you must write less do morea paragraph of no less than 120 wo

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大学英语六级考试短文写作一、六级写作评分标准大学英语六级考试作文的目的旨在考核学生英语书面表达的能力。作文考试时间为 30 分钟, 要求写出不少于 150 个词的短文。六级考试作文的出题方式有:命题作文,看图画或 图表作文,根据所给文章(英文或中文)写出文章摘要或大意,给出关键词作文等。考试的 作文内容为社会、文化或日常生活的一般常识,不涉及知识面过广、专
业性太强的内容。对 作文的要求是:切题,文理通顺,表达正确,意思连贯,无重大语言错误。 下面介绍六级考试作文的评分原则和标准,并通过五份样卷作一个详细说明。 (一) 作文评分原则 1. CET 是检查考生是否达到大学英语教学大纲规定的六级教学要求,对作文的评判应以此 要求为准则。 2. CET 作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring)方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分 (Reward Scores),而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。 3. 从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。内容和语言是一个统一体,作文应表达题 目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想, 也要考虑是否用英语清楚而确切地表达思想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解 上的障碍。 4. 避免趋中倾向。该给高分的给高分,包括满分;该给低分的给低分,包括 0 分,一名阅 卷人员在所阅的全部作文卷中不应只给中间的几种分数。 (二) 作文评分标准 1. 2. 3. 本题满分为 15 分。 阅卷标准共分五等: 2 分、5 分、8 分、11 分及 14 分。各有标准样卷一至二份。 阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如 8 分)相似,即定为该 分数(即 8 分) ,若认为稍优或稍劣于该分数,即可加一分(即 9 分)或减一分(即 7 分) ,但不得加或减半分。 4. 评分标准: 2 分??条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错 误。 5 分??基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。 8 分??基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;语言错误相当多,其 中有一些是严重错误。 11 分??切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。? 14 分??切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小 错。1 [注: 白卷, 作文与题目毫不相关, 或只有几个孤立的词而无法表达思想,则给 0 分。] 5. 字数不足应酌情扣分累计字数 扣 分140-149 1130-139 2120-129 3110-119 4100-109 590-99 680-89 7<79 9[注:]1.?如题目中给出主题句, 起始句, 结束句, 均不得计入所写字数? 2. 规定内容未写全者,按比例扣分。? 实例一2003 年 1 月真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 当今社会上存在着很多不诚实的现象。 2. 诚实利人利己,做人应该诚实。It Pays to Be Honest ①In our modern social life, there are many examples around us show many people are cheated. Advertisements cheat people, salesmen cheat people, even one's closest friends cheat him or her. So many heartbreaks are heard everyday that we cannot help asking: where is our honest exist? Everybody is taught honest in the primary school or even in the kindergarten. Honesty does good not only to ourselves, but to others as well. If we are honest to others. We will be happier and be in a better mood. Otherwise, we'll feel guilt at last. To a company and its advertisement, honesty will bring it more consumer and more profit. If we cheat others, friends will never believe you and they will leave you alone. To a company, no consumer will buy your product again.? So, as the above is said, it pays to be honest. Let's create a morally outstanding social.? ②Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake produc some students cheat in the exams.? Dishonest people are short-sighted. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but consumers won't buy their products any more. As a result, they will lose their fortune or even be sent to prison. By contrast, honest people gain a lot. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise not only let others trust them but gain respect from other people as well. Such persons are2 sure to have a lot of good friends. Because they are trustable and respectable, everyone is eager to make friends with them. Besides, it is easier for a person with a good record to get a good job. Generally speaking, every employer wants his employees to be honest. So we can say that anyone who is honest will be paid back later.? In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest.? ③With the development of modern economic and industry, competitive is becoming more and more obvious. At the same time, the performance of dishonest is becoming more and more clearly.? Nowadays, there are many dishonest performance in our society. For example, some people found that he saled goods had past the preservation date. Not throw them away, they revised the perservation date, and saled them again after several days. Another case in the point, a pair of shoes was made from goat. However, in order to sale at a high price, the salers would say they were made from cow which has good quality.? From the foregoing, we can see that dishonest dose not only harm to yourselves but also harm to others. And it is no use only realise the harmness of dishonest. We should be honest from now on and be honest in our daily life. It is only that people all over the world are honest them our country will be beautiful and wealthy.? ④Now in our society, many people are not honest in doing soming. We often canmeetwith soming happened cause by people who are not honest. For example, Now we take the bus need carry cents own, and when you upstairs the bus, you should put the cent into the money box. Every people do that, but some of the people put the other things instead the cents. For another example, it is more normal that in the exams we can always find some students see others.? I consider that every people should be honest. As a people, honest should be first, because it can make us to be increase and make our socity develop. In doing every thing we should be honest all, study, word, life and so on. If you are honest, every people will be friend to you, and who will regard you are good people. But if you don't be honest, people must unwilling to trath with you. So if you are want to be a good people, remember honest first.? ⑤Nowadays, many people choose not to be honest in our modern society. We almost can find such things every day of our life: some students cheat in the e some corporations tell wrong data to the public in order to and some doctors treat their patients with unnecessary and expensive medicines in order to make money, sometimes damaged the patients' health, even their life.? Seeing this situation. I think it must be changed. Being honest will benefit not only others, but also ourselves. First, your honesty will make others willing to trust you. Second, being honest can3 lead you to face your problem bravely, which helps to solve it. And the last, honest surely helps to make the society more harmony.? So. I think everyone should start to be honest and everyone should have the idea that our society can not do without honesty. 实例二 1999 年 6 月真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 有些人认为读书要有选择 2. 有些人认为应当博览群书 3. 我的看法Reading Selectively Or Extensively? ①When it comes to reading, some people think that reading selectively is a good way, but some other people do not agree with them, they think that reading extensively is better. Those people, who think that reading selectively is better, believe that good books are as many as bad books. Those good books can give us pleasure and knowledge, while those bad books can only lead us to the wrong way. So, they suggest that we should only choose the good books to read and never touch the bad books. But, the other people, who hold that reading extensively is better, think that one kind of books can only give us one aspect of knowledge. Even the best book only contains one field of information. So, they can easily come to the conclusion that “to know more, to read more”. So they believe that reading extensively is better. To my point, we should choose good books to read and read good books as many as possible. By this way, we can increase the quality and quantity of reading. ②I think reading not only selectively but also extensively. Because the two sides are not contradict. Our time is limited. So we can not read every book in the world. However, we will not be interested in every book. We should read those books may be useful to