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晒晒我的“静音”小存储:HP 惠普 DL360 G5超薄服务器
追加修改( 20:41:47):半天时间收获了251个收藏和100多个赞,我觉得这帖子应该已经说明问题了,家庭使用服务器还是有市场的。看了楼下各位同学的回帖,深感欣慰,噪音问题确实是困扰我们使用“服务器”作为家用的一个重大障碍。不过还是要重申下这机器的目的,也是它可以做到的:1、省钱的前提下,提供尽可能彪悍的内存容量和CPU运算能力。(仔细看过上面文章的相信会明白这句的意思。)2、觉得自己的数据值钱,有数据安危意识的,愿意投资一点点小钱可以考虑入一台,(当然后期硬盘的投入是大头,一块硬盘就超过这一台服务器了)。服务器做存储的话,更多的意义是为用户提供了一个更彪悍、更可靠的平台。3、IT民工、画图民工做试验接私活,需要海量运算资源(比如虚拟化、云计算或者做渲染小农场的),又囊肿羞涩的。从历史来看,网络攻城狮做的试验不太需要强运算资源,相对来说对系统攻城狮的诱惑更大一些。关于电费、价格因素,我想各位可以简单算个账。方案1、投入5000块买个台式机,然后功耗100W,做做相应的试验或者作为游戏机。存储的干活数据可能会丢,去中关村花两个硬盘的钱去做数据恢复。方案2、投入1000块买个同等配置的服务器,然后功耗150W到300W不等,按月交电费。期间工资可能会涨,电费会越来越不算个事。期间硬盘可能会坏,买一个硬盘顶替更换Raid中损坏的磁盘。另外一组方案可能是这样的。方案1,买一台支持4个槽位的主板,插满8G*4,内存价格,400*4,内存需要1600块。方案2,买一台支持8个槽位的服务器主板,插满4G*8,内存价格135*8 内存需要1080块。两者差额用来慢慢弥补两年电费差价。以上方案,谁的选择都对,都没有错,方案一噪音低是优势,同时也省电,但关键是看需求。再多嘴一句,由于我也没自己的小仓库,所以这机器除了做试验我平常也不敢开机……【再次PS,我有台同配置的工作站,那个经常开机,下次可以给大家晒晒工作站神器】说实话,一直都没想晒自己的这个东西。我一直以为服务器为家庭所用是比较远的事情,但是在大妈这里已经看到很多人在用了。一方面大家的收入水平是蹭蹭的往上跑,一方面二手服务器的价格也蹭蹭的往下降,服务器的双电源、双CPU、双电源、冗余内存、冗余硬盘“有备无患”的设计让普通用户的购买欲望越来越强。购买服务器的因素中,“钱”已经P都不是了。&考虑到很多朋友在实际使用当中,感觉自己花了大价钱买了NAS或者其他东西,但感觉并没有享受到服务器级别的待遇,开文特地分享下。&你们要是有不懂的,可以问,但是我只捡会的回答。=====没自己的房子,就别买服务器坑室友了&============二手服务器为什么会便宜,其实这和市场规律有关,因为最早一批的771接口的服务器已经到了5年的退役期,在一般企业当中,过了5年资产就可以报废了&,所以市面上涌现了很多5年前的机器,但尽管这些机器是5年前的,可是瘦死的骆驼比马大&,再加上服务器至少也是双CPU的,所以就现在来看,CPU的性能也还是很给力的&。购买链接我就不给了,因为这是老机器,是要攒出来的,马家铺子搜索 DL360 G5就行了。小编说一定要给购买链接,我就直接上地址了&以下广告位招租,谁想做广告的可以联系我,我把图换掉。另外申明的是,尽管我推荐了这些铺子,但实际我是从二手市场买的。马家这机型销量最大的铺子。具体硬盘和cpu和内存的选择,可以跟店家谈。基本上要什么配置都有。另外如果想要配3.5寸硬盘,我推荐戴尔2950以及R510的机器。马家铺子这里找,这种机器比惠普的G5要厚一倍,但是有6/12个盘位,支持SAS和SATA。其他也有些不同,但反正都是属于“性价比”系列的机器,就别在意太多啦。 还有一点要说的是,不到万不得已,不建议个人用户采购昂贵的SAS硬盘&,一来二手硬盘就算速度快,但是可靠性值得商酌,而来如果只是追求速度的快感,不如直接上固态。内存方面推荐还是配2G一根的,因为现在2G的服务器内存只要35&,但是4G需要145&.所以不到万不得已,就别买4G啦。关于服务器上的阵列卡,一般HP的机器都是自带的,戴尔的可能会有外置插卡,这个在买的时候只要问问商家就行,除非你是买12盘位的机器,要不这一点不需要特别关注。=====好用不贵的机器======首先简单介绍下咱们的主角,HP的超薄服务器&DL360 G5,这是一台支持771CPU的双路服务器,可以插32G内存。支持4块2.5寸SAS或SATA硬盘。带诊断卡,ilo远程控制、还有二个标准的PCIE插槽、支持双电源。你说它大么?是有点大,但是很薄。关于服务器的型号,像DL360 G5,就表示的是360的第5代产品,从G5变成G6甚至G7,价格就差了很多很多。在大型号之下,不同配置的差异,完全就是靠厂商的序列号来控制了,不过既然是二手了,这些也不要在意了,服务器的主板内存硬盘可能全都不是原装的了。因此关注点放在大型号即可。以下图片都是适马18-35 1.8直出,晚上出些不太认真的片子非常容易。&你就当我这篇也是个摄影晒单吧&来和爱混4比比大小机器前面板,支持4个2.5寸SAS或SATA硬盘,需要说明的是,支持SSD哟。左边SAS,右边SATA盘,看起来差不多。实际上厚度差很多,而且接口有少许差别,SAS口多数可以支持SATA,但是SATA接口无法支持SAS。8根2G内存插入,一根差不多40吧,现在普通台式机内存16G要多少钱?是这2倍吧。两个CPU热管风扇,以及很多很多暴力扇,这些风扇在开机的时候基本和飞机起飞一个效果。正常进入系统后,声音就小了很多,但是依然不是正常人类可以开心忍受的。所以没有容忍你的好基友,或者有自己房子,或者租房有公用空间的同学,因为声音的问题你就不值得入手了。自带的Raid卡,支持4个硬盘口,这个卡有更高级一点的,可以支持8个硬盘口。尾部的ilo远程控制、USB、串口、显示器、两个网卡以及电源。如果有薄的不用外置电源的显卡,也可以接入。和同级别戴尔服务器相比,这批机器最大的特点是,远程控制模块ilo是先天就有的,网上随便找个破解序列号一输就可以用了。无需显示器,可以远程开关机(真正意义上的开关机,操作系统关闭后能够开机)。前面板的诊断卡,很好玩的一张卡,能够查看你的风扇、电源以及内存的故障点,对于排错很有帮助。我的机器配置如下:E.0G 4核)、2G*8、146G SAS*1,两个硬盘支架,单电。这样的结果就是在Windows Server 2012 R2的任务管理器里头,看到的是一个8核的CPU,以及16G内存。这么高大上的机器要多少钱呢?马家铺子1000左右搞定。==买这机器图个啥?&下面说的是重点===================楼主是个IT民工,所以有时候要做一些IT试验,自家有机器当然会方便一些,不过现在运算性能好一点,内存又可以配的比较大的机器,起步价也得3000吧&,低于这个价格实在是没啥好机器。所以买服务器做些小实验还是很美的,完爆同价位的新台式机。特别是SAS盘转速都是万转或者1.5万转的,性能比台式机硬盘好很多。而服务器有个特点是,内存可以配到很大,这在虚拟化的试验当中是很有优势的一件事情。DL360 G5毕竟是一台1U高度的机器,如果只是做存储,还是2U的支持6盘位的戴尔2950一类的机器更合适。比如12盘位的定制版R510。&从另外一个方面来说,如果不是为了做试验(消耗CPU的工作),不是为了做存储,那买服务器就是个无意义的事情。再便宜也不值得买。说白了,服务器和台式机并没有什么太大的不同,“服务器”可以简单的认为是“台式机”的高可用版本。能怎么用台式机,就能怎么用服务器,前提是能忍受风扇的噪音。====便宜又大碗,值得买================================现在问题来了,我们都知道数据是最值钱的,硬件都是废铁。那么在支持SAS和SATA的硬件上,磁盘是用SAS还是SATA,用红盘还是企业盘还是绿盘还是随便什么盘?他们有没有区别?&现在做NAS,很多同学愿意买西数的红盘,也有同学觉得绿盘做了Raid一样很安全。怎么说呢?红盘一样会坏,绿盘走了狗屎运也许比红盘还持久。但是希捷和西数卖盘价格稀奇乖乖,有的盘价格还特别离谱,这都是有原因的。企业级磁盘之所以贵,主要在于它更持久,&不容易软(坏)。比如希捷SAS的ES3盘,平均无故障时间都达到了140万小时,而红盘只有100万、西数RE也只有120万,当然拿希捷的企业级和西数家用机对比太不公平,但至少说明了贵有贵的道理。买贵买的就是那个不容易坏的几率。另外这个无故障时间大家也不要太当真,&140万小时是多少时间呢?接近160年,而我们都知道,即使企业级硬盘能连续支撑5年不坏也算是帅小伙了。这个“无故障时间”只能作为一种趋势数据的参考。标称数据越大,越值得信赖,相对更有节操。另外一个值得关注的问题是掉盘问题,廉价NAS的Raid容易掉盘&&,而企业级磁盘做Raid5,不容易掉,更有节操!&家用级的盘里面,西数红盘带有TLER技术,勉强可以跟得上企业级磁盘的脚步。红盘支持工作温度65度,比SAS盘高5度。 所谓的TLER技术全称是Time Limited Error Recovery,是指错误恢复功能,因为RAID控制器(阵列卡)会自动卸载掉超过8秒没有任何响应的硬盘并报告错误,然后开始进入阵列的错误校正过程,有可能导致阵列系统停掉以及冗长的RAID卷恢复动作。  当打开有TLER的硬盘在检测到本次错误校正无法在7秒钟之内完成的话,会在每个第7秒的时刻向RAID控制器(阵列卡)发出信息宣示它的存在,RAID控制器就能够在8秒的阈值检测到这个物理驱动器仍然在线,从而不会将其卸载掉,RAID卷也就不会损坏,系统停掉以及冗长的RAID卷恢复动作也就不会发生。&家用级磁盘认为raid掉线了,那就掉呗,咱离线赶紧恢复,&但是这样做其实是坑爹的。因为我们并不希望她频繁的恢复。而企业级磁盘则是挪个地儿,继续存储数据,尽量不让磁盘掉线,&从而保证持续可用,所以如果你拆过坏的SAS盘,可能会发现坏盘的磁道已经惨目忍睹了&要保证Raid5不容易坏,只有一个办法,使用热备盘(Hot Space),但是热背盘顾名思义,你得多投一块盘进来,平时什么都不干,就那么放着,阵列中有盘坏了,能够自动恢复。4盘位的存储做个Raid5带热备,相当于只有2块盘上有数据。很多用户满足不了这个使用条件,所以就觉得Raid5很不好用,说白了就是钱没花到位。企业中标准的12盘2T存储,其中10块做Raid5,两块做热备,使用空间只有18T,有3块是不存储数据以及存储校验数据,可以说是站着xx不xx的。这样可以提升安全性,但是你愿意投入么?&我知道你肯定说没钱。如果投入有限,那么使用镜像的Raid1就是最合适的了,Raid1这种阵列方式结构简单,而且Raid卡没有什么运算压力,无论是其中一块盘还是一张卡坏了,都不影响磁盘数据。&屌丝就用这种方法吧。===写到这我骗了大家===============事实上服务器无论在什么时候,都不可能静音的,&保证散热效率和稳定性是服务器的第一考量标准。至于声音什么的,不在它们的设计范畴之内。DL360 G5只是相对静音。楼主公司已经退役了不少机器,在同级别的机器中,DL360 G5确实是静音效果比较好的。不过这两年的新机器,比如戴尔R620 R630,由于CPU架构的革新,温度和噪音更小了,但是由于是新机器,几万块已经不存在什么性价比了&。它们才是真正的“生产工具”。最后是我整理的一些希捷和西数的磁盘性能图,来源官方,供大家选配参考。在存储领域,一分钱一分货,一毛钱二分货是一定的。你要相信,多花的钱,总会在不经意的将来为你省下来。&话说现在干私活的,一次谁没个几千块?挽回一次数据损失就全回来了,所以不要丢小放大啊。&希捷ES3磁盘性能表&希捷红盘、红盘坡、RE的功能对比红盘技术指标&RE盘技术指标&&
