dd-wrtdd wrt中文固件下载怎么刷

教你怎么给Netgear R7000路由器刷上DD-WRTNetgear路由器很多产品一直被第三方路由器固件所支持,从网上搜索到有德国的爱好者() 已提供了Netgear R7000 AC1900智能路由器的DD-WRT固件,小编豪不犹疑地将固件下载回来将R7000的原厂固件刷成DD-WRT固件。下面一步步分享如何将Netgear R7000固件刷成DD-WRT系统。一、下载DD-WRT固件:在浏览器打开链接,目录下Changelog文件有每个升级版本修复BUG情况的说明,Readme文件介绍DD-WRT支持的路由器型号及如何刷机的简单说明。Initial目录下的.chk文件是提供给首次将R7000原厂固件刷成DD-WRT的必要文件, 现在Kong大神提供4种路由器机型的DD-WRT固件,针对R7000我们只要将“dd-wrt.K3_R7000.chk”下载回来,当然如果你是Netgear R6300 V2用户,只需下载对应的文件“dd-wrt.K3_R6300V2.chk”即可。Kong大神现在提供给R7000最新的DD-WRT固件版本是“24045M”,进入这个目录,你会发现有4个20M左右的bin文件,这4个bin文件命名规则为:OLDD采用的是老一点但是稳定的驱动,NEWD采用的是最新的驱动,BT是带transmission的版本,STD是标准版。根据你需要下载所需的bin文件即可,小编选择的是STD标准版。二、开始刷机:1. 如果Netgear R7000从未刷过DD-WRT固件,路由器还是原厂固件的,将从Initial目录下载回来的dd-wrt.K3_R7000.chk文件刷入Netgear R7000。在Netgear R7000的固件升级界面里导入DD-WRT的固件“dd-wrt.K3_R7000.chk”文件,点击“上传”按键开始升级,升级过程如果有提示版本太低等警告信息不用理会,直接确认升级就行,整个升级过程大约1分钟即可完成;&2. 升级完成后路由器会重启动进入DD-WRT固件界面,第一次进入DD-WRT会提示输入路由器管理员的登陆名和密码,虽然是英文界面,不过简单的几个单词相信大家都能看得懂吧,名称和密码想改成什么都行,不过小编比较保守将名称和密码设置成root / admin。设置完成后点击“Change Password”选项确认修改,确认后DD-WRT会显示系统的当前状态;&3. 到这儿DD-WRT显示的界面都是英文的,我们要将它更改为中文界面。在DD-WRT主菜单上选择“Administration”进入路由管理选项,下拉页面找到“Language Selection”主菜单,在“Language”里找到“Chinese siplified”,在页面最底点击“Save”按键确认保存设置,然后点击“Apply Settings”按键启用设置,DD-WRT会从英文界面变成中文界面。4. 在此顺便吐槽一下Firefox浏览器,在升级DD-WRT的固件过程中发现Firefox的网页无法升级,到这儿只能使用其它浏览器来完成后面的升级工作。前面我们使用的是初次从原厂固件升级到DD-WRT的初始化固件,现在我们要将在DD-WRT升级到最新版本。在主菜单的“管理”选项中选择“固件升级”进入DD-WRT固件升级界面,点击“浏览”选项导入“dd-wrt.v24-K3_AC_ARM_STD_NEWD.bin”文件,当然你也可选择其它不同版本的文件;点击“升级”,DD-WRT开始进入升级状态。整个升级过程大概约2分钟时间,跑完进度条后DD-WRT固件升级就算完成了,DD-WRT会提醒你是否改变了路由器的IP地址等提示信息,如果你没有修改过路由器IP地址,点击“继续”即可,DD-WRT会完成路由器重启。到这儿我们就完成了Netgear R7000原厂固件升级到DD-WRT第三方固件的整个升级过程,以后Kong大神如果有提供更新的DD-WRT版本,只需将更新的固件下载保存到本地硬盘,按照上面第4个步骤升级的操作方法,就可以将R7000的DD-WRT固件升级到最新版本。Netgear R7000真是路由器中的神器,升级完DD-WRT后可以在“状态”菜单”中了解到R7000的硬件详细情况:采用ARM7 1G处理器,256M的运行内存中系统只占用3%,空闲的运行内存有220M。ARM的处理器的温度有点高,达到了60多度,R7000与小米顶级路由器都是采用博通BCM 4709处理器,小米采用了风扇进行散热,而R7000没有采用风扇进行散热,以后小编会拆开R7000进行分析Netgear如何处理CPU的散热方法。Netgear R7000智能路由器刷入第三方固件后,可以当下载机用,监控每台设备的流量情况,很容易开启DLNA、FTP、samba等服务,让R7000变身成为家庭网络中心;只需安装不同软件,还有更多更好玩功能去满足不同玩家的需求,在强劲的硬件支持下,没有什么功能是实现不了的。原创:3人已赞分享订阅Copyright&2014雷科技后使用快捷导航没有帐号?