ours, read those books which we like. But those books which we choose must be extensively so it can give ours all kinds of knowledge, news and so on, it also make ours become a wise man. On the one hand reading selectively let ours not waste our time which it is limitted. Moreover it can emphasis among all books that we can read. On the other hand reading extensively can deal with all kinds of need in our life. They are all useful to ours. ? ③Most people thought that read books should have been selectived. But others belived4 reading extentively was correction. Selective books or reading extensively? Sure, you can choice one from previous ideas, on one hand, There are too book to read for us. We should choose those which we intrested, and it would be helpful for us. on another hand. Someone's intresting was wide. Each book could bring you specific contain we couldn't reading at only one level. I confirmed all of these ideas were good but weren't wise. As a reader, the main task is to discover more and more books the second task is to held some which wonderful and helpful for us. Don't treat these books with rackless abandon. The best technology of reading is connect. ④How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view. Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published. It is impossible for us to read all the books. What's more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn't read them. Since we can't read all the books and we shouldn't read bad books, we must read selectively. But others may not agree. They emphasize that today's society is not what it was. If one man has many kinds of knowledge he'll have more chances to succeed. If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be useless. Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively. Who's right? I think both of them have something right. But I think we should read extensively first. We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field. ⑤Some people think reading shall be choosed. Because some books are good to hummen beings and some books are harmful to people. Some people think that men shoud read books widely. Because wide reading can help man get much knowledge. And man can use it to change the world. It is my point that reading must be selectively. Because reading is important to man. Some books can help man but some books can lead some people to crime. It can be seen in the newspapers and watched on TV. We can make full use of some good books and gain more useful knowledge. It can make our life more beauiful. We must give up those unhelpful books. They are not good to us. Reading them is wasting time and money. So reading selectively is an important part in reading.5 二、写作常见错误分析一、语法错误(一)句子结构错误 1. 主从句叠置 1) There are more and more students like to use the computer.2) There are still many problems should be noted and resolved. 2. 简单句叠置 I like chatting on line very much, I go to the net bar almost every weekend.3. 从句叠置 As is known to all that computers play an important role in many fields of our life.4. 句子成分缺失 If work hard, we will surely be successful.5. 语序错误 1) Why college students spend more and more time on the computer?2) I often wonder where have they got their money. (二)动词错误 1.时态错误 Many people thought that the Internet will be more useful in the future. 2.语态错误 1) I have excited several days at the news that you will come here.2)Most of the students satisfy with the service in the dining hall.3.单复数错误 1) Wise man seek opportunities rather than wait for them.6 2)Someone are afraid that computer may control men in the future.4.非谓语动词错误 1) Let me to represent everyone to say “hello” to you.2)Do exercise in the morning is good for one’s health.3)Having studied in our school for 3 years, the canteen service has changed a lot.(三)代词错误 1) We can use computers in doing everything you like.2)A college student should be able to do their washing on their own.(四)冠词错误 1) 2) Horse is an useful animal. The exam will be held in the December, 2004.(五)词性错误 1) 2) I wish you can consider my suggests. If a person wants to success, he must learn to endure sufferings and setbacks.二、用词错误1) 2) 3) Students must know how to apply a computer. People can touch many new things on the Internet. The purpose of this letter is to react some opinions on the service in the dining hall.三、表达习惯错误1) Why generated so large a change?2)Now 6000 yuan can buy a P4 computer.7 3)A room often lives 6-8 students.4)I think this great change has three reasons.5)The prices of the food are too expensive.6)The reason for this is because some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard.四、标点符号及大小写错误1) However, every coin has two sides, I think the surroundings in our canteen are the best among all universities.2)The man was racing down the street. Because he was late for the class.3)At last I want to let you know, I love our university very much.4)My favorite sports are swimming、 jogging、 mountaineering and playing table tennis.5)The best English film in my eyes is《Forrest Gump》.8 三、六级写作题型分类(一)对立观点型2000 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? The First sentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 120 words, and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是...... 2. 也有人持不同意见,...... 3. 我的看法和打算 1999 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively or Extensively? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 有些人认为读书要有选择 2. 有些人认为应当博览群书 3. 我的看法 1998 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 有些人认为某些数字会带来好运 2. 我认为数字和运气无关...... 1997 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Job-Hopping. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为...... 2. 有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为...... 3. 我的看法 1996 年 1 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: Why I Take College English Test Band 6. You should base your composition on the9 following outline (given in Chinese). 1. 有些人认为没有必要参加大学英语六级考试 2. 我参加 CET-6 考试的理由 1995 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Should Firecrackers Be Banned? You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 有人认为放鞭炮是好事,为什么? 2. 有人认为放鞭炮是坏事,为什么? 3. 我的看法 1993 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Opportunity. You must base your composition on the following instructions (given in Chinese): 有的人认为机会是极少的, 另一些人则认为人人都会有某种机会。 你的看法如何? 写出你的理由并且适当举例。在你的文章结尾处不要忘记写出你的结论。 Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write it neatly.(二) 解决问题型2003 年 12 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled Reduce Waste on Campus. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below: 1. 有些大学校园浪费的现象日益严重 2. 浪费的危害 3. 杜绝浪费,从我做起 2000 年 1 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic How I Finance My College Education. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 上大学的费用(tuition and fees)可以通过多种途径解决。 2. 哪种途径适合我(说明理由) 。 1998 年 1 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Fake Commodities. You should write at least 120 words, and base your10 composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 假冒伪劣商品的危害 2. 怎样杜绝假冒伪劣商品 1995 年 1 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the title: My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements. You should base your composition on the following outline (given in Chinese).? 1. 现在有些不良的商业广告 2. 这些广告的副作用和危害性 3. 我对这些广告的态度 You must write your composition in no less than 120 words on the Composition Sheet and remember to write in readable handwriting. 