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外教英语听说教程 3暂无文本 推荐专题:英语口语流行极短句760个 /80我们今天要学的习惯用语都有buy这个词。我们要学的第一个习惯用语是:Buy a pig in a poke。Poke在这儿解释口袋。Buy a pig in a poke是个很古老的习惯用语,至少有五百年的历史了。它来自一个滑头的人耍弄别人的一个故事。这个人说他的口袋里有一头小肥猪要出卖,而买主居然笨得不看一眼就买下了,回到家打开袋子,才发现原来里面装的是只猫。他的盲目不仅让他白花钱,还使他不得不承担养猫的责任。像这种骗人上勾的买卖现在还有。比方说,不时有人会打电话来向你推销产品,甚至房地产。他会把你没亲眼目睹的东西说得天花乱坠。例如下面这个例子讲的是房地产经纪人推销在佛罗里达州的地产。例句-1:My brother bought a pig in a poke. He bought some property in Florida over the phone. Iin fact at high tide it was six feet under water.大家都听懂了吧?原来他兄弟在电话上就买下了佛罗里达沿海的那块土地。涨潮的时候这块地竟然淹在水面下六英尺。花钱买下这样一块时有时无的土地等于把钱往水里扔。问题出在他是通过电话买的根本没看过他买的地。所以buy a pig in a poke意思就是没有亲自过目就轻率地买下某些东西。Buy a pig in a poke是轻率和盲目地购买商品的意思,有时候买来的东西一文不值。下面要学的习惯用语可有截然相反的意思。这个习惯用语是:buy for a song。Buy for a song可能来自街头卖唱的艺人。他们做的是无本买卖,唱歌来换取生活所需。如果唱一歌就能得到报酬,也就是没化钱而买到了,言下之意是非常便宜。好,我们听一个例子来琢磨buy for a song含义是什么。他说的是买一辆91年出产的福特牌二手车的事儿。例句-2:You have to be careful when you buy a used car. But I bought this 91Ford for a song, about half of what I expected to pay. And Ive hit runs like a new car.大家都听懂这段话了吧? 买旧车是得小心谨慎,但是他的运气真好;他买那辆91年福特牌汽车只化了预计中的一半钱,可车开起来就像新的一样。从而可见buy something for a song含义是花的代价不大,而买到东西却很合算。我们接着要学的习惯用语里buy这个词意思很特别,不像刚才那样解释;买;,而是;相信或者采纳;。我们来听个例子吧。这个人在议论一个好吹嘘光荣历史的人。例句-3:He is always telling people how brave he was during the war, but I dont buy his story. I know h he spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US. 他老是告诉别人他战时的英勇事迹。我可不信他编的故事。我知道他从来没去过海外;整个战争年代他都在美国本土的军事基地工作。所以这儿buy意思就是;相信或者接受;。我们再学一个习惯用语:buy the farm。听了这个短语你也许以为它的意思是买农场,其实它和购置产业毫无关系。这个习惯用语起源于二次大战,当时许多年轻人都英年早逝,于是就有了buy the farm这个说法委婉地表示突如其来的不正常死亡。好,我们来听一个例子吧。例句-4:Bill was the best pilot I knew when I was in the air force. But he bought the farm when his plane was hit two days before the end of the war. 我在空军部队的时候据我所知Bill是最出色的飞行员,但是就在大战结束前两天,他的飞机被击中,而他也英年早逝了。这儿bought the farm意思是突如其来的不正常死亡。
Jennifer: Let me see that Palm gadget. What else can it do?Billy: Well, it can also download any compatible program or software from the Palm Pilot websites.Jennifer: Like what?Billy: Games, e-mail, books―all kinds of stuff. And I can transfer it to anyone who has a Palm Pilot.Jennifer: But it's still got the basic organizer functions like an address book, a calendar... /242
1. I'm so glad you're getting married. 我很高兴你要结婚了. /12/93477