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评论: 0|原作者: 落叶知秋|来自: DD-WRT
怎样刷DD-WRT固件,中文网上一般给出的是 不太规范的TFTP的方法~~
Table of contents
1 所支持的设备
2 设备推荐
3 刷写固件注意事项
4 使用TFTP方式刷写固件
5 使用网页界面刷写固件
6 使用命令行方式刷写固件(使用telnet/SSH)
7 对WRT54Gv4/WRT54GL的刷新
8 对WRT54GSv4的刷新
9 对WRT54G(S)v5的刷新
10 对Buffalo WHR-G54S,WHR-HP-G54 和WZR-RS-G54的刷新
11 对其他Bufalo路由器的刷新
12 对贝尔金F5d7230-4的刷新
13 对华硕 WL500G Deluxe的刷新
14 对西门子SE505的刷新
15 对摩托罗拉 WR850G的刷新
所支持的设备以v23 SP1 final版本列表
All0277 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=All0277&btnG=Search+Froogle)
RT210W, 请参照西门子SE505 v1的固件刷新说明(搜索产品) (/froogle?q=RT210W&btnG=Search+Froogle)
Asus WL-500G deluxe (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=Asus+WL-500G+deluxe&btnG=Search+Froogle)
Asus WL-500G premium (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=Asus+WL-500G+premium&btnG=Search+Froogle)
Asus WL-300G (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=Asus+WL-300G&btnG=Search+Froogle)
F5D (2mb flash) (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=F5D7130+OR+F5D7330&btnG=Search+Froogle)
F5D00, v1010, v1111 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=F5D7230-4&btnG=Search+Froogle)
F5D44 (2mb flash) (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=F5D7230-4&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WHR-G54S (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WHR-G54S&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WHR-HP-G54 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WHR-HP-G54&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WHR-HP-G54S (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WHR-HP-G54S&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WZR-RS-G54 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WZR-RS-G54&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WBR-G54 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WBR-G54&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WBR2-G54 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WBR2-G54&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WBR2-G54s (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WBR2-G54s&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WLA-G54 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WLA-G54&btnG=Search+Froogle)
Linksys (以WRT54G 版本及其固件容量列表 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wrt54g#Hardware_revisions))
WRT54G v1.0, v1.1, v2.0, v2.2, v3.0, v3.1, v4.0, v5.0 (2mb flash) (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WRT54G&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WRT54GL v1.0, v1.1 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WRT54GL&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WRT54GS v1.0, v1.1, v2.0, v2.1, v3.0, v4.0, v5.0 (2mb flash) (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WRT54GS&btnG=Search+Froogle)
WRTSL54GS v1.0
WR850G (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=WR850G&btnG=Search+Froogle)
W54-RT, 请参照西门子SE505 v1的固件刷新说明(搜索产品) (/froogle?q=W54-RT&btnG=Search+Froogle)
Gigaset SE505 (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=Gigaset+SE505&btnG=Search+Froogle)
Gigaset SX550i (搜索产品) (/froogle?q=Gigaset+SX550i&btnG=Search+Froogle)
以上所列的多数无线路由器都拥有至少4MB的flash容量,所有的WRT54GS v4.0版本之前的型号都拥有8MB的flash容量,而也有部分路由器(包括WRT54G和WRT54GS的v5.0型号)仅有2MB的flash。值得注意的是,DD-WRT的完整版("full vision"; )和迷你版("mini vision"; )的安装都需要4MB的而微型版("micro vision"; )需要2MB来安装。
最便宜的100%兼容的无线路由器: Buffalo WHR G54s
最佳的100%兼容的无线路由器: Asus WL 500G Deluxe
最具性价比的100%兼容的无线路由器: Buffalo WHR G54s
最佳性能、兼容的无线路由器: 具有266Mhz处理器的WRTSL54GS和华硕WL500G Premium,具有266Mhz处理器,8MB flash rom和64MB内存的Buffalo WZR-RS-G54,需要注意的是,如果你想将路由器用于双/多型广域网路由模式,请在购买之前搜索足够的信息,以WZR-RS-G54为例,由于其交换芯片的原因,它并能不支持DUAL WAN
Forum Link #1 (http://www./phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=73) Forum Link #2 (http://forum.bsr-clan.de/ftopic6241.html) Forum Link #3 (http://www./phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=13954)
[注释:我并不能区分本步骤具体适用于DD-WRT GUI或者Linksys GUI,但为了能够修正错误我必须了解这一点-- Jgoldberg 03:29,1 May 2006 (CEST)]
1) 下载固件
下载最新版稳定的发布 [1] (http://www./)
注意: 在从Linksys原装固件升级时请选用mini版本的DD-WRT!
