
因为根本就没有人类或者 航天飞机飞回来的时候就不会那么危险了
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18:52 上传
翻译:AdipemCat& && && && && && && && & 整理:山水
Atmospheric Monsters Attack!
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18:52 上传
Current scientific figures state that our atmosphere extends approximately 621-miles above the planet’s surface. According to the mathematics done by minds far in advance of my own, the volume of Earth’s atmosphere in cubic miles is, and I quote: “142,782,184,457.44 depending on whose number you go with for the ‘thickness’ of the atmosphere.”Now let’s take this frankly overwhelming figure and compare it to the square miles of water said to be on the big blue orb we call home. Again, according to mathematicians whose work I can only accept at face value, we’re dealing with the not insubstantial sum of 139,668,500 square miles. Even as non-numerical a mind as the one I possess can see that the difference is tremendous. So if we are to concede that the ocean harbors scads of unknown life-forms how can we ignore the same potential in the vastly more expansive heavens above?根据科学研究表明,以地面为起点,我们地球上的大气层厚达621公里。
现在我们来说说这个我们居住的好几平方公里海洋的蓝色大水球,根据数学家的计算,我们时时刻刻与139,668,500 平方公里的打着交道。如果我们认为海洋孕育了无数未知形式而存在的生命,为什么我们可以忽视掉头顶的这一片天空?
Okay, unofficial math lesson over. First off I want to acknowledge that my esteemed colleague here at Mysterious Universe, Micah Hanks, already broached this fascinating topic in his article “Airborne Anomalies: Rethinking Atmospheric Lifeforms,” which is a great read. Still, as informative as that is, I found this subject so captivating that I had to take a crack at it, so forgive the pinch of redundancy. Now let’s get on to the fun stuff, such as — what the heck is it that might be living above us?好了,非官方数学课到此为止。我要感谢我的同事Micah Hanks和神秘的宇宙,他的文章:”大气层生命体的反思”,是一篇很伟大的文章。我发现这个问题是如此的迷人,所以不得不用大篇幅的文章来解释,请谅解。好了,现在,我们来谈谈一些好玩的东西,究竟是什么可能存活于我们头上?
So-called atmospheric monsters have been with humanity for centuries. Descriptions range from vaporous, cloud-like beings to “air whales” and “air krakens” to translucent, floating jellyfish that dip in and out of clouds with no visible means of aerodynamic propulsion. There are also the oft debunked, multi-winged “rods” or “skyfish” and airborne man eating super-amoebas and even one-eyed, flipper bearing, headless dragons.所谓的大气生物已经与人类共同生存了好几个世纪,有关的描述记载包括水雾状的东西,云状的空中鲸鱼与克拉肯,用看不见的空气推动着在云中躲藏的“水母”。也有一些“真相”被揭穿,如多翼的飞棍或天竿鱼,可以吃掉空降兵的巨型阿米巴变形虫,甚至独眼,团鳍、没脑袋的龙。
Some are said to be gargantuan beasts, which have been incorrectly identified as flying saucers and others are so small and swift that they can barely be perceived on video freeze frames, much less with the human eye. It has also been suggested that — much like animals that dwell in the pressurized depths of the deepest ocean trenches — many of these atmospheric animals are unable to survive on the surface of the Earth.有的说法称那是被错误地定义为飞碟的巨兽,它们有的非常小并极为敏捷,因此它们几乎只能在录像的截屏中被发现,而人眼几乎不可能看到。另一点是,这些动物就像生活在深海中承受着巨大水压的生物一样(无法再水面存活),这些大气中的生物不能在地表上存活。
Some even believe that the gelatinous “star jelly” so often found following meteor showers may well be the decaying remains of these ostensibly invertebrate beasts. Perhaps falling stars and other earthbound debris strike these creatures in mid-flight, tearing them apart with the force of their impact and sending them hurtling to the ground in as yet unidentifiable hunks.有些人甚至相信,那些在坠落在地面上的流星雨陨石上所带的凝胶状“星云胶体”,就是那些生活在大气中巨兽的残骸。也许陨石或地外碎片在这些生物飞行的时候撞击到了它们,并用过冲击力把它们撕成碎片,并把早已不可辨认的(大气生物的)残骸带到了地面上。
Origin also remains a point of contention between supporters of the existence of
