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In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In clas...My English Teacher_我的英语老师英语作文80字 In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps...My English Teacher 我的英语老师 六年级英语作文:My English Teacher 我的英语老师 Miss Pan is our English teacher. She is shorter and thinner. Shi is strict, but very funny. Miss Pan is 30 years old. She is younger than my mother. She is...◆您现在正在阅读的这就是我的英语老师(This is my English teacher)文章内容由收集, 本站地址:,版权归原作者所有.!这就是我的英语老师(This is my English teacher)
这就是我的英语老师(This is my English teacher)
  She is 2...travel Journal entry Search recommendation: the first class of school military training of substance Chinese character dictation assembly Summer vacation life Youth Olympic Games Current location: composition network grade composition travel text Sing...Sixteen, like the wind, gently over my shoulder. Experienced in the light of lamp to release the countless tired in the evening, sparks by branch of some friendship, our 16 years old, like wings over the blue sky, leaving no trace, but we still kept c...XiBiYun is one of the listed companys youngest President. A pair of beautiful eyes, women wearing green clothing, although the President is having a baby face, if put on students is also very fit, because she is only 24 years old, and looks exactly li...Today is the coldest day since the winter of wuxi, has been under the snow in the morning, I am tired on trunk behind him, leaving behind the melting snow water soak a thin sweater, did not feel how cold it was. Falling snow days, someone is going to ...英语作文大全_科学60秒:对潜意识贿赂说不_沪江英语
编辑点评:Money can’t buy you love. It’s assumed, though, that it can buy loyalty—at least brand loyalty. But a new study shows that people with true expertise in a subject have some immunity to the sir...
Money can’t buy you love. It’s assumed, though, that it can buy loyalty—at least brand loyalty. But a new study shows that people with true expertise in a subject have some immunity to the siren song of [--1--]. The work appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [Link to come.]
We worry about bias in [--2--], from the lab to the legislature. Because “gifts” from special interest groups, whether pharma companies or political action committees, could [--3--] the opinions of decision-makers.
To examine the relationship between gratuities and opinion, researchers asked 20 art experts and 20 non-experts to view a series of paintings. But first, subjects were shown the logo of a [--4--] company that would be giving them $300 for participating.
Turns out the non-experts were partial to paintings that were [--5--] the sponsor’s logo. That preference went hand in hand with the activation of a part of the brain involved in value judgment. The experts, on the other hand, showed no such bias. They switched on another part of the brain that apparently overrode the region won over by the cash.
So experts may be immune to subconscious bribery. But standard yes-men are still a dime a dozen.
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paired with对潜意识贿赂说不
求大学英语作文 关于商业贿赂的 结合当今商业贿赂的现象写一篇4 6级作文
> 文章列表
 There is no doubt that this cartoon vividly depicts a negative but rampant scenario in modern society: commercial bribery. Frightened by the sharp punishment sword, the man, carrying a large pile of money used as bribery①, is trying his best to escape. What is conveyed by the drawing is both realistic and thought-provoking。
 The implication of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of the decline of work-moral values and the view on money. For one thing, commercial bribery has a very damaging and destructive② effect on the whole society. Firstly, moral deficiencies as well as the humanity weakness revealed in the action of bribery③ may stain and pollute the atmosphere of professional ethics and cause others to copy. Secondly, fair competition may be threatened because bribery puts honest businessmen at a disadvantaged position. For another, the bad behavior of commercial bribery is largely driven by “profit”, showing that those people who are involved in bribery do not have a right view on money. It is true that money is indispensable④, but, there is no denying that money should be obtained and spent in a reasonable, wise and legitimate way。
 To eliminate the immoral behavior of bribery thoroughly⑤, drastic actions should be taken and severe punishment measures should be adopted. Besides, a positive mental guidance on the right attitude to money should be popularized among the public. Only in this way can we have a fair and sound social environment。
Bribery ,a form of corruption,is an act implying money or gift given that alters the behavior of the recipient.Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the offering ,giving ,receiving ,or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty .The bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct.It may be any money ,good ,right in action ,property ,preferment ,privilege ,emolument ,object of value,advantage,or merely a promise or undertaking to induce or influence the action,vote,or influence of a person in an official or public capacity.
The forms that bribery take are numerous.Bribery may also take the form of a secret commission ,a profit made by an agent,in the course of his employment,without the knowledge of his principal.
Corruption cases are frequently reported by news media. for example, some high ranking officials help themselves to state fund (公款) illegally. for another example, some leaders abuse power (滥用权力). what`s more, malpractice(玩忽职守,渎职), bribery (贿赂) and other corrupt behaviour do much harm. as a result, the healthy development of the economy is seriously affected.
As china continues its reforms and opens wider to the outside world, anti corruption is a question of priorities. our government has realized the seriousness of corruption problems. corruption presents a dreadful threat to state interests. corruption cases seriously damage efforts to build a clean and honest government, undoubtedly dampen(泼冷水,挫伤) people`s enthusiasm(热情) and heavily affect stability(稳定).
In the future, to cement the fruits that reform has borne, an even greater effort is needed in the battle against corrupt behaviour. governments at all levels should take more effective measures to combat corruption. laws already in effect must be strictly enforced (执行). the implementation (实施) of anti corruption programs should target every part of china. anti corruption agencies should intensify crackdown (增强打击力度) on bribery, attach greater importance to the anti corruption campaign.


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