
  If you do someone a good turn today, don’t expect a thank you. ‘Cheers’, ‘ta’ or even ‘wicked’ is the more likely response, if a survey is to be believed。
  Research among computer users suggests that the traditional expression of gratitude has fallen by the wayside。
  Almost half of those polled said they now use ‘cheers’ more often than ‘thank you’。
  Four out of ten said ‘thank you’ sounded too formal - so they used more catchy, chatty words such as ‘fab’, ‘lovely’ or ‘wicked’。
  A third said they would often just resort to a quick wave instead of saying ‘thank you’。
  And 77 percent said that any of the words used to say thanks were irrelevant, believing a pleasant gesture works just as well。
  The poll of 3,000 people was carried out by the online gift store Me to You。
  Spokesman Caroline Weaver said: ‘While the great British public might feel uncomfortable saying thank you these days, they do like to show their gratitude in other ways。
  ‘Respondents felt it didn’t matter how you thanked someone for their kind actions, as long as you did so in a friendly and polite way。
  ‘At the end of the day everyone knows that a big smile and some form of acknowledgment is all it takes to show we are grateful.’
  According to the survey, two thirds of respondents believed Britain was a ‘rude’ nation and 84 percent think others should make more of an effort to show appreciation。
  一项调查发现,如果你帮了别人一个忙,别以为他会说“thank you(谢谢你)”,他很可能说cheers(谢谢)、ta(谢了)或wicked(真棒)等词语来表达对你的感谢。
  近一半的受访者称,相比于thank you,他们现在更喜欢用cheers来表达感谢。
  四成受访者说thank you听起来太正式,所以他们用fab(太好了)、lovely(太可爱了)或wicked(太棒了)等一些容易记住、更加口语化的词来表示感谢。
  三分之一的人说他们经常会简单地挥一挥手来表示感谢,而不说thank you。
  这项共有3000人参与的调查是由英国网上礼品店Me to You开展的。
  Me to You的发言人卡洛琳•韦弗说:“尽管如今英国民众可能不太习惯说thank you,但他们还是会用其他方式来表达感激。
不支持Flash一个词,让你像个地道的英国人_沪江英语学习网网页版学习工具 &
& "I heard 'cheers' hundreds of times when I lived in London. It was strange to me at first but I got used to it and when I used it myself I felt I gave a 'less foreign' impression." Cheers真有那么神奇的魔力,能让外乡人觉得自己像个地道的英国人?Cheers最为大家熟知的含义是“干杯”,它表达了人们喝酒碰杯时对彼此的祝福。而今天,我们要讲的是cheers在英式英语里面的一个独特含义,这个用法在英国相当普及,you could hear "cheers" all over the place, whether on the street, in pubs or at university among students...这时候,"cheers" is
to "thank you" in response to a favour or assistance given。原来"cheers"还有“谢谢”的意思。So any time you want to say thank you, you can just replace that with the word cheers in British English. 我们可以在大多数情况下把cheers这个词当作thank you来使用,不过"cheers" meaning "thanks" is
or ,用cheers会不会显得不正式呢?In the UK formal situations are often quite informal anyway. It is quite informal but we can still use it formal situation--so with your boss, when talking to someone you don't know so well.在英国,即使是在一个正式的场合,大家也都比较随便,所以不论你是在和老板或是一个陌生人说话的时候,都可以使用cheers这个词。那么,cheers的这个含义是怎么产生的呢?Well, it has evolved over the years from when people used to say many years ago ‘be of good cheer’ or ‘good cheer to you’. This would have been a greeting to wish someone well that has been shortened to cheers over time. 很多年前在英国,人们见面打招呼的时候会说good cheer to you或者be of good cheer。随着时间的推移,起先的问候语英经过多年的演变直到今天人们用cheers来表示谢谢thank you。既然"cheers"可以就是“谢谢”的意思,那么只要有thank的地方,就可以用cheers替换吗?当然不是!It's always (almost) only used as a one word sentence, as in:-- here's your spanner--‘cheers’OR ‘cheers for that’但是,你就不能这么说:-- ‘cheers for getting my spanner’(你只可以说"thanks for getting my spanner")再提供两个cheers的用法实例:对话实例1:A: Did you get my email about the meeting?B: Yes and I've replied and made sure that everyone knows about it.A: Cheers.对话实例2:A: Two teas please.B: Here you are.A: Cheers."Cheers" is also commonly used in New Zealand for "thank you". 不过美式英语中"cheers"没有“谢谢”的含义。If you say cheers for thanks, you'll probably get a funny look from most uncultured Americans. 但是,随着近些年英国电影的影响和许多台词的编排(比如Harrison Ford和Brad Pitt主演的《与魔鬼同行》(The Devil's Own)中,扮演爱尔兰人的Pitt就说了好几次的cheers),美国人也知道了cheers的这个特殊的英式英语含义。所以如果你在美国用 cheers表示感谢,人们也不会觉得太奇怪。最后,除了"cheers",不要忘了"cheers, bro"和"cheers mate",它们在英国都比"thank you"和"thanks"的出现频率高哦。注意,"cheers, bro" can be said to a friend (and not just your brother)。相关热点:地道英语:别人说thank you时该怎么回_新浪教育_新浪网
地道英语:别人说thank you时该怎么回
别人说thank you时该怎么回
