
安然是什么意思 安然在线翻译 安然什么意思 安然的意思 安然的翻译 安然的解释 安然的发音 安然的同义词 安然的反义词 安然的例句
安然 基本解释安然[ān rán ]词典:平静地;安宁地。词典:安全地;平安地。词典:安息;静止, 不动。安然 汉英大词典安然[ān rán](平安) safely:  例:安然逃脱    get- scot-free安然 网络解释1. Enron:小布什的竞选策略之一就是安排南方新教原教旨主义运动的第二号领袖担任后来破产的"安然"(Enron)公司的高薪顾问("安然" 公司总裁是布什父子竞选的筹款负责人 ).2. safelypeacefullyatarest:安全与交换委员会 Securities and Exchange Communication SEC | 安然 safely peacefully at a rest | 安如磐石 as solid as rock安然 双语例句1. 安然1. 这是真正使您安然入睡的创新产品,独有双层功效药片。它是唯一一种自然辅助睡眠产品。&&&&A true sleep innovation, Insomnia-X is the only natural sleep aid in a unique dual action bi-layered tablet.2. 好像不对头,哎呀,半夜一男在女床。你安然呆在闺房里,我却心扑扑望向君家去,。&&&&You like my harem in will and I`ll go to your home with terror.3. 安然的反义词3. 春天的风和曰丽,是百花仙子的聚会天堂;夏季的千红万绿,是百鸟舞仙的尽展舞台;秋天的春华秋实,是愿望之神的安然之时;冬天的春寒料俏,是白雪公主的人间旅行时光……无一不体现出人类社会生存环境中的绝品。&&&&With the warm spring wind is gathering fl summer flowers and green leaves, is worth two cents
of the fall harvest season and as warm as in spring, is the desire of God at a time when E winter The cold is expected Qiao, Snow White is the time to travel the world......4. 她着了凉,她的声音比平时更沙哑,更动人。盖茨比深切地体会到财富怎样禁锢和保存了青春与神秘,体会到一套套衣装怎样使人保持清新,体会到黛西像白银一样皎皎发光,安然高踞于穷苦人激烈的生存斗争之上。&&&&She had caught a cold, and it made her voice huskier and more charming than ever, and Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves, of the freshness of many clothes, and of Daisy, gleaming like silver, safe and proud above the hot struggles of the poor.5. 这是一套老式的民间平房,全家11口人安然地住在这里。&&&&This was one old civilian flat house, where 11 members of the family were settled safe and sound.6. 如果是同一地区的话,特别是如果那些国家的人们不是过惯了自由生活的话,那末保有这些国家是最容易的;而且只要灭绝过去统治他们的君主的血统,就能够牢固地保有这些国家了。由于在其他的事情上维持着他们的古老状态,而且在风俗习惯上没有什么不同之处,人们就会安然地生活下去。正如人们在布列塔尼、布尔戈尼、加斯科涅和诺曼底所看到的,这些地方已经长时期地归属于法国了;而且尽管语言有某些差异,可是习惯是相同的,因此它们很容易结合在一起。&&&&When they are, it is easier to hold them, especially when they have not been accustomed to self- and to hold them securely it is enough to have destroyed the family of the prince because the two peoples, preserving in other things the old conditions, and not being unlike in customs, will live quietly together, as one has seen in Brittany, Burgundy, Gascony, and Normandy, which have been bound to France for so long a time: and, although there may be some difference in language, nevertheless the customs are alike, and the people will easily be able to get on amongst themselves.7. 你可要顶住风狂雨骤,安然降临在我的寒室。&&&&Which should make use of storm and tempest to bring it safely beneath my roof.8. 一个多小时后,终於来到多纳村鲁凯族的部落,就在茂林乡最深处,莫拉克来袭,幸好一百六十多户民宅安然无恙,但著名的多纳温泉严重受创,慈济志工挨家挨户关怀顿时失去经济支柱的家庭。&&&&Over an hour later, they reach Duona Village, a Rukai indigenous community deep in the hills of Maolin Township. After Typhoon Morakot, thankfully all 160 plus households are safe, but the famous Duona hot springs were seriously damaged. Tzu Chi volunteers check on families who have lost their income.9. 雄塔由两块巨石相叠而成,高约数丈,上石稍大,椭圆形,如竖立之印章;与下塔相接处由三卵石支垫,风来时则振振有声,然屹立千载,却安然无恙。&&&&Male tower by two giant stone相叠from high about Shuzhang, 上石larger, oval-shaped, such as the
under the tower and the connecting of three gravel pad, the wind vibration when vibration to audio, Ran stand tall dream, but unharmed.10. 我只希望能安然度过这次危机。&&&&I just hope I have what it takes to weather the storm.11. 11. 我曾为一家与别的企业合并的机构工作过,但我知道我能安然度过风暴。&&&&&&I have already worked for one organization that merged with another, but I also know I can weather the storm.12. 12. 让大千世界的万籁之声催哄我们安然入梦;我们急切切&&&&&&We quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead13. 房间服务:一只红冠犀鸟携早餐而来,它会将食物反刍,以喂养其安然处于灯架树树洞中的三个月大的雏鸟即便母亲离开了鸟巢的区域,雏鸟仍要里面待上几周,依赖它们的父母直到羽翼渐丰&&&&&&Room service: A red-knobbed hornbill arrives with breakfast, which he will regurgitate for his roughly three-month-old chick safely inside a nest hole in an Alstonia tree. Though its mother has left the confines of the nest, the chick remains within for another few weeks, dependent on its parents until it fledges.14. 911查询·英语单词14. 我大声朗读了好几章,一切安然无恙,然后他们却无迹可寻地出现了。&&&&&&I read several chapters aloud and nothing happened. Then they appeared, out of nowhere.15. 我们会安然在神的手中。&&&&&&We will be safe in God`s hands.16. 安然的翻译16. 但自安然与其他丑闻发生以来,美国人对商界领军人物们的不信任已经不需要什么理由了。&&&&&&But since Enron and other scandals, Americans don't need much convincing when it comes to mistrusting business leaders.17. 使你在周围其他人生病的情况下安然无恙!&&&&&&Keep it handy when you are around others who may be sick!18. 18. 二人相比,一个是骂人把自己的脑袋给骂没了的弥蘅,一个是把别人给活生生地骂死了,自己的脑袋还安然无恙地留在那里。而且他还以其儒雅的文臣形象为世人所敬仰(他可谓是三国时代里最聪明的人)。&&&&&&Compare to theses two men, one lost his own head for his abuse, the other abuse others to die as well as maintain his own`s, and who was aslo respected with the image of erudite civil officials(It`s may well say that he was the most intelligent man in that time).19. 然而,石油消费国却日益相信,石油市场能够安然度过这个动荡期。&&&&&&Despite shifting perceptions about the duration of the war, consumers have been reassured by the commitment of producers to supply the market.20. 911查询·英语单词20. 这诗篇为我们提供了答案,那就是:无论环境顺逆,都把自己交在神的手中,安然信靠他的带领。&&&&&&The answer is here in this Psalm. In every situation put yourself in God`s hands and leave yourself there.安然是什么意思,安然在线翻译,安然什么意思,安然的意思,安然的翻译,安然的解释,安然的发音,安然的同义词,安然的反义词,安然的例句,安然的相关词组,安然意思是什么,安然怎么翻译,单词安然是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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