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【原创】关于无线网络唤醒WOL(X1 Yoga)
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本帖最后由 ppp656 于
16:37 编辑
机器x1 yoga,系统win10,BIOS已开启Wake On LAN,进系统——设备管理——有线网卡可以开启网络唤醒(待机状态,关机不支持),但无线网卡“允许此设备唤醒计算机”的选项是灰的,无法开启,看intel 8260的文档描述这个无线网卡支持intel smart connection,支持网络唤醒应该也没问题啊,N年前的无线就可以支持了,有哪位DX了解怎么回事?多谢啦
初级会员, 积分 1.2, 距离下一级还需 2.8 积分
技术分0.6 分
资产值4458 nb
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资产值2435 nb
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无线网卡 没搞过&&帮顶一下。
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资产值2909 nb
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资产值4503 nb
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资产值2909 nb
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请问是什么机器?网卡也是Intel 8260吗?无线网卡那里的允许此设备唤醒计算机可以勾选?哈哈 麻烦看一下?谢谢谢谢
技术分0 分
资产值4503 nb
联谊分0 分
ppp656 发表于
请问是什么机器?网卡也是Intel 8260吗?无线网卡那里的允许此设备唤醒计算机可以勾选?哈哈 麻烦看一下 ...
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
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资产值2909 nb
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有用X1 yoga的DX帮忙看下这个无线网卡可选网络唤醒吗(确认BIOS已开启WOL)?联系了数次think客服,感觉都不怎么专业啊,就是让我重装各种驱动,然后还是不行,还有的客服说还原系统试试(这机器是原版的系统,买来就这样的),还有的说要检测主板,个人判断这不太可能是硬件问题吧,不过有个客服倒是说X1确定支持无线网卡的网络唤醒功能,哪位明白的大佬能帮忙看看什么问题?
AC8260.JPG (44.03 KB, 下载次数: 0)
16:05 上传
中级会员, 积分 6.1, 距离下一级还需 1.9 积分
技术分5 分
资产值17349 nb
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无线唤醒 没测过。只测试过 LAN唤醒。
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
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资产值2909 nb
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无线唤醒 没测过。只测试过 LAN唤醒。
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
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资产值2909 nb
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XD能否看下首先这个勾能不能勾选啊?我这机子直接就不能选啊,能选的话应该不必测试,肯定能用,我6年前 ...
I219.JPG (48.42 KB, 下载次数: 0)
16:23 上传
中级会员, 积分 6.1, 距离下一级还需 1.9 积分
技术分5 分
资产值17349 nb
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准确的说,无线唤醒,需要 BIOS WLAN 系统 驱动程序等等这些相关的支持才行。
这个截图是我自己的Y400 win7系统的截图。
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16:38 上传
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
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资产值2909 nb
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资产值2909 nb
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入门会员, 积分 0.1, 距离下一级还需 0.9 积分
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资产值1005 nb
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入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
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资产值2909 nb
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这个网卡确定是支持的,X1 Carbon已确定可以开启WoWLAN,我就怀疑是不是x1yoga的平板模式导致了什么冲突?