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HP Mini-SAS cable HP ProLiant DL380 G7 Server - Spare PartsItemDescriptionSpare Part NumberCustomer Self Repair1Access panelMandatory12Power supply cageMandatory13Fan cageMandatory14Optical drive cageMandatory15SFF hard drive cageMandatory16PCI riser cageMandatory17Air baffleMandatory18Bezel kit - Contains left front bezel onlyMandatory19LFF hard drive cage3Mandatory110Hard drive blank3Mandatory111Power supply blank3Mandatory112Heatsink contains:&3Processor heatsink kitOptional2Thermal kit (cleaning pad and thermal greaseOptional213Hardware kit contains:&3&Mandatory1System componentsItemDescriptionSpare Part NumberCustomer Self Repair14Hot-plug fan, 60 mmMandatory115Power supplies, hot-plug——a) 460 W, acMandatory1b) 750 W, ac4Mandatory1c) 1200 W, -48 V dc4Mandatory1d) 460 W HE 94%4Mandatory1e) 750 W HE 94%4Mandatory1f) 1200 W HE 94%4Mandatory1Boards16System board assemblyOptional217Riser boards——a) PCI riser board with two x4 pcie and one x8 slotOptional2b) PCI-X riser board4Optional2c) PCIe riser board4Optional218Power supply backplaneMandatory119Systems Insight Display subassemblyOptional220HP Trusted Platform ModuleNo321SFF SAS backplaneOptional222LFF SAS backplane4Optional223SAS controller board4Mandatory124HP Smart Array P410i cache module4Mandatory1Memory25RDIMM4——a) PC3-8500 (DDR3-1066), 4GB (RoHS) 4R kitMandatory1b) PC3-8500 (DDR3-1066), 8GB (RoHS) 4R kitMandatory1c) PC3-8500 (DDR3-1066), 8GB (RoHS) 2R kitMandatory1d) PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333), 2GB (RoHS) 2R kitMandatory1e) PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333), 4GB (RoHS) 2R kitMandatory1f) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333), 4GB (RoHS) 9R kitMandatory1g) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333), 8GB (RoHS)Mandatory126UDIMM4——a) PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333), 1GB (RoHS)Mandatory1b) PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333), 2GB (RoHS)Mandatory1c) PC3-10600E (DDR3-1333), 4GB (RoHS)Mandatory127LV DIMM4,5——a) PC3L-8500R, 4GBMandatory1b) PC3L-8500R, 8GBMandatory1c) PC3L-10600R, 4GBMandatory1d) PC3L-10600R, 8GBMandatory1Processors&4,628a) 2.13 GHz Intel Xeon processor L5630Optional2b) 2.13 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5506Optional2c) 2.26 GHz Intel Xeon processor L5640Optional2d) 2.40 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5620Optional2e) 2.53 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5630Optional2f) 2.66 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5640Optional2g) 2.66 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5650Optional2h) 2.80 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5660Optional2i) 2.93 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5670Optional2j) 3.33 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5680Optional2k) 3.46 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5677Optional2l) 2.00 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5503Optional2m) 3.60 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5687Optional2n) 3.46 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5690Optional2o) 3.06 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5675Optional2p) 3.20 GHz Intel Xeon processor X5672Optional2q) 2.53 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5649Optional2r) 2.40 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5645Optional2s) 2.13 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5606Optional2t) 1.60 GHz Intel Xeon processor E5603Optional2Hard drives29Hot-plug SFF SAS4——a) 36GB, 15,000-rpm, dual portMandatory1b) 72GB, 10,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1c) 72GB, 15,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1d) 146GB, 10,000-rpm, dual-port, 6GMandatory1e) 146GB, 10,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1f) 146GB, 15,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1g) 300GB, 10,000-rpm, dual-port, 6GMandatory1h) 300GB, 10,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory130Hot-plug SFF SATA4——a) 120GB, 5,400-rpm, 1-year warrantyMandatory1b) 250GB, 5,400-rpm, 1-year warrantyMandatory131Hot-plug LFF SAS4——a) 72GB, 15,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1b) 146GB, 15,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1c) 300GB, 15,000-rpm, dual-port, enterpriseMandatory1d) 400GB, 10,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1e) 450GB,15,000-rpm, dual-portMandatory1f) 750GB, 7200-rpm, dual-port, 1-year warrantyMandatory1g) 1TB, 7200-rpm, dual-port, 1-year warrantyMandatory132Hot-plug LFF SATA4——a) 160GB, 7200-rpm, 1-year warrantyMandatory1b) 250GB, 7,200-rpm, 3GMandatory1c) 500GB, 7,200-rpm, 1-year warrantyMandatory1d) 750GB, 7,200-rpm, 1-year warrantyMandatory1e) 1TB, 7200-rpm, 1-year warrantyMandatory1Optical drives&433Slimline CD-ROM driveMandatory134Slimline 8x/24x DVD-ROM driveMandatory135Slimline 24x CD-RW/DVD-ROM driveMandatory136Slimline 8x DVD+R/RW driveMandatory1DVD-RW Slimline optical disk drive - SATA interface, 12.7 mmMandatory1Cables&437aSAS backplane cableMandatory137b2nd SAS SFF backplane power cableMandatory138Optical drive data and power cableMandatory139AC power cordMandatory140HP Smart Array P800 cache module battery cableMandatory141Battery cable, 24 in.Mandatory142SPS-CA SATA to MINI-SASMandatory1Batteries&443System battery, 3.3 V, lithiumMandatory144Smart Array P410i cache module battery packOptional245Capacitor packOptional2Rack Mounting Hardware Kit&4&46a) LFFOptional2b) SFFOptional247Full-length expansion board shipping bracketMandatory1Heatsink48Processor heatsinkOptional2Controller option49FBWC module, with 1GB cableMandatory1HP Unique optionsDescriptionOption Part #HP 8SFF CAGE 380G6/G7 Kit1HP DL380G6/G7 PCI-E 3 Slot 1x8 2x4 Riser KitNOTE:1:&Second drive cage installation replaces internal optical bay.Second drive cage requires second controller or HP SAS Expander Card ().HP ProcessorsDescriptionOption Part #Six-Core ProcessorsHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon X GHz/6-core/6MB/130 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon X GHz/6-core/12MB/95 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon X GHz/6-core/12MB/95 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon X GHz/6-core/12MB/95 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon X GHz/6-core/12MB/95 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon E GHz/6-core/12MB/80 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon E GHz/6-core/12MB/80 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon L GHz/6-core/12MB/60 W) Processor KitQuad-Core ProcessorsHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon X GHz/4-core/12MB/130 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G6 Intel Xeon X GHz/4-core/12MB/95 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon E GHz/4-core/12MB/80 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon E GHz/4-core/12MB/80 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon E GHz/4-core/12MB/80 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon E GHz/4-core/80 W/8MB) FIO Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon E GHz/2-core/4MB/80 W) Processor KitHP DL380 G7 Intel Xeon L GHz/4-core/12MB/40 W) Processor KitHP MemoryDescriptionOption Part #Registered DIMMs (RDIMMs)HP 2GB (1 x 2GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Memory KitHP 4GB (1 x 4GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Memory KitHP 4GB (1 x 4GB) Single Rank x4 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Memory KitHP 4GB (1 x 4GB) Single Rank x4 PC3L-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Low Power Memory Kit1HP 8GB (1 x 8GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Memory KitHP 8GB (1 x 8GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3L-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Low Power Memory Kit1HP 16GB (1 x 16GB) Quad Rank x4 PC3-8500 (DDR3-1066) Registered CAS-7 Memory KitHP 16GB (1 x 16GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3L-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 LP Memory KitHP 32GB (1 x 32GB) Quad Rank x4 PC3L-8500 (DDR3-1066) Registered CAS-7 LP Memory KitUnbuffered with ECC DIMMs (UDIMMs)HP 1GB (1 x 1GB) Single Rank x8 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Unbuffered CAS-9 Memory KitHP 2GB (1 x 2GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Unbuffered CAS-9 Memory KitHP 4GB (1 x 4GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Unbuffered CAS-9 Memory KitHP 4GB (1 x 4GB) Dual Rank x8 PC3L-10600 (DDR3-1333) Unbuffered CAS-9 Low Power Memory KitNOTE:1:&Low Voltage DIMMs can only be used with Intel Xeon processor 5600 series processors.HP Optical drivesDescriptionOption Part #HP Slim SATA DVD RW Optical Drive1HP Slim SATA DVD-ROM Optical Drive2NOTE:1:&Included in performance models.2:&There is no optical drive support in the LFF Hard Drive models, or optional 8 SFF HDD.HP Hard drives&NOTE:The components of a storage subsystem (e.g. the drive, the HBA/controller, firmware, and the server backplane) should operate at the same data transfer rate or the system bandwidth will be negotiated down to an acceptable level for all components.Hard drives have either a one year or refer to the specific hard drive QuickSpecs for details.DescriptionOption Part #SAS Hot Plug SFF (2.5-inch) Enterprise (ENT) DrivesHP 1.2TB 6G SAS 10K SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 900GB 6G SAS 10K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 600GB 6G SAS 10K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 450GB 6G SAS 10K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 300GB 6G SAS 10K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 146GB 6G SAS 15K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 300GB 6G SAS 15K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Hot Plug Enterprise 3 yr Warranty Hard DriveSAS Hot Plug LFF (3.5-inch) Enterprise (ENT) DrivesHP 600GB 6G SAS 15K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 450GB 6G SAS 15K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 300GB 6G SAS 15K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Dual Port Enterprise 3yr Warranty Hard DriveSAS Hot Plug SFF (2.5-inch) Midline (MDL) DrivesHP 1TB 6G SAS 7.2K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 500GB 6G SAS 7.2K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Dual Port Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveSAS Hot Plug LFF (3.5-inch) Midline (MDL) Drives&1HP 3TB 6G SAS 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 2TB 6G SAS 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Dual Port Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 1TB 6G SAS 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Dual Port Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveSATA Hot Plug SFF (2.5-inch) Midline (MDL) DrivesHP 500GB 3G SATA 7.2K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 1TB 3G SATA 7.2K rpm SFF (2.5-inch) Hot Plug Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveSATA Hot Plug LFF (3.5-inch) Midline (MDL) DrivesHP 2TB 3G SATA 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 1TB 3G SATA 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 500GB 3G SATA 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 3TB 3G SATA 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveHP 4TB 3G SATA 7.2k rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Midline 1yr Warranty Hard DriveSATA Hot Plug LFF (3.5-inch) Entry (ETY) DrivesHP 250GB 3G SATA 7.2K rpm LFF (3.5-inch) Entry 1yr Warranty Hard Drive6G SAS ME Hot Plug SFF (2.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream Solid State DrivesHP 800GB 6G SAS Mainstream Endurance SFF 2.5-in Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveHP 400GB 6G SAS Mainstream Endurance SFF 2.5-in ENT Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveHP 200GB 6G SAS Mainstream Endurance SFF 2.5-in Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveSATA Hot Plug (2.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream Solid State DrivesHP 400GB 3G SATA MLC SFF (2.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveHP 200GB 3G SATA MLC SFF (2.