
翻译下面这段话,不要用翻译器,最好是人工翻译,急急……谢谢! 面这段话,要人工翻译,不要.
在制作上,南北菜、中西菜技法并用,讲究运用火候,包括大良野鸡拼锅贴牛奶,厨出凤城”这句话精确地概括了顺德菜。气候温暖湿润,土地肥沃造就了它“鱼米之乡”的美称。顺德还是著名的烹饪之乡,是粤菜的发源地之一,也是粤菜的重要支柱。 “吃在广东,顺德厨师几乎囊括了国内外美食大赛金奖。在代表全国最高水准的第四届全国烹饪大赛上、澳及广东的著名厨师十之八九来自顺德、顺德厨师在业界的地位。近年。顺德近年来还评出了十大金牌名菜,更创下了一个县级行政区域同时夺得两枚团体金牌的奇迹,而在第五届中国烹饪世界大赛中更是蝉联团体冠军。2004年9月,经中国烹饪协会批准,被授予“中国厨师之乡”的称号,且即宰即烹、顺德鱼腐、金榜牛奶炒龙虾球、菩提雪衣上素、一品海参等。光听名字,而新鲜的精粗果蔬亦可入馔,佐料则借鉴各大菜系;其次。据说,全国的港;口味以生、脆、鲜、淡为主,五滋六味俱佳,以清、鲜、爽、嫩、滑为特色,因而有“顺德出美厨”之说。顺德菜以丰富多样的制作物料著称,以博取众长的烹饪技艺见长,菜式讲究合时,夏秋菜式以消暑祛热为主,冬春菜试则以营养滋补为主顺德旧称凤城位于珠江三角洲中部,面积806平方公里,户籍人口115万人。1992年3月撤县建市,2003年1月撤市并入佛山市、菜远炒水蛇片、秘制网鲍。首先鸟兽虫鱼均可为菜式原料,已教人垂涎。均安煎鱼饼,成为佛山市城区之一
hitting a county-level administrative region also won two team gold miracle, and in the fifth World Series in Chinese cooking is reelected team title. September 2004, approved by the China Cuisine Association, crisp, fresh。不准的, kitchen out Fengcheng&quot。自己乱想的, pay attention to timely dishes, the North-South dishes, fresh, cool, soft, smooth features. &Eat in Guangdong, summer dishes to Removing heat from summer heat, winter and spring test Zeyi
in the production。。, and the slaughter that is cooking, and also fresh fruits and vegetables into dishes forage to concentrate, learn the various styles of cooking ingredients, he would &quot。。, pay attention to the use of taste with health. Shunde food to the production of a variety of materials known to win the public long known for cooking skills to clear.菜名别参考, was awarded the &Hometown of China Chef& title,&quot, secret network of abalone, Bodhi Suits on the ET, people can not covet, Shunde cook virtually every domestic and international cuisine competition gold medal. Highest level on behalf of the country's fourth natio This statement accurately sums up Shunde food, Shunde chef position in the industry. In recent years, sea cucumbers and other items. Just listen to the name, birds insects and fish dishes caShun the U.S. kitchen, Shunde fish rot, Jinbang milk balls fried lobster, fried food much water snake films, Chinese ......
&Eat hutch FengCheng out in guangdong, shunde chef almost include the domestic food contest gold. Representatives of the highest standard in the fourth national cooking contest, a county administrative region also won a gold medal in two groups, and the wonders in the fifth world Chinese cooking contest is ranked team title, bright and clear, meat and vegetable XueYi bodhi on sea cucumber, In production, north and south, and slaughter that boil, while that of fresh fruits and vegetables, Macao and guangdong famous chefs nine times out of ten. In September 2004, via approval of China cuisine association, five LiuWei AIDS, jinbang milk is the chips Fried dish, timeliness, the
laudatory name, Secondly. Fry the fish is bread, shunde fish and Fried lobsterShunde FengCheng old central in the pearl river delta area.806 square kilometers and a population of 115 million, nets, and fresh, light. Shunde or famous culinary township, while also into the surrounding each big cuisines from seasoning, &the land of fish and rice&quot, shunde, &from the beauty of hutch of shunde. In March 1992 city county, from January 2003 to withdraw.In recent years, Chinese and western food. Allegedly, Hong Kong, foshan city, foshan city into one. Climate is warm and wet, try to norishing, was awarded the &township of the Chinese chef, exquisite technique and using temperature, By birth, crisp, is the birthplace of cantonese cuisine is one of the important pillars......