入门会员, 积分 0.3, 距离下一级还需 0.7 积分
技术分0 分
资产值1338 nb
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入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
技术分0 分
资产值2909 nb
联谊分0 分
肯定不是啦 有线网卡可以正常开启的 为了这功能把注册表等各种设置都研究遍了 还是不行
入门会员, 积分 0.1, 距离下一级还需 0.9 积分
技术分0 分
资产值830 nb
联谊分0 分
肯定不是啦 有线网卡可以正常开启的 为了这功能把注册表等各种设置都研究遍了 还是不行
我的x1 yoga也不行, 跟你一样。
入门会员, 积分 0.2, 距离下一级还需 0.8 积分
技术分0 分
资产值2909 nb
联谊分0 分
我的x1 yoga也不行, 跟你一样。
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Comsenz Inc & 51nb.com华硕Z77主板,如何使用网络唤醒,我要远程开启电脑。_百度知道
络唤醒功能。如要经互联网进行唤醒则涉及更多的问题。最后单击界面下方的WakeMeUP按钮即可实现从网络唤醒电脑.255则可进行本地广播(LocalBroadcast),其设置和使用方法都很简单。运行后在其操作界面中只有5个选项;all的指令来获得://www。注意,上述设置只针对本地网络(Local LAN)而言.com/wake-on-lan/。这个名为Magicpacket的网络唤醒软件.255,在此栏及Subnet Mask一栏中输入255。第四栏SendOptions,应选择Local Subnet。第五栏Remote Port Number则随意输入.255.depicus。另外,Internet Address(互联网地址)一栏是要进行广播的栏目。其中:网卡的(MAC Address)(MAC地址)一栏,用户可在Windows操作系统的命令行模式下输入ipconfig&#47,需要网卡支持。从网上下载WOL软件
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&文章标题 : 关于 网络唤醒, wake on lan发表于 :
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看了本版中关于 网络唤醒 的帖子,原文地址:http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=228350发现发帖要审核,重新开帖如下:看了上面的所有帖子,发现大家没有找到这个帖子: 用 google 搜索下列关键词: wake on lan ubuntu ,马上就能看到上面的贴子. 本人目前有20台ubuntu, 无论服务器,diy主机,均通过帖子中的方式进行管理,该方法很好,请LZ放心使用.================================================原文粘帖:This is really common, but I haven't seen a ubuntu howto for it, people more or less peice it together from posts and blog entries and the like.So, here it goes. First off, make sure your system supports WakeOnLAN (WOL), if you know your system well, you already know if it does or doesn't.--Automatic way:This script does everything described in the Manual way, for you, except step 1 and step 4.------------------------The automatic method is super dialup friendly! thanks to gzip compression the filesize is a mere 1.5kb! almost half the extracted size of 3.4kb!
1. If you havent already, go to your BIOS, and turn on WakeOnLAN (it varies, look for it.) If your network card is onboard, your set for step 2, otherwise there is probably a cable that should go from your network card to your motherboard, though this is not always the case.Before continuing, note the interface you want to do this to. Most people know how to do this, if you do not, look at step 2a of the manual method.2. Download and extract this: You can do it with the GUI and run the extracted program in a terminal by double clicking it, or open a terminal and do the following:**** Removed dead link ****3. As the exit of the program notes, now you just need to get/use a wake on lan sending program, like wakeonlan.4. Sit on your lazy *** and have fun --Manual way:------------------------1. If you havent already, go to your BIOS, and turn on WakeOnLAN (it varies, look for it.) If your network card is onboard, your set for step 2, otherwise there is probably a cable that should go from your network card to your motherboard, though this is not always the case.2. Back in ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, w/e, we now need to make a script that will run every time the computer is started, because this command only lasts until the computer is turned on again once.2a. Find out what network device you want to have the computer wake-able from, usually all, which is just one. If you have more network devices in your system, 9 chances out of 10, you already know what they are called.You can NOT wake up a laptop or computer that is only connected via wireless with wake-on-lan, unless the bios has a method for this, this is very rare, and I do not garuntee this howto will work in such cases.In your terminal, type:Code:ifconfigYou'll get something like: (I have removed my mac address for security)Code:eth0
Link encap:Ethernet
HWaddr 01:23:45:67:89:ab
inet addr:
inet6 addr: fe80::215:f2ff:fe6f:3487/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:71495 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:76190 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:.0 MiB)
TX bytes:.2 MiB)
Interrupt:217 Base address:0xd400lo
Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:1290 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1290 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:7.4 KiB)
TX bytes:7.4 KiB)So, I want this system to be wake-able from eth0.2b. Now we create the script.Note: you must be an administrator on the system you are doing this to.Code:sudo -iEnter your password at the prompt.Change to the startup script directory and start editing a new file:Code:cd /etc/init.d/pico wakeonlanconfigPaste, or type this into the file, replacing eth0 with your network device, repeat the ethtool line as many times for your devices before the exit line:Code:#!/bin/bashethtool -s eth0 wol gexitSet the permissions of the file:Code:chmod a+x wakeonlanconfigMake the script run on startup:Code:update-rc.d -f wakeonlanconfig defaultsYou should see something like:Code: Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/wakeonlanconfig ...