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveHP 100GB 3G SATA MLC SFF (2.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveSATA Hot Plug (3.5-inch) Midline (MDL) Solid State DrivesHP 400GB 3G SATA MLC LFF (3.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveHP 200GB 3G SATA MLC LFF (3.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveHP 100GB 3G SATA MLC LFF (3.5-inch) Enterprise Mainstream 3yr Warranty Solid State Drive6G SAS Hot Plug Enterprise Performance Solid State DrivesHP 400GB 6G SAS SLC SFF (2.5-inch) Enterprise Performance 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveHP 200GB 6G SAS SLC SFF (2.5-inch) Enterprise Performance 3yr Warranty Solid State DriveNOTE:1:&&.HP NetworkingDescriptionOption Part #Gigabit Ethernet adaptersHP NC112T PCIe Gigabit Server AdapterHP NC360T PCI Express Dual Port Gigabit Server AdapterHP NC365T 4-port Ethernet Server AdapterHP NC373F PCI Express Multifunction Gigabit Server AdapterHP NC373T PCI Express Multifunction Gigabit Server AdapterHP NC375T PCI Express Quad Port Gigabit Server AdapterHP NC382T PCI Express Dual Port Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapter10 Gigabit Ethernet Adapters&1HP NC522SFP Dual Port 10 GbE Server AdapterHP NC550SFP Dual Port 10 GbE Server AdapterHP NC523SFP 10Gb 2-port Server AdapterHP 10 GBE PCI-E G2 Dual Port Network Interface CarNOTE:1:&No more than two 10 GbE I/O devices are supported in a single ProLiant server. A minimum of two Gigabytes (2GB) of server memory is required per each adapter. Direct Attach Cable (DAC) for copper environments or fiber transceivers and cables for fiber-optic environments must be purchased separately.HP InfiniBandDescriptionOption Part #HP InfiniBand 4X QDR ConnectX-2 PCIe G2 Dual Port HCAHP InfiniBand 4X DDR ConnectX-2 PCIe G2 Dual Port HCAQLogic InfiniBand 4X QDR PCI-E G2 Dual Port HCAHP InfiniBand FDR/EN 10/40Gb Dual Port 544QSFP AdapterNOTE:&.HP I/O expansion optionsDescriptionOption Part #HP DL380G6/G7 PCI-E 1x8 2x4 Riser Kit1HP DL38X PCI-X riser Kit (1) PCI-X, (1) x8, (1) x4)HP DL38X (1) x16 PCI-E riser KitHP DL38X (2) x8 PCI-E Riser KitNOTE:1:&Supports the HP ProLiant DL380 G7 server.HP Power supplies&NOTE:Prior to making a power supply selection it is highly recommended that the HP Power Advisor is run to determine the right size power supply for your server configuration.&.DescriptionOption Part #HP 460 W HE Hot Plug AC Power Supply KitHP 460 W Common Slot Platinum Power Supply KitHP 750 W Common Slot High Efficiency Power Supply KitHP 750 W Common Slot Platinum Power Supply KitHP 1200 W Common Slot High Efficiency Power Supply KitHP 1200 W -48 V dc Common Slot Power Supply1NOTE:1:&DC power supplies contain a -48 V dc power cord designed for in rack DC power rectifiers.HP Insight softwareDescriptionOption Part #HP Insight ControlHP Insight Control including 1yr 24x7 Technical Support and Updates Single Server LicenseC6N27AHP Insight Control including 1yr 24x7 Technical Support and Updates Electronic LicenseC6N28AAEHP Insight Control Server Provisioning Media KitBD883AHP Insight Management Media KitC6N31AHP Insight Control including 1yr 24x7 Support ProLiant ML/DL/BL-bundle Electronic LicenseC6N36AAEHP Insight Control Server Deployment including 1yr 24x7 Support Electronic LicenseT9082AAEHP Insight Control Server Deployment including 1yr 24x7 Support Single Server LicenseHP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) Advanced for ProLiantHP iLO Advanced including 1yr 24x7 Technical Support and Updates Electronic LicenseTA850AAEHP iLO Advanced Electronic License with 3yr 24x7 Tech Support and UpdatesBD506AAEHP iLO Advanced 1 Server License with 3yr 24x7 Tech Support and UpdatesBD505AHP iLO Advanced including 1yr 24x7 Technical Support and Updates Single Server LicenseHigh performance clustersDescriptionOption Part #HP Cluster Management UtilityHP Insight Cluster Management Utility 1yr 24x7 Flexible LicenseQL803BHP Insight Cluster Management Utility 3yr 24x7 Flexible LicenseBD476AHP Insight Cluster Management Utility MediaBD477AHP High Performance Computing Linux Value Pack 1 Processor Flexible License for ProLiant ServersTC293BHP High Performance Computing Linux Value Pack Media Kit for ProLiant ServersTC294AHP Drive cage optionsDescriptionOption Part #HP 8SFF CAGE 380G6NOTE:Supports the HP ProLiant DL380 G7 server.Second drive cage installation replaces internal optical bay.Second drive cage requires second controller or HP SAS Expander Card ().HP I/O accelerator optionsDescriptionOption Part #HP 365GB Multi Level Cell G2 PCIe ioDrive2 for ProLiant ServersHP 785GB Multi Level Cell G2 PCIe ioDrive2 for ProLiant ServersHP 1205GB Multi Level Cell G2 PCIe ioDrive2 for ProLiant ServersHP 2410GB Multi Level Cell G2 PCIe ioDrive2 Duo for ProLiant ServersHP 160GB Single Level Cell PCIe ioDrive for ProLiant ServersHP 320GB Single Level Cell PCIe ioDrive Duo for ProLiant ServersHP Security - TPMDescriptionOption Part #HP Trusted Platform Module Option KitNOTE:The TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a microcontroller chip that can securely store artifacts used to authenticate the server platform. These artifacts can include passwords, certificates and encryption keys. Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption (BitLocker) is a data protection feature available in Windows Server 2008. BitLocker leverages the enhanced security capabilities of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 1.2. The TPM works with BitLocker to help protect user data and to ensure that a server running Windows Server 2008 has not been tampered with while the system was offline.