 助动词 情态动词之后
1A2B举例 the doors are both open.both the doors are open.the doors are all open.背熟了就没有问题了


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