2a) 通过网页图形界面将路由器恢复到出厂设置
点击"Factory Defaults" 子项.
点击"Save Settings"按钮.
2b) 使用复位按钮将路由器恢复到出厂设置
3) 上传固件!
择"Firmware Upgrade"子项.
点击"No reset"按钮,(No reset仅仅是相对于我来说,您选择"Firmwar Default"会更适合)!).
Possible errors
[ 可能出现的错误 ]
If the router says "Upload are failed", you could have been using the wrong .bin file, check this first. (This happens if you for example use a *wrt54g.bin file in stead of the generic.bin file when flashing through the web interface). Or you just have to give up. Your router quite likely does not support DD-WRT.
[ 如果路由器出现"Uploade are faild"的提示信息,你首先应该检查是否用了错误的.bin文件进行升级(这出现在 比如你用*wrt54g.bin而不是*generic.bin文件 通过WEB界面更新固件的情况下) ;或者你刚才尝试放弃升级固件;或你的路由器很可能不支持DD-WRT]
4) 再一次恢复到出厂设置
Do this only after you have confirmed that the firmware upgrade is working. At this point you may have temporary problems using Web Interface, so just ping your router.[ 只有当你确定固件已更新成功,再做这步。这时,你使用WEB界面可能出现临时的问题,所以仅ping下你的路由器即可。]
For V23 SP2[适用于V23 SP2]: Please do a hard reset: While holding down the reset button, plug in the power cord. Hold the reset button for 30 seconds. See also Reset And Reboot.[请做一次硬重启:拔下电源插头,按下复位键,再插上电源插头并保持按住复位键30秒。请参阅Reset And Reboot。]
This is at first because SP2 uses encrypted password storage inside nvram. You are unable to login using root/admin before you reset. Please take this step serious!!!
[ 因为SP2在nvram内部使用了加密的密码存储,在硬重启之前,你不能用root/admin登录路由器。]
Previous versions[适用于以前的版本]: Press and hold the reset button on the back of the router for 30 seconds. See also Reset And Reboot.
[ 按住路由器背面的复位键30秒。]
5) 尽情使用您的无线路由器
我们推荐您将"Adninistration"选项卡中的"Boot Wait"值设置为"enable",这将在将来对您的路由器从不正确的刷新中恢复有很大帮助,在v23或更高的版本中,"Boot Wait"值默认为"enabled".
6) 出现了错误?
如果您的路由器不能重新启动(如电源灯不亮,不能打开网页界面等等),您需要修复受损固件,这里是一个step by step的恢复指南(英文) (http://www./wiki/index.php/Recover_from_a_Bad_Flash), 或者使用论坛搜索功能会带给您更多的额外信息。forum search (http://forum.bsr-clan.de/search.php).
1) 使用telnet或者ssh登陆 (http://www./wiki/index.php/Telnet/SSH_and_the_Command_Line) WRT
2) 使用wget (http://www.cbi./Doc/CS/wget/man.wget.html) 或者 scp (http://winscp.net/)下载dd-wrt.v2*_generic.bin到/tmp文件夹
3) (可选项) 对比下载文件与源文件的md5值 (http://www./~gsf/man/man1/md5sum.html)
write /tmp/dd-wrt.v2*_generic.bin linux
5) 请稍等...
6) 重启路由器
7) (可选项) 通过网页方式(推荐)恢复路由出厂设置 ###NextPage###
仅DD-WRT的v23或者更高的版本能支持WRT54Gv4,此款路由器不支持从Linksys原始固件刷新到standard和voip版本的DD-WRT(Linksys限制了固件大小不能超过3MB),因此,最初只能刷写MINI版的DD-WRT。您可以在MINI版安装成功后再升级到standard或voip版的DD-WRT,在使用网页界面刷新的过程中,请使用*_generic.bin类型的文件,在无法使用GUI界面的情况下您需要使用tftp上传special *_wrt54g.bin 类型的文件,并且确保每次刷新之前和之后都需要将路由器恢复到出厂设置。
[Comment added 26/06/06 by Elvey]] Firefox works fine when flashing and using this router. I've flashed and set up 2 WRT54GL's, with Firefox, and had no problems. I've no idea what incompatibilities others are talking about (mentioned below).
[Comment added 10/08/06 by blkadder]]
I'd like to second the trouble-free Firefox experience. I used Firefox on a SUSE 10.1 machine with no problem.
[Comment added 24/06/06 by msc_buff]] I ran into serious port forward problems with my GL v1.1. I reread the flash procedure here and used the '30 second reset' with the button instead of the WebGUI and it fixed my problem. Not sure what the difference between a soft reset and a hard reset is but I will stick with what worked for me.