/etc/rc0.d/K20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc1.d/K20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc6.d/K20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc2.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc3.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc4.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc5.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfigNow we finish by running it, and making sure there are no errors.Code:/etc/init.d/wakeonlanconfigThis should produce no output and put you right back at the prompt you started at.3. Use it. you'll need something to send wake-on-lan packets with, &wakeonlan& is in the repos. And you'll need the mac address of the system.To get your MAC address, on the same system you just enabled WOL on, type:Code:ifconfig | grep HWits the thing that looks like 01:23:45:67:89:ab , write it down.turn off that system:Code:sudo haltif your using wakeonlan from the repos, and you are on the same network as the computer your tying to wake up, replace 01:23:45:67:89:ab with your mac address and do, from another computer:Code:wakeonlan 01:23:45:67:89:abIn MOST cases, you CAN SEND wake on lan packets from a wireless connected computer.If that doesnt work, its likely the port on the system your trying to wake up isnt the default (9), try 7, or if your BIOS settings or book told you one, use that one.Code:wakeonlan -p 7 01:23:45:67:89:abIf that STILL doesnt work, make sure wakeonlan is enabled in your bios and your hardware supports it.*Note: It has been said that you need to disable -i from halt, however I have never had to do this, nor do I know how.4. Sit on your lazy *** and have fun Feel free to post any questions, suggestions, problems and I will tend to them ASAP.Added notes:* For this to work, most systems must be shut down properly, ie: with the power button or halt, or any of the ways to shut down. Unclean power-offs (like a power outage or holding the power button for 5s) seem to stop WOL from working untill the system is powered on and shut down properly. Though, there my be a few exceptions. This is a hardware issue with the BIOS. In my opinion, WOL should work regardless of how the system is powered off, but thats not the case. I suggest, if you have frequent power outages, that you have your BIOS set to Power ON after a power failure, most new systems allow this.================================================针对英文不好的同学,我大致整理好步骤如下:1. sudo apt-get install ethtool wakeonlan此命令用于安装 ethtool 和 wakeonlan 这些个工具: ethtool 用于修改网卡的wol状态; wakeonlan 用于唤醒主机2. sudo -i进入 root 模式3.cd /etc/init.d/pico wakeonlanconfig进入 /etc/init.d/, 创建 wakeonlanconfig 文件. 我个人喜欢用nano, 原文是用 pico4. 输入下面的内容,并保存退出:#!/bin/bashethtool -s eth0 wol gexit5. chmod a+x wakeonlanconfig修改 wakeonlanconfig 的属性,保证可以运行6.update-rc.d -f wakeonlanconfig defaults把脚本程序 wakeonlanconfig 添加到启动服务中,如果一切正常,会看到如下的输出:Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/wakeonlanconfig ...
/etc/rc0.d/K20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc1.d/K20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc6.d/K20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc2.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc3.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc4.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig
/etc/rc5.d/S20wakeonlanconfig -& ../init.d/wakeonlanconfig7. 现在好了,可以运行:/etc/init.d/wakeonlanconfig 来测试是否一切正常,如果正常,则什么也不会有显示8.最后一步,你要确定本机的 mac 地址,用如下命令: ifconfig | grep HW现在,你可以放心重启你的系统了,用命令都可以.请LZ及各位同学测试一下,有问题可以留言.================================================
&文章标题 : Re: 关于 网络唤醒, wake on lan发表于 :
9:36帖子: 148
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这是解释给菜鸟听的查看Ubuntu Wake on Lan 命令行sudo ethtool eth0你会看到Wake-on: d 如果 wake-on 一项值为 d,表示禁用wake on lan 值为 g,表示启用 wake on lan此帖的方法就是教你一次性配置启用网络唤醒功能。
&文章标题 : Re: 关于 网络唤醒, wake on lan发表于 :
23:30帖子: 72
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