1990 年 6 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities. Four suggested solutions to this problem are listed below. You are supposed to write in favor of one suggestion (ONE only) and against another (ONE only). You should give your reasons in both cases. You should write no less than 120 words. Remember to give a short introduction and a brief conclusion. Write your composition clearly. 四种可能解决住房问题的方案: 1. 多造高层建筑 2. 向地下发展 3. 建造卫星城市 4. 疏散城市人口 1990 年 1 月 Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic according to the following OUTLINE. Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember that the contents of the OUTLINE should ALL be included in your composition. But you are not supposed to translate the OUTLINE word for word. OUTLINE 问题:城市交通拥挤 解决方案(solution) 1. 建造(lay down)更多道路 优点:(1) 降低街道拥挤程度11 (2) 加速车流(flow of traffic) 缺点:占地过多 2. 开辟(open up)更多公共汽车线路 优点:减少自行车与小汽车 缺点:对部分人可能造成不方便 结论:两者结合(三)谚语警句型1997 年 1 月 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Haste Makes Waste. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. 1. 为什么“欲速则不达”? 2. 举例说明。(四)图表图画型 2003 年 9 月2003 年 6 月 2002 年 6 月 1996 年 6 月 1992 年 1 月 1991 年 6 月 (详见“九、历年写作真题”部分)(五)应用写作型2004 年 6 月 2002 年 1 月 2001 年 6 月 (详见“九、历年写作真题”部分)12 四、六级写作分类范文(一)对立观点型1. Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of College English Test (CET). Some people argue that it is absolutely necessary to hold a test of spoken English in China because we have been informed frequently that a Chinese student who has been learning English for over ten years cannot even communicate with a native speaker. A test of spoken English will bring the college students an awareness of the importance of oral English, and will thus help them with their communicating skills. On the other hand, some others still maintain that a good command of reading and writing skills will be enough for the English learners. To some extent their opinion derives from the fact that students are already under considerable pressure from their coursework. Another required test will only add to their burden. In my opinion, a test of spoken English will do more good than harm. Since China will continue its policy of opening and reform, the ability to speak English fluently is a must for anyone who wants to surpass others in a highly competitive society. Whether I take the test or not, I shall spare no efforts to practice oral English in the remaining years of my college study. 2. Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck? There are people who believe that some numbers bring good luck, while others bring bad luck. For instance, in China the number eight is thought to be lucky. Turning our attention to the West, we find that the number seven is considered lucky, but the number 13 is avoided like the plague. In spite of all these claims, most people would agree that there is little evidence that numbers have any influence on our lives. In fact, they say, the reverse seems to be the case. For one thing, we might expect calculators to break down every time they note the number 13, and for another, although every week has seven days we know that not every week is lucky for us. Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. It is obvious that there is no scientific basis for the belief that there is a connection between luck and numbers. All in all, it seems to me to be superstition.3. My View on Job-Hopping Job-hopping, or frequent change of jobs, is becoming increasingly common in China today. As the economy grows, more opportunities for employment are appearing than before. The result is that people, especially young people, are tempted to change jobs frequently, seeking higher salaries or more interesting positions. Nevertheless, many people prefer to stay in their old jobs. This is partly because they feel loyal to their work units, and partly because they dislike the idea of having to spend much time training for a new job. In addition, although a new job may offer higher pay or more opportunities13 for promotion, it may be located far from home and be inconvenient to reach. I think it is a good thing for the workforce to be flexible, so that new demands for personnel can be satisfied quickly. However, if a person changes jobs too often, he or she will cause losses to the employing units. Moreover, frequent job-hopping prevents a person from gaining valuable job experience and developing good work habits. 4. Why I Take College English Test Band 6 (a) Some people consider that it is unnecessary to take College English Test Band 6 (CET-6). One reason they cite is that most schools set CET-4 as the main requirement. Another reason is that they think that CET-6 is simply too difficult for them. I, however, have decided to accept the challenge of CET-6. The preparation for this test will force me to raise the level of my English ability. Besides, I regard CET-6 as a stepping-stone to further qualifications in English which will help me in my future career. All in all, taking CET-6 is advantageous for both a student’s studies and his personal development. The first advantage is that he will improve his English skills in an all-round way. The second is that he will strengthen his character by continuing his English studies when other people have been lazy and stopped.(b) When it comes to College English Test Band 6 (CET-6), opinions differ from person to person. Some hold the positive view. They believe that taking CET-6 is advantageous for both a student’s studies and his personal development. The first advantage is that he will improve his English skills in an all-round way. The second is that he will strengthen his character by continuing his English studies when other people have been lazy and stopped. Others, however, hold the opposite view. They maintain that it is unnecessary to take College English Test Band 6 (CET-6). One reason they cite is that most schools set CET-4 as the main requirement. Another reason is that they think that CET-6 is simply too difficult for them. Personally, I have decided to accept the challenge of CET-6. The preparation for this test will force me to raise the level of my English ability. Besides, I regard CET-6 as a stepping-stone to further qualifications in English which will help me in my future career.5. Should Firecrackers Be Banned? (a) Some people think that setting off firecrackers is a good thing. They say that it is an ancient Chinese custom which should be preserved. They also claim that firecrackers make festivals and holiday occasions more colorful and entertaining for both adults and children. On the other hand, there are many people who say that firecrackers should be banned. They point out that firecrackers are responsible for fires which destroy property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who set them off and by innocent bystanders. They also say that firecrackers are a waste of money and resources.14 My own point of view is that we should preserve the old custom of letting off firecrackers, while at the same time making them harmless. We can do this by banning firecrackers from public places. In addition, we should restrict the setting off of firecrackers to festival days.