如上所述由于Linksys的3MB固件容量限制,WRT54GSv4不能从Linksys原始固件刷新到std或者voip版本的DD-WRT,您只能使用MINI版来进行首次刷写,否则将会导致刷新失败,成功刷新MINI版之后您即可以通过网页界面升级至std或者voip版本了。有趣的是,在用"v4mini"刷写了4台WRTGSv4之后,我却发现必须使用"v4mini"来刷新其他非v4版的WRT54GS,否则将会以"Upgrade are failed"失败而告终,请确保在每次刷新前后都要进行恢复出厂设置,至少对现在的固件(27.10.05-dd-wrt.v23.beta2)来说是非常必要的。
[Comment added 11/01/06 by bigbloke of cownet.org] Today I purchased a 'GS V4 not having read this note previously. It flashed V23 standard perfectly first time from the specific file (dd-wrt.v23_wrt54gsv4.bin) therefore there may be some additional factors influencing this) - I hope this is useful feedback
[Comment added 12/01/06 by Mart] I just purchased a GS V4 too. After reading bigbloke's note, i decided to try skip the warning and directly flash V23 VPN from the (dd-wrt.v23_vpn_generic.bin) file without any problems too. I simply followed the "right way to flash" instructions step by step. Looks like the warning mentioned above does not apply with this version.
[Comment added 18/01/06 by Macks] I can second the above, just flashed a GSv4 from Linksys original and used dd-wrt.v23_vpn_wrt54gsv4.bin without problems, directly without going via the mini.
[Comment added 22/01/06 by JD] I can confirm the statement from Macks. Two days ago I bought also a 'GS v4' and I flashed it with the v23 standard without problems (directly without going via the mini)
[Comment added 19/02/06 by markusk] and i did it that way as well and after that got the weirdest behaviour of a router i've ever seen, mainly giving something like unstable wan-connection by going with high traffic over the router (be it via bittorrent, icq-filetransfers and similar).. unfortunately reflashing with mini and then a "big" one didn't help at all..
[Comment added 28/02/06 by mfb] Like Macks I flashed my 'GS v4' with v23 vpn direct, without mini first - working fine, no problems.
[Comment added 05/03/06 by PhoneBoy] On my WRT54GSv3, I found that the device wouldn't take ANY firmware unless I reset it using the button rather than just factory reset from the web interface. Word of warning.
[Comment added 10/03/06 by JoE] At the time of this writing, the current version of Mozilla Firefox will cause your installation to fail when trying to upgrade firmware (dd-wrt.v23_mini_wrt54g.bin, dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin, dd-wrt.v23_wrt54g.bin) using the web interface. I used the current version of Internet Explorer with no problems. Additionally, if your power button keeps flashing and/or you cannot reach/ping after a reset, unplug and plug in the power cord real quick. Wait a few seconds and then everything is hunky dory.
[Comment added 09/04/06 by zonk] I also can confirm the above statements of flashing two fresh bought WRT54GS v4 routers using the vpn version (v23) instead of the mini version. I used Firefox 1.5 and Opera 7.5 without any failed message. Both routers run stable.
[Comment added 04/06/06 by Yusuf Motiwala ()] I too can confirm that it can be upgraded directly to standard version. Even after reading this, I experimented upgrading my WRT54GSv4 directly with v23 SP1 standard image without any problem. May be stated limitation is firmware version dependent. At the time of upgrade, my linksys stock firmware version was 1.5.2.
[Comment added 05/07/06 by Kizane] DD-WRT v23 IE7 Beta 2 Error! I noticed some weird error while managing a WRT54GSv4 with DD-WRT V23 via IE7b2. For some reason, it cuts off the top of the area where all the settings are. I opened the control panel with Firefox, and it has no errors. IE7b2 Screenshot (/Article//UploadFiles/23.jpg)
[Comment added 05/07/06 by Kizane] Solution to above comment. Note that I upgraded to DD-WRT v23 SP1 Final (via Firefox with zero problems!) and the problem has vanished!
[Comment added 07/08/06 by Wayland] I found it best to start with factory settings before flashing WRT54GL for the first time
对Buffalo WHR-G54S,WHR-HP-G54 和WZR-RS-G54的刷新
仅能使用v23 sp1及后续版本,过早的版本可能会产生错误!
因为Buffalo初始设置的局域网段为192.168.11.1(WZR-RS-G54为192.168.12.1),您需要将计算机的ip地址设置在其网段内并填好正确的子网掩码,(例如, 掩码 对于WZR-RS-G54设置成, 掩码 ),须要说明的是您需要将其设置成静态IP,在使用tftp的过程中静态IP是非常必要的,在子网中即使使用正确的动态ip也不会使tftp正常工作。在windows xp系统中,请参照如下截图:在点击"Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)," 之后,选择"Properties"按钮,然后填入正确ip地址,默认网关设置为空,点击"ok"。错误的设置如图:
通过 开始->运行->"cmd"打开命令行窗口.
