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电话里英语练好了,面对面交谈so easy~
Hello my name is Mark, I am a teacher at Youwaijiao, and I love to teach especially English, also one of my favorite subjects is American History.
I have taught ESL to many different nationalities of students from South America to Asia
My style of teaching depends on the pace of my students, and what level they are in. We can take our time to ensure you understand the subject at hand, and for my more advanced students we can go at a faster pace, but most of all I keep it fun! lively! and interesting.
So please come join us at Youwaijiao and I would love to have you as my student, and together we will be able to accomplish your goals to speak and understand English.
Thank you and I hope to see you soon!!!
My name is Teacher Grace and I'm a teacher at You Waijiao. My hobbies include watching movies, surfing the internet and traveling.Ive been to different countries in the past and I realized the importance of English for global communication.
Teaching has been my passion. I've experienced teaching English online and offline to students of different nationalities including Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Thai, and Taiwanese students. With ample training and advance proficiency in English language speaking, writing and teaching with developed computer literacy, I believe that I can help you to be at your best. Come and study with me for you to see how fun learning English can be. Hope to see you in my class. Goodbye
大家好我是优外教的Grace老师,喜欢看电影,上网,旅行,去过很多国家,发现英语交流是全球性的,世界上很多国家的官方语言都是英语,所以能看的出来英语是多么的重要,我热爱教学,我的学员来自韩国,日本,土耳其,泰国和中国台湾,丰富的授课经验,让我相信我会帮助你很好的提高你的英语,快来和我一起学习 吧,我在优外教等你!
Hi. I'm Teacher Disiree and I'm a teacher at You Waijiao. I have been teaching English to foreign students for about three years now.
I find teaching to be very challenging but also rewarding, especially if both myself and the student are able to achieve each other's goals at the end of the class. It is very refreshing for me to interact with people from another culture and background and make an impact on their improvement in learning another language. I want to be able to motivate you, students, to continue pursuing your interest in learning the English language. I shall endeavor to make each class productive, lively, and interesting. I look forward to exchanging cultural and educational information with you. See you in class at You Wiajiao, and let's learn together.
Hi, My name is Teacher John and I am from New York but now i live in Kentucky the home of the famous Kentucky Fried Chicken. I am 42 years old and I love teaching English. I have been teaching English online and in the classroom for the past 10 years. My major is in Business Management and also Corporate Logistics. If you decide to join our company YOU Waijiao, I will promise to teach you to the best of my ability real American English. So with that in mind I hope to see and talk to you soon. Bye and have a great day.
Hello, I'm Teacher Audrey of
You Waijiao
I graduated college with the degree of Bachelor of science in Psychology major in learning and human interaction.
I\'ve been teaching for 6 years now in Basic, Intermediate, Advance, and business English. I also help my students get promoted on their work by practicing them to have excellent grades in company exams and teach extra tips as well based in Psychology. With this, i always build great relationships with my students.
I\'ve also experienced working in a call center company as a magazine specialist where I call different states here in the United States of America by inviting them to subscribe to VOGUE MAGAZINE. This experience has made me a better conversationalist.
I believe that in able to be an effective online teacher in English, one should have a long & continuous experience in verbal interaction and most especially, by enjoying each successful class. I always love teaching. I always make sure that my students are comfortable during the class in a way that you\'ll treat me as your friend.
And now, I welcome you to You Waijiao! I am very excited to have you in my classes.
Have a lovely day! :)
Hi, my name is Will. I am 24 years old. I was born in Adak Alaska.
I am currently living in Senoia Georgia and have 3 years of teaching experience, both Online and at ESL Camps. Teaching is something I really enjoy doing and my goal is your teacher to help you learn English by working on your pronunciation, grammar, and giving you an arsenal of vocabulary and idioms to use in your everyday life.
I try to use my unique teaching style of connecting with the students to adapt to the their likes and interest to help come up with better ways to explain lesson topics, this does include their favorite hobbies such as TV shows, music, arts and even video games to make sure they can fully understand what the lesson is about and are able to discuss their own thoughts on the subject. I try to keep a fun learning environment for the students to optimize the learning potential when in my class.