(b) There is no denying the fact that setting off firecrackers has been a hotly debated topic in China. People’s opinions differ sharply on this issue. Some hold the positive view. They say that it is an ancient Chinese custom which should be preserved. They also claim that firecrackers make festivals and holiday occasions more colorful and entertaining for both adults and children. Without firecrackers, festivals would become dull and cheerless. Others, however, hold the opposite view. They maintain that firecrackers should be banned. They point out that firecrackers are responsible for fires, which destroy, property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who set them off and by innocent bystanders. They also argue that firecrackers are a waste of money and resources. Personally, I believe that we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, we should preserve the old custom of lett on the other hand, we should make it harmless. This can be done by banning firecrackers from public places. In addition, the setting off of firecrackers should be restricted to festival days. (c) There has been much controversy over setting off firecrackers in the past years, with each party owning convincing evidences. Those who are in favor of setting firecrackers claim that it is an ancient Chinese custom that should be preserved. They also argue that firecrackers make festivals and holiday occasions more colorful and entertaining for both adults and children. Without firecrackers, festivals would become cold and cheerless. On the other hand, there are many people who are of the opinion that firecrackers should be banned. They point out that firecrackers are responsible for fires which destroy property, and for injuries suffered both by the people who set them off and by innocent bystanders. Besides, they maintain that firecrackers lead to a waste of money and resources. Personally, I think that both sides have something right. Actually, firecrackers should be viewed as a two-edged sword, which presents us with both benefits and troubles. But we should not give up eating for fear of choking. The best policy, as I see it, is to maximize their advantages and minimize their unhealthy influence, so that they can benefit us in a better way.6. My View on Opportunity There is no consensus of opinion in society about opportunities. There are some who think that opportunities come only rarely, and only to lucky people. Others argue that opportunities come to everyone from time to time. Personally, I agree with the latter opinion. It seems to me that various kinds of opportunities are all around us all the time. The secret is to recognize opportunities and to grasp them in time, because they will not come to you of their own accord. For example, my classmates once refused to15 enter a national chemistry competition, because they thought that they had no chance of winning. But I took this opportunity, and by preparing well I managed to win the first prize. Now my motto is: Watch out for opportunities, and at all times prepare yourself to take advantage of them.(二) 解决问题型7. Reduce Waste on Campus (a) Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that wasting has become a grave problem in many campuses. In the dining hall, much food are left in the plates and dumped into the trash can. In the classroom, blank or half blank pieces of paper are left on the desks. In the dorm building, taps are left open and water left running or dripping all the time. And there can be more such examples. In view of the expanding population and the shortage of various resources, wasting is really a harmful habit. It put strains on the already short supply of food, water, electricity and the like. Besides, it goes against traditional virtue of hard work and simple living and may leads to a luxurious life style, which is dangerous to the souls of mankind. Therefore, it is high time that we take steps to stop wasting. We should start from trifles around ourselves: remember to turn off the tap wh try to order the exact amount of never throw away any blank or half blank pieces of paper. And always remember, a penny saved is a penny earned. (b) Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that wasting has been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list: in the dining hall, much food are left in the plates and dumpe in the classroom, blank pieces of paper a in the dorm building, taps are left open and water left running all the time. Wasting is bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to it. First and foremost, it put strains on the already short supply of food, water, electricity and the like. Besides, it goes against traditional virtue of hard work and simple living and may leads to a luxurious life style, which is dangerous to the souls of mankind. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that regulations be worked out and enforced to ban wasting. Secondly, students should enhance their awareness of saving resources. With proper laws and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time for wasting to become a thing of the past. 8. How I Finance My College Education (a) Nowadays, if we want to go to college, we will have to pay a big sum of money. It's a problem to many students. Many ways can contribute to solve this serious problem. But the following ones may be the most effective. First, you can ask your parents for help if they have nice careers. Another way to solve this problem is to apply for a bank loan. Finally, we can find a part time job to get enough money.?16 As to me, I'm in favor of the second idea. My reasons of choice can be listed as follows. First of all, my parents are not rich enough to afford me. Secondly, you'll not have enough time and energy to study after finishing the part time job. Finally, I'm sure that I'll get a nice job after graduation. Then I'll be able to pay back the loan. Through the analysis above, I believe that bank loan is my best choice. (b) Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that college tuition and fees are a grave problem with which many families and students are confronted in China. Taking a look around, we can find many excellent students are denied the chance to go to college due to lack of money. In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. Actually, the problem can be dealt with in many ways. First, you can ask your parents for help if they have nice careers. Another way to solve this problem is to apply for a bank loan. Finally, we can find a part time job to get enough money.? As to me, I'm in favor of the second idea. My reasons of choice can be listed as follows. First of all, my parents are not rich enough to afford me. Secondly, you'll not have enough time and energy to study after finishing the part time job. Finally, I'm sure that I'll get a nice job after graduation. Then I'll be able to pay back the loan. Through the analysis above, I believe that bank loan is my best choice.9. My View on Fake Commodities Nobody could have failed to notice the fact that fake commodities have been a grave problem with which we are confronted. Fake and shoddy goods flood the market. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list: pirated editions of books and films, food and drinks of poor quality and the like. Fake and shoddy goods are bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them. First and foremost, they directly infringe upon consumers’ rights, wasting their money and threatening their health and even lives. Besides, the production and sale of fake goods cause serious losses on the part of honest and lawful producers. Last but not least, the destruction of fake commodities means a grievous waste of the nation’s resources. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced to ban the manufacture and circulation of fake and shoddy goods. Secondly, the public should enhance their awareness of identifying and refusing sub-standard commodities. With proper laws and an alert public, it will only be a matter of time for fake and shoddy goods to become things of the past. / With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that the problem will be solved in the near future. 10. My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements There is no denying the fact that many commercial advertisements carry undesirable messages. They advertise luxury goods, unhealthy foodstuffs and drinks, and sometimes even dangerous or environmentally harmful products such as motor cars. In addition, they may advertise spiritually17 harmful publications or entertainment. Such advertisements are bound to generate severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eye to them. First, they encourage people to waste money and resources. Moreover, they set a bad example to youngsters, arousing in them the desire for luxuries instead of teaching them the good habit of leading a simple life-style. In view of the seriousness of the situation, effective measures should be taken before things get worse. For one thing, proper laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to ban these ads. For another, the pubic should be educated to identify these ads and refuse to buy the products recommended by them. With these measures taken, it will be a matter of time before these ads to become things of the past. 11. How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities The shortage of housing in big cities is one of the most serious problems of modern living. Increasing numbers of people are finding it difficult to conduct normal family and work duties because they either have nowhere to live or their houses are inadequate. This is a problem that requires an urgent solution because it leads to social unrest and economic inefficiency. Some people suggest that the solution to the problem is to build more high-rise apartments, others are in favor of underground housing areas. I prefer the first idea, because it is cheaper to build above ground than below. Besides, people prefer to live in the open air and see the sunshine. The second idea is not practical. One reason for this is that it is dangerous to construct living places under streets and buildings. Another reason is that it would take too much time to carry out, and in the meantime the number of people waiting for houses would increase, thus making the problem worse. 12. How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic Nowadays, China’s cities are getting increasingly crowded. The rapid increase in population is being made worse by the steady influx of people from the rural areas seeking employment. As a result, heavy traffic is a big headache, with all the roads packed with cars, bicycles and pedestrians. In my opinion, there are two ways to solve the problem. One is to build more and wider roads to make the public highways less crowded and speed up the flow of traffic. The other is to expand the number of public bus routes, so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel by car or bicycle. However, each of these solutions brings problems with it. The former may occupy too much land that could be used the latter may cause inconvenience for long periods in bus lines. I think the best answer to the problem of heavy traffic is a combination of the two: build more roads in places where land is less useful, and at the same time increase the number of public bus routes.(三)谚语警句型13. Haste Makes Waste A famous saying goes “Haste makes waste”, which means that one should do everything step by step. Even simple operations can easily be spoiled if we rush to complete them, neglecting important stages in the process. One should make full preparations before beginning any task.18 Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. The best illustration might be English study. Without a good command of pronunciation, we can never hope to speak in an understandable way. Similarly, if we do not learn to spell properly and to acquire a basic grasp of grammar, we will never succeed in writing good compositions. (或 Actually, history abounds with examples of haste making waste. A well-known Chinese fable goes that a farm tried to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward, only to find that they died soon. Another case in point is the so-called Great Leap Forward movement in China in 1950’s and 1960’s. At that time, the Chinese people were so eager to develop their economy that they took some improper measures, only to hinder the expansion of economy.) (或 Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the experience of my own. At the age of 11 or 12, I began to learn to ride. Eager to ride as well as others, I started by sitting on the saddle at the very beginning. Predictably, I often fell from over the bike. Lots of time had been wasted before I realized that I should do it step by step. I tried to slide by standing on one pedal. Then I began to ride the bike from under the cross bar. Finally, I succeeded. ) In short, laying a solid foundation is essential if we want to make achievements in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. At every step, review what has been achieved and assess the problems ahead before moving to the next step. And remember, Rome was not built in a day.(四)图表图画型14. Reading Preferences It can be seen from the table that popular fiction is most popular with American students, accounting for 65.9% of book circulation in the library. General nonfiction comes next, taking up 18.2%, while books concerning science, technology and education take up only 10.8%. The least preferred category is that of art, literature and poetry, with a circulation rate of merely 5.1%. A number of factors could account for the reading preferences, but the following are the most critical ones. Firstly, popular fiction is fascinating to the young students. Secondly, books about science and technology are usually too complex and difficult to read. They often contain many special terms which most students can’t understand. Finally, in today’s market economy, much more emphasis is laid on practical and vocational books rather than arts or poetry. When it comes to me, poetry and art are my favorites. Such kind of books can nourish my mind, broaden my horizons and render me a fresh feeling. Reading a piece of good poetry tends to relieve my burden and lessen my tension, making me more creative and dynamic. It gets me into an imaginary world, fresh and beautiful. I just love it! 15. Changes in the Ownership of Houses in China It can be seen from the chart that there have been dramatic changes in the ownership of houses in China in the past 50 years. While the percentage of state-owned houses has dropped from 70% in 1950’s to 20% in 1990’s, that of private houses has soared from 30% to 80% during the same period of time. A number of factors could account for the change in the chart, but the following are the most critical ones. First, thanks to the policy of reform and opening-up, the nation’s economy has been19 developing at a considerably high speed in the past decades. Therefore, people have more extra money to improve their housing. Secondly, other relevant state policies and the boom of real estate industry provide citizens with more opportunities to choose their own dwelling places. Last but not least, people have attached greater importance to their quality of life. Thus, more of them have purchased houses in their own favor. In a word, this chart is a perfect indicator of China’s fast expanding economy and people’s rising standard of life. Although a series of problems have arisen in the process, it is reasonable for us to believe that they can be solved in the near future with effective measures taken by both the government and the public. 