英文翻译下面这段话,麻烦了,不要用翻译软件,大致意思就好! 林子大了什么鸟都有,反正……
woods big any of the bird has,in a year ,the garba...
Goethe once said.''the all youth are deeply in lov...
求英语大神翻译,不要在线翻译谢谢。最好多复合句 这段话:要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。……
最好多复合句 这段话:要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。... 求大神翻译下面...
Our technical service department renders professio...
地大物博,而且历史悠久的中国,和追求安全,不缺尖端技术的日本两个国家之间。 归化成日本国籍国籍,就是...
And George, seem like a independent man,but also a...
哪位日语专家帮我把下面的话翻译成日文吧 不要翻译器的哦……
麻烦把这段话翻译成英文 不要用工具 好了有追加分……
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&&&&&& &&&谁更靠谱!实测四大在线翻译网页版
日 00:33&出处:&【原创】 作者:马承平 编辑:马承平
   首先是经济类,小编选择了CHINA DAILY的一篇经济类新闻。
   "Chinese economic growth rate may see visible declines in 2015 and the growth rate may further fall below 7 percent in 2019 before gradually stabilizing between 6 to 7 percent," said Liu Shijin, deputy head of the Development Research Center of the State Council.
   The country's economic growth rate has been declining to an annual economic growth rates between 7 to 8 percent in the past two years, Liu said.
   Despite the slowdown, the growth will still be remarkably high in the global scope and will not dampen the country's target to build a well-off society in an all-round way, Liu said.
"Chinese economic growth rate may see visible declines in 2015 and the growth rate may further fall below 7 percent in 2019 before gradually stabilizing between 6 to 7 percent," said Liu Shijin, deputy head of the Development Research Center of the State Council.
The country's economic growth rate has been declining to an annual economic growth rates between 7 to 8 percent in the past two years, Liu said.
Despite the slowdown, the growth will still be remarkably high in the global scope and will not dampen the country's target to build a well-off society in an all-round way, Liu said.
"Chinese economic growth rate may see visible declines in 2015 and the growth rate may further fall below 7 percent in 2019 before gradually stabilizing between 6 to 7 percent," said Liu Shijin, deputy head of the Development Research Center of the State Council.
国务院发展研究中心副主任刘主任说:"中国的经济增长速度可能会看到可见下降到 2015 年增长率可能进一步下降低于 7%于 2019 年到期之前逐渐稳定 6 到 7%之间。"
The country's economic growth rate has been declining to an annual economic growth rates between 7 to 8 percent in the past two years, Liu said.
该国的经济增长率一直在下降的经济增长率在过去两年中的 7 到 8%之间,刘说。
Despite the slowdown, the growth will still be remarkably high in the global scope and will not dampen the country's target to build a well-off society in an all-round way, Liu said.
"Chinese economic growth rate may see visible declines in 2015 and the growth rate may further fall below 7 percent in 2019 before gradually stabilizing between 6 to 7 percent," said Liu Shijin, deputy head of the Development Research Center of the State Council.
“中国的经济增长率可能会看到明显的下降2015,增长率可能会进一步低于2019年的7%在6 - 7%之间逐渐稳定,”刘说仕进,副主任发展研究中心的国务院。
The country's economic growth rate has been declining to an annual economic growth rates between 7 to 8 percent in the past two years, Liu said.
Despite the slowdown, the growth will still be remarkably high in the global scope and will not dampen the country's target to build a well-off society in an all-round way, Liu said.
Newly-qualified drivers face a night-time curfew and restrictions on the number of young passengers they can carry under proposals being considered by ministers. The age at which teenagers can legally begin to drive may also be cut by six months to 16, with a minimum period of a year imposed before holders of a provisional licence can take their driving test.
The Government hopes the moves will reduce the number of serious accidents involving teenage drivers and help to bring down soaring insurance costs, which have almost doub in the past two years.
Newly-qualified drivers face a night-time curfew and restrictions on the number of young passengers they can carry under proposals being considered by ministers. The age at which teenagers can legally begin to drive may also be cut by six months to 16, with a minimum period of a year imposed before holders of a provisional licence can take their driving test.
The Government hopes the moves will reduce the number of serious accidents involving teenage drivers and help to bring down soaring insurance costs, which have almost doub in the past two years.
Newly-qualified drivers face a night-time curfew and restrictions on the number of young passengers they can carry under proposals being considered by ministers. The age at which teenagers can legally begin to drive may also be cut by six months to 16, with a minimum period of a year imposed before holders of a provisional licence can take their driving test.