So I would really like to see you in my class very soon. Bbye
Hi and welcome to YouWaijao.
My name is Teacher Mike.
I live in a city called Portsmouth on the south coast of England in the UK and I have been teaching English as a foreign language for over 12 years both in the classroom and on-line.
I am an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher that believes learning English should be fun and stress free. Being able to communicate with each other is the key foundation for global understanding, it opens doors and makes for an exciting adventurous world.
I extend my warmest desire to help you make the first steps toward your ambition in becoming
a part of an English speaking global community. Have a fantastic day and I look forward to learning with you soon.
大家好,欢迎来到优外教。我是Mike老师,来自英国南海岸港口城市朴茨茅斯,有12年线上线下教学经验。我热情专注,相信学习英语是一件快乐而轻松的事情。沟通是了解世界的关键和基础,为我们打开了了解和探索世界的大门。我谨向你们表达我最热切的愿望,帮助你们迈出迈向英语世界共同体的一步。 期待能和你们一起学习!
Hi, I'm Teacher Carl from the United States and I love teaching. I am a teacher at YOU Waijiao. I am 27 years old and I have been teaching English for more than 3 years now and I have taught online classes and one on one classes and have taught students of all levels of ages. I like to keep my classes fun because when you are having fun that's when you start to learn more and you become more confident in yourself. I can also adjust my style to help you better improve your English skills and I also want to hear your ideas on different topics. I hope to learn more about you too. Enroll with us now and I'm sure you will improve your English skills with confidence. See you soon.
嗨! 我是优外教的Carl老师,来自美国。我很热爱教学,今年27岁,有三年多的教学经验。我做过在线英语老师也做过一对一的教学,教授过各个年龄段不同水平的学生。我的课堂生动有趣,在我看来,只有体会到学习英语的乐趣,你才算得上真正的学有所获,并且在这期间,你会发现自己越来越自信。我会根据你的情况来调整我的教学,也希望你能跟我分享你对不同话题的看法。我希望尽可能的多了解我的学生,加入我们吧,我相信你的英语水平一定会提高,并且自信满满,课堂上见~
Hello there.
This is Teacher Sanders with You Waijiao.
I'm from Los Angeles California and have been teaching English for over 5 years.
I've given group lessons in the past but I prefer to interact with my students one on one as I find it quite rewarding to witness their progress and share their success.
Nothing makes me happier than when I learn something new and I hope I can help you to do the same.
Please join me soon.
I'll be waiting for you here at You Waijiao.
Hi there! I'm teacher Dex of YOU Waijiao from Baltimore, Maryland! Your mentor, a friend, an average guy who is determined to make the best happen! I am passionate to teach students who are curious about the English language. Patient to answer all your questions and further enhance your communication skills. Experience has molded me what I am today and I promise that you will have the best learning experience! If you want to have fun learning the English language, then you came to the right teacher! So what are you waiting for? Book my classes and I'll see you in YOU Waijiao!
大家好,我是优外教老师Dex, 来自马里兰州巴尔的摩。我是一个下定决心帮助你提高英语的良师益友。我非常喜欢教那些有很高求知欲的学生。我很耐心,愿意回答你所有问题和帮助你提高英语沟通能力。这些经验塑造了今天的我,我保证你会有最好的学习体验!如果你想要愉快得学习英语,那么你找到了合适的老师!所以,你还在等什么?赶紧加入优外教吧课堂上见!
Hi I am teacher Lawrence of YOUWAIJIAO
I've been an English teacher for almost 7 years.
I was an English camp teacher and staff for one year and then I decided to switch to online teaching since it's more convenient to me. I love teaching not only because I can share my knowledge in English but I also learn a lot of things from my students and I never get bored doing this kind of job.
For me, learning should be a fun experience and I always keep in mind that students learn at their own pace, so as a teacher, it's my job to make the experience worthwhile so what are you waiting for? let's learn English together here in YOUWAIJIAO see yah!
Hello I'm Teacher Dave from the United States and I am a teacher at You Waijiao.
I went to Louisiana State University for aerospace engineering and environmental science.
I like to keep my class fun because when you have fun that is when you really start to learn.
