
篇一:My Pet Cat 宠物猫
& &I have a very beautiful cat. Its colour is white and yellow. Its name is Haahua. I think it is my favourite cat.
& &我有一只非常漂亮的猫猫。它的颜色是黄白相间的。它叫Haahua。我觉得它是我最爱的一只猫猫。
& & She likes playing with the bell. She loves catching mice. Though it is a kind of animals, I treat it as my friend. Sometimes I give her some fish or pork to eat. She looks like a fool when she meows. Wherever I am walking, she follows me.
& &她喜欢玩铃铛。她爱抓老鼠。尽管它是动物,我把它当成我的朋友。有时候,我会给她吃一些鱼肉或猪肉。当她&喵喵&叫时,她看上去傻乎乎的。无论我在哪里散步,她总是跟着我。
& &How happy I am! How nice my friend is! I love her more and more.
& &多开心的我呀!多棒的朋友呀!我越来越爱她了。
篇二:Fighting Criminals 打击犯罪
& &Today the crime rate in cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken palce in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.
& &如今犯罪发生率在我国众多城市呈现出上升趋势。许多公民常常抱怨在他们生活的地方,偷窃和抢劫常发生。他们希望各级政府能采取有效措施来减少犯罪发生率。
& &Faced with criminals, some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them. However, some people are brave enough, to risk their lives to fight the criminals.Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils, saved the victims, and protected the public properties.
& &面对罪犯,好些人因为过于害怕而无耻地放弃了斗争,和其他人一样,睁一只眼闭一只眼。可是,还是有些人有足够的勇气与罪犯斗争。他们无惧罪犯的行动阻止了犯罪分子做邪恶的事情,拯救了受害者并保护了公共财产。
& &To reduce the crime rate, we all the people should receive a law education. Criminals must be severely punished. Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals. It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.
& &为了降低犯罪率,我们所有人都应该接受法制教育。罪犯必须受到严惩。同时,我们应该建立一个基金来奖励勇于与犯罪分子斗争的人。号召人们向英雄学习并鼓励更多的人抵抗犯罪也是一件非常重要的事情。
& &Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls. Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or &birth& play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.
& &12月25日是圣诞节。对许多男孩和女孩来说,这天是个非常开心的日子。在某些学校,学期结束前,孩子们会表演有关(耶稣)诞生或出生的戏剧,用来(向大家)展示耶稣是如何在马厩里出生的。
& &On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.
& &在12月24日这天,所有的小孩都很兴奋。他们常常被(父母)早早地赶上床去睡觉,以便他们的父母能准备好礼物。年幼一点的小孩认为圣诞老人将从烟囱或壁炉里下来,所以他们挂起袜子,方便圣诞老人把礼物放进去。有些贪心的人,为了能得到更多的礼物,甚至把枕套或布袋挂起来。晚一些时候,爸爸或妈妈将礼物放进袜子,并把其他礼物放在(孩子们的)床边。
& &On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o'clock, and most of them are awake by six o'clock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end.
& &圣诞节的早上,小孩们很早就醒来了。一些人甚至在凌晨两点开灯,但大多数小孩会在六点醒来,孩子们在(大人们)准备晚餐的时候玩耍。下午一点,圣诞大餐出炉了。火鸡或鸡腿总是很快被抢光。孩子们寻找着属于他们的圣诞布丁是为了确认金币是否有藏在里面。在剩余的时间里,(人们)便是玩游戏和吃食物直到最开心幸福的圣诞节结束。
篇四:How to keep healthy 如何保持健康
& &What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.
& &什么是世界上最重要的事情?我想,答案应该是健康。我们可以在没有钱、房子、车子,甚至衣服的情况下,活着。但是如果我们的健康被带走了,我们肯定就活不下去了。这就是为什么我们总是努力以一种健康的方式吃东西和规律地运动。
& &In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like french fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.
& &为了能吃得健康,我常常避免吃高脂肪的食物,比如炸薯条或甜点。我也很少吃肉。我会吃很多的蔬菜和富含维他命的新鲜水果。每天做运动有助于我们拥有强健的身体。有规律的运动是我们保持身体健康的一个重要部分。
& &What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.
& 还有,我认为,朋友也是让我们保持健康的重要部分。许多研究显示,有复杂人际关系的人比较不容易得病。当我与朋友一起时,我总是感觉比单独一个人好。当我与朋友一起时,我总是笑声不断。欢笑也是健康的重要组成部分。我喜欢和朋友一起大笑。
& &By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.
& &通过合理的饮食和规律性的运动,我可以保持身体健康和体重适中。与朋友一起的时光,可以让我的思想和身体一样开心。这些事情听起来很容易去做,但没有很多人能成功做到。我想,我们如果想要健康,那强大的意愿是需要的。
篇一:我的兴趣 My Interests
& &I have a wide range of interests and enjoy doing many things during my free time.
