a wedding和aa good marriagee之间有什么不同

根据短文内容,从下框A~F选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。A、The Long History of Marriage.B、 Three Historical Stages of Marriage.C、 Small Pay for a Happy Marriage.D、Requirements for Marriage.E、 Wedding and Marriage Ceremonies.F、 Reasons for Marriage.小题1:______Married people know they must adjust to one another to make their marriage successful, and that adjustments require thoughtfulness, co-operation, and sacrifices of some personal desires. Through the ages, however, people in all lands have found that these adjustments are very little to pay for the lifetime rewards of a happy marriage.小题2:______Some countries, such as England and Switzerland, require that banns(结婚预告), or public notices of a proposed marriage, be announced. In most civilized countries couples must get a license to marry. Most states require a blood test or a general check-up before granting a license.小题3:______Wedding and marriage are not the same. The wedding is the ceremony that marks the beginning of a marriage. The basic element of marriage is the “consensus(意见一致) in the marriage ceremony---that is, the mutual agreement of the two people to be married.小题4:______The history of marriage may be as old as that of the man and family. In ancient times the man’s family often provided presents for all the relatives of the girl. If the gifts were favorably received, the man would be given the woman he wanted.小题5:______Marriage has developed through three stages. At first it was simply mating. The second stage gradually developed the legal process and moral obligations, and the rights of each mate began to be defined. The third stage stresses ethical(道德的) rights. - 跟谁学
根据短文内容,从下框A~F选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。A、The Long History of Marriage.B、 Three Historical Stages of Marriage.C、 Small Pay for a Happy Marriage.D、Requirements for Marriage.E、 Wedding and Marriage Ceremonies.F、 Reasons for Marriage.小题1:______Married people know they must adjust to one another to make their marriage successful, and that adjustments require thoughtfulness, co-operation, and sacrifices of some personal desires. Through the ages, however, people in all lands have found that these adjustments are very little to pay for the lifetime rewards of a happy marriage.小题2:______Some countries, such as England and Switzerland, require that banns(结婚预告), or public notices of a proposed marriage, be announced. In most civilized countries couples must get a license to marry. Most states require a blood test or a general check-up before granting a license.小题3:______Wedding and marriage are not the same. The wedding is the ceremony that marks the beginning of a marriage. The basic element of marriage is the “consensus(意见一致) in the marriage ceremony---that is, the mutual agreement of the two people to be married.小题4:______The history of marriage may be as old as that of the man and family. In ancient times the man’s family often provided presents for all the relatives of the girl. If the gifts were favorably received, the man would be given the woman he wanted.小题5:______Marriage has developed through three stages. At first it was simply mating. The second stage gradually developed the legal process and moral obligations, and the rights of each mate began to be defined. The third stage stresses ethical(道德的) rights.
根据短文内容,从下框A~F选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。A、The Long History of Marriage.B、 Three Historical Stages of Marriage.C、 Small Pay for a Happy Marriage.D、Requirements for Marriage.E、 Wedding and Marriage Ceremonies.F、 Reasons for Marriage.小题1:______Married people know they must adjust to one another to make their marriage successful, and that adjustments require thoughtfulness, co-operation, and sacrifices of some personal desires. Through the ages, however, people in all lands have found that these adjustments are very little to pay for the lifetime rewards of a happy marriage.小题2:______Some countries, such as England and Switzerland, require that banns(结婚预告), or public notices of a proposed marriage, be announced. In most civilized countries couples must get a license to marry. Most states require a blood test or a general check-up before granting a license.小题3:______Wedding and marriage are not the same. The wedding is the ceremony that marks the beginning of a marriage. The basic element of marriage is the “consensus(意见一致) in the marriage ceremony---that is, the mutual agreement of the two people to be married.小题4:______The history of marriage may be as old as that of the man and family. In ancient times the man’s family often provided presents for all the relatives of the girl. If the gifts were favorably received, the man would be given the woman he wanted.小题5:______Marriage has developed through three stages. At first it was simply mating. The second stage gradually developed the legal process and moral obligations, and the rights of each mate began to be defined. The third stage stresses ethical(道德的) rights.科目:难易度:最佳答案
试题分析:小题1:C 根据本段最后2行Through the ages, however, people in all lands have found that these adjustments are very little to pay for the lifetime rewards of a happy marriage.说明C是本段的中心思想。小题2:D 根据本段require that banns(结婚预告), or public notices of a proposed marriage, be announced和Most states require a blood test or a general check-up before granting a license.都说明本段讲述的是在各国人们对结婚的要求。小题3:E 根据The wedding is the ceremony that marks the beginning of a marriage.说明本段讲述的是婚礼的话题,故E项正确。小题4:A 根据本段第一行The history of marriage may be as old as that of the man and family.说明本段讲述的是婚姻的历史话题,故A正确。小题5:B 根据本段第一句Marriage has developed through three stages.说明本段介绍的是婚姻的3个阶段。故B正确。点评:做题时要注意段落的首句或尾句,因为它们往往就是段落的主题句。阅读的时候要注意对各段内容进行仔细地剖析,并与选项相结合。

关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心英 ['wed??]