The Government hopes the moves will reduce the number of serious accidents involving teenage drivers and help to bring down soaring insurance costs, which have almost doubled in the past two years.
Newly-qualified drivers face a night-time curfew and restrictions on the number of young passengers they can carry under proposals being considered by ministers. The age at which teenagers can legally begin to drive may also be cut by six months to 16, with a minimum period of a year imposed before holders of a provisional licence can take their driving test.
The Government hopes the moves will reduce the number of serious accidents involving teenage drivers and help to bring down soaring insurance costs, which have almost doubled in the past two years.
All-in-ones usually look great, but the HP Envy 23 is one of the most stylish we've ever seen. The key to its success is its hinge-and-base arrangement: instead of a simple prop- or monitor-style stand, the Envy’s display connects to the slender base via a pair of tubular legs that extend down from the bottom corners and curve into the base’s sides.所有的人通常看起来很棒,但惠普Envy 23是一个最时髦的我们见过。其成功的关键是它的铰链和碱基排列:而不是一个简单的道具或监控风格的立场,羡慕的显示器的连接通过一对腿管从底部的角落和曲线为基地的两侧下细长的基地。
It’s an eye-catching design, and one that’s matched by good build quality. Although it looks worryingly slight, the base anchors the machine solidly to the desk, and the tilting mechanism feels stiff and reliable.
点评:果然在面对这种科技产物的翻译上,在线免费软件就更显吃力了。稍了解电脑资讯的朋友应该知道 All in one 指的是一体电脑这个专业词汇。综合打分:准确度★、通顺度★、专业类词汇★
All-in-ones usually look great, but the HP Envy 23 is one of the most stylish we've ever seen. The key to its success is its hinge-and-base arrangement: instead of a simple prop- or monitor-style stand, the Envy’s display connects to the slender base via a pair of tubular legs that extend down from the bottom corners and curve into the base’s sides.
It’s an eye-catching design, and one that’s matched by good build quality. Although it looks worryingly slight, the base anchors the machine solidly to the desk, and the tilting mechanism feels stiff and reliable.
All-in-ones usually look great, but the HP Envy 23 is one of the most stylish we've ever seen. The key to its success is its hinge-and-base arrangement: instead of a simple prop- or monitor-style stand, the Envy’s display connects to the slender base via a pair of tubular legs that extend down from the bottom corners and curve into the base’s sides.
机便宜通常看起来很棒,但 HP 羡慕 23 是最时尚的我们见过。其成功的关键是其转轴基地安排: 而不是一种简单的道具或监视器样式表态,羡慕的显示器连接到通过一双从底部角和曲线进入该基地的双方向下扩展的钢管腿细长基地。
It’s an eye-catching design, and one that’s matched by good build quality. Although it looks worryingly slight, the base anchors the machine solidly to the desk, and the tilting mechanism feels stiff and reliable.
All-in-ones usually look great, but the HP Envy 23 is one of the most stylish we've ever seen. The key to its success is its hinge-and-base arrangement: instead of a simple prop- or monitor-style stand, the Envy’s display connects to the slender base via a pair of tubular legs that extend down from the bottom corners and curve into the base’s sides.
It’s an eye-catching design, and one that’s matched by good build quality. Although it looks worryingly slight, the base anchors the machine solidly to the desk, and the tilting mechanism feels stiff and reliable.
Want to look 10 years into the future, and see how your health is holding up? Thanks to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, you now can. They developed a checklist, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which fairly accurately predicts a senior's chance of surviving another decade, providing a unique opportunity for patients and physicians to work together to lessen key health risk factors and improve seniors' quality of life, they say.
The UCSF analysis used a nationally representative cohort of U.S. adults over age 50. Point values were assigned to each factor in the mortality index (the higher the points, the worse the risk). A risk score was then calculated for each participant based on their self-reported health indicators. In the end, there was a dramatic difference: Participants with no risk factors had a 2.8 percent chance of dying over 10 years, while those with the most risks had a 96 percent chance of dying.&
加州大学旧金山分校的分析使用的美国成年人全国代表性的队列超过50岁。点的值被分配在各因素的死亡率指数(高一点,更糟糕的风险)。风险评分计算基于他们的自我报告的健康指标,每个参与者。最后,有一个显着的差异:有没有危险因素的参与者有超过10年的死亡几率为百分之2.8,而那些最可能死于百分之96的机会。Although a single health risk factor isn't enough to predict longevity, researchers caution, a host of attributes taken together can say something powerful about your future health. See how your risk factors stack up.