& &我有广泛的兴趣,空闲时间喜欢很多事。
& &I am fond of reading. I often read after class. My classmates like watching TV while I prefer to read. I read various kinds of books and newspapers that they afford me stories and news. The book I like most isThe House on the Mango Street. I am also a music lover. Pop music is my favorite. I often listen to the music programs on radio and I also have an MP3 downloading all my favorite songs. In addition, swimming and badminton are my favorites, too. They help me build a healthy body.
& &我喜欢阅读。放学后我经常阅读。我的同学喜欢看电视,而我喜欢阅读。我读各种各样的书和报纸,从中我了解到很多故事和新闻。我最喜欢的书是《芒果街的小屋》。我也是一名音乐爱好者。流行音乐是我最喜欢的。我经常听收音机里的音乐节目,而且我有一部MP3,里面下载了所有我喜欢的歌。另外,游泳和羽毛球也是我的爱好。它们帮助我建立健康的身体。
& &In short, I enjoy my life in school very much. Reading books, listening to music and doing sports are very helpful to my health and my studies.
& &总之,我很喜欢我的学校生活。读书,听音乐和做运动对我的健康和学习都很有帮助。
篇二:我的英语老师My English Teacher
& &Mrs. Jane is my English teacher and she is 30 years old. She looks so young and beautiful that my classmates like her very much. Of course, the most important reason is that she is so kind and her lessons are so great. She likes staying with us and talking to us which can help her to know what problem we have and how she can do to improve her teaching, she once said. She encourages us to work hard often. When we make progress, she is pleased with us. Because of her, my English has greatly improved.
& &Mrs.Jane是我们的英语老师,她30岁了,但是看起来年轻漂亮,同学们都很喜欢她。当然,最重要的原因是她人好,而且课上得好。她喜欢跟我们在一起,跟我们聊天,这有助于她了解我们的问题所在,帮助她提高教学。她曾说,她鼓励我们多多努力学习。当我们取得进步时,她和我们一起开心。因为有她,我的英语成绩提高得很快。
篇三:电视之我见 My View on Television
& &Television has come into our lives for many years. We can nearly say that we can&t live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can be entertained by the programs on television. Otherwise,we&ll be boring all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day&s hard work, we can sit before the television enjoying ourselves. How wonderful it is!
& &电视已经进入到我们的生活很多年了。我们几乎可以说没有电视我们的生活就不会快乐。电视能够给我们最新的信息和新闻。它可以拓展我们的视野和扩大我们的知识面。电视节目可以娱乐我们。否则,如果没有电视的话我们一整天都会很无聊。电视节目很有吸引力。一整天的辛苦工作后,我们可以坐在电视机前享受。这是多美好的事情啊!
& &However, television also does harm to people&s health. It&s bad for us to watch TV too long, especially bad for our eyes. Besides, watching TV may take the time to study or play on outside world. In short, television is good and we should make use of it appropriately.
& &然而,电视也会对人们的健康有害。长时间看电视对我们是不好的,特别是有损眼睛。此外,看电视可能会占据大部分学习或者出去玩的时间。总之,电视是好的,我们应该适当利用它。
篇四:阅读 Reading
& & At present, only a few students read after class. Here are several reasons: First, some students are so busy that the don&t have time to do reading due to teachers leaving them too much homework. Second, some students are not likely to read at all. Because they spend too much time in watching TV, searching the Internet and playing games. Finally, as the whole society do not attach importance to reading, parents do not urge students to read.
& & 现在只有少部分学生会做课外阅读了。以下是几点原因。首先,很多学生太忙了,因为老师布置给他们很多作业,所以没时间阅读。第二,很多学生并不喜欢阅读,他们花费太多时间看电视、上网和玩游戏了。第三,整个社会对阅读没给予很大的重视,所以父母并不督促孩子读书。
& & I feel it&s a pity that students do not read as much as before since books are the main resource of knowledge. Books also can take us to where we can&t really go, can help us experience the things we can&t really see. In addition, when you feel upset or irritable, reading is a good way to comfort yourself or make you calm down. I suggest that no matter how busy you are, you should spend some time in reading. Once you stict to it, you&ll get benefits.&
& & 我觉得很遗憾,学生不像从前那么爱阅读了,然而书是知识的源泉,书籍可以带我们去从没去过的地方,带我们感受从未见过的事物。另外,当你心绪不宁,急躁不安时,阅读是是你舒适平静的好方法。我建议大家,不管你有多忙,多花时间阅读,当你坚持,你能从中获益。
篇五:保护森林 Protecting the Forests
& & Now in some places of our country, a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more farmland. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing. Where the forests disappear, dust storms will occur occasionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying activities.
& & 因为他们需要木头跟耕地。森林面积越来越小。科学家说,20或30年后将再没大面积的森林了。这真可怕!当森林消失时,沙尘暴将会经常发生,天气会变得炎热而干燥,整个地球将变成一片大沙漠,很多动植物将消失,庄稼也不会生长了,生活会变得艰难。人类会为他们破坏森林的行为遭受惩罚。
& & Therefore, we should realize the importance of taking care of our forests. We should do our best to protect our living environment and keep mountains green,water clean, and the sky blue.
