he wasbe astonished atto see so many people did exercise in the park.为什么可以用did?不

Once there was a man who liked to eat mangoes(芒果). One day he decided to get the sweetest mango from the very top of the tree. Mangoes which are exposed to the sun the most are the sweetest.So he climbed up to the top, where the branches were thin. He managed to pick up a few sweet reddish fruits, but, in an attempt to climb down, he slipped and started falling towards the ground. Fortunately, he caught the branch as he was falling and remained helplessly hanging on the tree. Then he started to call nearby villagers for help. They immediately came with a ladder and sticks, but could do little to help him. Then after some time one calm and thoughtful person arrived - a well-known sage who lived in a simple hut nearby. People were very curious to see what he would do, as he was famous in solving many people’s problems in the area and sometimes very complicated ones.He was silent for a minute and then picked up a stone and threw it at the hanging man. Everybody was surprised. The hanging mango lover started to shout: What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Do you want me to break my neck?” The sage was silent. Then he took another stone and threw it at the man. The man was very angry: “If I could just come down, I would show you!”That’s what everybody wanted - that he came down. But how? Now everybody was tense(紧张), as to what would happen next! Some wanted to punish the sage, but they didn’t. The sage picked another stone and threw it again at the man, even more forcefully. Now the man on the tree was enraged and developed a great determination to come down and take revenge(报仇).He then used all his skill and strength and somehow reached the branches which were safe to start going down. And he made it! Everybody was amazed.However, the rescued man found the sage gone. He stood there, realizing that the man really helped him because he induced him to try his best and save himself.“I should be thankful and not angry.” 【小题1】What happened after he had picked a few sweet reddish mangoes?A.He remained hanging helplessly on the tree.B.He slipped and fell to the ground suddenly.C.He was climbing down quickly but carefully.D.He shouted loudly for help but no one helped.【小题2】How did the man feel when the sage hit him with a stone?A.He was nervous.B.He kept silent.C.He was angry.D.He felt surprised.【小题3】What do you think motivated the man to climb down?A.Courage. B.Assistance.C.Carefulness.D.Revenge.【小题4】From the story we know that the sweetest mango must be the one.A.on the tree for the longest timeB.hidden in the middle of a treeC.on the very top of the a treeD.exposed to sunlight less often【小题5】The best title of this passage will be _____.A.Anger saves one’s life. B.Wisdom does count.C.Skill and strength count.D.Anger is the biggest enemy. - 跟谁学
跟谁学学生版:genshuixue_student精品好课等你领在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:Once there was a man who liked to eat mangoes(芒果). One day he decided to get the sweetest mango from the very top of the tree. Mangoes which are exposed to the sun the most are the sweetest.So he climbed up to the top, where the branches were thin. He managed to pick up a few sweet reddish fruits, but, in an attempt to climb down, he slipped and started falling towards the ground. Fortunately, he caught the branch as he was falling and remained helplessly hanging on the tree. Then he started to call nearby villagers for help. They immediately came with a ladder and sticks, but could do little to help him. Then after some time one calm and thoughtful person arrived - a well-known sage who lived in a simple hut nearby. People were very curious to see what he would do, as he was famous in solving many people’s problems in the area and sometimes very complicated ones.He was silent for a minute and then picked up a stone and threw it at the hanging man. Everybody was surprised. The hanging mango lover started to shout: What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Do you want me to break my neck?” The sage was silent. Then he took another stone and threw it at the man. The man was very angry: “If I could just come down, I would show you!”That’s what everybody wanted - that he came down. But how? Now everybody was tense(紧张), as to what would happen next! Some wanted to punish the sage, but they didn’t. The sage picked another stone and threw it again at the man, even more forcefully. Now the man on the tree was enraged and developed a great determination to come down and take revenge(报仇).He then used all his skill and strength and somehow reached the branches which were safe to start going down. And he made it! Everybody was amazed.However, the rescued man found the sage gone. He stood there, realizing that the man really helped him because he induced him to try his best and save himself.