16. Student Use of Computer Students tend to use computers more and more frequently nowadays. Reading this chart, we can find that the average number of hours a student spends on the computer per week has increased sharply. In 1990, it was less than 2 and in 1995, it increased to almost 4 hours, and in 2000, the number soared to 20 hours. Obviously computers are becoming increasingly popular. There are several reasons for this change. First, computers facilitate us in more aspects of life. Also, the fast development of the Internet enlarges our demands for using computers. We can easily contact with friends in remote places through the Internet. Besides, the prices of computers are getting lower and lower, which enables more students to purchase them. However, there still exist some problems, such as poor quality, out-of-date designs and so on. And how to balance the time between using computers and studying is also a serious problem. Anyhow, we will benefit a lot from computers as long as we use them properly. 17. Health Gains in Developing Countries It can be seen from the chart that there have been dramatic changes in life expectancy and infant mortality in developing countries in the past decades. As the chart shows, people’s life expectancy soared from 40 years old to 60 years old from 1960 to 1990. Meanwhile, infant mortality declined from 200 to 150 deaths per thousand births. The change in the chart may be attributed to a number of factors, but the following are the most critical ones. First, developing countries’ economy has been developing at a considerably high speed in the past decades. Therefore, people have more extra money to improve their health. Secondly, the advances in medical sciences and boom of medical industry provide citizens with more opportunities to cure their diseases. Last but not least, people have attached greater importance to their quality of life, thus they have spent more money and time to build up their bodies. In a word, this chart is a perfect indicator of developing nations’ fast expanding economy and people’s rising standard of life. Although a series of problems have arisen in the process, it is reasonable for us to believe that they can be solved in the near future with effective measures taken by both the government and the public. (或 If this trend continues, developing countries will soon approach the developed countries in terms of health care. People will live longer and healthier lives. The result of this will be happier20 and more productive populations.) 18. Film Is Giving Way to TV (a) The latest statistics show that the number of people attending cinemas is getting steadily smaller. At the same time, the number of television viewers is growing at almost the same rate. Experts say that these two trends are connected in three ways. First, over the past few decades television sets have appeared in almost every home. Second, films very quickly become available on video, and can be shown on the TV screen. Third, it is becoming more expensive to make films, and so the prices of cinema seats are rising. However, this does not mean the death of the movie industry. There will always be people who prefer to go out to see a film. This is because no matter how good a TV film or video is, it can never be as entertaining as a film shown on the “big screen.”(b) Film is giving way to TV. According to an investigation made on the number of film-goers and TV-watchers in a ten-year period (), at the end of 1985, the number of film-goers declined sharply to about 15 thousand which accounts for only some 20 percent of what in 1975, the heyday of films. This decline, no doubt, owes to the steadily increasing number of TV-watchers in the same decade. This, I think, indicates the changing pace in our society. Nowadays, people prefer TV to film largely because they have less chance than their older generation to spend two or thr they prefer a kind of entertainment which is freer, less time-consuming and thus more efficient. TV just meets their need. This is at least partly if not wholly the reason that attributes to the boom of TV in our generation. Nevertheless, there are still a number of film-fans nowadays. They claim that as a classical art, film is far more enjoyable than TV. Some of them also want to recall the “true-life” which existed in the “good-past”. All in all, film is still a charming kind of art as it used to be.19. Car Accidents Declining in Walton City It can be seen from the graph that the rate of car accidents in Walton City experienced rises and falls in 1990. From January to March last year it increased by 45%. From March to June it dropped by about half the previous rate. From June to August there was a steep rise of 50%. After that, however, there was a steady decrease. There are several reasons for this improvement, but the following are the most critical ones. First, new traffic regulations have made drivers more careful. Second, more people are using bicycles for transportation. Finally, in the later part of the year good weather made the roads safer to drive on. I am confident that there will be even fewer car accidents in Walton in the future. First, major21 roads have been repaired and the number of public buses has been increased in the past few months. Moreover, a traffic safety campaign has made all the local people more aware of the dangers of unsafe driving.(五)应用写作型20. A Letter to the Editor of a Newspaper June 20th, 2004 Dear Mr. / Miss Editor, I am a student from Tsinghua University and I am writing to you about my experience of buying a dictionary and my complaint about the service of a bookstore. It was about a month ago. I went to a bookstore nearby the university to buy an English dictionary. It was only after I paid for the dictionary and returned to school that I found some pages were missing. But when I went back to the bookstore to tell them about the matter, they said that I should have checked the dictionary before I left the store. According to them, it was my fault and they hold no responsibility for the whole matter. What I want to say is that sincerity and enthusiasm are vital to the survival of service industries in such a market economy featured by fierce competition. It was quite easy for them to change the dictionary for me but they refused to do so. They will lose all customers if they persist in doing so. I hope that this letter can draw the attention of the whole society and that the problem can be solved as soon as possible. Best regards. Yours sincerely Li Ming21. A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus January 12th, 2002 Dear Mr. President, I am a sophomore from Department 3 and I am writing to you about the food and service in the canteen on campus. To be frank, I am rather disappointed at the food quality, price and service in the canteen. First, the dishes are scarcely well cooked and most of them taste the same. Secondly, most of the dishes there are priced so high that some students cannot even afford them. Thirdly, the service in the canteen is far from satisfying and the inside of the canteen always seem untidy. To solve the problem, I suggest that another canteen be built and a mechanism of competition be introduced between the old and the new. Besides, both