OHEOK ATOMIZEB的中文翻译是same什么意思中文翻译?

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音标:[ zæp ]&&发音:&&过去式: zapped&&&过去分词: zapped&&&现在分词: zapping&&&
中文翻译vt.( zapping) 〔美俚〕1.(咝地一下)打败,攻击,弄死。2.(用遥控器)不断地变换(电视频道或音量大小等);(用遥控器)咝地一声关上(电视)。3.【计算机】(通过电脑网络)传送(电子邮件、数据等)。n.〔美俚〕1.精力,活力。2.攻击;急促的嘘声。int.嚓!zapping n.&&&&chain-zap =chain-hop。 &&&&相应法禅修&&&&太空歼灭&&&&微陨石坑&&&&后退式襟翼&&&&【天文学】冲击坑〔月球岩石表面的一种微小凹陷,由微陨石、宇宙尘粒子的冲击造成〕。 &&&&死光。 &&&&轧合&&&&adj. (电影场面)以太空枪摧毁一切敌人的,科学幻想式的。 &&&&除掉&&&&扎奥尔齐耶&&&&枣子&&&&枣庄市&&&&枣庄市&&&&藻泽尔斯基
例句与用法Frieda : baby , i think you ' re all yap and no zap宝贝儿,我觉着你是光说不练啊。 Munk : get out ! or i ' ll zap you into a toad闪开!不然我就把你变成一只癞蛤蟆! Neville zaps both their wands out of their hands纳威使他们俩的魔杖同时从手中飞出。 You have to zap the invading spaceships to get points你必须干掉入侵的太空船才能得分。 Even if you zapped him in the head就是你用这个猛击他的头部也没事We have to do a physical in order to see what got zapped我们要给你做个身体检查看看有什么坏了You have to zap the invading spaceships to get points你必须使用电磁枪炮干掉入侵的太空船才能得分。 Have you see him zap around town on his new motor bike你看见没看见他骑著自己的新摩托车在市区飞驰? I ' m gonna zap that sucker to bits我要把那个混蛋揍成碎片Zap a bark up there , didn ' t it有没有听到后面有动静? 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a sudden event that imparts energy or excitement, usually wi "they gave it another zap of radiation"cook or heat "You can microwave the leftovers"同义词:, , , strike at wit "zap the enemy"同义词:, , , kill with or as if with a burst of gunfire or electric current
"in this computer game, space travellers are vaporized by aliens"同义词:, strike sud "This show zaps the viewers with some shocking scenes"
百科解释A zap is an onomatopoetic word for a discharge of electricity or an electric shock.详细百科解释
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atomize是什么意思 atomize在线翻译 atomize什么意思 atomize的意思 atomize的翻译 atomize的解释 atomize的发音 atomize的同义词 atomize的反义词
atomize英 ['aet?ma?z] 美 ['aet?ma?z] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:atomize 基本解释动词使分裂为原子,将…喷成雾状atomize 网络解释1. 1. 原子化:就问题本身来看,楼主引入了一个原子化 (Atomize) 的问题,也就是,如何将一种连续操作变成原子操作,要么全部执行,要么都不执行. 就问题本身来看,楼主引入了一个原子化 (Atomize) 的问题,也就是,如何将一种连续操作变成原子操作,要么全部执行,要么都不执行.2. 2. 使雾化:at normal atmospheric pressure 在标准大气压下 | atomize 使雾化 | attached in-line emitter 在制作过程中胶合或焊接在滴灌带(或软管)上的内置式喷头(滴头)3. 911查询·英语单词3. 使分裂为原子:atomization 分离成原 | atomize 使分裂为原子 | atomizer 喷雾器4. 汽化:Inadequent不足,不稳定 | Atomize汽化 | Indication指示atomize 双语例句1. The apparatus can be used to atomize feed injected into the cracking zone of a fluid catalytic cracker.&&&&所述装置可用于雾化注入流化床催化裂化设备的裂化段的进料。2. atomize什么意思2. Purpose:Study atomize of bronchiolitis turn to inhale treatment method.&&&&目的:探讨毛细支气管炎的雾化吸入治疗方法。3. Such discussion supply theoretical method to the design of high-pressure direct atomize nozzle.&&&&为本系统以后的喷嘴设计提供理论依据。4. In an ICP analysis, the plasma will reach a temperature in the range of 6, 000 - 10, 000℃, which will efficiently atomize most elements.&&&&在ICP分析中,等离子体的温度将达到6000℃~10000℃,使大多数元素得到有效的原子化。5. 5. For proper combustion it is necessary to atomize the propellants.&&&&为了有效地进行燃烧,推进剂必须雾化。6. One of the primary functions of a fuel injector is to atomize the fuel into very small droplets so that it can adequately mix with air for the combustion process.&&&&其中一项主要职能的喷油器是燃油雾化成非常小的水滴,以便它能够充分与空气混合的燃烧过程。7. 7. As compared with the pressure of carrier gas, the subatmospheric pressure is more favourable condition to atomize the hydride, so the atomization temperature was lower (about 650℃).&&&&由於硒化氢的原子化是在负压下完成的,它将比常压或载气压力下更有利於氢化物的原子化,因而使硒化氢原子化的最佳温度降低。8. Based on the analysis of effect of operation parameters on the atomize results, the method for model selection and scale-up design of centrifugal atomizer for spray humidifier are introduced in this paper.&&&&摘要在分析各种运行参数对雾化效果影响的基础上,介绍了喷雾增湿塔用离心式雾化器的选型与放大设计的方法。9. One or several pressure nozzles are used to atomize the liquid feed for fountain atomization, depending on the plant capacity.&&&&一个或几个压力喷嘴用于雾化液体饲料的喷泉,根据雾化装置容量。