
Strengthen Teaching by Improving Professional Mobility
The teaching profession, as we have known it, is obsolete. Certainly, we need to rethink teachers’ roles.  But we also need to take a fresh look at why people want to teach.  Indeed, fewer and fewer people want to become teachers.  Many of those who do enter the profession leave it within a few years.
There is already a shortage of qualified teachers in many countries and this trend is likely to intensify. Some think that we can address teacher shortages by providing more ICT-based learning and edutainment. While this may be appropriate, for older learners in higher education and training programs, at least to a certain extent, it is certainly not a solution for younger learners in primary and secondary school.  Teachers have a crucial role to play in supporting these young learners as they develop their social skills and start to engage more actively in their communities.
Indeed, in many ways our expectations of teachers and schools are greater than ever. Teachers are expected to do more to personalize learning in order to meet diverse learner needs. They are also asked to develop new approaches to assessment, to support active student learning, to keep up to date with developments in their fields, and to integrate new technologies. As a result, most countries are exploring policy options for strengthening teacher qualifications. International organizations such as UNESCO, the OECD and the European Commission have also undertaken studies on how to attract new teachers while also raising the bar for professional qualification.  The growing international consensus that teachers should have a Master of Education degree is a significant example of this trend.
A few obvious factors are likely to have an impact on the attractiveness of the profession, such as salary level and working conditions. In some countries, the relatively low salary of teachers, particularly in comparison to other professions requiring an equivalent level of qualification, has lowered teachers’ social status.
A recent study by the European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP) found that there are many additional factors that play a significant role in decisions to enter and stay in the teaching profession. For example, initial teacher education, early-career support and professional development are particularly important. Over the last decade, the declining social prestige and negative image of the profession portrayed in the media appears to have had a big impact on the attractiveness of the profession in many countries. 
But there is another factor likely to improve the attractiveness of the teaching profession which may at first glance look like a paradox. Despite the fact that most people who decide to enter the teaching profession do so for altruistic reasons – teaching as a vocation – the limited opportunities to leave teaching for another profession may be a significant obstacle. In most countries, support for mobility within and beyond the teaching profession is very rare.
Real opportunities for teachers to take on new responsibilities during the course of their careers may also be an important factor in attracting top graduates.  This is particularly the case in countries where the teaching profession does not have much social prestige. Conversely, it is important to attract professionals who wish to become teachers after they have worked in some other field. Their real-world experience is extremely valuable.
Indeed, an important goal of education is to prepare students for working life by helping them to acquire basic competences and skills they will need to adapt to a fast-changing world. Teachers who have had previous professional experience in business or public administration are particularly well equipped to prepare young learners to navigate the multiple changes they are likely to experience in their lifetimes.
Some countries are already doing more to facilitate this kind of teacher mobility.  For example, according to the Training and Development Agency for Schools in England, between 2009 and 2010, the number of career changers applying for teacher training rose by 35%, thus representing about 30% of the total number of new applicants.
In other words, a significant way of increasing the number of qualified teachers who will be able to meet ever-higher expectations, is to increase their opportunities to move between the teaching and other professions.
The Best Teachers Provide Love and Guidance
If Clayton Christensen is right in his prediction that by 2019 more than 50 percent of classroom education will be individualized and computer based, we need to ensure that children’s emotional needs are also being met. The landscape of childhood has changed dramatically but the emotional needs of children remain as ever. They need love guidance and a sense of security. 
克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Clayton Christensen)曾预言:到2019年,超过一半的课堂教育将以计算机为基础,实现个性化教学。如果他是对的,那么我们要确保孩子的情感需求也能得到满足。孩子们生活的时代发生了巨大的变化,但是儿童对情感的需求一如以往。他们需要爱、指导和安全感。
Technology and teachers are not in competition with one another – they are complementary. Empathy does not come through a screen, it is only developed experientially. John Hattie speaks to the non-rule based complex way students need to develop – ways that computers do not take over easily. We are drowning in information yet experiencing a famine of wisdom.
科技与教师并不是互相竞争的关系,而是互为补充。同理心的培养无法对着电脑屏幕实现,只能通过实践来开发。约翰·海蒂(John Hattie)认为学生需要以不基于规则的复杂方式来培养能力,这是电脑无法轻易取代的。我们沉浸在信息的海洋,智慧却严重匮乏。
I would place empathy at the top of the list of 21st century skills.  It is the ultimate human trait.
So what is it that students need to be successful? Children need feedback from the adults in their universe in order to thrive.  This is especially true for younger children who learn through relationships.  In the brains of young children, the regions of cognition and emotion are so inextricably linked that one cannot tease apart thinking from feeling.  In other words, when a child’s feelings are not well managed, thinking can be impaired. 
