
Browser & format support
With Flash as a fallback, it should work pretty much anywhere.
It has been verified to work across:
Mobile Safari (iOS 3+)
Android (2.2+, w/Flash)
Safari (4+)
Chrome (7+)
Firefox (3+, w/ Flash)
Opera (10+, w/ Flash)
IE (6, 7, 8, w/ Flash)
audio.js focuses on playing mp3s. It doesn’t currently support the ogg format. As mp3 is the current defacto music transfer format, ogg support is lower on our list of priorities.
Flash local security
Note: For local content running in a browser, calls to the ExternalInterface.addCallback() method work only if the SWF file and the containing web page are in the local-trusted security sandbox.
This means that unless you have gone through the rigmarole of setting up your , ExternalInterface calls will only work when the page is loaded from a ‘domain’. http://localhost counts, but any file:// requests don’t.
Source code
All efforts have been made to keep the source as clean and readable as possible. Until we release more detailed documentation, the annotated source is the best reference for usage.
audio.js is released under an , so do with it what you will.
Documentation Translations
All example audio files are from ’s
and used with permission.
This site is (C)copyright , 2010.Mobile HTML5 compatibility on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Firefox OS and other mobile devices
HTML5 compatibility on mobile and tablet browsers
with testing on real devices
Safari iOS
Android Browser
Samsung Internet
Google Chrome
Amazon Silk
BlackBerry Browser
Nokia Browser
Internet Explorer
Opera Mobile
Opera mini
iPhone, iPad
Phones & Tablet
Android devices
Kindle Fire
Windows Phone
Windows 8.x
Android, Meego
Firefox OS
Versions tested
3.2 to 9.0
1.0 to 1.6
1.0 to 2.0
5.0 to 7.1
10 to 10.2b
1.0 to 2.1
^3 to BelleFP2
Application Cache
Offline package installation.
Belle FP2+
Web storage
Persistent and session storage.
Belle FP2+
Web SQL storage
Persistent SQLite storage.
Belle FP2+
Agnostic database system (replacement for Web SQL)
Geolocation & tracking using GPS, cells or Wi-Fi.
Video & Audio Players
Web Workers
Threading and background process communications
Viewport definition
Meta tag support.
Safari iOS
Android Browser
Samsung Internet
Google Chrome
Amazon Silk
BlackBerry Browser
Nokia Browser
Internet Explorer
Opera Mobile
Opera mini
iPhone, iPad
Phones & Tablet
Android devices
Android 4.0+
Kindle Fire
Windows Phone
Windows 8.x
Android & Symbian
Android, MeeGo
Firefox OS
Canvas API
2D Drawing API
Scalable Vector Graphics
Motion Sensors
Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer
Form Virtual Keyboards
Text Inputs with different keyboards
Form New Controls
At least: Date, Time, Month, Range
10+ only range
only range
Touch Events
touchstart, touchend, touchmove, touchcancel
Belle FP2+
Pointer Events
pointerdown, pointerup, pointermove, etc.
Safari iOS
Android Browser
Samsung Internet
Google Chrome
Amazon Silk
BlackBerry Browser
Nokia Browser
Internet Explorer
Opera Mobile
Opera mini
iPhone, iPad
Phones & Tablet
Android devices
Android 4.0+
Kindle Fire
Windows Phone
Windows 8.x
Android & Symbian
Android, MeeGo
Firefox OS
CSS 3 Basic
opacity, backgrounds, text effects, rounded corners
CSS 3 Transforms 2D
rotate, translate, scale, skew, matrix
CSS 3 Transforms 3D
scale3d, translate3d. Perspective, Backface
CSS 3 Transitions
Animations between two states
CSS 3 Animations
Animations with keyframes
CSS 3 Regions
Content flowing between different elements
Position: fixed support
Ability to mantain an element fixed in the viewport while scrolling / zooming
Partial 11+
Position: sticky support
Flow an element until it goes out of the viewport when it gets fixed
Safari iOS
Android Browser
Samsung Internet
Google Chrome
Amazon Silk
BlackBerry Browser
Nokia Browser
Internet Explorer
Opera Mobile
Opera mini
iPhone, iPad
Phones & Tablet
Android devices
Android 4.0+
Kindle Fire
Windows Phone
Android & Symbian
Android, MeeGo*
Firefox OS
3D Canvas for the web
12+ (android)
Navigation Timing API
Performance events for WPO
Opening local files through input type
12+ (partial)
FileSystem API
Virtual FileSystem for persisten storage
HTML Media Capture
Taking pictures, record video and audio from an input file type
Web Speech API
Speech Recognition and Synthetizer
HomeScreen Webapp
Add Icon to the home screen with fullscreen
Safari iOS
Android Browser
Samsung Internet
Google Chrome
Amazon Silk
BlackBerry Browser
Nokia Browser
Internet Explorer
Opera Mobile
Opera mini
iPhone, iPad
Phones & Tablet
Android devices
Android 4.0+
Kindle Fire
Windows Phone
Windows 8.x
Android & Symbian
Android, MeeGo*
Firefox OS
Network Information API
Connection Bandwidth
2.2+ Old Spec
XMLHttpRequest 2.0
AJAX 2.0: upload files, progress
Cross origin Resource Sharing, for cross domain AJAX request
Server-Sent Events
EventSource pattern to mantain the connection to the server open
Web Sockets
Newbidireccional protocol over HTTP
Belle FP2+
Media Capture Stream (getUserMedia)
Camera access for &video& element
Real time communication
Safari iOS
Android Browser
Samsung Internet
Google Chrome
Amazon Silk
BlackBerry Browser
Nokia Browser
Internet Explorer
Opera Mobile
Opera mini
iPhone, iPad
Phones & Tablet
Android devices
Android 4.0+
Kindle Fire
Windows Phone
Windows 8.x
Android & Symbian
Android, MeeGo*
Firefox OS
Web Audio API
Low level audio playing
Notifications API
Background alert notifications
Service Workers
Background processing / offline
Animation Timing API
Performant timers for HTML5 animations
FullScreen API
Allow the application to get a full screen mode
Page Visibility API
Determine current visibility state
Battery Status API
Information about current battery and charging status
Ambient Light Events
Information about current ambient lightning status in Lux
Vibration API
Vibrate a mobile device for notification
Remote Debugger
Ability to attach a remote debugger, such as Web Inspector
Always use feature detection.