“I should be thankful and not angry.” 【小题1】What happened after he had picked a few sweet reddish mangoes?A.He remained hanging helplessly on the tree.B.He slipped and fell to the ground suddenly.C.He was climbing down quickly but carefully.D.He shouted loudly for help but no one helped.【小题2】How did the man feel when the sage hit him with a stone?A.He was nervous.B.He kept silent.C.He was angry.D.He felt surprised.【小题3】What do you think motivated the man to climb down?A.Courage. B.Assistance.C.Carefulness.D.Revenge.【小题4】From the story we know that the sweetest mango must be the one.A.on the tree for the longest timeB.hidden in the middle of a treeC.on the very top of the a treeD.exposed to sunlight less often【小题5】The best title of this passage will be _____.A.Anger saves one’s life. B.Wisdom does count.C.Skill and strength count.D.Anger is the biggest enemy.Once there was a man who liked to eat mangoes(芒果). One day he decided to get the sweetest mango from the very top of the tree. Mangoes which are exposed to the sun the most are the sweetest.So he climbed up to the top, where the branches were thin. He managed to pick up a few sweet reddish fruits, but, in an attempt to climb down, he slipped and started falling towards the ground. Fortunately, he caught the branch as he was falling and remained helplessly hanging on the tree. Then he started to call nearby villagers for help. They immediately came with a ladder and sticks, but could do little to help him. Then after some time one calm and thoughtful person arrived - a well-known sage who lived in a simple hut nearby. People were very curious to see what he would do, as he was famous in solving many people’s problems in the area and sometimes very complicated ones.He was silent for a minute and then picked up a stone and threw it at the hanging man. Everybody was surprised. The hanging mango lover started to shout: What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Do you want me to break my neck?”& The sage was silent. Then he took another stone and threw it at the man. The man was very angry: “If I could just come down, I would show you!”That’s what everybody wanted - that he came down. But how? Now everybody was tense(紧张), as to what would happen next! Some wanted to punish the sage, but they didn’t. The sage picked another stone and threw it again at the man, even more forcefully. Now the man on the tree was enraged and developed a great determination to come down and take revenge(报仇).He then used all his skill and strength and somehow reached the branches which were safe to start going down. And he made it! Everybody was amazed.However, the rescued man found the sage gone. He stood there, realizing that the man really helped him because he induced him to try his best and save himself.“I should be thankful and not angry.” 【小题1】What happened after he had picked a few sweet reddish mangoes?A.He remained hanging helplessly on the tree.B.He slipped and fell to the ground suddenly.C.He was climbing down quickly but carefully.D.He shouted loudly for help but no one helped.【小题2】How did the man feel when the sage hit him with a stone?A.He was nervous.B.He kept silent.C.He was angry.D.He felt surprised.【小题3】What do you think motivated the man to climb down?A.Courage. B.Assistance.C.Carefulness.D.Revenge.【小题4】From the story we know that the sweetest mango must be the one&&&&&&&&.A.on the tree for the longest timeB.hidden in the middle of a treeC.on the very top of the a treeD.exposed to sunlight less often【小题5】The best title of this passage will be _____.A.Anger saves one’s life. B.Wisdom does count.C.Skill and strength count.D.Anger is the biggest enemy.科目:难易度:最佳答案 【小题1】A【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】C【小题5】B解析试题分析:本文讲述的一个智者用自己的聪明才智帮助一个挂着树上的人脱离危险的故事告诉我们最重要的是我们的聪明才智。