进入包含固件文件的文件夹(:) (例如. cd C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\All%20Users\Desktop (如果固件文件在您的桌面上的话)
输入 tftp -i PUT (file name of firmware image) 例如: tftp -i PUT dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin. (对于 WZR-RS-G54 使用 作为路由器地址 .) 此时先不要按下回车键.
路由器的LAN指示灯经过大约6秒钟的频繁闪动之后,您将得到一个输入成功的提示,类似于:Transfer successful: 3502080 bytes in 5 seconds, 700416 bytes/s
在Linux或OS X上TFTP的使用说明
在linux或OS X系统下,首先运行tftp,并将更改为binary工作模式,然后输入"connect" 但不要立即执行,在文本编辑器或者在本网页上复制好PUT命令,当除了计算机所连接端口之外所有指示灯熄灭时迅速按下回车键,并且马上粘贴PUT命令并回车。操作命令如下例:(对于WZR-RS-G54只需将所有的192.168.11.1更改为192.168.12.1):
tftp> binary
tftp> connect
tftp> status
Connected to
Mode: octet Verbose: off Tracing: off
Rexmt-interval: 5 seconds, Max-timeout: 25 seconds
tftp> put /path/to/dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin
tftp -m binary -c put dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin
注意:OS X中内建tftp不支持此指令
如果您在Buffalo WHR-G54S/WHR-HP-G54/WZR-RS-G54上刷写了DD-WRT之后想刷回原厂固件,请联系BrainSlayer. (http://forum.bsr-clan.de/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=486),他可以向您提供可用的原厂固件.
在使用v23 sp1时,路由器将以192.168.1.1/的ip地址启动
使用telnet登陆路由器,在windows中向命令行窗口输入 telnet建立telnet连接.
nvram show | grep
boardflags boardflags=0x1758
nvram set boardflags=0x2758
nvram commit
Option 1 :
mtd erase nvram
Option 2 : (借助OpenWrt FAQ (http://wiki.openwrt.org/Faq#head-71cacff5771d2fae54923ded5beb9c))
wget http://openwrt.inf.fh-brs.de/~nbd/nvram-clean.sh
nvram commit
如果您的路由器在刷新后无法工作,您可以在论坛中利用"WHR-G54S Bricked"搜索到足够的信息.
刷新您的Buffalo WBR-G54,WLA-G54,WBR2-G54,WBR2-G54S...
进入包含固件文件的文件夹,例如. cd "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop"
输入 tftp -i PUT (固件名称) 例如: tftp -i PUT dd-wrt.v23_micro_generic.bin. 不要按回车键.
在浏览器中输入 进入路由器的登陆界面
对华硕 WL500G Deluxe的刷新
使用华硕recovery utility工具上传DD-WRT.trx固件.
您可以点击这里 (/pub/ASUS/wireless/WL-500g-03/Eng_1380.zip), 下载recovery utility,或者登陆华硕网站下载最新版本.
SSD: For my new WL-500g Deluxe, the recovery utility would appear to successfully upload the firmware (v23), but then I could not get it to boot... even after waiting several minutes and power cycling. The unit would also be unresponsive to ping requests. I could always successfully reload the original Asus firmware. TFTP methods were unsuccessful altogether, as TFTP never seemed to establish contact with the router. Finally, I was able to boot DD-WRT by first flashing with OpenWRT (White Russian rc4), then using OpenWRT's firmware upload page to flash with DD-WRT.
LFR : Upgrade was done out of the box with .trx file & worked straight, no need for recovery mode
MrO: Does this also work on the WL-500g Premium? TTSherpa: Yes it does. No problen going back an forth the original FW & dd-wrt
BrainSlayer曾提到“DD-WRT v23()开始提供对西门子Gigaset SE505路由器的官方支持,这意味着您将可以在此设备上使用类似于WPA2等最新特性,由于此路由器的内存限制,您不能同时使用使用这些新特性,但是相对于原始固件的最基本功能来说已经强的多了”
在对西门子Gigaset SE505刷新的过程中,您只能使用tftp方式上传dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin文件到路由器的地址上(默认192.168.2.1),因为西门子的初始设置与Linksys/dd-wrt的不同,所以您需要在刷新之后需要检查各种配置的细节.