& & 因而,我们应该意识到保护森林的重要性,我们应该尽全力保护生存环境,保护青山,绿水和蓝天。
篇六:&巧熟&能生巧Appropriate Practice Makes Perfect
& &There is a universal saying that practice makes perfect, however I think appropriate practice makes perfect considering to training technique, training volume and other reasons. Practice can make you remember and understand something new, but inappropriate practice may make your effort useless or even lead you to the opposite direction. Therefore, before your practice, you should think about whether your method, plan are appropriate or not. Only the appropriate method and plan help you get what you wish. Practicing oral English, for instance, if you say a word in a poor pronunciation, no matter how many times you say it, you will never pronounce it correctly.
& &有一种普遍说法是说熟能生巧,然而,考虑到训练技巧,训练量还有其他原因,我认为&巧熟&才能生巧。实践能够使你记住并理解一些新的东西,但是不适当的练习可能会让你徒劳,甚至是适得其反。因此,在你练习之前,你应该考虑到你的方法和计划是否正确。只有适当的方法和计划能够帮助你达成愿望。就拿练习英语口语来说,如果你一个词发音都很差,不管你说多少次,你都不会发音正确。
篇七:我的家乡My Hometown
& &My hometown, a village locating beside a small river, is a wonderful place with beautiful scenery surrounded. Because of the poor geographical environment and without an asphalt road, the whole village is poor and people&s lives are tough. Generally, people grow rice and some other crops for a living. Most young people work at the city, leaving their parents and children at home, which is the status of the vast majority of rural area. It seems that only in this way can rural people live a better life.
& &我的家乡,是坐落在小河旁,被美景环绕的村庄。由于贫瘠的地理环境,没有一条柏油公路,村子很贫穷,村子里的人也生活艰辛。老乡们都是靠种水稻和其他作物维持生计。大多数年轻人都到城市工作,家里只留下老人和孩子,这是大部分农村地区的普遍境况,只有通过这种方式,农村才能过上好日子。
篇八:我喜欢运动I Like Sport
& & I like sport not only because it can help me to keep health, but also because it makes me relaxed. Study all day long makes me tired so that I often do sports with my classmates after class. We play basketball most, and sometimes play table tennis or badminton. In addition, I like running, especially when I&m upset, for I think it&s the best way to let the depression off.
& & 我喜欢运动不只是因为它能帮助我保持健康,而且能使我放松。一整天的学习让我感觉很累,所以放学后我经常和我同学去做运动。我们玩得最多的是篮球,有时候也打网球或羽毛球。另外,我喜欢跑步,特别是我郁闷的时候,因为我认为这是赶走沮丧最好的方法。
篇九:我的班级My Class
& &There are forty-two students in my class, with 25boys and 17girls. It&s an active class, and the reason may be that the boys are more than girls. The classroom atmosphere of our class is very good, because we interact with teachers quite often. Our classmates are all united and helpful to each other. We often organize some activities to enhance the relationship between classmates and our regular activity is the English Day in every two weeks that we can only speak English during recess. Maybe it sounds a little difficult but it really funny and classmates enjoy it very much.
& &我们班有42位学生,其中男生25位,女生17位。我们班很活跃,可能是男生比女生多的缘故。我们班的课堂氛围很好,因为我们经常与老师互动。我们班上的同学都很团结而且互相帮助。我们经常组织一些活动增强和同学之间的关系,我们的惯例活动是每两周一次的英语日,休息的时候我们只能说英语。也许听起来有点困难,但是真的很有趣,同学们都很喜欢。
篇十:记一次春游A Spring Outing
& &Spring in March, accompanied by the comfortable weather and warm sunshine, our class had a spring outing on Saturday. We went to Renmin Park hold some activities and all of my classmates were so excited that they looked like the birds just coming out from birdcage. We playing games, boating, and fishing there. At the same time, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of spring. Some people in the park also joined us and had fun. We had a happy day and the relationship of classmates were getting closer.
& &阳春三月,伴随着舒适的气候和温暖的阳光,星期六我们班举行了一次春游活动。我们到人民公园举行了一些活动,所有的同学都很兴奋,所以他们看上去就像刚刚从牢笼出来的小鸟一样。我们在那玩游戏,划船还有钓鱼。同时,我们还欣赏了春天的美景。公园里有些人也加入了我们并且玩得很开心。我们度过了快乐的一天,而且同学之间的关系也更紧密了。
篇十一:自我介绍Self Introduction
& & Good morning, everyone! It&s a great honor for me to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Serena and I&m fifteen years old. I come from Dalian city which is a beautiful and attracting place. Wish you can visit there and I believe that you will be impressed. English and movie are my favorites which can help me learn and relax. I like making friends, especially the ones who share common interests with me. And I think we can have much to share and talk. I hope to make progress with my friends. Thank you.
