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[1.7.10] The StarWars Mod V.6 Alpha =Test build=
The Star Wars Mod V.5_00.04!!!
The Star Wars Mod V.5_00.04!!!
The Even Newer Banner made by Thom me D
The New Banner made by Thom me P
500,731 Views, 315 today
158,911 Downloads, 94 today
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Greetings JavaViewers!
And Welcome to The Star Wars Mod!
Do you want to learn how to program mods for Minecraft ? Here is a link for that!
Game that we are working on, so this will NOT be updates atm!/forums/post2559736.html#p2559736
This Mod is based on the Features from the series of Star Wars Originaly Created by George Lucas. Then sold to Disney.
A Little about The Star Wars Series
The First Movie in the Series: Episode IV - A New Hope
was published In 1977, May the 25th with the name: Star Wars
Directed by 20th Century Fox, And Became a Worldwide Pop Culture Phenomenon. Followed by two Sequels, Released at three Year Intervals.
Ignore everything in the description, it's for the 1.6.4 Version.
This build is for people who want to help us develop and improve the mod.
It's an early build and the Force Faction system has some flaws. Please test this out both single and multiplayer and report any errors you find!
there is a command to add players to a forcefaction
/setforcefaction &forceFaction&
Please try to login/logout, close/open game and test how it saves.
Use the command to get forcefaction from a player
/getforcefaction &player&
Report weird behaviour, errors and bugs! Thanks in advance.
So starting up a new world and getting started on your single or multiplayer save will take a bit of pre-gathering, because you need to find yourself some Crystal ore so you can mine some Crystals like these:
The Crystal ore can be found under Y level 12 in the Minecraftian world and under 50 in the Nether. They will spawn in chunks of 1 - 2 and are considered: Rare (less rare in the nether ofc. but still rare)
When you have obtained enough crystals you can start crafting your weapons, armors, machine-like blocks and all that other good stuff! Oh wait! that's not the only things you will need! Steel Ingots and plates are even more important since they are used for almost everything! Weapons, machines and even Spaceships when we get to that eventually! Steel ingots and plates are crafted as following:
There you go, happy crafting! xD
In order to craft a Lightsaber, you need a Charged Crystal in the corresponding color of the Lightsaber you want to craft.
To charge a Crystal you will need to craft yourself a Charger.
The Charger can be crafted like so:
When the Charger has been crafted, you wanna go ahead and place it on the ground and right click it to open up the GUI. This is how it works:
Here all of the possibilities of charging crystals:
Now as of V.5, Lightsabers are crafted differently than before, not only has the way the crystals works been improved, but the the way to craft Lightsabers are also way different! The things you will need now are: 1 Blade Emitter and 1 Power cell + some other items like Steel ingots. These are crafted like so:
Now to finally craft the Lighsaber you want, simply put together the crystal and the handle like following:
- Double Lightsabers will be added! -
As of V.5, Fisk has removed all the old armor (Stormtrooper and Rebelian) but has added a new set of armor called: The Mandalorian Armor. This armor is wielded by the Mandalorian People and is the armor that Jango Fett and Boba Fett are wearing doing the movies. This armor comes with a Jetpack as well and are crafted like so:
What is above here is actually how to craft the Mandalorian Armor Molds, you'll need some more stuff before you can wear it (discluding the Jetpack, because you can actually wear the Jetpack as it is and fly around with it!) here is how to craft the Mandalorain Armor! (Blue)
- More Armor will be added! -
You thaught the Lightsabers were cool? well then you never tried using an E-11 Blaster rifle or a Sniper. These range weapons are amazingly cool and has some pretty awesome abilities added to them. The sniper with it's scoping ability and the Blaster with it's many many laser bolts! Though in order to create such powerful weapons, greater Crafting methods are needed!
The Weapon Forge is what you need, it's a 5x5 grided Crafting table and is capable of crafting more advanced items than from what we are used to in Minecraft.