the canteens should be subject to the students' supervision. Dining is an everyday issue for students. It may affect their academic performance. Therefore, I sincerely hope this letter can draw your attention to the matter and I hope the problems mentioned above can be solved as soon as possible. Best regards. Yours sincerely22 Li Ming 22. June 28, 2001 Dear Xiao Wang, I’m thrilled to receive your letter on May 10th, in which you suggested our spending a week together here in Beijing. I do think it’s a fantastic idea and I believe we’ll have a good time together. As to the arrangement of the holiday, I suggest the following activities. For the first three days I will show you around our campus and some places of interest downtown Beijing, such as the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace. For the following two days, we will visit the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs and other historic sites around the city. In the last two days, we will be back in the city and tour some famous business streets, where you can do some shopping. What do you say? It will be quite hot here in Beijing, so remember to get prepared for the weather. And, last but not least, don’t forget to bring your camera with you, for you will find so many scenes worth photographing here. I will be longing for your arrival. Best wishes. Yours truly, Zhang Ying (六)其他范文 23. Don't Hesitate to Say No As a general rule, people like to help others, but there are occasions when you should say no to requests for favors. For instance, it is better to refuse when a child pesters you for sweet food and drinks or for too many toys. Another example is when a relative asks you to use your influence to get him or her a bank loan or a work promotion. However, we cannot ignore the fact that many people are reluctant to say no. They feel that if they turn down a request from a relative or friend, they will cause ill-feeling within the family or become unpopular with their acquaintances. A notable case in point is when the boss asks them to do something which they feel is unreasonable. It is important to keep in mind that not saying no when you should say no can sometimes have harmful consequences. If children are given everything they ask for, not only may their health be damaged, but they may grow up selfish and spoilt. Again, in the long run it is kinder to refuse to lend money to a person who has a gambling or alcoholism problem. 24. The Career I Pursue Unlike many other college students, I thought long and hard about my future before embarking on my studies. I then sought advice from my teachers and my parents about the best life path for me to choose. Finally, I settled on journalism as the career which would best suit my23 temperament. Although the financial rewards has two particular attractions for me. First, by supplying people with the information they need every day, it fulfills a socially useful function. Second, it is a job full of novelty, unlike most occupations, which involve simply routine work. In order to prepare myself for my future career in the world of the media―whether it be working for a newspaper or a magazine, or in the sphere of radio and television―I have carefully selected my college course. My basic fields of study are Mass Communications and Economics. At the same time, having an eye to reporting events worldwide, I am taking extra classes to improve my English and reading widely to increase my general knowledge.25. Motorcycles and City Traffic In recent years, the number of motorcycles on city roads in china has been increasing. This is because they are a cheap of transportation for people in a country where motor cars are expensive for most families. In addition, motorcycles are convenient for driving and parking on crowded city streets. However, motorcycles have disadvantages too. They pollute the atmosphere with smoke and noise. They are also a more dangerous from of transportation than motor cars, because the motorcycle is less stable and there is little protection for the driver in the case of an accident. It seems to me that city governments should restrict the number of motorcycles allowed on the roads. This would limit the pollution they cause, but at the same time help to relieve traffic congestion. There should be a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of the motorcycle as a form of city transport. 26. Looking Forward to the 21st Century I am eagerly waiting the arrival of the 21st century, because it promises exciting new developments in science and technology. First of all, it is likely that telecommunications will expand by leaps and bounds. Secondly, more progress will be made in medicine, and thirdly the coming century will see mankind really come to grips with environmental pollution. As far as communications is concerned, e-mail and the Internet will probably become available all over the globe, enhancing mutual understanding and making wars less frequent. Advances in medicine will enable us to live longer and healthier lives, and science and technology will provide more tools for tackling the pollution problem. However, there will be new challenges to face in the new century. Population will continue to grow, putting pressure on the food supply. Moreover, there is a danger that people will become too dependent on machines to look after them, leading to a weakening of their spiritual lives. I intend to prepare myself for the 21st century by keeping abreast of the latest developments in science and technology. But at the same time, I will not neglect cultural pursuits. 27. Man Is to Survive The human race is facing problems which are getting more acute as time goes on. The most serious are shortages of resources, environmental pollution, and the pressure of population growth. In turn, these problems cause poverty, disease and wars. Pessimists say that the human race is facing extinction. This is because it is now too late to24 solve these problems, according to them. They predict that resources will become exhausted sooner or later, that pollution will eventually poison the planet, and that unchecked population growth will cause mass starvation. But I do not agree that mankind is doomed. In the past, the human race has always shown that it has the wisdom to overcome any threat to its survival. In the future, too, mankind will survive by using its wisdom to find a way out of its problems. 28. How to Succeed in a Job Interview? It is undeniable that an interview plays a critical role in job-hunting. Through the interview, an employer can meet their future employees in person and know them more thoroughly. Sometimes the written form of examination cannot reveal candidates' real talents or problems. Besides, it is also beneficial for candidates to take an interview. They will have a chance to make their employers understand them better. ? A number of factors contribute to the success in a job interview. Personally, I think job-hunters should pay attention to the following points. First, they should be well prepared professionally. That means they should be ready to answer all the important questions concerning their future job. Secondly, they should express themselves confidently and honestly. Last but not least, they should pay enough attention to their appearances, that is, they should be properly dressed.? As far as I am concerned, I will get academically ready first, and then be relaxed to answer all the questions. I will also dress up and behave properly. I do believe that so long as I make good preparations, I will perform well in the interview.?25 五、冠词用法讲练(一)冠词的位置1) 在名词词组中,冠词一般放在最前面。