& & 大家早上好。我很荣幸向大家介绍我自己。我叫Serena,今年十五岁。我来自美丽的海滨城市大连。希望你们可以去那旅游,我相信你们一定会对它留下深刻印象的。英语和电影是我的爱好,它们能够帮助我的学习,使我放松。我喜欢交朋友,特别是和我有共同兴趣的人。我觉得我们有很多可以分享可以聊的东西。我希望和我的朋友共同进步。谢谢。
篇十二:我的家庭My Family
& & My name is Claire and I&m in my fourteen years old. I live a happy life because I have a warm and harmonious family. There are four people in my family. They are my parents and my elder brother. My parents both are teachers so that my brother and I have been well educated. I am four years younger than my brother who always cares much about me. We have a good relationship, though we quarrel even fight sometimes. Actually, I am likely to consider it as a sign of love. In one word, I really love my family. How about yours?
& & 我叫Claire,今年十四岁。我过着幸福的生活,因为我有一个温暖和谐的家庭。我家共有四口人,父母,哥哥还有我。我父母都是老师,所以我哥哥和我都受到了良好的教育。我比哥哥小四岁,他一直很关心我。我们的关系很好,尽管有时候我们也吵架甚至是打架。其实我认为这也是爱的一种标志。总之,我真的很爱我的家庭。你的家庭是怎样的呢?
篇十三:周末生活 Weekwend
& &The weather of this weekend was good and comfortable with two sunny days. People could not wait to go out for a walk because it had been raining for such a long time. Some people went hiking, while others went to shopping or gathered together with friends. As for me, I just stayed at home on Saturday because my parents were busy so that they could not take me out. But Sunday, we went to the park and went boating on the lake. We were really happy on that day.
& &这个周末的天气很好,很舒适,两天都是晴天。人们都迫不及待的要出去散散步,因为之前已经下了好长一段时间的雨。有的人去远足,有的人去购物或者与朋友相聚。至于我,我周六只能呆在家里,因为我的父母很忙,没时间带我出去。但是周日我去了公园并且在湖上划船。那一天我们真的很开心。
篇十四:我喜欢的明星My Favorite Star
& & There are many popular stars who get great achievements, such as Jackie Chen, Jay Chou, Zhang Ziyi and so on. However, the star who I like most is Fan Bingbing. I know her because of a famous TV series. At that time, she was not famous, but now, as we all know she has been one of the most popular actress who gets an international reputation. I like her not only because she is beautiful but also her good performance and her hard-working.
& & 有很多明星都取得很高的成就,例如:成龙、周杰伦、章子怡等等。然而,我最喜欢的明星却是范冰冰。我是通过一部很出名的电视连续剧知道她的。那个时候她并不出名,但是,现在正如我们所知道的,她已经成为一个最出名的享有国际声誉的明星之一。我喜欢她不仅仅是因为她漂亮而且还是因为她精彩的表演能力以及她的勤奋努力。
篇十五:雨天 A Rainy Day
& &Today is a rainy day and it&s cold with the temperature of 5℃. There are only a few people on the street and they all wear thick down coats and boots. They walk quickly and seem to go somewhere to escape from cold.
& &今天是一个雨天,而且很冷,温度只有5℃。街上人很少而且他们都穿着厚厚的羽绒服和靴子。他们都走得很快似乎要走去某个地方来逃离寒冷。
& &It has been cold for a very long time and this winter is colder than ever, but I like it very much because I was born in winter. Besides, in my oppion, only the coldness makes a real winter.
& &这个冬天已经冷了好长一段时间了,而且往年的冬天都要冷。但是,我非常喜欢它,因为我是在冬天出生的。此外,我个人认为,只有寒冷才能造就真正的冬天。
篇十六:我的校园生活(小学) My School Life(primary school)
& & My name is Lily, a Grade eight student. I like my school life very much because it&s really enjoyable. In school, I spent the time with my lovely classmates and teachers. They all help me a lot with my study and life.
& & 我的名字叫莉莉,是八年级的学生。我非常的喜欢我的学校生活,因为它真的是非常愉快的。在学校,我与我可爱的同学和老师呆在一起。
& & I have six courses each day from Monday to Friday and forty minutes each. The courses I learn in school are Chinese, mathematics, English, geography, sports and so on. I like Englishmost because it&s very interesting and my teacher is so lovely and kind. In one word, my school life makes me happy and I learn a lot in school.
& & 从周一到周五我每天都有六节课,每节课有四十分钟。在学校我学习的课程有语文,数学,英语,地理,体育等。我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为它真的很有趣而且我的老师也很可爱、友好。总之,我的校园生活让我觉得很开心而且在学校我也学到了很多。
篇十七:春分Vernal Equinox
& &Vernal Equinox or Spring Equinox is the fourth solar terms in the total twenty-four. It&s the middle of spring and usually on the 20 or 21 of March every year. On this day, the sun directly blazes down the equator, so that day and night is equal in length. Because it&s the middle of spring, the weather is socomfortable and the scenery is beautiful that people are likely to go out for a hiking. It& s also a good time for crop growing, so the farmers are often busy in this period.