I believe learning English is very important because it is considered the international language today. Speaking fluent English will open many more opportunities for you, both in your career and personal life.
Well enough about me. I hope to learn more about you when you enroll in our classes.
Take care and see you in class soon!
Hello,大家好,我是优外教的Dave老师,我来自美国。我毕业于路易斯安那州立大学航空航天工程与环境科学专业。我喜欢让我的课堂生动有趣,在我看来,只有当你发现了学习英语的乐趣,你才算是真正意义上开始学习英语了。我相信学习英语非常重要,因为英语是一门国际化的语言。学好英语会为你的职业生涯和个人生活提供很多机会。希望你能加入我的课堂 ,和我一起快乐的学习。我在这里期待着与你见面!
Hello! My name is Charina! I am 27 years old. I have been teaching English for almost seven years. I have experienced in teaching beginner, intermediate and advance level of students. I must say that teaching is my passion. I believe that the best teachers teach from the heart and not from the book. I will make sure that you will learn in my class and at the same time you will have fun! So what are you waiting for? Enroll now! See you! :)
Aloha!!! I'm Kyle, Hopefully your teacher in the near future.
I've been teaching English for a little over 5 Online, 1-on-1 tutorials, in classrooms... you name it!
I've loved teaching ever since I was at a very young age, and I believe that every person has the ability to learn the English language - with the right teacher of course.
As a teacher of YOU Waijiao, it is only natural that my passion for teaching defines who I am.
I hope we have the chance to meet, because there is so much I’d love to talk to you about!
I am very sure that if we work together, nothing is impossible. Because I believe in you, and all i'm asking is for you to trust in me.
Hi! I'm Teacher Fabio of Youwaijiao. I love teaching English. I have been teaching English for about 13 years now. I have handled offline and online classes to students from different countries like Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Bangladesh, India,Nepal, and the Middle East. My students say they enjoy their classes with me very much because they consider me their English coach.
Join Youwaijiao so you can enjoy learning, too!
I can help you speak fluently and confidently in English and converse easily and effectively with anyone. Even if you’re scared of speaking,
and even if you have a
very limited vocabulary,
I'm willing to coach you, train you, and teach you so you can express yourself better,and find it easy to say what you want to say.
Hi there, I'm Teacher Alicia. I'm from the United States and have lived in many states all across the USA including California, New Jersey, Iowa, and North Carolina, but currently I'm living in Houston, Texas. I'm 25 years old and a teacher at You Waijiao where I have been teaching English for over a year now. I've also taught for one year at an international school. I love teaching and would love to help you improve your English skills. You can count on me to adapt to your learning needs and I promise to make each class an enjoyable experience. You know what they say, the best way to learn something new is to have fun doing it. I look forward to having a class with you here at You Waijiao.
Hi good day I'm Angela and I am a teacher here at YOU Waijiao. I have been teaching English for more than 6 years now and all the students that I have met are coming from every corner of the world whose ages, occupations, backgrounds and of course purposes of learning differ that's why I make sure to tailor each course accordingly to help every student reach the goals that they expect. And lastly for me, teaching is giving students something that I have, you can always expect my classes to be interesting and fun. Giving my complete dedication and commitment sets me aside from the others and what's more, I teach happily, for the love of Education! So what are you waiting for? I hope to see you in one of my classes.
大家好,我是优外教的老师Angela.我已经教授英语6年多了,我所接触的学生都是来自世界各个地方,年龄不同,身份背景和学习目标各异,这些都是我给他们量身定做不同学习方案的参考标准,我觉得教学是把我所学的知识传授给学生,并且让你非常享受我的课堂。更重要的是,我 会无私奉献并且信守承诺,热忱于教育事业,并且愉快地教学。所以你还在等什么?我很期待你加入到我的课堂里。
Hello there! My name is Nate, and I teach for youwaijiao. I come from Wisconsin, USA. I have been teaching for 6 years online and offline. I can help you improve your English and your confidence very quickly! I love helping my students with everything from free conversation to test preparation, including TOEIC, TOEFL, and OPIC. Let's have some fun and learn at the same time! See you in class!
