谢谢各位领导 英文,各位专家,的翻译是:什么意思

致谢是什么意思 致谢在线翻译 致谢什么意思 致谢的意思 致谢的翻译 致谢的解释 致谢的发音 致谢的同义词 致谢的反义词 致谢的例句
致谢 基本解释致谢[zhì xiè]词典:谢谢,感谢;责怪,把…归于。词典:道谢;致谢;称谢。词典:致谢。词典:致谢。致谢 汉英大词典致谢[zhì xiè]express one' thank:  例:对他的帮助, 我向他致谢。    I thanked him for his help.    谨此致谢。    We hereby express our thanks.致谢 网络解释1. 1. Thanks:)十三、处理顾客抱怨原则(Last致歉(Apology满足顾客需求(Satisfaction致谢(Thanks)聆听:保持冷静,用亲切和善的态度表现出你的关心;2)不要想急于解释,而试图打断顾客的话,要有礼貌,并表现出接受对方的意见;3)适时提问,2. Acknowledgments:在学术论文的致谢(Acknowledgments)章节,作者一般都会提到他们的shepherd(论文指导). 牧羊人需要牧羊犬的协助;管理者(executive)则通过助理(associate或assistant)实现管治.致谢 双语例句1. 如果今天哪个研究生发表文章的时候没有将导师署名,只是如此这般致谢了事,那才不知道要出什么乱子。&&&&Professor Millikan said to me, T go try one of these substances which will not evaporate.2. 2. 介绍信一般都包括:第一部分详细叙述被介绍人的情况,如姓名,年龄,学历等;第二部分说明情由,即被介绍人此行的目的;第三部分写明被介绍人希望得到哪方面的帮助并向收信人致谢。&&&&I am sure your firm has made a very wise choice and that you will excel in your new role as business manager.3. 对 Yeti 的贡献,我必须致谢。&&&&I have to say kudos to Yeti for his contribution.4. 祝贺,并且向这部出色的短片致谢。&&&&Congratulations and thanks for this wonderful viedo, it is very similar to Sanctury Chapter Saga's quality.5. 你也可以向从来没有对他致谢的人传达你的谢意,或者对你至关重要的人写一封真情实意的信,然后寄给他们。&&&&You can also convey your appreciation to people whom you`ve never properly thanked, or write a heartfelt letter to someone who means a lot to you, and send it to them.6. 他说话的时候,两眼显得炯炯有神。他把一只手按在胸前,鞠了一躬,好象是在对许多想象之中正在鼓掌的观众致谢似的。&&&&His eyes fairly glittered as he spoke, and he put his hand over his heart and bowed as if to some applauding crowd conjured up by his imagination.7. 在此创鸿的全体员工向您致谢,希望能同贵公司携手共创鸿捷之路!&&&&In this record all the staff hung thanks to you, hoping to work together with your companyèthe road!8. 我代表他向你们致谢。&&&&But I want to thank you on his behalf.9. 人们在草坪上共用午餐,我们的这位朋友冒冒失失地跟那位格兰菲迪士先生致谢,继续讨论法院的话题,可他自己却一点儿也说不出什么来。&&&&Lunch was served on the lawn, and our friend, madebolder, thanks to a certain Mr. Glenfiddich, proceeded to hold court onsubjects he hadn`t a clue about.10. 本人谨代表香港海关再次向各位致谢,希望在未来的日子,各位对我们的工作继续提供支持和协助。&&&&On behalf of Hong Kong Customs, I would like to thank you again and look forward to your continued support and assistance in future.11. 致谢:感谢佳木斯大学口腔医院各位专家及图书馆全体老师给予的帮助!&&&&&&Qualitative and quantitative observations of bone tissue reactions to anodised implants.12. 在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢。&&&&&&At the edge of the wedged hedge, I acknow ledged the knowledgeable man.13. 13. 在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢。&&&&&&At the edge of the wedged hedge, I ac清楚ledged the 清楚ledgeable man.14. 14. 向你的女主人和她的儿子致谢,谢谢他们的关心。&&&&&&To your goodwife and her son express one's thanks to, thank their care.15. 本文承蒙 Glory of Zion International Ministries 《锡安的荣耀国际事工》和作者惠允翻译使用,特此致谢。&&&&&&In the days ahead we must permit the Spirit to cluster us according to His purpose rather than our preferences.16. 我曾经致谢函予给您,让您知道一切都很顺利。&&&&&&I did mean to send you an email to say thank you and let you know how well all is.17. 谢守兵主任、郭玉霞经理和杨华武团长是在参加第五届济南茶博会期间特地到大众网和生活日报致谢的。&&&&&&Director Xie, and Yang Wumanager is participating in the fifth head of the Jinan tea specially to Dazhong Net Fair and during the daily life of thanks.18. 在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢。&&&&&&At the edge of the wedged hedg e, I acknowledged the knowledgeable man.19. 致谢19. 我们已收到你方九月三日询问标题产品的来信,致谢。&&&&&&We thank you for your letter of September 3 inquiring for the captioned goods.20. danci.911cha.com20. 若佛列德本人回答说这句话,则算是一种致谢的措辞。&&&&&&Fred will be happy to come to your party.致谢是什么意思,致谢在线翻译,致谢什么意思,致谢的意思,致谢的翻译,致谢的解释,致谢的发音,致谢的同义词,致谢的反义词,致谢的例句,致谢的相关词组,致谢意思是什么,致谢怎么翻译,单词致谢是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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