美 ['w?d??]
n. 婚礼,结婚,结婚仪式,结合
1.n. 结婚典礼
2.n. 婚礼进行曲
3.n. 结婚蛋糕
4.n. 结婚75年或60周年纪念的钻石婚
5.n. 结婚戒指
1.n. 结婚典礼
2.n. 婚礼进行曲
3.n. 结婚蛋糕
4.n. 结婚75年或60周年纪念的钻石婚
5.n. 结婚戒指
6.n. 结婚礼服
7.【法】 婚礼, 结婚纪念日
与 wedding 相关的例句
1.为庆祝婚礼教堂的钟都响了。The church bells ring to celebrate the wedding.
2.婚礼是悄悄地进行的。The wedding was a quiet affair.
3.约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。All John's kith and kin came to his wedding.
4.金婚是结婚五十周年纪念日。A golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.
5.结婚戒指通常是爱情象征的表示。A wedding ring is usually a symbolic gesture of love.
1.为庆祝婚礼教堂的钟都响了。The church bells ring to celebrate the wedding.
2.婚礼是悄悄地进行的。The wedding was a quiet affair.
3.约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。All John's kith and kin came to his wedding.
4.金婚是结婚五十周年纪念日。A golden wedding is the fiftieth anniversary of a marriage.
5.结婚戒指通常是爱情象征的表示。A wedding ring is usually a symbolic gesture of love.
6.他们在庆祝他们的五十年金婚纪念日。They are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary.
7.他们的经过挑选的一群朋友应邀参加婚礼。A select group of their friends was invited to the wedding.
8.他在婚礼中当证婚人。He served as a witness at the wedding.
1.the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed[同] ,,,
2. the nuptial ceremony[同] ,,
their marriage was conducted in the chapel
3.a party of people at a wedding[同] ,
1.the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed[同] ,,,
2. the nuptial ceremony[同] ,,
their marriage was conducted in the chapel
3.a party of people at a wedding[同] ,
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ESL之人际交往 16 A Traditional Wedding
16&A Traditional Wedding
wedding & a ceremony tha a ceremony that makes twopeople married* They had a beautiful and very large wedding, with almost 300 guests.
civil ceremony & a wedding ceremony t a wedding ceremonythat meet only legal (not religious) requirements* Katy wants to get married in her church, but her future husband wants only acivil ceremony.
minister & a religious leader in many Christian churches, similar to a priest orpastor* When Damian&s mother died, Damian spent a lot of time talking to the ministerabout how he was feeling.
to officiate & to lead a weddi to be in to do all the things that are officially part of a ceremony* Who officiated at your wedding?
fianc& (man) / fianc&e (woman) & a person to whom one has pr the man or woman whom one is engaged to* Did your parents know your fianc& well before you two decided to get married?
to join & to bring two peopl to make two people or thingsbecome one* The two small medical offices joined to form a new, larger office.
holy & blessed by G related to God and/or religion* The church is a holy place and people enter it with respect.
matrimony & the union of two people as a married couple* Before I consider matrimony, I want to get a good job and be out of debt.
to hold (one&s) peace & to not say anythi to remain quietabout one&s opposition to something* I can&t hold my peace any longer! &I have to tell Jeremy that I think what he&s doing is wrong.
to face (someone) & to move one&s body so that one is standing in front ofanother person, and look at into that person&s face or eyes* The two men faced each other angrily, and everyone was worried that they would start to fight.
lawfully wedded & married in accordance with the laws* Mr. and Mrs. Tannenbaum have been lawfully wedded for more than 50 years.
to have and to hold & to possess and keep* I don&t understand how people can promise to have and to hold each other forthe rest of their lives, and then get divorced a few years later!
to cherish & to love and take care of something
to adoreand honor something or someone* I cherish the moments that we had together, and I will never forget them.
until death do (one) part & until death
until death* Keanu has promised to love, honor, and respect her until death does them part.
symbol & a thing or image that represents something else* In the United States, red roses are a symbol of love, and yellow roses are asymbol of friendship.