  美国习惯用语-第124讲:a straw in the wind/to grasp at straws今天这一课我们要再给大家介绍两个由straw,也就是"稻草"这个词组成的习惯用语。稻草虽然没有什么价值,但是美国人常用的不少俗语都和straw这个词有关。我们首先要给大家介绍的一个常用语就是:a straw in the wind。按字面来解释,a straw in the wind意思就是:随风飘的一根稻草。可是,作为俗语,a straw in the wind是指:在事情发生前的一些风吹草动,也就是事态发展的一些迹象。一些记者在写经济或政治新闻的时候经常用这个俗语。我们先来举个例子看看到底a straw in the wind在句子里是怎么用的。例句-1: "Economic experts said today that the increase in auto sales the last 30 days is a straw in the wind that the nation's economy is beginning to recover from the brief recession."这句话很明显是一条新闻报导中的一部份。它的意思是:"经济专家们今天说,最近一个月来汽车销售量的增加象征着美国已经开始从短暂的经济衰退中复苏。"这句话里的最后两个字是:brief recession。Brief是短暂的意思,recession是目前经常用的一个字,它的意思是:经济衰退。A straw in the wind这个说法的来源可能和农民的习惯有关。要是你去过农村的话,你就知道农民经常把一把草往空中一扔,以此来看风往那个方向吹。逐渐地,a straw in the wind这个说法就应用到生活的各个方面,成为某件事的发展迹象了。现在我们再来给大家举个例子。这是一个正在竞选官职的候选人在担心他的竞选前景。例句-2: "I wish we had a good idea of how the voters feel about us. The only straw in the wind I see is that a lot more people are registering to vote this time. But is that good or bad for us?"这位候选人说:"我希望我们能更了解选民们对我们的看法。我所见到的唯一迹象就是这次有比以往多得多的人进行了选民登记。但是,这到底对我们是好事,还是坏事呢?"这句话里涉及美国选举的一个程序,那就是美国选民在投票前必须进行选民登记。只有登记了的选民才有资格投票,不登记就不能投票。可惜,有许多美国人对政治失去信心或感到反感,而经常不去投票,放弃这一民主权利。不投票的人一般也不会去登记。所以选民登记就变成预测选举的一个有用指标。下面我们要给大家介绍另一个和straw有关的习惯用语:to grasp at straws。Grasp就是抓紧的意思。To grasp at straws字面上的意思就是抓紧稻草,但它的实际意思和中文里的[捞救命稻草]很相似。要是有一个人在一艘船上,这艘船突然起火,他就被迫跳进海水里。但是,他不会游泳。于是,他只能拚了命在水里想办法抓到任何能不让他沉入海水的东西,例如一块木头,一只空瓶子,甚至一把稻草等。当然,这些东西里没有一样能救他的。这个人只是在绝望之中想用任何办法解脱绝望的境地。下面我们要举的例子是一个学生在说他的同房间同学,平时不用功,到考试前临时抱佛脚。例句-3: "Harry, you're grasping at straws if you think you can pass that exam by starting to study the night before. You'll never catch up, man! All you'll do is lose a night's sleep, and still you won't get a passing grade."这个学生说:"哈利,要是你认为在考试前一天的晚上开始念书就能通过考试的话,那你就是想捞救命稻草。夥计,你这样是绝对赶不上的。你这样到头来尽管通宵不眠,但是结果还是不及格。"这个例句里的passing grade就是学校里考试的及格分数。下面我们要给大家举的例子是一个律师在讲一个被控告谋杀自己妻子的人。例句-4: "This man claims that a burglar shot his wife. But there was no sign a robber had broken in and the husband was found with a gun in his hand. He's just grasping at straws trying to stay out of jail."这位律师说:"这个人说是一个闯进屋子里来偷东西的人杀死他的妻子的。可是,没有任何迹象明有贼破门而入,而这个丈夫却被发现手里拿着。他只不过是为了不想坐牢而要捞救命稻草罢了。"这个例子听起来很可怕,而这个案件也确实很可怕。但是美国的犯罪率很高,凶杀事件天天都有。这也是美国最严重的社会问题之一。我们今天讲的两个习惯用语是:a straw in the wind和to grasp at straws。A straw in the wind这个常用语的意思是:事态发展的迹象;to grasp at straws指的是企图捞救命稻草。今天的[美国习惯用语]就学习到这里。我们下次节目再见。 /69
  遥记得小时候放学了一般会几个伙伴相约到其中一个家中一起写作业,那时候这也算是“串门”的一种形式吧。到了现在,大家住在一个屋里都有可能只在QQ或MSN上聊天,到彼此的网络空间去串门,却不肯走几步路去面对面说几句话。今天,我们就一起回顾一下英语中关于“串门、拜访”的那些说法吧。1. drop inDo drop in if you happen to be passing!路过的时候一定要进来坐坐啊!。
  Time He will come at 9pm.他晚上九点过来.It starts at 10am.早上十点开始.Meet him at mid-night.午夜与他见面.Meet him at noon.中午与他见面.Meet him in the afternoon.下午与他见面.Meet him in the evening.傍晚与他见面.Meet him this morning.早上与他见面.See you the day after tomorrow.后天见.See you tomorrow.明天见.
