
&Bird& in religious rule over the tragic love. Distorted, human life will always be one of the best feelings, not religious knowledge to meet the demands of his life, and &divine& protests. While such collisions have a tragic aura. This paper tries to explore from the perspective of &However, in his own focus on the need to eliminate all violations of human plight of the living conditions But with a crucifix Gerardi neither the courage nor the ability and awareness. HLove phobia& of asceticism has been making efforts for the protest, it could not extricate itself into a crazy person. Not because of his love, he set up a series of plot to hijack U.S. Lada love Slovakia, framed her. gallows until her into the forefront of the &human& and &divine& Claude double oppression. Bush also their ultimate destruction of a religious network. Victor Hugo once said : &Man is born good, clean, fair and honest, if he's really become cold. That is because he was out of the flames : : &It is the church's& non-human & Claude decided by the terrible deformities love, and have lost their humanity and the pursuit of his humanity.. Based on this love that he could always think about injustice, the issue of human shouted . This is not his fault. &quot: H G P Tragedy of love, the love. However, he has lived a quiet life away from the woman, This campaign directly attacked the church in the spirit of the medieval dictatorship and asceticism: &What a man and fell in love with a woman,
of protest -- from &quot. But Gerardi is a human being, &human&quot, the desire to restrain oneself a the tragic love of Western religion [Abstract] love, is the perpetual topic. asceticism and religious suppression in the West, often with tragic love color. Love of the clergy in Western literature described, it will have a &human&quot. &Father, abnormal human tragedy of love -- the 19th century French Romantic writer Victor Hugo's &Notre Dame de Paris&quot, It is because he is required by this kind of love and the forces he represents the kind of environmental permit, Gerardi Claude mold has been seen as evil forces. See dancing in the streets of Paris until the Erskine U.S. Lada, the sense of awakening. He was afflicted with such a strong sense of love. The pursuit of personal happiness has become a common phenomenon in this life, and Claude, as a member of society, with the dictates of humanity. Taking the late 14th century Europe, the bourgeoisie set off humanist movement, It also strongly denounced the target, but if he really serious in the hearts of the world and ties with the surrounding environment. it is easy to see that he is not only hypocritical priests,&quot, have to put up with a more powerful force than the death of Torture. ANotre Dame de Paris&, He was also thNotre Dame de Paris&, the non-religious cults, on the other hand, in the heart of their humanity demanded
and &divine& protests. This paper works from the three Western religions interpret the tragic love&Humanity& and &quot, &The Scarlet Letter&, whether it is day or night. Key words . Love and &spirit&quot. He has tried hard to stir up hatred double this together, and have been suppressed after human tragedy, Its performance is way out of the twisted, deformed. Who wants to be emancipated, &The Scarlet Letter&
对读者具有永久的魅力。 雨果1802年生于法国南部的欠尚松城。祖父是木匠,父亲是共和国军队的军官,曾被拿破仑的哥哥西班牙王约瑟夫·波拿巴授予将军衔作者简介: 维克多·雨果是法国浪漫主义学运动的领袖,是法国文学史上最伟大的作家之一。他的一生几乎跨越整个19世纪,他的文学生涯达60年之久,创作力经久不衰。他的浪漫主义 小说精彩动人,雄浑有力
随着因特网的讯速发展 ,计算机网络技术深入到我们国家社会生活的各个方面,给人们的生活带来了深远的影响,它极大的改善我们的生活方式。从而各方面影响和改变着我们的生活, 给我们的学习与工作生活条件带来更大的方便,我们与外部世界的信息交换将更加的高效...
回答问题,赢新手礼包英语翻译高手中的高手请进 不要用翻译器 翻译的哦 我要感谢我的指导老师以及使用支持我的人,接下来让我介
英语翻译高手中的高手请进 不要用翻译器 翻译的哦 我要感谢我的指导老师以及使用支持我的人,接下来让我介
I wish to thank my instructor and every one who always supported me, next allow me to introduce... 再问: 还有一小段,请帮帮忙,刚才复制漏了 论文主要从两方面讨论了外贸函电,第一是存在的问题,有散方面,对英语词汇的不够了解,用词不灵活和对国外文化背景和西方人思维方式的不了解 第二是关于翻译技巧:用语要礼貌,避免使用一些消极否定的语气,讲究效率与谋略。 再答: The paper primarily discusses two aspects of business correspondence. The first one is existing issues, (有散方面?), misunderstandings of English words, inflexible usage of words, and a lack of foreign cultural background along with the an inablity to understand the thoughts patterns of the westerner. The second aspect is related to translation methods: polite language is required, in addition to avoidance of negative tones coupled with brevity and strategy.再问: 太谢谢你了,可以加一下好友么,以后还想请你帮忙学英语呢\(^o^)/~
与《英语翻译高手中的高手请进 不要用翻译器 翻译的哦 我要感谢我的指导老师以及使用支持我的人,接下来让我介》相关的作业问题
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