that is, whether or not they we are dealing with alien entities of unknown extraction or creatures that are indigenous to Earth. Most supporters believe that wherever these beasts come from they are non-sentient animals that live their sky-bound lives reliant on instinct rather than intellect. But, of course, they could be wrong.这些生物的来源也是相信它们存在的支持者们争论的话题之一,那就是,它们到底是具有未知性状的外星生命体还是在地球上土生土长的动物?然而大多数支持者同意一个观点,即这些在它们空中领域生存并毫无察觉能力的动物不是靠智力存活,而是天生的本能。
Famed author and paranormal investigator, Ivan T. Sanderson, was so enamored with the idea of these sky beasts that he mentioned the theory in several books. He even speculated that numerous UFO accounts might actually represent “extremely low density animals native to the clouds.”著名的作家和超自然现象研究者——Ivan T. Sanderson,对空中巨兽非常着迷以至于他在书中几次提到了这种假说。他甚至推测到许多UFO的目击事件其实就是这些具有极低密度、从云中诞生的动物。
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Sanderson was not alone in his belief in atmospheric animals. Even celebrated cosmologist Carl Sagan got into the act when he proposed that some kind of astrobiological, balloon-like beast might be soaring through the skies of massive gas giants such as Jupiter, though it is doubtful that he ever speculated that one or more of these creatures may have found their way to Earth.Sanderson并不是主张这种说法的唯一人士。甚至著名的宇宙学家Carl Sagan也提议了类似宇宙生命的看法,气球性的巨兽可能靠飞翔来穿过巨大的气体巨行星;他曾做出了令人怀疑的推测,即这些生物也许会在它们飞跃地球的路程上被发现。
In 1975, pioneering UFO author, Trevor James Constable, proposed in his book “The Cosmic Pulse of Life” that the flying saucer phenomenon was likely not an example of extraterrestrial technology, but of colossal amoeba-like creatures that dwell in the Earth’s atmosphere. He colloquially dubbed these theoretical animals “critters.”1975年,UFO发现者先驱, Trevor James Constable,在他的书“宇宙里生命的脉冲”中指出,飞碟现象不太像是外星科技,倒像是在大气层中生活的巨型阿米巴变形虫似的生物。他为这些理论上的动物起了一个通俗的称号:“小怪物”。
Constable further proposed that these atmospheric monsters spent most of their time in a virtually invisible low-density state, but when they increased their density (possibly while in search of sustenance) these odd life-forms became visible. He also believed that the use of radar devices in the 20th Century somehow disturbed these sky beasts, forcing them from their usually concealed state into a more perceptible one.Constable进一步提出,这些怪物实际上大部分时间都保持在一个透明、低密度的形态;但当它们把密度增高(如搜寻食物时)就能被看见。他也相信在20世纪里,雷达的大范围使用从某种程度上影响了这些生物,迫使它们由隐蔽的形态变得更容易被发现。
As if that weren’t enough, Constable then went on to suggest the literally horrifying premise that these “critters” were not only carnivorous, but that they were likely responsible for the plethora of inexplicable animal mutilations as well as the scores of human beings who are reported missing every year. It goes without saying that the thought of huge, voracious, virtually undetectable predators that can descend from the sky in a flash to claim their unwary victims is not a comforting one.如果这还不够,Constable又提出了另一种更恐怖的说法,这些怪物不仅仅是食肉的,它们很可能与大量动物的神秘死亡与每年被报道的人类失踪有关。不用说,当那些巨大的,贪婪的,根本无法察觉的天空捕食者在一瞬间夺取那些无知的猎物时,那觉得不会让人觉得宽慰。
Perhaps it was Constable’s alarming theory that inspired Japan’s Toho Studios to produce “Dogora, the Space Monster.” Dogora, a massive, floating jellyfish-like creature that hovered over Japan scooping up its terrified victims with long, whipping tendrils, was brought to life by renowned Godzilla collaborators director Ishirō Honda and special-effects wizard Eiji Tsuburaya in 1964, and may well be the best cinematic articulation of an atmospheric monster ever created.也许是Constable的想法启发了日本的东宝株式会社发行了“多古拉,太空中的多古拉”这部影片。Dogora(多古拉),一个巨大的水母状漂浮生物悬停在日本上空,用它的长鞭触角卷起了无数的受害者。并为哥斯拉的创作者 Ishirō Honda 与特效制作Eiji Tsuburaya的合作,并为史上最伟大的大气生物电影做了剪辑。
