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介入 基本解释介入[jiè rù]词典:介入,干涉,干预;调解,排解。词典:阻碍;出面;插嘴;介于…之间。词典:插入;插(话);打断;提出(反对)以便干预。词典:介入。词典:提出(异议)行为;插嘴(插入)行为;提出(异议)的事;插嘴(插入)的事。介入 汉英大词典介入[jiè rù] get involved:  例:介入大国间的冲突    involve in th    他从不介入无原则的争端。    He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes.    母亲介入了我与哥哥之间的争论。    Mother interposed in the dispute between my brother and me.介入 网络解释1. interfere:近几年来逐渐引起学术界关注与讨论的'艺术家进驻',其间所牵涉的议题包括艺术家与观众参与互动 ( audience access)的可能性、异文化交流 (cultural exchange)、艺术家在公共场域 ( artist in public arena)的展演或介入 (interfere)与艺术创作过程(w介入 双语例句1. 以Y和ZSM-5两种典型分子筛为例用能学计算结果能较好地解释Sreekumar等人有、无分子筛催化条件下Thio-Claisen重排手性反应结果,即:无催化剂时,反应产物以顺式为主,有分子筛介入时,只能生成反式产物。&&&&With representation of typical zeolites Y and ZSM-5, our energetic calculating results can well explain the results of Sreekumar et al about Thio-Claisen rearrangement with and without zeolite catalysts, which is that syn conformation is the main product without catalyst, while anti conformation is the only product with zeolite catalyst.2. 我不想介入他们的权利争斗。&&&&I'm going to stay out of their power struggle.3. 作者:孙昌勤,陈世沛,刘建平,陈建勋,刘曙光,熊勇,周平,王何斌,范耀刚作者单位:617067 四川,攀枝花市中心医院肝胆外科△介入治疗中心&&&&Panzhihua Centre Hospital, Panzhihua 617067, China4. 卡札柯夫水驱曲线和俞启泰水驱曲线Ⅱ共同组成了适用于我国水驱层状油田和底水驱碳酸盐岩油田的广义水驱特征曲线组合,有很大的理论意义与实际应用价值,但求取参数时,使用者判断介入较多,因而它们的特例:参数求解方便的的西帕切夫水驱曲线和纳扎洛夫水驱曲线有很大使用价值。&&&&By Kathakov water drive curve and YU Qitai water drive curve 2, a combination of generalized water drive curve which can be applied in oil fields of two large types in Chian-water flooding bedded oil fields and bottom water drive carbonate rock oil fields has been made of. The combination of generalized water drive curve has very large theoretical sence and useful value, but judgement of users intervene obtaining parameters much in its application, so their general forms-Sipachev water drive curve and Nathalov water drive curve which obtaining parameters are easy to have very large useful value.5. 5. 同样的,今天的圣餐也提醒我们耶稣的介入,祂所流的赎罪之血是要涂在我们心堛漯鸬陉W。&&&&Likewise, the Last Supper reminds us today of Jesus`` intervention and sacrificial blood that was shed to be applied to the doorpost of our heart.6. 介入6. 接着,研究人员用一种叫做核转染的方法将这些质粒介入到人包皮细胞中。&&&&We describe the derivation of human iPS cells with the use of nonintegrating episomal vectors.7. 选择急性心肌梗死患者136例,分Firebird组78例和Cypher组58例,均按Judkin法行冠状动脉造影后常规经皮冠脉介入治疗置入支架,记录术后6个月随访情况,对比近期临床疗效。&&&&Methods 136 patients with acute myocardial infarction were divided into Firebird group(78 patients) and Cypher group(58 patients), all of which were accepted stent implantation through percutaneous coronary intervention after coronary angiography according to Judkin method. The follow-up cases were recorded and recent clinical efficacy were compared.8. 8. 对广西从事医用X射线诊断、介入治疗、放射性同位素的医疗放射人员进行职业健康检查,然后对体检结果进行归纳分析。&&&&Methods The occupational health examination was conducted on medical radiation staff who engaged in medical X-ray diagnosis, interventional therapy and radioisotopes. The examination results were analyzed.9. 方法对广西从事医用X射线诊断、介入治疗、放射性同位素的工作人员进行体检,用裂隙灯检查眼晶状体混浊情况,然后对体检结果进行归纳分析。&&&&Methods To engage in Guangxi Medical X-ray diagnosis, interventional therapy, medical radiation radioisotope staff undergo a medical examination, slit lamp examination with lens opacities, and then summarized the results of medical analysis.10. 10. 武夫后来得知Duras谋杀了K'Ehleyr而杀了Duras.2367年末与2368 年初Duras家族挑战Gowron政权而引发了克林贡内战,武夫再次被扯入克林贡政治圈中,武夫和Kurn以回复Mogh家族名誉作为交换条件,同意协助Gowron 政权,在此冲突中他被迫辞去星际舰队的职务,不然就会被禁止介入克林贡的内政事务。&&&&A hearing at Deep Space 9 revealed that gov- ernment agents had faked the deaths by using the names of Klingon citizens who had died earlier in a crash on Galorda Prime. The Gowron regime had hoped to disgrace Worf, and to gain sympathy for the empire's plan to annex Cardassian territory.11. 越来越多的坏消息传出来了,而且,在越来越多的中国人开始真正地介入。&&&&&&More and more bad news came out and more and more Chinese started to involve in this event.12. 12. 目的 通过动物实验研究介入性肺叶切除的可行性。&&&&&&Objective To study the feasibility of interventional pulmonary lobectomy by animal experiment.13. 