大家好,我是来自美国威斯康星洲的Nate老师,目前任教于优外教,我从事线上线下英语教学已有六年,在教学过程中,我能够帮助你们在快速提升英语技能的同时,还可以获得更多的自信。我也非常开心在自由交谈中能够帮助大家做好TOEIC, TOEFL和OPIC等考试准备。让我们一起去体会学习的乐趣吧!期待与你们课堂上相见!
Hi! This is Teacher Riza from You Waijiao.
I've been an English teacher for around 10 years now. Teaching wasn't my original profession but came to love it after trying it the first time. I believe that learning both work for the students and the teacher. That is why I make it a point to make each student special and important. Learning from my students and hearing them improve keeps me teaching. If you want to become better in English and at the same time have fun, come join us at You Waijiao. I hope to talk with you soon!
大家好,我是来自优外教的Riza老师。 我已经做了将近10年的英语老师。教学不是我最初的专业但是尝试过一次后我就深深地喜欢上了教学。我认为教学相长,在教学过程中彼此都能学到很多东西。这就是为什么我非常珍视每个学员并尊重他们的特殊性。倾听学员、从他们身上学到东西,是我保持教学热情的源泉和动力。如果你想要提高你的英语并享受这个过程,那就赶快加入优外教吧!期待着你的加入。
Hello! My name is Will, and I am a teacher here at Waijiao.
Every day, I look forward to meeting and helping amazing students just like yourself with learning not only American English, but American Conversational English as well.
I believe that, through learning how to hold a good conversation in English, you will not only learn how to speak English well, but will also learn to sound more natural with your English.
Over the years, through both online and classroom teaching, I've helped many people just like you reach English goals they never thought would be possible.
Are you ready to start reaching your goals today?
Hello. I'm teacher Sheila.Learning English with a foreign speaker is a very exciting experience and I would like to share it with you.I'm an English teacher for five years. Helping students enrich their vocabulary, speed up their reading, sharpen their comprehension and grammar skills and practice speaking English comfortably.
I am a patient, dedicated and hardworking teacher. With my experience and skills, I can help you learn English. Use it as a tool to improve your personality,
get good grades in school and reach your goals. Come study with us at YOU Waijiao. Learn English like an expert. Hope to hear from you soon!
Hello everyone!My name is Dee. I'm from Orlando Florida ,I love to interact with people from different parts of the world teaching English as a second language, I have been an ESL teacher both online and offline for over 3 years now. For me teaching is a self rewarding experience, seeing them grow, and seeing my student progress and hearing say “thank you ,teacher” is my genuine happiness .
Hi there, I am teacher Mike. And I've been teaching for 6 years now, online and offline. I enjoy teaching very much because it’s my first love. I have students with different nationalities, who want to learn to read and speak English in any situation. I also teach the different aspects of English online, focusing on conversation, pronunciation and business English communication. Hope you remember you are never too young or too old to start learning English. Hey, don't make this accuses: not to learn. So, what are you waiting for?
Hi! My name is teacher Clark and I I have a bachelors’ degree in English, 32 years old from San Diego California. I have been working with youwaijiao for at least two years now and through those years, I have taught all levels from all age groups. I first determine the students’ level in vocabulary, speaking, listening, grammar and pronunciation skills and later adjust my style so it may be comfortable and effective for each student. I make the necessary corrections within each class immediately to help determine areas where the student needs the most help on. I encourage students to voice out their own opinion on various topics to help enhance their skills further. So enroll with us now and you will surely improve your English language skills. See you soon! Goodbye!
My name is Myrtle 27 years old and I am a teacher at You Waijiao. I graduated from Boston College in the United States. I enjoy reading articles and traveling especially around Asia. With regards to my communication skills and training English background, I have extensive knowledge with 100 topics for daily English, interchange
books, Business English, Grammar, TOEIC and conversational English online and at offline. I have taught Korean, Chinese and European students for the past five years.
As a professional language teacher –my teaching style is that I always adopt to certain approaches, deciding on the most suitable techniques for my students and applying the most appropriate methodology for the learner’s specific objectives, learning style and context. Some methods I use are Grammar Translation which is translating from English into your native language. Direct Method (also called Natural Method) which is Everyday spoken language where the student learns by associating the meaning directly in English lastly the Audio-Lingual Method which is Sentence and sound patterns such as Listening and speaking drills and pattern practice only in English.