&&.ProLiant OS pre-installed units will come with the partition required for TPM deployment.The TPM key is unique to every TPM deployed server and must be retained. Misplacing or loosing the key could result in data loss.HP Storage controllersDescriptionOption Part #SAS ControllersSmart Array P212 ControllerHP Smart Array P212/256 1-ports Int/1-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS ControllerHP Smart Array P212/ZM 1-ports Int/1-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS ControllerSmart Array P410 ControllerHP Smart Array P410/256 2-ports Int PCIe x8 SAS ControllerHP Smart Array P410/512 BBWC 2-ports Int PCIe x8 SAS ControllerHP Smart Array P410/512 FBWC 2-ports Int PCIe x8 SAS ControllerHP Smart Array P410/1G FBWC 2-ports Int PCIe x8 SAS ControllerSmart Array P411 ControllerHP Smart Array P411/256 2-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS ControllerHP Smart Array P411/512 BBWC 2-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS ControllerHP Smart Array P411/512 FBWC 2-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS ControllerHP Smart Array P411/1G FBWC 2-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS ControllerSmart Array P812 ControllerHP Smart Array P812/1G FBWC 2-ports Int/4-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS ControllerOptional UpgradesHP 256MB P-series Cache UpgradeHP 512MB P-Series Battery Backed Write Cache UpgradeHP 1GB Flash Backed CacheHP 512MB Flash Backed Write CacheHP Smart Array Advanced Pack including 1yr 24x7 Technical Support and UpdatesSingle Server LicenseSAS Controller OptionsHP 24 Bay 3Gb SAS Expander CardSAS HBAHP Modular Smart Array SC08e 2-ports Ext PCIe x8 SAS Host BusAdapterSCSI HBAHP SC11Xe Ultra320 Single Channel/ PCIe x4 SCSI Host Bus AdapterHP Power cords&NOTE:HP ProLiant servers ships with an IEC-IEC power cord used for rack mounting with Power Distribution Units (PDUs).DescriptionOption Part #HP C13 - SEV 1011 CH 250 V 10 A 1.83-m Power CordAF565AHP C13 - DK-2.5A DK 250 V 10 A 1.83-m Power CordAF566AHP C13 - CEE-VII EU 250 V 10 A 1.83-m Power CordAF568AHP C13 - BS-1363A UK/HK/SG 250 V 10 A 1.83-m Power CordAF570AHP C13 - CEI-23-50 IT/CL 250 V 10 A 1.83-m Power CordAF571AHP C13 - SABS-164 ZA 250V 10 A 2.5-m Power CordAF567AHP C13 - Nema 6-15P US 250 V 15 A JP 3.6-m Power CordA0N33AHP C13 - Nema 5-15P US/CA 110 V 10 A 1.83-m Power CordAF556AHP Tape backup&NOTE:&.&&.DescriptionOption Part #HP StoreEver LTO-3 Ultrium 920 SAS Internal Tape DriveEH847BHP StoreEver LTO-4 Ultrium 1760 SAS (1) in 1U Rack-mount KitEH946CHP StoreEver LTO-5 Ultrium 3000 SAS Tape Drive in 1U Rack-mountEJ014BHP StoreEver LTO-6 Ultrium 6250 Tape Drive in 1U Rack-mount KitC0L99AHP StoreEver LTO-6 Ultrium 6650 Internal Tape DriveEH963AHP StoreEver LTO-6 Ultrium 6650 External Tape DriveEH964AHP StoreEver LTO-6 Ultrium 6250 Internal Tape DriveEH969AHP StoreEver LTO-6 Ultrium 6250 External Tape DriveEH970AHP Disk backupDescriptionOption Part #HP StoreOnce D2D2502i Backup SystemEJ001CHP StoreOnce D2D2504i Backup SystemEJ002CHP StoreOnce D2D4112 Backup SystemEH993CHP RDX1000 USB3.0 DL Server Backup ModuleB7B68AHP RDX500 USB3.0 DL Server Backup ModuleB7B65AHP StoreOnce 2620 iSCSI BackupBB852AHP StoreOnce 4220 BackupBB855AHP Storage options&NOTE:&.DescriptionOption Part #Brocade Fibre Channel HBAsHP 81B PCIe 8Gb Fibre Channel Single Port Host Bus AdapterAP769BHP 82B PCIe 8Gb Fibre Channel Dual Port Host Bus AdapterAP770BHP 41B PCIe 4Gb Fibre Channel Single Port Host Bus AdapterAP767BHP 42B PCIe 4Gb Fibre Channel Dual Port Host Bus AdapterAP768BEmulex Fibre Channel HBAsHP 81E 8Gb Single Port PCI-e Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterAJ762BHP 82E 8Gb Dual Port PCI-e Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterAJ763BHP FC2142SR 4Gb PCIe Host Bus AdapterA8002BHP FC2242SR 4Gb PCIe DC Host Bus AdapterA8003BHP SN1000E 16Gb 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterQR559AHP SN1000E 16Gb 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterQR558AQLogic Fibre Channel HBAsHP 81Q PCI-e Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterAK344AHP 82Q 8Gb Dual Port PCI-e Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterAJ764AHP FC1142SR 4Gb PCIe Host Bus AdapterAE311AHP FC1242SR 4Gb PCIe DC Host Bus AdapterAE312AHP StoreFabric SN1000Q 16GB 1-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterQW971AHP StoreFabric SN1000Q 16GB 2-port PCIe Fibre Channel Host Bus AdapterQW972AConverged Network AdapterHP CN1000E Dual Port Converged Network AdapterBK835AHP CN1000Q Dual Port Converged Network AdapterBS668AHP CN1000E Dual Port Converged Network AdapterAW520BHP Disk storage systemsDescriptionOption Part #Disk EnclosuresHP StorageWorks D2600 Disk EnclosureAJ940AHP StorageWorks D2700 Disk EnclosureAJ941ANOTE:&.HP Uninterruptible power systemsDescriptionOption Part #HP R1.5kVA G3 1U NA Uninterruptible Power SystemAF469AHP R1.5kVA G3 1U JP/TW Uninterruptible Power SystemAF470AHP R1.5kVA G3 1U INTL Uninterruptible Power SystemAF471AHP R/TU L530 Low Voltage NA/JP Uninterruptible Power SystemAF466AHP R/TU L620 High Voltage NA/JP Uninterruptible Power SystemAF467AHP R/TU Detachable Cord High Voltage INTL Uninterruptible Power SystemAF468AHP R5KVA 3U IEC309-32A High Voltage INTL Uninterruptible Power SystemAF461AHP R5KVA 3U L630 High Voltage NA/JP Uninterruptible Power SystemAF460AHP R5KVA and R7KVA 3U Extended Runtime ModuleAF464AHP R7KVA 4U 50A High Voltage NA/JP Uninterruptible Power SystemAF462AHP R7KVA 4U IEC-32A High Voltage INTL Uninterruptible Power SystemAF463AHP R0kVA Three Phase NA 6U Rackmount Uninterruptible Power SystemAF431AHP R0kVA Three Phase INTL 6U Rackmount Uninterruptible Power SystemAF432AHP R00VA Three Phase NA 6U Rackmount Uninterruptible Power SystemAF429AHP R00VA Three Phase INTL 6U Rackmount Uninterruptible Power SystemAF430APower distribution unitsDescriptionOption Part #HP Monitored Power Distribution Unit: Half Rack VersionHP 4.9kVA 24A Single Input Single Phase NA/JP Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF914AHP 7.3kVA 32A Single Input Single Phase INTL Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF915AHP Monitored Power Distribution Unit: Full Rack VersionHP 8.6kVA 24A Single Input Three Phase NA/JP Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF504AHP 8.3kVA 40A Single Input Single Phase NA/JP Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF506AHP 22.1kVA 16A Dual Input Three Phase INTL Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF507AHP 11kVA 16A Single Input Three Phase INTL Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF508AHP 14.7kVA 32A Dual Input Single Phase INTL Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF509AHP 7.3kVA 32A Single Input Single Phase INTL Monitored Power Distribution UnitAF510AModular Power Distribution Units 1U/0U (Up to 32 outlets)HP 4.9kVA 24A High Voltage NA/JP Modular Power Distribution UnitHP 8.3kVA 40A High Voltage NA/JP Modular Power Distribution UnitHP 3.6kVA 16A High Voltage INTL Modular Power Distribution UnitHP 7.3kVA 32A High Voltage INTL Modular Power Distribution UnitHP 2.8kVA 24A Low Voltage NA/JP Modular Power Distribution UnitHP Intelligent Power Distribution Units (iPDU)DescriptionOption Part #HP 4.9kVA 24A Single Phase NA/JP Core Intelligent Modular Power Distribution UnitAF520AHP 8.3kVA 40A Single Phase NA/JP Core Intelligent Modular Power Distribution UnitAF521AHP 8.6kVA 24A Three Phase NA/JP Core Intelligent Modular Power Distribution UnitAF522AHP 17.3kVA 48A Three Phase NA/JP Core Intelligent Modular Power Distribution UnitAF523AHP 7.3kVA 32A Single Phase INTL Core Intelligent Modular Power Distribution UnitAF525AHP 11kVA 16A Three Phase INTL Core Intelligent Modular Power Distribution UnitAF526AHP 22kVA 32A Three Phase INTL Core Intelligent Modular Power Distribution UnitAF527AHP 11.4kVA 16A 415V Three Phase L22-20 NA Core Intelligent Power Distribution UnitAF900AHP 17.3kVA 24A 415V Three Phase L22-30 NA Core Intelligent Power Distribution UnitAF902AHP 17.3kVA 24A 415V Three Phase IEC309 NA Core Intelligent Power Distribution UnitAF901AHP 17.3kVA 48A 208V Three Phase 12 Outlet Core NA/JP Intelligent Power Distribution UnitAF535AHP 17.3kVA 24A 415V Three Phase 12 Outlet Core NA/JP Intelligent Power Distribution UnitAF537AHP 22kVA 32A 400V Three Phase 12 Outlet Core INTL Intelligent Power Distribution UnitAF538AHP 5xC13 Intelligent PDU Extension Bar G2 KitAF547AHP 5xC13 Outlets Power and UID LEDs Pair Standard Extension BarAF528AHP Rack optionsDescriptionOption Part #HP Server Console SwitchesHP Server Console 0x2x8 Port Analog SwitchAF616AHP Server Console 0x2x16 Port Analog SwitchAF617AHP TAA 0x2x16xKVM Server Console G2 SwitchAF626AHP Server Console Switch G2 with Virtual Media & CACHP 0x2x16 KVM Server Console Switch G2 with Virtual Media CAC SoftwareAF618AHP 0x2x32 KVM Server Console Switch G2 with Virtual Media CAC SoftwareAF619AHP KVM CAT5 1-pack USB Interface AdapterHP IP Console Switch G2 with Virtual Media & CACHP 1x1Ex8 KVM IP Console Switch G2 with Virtual Media CAC SoftwareAF620AHP 2x1Ex16 KVM IP Console Switch G2 with Virtual Media CAC SoftwareAF621AHP 4x1Ex32 KVM IP Console Switch G2 with Virtual Media CAC SoftwareAF622AHP 1x4 USB/PS2 KVM Console SwitchAF611AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console and Monitor (TFT7600 G2)HP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard US MonitorAZ870AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard UK MonitorAZ871AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard DE MonitorAZ872AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard FR MonitorAZ873AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard IT MonitorAZ874AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard ES MonitorAZ875AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard DK MonitorAZ876AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard NO MonitorAZ877AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard SE/FI MonitorAZ878AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard CH MonitorAZ879AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard PT MonitorAZ880AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard BE MonitorAZ881AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard JP MonitorAZ882AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard RU MonitorAZ883AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard Intl MonitorAZ884AHP TFT7600 G2 KVM Console Rackmount Keyboard US TAA MonitorAZ885AHP USB BFR with PVC Free US Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free UK Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free FR Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free ES Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free DE Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free JP Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free IT Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free CN Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free AE Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free RU Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free IN Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free AP-Intl Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free Intl Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free PT Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free TR Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free CZ Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free FI Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free SE Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free CH Keyboard/Mouse KitHP USB BFR with PVC