结果 内脏动脉瘤血管内治疗均获得成功,技术成功率为100%。21例动脉瘤栓塞后,供血动脉完全闭塞,动脉瘤未显影。2例肠系膜上动脉和1例肾动脉主干动脉瘤被覆膜支架完全隔绝,肠系膜上动脉及肾动脉血流通畅。14例有出血症状者13例术后迅速停止出血,1例肝动脉假性动脉瘤进行3次栓塞后最终止血。1例脾动脉瘤栓塞后出现部分脾梗塞,未发生与介入治疗操作有关的并发症。&&&&&&The supply artery and VAA itself were completely occluded in 21 patients after embolization. The VAAs were completely excluded by covered-stent placement in 3 patients(2 superior mesenteric aneurysms, 1 renal aneurysm).The flow of superior mesenteric arteries and renal artery was preserved. Hemostasis was rapidly achieved in 13 of 14 patients. One patient with hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm required another 2 times interventions for recurrent bleeding after the first procedure failed. Partial splenic infarct developed in 1 patient after splenic embolization. There was no complication related-to endovascular procedures.14. 我去年12月份的时候做了输卵管介入术,现在一侧通一侧有积水。&&&&&&I in December last year, when the intervention has done a fallopian tube, and now pass the side of the side of stagnant water.15. 从研究方法上讲,文章对跨国银行介入的规范分析做了一定的尝试。&&&&&&On methods, this article is a try for the normative analysis.16. 金文研究发轫于宋,盛于清代,民国,已是古文字学四大分支学科之一,然而,现代语言学的介入,以语法和音韵为主,具有系统观念的金文词汇研究甚为少见,这也是急需解决的问题。&&&&&&In spite of a profound awareness of the value of the language phenomena, in practice, relevant and necessary research has never been employed by linguists.17. 17. 综合以上结论是有私人教练减重课程的介入对肥胖会员整体的成效有具体的提升效果,并且对饮食行为也有正向的改变提升。&&&&&&It showed that by personal trainers` eight-week training, obese members had significant changes on exercise condition, specific exercise condition and static activities, also, made members be in the habit of constant exercise frequency in order to achieve the adjustment of exercise behavior during this training.18. 一百一十二、凡是董事、常务董事、代理人、审计员、书记和其他公司现任民员介入诉讼,不论是官事诉讼或是刑事诉讼,如果负诉,或被释放,或法庭征引《公司法》规定,罢黜他就职何忽略、守约、渎职或负疑的义务,因辩解而发作的任何债权应从公司财富中予以抵偿。&&&&&&Every director, managing director, agent, auditor, secretary, and other officer for the time being of the company shall be indemnified out of the assets of the company against any liability incurred by him in defending any proceedings, whether civil or criminal, in which judgment is given in his favor or in which he is acquittee or in connection with any application under the Act in which relief is granted to him by the Court in respect of any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust.19. 19. 在介入性心导管治疗时,发生冠状动脉支架脱落或栓塞的情况,虽然并不常见,但是一旦发生的时候,经常都是极为棘手的问题。&&&&&&Coronary stent dislodgment or embolization before deployment is a rare but challenging complication in interventional cardiology.20. 我已指派一名信得过的但做事雷厉风行的总监察长介入调查任何关于浪费和舞弊的案件。&&&&&&I have appointed a proven and aggressive inspector general to ferret out any and all cases of waste and fraud.介入是什么意思,介入在线翻译,介入什么意思,介入的意思,介入的翻译,介入的解释,介入的发音,介入的同义词,介入的反义词,介入的例句,介入的相关词组,介入意思是什么,介入怎么翻译,单词介入是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 [bù jiè rù]
stay out of
超级多伦多论坛 - Powered by Disc... ...
3. raw deal卑鄙的行为
4. stay out of不介入
5. walk out on丢开不管 ...
stand back
不介入(stand back), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
Noninvolvement Model
Keep out of a quarrel
a policy of nonentanglement
biological causal cognition
non-intrusive flowmeter
Unobtrusive study
They offered no interference.
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[bù jiè rù]
He tried to be not involving himself in this endless argument.
The risk of failure is high. It is easy to get into trouble for trying something new.
【词语】:不介入 【注音】:bù jiè rù 【释义】:1.不参与政治或不介入国际事务(如指一国政府)。2.拒绝介入或拒绝承担义务;拒绝介入或拒绝承担义务的情况。
- 来自原声例句
【词语】:【注音】:bù jiè rù【释义】:1.不参与或不介入国际事务(如指一国政府)。2.拒绝介入或拒绝承担;拒绝介入或拒绝承担义务的情况。
最近更新时间: 14:47:15
&& &&&& &&&& &&&&
& hat is a book.Where is the book?What is a book?What is the book? Where is the book?What is a book?
& 8WaterI love youyouher, my mother, themI want to hug you. Ive a crush on you.that is love,
&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
2003 & & Foreign Language Teaching& Research in Basic Education& 29&&&&


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