Teachers of young children are increasingly being trained in neuroscience so that they can appreciate how learning happens. Parents, the child’s first and most indelible teachers, are also increasingly aware that the emotional environment in which a child lives plays a significant role in brain development.
Teachers, through their feedback, help students deal with mistakes and any perceived failures.   In our fast-paced, success-oriented culture it is important for children to learn to deal with disappointment and failure. The teacher is on the spot to encourage, to acknowledge effort, and more importantly, to see the person that the student/child is.   We all remember the teacher who turned us on to learning, generally, or in a particular subject area. This special teacher may not have been unique in his or her teaching talents but most assuredly was empathic and able to see and appreciate us.  Having interaction with a teacher versus a computer allows a child to feel seen, understood and appreciated.  Teachers are coaches and can create a love of learning and pathways through difficulties because they care.  The ethic of care in education is ignored at our peril.  Teaching is now more about the learner than the curriculum and teacher preparation is increasingly including social and emotional learning and the importance of empathy.
Classroom climate is also an increasingly popular area of concern. More than in any other setting, teachers have the opportunity to provide opportunities for students to gain insight into how others think and feel and how they themselves think and feel. Teachers are at their best when they create a flow between instruction and the development of students’ social and emotional competencies. It is only through interaction with teachers that students will be able to develop the executive functioning skills that are required for successful life long learning and living: focused attention, working memory, impulse control, mental flexibility, and decision making.
Creating a positive, risk-free learning environment where students have the courage to be publicly wrong is only possible through the brilliant orchestration of a teacher/leader who understands and cares how the students feel.  Cornelius-White conducted a meta-analysis of research on teacher-student relationships and found that teachers’ warmth, empathy and “non-directivity” strongly correlated to higher levels of student participation, motivation and achievement.  
Classroom teachers, more than ever, need mega doses of empathy. Sara Konrath of the University of Michigan found a 48 percent decrease in empathic concern and a 34 percent decrease in perspective taking in US University students today compared to University students in the ‘70’s.  
Through the Roots of Empathy program, I have  worked with teachers in classrooms in ten countries for the last thirteen years.  I continue to be impressed with teachers’ power of influence, their creativity, and their commitment to helping their students learn. Our classroom based program brings in an instructor, a local parent and infant and an award-winning curriculum to work with the classroom teacher, who participates in it along with his or her students.  As we help students read the cues of a baby and develop empathy for self and others, we see in thousands of classrooms how vital the human connection is between teacher and student. 
过去的13年中,我通过同理心之根(Roots of Empathy)课堂计划,与10个国家的教师共事。老师们的影响力、创造力和致力于帮助学生学习的决心给我留下了深刻的印象。这项基于课堂的计划引进了一位教师,一名本地的家长和他的婴儿,以及一套备受赞誉的课程,并邀请教师和学生们一同参与其中。我们帮助学生观察婴儿的一举一动、了解婴儿的心理感受,从而培养他们对自己和他人的同理心。在数以千计的课堂中,我们也体会到师生之间的纽带是多么重要。
If children from low-income families with poor outcomes consistently learned with a great teacher, I believe we would see the achievement gap shrink dramatically. A significant body of research speaks to the quality of teaching as being the single most important ‘in-school’ factor affecting student learning and achievement.  Eric Hanushek, a Stanford economist, confirmed that of all the variables in learning and things that schools could control, high-quality teachers mattered most, ahead of class size, curriculum and the amount of money spent on students.  I agree that investment in the teacher must come ahead of bricks and mortar. 
Far from being obsolete, the teaching profession is poised to reinvent itself in this globalized and modernized world. To care is to teach and to teach is to touch the future. The challenge and the hope of this decade would be to revisit the cultivation of relationships and empathy in classrooms and to support teachers in learning how best to capitalize on the use of technology and the power of their own humanity.  
Teachers Are Not Needed to Deliver Knowledge
I have long argued that the teaching profession as we know it is obsolete. The Internet has destroyed its value proposition -- teachers are not needed to deliver knowledge when knowledge is freely available. Therefore, we no longer need academic specialists whose job it is to deliver content, yet whose incentives lie in doing meaningful research. This is the situation of today’s college professors.
What we desperately need, especially at the college level, are professors who genuinely care about young people, and who act as guides, mentors, advisors, role models, and facilitators.
在教育过程中,尤其是在大学阶段,我们急需真正关心年轻人,能够起到向导、良师益友 、榜样和推动作用的教授。
Good educators are already doing this. They teach students how -- as opposed to what -- to learn. They inspire students who weren’t initially self-motivated to explore topics that interest them. They encourage independent inquiry. They make sure students have fun in their classrooms. They demonstrate the value inherent in the process of learning.