Free KR Keyboard/Mouse Kit672097-KD3HP USB and SD optionsDescriptionOption Part #HP USB 2-Button Optical Scroll Mouse (Carbonite/Silver)DC172BHP USB 04 Standard KeyboardDT528A#ABAHP 4GB SD Flash Media Kit1HP 2GB USB Flash Media Drive Key2 产 品 型 号&序 列 号&描 述&数 量&Server   HP DL380G7 E5606583968-AA1标配1颗四核英特尔& 至强& E GHz, 4MB L3 Cache, 80W, DDR3-800)处理器,Intel 5520芯片组;4GB (2x2GB) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333) 寄存式 DIMM,18个内存插槽,最多192GB内存;2个 HP NC382i 双端口多功能千兆服务器适配器;HP Smart Array P410i/零缓存(支持RAID 0/1/1+0);支持8个SFF 热插拔硬盘,最大支持到16个SFF硬盘;标配3个PCI-E 2.0插槽(1个全高全长x16,2个全高半长x8 插槽),可额外添加3个;4个N+1 冗余风扇模块(随第二个处理器附带可额外增加2个风扇);5个USB(后面2个,前面2个,内部1个),SD插槽1个;集成 Lights-Out 2(iLO 2);1个460W 热插拔电源,支持1+1冗余;2U高度;含导轨1HP DL380G7 E5620589152-AA1标配1颗四核英特尔& 至强& E GHz, 12MB L3 Cache, 80W, DDR3-1066, HT, Turbo 1/1/2/2)处理器,Intel 5520芯片组;6GB (3x2GB) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333) 寄存式 DIMM,18个内存插槽,最多192GB内存;2个 HP NC382i 双端口多功能千兆服务器适配器;HP Smart Array P410i/256MB缓存(支持RAID 0/1/1+0/5/5+0);支持8个SFF 热插拔硬盘,最大支持到16个SFF硬盘;标配3个PCI-E 2.0插槽(1个全高全长x16,2个全高半长x8 插槽),可额外添加3个;4个N+1 冗余风扇模块(随第二个处理器附带可额外增加2个风扇);5个USB(后面2个,前面2个,内部1个),SD插槽1个;集成 Lights-Out 2(iLO 2);1个460W 热插拔电源,支持1+1冗余;2U高度;含导轨1HP DL380G7 E5630589150-AA1标配1颗四核英特尔& 至强& E GHz, 12MB L3 Cache, 80W, DDR3-1066, HT, Turbo 1/1/2/2)处理器,Intel 5520芯片组;6GB (3x2GB) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333) 寄存式 DIMM,18个内存插槽,最多192GB内存;2个 HP NC382i 双端口多功能千兆服务器适配器;HP Smart Array P410i/256MB缓存(支持RAID 0/1/1+0/5/5+0);支持8个SFF 热插拔硬盘,最大支持到16个SFF硬盘;标配3个PCI-E 2.0插槽(1个全高全长x16,2个全高半长x8 插槽),可额外添加3个;4个N+1 冗余风扇模块(随第二个处理器附带可额外增加2个风扇);5个USB(后面2个,前面2个,内部1个),SD插槽1个;集成 Lights-Out 2(iLO 2);1个460W 热插拔电源,支持1+1冗余;2U高度;含导轨1HP DL380G7 E5640583967-AA1标配1颗四核英特尔& 至强& E GHz, 12MB L3 Cache, 80W, DDR3-1066, HT, Turbo 1/1/2/2)处理器,Intel 5520芯片组;6GB (3x2GB) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333) 寄存式 DIMM,18个内存插槽,最多192GB内存;2个 HP NC382i 双端口多功能千兆服务器适配器;HP Smart Array P410i/256MB缓存(支持RAID 0/1/1+0/5/5+0);支持8个SFF 热插拔硬盘,最大支持到16个SFF硬盘;标配3个PCI-E 2.0插槽(1个全高全长x16,2个全高半长x8 插槽),可额外添加3个;4个N+1 冗余风扇模块(随第二个处理器附带可额外增加2个风扇);5个USB(后面2个,前面2个,内部1个),SD插槽1个;集成 Lights-Out 2(iLO 2);1个460W 热插拔电源,支持1+1冗余;2U高度;含导轨1HP DL380G7 X5650583966-AA1标配2颗六核英特尔& 至强& X GHz, 12MB L3 Cache, 95W, DDR3-1333, HT, Turbo 2/2/2/2/3/3)处理器,Intel 5520芯片组;12GB (6x2GB) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333) 寄存式 DIMM,18个内存插槽,最多192GB内存;2个 HP NC382i 双端口多功能千兆服务器适配器;HP Smart Array P410i/1GB with FBWC(支持RAID 0/1/1+0/5/5+0);支持8个SFF 热插拔硬盘,最大支持到16个SFF硬盘;标配3个PCI-E 2.0插槽(1个全高全长x16,2个全高半长x8 插槽),可额外添加3个;6个N+1 冗余风扇模块;5个USB(后面2个,前面2个,内部1个),SD插槽1个;集成 Lights-Out 2(iLO 2);SATA DVD RW;2个750W 1+1冗余热插拔电源;2U高度;含导轨1HP DL380G7 X5660583970-AA1标配2颗六核英特尔& 至强& X GHz, 12MB L3 Cache, 95W, DDR3-1333, HT, Turbo 2/2/2/2/3/3)处理器,Intel 5520芯片组;12GB (6x2GB) PC3-10600R (DDR3-1333) 寄存式 DIMM,18个内存插槽,最多192GB内存;2个 HP NC382i 双端口多功能千兆服务器适配器;HP Smart Array P410i/1GB with FBWC(支持RAID 0/1/1+0/5/5+0);支持8个SFF 热插拔硬盘,最大支持到16个SFF硬盘;标配3个PCI-E 2.0插槽(1个全高全长x16,2个全高半长x8 插槽),可额外添加3个;6个N+1 冗余风扇模块;5个USB(后面2个,前面2个,内部1个),SD插槽1个;集成 Lights-Out 2(iLO 2);SATA DVD RW;2个750W 1+1冗余热插拔电源;2U高度;含导轨1CPU    HP E GHz DL380 G7 双核处理器1 HP L GHz DL380 G7 四核处理器1 HP&X5677&3.46&GHz DL380 G7 四核处理器1 HP E GHz DL380 G7 四核处理器1 587476-B21HP E GHz DL380 G7 四核处理器1 587478-B21HP E GHz DL380 G7 四核处理器1 1HP E GHz DL380 G7 四核处理器1 HP L GHz DL380 G7 六核处理器1 HP X5650 2.66 GHz DL380 G7 六核处理器1 587491-B21HP X GHz DL380 G7 六核处理器1 587493-B21HP X GHz DL380 G7 六核处理器1 HP X5680&3.33&GHz DL380&G7&六核处理器1内存     Register 内存(RDIMMs)  HP 2GB 2Rx8 PC3-10600R-9 Kit1 HP 4GB 2Rx4 PC3-10600R-9 Kit1 HP 4GB 4Rx8 PC3-8500R-7 LP Kit1 HP 4GB 1Rx4 PC3-10600R-9 Kit1 HP 4GB 1Rx4 PC3L-10600R-9 Kit(用于5600系列)1 HP 8GB 2Rx4 PC3-8500R-7 Kit1 HP 8GB 2Rx4 PC3-10600R-9 Kit1 HP 8GB 2Rx4 PC3L-10600R-9 Kit(用于5600系列)1 HP 16GB 4Rx4 PC3-8500R-7 Kit1  Unbuffered with ECC 内存 (UDIMMs)  HP 1GB 1Rx8 PC3-10600E-9 Kit1 HP 2GB 2Rx8 PC3-10600E-9 Kit1 HP 4GB 2Rx8 PC3-10600E-9 Kit1硬盘(标配8个硬盘位,可扩展到16个)    DL380 G6 8个2.5寸硬盘笼(支持扩展8个2.5寸硬盘)1 惠普SAS硬盘扩展卡1  SSD热插拔硬盘  60GB 3G SATA 2.5' 热插拔SSD硬盘1 572072-B21120GB 3G SATA 2.5' 热插拔SSD硬盘1  SATA热插拔硬盘  120GB 5.4K SATA 2.5&热插拔硬盘1 160GB 3G 7.2K SATA 2.5' 热插拔硬盘1 250GB 5.4K SATA 2.5&热插拔硬盘1 500GB 3G 7.2K SATA 2.5& 热插拔硬盘1  SAS热插拔硬盘  36GB 15K SAS 3G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 72GB 10K SAS 3G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 146GB 10K SAS 3G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 300GB 10K SAS 3G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 72GB 15K SAS 3G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 146GB 15K SAS 3G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 146GB 10K SAS 6G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 300GB 10K SAS 6G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 500GB 7.2K SAS 6G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 72GB 15K SAS 6G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1 146GB 15K SAS 6G 2.5&双端口热插拔硬盘1阵列卡   对于2.5寸硬盘CTO机箱,通过添加扩展硬盘笼和第二块阵列卡(或SAS扩展板)可支持最多16个硬盘,但此时不支持内置光驱    升级套件   256 MB Cache Module(仅支持标配的P410i/ZM)1 HP P-series 电池套件(for BBWC)1 512 MB BBWC Cache Module(支持P410/P411)1 HP 15 POS 24in SFP 电池连接线1 HP Smart Array Advanced Pack (SAAP),支持RAID6, RAID 60,和其他高级特性1 512MB Flash Backed Write Cache1 1G Flash Backed Write Cache1 其他  P410HP Smart Array P410/256 MB Controller1HP Smart Array P410/512 MB with BBWC Controller1HP Smart Array P410/512MB with FBWC1HP Smart Array P410/1G with FBWC1P212HP P212/ZM Smart Array Controller&&&&&&&1 HP P212/256 Smart Array Controller&&&&&&1P411HP Smart Array P411/256 MB Controller&&1HP Smart Array P411/512 MB with BBWC Controller1HP Smart Array P411/512 Flash Backed Write Cache1HP Smart Array P411/1G Flash Backed Write Cache1P812HP Smart Array P812/1G Flash Backed Cache Controller(内部2SAS接口,外部四SAS接口)1P800HP Smart