在普渡大学就读 就读是怎样一番体验

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在Purdue University普渡大学就读是怎样一番体验,【携尔留学】给大家翻译整理了普渡大学的留学体验,以供参考。
1.【学术】Academics: I am in Speech Pathology. It is hard, but the amount of time you put into your classes is what you get out of it. Go to office hours, get involved with research, do what you can to get intro graduate school!
2.【学术】Academics: The workload can be overpowering at times, but the agriculture program is the best program to be in. You get to meet so many new and wonderful people that want to help you succeed. The curriculum is based on what major you are in. Whether it be animal sciences, farm management or another major the agriculture department always has your best interest at heart. There are great opportunities to study abroad, do community service and join a bunch of clubs. You are able to apply to do undergraduate research and work on experiments with professors. There is always a position open for someone who wants to work on campus whether it be a dining court or secretary, you are able to find a part time job that is flexible with school.
3.【学术】Academics: Like most schools, your workload will depend on what major you decide on. Anything to do with the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) majors is very challenging at Purdue.
4.【专业】Majors: I haven't had an internship yet. However, the university does a fantastic job of placing people in them and making students aware of career and internship opportunities.
5.【专业】Majors: There are plenty of majors to choose from. Purdue has a wide variety of programs. Admission depends on each program. It is harder to get into an engineering program than a liberal arts program.
6.【专业】Majors: Purdue is obviously famous for its engineering program, and for good reason. The curriculum, professors and resources will pretty-much guarantee that you will have a job coming out of college. Not to mention companies LOVE Purdue students
7.【多样性】Diversity: Tons of diversity on campus. Plenty of organizations for you to join whether you are a member or merely interested. I have heard tons of stories of students who weren't a &member& of a cultural center attending their events. Purdue is actually building a new student activities center where most of these organizations will be housed.
8.【多样性】Diversity: Purdue has students from all over the world that come from many different cultures and life experiences. Through our student orientation program, also known as BGR, we learned about a program known as FreeZone. FreeZone allows you to be yourself without feeling like you are being judged for who you are. I think FreeZone has broken down walls on our campus and makes the atmosphere feel much more accepting.
9.【健康安全】Health & Safety: The PUPD takes their job very seriously. I truthfully do feel very safe on campus, especially because I live in the dorms and very close to the PUPD headquarters. There are blue lights established all around the campus, and you can press one in the case of an emergency. PUPD also makes a lot of different presentations for classes and other organizations about the various services they offer. They even have a service where students can be picked up and taken back home if it is late at night and they are alone. Overall, I think my school has great safety services.
10.【校园管理】Administration: Purdue is very strict about where you park on campus or off. They will tow your car if you are in violation or give you an expensive ticket. You are not allowed to have alcohol in the dorms even if you are 21. It can make students late for class if they are not allowed to park somewhere and can not ride a bus. It may damper someone's social life if they can not drink.
11. 【健康安全】Health & Safety: Purdue's campus is almost always lit at night and there are varies locations that are available for a phone & emergency situations around campus. I feel safe on Purdue's campus, because I know the campus very well. Get to know the campus by a map or walking around with friends/family. Know which buildings are where and where to go in need of an emergency.
12.【校园食堂】Campus Food: If you want to try something that's not a dining court, go to Puccini's or Hot Box. Puccini's has really awesome pizza and pasta with a lot of variety. Hot Box has really good pizza and breadsticks.
13.【体育】Athletics: Purdue provides students with an excellent sports facility, the Co-Rec. It is free membership with student tuition and allows every student to stay active during their time at school. Having participated in intramurals at Purdue, I can say that they were enjoyable but also challenging. School spirit is overall positive.
普渡大学为学生提供了很棒的体育设施&&the Co-Rec。它对学生是免费开放的,允许学生自由进出。我在普渡参与过校内提议活动,我得说这些人都是很快乐的,并且极具挑战性。校风积极向上。
14.【体育】Athletics: Our teams suck, but we have fun.
15.【男生女生】Guys & Girls: Purdue University is a very diverse school with many international students living on and off campus. You see women completely covered up and you see some wearing nothing at all. Guys all dress different, some dress in suits others in just jeans and a t-shirt. Typically Asian girls hold hands while walking, where as American girls do not do that. International students usually talk in their native language to each other.
16.【毒品安全】Drug Safety: There is partying, as there would be at any other school. Nothing negative about it and there are sober workers at any party that is attended to ensure safety is followed through.
17.【毒品安全】Drug Safety: In any of the residence halls its almost unheard of to see drugs. During the first few weeks yeah the people being stupid about it will get caught and thrown out but after that it calms down. Fraternities provide alcohol to just about anyone though. Be smart about it and you'll be ok.
18.【校园住宿】Campus Housing: With all the renovations, every thing is good. Just avoid Meredith at all costs. If you want an insane social life, head to Tarkington, Owen or Wiley. McCutcheon and Harrison are alright, Earhart is good. Third Street is 5 star hotel quality housing, but it fills up real fast. First Street is overrated.
整修以后,一切都很好。一定别去Meredith!如果你想要一种疯狂的社交生活,去Tarkington, Owen 或者 Wiley。McCutcheon 和 Harrison 也不错,Earhart 也很好。第三大街是五星级的宾馆,但很快就会住满。第一大街被高估了。
19.【当地生活】Local Area: I enjoy the college campus feel, and the safety of this school because it is predominately college students.
20.【当地生活】Local Area: People are very nice and welcoming. There are quite a few things to do off campus but most activities are centered around campus or near campus.
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