在 changelog.txt (http://dd-/dd-wrtv2/downloads/index.php?path=dd-wrt.v23%2F&download=changelog.txt),中关于SE505的最新一条提到:SE505第二版在刷新时出现了错误 15.11.2005:
0000161 No gzip in 14.11.2005 ?????
0000167 ipkg broken in V23b 14-11-05
0000168 DD-wrt v23 B2 141105 SE505 v2 bricked
01.mai.2006. I successfully flashed a se505 v2(S3-R107-3) with the v23_micro sp1_4.25.06 only the browser buttons on "administration|management" are not working. WDS with WEP is running well at the moment with 2 other WRT54 V23. Other things not tested yet.with v23sp1_04.28.06 buttons on basic-setup are not working - so no adjustment on ip possible. ddt3 at gmx dot net.
02.mai.2006. Even with v23sp1_2006 micro - 0501 buttons on "administration|management" are still not working. WPA as a AP seems not to work on my se505v2. With wrt54gl V23 it works for reference with my notebook yakumo quicklan USB54 XP-generic-setup. If you flash a new fw with tftp somtimes it apears as 192.168.0.your setup and sometimes as an So change your IP to a suitable subnet and search with ping. ddt3 at gmx dot net.
08.mai.2006. Firmware: DD-WRT v23 SP1-RC1 (05/07/06) micro with se505 v2(S3-R107-3) works fine now. all the problems from 1+2.mai2006 are solved so far i see in this short time. ddt3 at gmx dot net.
09.mai.2006. update: wpa-psk and wpa2-psk ist not working with my constelation. i flashed back to the orig. siemens_de_3.02.03 fw. with this wpa-psk is running well with orig. xp setup and with yakumo setup - so seems to be a fw problem ddt3 at gmx dot net.
12.mai.2006. after updating to "dd-wrt.v23 SP1/RC2/micro" wpa-psk and wpa2-psk works with my pc! ddt3 at gmx dot net.
18.mai.2006 with DD-WRT v23 SP1 Final (05/16/06) micro (generic) it works also fine. If the se505v2 dont accept the new parameter after press the save button try to switch off the siemens for a moment and restart your browser (be sure to close all your browser windows).ddt3 at gmx dot net.
9.june.2006 will the SE515 be supported?
17.july.2006 dd-wrt.v23_micro_generic_sp2.bin (11.07.2006) works also fine and stable on se505v2 now for 3 days with pppoe in use. but it never shows full speed rate. 36 Mbps is max shown despite the wds oposite station shows 54 Mbps. to see the lease time expire count down I had to swich off "DNSMasq for DHCP" .ddt3.
如何在SE505上安装Freifunk (OLSR) (http://wireless.subsignal.org/index.php/Konfiguration_(Siemens))
恢复初始固件 (http://www.dslrouter-hilfe.de/home/siemens-reset.php)
恢复初始固件2(pdf) (http://icm-km5.erlm.siemens.de/SRVS/CGI-BIN/webisapi.dll/,/?St=10,E=1802487,K=7355,Sxi=16,Case=obj(1897))
SE505版本1和版本2之间的不同 (http://wiki.opennet-initiative.de/index.php/西门子)
###NextPage###对摩托罗拉 WR850G的刷新
刷新您的Motoraola WR850G
WRT54G v4 Installation Tutorial
(WRT54G v4 刷新方法图文并茂教学)
The following are the steps that I went through to get DD-WRT v23 installed on a WRT54G v4. I tried to take screenshots of each step as I went, so as not to confuse anyone. Following the instructions found at Steps_to_flash_through_Web_Interface (http://wrt-wiki.bsr-clan.de/index.php?title=DD-WRT_Docu_%28EN%29#Steps_to_flash_through_Web_Interface), I was eventually successful in getting DD-WRT installed. I will use some of the text from those instructions as well as inserting my screenshots and other encounters not mentioned in the above link.
1) Download the DD-WRT v23 firmware
You must use the mini version when upgrading from original linksys firmware!
Download the Mini Version 23 HERE (dd-wrt.v23_sp2_mini.zip ) (http://www./dd-wrtv2/down.php?path=downloads%2Fdd-wrt.v23%20SP2%2F&download=dd-wrt.v23_sp2_mini.zip) or go to the DD-WRT downloads section at http://www./dd-wrtv2/index.php?link=downloads
Extract the archive. Once it is downloaded and extracted from the zip archive it should look something like this:
2a) Reset through the Web Interface
if you forgot the password or IP of your router, proceed to step 2b.
From a PC connected to one of the 4 LAN ports on the router open a web browser and go to the IP of the router (default IP is
You will be prompted for username and password. Username is not required. Enter password (default password is admin) and you should be at the Web Interface of your WRT54G v4
Click the "Administration" tab.
Click the "Factory Defaults" sub-tab.
Select "Yes".
Click the "Save Settings" button.
A warning will pop up, click "ok".
2b) Reset to factory defaults
Press and hold the reset button on the back of the router for 30 seconds. This will clear your NVRAM, the configuration and reset the password to admin.