With this ring, I thee wed & A traditional phrase used in weddings when oneperson puts a ring on the other person&s finger and I marry you with this ring* Sonja had tears in her eyes when she said, &With this ring, I thee wed.&
to applaud & to quickly hit one&s hands together many times to makenoise and show that one is pleased with something* Everyone applauded when the Governor entered the room.
honor & something tha joy* When Jeff received the Nobel Prize, he told the audience that it was a greathonor.
COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1. &Why does the minister ask people to &hold your peace&?
a) &Because he wants them to stop fighting with each other.
b) &Because if they don&t object now, they shouldn&t do it later.
c) &Because it&s another way of saying &hold hands.&
2. &What does the minister mean when he says, &I now pronounce you husbandand wife&?
a) &He means that he pronounced their names properly.
b) &He means that he accidentally said &husband& instead of &wife.&
c) &He means that he is officially stating that they are a married couple.
______________WHAT ELSE DOES IT MEAN?
ministerThe word &minister,& in this podcast, means a religious leader in many Christianchurches, similar to a priest or pastor: &Are women allowed to be ministers inyour church?& &As a verb, &to minister& means to work as a religious minister: &Hehas been ministering in this community for 25 years.& &The phrase &to minister to(someone)& means to take care of sick or poor people: &Mother Theresa was famous for her efforts to minister to India&s poorest people.& &A &minister& is alsoan important leader in the government in many countries, although not in theUnited States: &Who is Peru&s Minister of Foreign Affairs?& &These ministers work in &ministries,& or government departments: &The Ministry of Education is responsible for the nation&s school system.&
to joinIn this podcast, the verb &to join& means to bring two people or things together, orto make them become one: &Use a nail to join these two pieces of woodtogether.& &The verb &to join& also means to become a member, or to begin toparticipate in an organization: &Juanita joined the Girl Scouts when she was seven years old.& &The phrase &to join in& means to do something that otherpeople are doing: &Everyone was singing together, but Carol wouldn&t join inbecause she thinks she&s a bad singer.& &Finally, the phrase &to join up with(someone)& means to do something with another person or group of people later:
&You and Sally go to the restaurant now, and we&ll join up with you later, as soonas we finish this assignment.&
CULTURE NOTEA &wedding party& is the group of people who have official &roles& (sets ofresponsibilities) during a wedding. &The most important members of the weddingparty are the &bride& (the woman who will become the wife) and the &groom& or&bridegroom& (the man who will become the husband). &In a &traditional wedding,&
or a wedding that follows many old &customs& (cultural practices), the bride andgroom ask many people to be members of their wedding party.
The bride invites her sister or a close friend to be her &maid of honor& (if she is not married) or &matron of honor& (if she is married). &The maid or matron ofhonor usually helps the bride with the details of planning the wedding, and helps her get dressed on the day of the wedding.
The groom invites his brother or a close friend to be the &best man.& &The bestman usually helps the groom get dressed on the day of his wedding, and holds the wedding rings during the ceremony.
The bride and groom may invite a young girl, usually four to eight years old, to bethe &flower girl,& who gently throws flower &petals& (the small, colored pieces of aflower) onto the ground when the bride walks into the room. &Another member ofthe wedding party is the &ring bearer,& who is a young boy who carries thewedding rings on a small pillow. Other members of a traditional wedding party include &bridesmaids& and &ushers.& &Bridesmaids& are close female friends of the bride who wear &matching& (thesame) dresses and walk in front of the bride. &&Ushers& are usually male friendsand relatives of the bride and groom who help guests find their seats andorganize the wedding gifts that the guests bring.
______________Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: &1 & 2 & c
COMPLETE TRANSCRIPTWelcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 303: A TraditionalWedding.
This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 303. &I&m your host, Dr.
Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.
Remember to visit our website . &Take a look at our ESL PodcastS it has some additional premium courses in daily conversational Englishand business English. &You can also take a look at our &English Through Stories&
mystery, Deadly Letters.
This episode is about a traditional wedding that you would find in the UnitedStates. &Let&s get started.
[start of story]
I arrived at my friend Karin&s wedding a little late and the ceremony had already begun. &I&ve been to a lot of civil ceremonies, but it had been a while since I hadattended a religious one. &They had asked a minister to officiate.
When I arrived, Karin and her fianc&, Jan, were standing in front of the church.