【小题1】A 细节题。根据文章第二段2,3行Fortunately, he caught the branch as he was falling and remained helplessly hanging on the tree.可知他在摔下来的过程中抓住了树枝,结果绝望地挂在空中。故A正确。【小题2】C 细节题。根据文章第四段The hanging mango lover started to shout: What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Do you want me to break my neck?” 和The man was very angry: “If I could just come down, I would show you!”可知他非常生气,对方竟然拿石头砸他。故C正确。【小题3】D 推理题。根据文章倒数2,3段Now the man on the tree was enraged and developed a great determination to come down and take revenge(报仇).和He then used all his skill and strength and somehow reached the branches which were safe to start going down. And he made it!可知正是要报复对方的想法让他有了决心一定要从树上下来。故D正确。【小题4】C 推理题。根据文章第一段最后一句Mangoes which are exposed to the sun the most are the sweetest.可知得到光照最多的芒果肯定是最好的。那么在树枝最高处的芒果一定是光照最多的。故C正确。【小题5】B 主旨大意题。本文讲述的一个智者用自己的聪明才智帮助一个挂着树上的人脱离危险的故事告诉我们最重要的是我们的聪明才智。故B正确。考点:考察故事类短文阅读知识点:&&&&&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心A mouse looked through a hole in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. What food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap! Running to the farmyard, 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
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A mouse looked through a hole in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. What food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap!  Running to the farmyard, the mouse shouted, warning, “There is a mou there is a mouse trap in the house.” The chicken with her head high, said, “Shut up, Little Ugly. This is a great concern to you, but it has n I cannot be bothered by it.” The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house.” “I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse,” said the pig, “but there is nothing I can
you are always &in my prayers.”  The mouse turned to the cow, who said, “A am I in great danger, huh?”So the mouse had to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone.  That very night a sound was heard through the house, like the sound of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was a poisonous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital.She returned home with a fever. It is said that drinking fresh chicken soup will help treat fever, so the farmer took his sharp knife to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer killed the pig.   The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral. The farmer had the cow killed to provide meat for all of them to eat. So next time someone is facing a problem, don’t say that has nothing to do with you.小题1:We could see from the passage that the mouse was______.A.good at cheating othersB.dishonestC.kind and warm-heartedD.foolish小题2:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.The others helped the farmer kill the cow.B.The mouse trap was very practical.C.The pig is more friendly than the other animals .D.The farmer’s family had no friends at all小题3:What can we learn from the story?A.Traps can always cause chain reactions B.Sometimes when the least of us are threatened, we all might be at risk.C.It is better to be safe than to be sorry.D.To keep the balance of nature is the duty of us all.
小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B试题分析:本文是一篇寓言故事告诉我们表面看上去没有联系的事物,实际上都可能联系在一起。小题1:C 推理题。根据文章2,3,4段可知老鼠看见危险以后立刻通知其它动物,说明他很善良也很热心肠,故C正确。小题2:D 细节题。根据文章倒数第三行so many people came for her funeral.说明这位农民有很多朋友,故D错误。小题3:B主旨大意题。文章通过中寓言故事告诉我们表面看上去没有联系的事物,实际上都可能联系在一起。故表面上最不会受到威胁的事物,也有可能出于危险中,故B正确。点评:寓言类短文是想通过一个故事阐述一个道理,本文的内容比较简单易懂,考生要注意上下文的串联和细节的理解。
A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.The conversation soon turned into complaints about& 36 &in work and life. To offer his guests coffee, the 37&went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of& 38 &— porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some 39 &, some expensive, some delicate — telling them to help themselves to the &40&.When all the students &41 &a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, "If you have 42 &, all the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up, &43&the plain and cheap ones. While it is &44 &for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the &45&of your problems and stress. ""Be assured that the cup itself adds no& 46 &to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even 47 what we drink. ""What all of you really want is coffee, &48 &the cup, but you 49 &went for the best cups … And then you began& 50&each other's cups. ""Now consider& 51&: L the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain& 52&, and the type of cup we have does not determine, nor& 53&the quality of life we live. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we 54&to enjoy the coffee. Fully appreciate the coffee, not the cups! Don't let the cups &&55&you ... enjoy the coffee instead. 小题1:A.stressB.progressC.conditionD.pride小题2:A.advisorB.professorC.monitorD.graduate小题3:A.glassesB.bowlsC.traysD.cups小题4:A.plain-lookingB.beautifulC.modernD.nice-looking小题5:A.potB.sugarC.milkD.coffee小题6:A.madeB.hadC.cookedD.served小题7:A.talkedB.discussedC.noticedD.decided小题8:A.leaving behindB.falling aboutC.leaving aboutD.falling behind小题9:A.strangeB.wonderfulC.normalD.important小题10:A.sourceB.purposeC.doubtD.result小题11:A.priceB.qualityC.sweetD.color小题12:A.provesB.tastesC.hidesD.steals小题13:A.more thanB.less thanC.other thanD.rather than小题14:A.consciouslyB.wiselyC.shylyD.carelessly小题15:A.showingB.eyeingC.exchangingD.praising小题16:A.itB.thatC.thisD.one小题17:A.jobsB.moneyC.positionD.life小题18:A.changeB.increaseC.discoverD.lower小题19:A.tryB.manageC.failD.plan小题20:A.envyB.driveC.supportD.assess
DIY sailor Owen Warboys has finally launched his homemade boat — after spending nearly 30 years building it in his mum’s garden.Owen, 66, a retired engineer from Hordle, New Milton, Hants, first started work on the 40ft—long boat in 1982 because he could not afford to buy his own. He told mum Edith that it would only take five years but after suffering “a few problems” it lasted nearly three decades.When he finally finished, he was left with the head-scratching task of getting the 18-tonne boat out of the back garden. After some time he found a way. A huge crane (起重机) was brought in to carefully raise it 40ft in the air over his mother’s house and onto a lorry. It was then driven to the seaside and, to Owen’s delight, it floated and showed no signs of leaking when lowered into the water.Now, 28 years after he first started, Owen is at last preparing to set sail in his beloved boat, Wight Dolphin, with his long-suffering wife Anne. Owen said, “I am so relieved that it’s finished. There were times when I thought it would never end but I’m the sort of person who likes to finish something once I’ve started.” At first he persuaded his mum to let him do it in her garden and started taking in sheets of steel and pieces of wood. “My mother was happy for me to build it at her house but only bacause I told her it would only take five years.”小题1:Why did Owen decide to make his own boat by himself?A.He wanted to kill time after his retirementB.He wished to set a new world recordC.He didn’t have enough money to buy a boat D.He had a hobby of making things by hand小题2:What problem did Owen face when he finished his boat?A.It leaked when lowered into the water B.It couldn’t be sent onto a truck C.He couldn’t afford to hire a crane.D.He didn’t know how to move it out.小题3:Which of the following is TRUE about the boat ?A.It was built by Owen and his supportive wife B.It was in good condition after being put in the seaC.Owen’s mother was relieved to see it was finished D.Owen and his wife will sail around the world in it小题4:We can infer from the passage that _____.A.the boat will enter a race competition B.Owen retired early in order to make his boatC.Owen’s wife gave the boat the name of Wight DolphinD.It took 23 more years to finish the boat than expected
Many years ago, there was a story of a school teacher—Mrs. Thompson. She told the children on the first day that she loved them all the same. But that was a lie. There in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. He didn’t play well with the other children and he always needed a bath. She did not like him.Then Mrs. Thompson got to know that Teddy was actually a very good boy before the death of his mother. Mrs. Thompson was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when, like all her other students, Teddy brought her a Christmas present too. It was his mother’s perfume.Teddy said, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smell just like my Mom used to.” After the children left she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she stopped teaching reading, writing and maths. Instead, she began to teach children.Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. The boy’s mind seemed to come alive. The more she encouraged him, the faster he improved. By the end of the sixth grade, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class.Six years went by before she got a letter from Teddy. He wrote that he had finished high school, third in his class, and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life. He went to college. Mrs. Thompson got two more letters from him with the last one signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, M. D.(医学博士).The story doesn’t end there. On his wedding day, Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear, “Thank you, Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. You made me feel important and showed me that I could make a difference.”Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered back, “Teddy, you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you."小题1:What first impression did Teddy give Mrs. Thompson?A.Heoftentoldlies.B.Hewasgoodatmath.C.Hewas dirty and not easy-going.D.Heenjoyedplayingwithothers.小题2:According to the first paragraph, which is true between Teddy and his teacher?A.Mrs. Thompson had a dislike of Teddy at first.B.Mrs. Thompson didn’t play well with him.C.Mrs. Thompson loved him all the time.D.Mrs. Thompson told Teddy not to tell a lie.小题3:Why did Teddy become one of the smartest children in the class?A.Mrs. Thompson paid little attention to him.B.Mrs. Thompson gave him encouragement more oftenC.Teddy was cleverer than before.D.Teddy got on well with other students.小题4:Why did Teddy invite Mrs. Thompson to his wedding?A.Teddy kept in touch with her all the time.B.Teddy thanked her for her help and encouragement.C.Teddy was treated by the teacher like her son.D.She had taught him how to judge people.小题5:From the passage, we can infer that ______.A.we should love our teacherB.we shouldn’t tell a lie in any wayC.knowledge can’t be importantD.motherlycare can really make a difference
My husband Ollie had retired from teaching and we were making plans to travel together to Florida. Then he was terribly ill and became very weak, hardly able to speak. Weeks passed and it became clear that Ollie was near death, but I prayed day and night that he could get better. One of us was always in Ollie’s hospital room—either me, or our grown children, Bruce and Karen. One day, in his broken and weak speech, Ollie told Bruce, “Go home. You should be with Gwen.” Gwen was Bruce’s wife. They had been married for six years and lived hundreds of miles away. Gwen was about to have a baby. We felt an extra sadness, knowing Ollie would never see his first grandchild. “I don’t want to leave you, Dad,” Bruce said. Ollie repeated, “You should be with Gwen.” Reluctantly, Bruce left. “When the baby comes,” he promised Ollie, “you will be the first to know.” A few days later, around 2 p.m., Ollie awoke from a sleep. He turned and looked at me. I sat close to hear his weak words. “The baby is coming now. It’s a boy,” he said. For a moment his eyes were filled with tears. Then he went back to sleep again. Not long after that, Karen ran into the room. “Bruce called,” she said, a smile lighting her face. “Gwen gave birth to a healthy baby boy around two o’ clock.” O he had been the first to know. That night, Ollie died in his sleep.小题1:Ollie didn’t travel to Florida because________.A.he was too weak to travelB.he could hardly be able to speakC.he could not afford the tripD.he was waiting for his grandchild to be born小题2:Why did Ollie want Bruce to be with Gwen?A.Ollie thought it was too much trouble for Bruce to stay at hospital.B.Ollie wanted Bruce to bring the baby along as soon as it was born.C.Ollie didn’t want his son to be absent when his baby was born.D.Ollie couldn’t bear his son seeing him dying with a broken heart.小题3:The underlined word in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_______.A.DisappointedlyB.UnwillinglyC.ExcitedlyD.Immediately小题4:What can we learn from the passage ?A.Ollie and his wife had planned to settle in Florida.B.Ollie cared for his son more than his daughter.C.Ollie was sad about not being able to see his first grandchild.D.Ollie died happy and in peace.