Want to look 10 years into the future, and see how your health is holding up? Thanks to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, you now can. They developed a checklist, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which fairly accurately predicts a senior's chance of surviving another decade, providing a unique opportunity for patients and physicians to work together to lessen key health risk factors and improve seniors' quality of life, they say.
想看看10年后的未来,看你的健康状况如何持有呢?研究人员在美国加州大学旧金山,你现在可以。他们开发了一个检查表,出版的美国医学协会,其中相当准确地预测一个高级的机会生存再过十年杂志,提供一个独特的机会为患者和医生共同努力,以减少关键的健康风险因素和改善老年人的“质量生活中,他们说。&The UCSF analysis used a nationally representative cohort of U.S. adults over age 50. Point values were assigned to each factor in the mortality index (the higher the points, the worse the risk). A risk score was then calculated for each participant based on their self-reported health indicators. In the end, there was a dramatic difference: Participants with no risk factors had a 2.8 percent chance of dying over 10 years, while those with the most risks had a 96 percent chance of dying.
Although a single health risk factor isn't enough to predict longevity, researchers caution, a host of attributes taken together can say something powerful about your future health. See how your risk factors stack up.
Want to look 10 years into the future, and see how your health is holding up? Thanks to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, you now can. They developed a checklist, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which fairly accurately predicts a senior's chance of surviving another decade, providing a unique opportunity for patients and physicians to work together to lessen key health risk factors and improve seniors' quality of life, they say.
要着眼于未来,10 年,看看如何保持你的健康吗?由于在三藩市,加利福尼亚大学的研究人员现在可以。他们制定了一份清单,发表在美国医学协会,相当准确地预测出幸存另一个十年的一位高级的机会,提供一个独特的机会,为病人和医生一起努力减少主要健康危险因素和提高老年人的生活质量,他们说。
The UCSF analysis used a nationally representative cohort of U.S. adults over age 50. Point values were assigned to each factor in the mortality index (the higher the points, the worse the risk). A risk score was then calculated for each participant based on their self-reported health indicators. In the end, there was a dramatic difference: Participants with no risk factors had a 2.8 percent chance of dying over 10 years, while those with the most risks had a 96 percent chance of dying.
加州大学旧金山分校分析使用年龄在 50 岁以上美国成年人全国代表性队列。点值被分配给每个因素在死亡率指数糟糕的风险越高的点)。风险评分,然后计算了基于其自报的健康指标每个参与者。在结束时,有非常大的差别: 没有风险因素与与会者有 2.8%机会死十多年来,虽然那些最危险的死亡 96%的机会。&Although a single health risk factor isn't enough to predict longevity, researchers caution, a host of attributes taken together can say something powerful about your future health. See how your risk factors stack up.
Want to look 10 years into the future, and see how your health is holding up? Thanks to researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, you now can. They developed a checklist, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, which fairly accurately predicts a senior's chance of surviving another decade, providing a unique opportunity for patients and physicians to work together to lessen key health risk factors and improve seniors' quality of life, they say.
想看十年之后的未来世界,看看你的健康是保持吗?由于研究人员在加州大学,旧金山,你现在可以。他们开发了一个清单,发表在《美国医学协会杂志》上,这相当准确地预测一个高级的存活机会另一个十年,提供一个独特的机会,病人和医生一起工作来减少健康风险因素和关键提高老年人的生活质量,他们说。&The UCSF analysis used a nationally representative cohort of U.S. adults over age 50. Point values were assigned to each factor in the mortality index (the higher the points, the worse the risk). A risk score was then calculated for each participant based on their self-reported health indicators. In the end, there was a dramatic difference: Participants with no risk factors had a 2.8 percent chance of dying over 10 years, while those with the most risks had a 96 percent chance of dying.
加州大学旧金山分校分析使用一个代表性队列的美国成年人年龄在50岁以上。点值被分配到每个因子在死亡率指数(分越高,越风险)。一个风险评分是然后计算每个参与者根据他们的自我报告健康指标。最后,有一个显著的差异:参与者没有危险因素有2.8%的几率在10年内死亡的,而那些有最风险的几率也只有96%死亡。&Although a single health risk factor isn't enough to predict longevity, researchers caution, a host of attributes taken together can say something powerful about your future health. See how your risk factors stack up.
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