The problem that today’s students face is that there are simply too few good professors. An even smaller number of them make themselves easily accessible to students, though this situation might be better at private institutions. In general, there’s a lack of personal contact, despite the fact that students are paying so much for college tuition. Even if there was more personal contact, it may or may not be effective: college professors are trained in subject matter, not pedagogy. 
This is a problem that begins in high school. At UnCollege, the organization I direct, our focus is to prepare students for life. More specifically, we prepare students to learn independently. If secondary school teachers don’t do this, students will struggle after they leave school. This will negatively impact students, whether they decide to go to college or not. If they do decide to go, they might not be prepared, and professors have to repeatedly go over remedial work. This can be demotivating for both parties.
There seems to be a disconnect between what professors are supposed to be and what most are actually like. Good professors often fail to recognize that they are among the few who actually make it their life’s mission to help students enjoy learning. Most are mediocre: they are content with just presenting the required course material and calling it a day. What’s more is that this required course material is usually irrelevant to real-life situations.
Such is the current state of the teaching profession.
Of course, this is primarily because teachers are rewarded based on how much information their students can recall, not by how much of an impact they make in their students’ lives. This is the experience of many college students.
The thing is, students want to feel in control of their own lives. Young people are arrogant. We need advice, of course, but we want to solicit it ourselves. Although we don’t know what the future holds, we want to be given the freedom to make our own decisions and figure things out for ourselves. 
Because of the structure of college, students often lose motivation. They may feel confined if they have to take classes that they may not see as relevant to their future careers, or classes that are taught in such a way that doesn’t fit with their learning styles. Although they have opportunities to choose their professors and courses, they may still not feel motivated if they consider the opportunity cost of college -- that the teachers they find in real life might teach them more effectively than their college professors.
UnCollege, recognizes this fact: we serve students who recognize that the teaching profession as we know it is dead, and who want to learn how to learn on their own.
These unconventional students still need guidance. We all do. We don’t, however, have to spend time in a classroom to get it. In fact, I want to dispel the belief that teachers are only to be found in the classroom. The opposite is true. By learning on your own, you can find informal teachers everywhere, and can focus on things that you can actually use. This is easily done by pursuing internships, volunteering, or even just attending interesting events. 
In fact, from my experience, true teachers are more often found outside of the classroom than in. I’ve gained mentors while pursuing internships. I’ve been connected with advisors by reaching out to my network. I’ve found role models in many of my peers. These “teachers” have taught me more than the average professor ever could have.
My question, then, is this: why pay so much money to be taught by an ineffective teacher in a classroom when you can easily find teachers and cultivate these relationships in real life?
In light of the absurd cost of a college education, this is especially pertinent. Costs are out of control: in the United States, the average student graduates with, on average, $27,000 in unforgivable debt. 
Going to university for the knowledge simply isn’t worth it anymore, and if you take a look at the types of examinations that are prevalent in today’s universities, you’ll see that knowledge is what the teaching profession of today was designed to offer. This knowledge does not translate into insight. In fact, studies show that college students don’t actually show improvement in critical thinking skills despite spending four years at an expensive institution. This is the premise on which UnCollege is based: we’re paying too much for college and are learning too little. 
Hackademics — what we call self-directed learners — recognize that education is quickly being unbundled. The four core components of a university education — knowledge, community, network, and signal — can now be very easily found, created, or accessed outside of the traditional school system. Knowledge can be accessed online through Massive Online Open Course platforms, or by doing some sort of apprenticeship. Community can be developed by using the Internet to find, organize, and attend events. Networks can also be built with the help of various online platforms. Signals can be created by showing people what you’ve built or finished -- your progress, if you will -- instead of just a piece of paper. 
Hackademics(我们所谓的自主学习者)认为,教育很快会被分解。大学教育的四个核心元素——知识、社群、人脉和成就——在传统的学校体系之外也可以轻易找到、创建或获取 。我们可以通过大规模开放在线课程(MOOC)或者建立师徒关系来获得知识;可以利用互联网来发现、组织并参与活动,从而发展朋友圈;可以在不同网络平台上建立人脉;而成就的建立,需要向人们展示你创建或完成了什么(如果你愿意的话,也可以展示过程),而不仅仅是一张纸。
With a combination of hard work, self-awareness, and determination, it’s very possible to create an education that is better or more interesting than the average university experience. In the process, you’ll naturally build a world-class network and your team of friends and supporters. 
将辛勤努力、自我意识和决心结合在一起,我们就很有可能创造出比一般的大学更好、更有趣的教育 。在这个过程中,你会自然而然地组建一个世界级的网络,与朋友和支持者们一起创建自己的团队。
This is the question that I pose to today’s high school graduates: why would you spend so much time and money to be taught at an institution when curating your own education can be orders of magnitude more meaningful than just having it handed to you?
It’s the Examination System That’s Obsolete
The teaching profession as we know it is obsolete because it caters to an examination system that was created to serve the needs of another time. 