Now, I enjoy teaching because it always adds to new discoveries. I hope that you will be able to work with me and I enjoy challenges in order to help you discover your true language potential. This means choosing the techniques and activities that are appropriate for each particular task with a focus on motivation and helping learners like you to become independent and to inspire you to learn more. After all, I believe that Learning is the best tool to success.
I cordially invite you to come join me here at You Waijiao
Ni hao and huan ying. Well, hello and welcome to You Waijiao! My name is Rusty Bersante. I have
a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Education. I am also certified in TESOL and English accent training. I live in Spokane, Washington in the United States of America. My past history of education is teaching all ages through elementary, middle school and high school. My hobbies are backpacking, water skiing and enjoying the good outdoors of United States of America. I am a teacher for You W I hope to hear from you soon. Xie xie Ni. Thank you and have a beautiful day. Bye, bye!
你好,欢迎你,这里是优外教,我是Rusty Bersante老师。我拥有教育学的学士和硕士学位,同时持有TESOL证书和英语口音培训证书。我来自美国华盛顿的斯波坎市,教授过小学、初中和高级不同年龄段的学生。我喜欢背包旅行,滑水等各种在美国流行的户外活动项目。我是优外教的老师,希望你很快能成为我们的学生。谢谢,祝你愉快!
Hello there,I’m Teacher Neil from YOU Waijiao. My absolute goal in life is to make sure that you learn English while having fun. Here at YOU Waijiao we give you the guarantee that you will learn with fun and exciting teacher like me! I’ve had many years of experience as an English teacher, having had taught different kinds of student’s with different levels coming from different countries.At the end of every enrollment you might even get a special certificate for being a good student. Together we can explore all the fun places around the world while learning English together. So come on! What are you waiting for? Enroll in our great classes and start speaking English in no time!
快来吧! 您还在等什么呢?
Hi! I am teacher Kevin. I am a teacher of youwaijiao and I love to teach! I have been teaching for over a year both online and offline. My teaching philosophy is have fun while learning English! Please join me and take your English to the next level! Have a great day!
大家好,我是 Kevin 老师,来自优外教。我已经有一年多的线上线下教学经验,我很喜欢这个职业。我的教学理念是寓教于乐,快来与我一起加入优外教吧,让你的英语水平更上一层楼。
Hello English students. My name is Bill.I am an American from California. For the last three years I have been teaching English to Korean, Japanese and Chinese students. My youngest student was 8 years old and my oldest was 73 years old. I want to congratulate you on your decision to learn English. That was a very wise choice that will bring you good fortune in the future. As you know, English is a difficult language to learn. Our job is to help you achieve your goals. Learning English is a lot of hard work but we can make it fun and rewarding. I hope you decide to join us. Thank you!
My name is Roger.
I am a teacher for YOU Waijiao.
I have spent the last year tutoring individuals in person, as well as teaching through the internet.
I love teaching English.
It is my goal to that you enjoy your experience while improving your English capabilities.
I have endless patience, and will spend the time needed to help you learn and improve!
I would like to invite you to join
YOU Waijiao.
And I would love to give you a class soon! Thank you.
大家好!我是优外教在线英语的Roger老师。 在过去的一年里,我一直从事于线上教学和家教辅导,特别热衷于英语教学 。我的目标是让您在学习的各种体验中提高自己的英语水平。我有足够的耐心来帮助你学习英语。真诚邀请您加入优外教英语学习,热情期待给您上第一节课。谢谢!
Hi, my name is teacher Luckey from YouWiJiao and I welcome you to my class. I love teaching English and I have been doing so in both offline and online classrooms for over 11years.
I try to make my classes fun and rewarding, and you will not be bored or feel like it is a waste of your time. I strive to have all of my students understand the concepts that we are studying. I refuse to accept the notion that some students cannot be successful when studying English with me. If English gives you a headache, I will be your pain reliever. Join my class now so we can take your English skills to the next level. See you soon!


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