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While Dogora is well known to cult and kaiju film enthusiasts, arguably the most celebrated real life encounter involving an alleged atmospheric monster hailed from Crawfordsville, Indiana. According to the account published in the September 5th, 1891 edition of the Indianapolis Journal, at about 2 am. on September 4th, two men were repairing a wagon when they looked skyward and were shocked to see what they described as a “horrible apparition” soaring above them.当Dogora被无数的影迷的热爱而出名时,最著名的大气怪物目击事件在美国印第安纳州的克劳福兹维尔发生了,根据1891年九月5日的印第安纳州杂志的说法,在九月4日凌晨2点中,两名男子修了他们的马车时,他们被天空中一个可怕的怪异景象深深地震惊了。
The men asserted that the multi-finned, rectangular, headless creature “swam” no less than 100-feet above them and they gauged its size to be approximately 8-feet wide and 20-feet in length. The men would later confirm to reporters that the beast was definitely animate.该男子称,一个多鳍,长方形,没脑袋的生物在他们头顶上不少于100英尺的地方游荡,他们估计这怪物大约是8英尺宽,20英尺长。他们后来与记者确认了这个东西绝对是有生命的。
The men watched in horror as the creature propelled itself through the heavens with its numerous fins and even circled above a nearby home. The monster then vanished as it traveled eastward, only to reappear moments later. This was about all the eyewitnesses could take and the men chose this moment to abandon their repairs and flee for their lives.他们惊恐地看着这个生物在许许多多的鳍的推动下飞入了天空,它甚至还在附近的房子上空打了个转。怪物在向东飞行的时候消失了,只有在片刻后再现了一下。这就是目击者所能做的一切,那两个男子在那时选择扔下手头的活计然后抱头逃命。
This utterly bizarre creature would be easy enough to dismiss as a drunken hallucination or an outright hoax were it not for the corroboration of another eyewitness with an impeccable reputation. The witness in question was one Reverend G. W. Switzer, a local Methodist pastor who, along with his wife, also claimed to see the sky beast.这个离奇的生物完全可以被认为是醉酒后的幻觉或是故意的恶作剧,若不是另一些很可信的人同样看到了这个生物的话。这些目击者包括:牧师 G. W. Switzer,卫理公会牧师与他的妻子,他们都声称看到了这个空中巨兽。
As if that weren’t enough, the following night the thing returned, but this time it did not just show itself to a handful of stranded observers.According to reports published by the Indianapolis Journal, hundreds of witnesses testified that they watched the anomalous airborne entity fiercely flapping in the night sky.Observers described an identical beast to the one seen the night before, but this time they noticed a cycloptic, flaming red “eye.” They also noted that the writhing beast emitted a “wheezing, plaintive noise” and “squirmed in agony.”就像这还不够似的,这个怪物在几天后的夜晚又返回来了,但这次看到它的就不止个把人了。根据印第安纳州杂志的报道,好几百个目击者证实有一个非常奇怪的东西在夜空中凶狠地左冲右突观察者同样描述了一个在前一天晚上看到的完全相同的巨兽,但这次他们注意到这个怪物有一个明亮的红色眼睛,他们还指出,那不断翻滚的巨兽发出一阵阵哀怨的噪音并痛苦地扭动着。
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The Crawfordsville creature undulated above the throngs of awed onlookers at a height of about 300-feet, until it abruptly plummeted earthward toward a group of spectators. Those who narrowly avoided the apparent attack of this beast swore they could feel its “hot breath” as it rushed past them.克劳福兹维尔怪兽在那些观察者的头上300英尺处不断徘徊,直到它突然向地面的观众坠下去,那些侥幸躲开它袭击的旁观者发誓他们感受到了它灼热的呼吸。
Early paranormal chronicler and author, Charles Fort, was convinced that there was no Rev. G.W. Switzer and that the entire event was a hoax, but once he looked into the matter he was shocked to discover that the pastor not only existed, but he confirmed his previous testimony to be true.Reporter Vincent Gaddis picked up the story from there and after interviewing dozens of eyewitnesses involved with this mass sighting he wrote that: “All the reports refer to this object as a living thing.”早期的超自然现象编年史作者,Charles Fort,一开始坚信并没有什么G. W. Switzer牧师,而且整个事件就是一出完完全全的恶作剧。但当他察觉到问题的所在时,他震惊地发现,这个牧师不仅存在,而他之前的证词也是确定的。