More info:
If you want to help or send feedback, .
sep-17-2015: iOS 9, Chrome 45, Opera 32, Firefox 40. Added support for Service Workers.
dec-01-2014: Support for iOS 8.1, Chrome 40 beta, Opera 26, Firefox 34 beta, IE11 for Windows Phone 8.1. Added support for Ambient Light Events and Battery Status API. Bug fixed on Opera Mini and Viewport.
jun-12-2014: Support for iOS 8 Beta, Chrome, Firefox, Opera. Removed support for Nokia Browser for MeeGo ()
jan-18-2014: Support for Chrome 32, Chrome 33 beta for Android, Firefox 26 and 27b, Opera 18. Mention to Android Browser 4.4 being deprecated. Feature reorganization. Added support for Web Speech API, Homescreen webapps, position sticky and CSS Regions.
oct-7-2013: Support for Chrome 30, Chrome 31 beta for Android
sep-19-2013: Support for Safari on iOS 7.
aug-26-2013: Support for Android Browser 4.3, Chrome 29, Chrome 30 beta for Android, Firefox 24b. Added Vibration API.
jul-16-2013: Support for IE11 Preview, Chrome 28, Chrome 29 beta for Android
jul-11-2013: Firefox on MeeGo ended at version 15; Support for Firefox 22, Firefox OS 1.0, Chrome 28 beta, IE10 on Windows Phone 8, Opera 15 and BlackBerry 10.1/10.2 beta. Removed support for webOS from HP ()
feb-6-2013: Support for BlackBerry 10, Chrome 25 beta, Firefox 18, Symbian Belle FP2 and revised information for Safari iOS 6.1
nov-1-2012: Partial support for Amazon Silk 2.0 added
oct-26-2012: Support for IE10 on Windows 8 added (Windows Phone 8 not included yet)Help for Unlocking Your iPad When It Is Locked & Says Connect to iTunes |
Help for Unlocking Your iPad When It Is Locked & Says Connect to iTunes
by Steve Lander
Restoring the iPhone deletes everything except the factory-installed apps. John Moore/Getty Images News/Getty Images
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IPads have a relatively easy to use, but extremely secure, password system built in to them. You can set your iPad to require a passcode before it will open. If someone enters an incorrect passcode six times, the iPad will lock itself and require that it go through an unlocking process. The restoration process frequently erases the data that you have stored on your iPad, although you may be able to restore it from a previous backup.
ITunes-Synced iPads To restore a locked iPad with iTunes, use its USB or Lightning cable to connect it to a computer running iTunes. Right click the device's icon when it appears in the iTunes sidebar and click the &Back Up& option in the menu. If you don't see the sidebar, press &Control-S& to bring it up. After selecting the Back Up option, wait for it to back up and then select the &Restore& option. In the event that iTunes asks you for your device's passcode at any step in this process, try another computer with which you have synced or, if that doesn't work, use the process for iPads that have never been synced. Never-Synced iPads If you've never synced your iPad with iTunes, you should still be able to use iTunes to unlock it. This procedure also works to restore an iPad if iTunes requests you to enter its passcode. Start by leaving your iPad's sync cable plugged in to your computer but unplugged from your iPad's dock or Lightning connector. Hold down the &Sleep/Wake& button on your iPad for a few seconds until a red slider appears. Slide it to shut down the iPad. Hold down the iPad's &Home& button and connect the sync cable to it while you are still holding the button. Don't release the &Home& button until you see a screen that says &Connect to iTunes.& At this point, your computer will let you know that it is connected to an iPad in Recovery Mode. Click the &OK& button on your computer and then click the &Restore& button to restore the device and eliminate the passcode.
Repairing Without iTunes If you don't have iTunes or a computer handy, you may still be able to unlock your iPad without having to take it to Apple for assistance. If you use the &Find my iPhone App,& you can use the Remote Wipe function to erase your iPad. Alternately, you might be able to erase the password by going to your iCloud account and restoring your backup. Automatic Erasing For some applications, the iPad's ability to lock itself after six failed attempts is not adequate. You can also set your iPad to completely erase itself and your data if someone enters the wrong passcode 10 times. To do this, tap &Settings,& followed by &General,& &Passcode Lock& and &Erase Data.& Version Information Information in this article applies to iPads running iOS 6. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.
About the Author Steve Lander has been a writer since 1996, with experience in the fields of financial services, real estate and technology. His work has appeared in trade publications such as the "Minnesota Real Estate Journal" and "Minnesota Multi-Housing Association Advocate." Lander holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Columbia University.
Photo Credits
John Moore/Getty Images News/Getty Images}


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