例如: the last few days a really good concert 2) 名词词组里如果有all, both, exactly, just, many, quite, rather, such, what等词,这类词可 以放在冠词之前。例如: all the time both (the) brothers exactly the wrong colour just the right place quite a nice day rather a mess such a funny story 3) 和as, how/however, so, too连用时, 形容词放在冠词之前。例如: He’s not so big a fool as you think. She’s as clever a girl as you’re ever likely to meet. This is too heavy a bag for me to carry. How large an armchair did he have? However tiring a day she may have, she never loses her good humour.(二)不定冠词 (Indefinite Article)1) a/an表示“任何一个(类)”,只能用于单数可数名词前。例如: We are having a committee meeting this afternoon. a/an不用于不可数名词前。例如: There will be discussion and argument at the meeting. He drinks milk every day. 2) 不可数名词用作可数名词时,可用a/an。例如: I’ve just bought a lovely big Danish cheese. I don’t like cheese. She was inspired with a new courage. She showed great courage. 3) 用于表示价格、速度、比率等名词前,如five pence a kilo, sixty kilometers an hour, four times a day等。 4) 用于下列这样的固定短语中。如a couple, a dozen, half a dozen, a hundred, a lot of, a great many, a great deal of, a large amount/quantity of, a good number of 等。 I’ve done a great deal of work today. (不可数) What a large number of books you have! (可数) It’s a good five miles(=at least five miles, perhaps mote) to the station. 5) 以元音开头的单词前不定冠词用an, 如:an apple, an egg, an item, an old man, an umbrella, 以辅音开头的单词前不定冠词用a university student, a humorous man。 EXERCISE l A. Put a or an before each of the following: 1. motel (汽车游客旅馆) 2. 3. honest boy 4.26unusual approach awkward situation 5. exit (出口) 7. unique opportunity B.Translate the following into English: 1.一座新办公楼 3.一位美国科学家 5.一张印度邮票 7.一个先进国家 EXERCISE 26. 8.urgent message extremely exciting film2.一位旅行社代理人 4.一天的郊游 6.一次心脏病发作 8.一个有意思的剧本Fill in the blanks with a or an where necessary: 1. 2. Telephone is Mothers often tell thousand very important means of communication. small children stories before bedtime. year. It’s not enormous salary but after3. I'll pay youall you are completely unskilled worker. 4. ―You’11 get shock if you touch live wire with that screwdriver(螺丝 起子). Why don’t you get screwdriver with insulated(绝缘的)handle? 5. ― I’m not business of my own. ―Then you’re 6. ―I have ―I only have and 7. It travels at just under 8. I have never known such EXERCISE 3 Insert a or an where necessary: A. 1. I I didn’t sleep wink (眨眼;打盹). 2. This man has honesty that we all appreciated. 3. Mr. Brown had vision of new and happier Europe. 4. It’s time you had holiday. You haven’t had day off for month. 5. There is hourly service of buses in this route. 6. It is great honour to be invited to such gathering. 7. 1 wouldn’t climb mountain for $ 1, 000! I have horror of heights. 8. Children usually learn the difference between right and wrong at early age. 9. I can’t tell you definitely yet. I'll have word with my wife about it and tell you our decision tomorrow. 10. If boy is not making satisfactory progress at school, his parents should seek advice from his teacher. B. 1. This is big problem, but not too big problem for us to solve. 2. He had square nose, grey hair and brown skin. She had never seen so handsome man. 3. However great disaster he suffered, John never gave up.27wage- I’m not hour and half cup of coffee. thousand miles hot weather.self-employed man. I have capitalist! time for hour. smoke You’re half for lunch. hour ― barely 4. Many shipwrecked sailor has been rescued by our brave coastguards(海岸警卫队). 5. Such urgent need requires prompt action. 6. So urgent need requires prompt action. 7. This is as lovely picture as I have ever seen. 8. I don’t think you realize what serious crisis this is. 9. You can hardly hope to succeed where many greater man has failed. 10. How serious crime had been committed was not realized until much later.(三)定冠词 (Definite Article)1) 定冠词的基本特性 实际上所有名词(专有名词将另行讨论)前都可能用定冠词the。究竟用不用定冠词, 主要取决于我们所表达的思想。如果我们要给予某个名词以明确的、限定的、特指的意 义,就用the;反之,就不用the。请看下列句子: 1 I love books. Butter is not cheap. He went to work by car. He has gained strength. I like music. 2 Put the books on the shelf. The butter I bought is not cheap. He rode to work in the new car. He has regained the strength he lost. I like the music composed by the young man.a) 一般用于带有修饰语的名词词组前,但并非所有带修饰语的名词都需要the。例如: Don’t you think Georgian houses are absolutely lovely? Stainless steel (不锈钢器皿) has many uses. I can’t say I care for modern art. 上面三句中斜体部分的名词虽然都有修饰语, 因没有明确限定而是泛指一类事物, 故 不用the。下面三句斜体部分的名词则表示提到过的,特指的事物,要用the: The Georgian houses have been sold. The stainless steel was beautiful, but I thought most of the glass (玻璃器皿) they exhibited was rather unimaginative. They showed a wonderful selection of the impressionists, but the modern art was too limited in its range. b) 也用于有后置修饰语的名词词组前。例如: The old houses which are most worth visiting are in the Imperial City. The steel of the gun barrels has gone rusty. The art of the eighteenth century has never been surpassed(超过). 上面三句中的形容词从句和介词短语明确了是什么样的房子(what houses),什么样 的钢(what steel)和什么样的艺术 (what art),故用the。下面三句同样有形容词从 句和介词短语修饰名词,但是它们只指这些名词属于某一类事物,并非特指,故不用 the。例如: Houses which fail to satisfy these minimum requirements are to be pulled down. Steel of great strength is needed for the manufacture of guns. Art in the eighteenth century probably played a more important part in people’s lives than it does today. EXERCISE 428 Fill in the blanks with the where necessary: 1. The engineers found that steel was of insufficiently high quality. Steel, I suppose, is the most important single product of the modern industrial world. 2. Large forests can have an important influence on climate. Forests have all been cut down. 3. Nature was probably his chief source of inspiration (灵感,鼓舞). Nature of the problem was such as to arouse his interest. 4. Education of little children has been greatly neglected. Public education must be greatly extended. 5. The exploration(探索)of space has become one of the chief topics of science fiction(科幻小说). Space between the table and the wall was just big enough for a small bed. 6. I prefer classical music to pop music. Film wasn’t very good but I liked music. 7. My favourite subject at school was history. All students should know something about history of their own country. 8. I cannot judge accuracy of your calculations(计算). In mathematics accuracy is essential. 2) 定冠词的主要用法 a) 用于单数名词前,表示“某一类人或物”,以区别于其他人或物。例如: The tiger is a fierce 凶猛的)animal.(相当于A tiger is a fierce animal.或Tigers are fierce ( animals.) In this tribe the woman goes out hunting and the man stays at home to look after the children. 下面三句中的斜体部分不能互换: Who invented the radio? (指类别) Who had a radio? (指同类中的任何一个) Who manufactured radios?(指这一类中的所有个体) man 指“人类”时,不用the。例如: Man will conquer nature. b) 用于指世上独一无二的东西,如 the moon,the sun,the world等。 c) 用于表示“乐器”的名词前,但一般不用于表示“体育运动”的名词前。例如: Can you play the guitar? I play football every day. d) 用于某些形容词前,可表示“一类人”。例如: The young are impatient;they want changes. e) 一般不用于表示“疾病”的名词前。例如: I’m just recovering from rheumatism(风湿病). 下列病名前一般用a/an: I have an ache in my head (a pain in the neck). He has a cold/a fever. 特指时需要用the。例如: Jim has never really got over the malaria(疟疾)he caught in the East.29 f) 一般不用于表示“膳食”的名词前,但有形容词修饰时用the。例如: Breakfast is served at eight. The wedding breakfast was held in her father’s house. 如果泛指,用a/an。例如: He gave us a good breakfast. g) bed, church, college, court, hospital, market, prison, school, sea和work等名词用来指有关 活动时,一般不用}


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