& &春分或者春分节气是二十四节气中的第四个节气。它是在春天中期,通常在每年的三月二十或者二十一号。这一天,太阳直射赤道,所以白天、黑夜是一样长的。因为那是在春天的中间,所以气候是很舒服的、风景也是很美丽的,以至于人们都喜欢出去登高。那也是一个庄稼生长的时候,所以农民们在那段时期都是很忙的。
篇十八:关于旅行 About Travel
& & There is a saying that &You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way.& With the improvement of living standards, more and more people have time and money to travel. During traveling, one can meet various people, make new friends and experience various lifestyles of different places.
& & 有句俗话说:&你可以了去旅行或者阅读,但是你的身体和灵魂必须在路上。&随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人们时间和金钱去旅游。在旅游期间,可以见到形形色色的人,交新朋友,在不同地方体验不同的生活方式。
& & Almost everyone has their own favorite place to travel because of specific reasons, such as the people, climate or scenery of that place, the influence of friends or some beautiful memories and so on.
& & 由于具体的一些原因,基本上每个人都有他想要去旅游的地方。比如:那里的人、气候或者风景。朋友的影响或者一些美好的回忆等等。
& & Nowadays, people do not have to think much about transportation. People can travel by car or driving themsleves to near places, or by train, plane to far places.So, if you have a place want to travel, just go and relax yourself.
& & 现在,人们不用为交通问题思考太多。他们可以坐汽车,自己开车到附近的地方,或者坐火车,飞机去远一点的地方。所以,如果你有想要去旅游的地方,尽管去放松自己。
篇十九:我的梦想(教师)My Dream(Teacher)
& & I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there&s an old saying &where there is a will, there is a way.&
& & 当我认真听老师讲课的时候我想成为一名教师。我觉得当我长大后我可以成为一名教师。我可以帮助许多学生好好学习。我还可以和我的学生一起玩。所以我们是朋友。当我看到许多医生拯救病人时 我想成为一名医生。成为医生真的很棒。我觉得当我长大后我可以成为一名医生。然后我可以帮助很多人脱离危险。我将会是这个世界上最开心的女孩。当我每天晚上看电视的时候我想成为一名记者。我们可以从他们身上得到很多重要的信息。他们使世界变小,也使我们变得开心。我愿意成为一名记者当我长大后。然后我可以学习很多关于中国以及世界其他国家的东西。我还可以见到很多巨星。我有很多的梦想。我觉得我的梦想总有一天会成为现实的,因为有句谚语说&有志者事竟成&
篇二十:电脑游戏与我们的视力 Computer games and our eyesight
& &Write at least 60 words according to the given topic &Computer games and our eyesight&
& &根据所给的主题&电脑游戏与我们的视力&写至少六十字的文章。
& &How do students like playing computer games in your class?&
& &你们班的学生玩电脑的情况怎么样呢?
& &Is it good or bad for eyesight if they spend much time in the computer room ? Why?&
& &如果他们花过多的时间在电脑室,是对视力是好的还是不好?
& &Would you give your kind advice to them?
& &你会给你的建议他们吗?
& &Two-thirds of male students in our class like playing computer games very much .Though our teachers and their parents told them not to play games any more again and again .I think it is bad for eyesight if they spend much time in the computer room . Because I have some experience by myself. I used to play them. Then I had to put on my glasses. So I advise you. Give it up as soon as possible.
& &我们班三分之二的男同学非常喜欢玩电脑游戏。尽管我们老师和父母一次又一次的告诉他们 不要再玩游戏了。我觉得如果他们呆在电脑室太久会对他们的视力有影响的。因为我已经从我自己的经历中得到一些经验了。我以前常常玩游戏。然后我就不得不戴眼镜了。所以,我建议你尽快停止这种做法。
篇二十一:学雷锋做好事Learn Lei Feng to do Good Things
  &This morning we heard the talk given by our headmaster about Lei Feng.We were deeply moved by Lei Feng's deeds. We have made up our minds to do as Let Feng did.
& & 今天早上校长给我们讲了关于雷锋的故事。我们都深受的被雷锋的事迹感动。我们都下定决心跟雷锋学习。
  As there were no classes this afternoon, we decided to do some good deeds for people. Some of us went to the Station Square to repair bikes for people passing by, some went to a home for orphans nearby to help carry coal and wash their clothes, and others remained at school to clean the teachers' office. We all worked very hard.
& & 由于今天下午没有课,我们决定为人们做一些好事。我们中的有些人去车站广场为人们修理路过的自行车,有些去了家里附近的孤儿院,帮助他们抗煤和洗衣服,而其他人则留在学校打扫老师办公室。我们都非常努力地工作。
  It was not until six o'clock that I returned home. Tired as I was, I was filled with joy and pride.
& & 直到6点钟,我才回到家。我很累,但我是充满了喜悦和骄傲的。
篇二十二:我的新老师 My New Teacher
& & My new teacher is science teacher. He&s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。
& & 我的新老师是科学老师。他是非常强壮的。他有一个大嘴巴,两个大耳朵,两个大眼睛和一个不太大的也不太小的鼻子。他经常穿着一件黑色的新衬衫和棕色的裤子,还有两双大鞋子。
& & My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn&t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He&s a Mr. Zhou .