Most national curricula for children consist of outdated norms from the last century. These include excessive emphasis on spelling, grammar, cursive writing, multiplication tables and mental arithmetic. These skills were needed and valued in the last century, mostly for clerical work. Today the proponents of these subjects claim that they improve mental capabilities of children. I have not found any evidence of this. 
The examination system requires learners to answer questions on paper, using handwriting. The learner must be alone and not in any communication with anyone. The learner must not use any assistive technology other than a pencil, and perhaps a ruler, namely, technology from the 18th century.
In order to cater to the needs of such examination systems, teachers, good or bad, need to use teaching methods from 18th century consisting of rote learning, drill and practice and negative reinforcement.
After the school years, when the erstwhile learner enters the real world, he is expected to solve problems using the Internet, to collaborate with others while solving problems, to type rather than write by hand, to use calculators and not their minds to calculate, to use spell checkers and grammar checkers while typing, and so on. 
In other words, the learner is asked to do the opposite of what he did in school. 
On the other hand, we know that: 
1、Good teachers usually like well-paid jobs in rich schools. They don’t, usually, go to remote or poor or dangerous places. In other words, they don’t go to places that need them the most. 
2、Groups of children can learn to use computers and the Internet, no matter who or where they are, or even what language they speak in. 
3、Groups of children can learn many things, indeed almost anything, by themselves, using the Internet and discussion. This happens provided there is no adult supervision.
4、It is possible to ‘beam’ teachers over the Internet using, for instance, Skype. It is possible to have teachers control a robot in a remote location where they cannot go.
5、Groups of children can research subjects years ahead of their time. Doing so seems to improve their reading comprehension.
The examination system needs to be changed to include collaborative problem solving using assistive technology. If this is done, teachers will be free to enable learning in newer ways.
考试制度需要改变, 应该允许利用辅助技术协作解决问题。如果改变得以实现,老师便能够获得自由,让新型的学习发生。
This has to happen. There is a generation that uses assistive technology, particularly the mobile tablet phone, all the time, except when they are in school. They learn continuously from these devices.
There is powerful resistance to these ideas. The resistance comes from an older generation with a subconscious desire to return to the 1920s, a time that they believe was the best the world ever had.
They have understood my statement 'children need not be taught spelling' as 'children should not learn spelling'. Similarly for grammar. 
People who use spell checkers don't misspell all the time. If they misspell a word once, they tend to spell it right after the spell checker corrects the mistake. In other words, assistive technology becomes a learning tool. This is true of many different kinds of assistive technology. If you use a GPS navigator to go to a place once, you are unlikely to use it again to go to the same place, because you have learned how to get there. If you use YouTube to cook a dish once, you don't use it again to cook the same dish, because you have learnt how to do so. 
Children, and possibly adults, using a spelling or grammar checker will continuously learn spelling and grammar in a painless and functional way. This will free up teaching time of teachers, who can then use this time to focus on more conceptual issues that technology cannot, as yet, address.
Younger people are uniformly appreciative of these ideas. 'U R cool' texted one. 
Now that is poor grammar. He should have texted 'I appreciate your point of view and consider it refreshing'. That would be the 'right' grammar, the grammar of the early 20th century. Anything older would also not be 'right'. For example, 'Sir, ye be right, aye' would be considered rather odd. Who has decided that early 20th century English from Oxford is the only 'right' English? 
年轻人对这些观点表示出一致的肯定。他们其中一个在短信里写道:“亲,你真给力”(U R cool)。在老一辈人眼中,他应该写成“我很欣赏你的观点,让人耳目一新。”(I appreciate your point of view and consider it refreshing),这才是“正确”的20世纪初的语法。而年代更久远的语法,比如“汝言极是,余颔首”(Sir, ye be right, aye)在他们看来也是相当怪异的说法。谁规定了20世纪初的剑桥英语才是唯一“正确”的英语?
It is the middle-aged generation that has created devices with tiny keyboards that make typing almost impossible. The younger generations have responded by creating a whole new SMS language that solves the problem. They should be applauded for it.
If you answer an examination using Shakespeare’s English, you would fail. If you answer an examination in texting language, U would fail. There is something wrong with a world that considers Shakespeare’s English as inappropriate as texting language. The examination system is obsolete and so are the teachers who are forced to cater to it.
WISE(World Innovation Summit for Education,世界教育创新峰会)于2009年由卡塔尔基金会主席谢赫•莫萨•宾特•纳赛尔殿下发起,是一项促进教育创新的跨领域全球性倡议。通过一年一度的峰会和一系列全年项目,WISE正在促进全球合作并构筑教育的未来。从创立之初,WISE一直相信教育能让个人和社会变得更加强大,相信优质教育应该是全世界所有人的一生之旅。}


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