10. According to the request of adopting advanced technology, the main designing has such contents as below:⑴ Designing the two-fluid nozzle that is based on the theory of air-atomize spraying.⑵ Designing and choosing the type of the axial fan that is used to supply assisted airflow to waft droplets that comes from nozzle.⑶ Designing the swaying outfit that can rotate the spray assembly at a speed and inside a angle in order to satisfy the spray request of different crops, different planting states and improve the uniformity of distribution, the deposition of droplet. Here, we select TYV type reduction gear motor to adjust the swaying speed and use course switch to adjust the swaying angle.⑷ Designing the lift outfit that can adjust the height of the spray assembly to satisfy the request of the crops of different tallness, different spraying range. Here, we select cylinder as the main component that can be used as kickstand and controlled easily.⑸ Designing the switch of the power supply that is put out of the greenhouse in order to prevent worker from poisoning. After the mist sprayer being made, the experiment is made to test the function of the greenhouse mist sprayer fully.&&&&根据采用先进施药技术的要求,本研究的设计内容主要有:⑴采用气液两相流喷雾技术,基于气力雾化原理,设计双流体喷头;⑵采用辅助气流输送雾滴,气流源为风机,对风机进行设计、选型;⑶为满足不同作物、不同栽培情况及提高雾滴分布均匀性、沉积性的施药要求,设计能带动喷射部件在一定角度内、以一定转速的旋转摇摆机构,本研究选用调速电机调节其摇摆速度,并利用反向行程开关调节其摇摆角度;⑷为满足不同高度作物、不同射程的施药要求,设计能调节喷射部件高度的升降机构,这里选用气缸为主要构件,既可以起到整机支架的作用,又可方便进行升降、固定控制;⑸设计行程开关的控制电路以及整机的控制系统。11. atomize11. When medication, must atomize evenly, guaranteed that the pro and con surface has the solution.&&&&&&用药时,必须均匀喷雾,保证正反面均有药液。12. In the paper we define two concepts: atomic work unit and atomic function unit, and then modularize business flow and atomize module layers.&&&&&&定义了原子工作单元和原子功能单元的概念,将业务流程模块化,模块分层原子化。13. The tube is finally heated to a temperature of about 2700 ℃ to atomize the sample.&&&&&&最后则把石墨管加热到2700℃左右,使样品原子化。14. 911查询·英语单词大全14. Effect of atomize inhaling ventolin, fluticasone and ipratropine on the treatment of bronchiolitis&&&&&&沙丁胺醇、异丙托溴铵联合氟替卡松吸入治疗毛细支气管炎的临床研究15. Color gradual change, bronzing, atomize part is available in our factory.&&&&&&可彩色渐变,烫金,局部印磨砂;16. Good flatness, wide range of firing temp, Suitable for high-gloss floor tiles in single firing process. For proper combustion it is necessary to atomize the propellants.&&&&&&平整度佳,烧成范围宽,适用于一次烧成高亮度地砖。为了有效地进行燃烧,推进剂必须雾化。17. Methods adopt low flow inhale oxygen, atomize inhale and antibiotic deinflammation, turnover and pat back and suck sputum, giving oxygen respiration of trachea operation, machine respiration of trachea cather.&&&&&&方法采用低流量吸氧,雾化吸入、抗生素消炎,翻身、拍背、吸痰,气管切开给氧呼吸,气管插管机械呼吸。18. But to survive in the future, legacy enterprise vendors will have to atomize their monolithic modules into hundreds of smaller, more usable apps.&&&&&&但是要想在未来能继续生存下去,老牌的商用科技产品供应商必须要把它们庞大的模块分解成数百个小型的、更简单易用的应用软件。19. In the industry, vortex whistle has been applied to atomize fuel and cool water.&&&&&&在工业上,已应用旋涡哨来雾化燃油和冷却水等。20. Based on the analysis of effect of operation parameters on the atomize results, the method for model selection and scale_up design of centrifugal atomizer for spray humidifier are introduced in this paper.&&&&&&在分析各种运行参数对雾化效果影响的基础上,介绍了喷雾增湿塔用离心式雾化器的选型与放大设计的方法。atomize 单语例句1. It could atomize the water contained in two glass pipes placed vertically on top of the pedestal.911查询·英语单词大全atomize 英英释义verb1. break up into small particles&&&&e.g. the fine powder had been atomized by air&&&&Synonym: 2. strike at with firepower or bombs&&&&e.g. zap the enemy&&&&Synonym: 3. spray very finely&&&&e.g. atomize perfume&&&&Synonym: atomize是什么意思,atomize在线翻译,atomize什么意思,atomize的意思,atomize的翻译,atomize的解释,atomize的发音,atomize的同义词,atomize的反义词,atomize的例句,atomize的相关词组,atomize意思是什么,atomize怎么翻译,单词atomize是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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