& & 我的科学老师很和蔼。他很聪明,是吧?今天,我们有科学课。我们非常高兴。因为他非常有趣。他是谁?他是周老师。
篇二十三:我最好的朋友 My best friend
& & My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair, two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary, too. They are cute.
& & 我最好的朋友是玛丽。她住在一幢高楼里。她住在五楼。每天她乘电梯上下。她十二岁。她又高又瘦。她有短的黑色的头发,两只大眼睛和一个小嘴巴。她是非常可爱的。我喜欢和她一起玩。我们在同一个班级。我喜欢读书,但是她喜欢玩游戏。她喜欢吃爆米花和冰欺凌。我也很喜欢他们。她最喜欢的食物是鱼,所以她很聪明。她喜欢她的猫。她经常和她的猫玩。那只猫也很喜欢玛丽。他们很可爱。
& & Do you have a best friend? Can you tell me something about your friend?
& & 你有最好的朋友吗?你能告诉我一些关于你的朋友的事吗?
篇二十四:帮助妈妈做家务 Help mum to do the housework
  After dinner, my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much, so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. &Pang!& The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish left.In the end, my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.
& & 晚饭后,我的第一份工作是把脏盘子拿到厨房去。然后我就开始洗碗。我打开水龙头,水覆盖了放在水槽里所有的盘子。然后我放了一些洗洁精到水里。也许我放太多了,水槽里充满了泡沫。就像是盘子和碗的泡沫浴。我拿住一个碗去洗。很滑。&砰&碗从我的手指滑落。它掉进水槽里把另一个碗和盘子打破了。这真是太可怕了!只剩下一个盘子了。最后,我妈妈清理残局并帮我洗盘子。我想下次我会做的更好的。
篇二十五:描写春雨 Spring Rain
  &spring comes.lt'sgetting warmer and warmer.Everything is dry, trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lt's as soft as silk. It washes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. lt also waters people's hears. Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile.Spring rain is as dear as oil. They seem to see the harvest time in autumn. Spring rain brings water to the air. It also brings hope to people.
篇二十六:我最喜欢的电影 My favorite movies
& & Hello,boys and girls!My name is Jenny.I'm 14-year-old.My birthday is on October 31st.I'm a movie fan.I like action movie and science movie. My favorite actor is Jackie Chan.He is a great action actor. He has many movies . For example.The Around the World is 80 Days,Rob-B-hood and Rush Hour.These movies are very exciting. I really like Rob-B-hood very much, because they are exciting.I like action movie movies very much.
& & 大家好,我叫珍妮,我14岁。我的生日是10月31日。我是一个电影迷。我喜欢动作片和科幻片。我最喜欢的男演员是成龙。他是一个很伟大的动作演员。他演过很多电影。比如,环游世界80天,宝贝计划和尖峰时刻。这些电影都非常的刺激。我真的很喜欢宝贝计划,因为他们是很激动人心的。我非常喜欢动作片。
篇二十七:我的朋友 My friend
& & I have many friends. One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it. He often practises reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation.
& & 我有很多朋友。其中一个是我的同学马华。他是共青团员而且还是我们班最好的学生之一。他喜欢英语而且也擅长。他经常大声的朗读英语,所以他的发音很标准。
& & He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made great progress. I have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near future.
& & 他总是乐于帮助别人。在他的帮助下,我取得了很大的进步。我已下定决心要赶上他,在不久的将来加入共青团员。
篇二十八:介绍自己的特长Introduce Your Speciality
  I like sports and I'm good at playing basketball. Every day,I practise basketball with my classmates after school.I also enjoy listening to music but I can't sing well. I'm afraid of singing in front of people. I hope our school will start a singing club. I'm sure I can make great progress with our teachers. I also hope there will be less homework on weekends. Then I can have more time to do what I'm interested in.
& & 我喜欢运动并且擅长打篮球。每天放学后我都和我的同学练习打篮球。我还喜欢听音乐,但是我唱得不好。我害怕在别人面前唱歌。我喜欢我的学校能开设一个唱歌俱乐部。有了老师们,我相信我能取得很有的进步。我同样也希望周末能够少点作业。这样我就有更多的时间去做我感兴趣的事了。
篇二十九:父亲给我的礼物 The Present My Father Gave Me
& & When I was young,my father ,who always taught me how to be a true man,told me that it is essential to be tolerant in your life whatever happens.
& & 在我年轻的时候,我父亲总是教导我如何成为真正的男人,他说不管发生什么事情,宽容在你的一生中是很重要的。
& & And that remains the most valuable present he gave me,I think. To be tolerant, I need to keep calm when great trouble lies in front of me,however difficult
To be tolerant ,I need to resist the temptation of all kinds of the outside world,even if To be torlerant, I need to pull myself(控制自己情绪) in times of extreme sorrows and joys, no matter how they affect me.
& & 我觉得这是他给我最好的礼物。做到宽容,我需要在大麻烦摆在我面前而我也很难克服它时保持冷静。做到宽容,我需要抵制外部世界各种各样的诱惑,即使它很具有吸引力。做到宽容,我需要在悲痛和开心时控制我的情绪,不管它们对我影响有多大。
篇三十:包饺子 Make Dumplings
& & dumpling is a traditional chinese food. On the lunar new year' s day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process.