  291. 首先,你必须努力工作。 [误] At first, you must work hard. [正] First, you must work hard.注:at first 指“起初,开始的时候”,如:At first I found this question very difficult, but finally I managed to answer it(一开始我觉得这个问题很难回答,不过最后我还是答出来了);first 才是指“首先”。又如:First, let me introduce myself(首先,请允许我介绍一下我自己)。
/45Heidi invited us to have a dinner, why?1) I'll treat!
My treat! 我请客!I want to invite you to dinner. I'll treat! /64Larry的车子正在厂里修理。今天李华陪他去取车。李华会学到两个常用语:grease monkey和fender bender。 LL: I hope my car is y. The grease monkey said it would be fixed by 3:00 this afternoon. LH: The grease monkey? Larry,你的车不是送到修车厂了吗?修车厂怎么会有猴子呢? LL: (Laugh) No, there aren't any monkeys like the monkeys in the zoo. Grease monkey is a slang term for auto mechanic. LH: 你们把汽车修理工叫grease monkey?真有意思。所以你是说,修车的工人告诉你,车子在3点以前会修好。 LL: Right, but I doubt it will be y. Every time a grease monkey tells my car will be y, he's wrong. LH: 你不相信那修车的人?为什么每次他们说的时间都是错的? LL: Well, last time I had my car fixed. The mechanic said it would be y the next day. As it turned out, my car wasn't y until three days later. LH: 原来上回修车你就受骗过。说好第二天可以取车,结果拖了三天才修好。怪不得你不相信他们了。对了,Larry,我们可以当着修车工的面叫他们grease monkey吗? LL: Some mechanics wouldn't care, but others might not like being called a grease monkey. If I mean it as a joke, it' however, it can also be used negatively. LH: 有些人不在乎,有的人会不高兴。这也是很自然的。要是叫他们grease monkey是开玩笑的话,我想应该不会有什么问题。 LL: Yeah, but it can be an insult. LH: 那么到底怎么样才算是开玩笑呢? LL: Well, my sister tried to fix her car and got covered in grease. After that, my father jokingly called her his little grease monkey. LH: 哈哈,你自己想修车,结果搞的全身油污,你爸爸叫她my grease monkey。那你呢?你有没有自己修过车? LL: No, I'm not very good at fixing cars. I would be a lousy grease monkey. ****** LH: Larry, 你还没告诉我,为什么你的车要送去修啊? LL: I was in a little fender bender the other day and my tail light needed to be fixed. LH: 你的车怎么啦? A fender bender? 那是什么东西啊? LL: A fender bender is a minor car accident. Usually, no one is seriously hurt in a fender bender and the cars are not damaged too badly. LH: A fender bender就是小事故。Larry你撞车啦,怎么都没有告诉我呢? LL: It was just a fender bender, so I didn't think it was important enough to tell you about. LH: 小事故也可能会受伤啊。你怎么样?你没什么事吧? LL: I'm fine. I didn't even get a scratch. LH: 你没事就好。对了,你怎么会和别的车擦撞呢? LL: The girl in the car behind me was talking on her cell phone and she wasn't paying attention. She drove into the back of my car. LH: 一面开车一面打手机真的很危险的。那个从后面撞上你的女孩,如果开车速度再快一些,你们都有可能受伤呢! LL: Fortunately, she wasn't driving very fast, so it turned out to be just a minor fender bender. 今天李华学到两个常用语。一个是grease monkey, 是指修理汽车的工人。另一个常用语是fender bender, 这是指小车祸,通常没有人受伤的事故。 /45