Minister: &We are gathered here today to join Jan and Karin in holy matrimony. &Ifthere is anyone here who knows of a reason why these two should not be joinedin marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Fortunately, no one said anything. Minister: &Jan and Karin, please face each other and join hands.
Minister: &[To Jan] &Do you, Jan Casanova, take Karin Valentine, to be yourlawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for better andfor worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, &till death do youpart.
Jan said, &I do,& and the minister asked Karin the same question, and she said, &Ido,& as well.
Minister: &May I have the rings? &[To Jan] &Please place this ring, a symbol ofyour love, on Karin&s hand and say, &With this ring, I thee wed.&
Jan put the ring on the fourth finger of Karin&s left hand. &Karin said the samething and put a ring on Jan&s finger.
Minister: &I now pronounce you husband and wife. &You may now kiss the bride. Jan and Karin kissed and we all applauded. Minister: &Ladies and gentleman, it is my great honor to present to you for thevery first time the happy couple, Jan and Karin.
[end of story]
In this episode we are at a wedding, what we would call a &traditional wedding.& It may also be called a &church wedding& that you would see in a Christianchurch. &Of course, those in other religious traditions would have a somewhatdifferent wedding. &But this is the sort of wedding that you would see in themovies, a traditional church wedding.
The woman in the story says that she arrived at her friend Karin&s wedding a littlelate. &The &wedding,& of course, is the ceremony (the act of getting married &when two people get married). &The person in our story says that she has been toa lot of civil ceremonies, but it had been a while since she attended a religious one. &There&s two ways of getting married in the United States. &One is to getmarried by a recognized priest, minister, rabbi & a religious leader. &The otherway is by a civil ceremony. &&Civil& (civil) h it&s not areligious ceremony. &You are married not by a minister or a priest, but by a justiceof the peace. &This is a judge or someone who is legally recognized to have thepower to marry you. &Every state is different in terms of its laws and rules, but allstates have the option (the availability) of getting married just by the government.
Now, if you get married in a church in the United States, or a synagogue or otherreligious organization, you still have to get a license from the government. &Butyou don&t have to have two different weddings, a church wedding and then agovernment (or civil) wedding. &The government recognizes church weddings as legal as long as you get a license from the county where you are living (the statein which you are living).
Most marriages & most weddings & are church weddings in the United States. About 30 to 40 percent of all weddings are civil ceremonies, with a justice of the peace (a judge) marrying you, often in a government buildingyou can get married anywhere. &In this case, the wedding has a minister, and theminister is officiating at the wedding. &A &minister& is a religious leader in aChristian church, usually, similar to a priest. &To &officiate& means to lead thewedding (to be in charge of the ceremony & the wedding ceremony).
When she arrives, Karin and her fianc&, Jan, were standing in front of the church. Your &fianc&& is the man or woman that you are promised to in marriage & thatyou are going to get married to. &If it&s a man, it&s spelled f-i-a-n-c-& with anaccent over the &e& & it&s a French word originally. &If it&s a woman, there are two&e&s at the end of the word (fianc&e). &So your fianc& is the person that you areengaged to (the person you are going to marry). The minister begins the ceremony in a very traditional way, using expressions that you will hear in the movies sometimes: &We are gathered here together (weare here together) to join Jan and Karin in holy matrimony.& &To &join& in this casemeans to bring two people together to marry them. &&Holy matrimony& is anotherword for marriage. &&Holy& (holy) means sacred (blessed by God); &matrimony& is another word for marriage. &So &holy matrimony& is a marriage approved by, orblessed by, God.
&If there is anyone here who knows of a reason why these two should not bejoined in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.& &Again, this is very traditional wording. &If there is anyone who has some reason why these twopeople should not be married, speak now (say something now) or forever holdyour peace. &To &hold your peace& means never to say anything about something& to remain quiet about your feelings or thoughts about this subject. &Again, it&s atraditional expression that you hear at weddings: &speak now or forever hold yourpeace.& &Fortunately, no one said anything. &No one ever says anything! &Only inthe movies will someone say, &No! &They can&t be married! &I love her!& &something like that.