& & 饺子是中国的传统食物。在农历新年,大多数家庭都会包很多美味的饺子。要包成饺子,遵循以下那容易的步骤。
& & The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. when the wrappers are done, it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. we must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.
& & 第一步就是把面粉和水和在一起。和好面之后,我们可以开始擀皮。我们使用一个滚动杆,把它揉成又薄又小的圆形面皮,这样会比较容易煮。皮弄完后,就是弄馅的时候了。通常我们用肉(比如牛肉和羊肉)还有蔬菜(比如白菜和胡萝卜)作馅。你可能选择任何你喜欢的馅包进去。我们必须把这些东西剁小。然后放上盐,油和其他调料搅拌它均匀。当所有这些准备工作都完成了,我们就可以开始包饺子了。首先放一勺馅在皮的中心。然后把两个相反的两边粘在一起,然后就是其他的了。不只是只是把馅包在皮里面。饺子最好看的形状是像一艘船,因为当它们在锅里煮时,他们看起来就像是大海里的船只。它们的香味会让你流口水。
篇三十一:我的好朋友 My good friend
& &My friend Wei Hua was born in March, 1992. He lives in Beijing now. His father is a worker and his mother works in a hospital. He is good at maths and often gets full marks.&
& &As good friends, we often play basketball together. He often helps me with maths when I have difficulty in it. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up.
& &我的朋友魏华出生于1992年3月,他现在住在北京。他的爸爸是一名工人,妈妈在医院工作。他数学学得好,经常得满分。&
& &作为好朋友,我们经常在一起打篮球。当我学数学有困难时,他经常帮助我。他长大后想当科学家。
篇三十二:我们只有一个地球We have only one globe
& & Don't you see the heavy smokes from the big chimneys? Don't you smell the gas from the motors all around the streets? We've got much dirtier air! the icebergs are melting from the warmer winter because of the air pollution!&
& &难道你没有看到从大烟囱里冒出来的浓重烟雾?难道你在大街上没闻到汽车发出来的气味吗?污染的空气已经很多了!因为空气污染,冰山在温暖的冬天融化了。
& &Don't you see there are less lives in the water? Don't you see that we must pay higher cost in water processing? We've got much darker water running around! The oceans are in at danger.&
& &难道你没看到水中的生物越来越少了。难道你没看到我们要花费大量的金钱来进行水处理。到处都有很多的脏水!海洋正处于危险之中。
& &Don't you see the montains getting bald? Don't you see our ground becoming hollow? We've been exhausting the resources beneath the earth. Our grandchildren will live on nothing.
& &难道你没看到山峰变得越来越秃了吗?难道你没看到我们的地面变凹了吗? 我们已经耗尽地球的资源。我们的子子孙孙将什么都没有。
& &We have only one globe. Treasure the mother nature!
& &我们只有一个地球。珍惜大自然!
篇三十三:我的寒假生活 My Winter Holiday
& &It was a very busy evening. I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn&t have to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let&s held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me &Dear, do your homework!& I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream&&
& &今晚真是个忙碌的晚上。我正在家里写作业,我爸爸正在书房里写作文。我妈妈对上海歌剧感兴趣。她正在看上海歌剧比赛。公寓非常安静。突然间断电了。一切都黑麻麻的,但是我很喜欢。断电了,我就可以不用写作业了。我们慢慢的走向起居室。五分钟后,我们都坐在沙发上。这是一个既幸运又倒霉的一天。我说让我们开个音乐会。 我父母都同意了。我拿出一些蜡烛并点燃它们。我们唱歌,大笑,聊天。我们都玩得很开心但是当我在唱歌时,灯突然亮了。哦,我的上帝啊。我爸爸继续回房间写作文。我妈妈开着电视并对我说&亲爱的,去写作业!&我觉得很沮丧。我坐在桌子边,想我恨灯光。我希望第二天还能够断电。我觉得我会越来越开心的。我陷入了梦境&
篇三十四:善意的谎言 A Kind Lie
& & Last week I lost my lunch money my mother gave me. I was worried and sad. My best friend Xiaomei gave me her only 10 yuan and told me that was her pocket money. I believed that. Then I knew the money was saved by her from breakfast and she wanted to buy a new bag. It moved me.
& & 上星期我把妈妈给我的午饭钱丢了,我又着急又伤心。我的好朋友小梅把她仅有的10元钱给了我,并告诉我这是妈妈给的零花钱。我相信了。后来我才知道那是她从早饭中省下来想给自己买个书包的,这件事让我感动极了。
篇三十五:温暖的家 A Warm Family
& & My father is very busy, but he doesn't forget to accompany me. When he is free, he helps me do my homework. On holidays he often takes me to parks. I grow up with the love and care of my parents. I love my warm family.