Be aware that if your router currently has an OpenWRT firmware running on it, then using the reset button may brick your router. Research your current firmware to be safe.
3) Upgrade Firmware
Do not turn off the computer, close the web browser, or turn off the router during this process!!!!!
From a PC connected to one of the 4 LAN ports on the router open a web browser and go to the IP
You will be prompted for username and password. Leave username blank, enter password admin. Now you should be at the Web Interface of your WRT54G v4.
Click the "Administration" tab
Click the "Firmware Upgrade" sub-tab.
Click the "Browse" button and select "dd-wrt.v23_mini_generic.bin" file you extracted in step 1.
Click the "Upgrade" button.
The router will take a few minutes to upload the file, flash the firmware, and then reset.
Here is where my experience was a bit different than the instructions said it would be. I never got success message, instead of got a failed message. This is when I started to get a bit nervous that I had bricked my brand new router! So I started reading furiously through all the documentation I could get my hands on about recovering a bricked WRT when I relaunched "" and found that DD-WRT was working! Don't ask me... but the flashed seemed to have worked perfectly despite the error message I got. (注意:本文作者估计是RPWT,刷新成功却显示“失败”。这个故事告诉我们当看到“failed”时不要慌张,先登一次“”,确认DD-WRT是否成功刷新。)
Additional note #1: as of version v23 SP1 (http://www./dd-wrtv2/downloads/index.php?path=dd-wrt.v23+SP1/) the default login username/password has changed from /admin to root/admin.
Additional note #2: if you are flashing the router using Firefox, it may warn you a dozen times that some scripts are very slow, giving you the option to stop that script, or continue. You should press continue (or use alternate browser). To fix the unresponsive script issue in Firefox, navigate to about:config, then increase the integer value of dom.max_script_run_time from 5 to 20.
If flashed successfully you will now be at the DD-WRT web interface and the Router Name will be DD-WRT.
4) Reset to factory defaults AGAIN
Repeat step 2 above. Note: step 2b (the manual way of clearing the NVRAM) is recommended to make sure the radio gets the correct parameters.
5) Upgrade the Firmware to DD-WRT STD v23
It is strongly advised that you enable the "Boot Wait" option under the "Administration" tab before continueing. This will help you recover in the future should you flash your router improperly. If you use v23 or higher the "Boot Wait" option is enabled by default.
Download the STD Version 23 HERE (dd-wrt.v23_sp2_standard.zip) (http://www./dd-wrtv2/down.php?path=downloads%2Fdd-wrt.v23%20SP2%2F&download=dd-wrt.v23_sp2_standard.zip) or go to the DD-WRT downloads section at http://www./dd-wrtv2/index.php?link=downloads
Extract it
Click the "Administration" tab
Click the "Firmware Upgrade" sub-tab.
Hit the browse button and select dd-wrt.v23_generic.bin that you just extracted.
You should see the progress of the flash like so:
If the upgrade went well then you should see a success message. You're done!
If your router fails to reboot (power light doesn't stop flashing, no web interface, etc) you will need to Recover from a Bad Flash.
###NextPage###Recover from a Bad Flash
So, you're afraid you've bricked your router. Don't worry, there are a number of things you can try to get your router working again before giving up and living with the fact that your router is now a paperweight.
Table of contents [showhide]
1.1 Linksys Firmware
1.2 Recovering with TFTP
1.3 If That Doesn't Work
2 Buffalo WHR-G54S
3 External Links
The Linksys site mentions 'Management Mode' which makes it trivial to recover from bad flashing (answer id 3176 (/cgi-bin/linksys.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=3176&p_created=&p_sid=EUHR75mi&p_accessibility=0&p_lva=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9NzQmcF9wcm9kcz0wJnBfY2F0cz0mcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3NjZl9sYW5nPTEmcF9wYWdlPTEmcF9zZWFyY2hfdGV4dD1maXJtd2FyZSB3cnRnNTRn&p_li=&p_topview=1)). Here's how to do it:
Unplug the power cord from the back of the router.
Hold down the Reset button.
While holding down the Reset button, plug back in the power cord to the router.
Continue to hold the Reset button for five (5) seconds. After five (5) seconds, release the button.
Wait for about one (1) minute. Then, on a computer connected to the router, launch a web browser (for example, Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox).
Type in the router's IP address of into the Address field and press the [Enter] key.
The Management Mode - Firmware Upgrade interface should appear.
Linksys Firmware
If you cannot find a Firmware Auto-Upgrade utility at the Linksys Download Page (/download), use a Setup Wizard (/servlet/Satellite?childpagename=US%2FLayout&packedargs=c%3DL_Download_C2%26cid%3D4%26sku%3D8&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper) as an alternative from other Linksys router (make sure to use your router's firmware).