Array P800/512 BBWC Controller(支持RAID 0,1,5,0+1,6;两个对内接口,两个对外接口)1SCSI HBAAH627AHP Ultra320 SCSI PCI-e HBA双通道,可用于MSL 带库和 ProLiant服务器的连接.1HP SC11Xe SCSI HBA 单通道U320 x4 PCI-e 控制器(支持磁带机)1SAS HBA8端口 64/133 PCI-X SAS 控制器带RAID控制器1HP SC44Ge SAS HBA(一个内部x4 接口,一个外部 x4 接口,PCI-E控制器)1HP SC08Ge Host Bus Adapter双通道U320 PCI-E×8控制器(2个外置×4 接口)1PCI扩展套件    HP DL380G6\G7&3*PCI-E 扩展套件(1x8,2x4)1 HP DL38XG6 1*PCI-X+2*PCI-E扩展套件(1X8,1x4)1 HP DL38XG6 1*PCI-E扩展套件(1x16)1 HP DL38XG6 2*PCI-E扩展套件(2x8)1附加网卡    HP NC112T PCI Express单通道千兆网卡 (铜介质)1 HP NC360T PCIe 双通道千兆网卡 (铜介质)x41 HP NC364T PCIe 四通道千兆网卡 (铜介质)x41 HP NC373F PCIe 多功能单通道千兆网卡 (光纤介质)x41 HP NC373T PCIe 多功能单通道千兆网卡 (铜介质)x41 HP NC375T PCIe 多功能四通道千兆网卡 (铜介质)x41 HP NC382T PCIe 多功能双通道千兆网卡 (铜介质)x41 HP&NC522SFP 双端口10GbE光纤网卡(最少需要2GB内存)x81 HP NC550SFP 双端口10GbE光纤网卡(最少需要2GB内存)x81  HP InfiniBand&  HP IB 4X DDR Conn-X PCI-e G2 Dual Port HCA1 HP IB 4X DDR Conn-X PCI-e Dual Port HCA1 HP IB 4X QDR Conn-X PCI-e G2 Dual Port HCA1 HP 4X QDR PCI-e G2 QLogic InfiniBand Dual Port HCA1 HP IB 4X QDR CX-2 PCI-e G2 Dual Port HCA1 HP IB 4X DDR CX-2 PCI-e G2 Dual Port HCA1光纤卡(连接外置SAN存储)    A8002AHP FC2142SR 4Gb HBA(PCI-E接口,支持Windows、Linux)1 A8003AHP FC2242SR 4Gb 双通道HBA(PCI-E接口,支持Windows、Linux)1 AE311AQlogic PCIe FC1142SR 4Gb Single Channel HBA1 AE312AQlogic PCIe FC1242SR 4Gb Dual Channel HBA1 AP767AHP StorageWorks 41B 4Gb PCI-e FC HBA1 AP768AHP StorageWorks 42B 4Gb Dual-Port PCI-e FC HBA1  8Gb HBA  AJ762AHP StorageWorks 81E 8Gb PCI-e HBA1 AJ763AHP StorageWorks 82E Dual Channel 8Gb PCI-e HBA1 AJ764AHP StorageWorks 82Q Dual Channel 8Gb PCI-e HBA1 AK344AHP StorageWorks 81Q 8Gb PCI-e HBA1 AP769AHP StorageWorks 81B PCI-e FC HBA Single Port1 AP770AHP StorageWorks 82B PCI-e FC HBA Dual Port1光驱&    HP Slim 12.7mm SATA DVD ROM驱动器1 HP Slim 12.7mm SATA DVDRW驱动器1 FS943AAHP External USB CD/DVD R/RW Option Drive1电源    HP 460W CS HE通用高效热插拔电源1 HP 750W CS HE通用高效热插拔电源1 HP 1200W -48V 直流电源1TPM(安全芯片)    HP Trusted Platform Module Option Kit1软件   iLO2HP iLO2 远程控制接口1台服务器高级使用许可,含1年技术支持和更新1操作系统   Windows468724-AA1MS W2008 server中文标准版(介质,单独包装,可单独销售)1MS W2008 server英文标准版(介质,单独包装,可单独销售)1468724-AB1MS W2008 server 繁体中文标准版(介质,单独包装,可单独销售)1468727-AA1MS W2008 server中文企业版(介质,单独包装,可单独销售)1468727-AB1MS W2008 server繁体中文企业版(介质,单独包装,可单独销售)1MS W2008 server英文企业版(介质,单独包装,可单独销售)1589256-AA1MS W2008 server R2 中文标准版(64bit,可单独销售)1MS W2008 server R2 英文标准版(64bit,可单独销售)1589256-AB1MS W2008 server R2 繁体中文标准版(64bit,可单独销售)1589257-AA1MS W2008 server R2 中文企业版&10CAL(64bit,可单独销售)1MS W2008 server R2 英文企业版&10CAL(64bit,可单独销售)1589257-AB1MS W2008 server R2 繁体中文企业版&10CAL(64bit,可单独销售)1MS W2008 5-CAL User Pack (多语言)按用户1537100-AA1MS W2008 Foundation Srv ROK Chs SW1MS W2008 Foundation Srv ROK Eng SW1537103-AA1MS W2008 ts 5DEV CAL EM Chs Lic1MS W2008 ts 5DEV CAL EM Eng Lic1537105-AA1MS W2008 ts 5USR CAL EM Chs Lic1MS W2008 ts 5USR CAL EM Eng Lic1MS W2008 ts User 5-CAL Pk All Lic(按用户)1MS W2008 ts Dev 5-CAL Pk All Lic(按设备)1MS W2008 HPC Server ROK Eng SW1MS W2008 Srv DataCenter 2 CPU英文版,介质,单独包装,可单独销售1MS W2008 SBS Std ROK Eng SW1MS W2008 SBS Prm ROK Eng SW1MS W2008 1USR CAL Eng, Chs, CHT, JP, KR1570220-AA1MS W2008 Srv Ent Ed 10CAL FIO Npi Chs SW1MS W2008 Srv Ent Ed 10CAL FIO Npi Eng SW1570223-AA1MS W2008 Srv Ent Ed 10CAL ROK Chs SW1570223-AB1MS W2008 Srv Ent Ed 10CAL ROK CHT SW1MS W2008 Srv Ent Ed 10CAL ROK Eng SW1服务     3年保修,3年人工,3年现场免费惠普金牌服务1 U4545EDL38x三年现场,7*24,当天4小时到场1 UP717EDL38x三年快速修复服务(7*24小时响应, 24小时修复)1 U6027EDL38x三年现场,7*24,当天2小时到场1 U4546EDL38x三年现场,6小时修复1 UA010EDL38x四年现场,下一工作日到场1 U8101EDL38x四年现场,5*9,当天4小时到场1 UB021EDL38x四年现场,5*9,当天4小时到场1 U8118EDL38x四年现场,7*24,当天4小时到场1 UP718EDL38x四年快速修复服务(7*24小时响应, 24小时修复)1 U9738EDL38x四年快速修复服务(7*24小时响应, 6小时备件修复)1 UA009EDL38x五年现场,下一工作日到场1 U8067EDL38x五年现场,5*9,当天4小时到场1 U8084EDL38x五年现场,7*24,当天4小时到场1 U9737EDL38x五年快速修复服务(7*24小时响应, 6小时备件修复)1 UD939EDL38x三年现场,5*9,当天4小时到场,硬盘不返还1 UD940EDL38x三年现场,7*24,当天4小时响应,硬盘不返还1 UP720EDL38x三年快速修复服务(7*24小时响应, 24小时修复,硬盘不返还)1 UH104EDL38x三年快速修复服务(7*24小时响应, 6小时备件修复),硬盘不返还1 UK634EDL38x四年现场,下一工作日到场,硬盘不返还1 UH909EDL38x四年现场,5*9,当天4小时到场,硬盘不返还1 UH910EDL38x四年现场,7*24,当天4小时到场,硬盘不返还1 UK635EDL38x五年现场,下一工作日到场,硬盘不返还1 UH105EDL38x五年现场,5*9,当天4小时到场,硬盘不返还1 UH106EDL38x五年现场,7*24,当天4小时到场,硬盘不返还1 UH107EDL38x五年快速修复服务(7*24小时响应, 6小时备件修复),硬盘不返还1
HP ProLiant DL380 Server ,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&157829-AA1,&,&,&,,&,&,&,&,&160553-AA1,&,&,&,&,&,&,,&,&161062-AA1,&,&,&,& HP ProLiant DL380 G7 Server Family ,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,,&,&,&,&,&,& SI PL Processors ,&,&435934R-B21,&435934R-L21,&,&,&435958R-B21,&435958R-L21,&,&452640R-L21,&,461463R-L21,&,&,&465324R-B21,&465324R-L21,&,&465326R-B21,&465326R-L21,&,&484310R-L21,&,493459R-L21,&,&,&495902R-B21,&,&500087R-B21,&500087R-L21,&,& HP DL380X GX Servers 228892R-B21,&228894R-B21,&268290R-B21,&338732R-B21,&364471R-B21,&,&382616R-B21,&,&,&382617R-B21,&,,&1,&382618R-B21,&,&393998R-B21,&,&419811R-B21,&,&419812R-B21,&,&432858R-B21,,&,&442239R-B21,&,&454024R-B21,&,&,&458589R-B21,& SI PL Processors ,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,,&,&,&,&,&,&,& SI PL processors 492131R-L21,&,&492136R-L21,&,&492237R-L21,&492239R-L21,&,&492244R-B21,&492244R-L21,&495910R-L21,&,,&495912R-B21,&495912R-L21,&,&495914R-L21,&,&495916R-L21,&,&495918R-B21,&495918R-L21,&,,&495920R-B21,&495920R-L21,&,&,&495936R-B21,&495936R-L21,&,& SI PL Processors ,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,&,,&,&,&601242R-B21,&,&,&601244R-B21,&,&,&601246R-B21,&,,&601248R-B21,&,&,&601250R-B21,&,&,& SI PL Processors 488039R-L21,&,&492232R-L21,&,&492234R-L21,&,&493457R-L21,&,&493461R-L21,&,&,495904R-B21,&,&495906R-L21,&,&495908R-L21,&,&495930R-L21,&,&,&495932R-B21,&495932R-L21,,&,&495934R-B21,&495934R-L21,&,&500094R-L21,&,&505878R-L21产品分类Product联系我们contact广州福远信息科技有限公司 产品经理:&杜 &&平& &手机:&&
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