受制于的英语翻译 受制于用翻译英语怎么说说

Controlled by others
在名气和实力方面,巴拉纳体育会切实不如圣保罗,但是并不意味着本场巴拉纳体育会会受制于人(Controlled by others),本赛季巴拉纳体育会之所以发挥惨淡,很大程度上和其低迷的客场有关(Related),主场则是一如既往的平稳,从以上分析可以看出优势...
只需一步,快速开始 ...
社会镜子social mirror
受制于人(reactive) ...
Over a barrel
沪江博客 - 肖智利的博客 - 英语的一些习惯用语... ...
Out and out 明目张胆
Over a barrel 受制于人
Over and over 反复 ...
一些年轻人甚至沦落到卖淫,偷窃和吸毒的境地。 这些行为也会使他们更加受制于人,最终被抓进公安局。
Some young people get into prostitution, stealing and drugs, which can put them more in the control of others and in trouble with the Police.
Its natural riches should buy it a new freedom of manoeuvre; but many Mongolians worry that they could lead to a new form of dependence, tantamount to commercial subjugation.
黑猩猩使用暴力是因为它们想要权利,对别的黑猩猩取得控制。 而倭黑猩猩使用暴力是为了防止受制于人“,哈尔说到。
"The chimpanzees are violent because they want power, they try to have control and power over others while bonobos are using violence to prevent one for dominating them, " Hare continued.
受制于人 shòu zhì yù rén 〖解释〗制:控制。被别人控制。 〖出处〗《三国志·蜀志·诸葛亮传》:“吾不能举全吴之地,十万之众,受制于人。” 〖示例〗~,威名顿尽。 ★《梁书·侯景传》 〖用法〗作谓语、定语;指被动局面。 〖近义词〗任人宰割
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受制于是什么意思 受制于在线翻译 受制于什么意思 受制于的意思 受制于的翻译 受制于的解释 受制于的发音 受制于的同义词
受制于 双语例句1. 啊,我的思绪如此杂乱无章,如此受制于回忆与往事。&&&&Ah, I'm so disorganized, so browbeaten by what I remember.2. 史前聚落围沟是一种与聚落环壕、城址城壕有很大区别的聚落设施,中国史前聚落围沟许多特点在时间上、空间上存在一种由南向北逐步推进演变的历史现象,其形成发展既受制于自然环境&&&&Many characters of the ditch d eveloped from south to north.3. 这样,一个国家的政策和意志就得受制于另一国家的政策和意志&&&&Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another...4. 受制于4. 我不会受制于命令和胁迫。&&&&I will not be dictated to, I will not be threatened.5. 陶瓷电感以铁焊接并鼓,因其受制于固有的制程控制限制。&&&&Ceramic inductor attachment with a soldering iron is discouraged due to the inherent process control limitations.6. 该国的经济在很大程度上受制于大公司。&&&&The country`s economy is largely in thrall to the big companies.7. 但另一方面,我也不能受制于他们的想法,毕竟都是过去的事情。&&&&But at the same time, I can`t get caught up in that because that is in the past now.8. 911查询·英语单词8. 但深层次的原因更在于长期以来重粮轻油的战略性失误,进而过度依赖国际市场食用油资源,酿成了我国食用油价格受制于国际市场食用油价格的被动局面。&&&&People usually think that, the cause of the abnormal fluctuation of edible oil price in our country lies in the great fluctuation of edible oil price in the global market and the use of edible oil materials for non food purpose.9. 我受制于我的工作。&&&&I am chained down to my work.10. 现实中,我们的生活完全受制于我们生活于其中的社会。&&&&In reality, our lives are controlled by the society in which we live.11. 我的世界不受制于任何人&&&&&&My world is bound to no man.12. 高等教育的变革与发展在某种程度上要受制于社会对高等教育的认识与评价。&&&&&&Reforms and development of higher education are to some extent subject to thoughts and theories of higher education.13. 在圈子里你没有太多的自由,你受制于它。&&&&&&You have no much freedom in a circle. You are conditioned in it.14. 它受制于社会的政治、经济、道德风尚等。&&&&&&It subject to the community's political, economic, morality and so on.15. 15. 他们大胆的走自己的路,而不是受制于他人的想法。&&&&&&They boldly go their own way, and they don`t always do what others expect them to.16. 16. 如此的工具也可能受制于弯曲压迫力和应该因此不穿越是-变硬。&&&&&&Such tools may also be subjected to bending stresses and should therefore not be through-hardened.17. 这一体系是随着非公有制经济的蓬勃发展和国有企业的改制而产生的,虽地位日益重要,但目前仍受制于前一种体系。&&&&&&Standard disunion causes enterprise's legislative system in our country to be confused.18. 受制于的近义词18. 举例来说,如果当在身体盖印人的情况,测试块在对那热历史的情况(140℃为 30min × 2 组举例来说)同等物之下将是热,材料在涂料程序受制于热历史,然后二手的为味道测试。&&&&&&For example, if the material is subjected to a heat history in the coating process as in the case of body sealer, the test piece shall be heat under the conditions (140℃ for 30min × 2sets for example) equivalent to that heat history, and then used for smell tests.19. 开源的优点之一是让软件变得更加民主,使得本地的问题能够用本地的方法来解决,从而让用户避免受制于自上而下的控制。&&&&&&One of the great virtues of open source is that it democratizes software, allowing local problems to be solved in local ways rather than subjecting users to top-down control.20. 20. 开源的优点之一是让软件变得更加民主,使得本地的问题能够用本地的方法来解决,从而让用户避免受制于自上而下的控制。&&&&&&BY|-d. QP0 One of the great virtues of open source is that it democratizes software, allowing local problems to be solved in local ways rather than subjecting users to top-down control.受制于是什么意思,受制于在线翻译,受制于什么意思,受制于的意思,受制于的翻译,受制于的解释,受制于的发音,受制于的同义词,受制于的反义词,受制于的例句,受制于的相关词组,受制于意思是什么,受制于怎么翻译,单词受制于是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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