There are many kinds of friends. Some are always& 36&you , but don't understand you. Many people will step in your life, but only &37&&friends leave footprints. (脚印).I shall always remember the girl with the &38 &. It was the golden season. I could see the yellow leaves &39&&in the cool &40&. In such a season, I liked walking alone in the leaves, &41&&the sound of them.Autumn is a &42 &season but to me life is uninteresting. The free days always get me &43&. But one day, the sound of a violin& 44&&into my ears. I saw a young girl was &45 &in playing her violin.I had &&46 &seen her before. Lost in the music, I didn't know that I had been &47 there for so long.Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building &&48&&&I went downstairs to watch her performance. The& 49&&seemed no longer lonely and life became interesting. &50&we didn't know each other, I thought we were already good friends. Autumn was nearly over. One day, When I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly& 51&.& To my surprise, the girl came over to me and a__52&&expression appeared on her face. " I am leaving. I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that &53&&me” She said. “In fact, it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn." I answered. The girl smiled, and &54 &did I. I never heard her play again. She is like a &55& — so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off so much light that it makes the autumn beautiful.小题1:A.withB.forC.againstD.To小题2:A.kindB.trueC.newD.old小题3:A.soundB.songC.playD.violin小题4:A.shakingB.hangingC.jumpingD.floating小题5:A.windB.snowC.airD.rain小题6:A.watchingB.listening toC.seeingD.hearing小题7:A.livelyB.lovelyC.harvestD.lonely小题8:A.upB.offC.downD.over小题9:A.flowedB.grewC.enteredD.ran小题10:A.lostB.activeC.busyD.interested小题11:A.onceB.neverC.oftenD.usually小题12:A.waitingB.stoppingC.standingD.hearing小题13:A.becauseB.soC.whenD.but小题14:A.autumnB.musicC.girlD.leaves小题15:A.ButB.HoweverC.EvenD.Though小题16:A.stoppedB.beganC.goneD.changed小题17:A.surprisedB.happyC.strangeD.sad小题18:A.upsetB.excitedC.encouragedD.interested小题19:A.soB.norC.suchD.neither小题20:A.songB.dreamC.drinkD.picture
I was blind, but I was ashamed of it if it was known. I refused to use a white stick and &36&&asking for help. After all, I was a teenage girl, and I couldn’t bear people to look at me and think I was not &37&&them. I must have been a terrible danger on the roads. Coming across me wandering through the traffic, motorists probably would have to step &38&&on their brakes. Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.One evening, I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses, and as usual I &39&&something. “I’m awfully sorry,” I said and stepped forward only to run into it again. When it happened a third time, I realized I had been &40&&to a lamppost. This was just one of the &41&&things that constantly happened to me. So I carried on and found the bus stop, which was a request stop, where the bus wouldn’t stop &42&&passengers wanted to get on or off. No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived.Generally in this situation, because I hated &43 &&I was blind by asking for help, I tried to guess at the sound. Sometimes I would& 44&&a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away. In the end, I usually managed to &45&&my pride and ask someone at the stop for help. &46 &on this particular evening no one j it seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus. Of course I heard plenty of buses pass, or I thought I did. But because I had given up stopping them &47&&making a fool of myself. I let them all go by. I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one. Then I gave up. I decided to walk on to the next stop.小题1:A.tendedB.likedC.hatedD.objected小题2:A.likeB.againstC.atD.for小题3:A.bravely B.rapidlyC.slowlyD.cautiously小题4:A.came intoB.ran intoC.got intoD.turned into小题5:A.sayingB.talkingC.apologizingD.arguing小题6:A.unexpectedB.arbitraryC.objectiveD.stupid小题7:A.ifB.whenC.unlessD.as long as小题8:A.showingB.acceptingC.representing D.understanding小题9:A.planB.stopC.get onD.ask for小题10:A.revealB.substitute C.submitD.swallow小题11:A.ButB.SoC.ForD.While小题12:A.in spite ofB.for fear ofC.instead ofD.in terms of