  Saying thank you is good manners. That’s not up for debate. But we do need to talk about the way to respond when being thanked. You need to say something, right? Many people, particularly in the US, reply to “thank you” with “you’re welcome。”
  毫无疑问,道谢是种好习惯。可问题来了,别人向你道谢时,你该说什么?你总得说点什么,不是吗?许多人,尤其是美国人,听到对方说“thank you”(“谢谢”)后,常会答一句“you’re welcome”(“不谢”)。
  This has begun to change, as young people use and hear “you’re welcome” sarcastically. And it’s not just young people: To people from other parts of the world, “you’re welcome” can sound rude。
  如今的回答方式已经改变,因为对年轻人来说,“you’re welcome”一语多少带点讽刺意味。而且,不止年轻人这么认为,在其他一些国家,“you’re welcome”听上去并不礼貌。
  Brits, for example, can’t help but hear a hint of condescension in there. But the problem with “you’re welcome” isn’t sarcasm. Well, not the whole problem. It’s about meaning。
  比如,英国人就觉得,“you’re welcome”听来有些傲慢。不过,嘲讽之意倒不是个问题,至少不是个大问题。真正值得探究的,是这个短语的意思。
  Not that this is the intention, but “you’re welcome” can sound like you’re taking the polite gesture from the thanker, and bringing attention to your kindness. To the unaccustomed ear, it can sound like “yes, I did you a favour, you should be thankful。” It’s not intentional, I’m sure. But that doesn’t make it any less ambiguous。
  “You’re welcome”听上去就像你试图不顾道谢者的礼节,强行凸显你的善意一样,虽然你可能不曾意识到这点。但在有些人听来,你就像在说“瞧,我不帮你了嘛,你理应要谢谢我”。所谓言者无心,怕就怕听者有意。
  Similarly “no problem”, or the reply favoured by our Australian friends, “no worries”, are both flawed. Often said with a dismissive shrug, “no problem” can be interpreted as simply denying that being kind is an inconvenience. But to those used to hearing “you’re welcome,” “no problem” can be sound like being kind is sometimes an inconvenience…and that you might not have helped if it had been。
  另外,“no problem”(“没问题”)以及澳洲人爱用的“no worries”(“别担心”)同样值得斟酌。嘴上说着“no problem”,加上无谓地耸耸肩,大概是说帮忙不是什么麻烦事。不过,对那些听惯了“you’re welcome”的人而言,“no problem”似乎暗示了帮忙有时候真是件麻烦事。若情况真的无比棘手,你绝不会挺身而出的。
  Young people tend to respond to being thanked with “no problem”, which older people find rude. So it’s a generational problem, yes. But also a linguistic one. Why is this? Here’s where it gets technical…
  当你道谢时,年轻人通常会回一句“no problem”。这在老年人看来,实在太不礼貌了。所以,这算个代沟问题,没错。不过这也是个语言学问题。至于原因嘛,就得涉及专业知识了……
  Both “you’re welcome” and “no problem” are phatic expressions, an expression whose sole function is to perform a social role. We use phatic expressions all the time. For example when we respond to “how are you?” by saying “good, you?” Or by responding to “what’s up?” with “what’s up?”。
  “You’re welcome”和“no problem”都是客套用语,仅仅用作应酬。我们时时都会说这样的客套话,比如有人向你问好“how are you?”(“你好吗?”),你就会说“good, you?”(“我很好,你呢?”)。有人和你打招呼“what’s up?”(“嘿呦!”),你便回答“what’s up”(“嘿呦!”)
  Often we use a phatic response when we don’t know what else to say. Saying “I’m OK,” for example, even when we’re not. Or to simply acknowledge someone, or something, when there is no need to convey actual information. We know people aren’t (usually) actively asking how we are, so we respond phatically. But because “thank you” is a sincere expression, many common phatic responses sound empty in comparison. The emptiness of the response is why some people tend to find “no problem” or “you’re welcome” dismissive。
  我们常用客套话,是因为我们不知道说什么。比如,即便我们真有事,嘴上还是会说“I’m OK。”(“我没事”)。有时候,我们只是提到某人某事而已,并不想多说什么。大多数时候,问好就是个口头套话而已,于是我们也就用套话回答了。然而,“thank you”往往带着真情实意,相比之下,再用套话回答就显得虚伪了。或许,正是这种虚伪,让人们觉得“no problem”或“you’re welcome”听上去充满了轻蔑。
  So, what are the options? Are we at a linguistic impasse?
  Thankfully, no。
  As the Brits have long known, the correct way to respond to “thank you” is to say “thank you”. Similarly, you can respond to “cheers” with “cheers”. This response is still phatic in purpose, but the tone and context can’t be misread。
  英国人早就知道,别人说“thank you”(“谢谢”)时,正确的回答也是“thank you”(“谢谢”),类似于别人说“cheers”(“干杯”),你也跟着说“cheers”(“干杯”)就行。此番回答听上去依旧客套,但没了讽刺味道,也不会引起歧义。
  Effectively, you’re thanking the thanker for their thanks. Everybody wins! And there’s no need to get stuck once each will do。
  事实上,回答“thank you”,你是在感谢对方的感谢行为。这就是所谓的双赢嘛!另外,双方也没有必要无休无止地感谢下去,说上一轮就够了。
  Thank you。
  condescension: 以恩人自居的态度;傲慢态度
  dismissive: 表示轻视的
  phatic: 应酬的;仅仅是交际性的
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