Another tftp program is called tftp2 and is available here (this will start the download): tftp2.exe (http://www.shadowsoftware.net/shadowgameworld/downloads/tftp2.exe&pagename=Shadowsoftware)
Recovering with TFTP
If pinging does not work, check the IP Address of your computer and make sure it is assigned an IP address in the subnet of the router IP. For simplicity sake you can assume "192.168.1.x" is good. If you do not have a good IP, the DHCP Server might not be working. So set your IP manually to something like with as your gateway and then try pinging the router again.
Power the router on with a continuous ping running in a command window. You should see at least some seconds, at least 2-3 pings, where it responds to ping of address. Do this several times to be sure. If it does you have good chance of simple recovery. Especially if previous firmware set the boot_wait variable to on, the router pauses even longer than normal during bootup to accept a recovery flash. All you need to do is provide a firmware to it via TFTP during this window of time.
Prepare your PC, firmware file and TFTP software and play with the timing of powering it on and starting the TFTP session just after applying power. If you try it a number of times (at least 10) you will probably rescue the router with no fuss!
Microsoft Windows contains a TFTP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tftp) client. With TFTP, all of the information about the transfer is specified duri there is little client/server interaction as compared with standard FTP. To flash a router using Microsoft Windows, open a command prompt, change to the directory containing the firmware to upload (this example assumes the firmware file name is code.bin), and then enter the following command (assuming your router IP
Warning: This command has not yet been verified. Someone with experience with this should check the command below, modify it if necessary, and remove this warning.
tftp -i PUT code.bin code.bin
Notes: The -i specifies
the two file names after the PUT command specify the SOURCE and DESTINATION file names.
If That Doesn't Work
If the Linksys-approved method does not work for you, the [WRT54G Revival Guide (http://www.linksysinfo.org/forums/showthread.php?t=47259)] includes a second technique that involves snapping open the plastic case of the router and using a small metal tool (or paper-clip) to "short" two particular "pins" on the circuit board. It is quite clear that this carries risk of permanently damaging your flash via static discharge, and should be a measure of EXTREME last resort, not the first thing to try. You can very likely recover from a bad flash WITHOUT opening the router if you have some patience with the TFTP technique.
If you do have to use the EXTREME measure #4 from the revival guide as I did here is a additional tip uncovered from this forum. Voidman forum (http://voidmain.is-a-geek.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=760&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=75)
I used the "earthing" technique to get the WRT54g v3.1 to respond to pings. Whenever I tried to tftp the dd-wrt firmware, it would cause the router to stop responding to pings ans just give a "timeout" error.
The solution was to first tftp an official LINKSYS firmware (WRT54G_4.30.5_US_code.bin which I renamed to "code.bin"). The router accepted it and rebooted properly. I was then able to upgrade to the latest dd-wrt v.23 SP2 through the WebGUI. This was discovered on GS v.4 which responded to unofficial firmware with "incorrect code pattern." Apparently this happens when tftp'ing to an empty flash chip.
There's also a collection of pointers and tips on how to recover from a bad flash at the external link location, but most of the information in that forum seems to have been collected into the WRT54G Revival Guide. So far this is just a starter wiki. If someone could move the important parts into this wiki, that'd be great. Probably organize it by recovery methods and list variations of each method below the method, or something.
Buffalo WHR-G54S
If you have already tried pinging the Buffalo continuously through hard and soft resets, unplugging, plugging and any combination thereof, then you will need to open up the device in order to revive it, similar in practice to the WRT54G Revival Guide Method #3 (http://www.linksysinfo.org/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=33).
Unplug the router, and slide off the side trim panels. One will be covering a torx screw.
Undo the screw and open up the router.
With the router unplugged, plug a patch cable into one of the 4 LAN ports on your router and plug the other end into a computer.
Configure your network card on your computer with a static IP address: IP:, NETMASK:, no gateway.
Run a the ping command in a terminal or command prompt. In Linux: "ping". In Windows "ping -t" so that it doesn't stop trying to ping after 4 pings.
Locate pin 12 on the flash memory chip. It is the 12th pin counterclockwise from the dimple in the surface of the chip. See the specs for this chip here (.tw/QuickPlace/hq/PageLibrary9ED0.nsf/h_CE4C9490FDFFD8/209CFCBBF4BCCB2F02E6/$File/MX29LV320CTBver15.pdf?OpenElement).
Short this pin to ground (bare solder around antennas, screw points).
While holding the screwdriver there, plug in the power and watch your ping screen. You should see the pings starting to succeed.
Remove the screwdriver and the pings should continue.
Now use the tftp method to rewrite the firmware.
External Links
The Wrt54g Revival Guide (http://www.linksysinfo.org/portal/forums/showthread.php?t=47259) How-To: Recover from a bad firmware flash. (http://forum.bsr-clan.de/ftopic593.html)
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