Another breed of atmospheric monster is said to hail from the tiny islands off Scotland’s Shetland archipelago. The Shetland Islands are a remote and mist shrouded locale about 50-miles northeast of Orkney and it should come as no surprise to any student of the unknown that they are known to harbor a monster, but unlike the famed lake beasties of the Scottish highlands, the thing that the islanders know only as “it” is quite unlike any other creature on Earth.大气巨兽的另一个版本是来自苏格拉设得兰群岛的列岛上。设得兰群岛很偏远,事发地点是在往北50公里处的常年被薄雾覆盖的奥尼克郡。但与苏格兰高地湖泊中的“小动物”(指尼斯湖水怪)不同,岛上的居民只知道这个生物与地球上的任何动物都不尽相同。
The locals matter-of-factly believe this vaporous varmint is merely a “cloud animal” that dwells in the skies above and for reason unknown occasionally makes the long journey to Terra Firma. Those who have come into contact with this organism have met with no harm and report the physical sensation is akin to being licked by an “enormously soft tongue.” While that effect may not be fatal, it certainly is distasteful.当地人实事求是地相信这个水雾似的东西只不过是一个在天空中居住的云中生物,出于未知的原因它有时候会长途跋涉到大陆区域。那些曾接触过那生物的人们称从未收到过伤害,至于物理接触的感觉,他们说是像被一个“巨大柔软的舌头”舔过。虽然这种经历不会带来伤害,但也绝对不是什么好事。
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One incident reported by a policeman details a run-in with this (or a similar) entity that occurred while the officer was bicycling on his patrol route. The lawman claimed that “it” enveloped him creating the sensation of being wrapped in a “soft blanket” that smelled of “mildew.” The being, which the officer was convinced was alive, swiftly soared away, but the shaken officer claimed that it had been one of the most terrifying experiences of his entire life.一个警察详细地报道了在他骑车上班时与这个怪物的接触。警察声称,被那个怪物包裹着的感觉就像披上了一个轻柔的巨大的毯子,并有一股霉味。那个警察坚信存在的生物,迅速地飞走了,被震惊的警察声称那时他一生中经历过最恐怖的事情。
PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE:Since the dawn of photography there have been scores of photos of alleged UFOs, but there are dozens that do not seem to have the classic earmarks of a machine tooled vehicle or surveillance device. These anomalous objects seem to have strange, almost organic shapes and move in ways that seem counterintuitive for a technologically based flying craft.照片为证:自从摄影技术诞生后,有许许多多的所谓的UFO被记录下来,但也有一些看起来没有机械设备的特征。这些奇异的物体看起来具有一些怪异的、生物般的外形,它们飞行的轨迹从技术层面看了也有悖与常理。
ne of the most intriguing anomalous UFO photographs — which may well represent an atmospheric monster — was taken by scientific journalist Bruno Ghibaudi on the afternoon of April 27th, 1961.On the day in question Ghibaudi was driving along the highway that ran adjacent to Montesilvano beach in Italy when he blew a tire.Ghibaudi immediately pulled over and began changing his flat. The job was proceeding smoothly when he noticed a bizarre, multi-winged, or possibly finned, “object” soaring over the ocean at a low altitude. The strange craft was heading directly toward him at an incredible velocity, but, much to his credit, Ghibaudi did not panic. Instead he reached into his car and retrieved his camera.其中最有趣、最诡异的UFO照片很好地表现了大气生物的样子,它是在1961年四月27日下午,被科普记者Bruno Ghibaudi拍摄到的。当天他在意大利蒙特希尔瓦诺的高速路上行进途中,为他的轮胎充气。他迅速靠向路边并换掉泄了气的轮胎。一切都顺利地进行着,突然它一个奇怪的,多翼的,或者说是有鳍的物体从海面上飞到低空中。那个怪异的“船”以一种不可思议的速度迅速像他冲过来,但他并不慌张。相反地,他跑到车里并拿起了相机。
As the odd object passed overhead it slowed and made a sharp, northward turn. Ghibaudi managed to snap a single photo of the UFO before it accelerated out of sight.While some claim that the image shows an interstellar vehicle, there are others who believe that it is actually a living creature.当那个古怪的物体从他头上飞过时,它迅速转向,并向北飞去。Ghibaudi设法在那个物体飞离他的实现外之前拍摄了唯一的一张照片。有些人认为他拍到的是一辆“星际飞船”,但其他人相信那的确是一个活生生的生物。图:
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This next picture was also allegedly taken in Italy. While there’s not a lot of information surrounding this image, its uniqueness warranted its inclusion in this article. According to online accounts, thisphoto was snapped in the middle of the day sometime in July of 1999, by an unnamed Italian Dentist.下面这幅照片是一位不知名的意大利牙医在1999年七月一天的上午拍摄到的。
Supposedly the object — which looks kind of like a stubby tentacled squid — was reportedly silent, exceedingly large and soaring at a incredibly high altitude and rate of speed.这种物体看起来——像是某种具有粗短触须的鱿鱼——据报道,它一直是寂静无声的,体型极大,并以一种不可思议的高度与速度飞行着。
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Some of the witnesses claimed that the UFO had lights along the base. Were these artificial lights or an example of bioluminescence? Perhaps we’ll never know.有些目击者声称不明飞行物的底部出现发光现象。那么那究竟是人工发光还是生物光呢?也许我们永远都不知道
The next case involves a photographer from New Zealand named Michael White who was shooting pictures of the sky when he noticed what he described as a “strange looking dark cloud.” Apparently the cloud remained immobile for the better part of half an hour when it suddenly disappeared.
下一件事情涉及到了一位来自叫Michael White的新西兰摄影家,当他在给天空拍照时他注意到了一块“形状奇怪的乌云”。显然这块云一直保持着静止,直到半个多小时后它突然消失了。
White had managed to snap multiple photographs of the cloud, but it wasn’t until he later developed the images that he realized how unique this entity was. In the photo he discovered a mysterious object that resembled a sort of rippling, possibly organic, manta ray-like object.
The most intriguing part of White’s story is that he claimed that he did not notice the “object” when he took the picture. White insisted that all he saw was a “cloud” that he described as being “fibrous” and “peculiar looking.” He even went so far as to state that he believed the weird cloud could “sense” that it was being filmed and vanished as a result.
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Does this imply that this fibrous cloud-like shape was merely camouflage for a potentially sentient being? If this happens to be the case, then that gives rise to the supposition that strange, undulating entities may be constantly cruising overhead and all our human eyes perceive are plain, old, ordinary clouds. If that is true, then our world is a mysterious place indeed.
On the afternoon of November 3rd, 1973, A Mexican banker and his family spied a strange object rocketing in a westerly direction over Cocoyoc, Mexico. The banker’s wife claimed that the object was roundish and did not resemble any traditional aircraft that she knew of.
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The banker stopped his car for a better look at the unusual object. He and his wife quickly exited the vehicle and watched as the UFO blazed across the brilliant blue sky.
Thankfully, the banker had the presence of mind to grab his camera and he managed to shoot a photo of the “craft” before it shot out of view. Is this some weird sky anemone or merely a very strange balloon caught in the wind?
Finally, in 1963, in the Northcliff region of Johannesburg, South Africa, a real estate agent was taking pictures of available houses for a local newspaper advertisement when she captured an image of a truly unique UFO. The object resembles what seems to be an odd cellular structure. Perhaps this is a picture of one of Constable’s “critters” or maybe it’s something else all together.