The minister says, &Jan and Karin, please face each other and join hands.& &To&face each other& means to turn and to look at each other so that you are & you you are looking into each other&s eyes. &Then the ministersays to Jan, &Do you, Jan Casanova, take Karin Valentine, to be your lawfully wedded wife.& &&Lawfully& just means legally, &wedded& is another word formarried. &So, do you take her to be your lawfully wedded wife & do you agree tohave her as your wife. The minister continues &to have and to hold.& &&To have and to hold& means toown & to possess, to keep. &He continues, &to love and to cherish.& &To &cherish& (cherish) is to love, to take care of something. &&For better or for worse, for richeror for poorer, in sickness and in health,& so he&s saying good times, bad times, ifyou&re rich, if you&re poor, if you&re sick, if you&re healthy it doesn&t matter, she willbe your wife. &The final part of the expression is &&till death do you part.& &&&Till&
mea to &part& means to separate. &So the expression &&tilldeath do you part& means until one of you dies. &After you die, then you don&thave to worry about being married! &Some people say you die when you getmarried but I&m & I&m not saying that!
So the ministers says to Jan, &Do you, Jan Casanova, take Karin Valentine, to beyour lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for betteror for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, &till death do youpart.& &Jan says, &I do.& &That&s what you say when the minister, priest, or justiceof the peace asks you this question, you say, &I do.& &You don&t normally say &yes,& you say, &I do.& &The minister then asked Karin the same question, and shesaid, &I do.& The minister then says, &May I have the rings?& &In a traditional wedding, the manand the woman each have a ring on their finger that signifies that they aremarried. &The minister says to Jan, &Please place this ring, a symbol of your love,on Karin&s hand.& &A &symbol& is a thing or image that represents something else,so the ring is a symbol of your love. &The minister tells Jan to say to Karin, &Withthis ring, I thee wed.& &&With this ring (this wedding ring), I thee (thee) wed.& &Thee& is an old word meaning &you&; to &wed& means to marry. &Again, it&s an oldtraditional expression or phrase: &With this ring, I thee wed,& I am marrying youand I am giving you this ring as a sign (or symbol) of that.
Jan puts the ring on Karin&s left hand, on her fourth finger. &Karin says the samething to Jan and puts it on his finger. &The minister then says, &I now pronounceyou husband and wife.& &&I now pronounce& means I am now saying (I amannouncing & I am making it true) that you are husband and wife. &A moretraditional expression that you may hear, also, is &man and wife& & &I nowpronounce you man and wife&; a more modern version would be &husband andwife.& &He then says to Jan, &You may now kiss the bride.& &And that is, again, atraditional thing, and if the woman in an old-fashioned wedding is wearing & or avery traditional wedding & is wearing a veil (something that covers her face) shewould lift that up, and then they would kiss, and everyone would clap & everyonewould applaud. &To &applaud,& or to &clap,& is to put your hands together [Jeffclaps his hands] that&s to &applaud.&
The minister, at the end, says, &Ladies and gentleman, it is my great honor & it is my great privilege (something that I am proud of) & it is my great honor to present to you for the very first time the happy couple, Jan and Karin.& &It&s also possiblefor the minister to say &Mr. and Mrs. Jan Casanova& if the woman is going to takethe last name of the man, and almost all women in the U.S. do take theirhusband&s last name when they get married & not all, however, but the majority do.
Now let&s listen to our dialogue, this time at a normal speed.
[start of story]
I arrived at my friend Karin&s wedding a little late and the ceremony had already begun. &I&ve been to a lot of civil ceremonies, but it had been a while since I&dattended a religious one. &They had asked a minister to officiate.
When I arrived, Karin and her fianc&, Jan, were standing in front of the church.
Minister: &We are gathered here today to join Jan and Karin in holy matrimony. &Ifthere is anyone here who knows of a reason why these two should not be joinedin marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Fortunately, no one said anything. Minister: &Jan and Karin, please face each other and join hands.
Minister: &[To Jan] Do you, Jan Casanova, take Karin Valentine, to be yourlawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, for better andfor worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, &till death do youpart.
Jan said, &I do,& and the minister asked Karin the same question, and she said, &Ido,& as well.
Minister: &May I have the rings? &[To Jan] &Please place this ring, a symbol ofyour love, on Karin&s hand and say, &With this ring, I thee wed.&
Jan put the ring on the fourth finger of Karin&s left hand. &Karin said the samething and put a ring on Jan&s finger.
Minister: &I now pronounce you husband and wife. &You may now kiss the bride. Jan and Karin kissed and we all applauded. &
Minister: &Ladies and gentleman, it is my great honor to present to you for thevery first time the happy couple, Jan and Karin.
[end of story]
The script for this episode was written by the happily married Dr. Lucy Tse. From Los Angeles, California, I&m Jeff McQuillan. &Thanks for listening. &We&ll seeyou next time on ESL Podcast.
English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse,hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan. &This podcast is copyright 2007.


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