One day I came home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local restaurant in town as a cashier and waiter. I went to work feeling&& 36&&. And to make matters worse, I was busy that evening. It' s the same thing over and over again.& 37&with customers who complain about their food andwhere they are& 38&is too big or too small. Little things like that tend to& 39&a lot of us& 40&but we manage to deal with it. Three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the windows. It happened to be the very &&41&&near where I keep the dirty &&42&in the boxes. Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables, customers leaving and coming in and &&43&running all over the house, it was crazy.& 44&&these elderly women were watching &&45 &I was working to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers. When they &&46&&their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about school, how I was doing, what &&47& I was in and what I planned to do in the future.&48&they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a& 49 &and gentle voice, “You are going places.(你前途无量) And that was it.” They left the &50&and I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me& 51&to believe in myself.They &&52&&my spirit from being down and gave me a &&53&to keep on working hard. People used to tell me that I couldn’t have a career in &&&54&&until I had a degree. I'm now a co-anchor (联合主持人) of a student-produced television& 55&. And the best thing is: I'm only 17 years old and I am a senior in high school.小题1:A.tiredB.excitedC.downD.up小题2:A.HelpingB.DealingC.TalkingD.Meeting小题3:A.seatedB. satC.laidD.seating小题4:A.attractB.avoidC.annoyD. adjust小题5:A.customersB.employeesC.bossD.employers小题6:A.tableB.boxC.kitchenD. spot小题7:A.roomsB.dishesC.clothesD.chairs小题8:A.menB.womenC.peopleD.servers小题9:A.AndB.OtherwiseC.ButD.So小题10:A.howB.whatC.whereD.why小题11:A.completedB.finishedC.orderedD.got小题12:A.gradeB.placeC.markD.position小题13:A.BeforeB.WhileC.AfterD.As小题14:A.confidentB.loudC.lowD.pleasant小题15:A.houseB.kitchenC.tableD.restaurant小题16:A.courageB.abilityC.imaginationD.time小题17:A.put downB.picked upC.took overD.pointed out小题18:A.reasonB.causeC.presentD.permission小题19:A.governmentB.televisionC.schoolD.restaurant小题20:A.companyB.factoryC.advertisementD.show
December 24 arrived along with a heavy snow. It was my first Christmas Eve without my mother, and the day’s usual &36 &had disappeared.The telephone rang. I &37 &it and went to my bedroom to bury the continuous 38 , knowing it must be my friend Rebecca calling. How could I be& 39&? I wanted to be left& 40 .My heart felt as &41 &as the falling snow. &42 &can I stop missing my mother?I &43 &the window. Seeing Rebecca’s car parked out front, I went back to my bed and drew the covers over my head.“Lucy!” she shouted. “I know you’re in there. Answer the door!”“Leave me alone!” I &44 &back. I heard paper rustling(沙沙作响) as she slid &45&&under the door.“Merry Christmas, ” she called out.Not answering the &46 &made me even 47. It wasn’t fair to my best friend. Her father and sister &48 &in a car accident when she was eight years old. &49 , her mother had to return to &50 , and Rebecca was left to look after herself.When she left, I carried the small package, sat down and &51 &it. Inside was a golden pen and a journal. When I opened the journal’s front cover, out fell a bookmark with a(n) &&52&&written on it:Dear Lucy,&&My words won’t heal(治愈)the&53 &. But your own words can.
RebeccaAs I stared at the journal’s blank pages, a single tear fell on the page which quickly absorbed it.That night, I &54 &the phone and dialed her number. “Looks like the snow is melting(融化), ” I said. “Spring was just ___55____the corner.”小题1:A.excitementB.disappointmentC.frightD.pity小题2:A.answeredB.coveredC.pickedD.ignored小题3:A.pleasureB.puzzledC.sadnessD.interest小题4:A.regretfulB.joyfulC.comfortableD.careful小题5:A.aliveB.activeC.aloneD.crazy小题6:A.lightB.whiteC.heavyD.clear小题7:A.WhyB.WhereC.WhetherD.How小题8:A.looked throughB.looked intoC.looked outD.looked up小题9:A.broughtB.shoutedC.tookD.turned小题10:A.anythingB.somethingC.everythingD.nothing小题11:A.phoneB.questionC.letterD.door小题12:A.more helpfulB.more attractiveC.worseD.better小题13:A.survivedB.escapedC.livedD.died小题14:A.As a wholeB.As a resultC.In allD.In general小题15:A.workB.washC.repairD.learn小题16:A.closedB.foldedC.openedD.painted小题17:A.articleB.poemC.noticeD.message小题18:A.failureB.pain C.wishD.shame小题19:A.picked upB.picked outC.pushed backD.put away小题20:A.aroundB.overC.onD.at


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