& & 爸爸工作很忙,但他依然不忘陪我。每当他有空,他会陪我一起做功课,节假日带我去公园。我是在父母的爱和呵护下长大的,我爱我温暖的家庭。
篇三十六:体育运动的好处和坏处Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports
& &Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, &there are two sides to everything&, and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. What's more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.&
& &运动在很多方面都对我们有好处。不用说,锻炼可以增强我们的体力。集体运动项目,比如篮球、排球或者足球,我们都会学到合作的重要性。参加运动,我们尽我们最大的努力去赢而且能够激发我们的竞争精神。经过一段精疲力尽的工作后,运动可以使我们放松。然而,常言道,什么事情都有两方面,运动也是不例外的。在参加体育活动时,我们可能会伤害到别的运动员或者我们自己,如果我们不足够小心的话。此外,过度的或过严的训练都可能对我们的健康有害。
& &My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.
& &我在体育运动方面的参与经验告诉我们运动可以让我们身心健康。也是让大家互相认识的好方式而且还能促进友谊。所以,只要我们足够小心,运动是百无一害的。
篇三十七:我最喜爱的科目 My favourite subject
& & My name is XXX. I study in No.2 Middle school. My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I don't like Maths,it's not easy at all.
& & I am not good at it. I am good at Music,so I like it, too.
& & Do you think so?
& & 我叫XXX.我在第2中学读书。我最喜欢的科目是英语。因为我觉得它很容易,而且我们可以用它和外国人讲话。但是我不喜欢数学,它一点都不简单。我不擅长这方面。我的音乐很好,所以我也喜欢它。
& & 你觉得呢?
篇三十八:杭州之旅 A Visit to Hangzhou
& & It was my first visit to Hangzhou. In one and a half days, I hurried through more than ten scenic spots. The West Lake in spring is gracefully pleasant, its beauty unparallelled. Walking along the lake, I saw willows bowing in shiness. The water is so blue. The pavilions throw their shadows in the water. What is most impressive is the blooming peach flowers vying with each other in showing their beauty. The tea bushes, the screens and quiet bamboos are left in my memory.
& & 这是我第一次来到杭州。在一天半的时间里,我匆匆参观了十多个景点。春天里的西湖特别美丽,它的美丽无与伦比。沿着西湖走,我看到垂柳在阳光下发着绿莹莹的光,而湖水是那样的蓝。亭台倒映在水面上。最令人印象深刻的是桃花盛开时竞先展示他们的美丽。而茶树丛中,树丛和安静的竹子都留在我的记忆里。
& & When I walked for half an hour in the sun and suddenly saw a stretch of bamboos I could not help crying out, &I'll go and sit in there.& After three hours' walk a murmuring stream came into my view. The water was clear and I could see through it to the bottom. The oval stones under the water were visible and even countable. I put my aching feet into the stream. Oh, the water was running across my feet. It was cool but not cold. I could not but admit that it was a most pleasant and comfortable moment.
& & 当我在太阳底下走了半个小时后,突然见到一片竹子,我快要忍不住哭了出来,&我要去坐那里。&走了三个小时后,发出潺潺声的河流闯入了我的视线。水很清,我都可以看到水底了。可以看到在水里椭圆形的石头,甚至可以数出来。我把累到疼痛的脚放到水里。喔,水从我的脚边流过。这是凉而不冰的水。我不得不承认这是最开心和舒适的时刻。
& & Life is just like a journey. What is more, you have to hurry on the way, braving the scorching sun and burdened with luggage, while crossing over the mountains and slopes. Then you feel rewarded by a short rest. If only I could walk less and rest more!
& & 生活就像旅行。而且你要快点出发,顶着烈日、和背着行李,爬过高山、穿过斜坡。一个短暂的休息你都会觉得是奖赏,希望能少走点路多点休息!
篇三十九:舞龙Dragon Dance
  China is the most populous(人口众多的) country in the world. Wherever there are Chinese people, there are &dragons& regarded as mascots. For over 2,000 years, the dragon has turned from a symbol of deity, emperor and imperial power into a symbol of the rising Chinese nation. The Dragon Dance , accordingly, has been elevated from asking for God and rain to expressing people's courage, pride and wisdom.
& & 中国是世界上人口众多的国家。哪里有中国人,哪里就有被视为吉祥物的&龙&。2000多年来,龙已经从神的象征,皇帝和皇权的象征转变成中华民族的象征。据说,舞龙已经从请求上帝降雨转变成了人们表达勇气,骄傲和智慧的方式了。
  The Dragon Dance has diversified models and forms. The dragon is a totem (图腾)of the Chinese nation. The farming tribes worship it very much. People think dragons can make clouds and bring them rain. Playing dragon dances in the spring will hopefully bring peop playing in dry seasons
playing to different families will drive ghosts out. Therefore, the custom goes on.
& & 舞龙有各种各样的模式和形式。龙是中华民族的图腾。从事农业的人都很信奉它。人们认为龙可以让云层给他们带来雨水。春天玩舞龙是希望人们带来有利的气候。在干旱的季节里舞龙是希望能给他们带来雨水,在各家各户舞龙可以赶走鬼魂。因此,风俗就这样传下去了。


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