美国人说hang outt with friends的意思?

I hang out with my friends and I took lots of photos.
If I hang out with my friends, we go to Carrefour, buy food and then go back to my place and cook.
I relax by reading books watching TV. I also hang out with my friends travel with my family. However, I don't play in summer.
During my time off I like to hang out with my friends, dine out, watch movies or just spend a quiet evening at home.
Like all girls of my age, I like to hang out with my friends at malls or theaters;
Teacher:I for fun hang out with my friends and I drink with them once in a while . Chinese beer is good and cheap too.
I like to hang out with my friends on the weekends.
I like to hang out with my friends and family and that's really about it.
But I do have horns and I usually hang out in a group with my friends.
I would hang out in the streets with my friends "partying, " getting high, drinking and selling marijuana. Most of my friends were gang members (I myself was never in a gang).
You know, I grew up with brothers and I was sort of a tomboy because I always wanted to hang out with my brothers' friends and be with them.
On weekends I like to hang out at the sports club with my friends.
On weekends I like to hang out at the sports club with my friends.
This last Sunday I also got to hang out with two of my good American friends, Joe and Katie, and their beautiful family.
I am quite a calm girl though I do love my walks and to hang out with my doggy friends.
The fact that I won ... and to just hang out with my friends, that's a party enough.
I love to work with my horses, hang out with my friends, and go to movies.
It's fun to have the experience of travel and to hang out with my cast members that I'm friends with and see a great country and meet all the women that are from all these different countries.
I like the fact that I have my friends I can go home to , hang out with and be a normal kid, because you only live once.
Today, after coming home from hanging out with a few friends, my mom told me that I shouldn't hang out with them any more.
Today, after coming home from hanging out with a few friends, my mom told me that I shouldn't hang out with them any more.
I have great friends whom I love but never want to hang out with because insomnia has stolen my desire to be social.
But all jokes aside. Nowadays, my home has actually become quite the spot to hang out at for my friends and I. We like to cook, have some wine, and just catch up with each other.
It's a Saturday, your friends ask you if you can hang out with them and you reply "No, I am gonna be home streaming a German international friendly on my computer."
It's a Saturday, your friends ask you if you can hang out with them and you reply "No, I am gonna be home streaming a German international friendly on my computer."
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!hang out with my friends 是什么意思?
hang out with my friends 是什么意思?
09-01-13 &
hang out 【俚语】 To spend one's free time in a certain place: 消磨时间:在某个固定地方消磨空闲时间: “a group of boys who hung out together around what they called ‘Barry's Corner’”(Linda Ellerbee) “一群在他们所谓的‘巴雷角’消磨时间的男孩们”(琳达·艾勒比) T loiter: 无所事事;闲荡: spent the evening just hanging out. 每天晚上只是闲荡 T date: 陪伴;约会: hanging out with a former boyfriend. 与以前的一位男朋友约会
例子:I like to hang out at mall with my friends.我喜欢和我的朋友一起去购物中心闲荡。
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八年级英语上U1-12词组总汇 ...
ham songs 哼歌曲
hang out with friends 和朋友闲混
hardly ever 几乎不 ...
八年级重点短语归纳 ...
go to the aquarium 去水族馆
hang out with friends 和朋友闲逛
take photos 照相 ...
谁看过这篇博文 ...
surf the internet网上冲浪
hang out with friends与朋友出去逛
watch a movie看电影 ...
They can stroll downtown to hang out with friends meet someone new at the park or run into colleagues on the street.
It kind of has a city atmosphere to it. I think everyone has their one place where they like to meet and hang out with friends.
Maybe we drag ourselves to the local bar to hang out with some friends and eat, drink, and watch the news on TV – which adds its own layer of stress – hoping our feelings will just disappear.
So I've been able to relax a little bit, get all my homework done early and hang out with friends.
So with the spare time that I get, I usually like to hang out with friends.
My nightlife. I really like to hang out with my friends and go out on the weekends and um,
He cut class most days, staying home to write lyrics or hang out with friends and make demos.
These are the same people who have huge apartments overlooking skylines and plenty of time to hang out with friends.
But the ASA disagreed and labelled the commercial "irresponsible" for showing a scrapyard as an "adventurous place to hang out with friends".
- 来自原声例句


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