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The above cases represent merely a handful of the accounts and photographs of what might well be atmospheric monsters. But as many images as may be out there, the general consensus remains that these animals can not only modify their size and density, seemingly at will, but also employ a unique and extremely effective form of camouflage to conceal themselves. This means that if these creatures really do exist, there may be thousands, if not millions, floating above each of us at this very moment and we’d never even realize it.
Perhaps these speculations are nothing more than flights of fancy, pun sadly intended, but if they prove to be genuine then it means that scientists have barely scraped the surface of the fauna that lives below… and above… our world.
linkin3l3t 该用户已被删除
大气生物,目前来看属于都市传闻类的存在,英文为atomspheric beasts翻译大概是大气巨兽。根据一些传闻(比如译帖内的)猜想的一大类生存在大气层里的生物。&
linkin3l3t 发表于
19:57 龙腾网
  大气中存在凝胶状生物? 龙腾网
拜托 如果能靠小目睹而悬浮在空中 有什么力量能捕捉鸟类》》??直接被鸟类洞穿 呵呵&
这是个有趣的假说, 给我们提供了一个新的视角, 我觉得有一定的合理性, 但是目前这个理论缺乏实物证据的支撑, 等待发现实据的那一天~龙腾网
中国古代&龙&的传说, 看起来和这个可以扯在一起~
yr_427 发表于
20:40 龙腾网
这是个有趣的假说, 给我们提供了一个新的视角, 我觉得有一定的合理性, 但是目前这个理论缺乏实物证据的支撑 ...龙腾网
大齐天子 发表于
一群外国骗子。。。说好的飞碟呢?一年几千起第三类接触呢?密度极低的物体在空气中快速飞过,难道用屁推动 ...
真相肯定被 SCP基金会 和 全球超自然联盟(GOC)掩盖了,呀!~
有趣的想法 我以前还真没想到过 不过对这个观点持怀疑态度 我不相信大气层会有这种生物
空气中将会有更多的变异生物,& &&&环境变了物种结构是要跟着变的.龙腾网
& && && & 话说&&有生物的时候& & 就已经出现星际旅行的生物了.
& && && && && && & 大多是以单细胞,或更为原始的形态&&被大气中的风吹出大气层&&飘往更广阔的天地.龙腾网
& && && && && && & 其有令人惊叹的生命力.
cxm31415 发表于
本帖最后由 雨菜 于
13:15 编辑
本帖最后由 山水 于
13:17 编辑
雨菜 发表于
13:01 龙腾网
一个密度比空气还低的生物意味着什么?意味着它的内部有大量真空!并且它一旦停止动作 ...龙腾网
其实我也觉得大气生物不怎么靠谱,只是这个开放性猜想很有意思才转来的。可为什么都是来破的,就没人想来完善这个点子的么?看来龙腾诸位对这类猎奇的咨询不怎么感兴趣 。原文里就大意说了,目前来看是个有意思的想法,但还没有被证明。虽然有举例,但多是些感觉不怎么靠谱的都市传闻,唯一有点感觉的又像个飞行器。
山水 发表于
其实我也觉得大气生物不怎么靠谱,只是这个开放性猜想很有意思才转来的。可为什么都是来破的,就没 ...
本帖最后由 山水 于
14:46 编辑
红魔引擎 发表于
14:23 龙腾网
完善么……首先气凝胶的构想是可行的。气凝胶密度极低但是硬度不低,作为这种生物的飞行部分没什么问题。 ...龙腾网
jiangxianke 发表于
18:48 龙腾网
本帖最后由 大齐天子 于
16:17 编辑 龙腾网
山水 发表于
13:15 龙腾网
其实我也觉得大气生物不怎么靠谱,只是这个开放性猜想很有意思才转来的。可为什么都是来破的,就没 ...
其实我真的有证明过,只不过最后公式都忘了推不下去了。我假设这种生物密度接近5000米的空气密度,大概是0.55千克每立方米,活动区域是在海拔米的高空(米捕捉生物,捕捉到后因为密度增大沉到4500米消化,消化完毕后再浮到高空),可以捕捉重量小于自身重量1 /10的鸟类,例如大雁体重为3-5KG,其总体积为100立方米。
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