  【场景再现】(Ross要和人约会,向大家咨询合适的地点,说约会之后打算带人家回家,介绍给小猴子认识)Ross: Hey guys, does anybody know a good date place in the neighborhood? Joey: How about Tony's? If you can finish a 32-ounce steak, it's free. Ross: OK, ahem, hey, does anybody know a good place if you're not dating a puma? Chandler: Who are you going out with? Phoebe: Oh, is this the bug lady? Rachel: (trying to sound like a bug) Bzzzz.... I love you, Ross. Ross: Her name is Celia. She's not a bug lady. She's curator of insects at the museum. Rachel: So what are you guys going to do? Ross: Oh, I just thought we could go out to dinner, and then maybe bring her back to my place and I'd introduce her to my monkey. Chandler: And he's not speaking metaphorically. Joey: (aside to Ross) So.... back to your place...you thinking, maybe... (gestures with hands, back and forth) huh-huh? Ross: Well, I don't know.... (gestures) huh-huh.... but I'm hoping (gestures) huh-huh. Joey: I'm telling you, that monkey is a chick magnet! She's going to take one look at his furry, cute little face and it'll seal the deal. 【讲解】seal the deal: 这里该讲成“搞定;解决” /05/70280英语节奏训练教程(1) 暂无文本简介:英语节奏训练教程由上海外语出版社针对有所有学生英语发音录制的教程,使你循序渐进的掌握英语发朗读和发音
  天价商品【内容提要】:1) Sheer robbery! It is sky-high! 天价sheer:彻底的,绝对的robbery:抢劫rob: verb.to rob sb. of sth.Sheer robbery! The price of sth. is sky-high!也罢,我干脆买个2万的算了!可是又一想,那要是个junk car怎么办呢? /09
  你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?Would you like to join our party on Friday?(wrong)Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?(right)TIPS:join往往是指参加俱乐部或者协会,如: join the CommunistParty.事实上,常常与party搭配的动词的come 或者go。如go a wild party,或者come to a Christmas Party。 /65。
  There's something that's been eating at me for a long time... 有件事情在我心里藏了很久了...
  Ducks and drakes打水漂Means: a game in which a flat stone is bounced along the surface of calm water.打水漂游戏。相信大家小的时候都有玩过这样的小游戏吧,现在依稀在一些偶像剧里也有这样的剧情呢;水在最近播放的日剧《恋爱诊断》里也看到过,其实在国外也有同样的玩法。来源:这里有个语言学家猜测,由于公鸭求爱时头总是一点一点的,而它的尾巴则以水平方向飞快地左右摇摆,整个动作有点像孩子们的“水漂”游戏;于是乎就有了这样的英语表达方法。是否很好玩呢?嘿嘿!这里水提个醒:duck-stone是玩打水漂用的石子,不是鸭石头哦。(但是)play ducks and drakes with sth.Means: spend (esp one's money) in a careless wasteful way浪费,尤指挥霍无度的行为。请看例句:1. Having played ducks and drakes with his own money, he wanted to play the same silly game with mine.他把自己的钱挥霍完以后,又要拿我的钱去干那些傻行当。2. You have no right to play ducks and drakes with money that from your parents.你没有权利挥霍父母的钱。3. He had made ducksanddrakes of all his father's property.他把父亲的财产挥霍光了。居然这人在自由的挥霍父亲的财产,同时却有好多贫穷的孩子没学上。难道这就是生活吗?人生如斯,如斯人生!记得《总统先生》里的这样一句话:在甜蜜的梦乡里,人人都是平等的,但是当太阳升起,生存的斗争重新开始时,人与人之间又是多么的不平等。为了好生活,大家努力奋斗!
  1.I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwords.(Abraham.Lincoln America)我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。(亚伯拉罕.林肯 美国) /660
责任编辑:中华助手当前位置: &
日 10:26:10
新安堆沟港北陈集张店三口镇上环多少钱海州幸福路朐阳洪门街道做孕检多少钱大家都知道,stand up是站起来的意思,但如果加上一个someone,含义就变成了"爽约":A: I'm sorry for being late. The bus was stuck in a traffic jam for half an hour.不好意思我迟到了,公车堵了半小时.B: Well, I was afraid you would stand me up.我都担心你会放我鸽子呢.如果一个人老是放别人鸽子那肯定是很讨人厌的了.要表示"失约",还有另外一个说法,就是 break an appointment,不过这是表示"失约date"以外的约会,例如:You'd better not break your appointment with the lawyer.江苏省连云港国泰医院体检多少钱
外教英语听说教程 17暂无文本 推荐专题:英语口语流行极短句760个 /93就指望你了I'm counting on you.You're my only hope. /342连云港国泰医院剖腹产多少钱
连云港国泰妇科医院地址S: why don't you start searching for a job?Your classmates have all begun.J: I want something more challenging.S: Like what?J: to run my own business and be my own boss.S: why do you want to start your own business? Students of your major can easily land a job nowadays.J: well, I hate being controlled by others,and I don't want to start at the bottom of a steep corporate ladder.S: I don't mean to discourage you,but do you know that most new business fail?are you fully prepared?J: sure I am. To avoid risk, I'll start by opening a small online store in order to make the first bucket of gold of my life.S: that's down-to-earth. The profits may be low,but you don't have to put in too much overhead.J: yeah, I can work at home, saving the cost of renting an office. And I don't have to hire an extra hand unless I'm extremely busy.S: good, in that way,little by little, you can accumulate enough start-up investment for your own company. /52连云港省妇幼保健院检查白带多少钱
无论看美剧还是听身边的美国朋友们谈天,不知你是否注意到有很多单句出现的频率特别高呢?下面就让我们一起来汇总一下吧!老美经常挂嘴边的话:(按字母顺序排列)  Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小别胜新婚。  Any urgent thing? 有急事吗?  Between us. 你知,我知。  Big mouth! 多嘴驴!  Bottle it! 闭嘴!  Bottoms up! 干杯!  Boy! (表示惊奇,兴奋等)哇!好家伙!  Break the rules. 违反规则。  Can-do. 能人。  Can I have this? 可以给我这个吗?  Can you dig it? 你搞明白了吗?  Cheap skate! 小气鬼!  Chin up. 不气,振作些。  Close-up. 特写镜头。  Come on! 快点,振作起来!  Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。  Come seat here. 来这边坐。 /846连云港国泰妇科彩超检查好吗
新坝锦屏镇板浦浦南镇流产多少钱N: do you think chinese families have changed much in the last 50 years?S: I think families everywhere have changed a lot in the last 5 decades.N: what do you think is the biggest change?S: well, in the past, three or four generations would li8ve together under the same roof. Nowadays, living in the same city as one’s relatives in becoming rare.N: that’ true. You know, some husbands and wives don’t even live in the same city any more.S: would you ever consider having your parents live with you when they get older?N: I guess I’m a bit old-fashioned. I’d rather have my parents live with me than live in a retirement room.S: that’s very respectable, but I could never live with my parents. I usually only see them at our christmas celebration―and that’s enough!N: how about your other siblings? Do they spend a lot of time with your parents?S: two of my sisters still live at home, even they have aly graduated from university and have jobs. They enjoy spending their free time with my parents. I guess in that respect, I’m the back sheep of the family.N: I see. Do your parents ever ask you to come home to visit them more often?S: they’re always asking me to come home, but I think our relationship is better if we keep a distance from each other. Whenever we see each other, all we do is fight.N: well, you know what they say. You can choose your friends, but not your family. /07/79265
先看一句话:Mother said:"It's about time you got up, Mary."有人觉得这么简单的英文还不好理解,不就是:妈妈说,玛丽你该起床了。乍看起来中文说的与原文都能对号,没漏下什么,意思好像也符合,但 about time 潜藏的含义却没有译出来,在不经意中丢失了。About time someone did sth和it is time to do sth 并不一样,其实它甚至和it is time someone did sth也不一样。从说话者的角度讲,about time 含有轻微抱怨的意思,即你早该干什么事了,而it is time to do sth 只是叙说什么事情的时间到了。 It is time someone did sth 与 it is time to do sth 的意思相差不大,只不过前者较后者委婉一些。知道了这些差别后,上句可以翻译成:妈妈说,玛丽,你早该起来了。再如: The basketball team won last night. About time. 篮球队昨晚上赢了。他们早该赢了。那么,第二句要是说全,应该怎么说呢?那就是It's about time they won.(注意要用过去时) /02/61764云山宿城高公岛中云猴嘴街道东辛农场治疗慢性肠炎多少钱连云港市痛经哪家医院最好的


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