The Weapons Forge is crafted like as following:
Added Range Weapons:
- E-11 Blaster Rifle
After The Forge has been made all that's left is to craft the Weapons and these are crafted like so:
&What!?& you might say since there are 2 items here we haven't covered yet, no worries! the Blaster Barrel and Battery-Chamber are crafted like this:
- More Blasters and sh*t to be added ^w^ -
03 / 28 - pm (23:39)
That is basically it so far, more things will be added as we go along and this process will be very fast since we already have some of the old items ready to be coded from the previous versions like the Double Lightsabers (needs recode though) and the other Armor pieces, but soon! all the basic stuff will be on spot and we can begin the advanced journey! Looking forward to it and I hope you all do too! PS: The reason the progress bar is only on 10% is because this mod is going to add EVERYTHING from The Star Wars Series and there is a lot!
03 / 29 - pm (20:25)
2 major problems has been fixed, read all about it in Update Log 50!
[This is picture is taken in-game and edited ONLY with text and squares of dark red color and is a non-cheated inventory]
* Zaggy1024's Improved first person view
* thehippomaster21's Animated Players
If you find any mods that don't work together with this one, make sure to tell us in the comments! If you don't tell us, we can't fix it!
Note: Showing last 25 of 51 logs.
Greetings JavaViewers!Current version (V.6 Alpha) is a test build, it's meant for YOU guys to test for bugs and errors. Thanks to the ones that help in advance! Full version 6 will be released slowly, in other words, smaller updates will be uploaded frequently and we will slowly buily up the mod with these updates. Requests for what to code next and ways to code stuff can be comented and I will listen to whatever you guys have to say!Thats it for now, have a good day or night and I'm out! ;)- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
Greetings JavaViewers!So V.5_00.04 was a bit slow to come out i know, and was only out for a small amount of time because it had 2 major problems, one being a crafting recipe coded wrongly and the other being no crystal ores would spawn in the nether.These has been fixed in V.5_00.05! + We forgot to add
the the previous Version, has ofc. been added now!- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
Greetings JavaViewers, this is Fisk!So we've been thinking a bit, and we've come to only one conclusion:Update? Update, update update. Update!!!So this one's a bit juicy, something for all of you to enjoy. Good, 'ey? :DAdditions:Steel materials!Lightsaber materials!Ranged weapons!Better models!Better functioning lightsabers!Sounds!Jetpacks!Mandalorian armor set!Texture improvements!Sniper scoping ability!Multiplayer compatibility!!!... and a bunch of other stuff we couldn't fit in the list! Can you find them all?!As this was, indeed, a complete recode of the mod, we have removed everything that was in it before, and added everything in the above list. But fear not, all the other good stuff will eventually be added later on. So yeah.- Fisk, 2nd Lead Developer (Maintainer of The Star Wars mod)
Greetings JavaViewers!So back at a 1.6.4 we are! Updated newly and with a christmas special update along XDThis version includes 2 (well, 4 :S) new items that can ONLY be obtained as following:Legitimately: (Survival)when its the 24/12 (Christmas Day) The player will recieve these 2 new items and keep them for as long as they have them. You can obtain as many as possible during the whole day, all you got to do is log in and out all the time :S but what fun is there in that :3 Anyhow these items can only be given on this day (the 24 which is funny enough today)Illegaly: (With cheats ON)You can just take em' from the Creative menu :sOr you can do the give command :S (remember to put in the ID + 256)- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
Greetings JavaViewers!Since the 1.6.4 version didn't work out, the mod has been downgraded from V.4_08.98 to V.4_08.97! This means you need Minecraft 1.6.2!!! The 1.7 Version can NOT be released before Minecraft Forge has been updated. On twitter there is a tweet telling people that the Forge API will probably first get established in a moth or so, due to the new code within Minecraft 1.7 ! Stay tunes by subscribing! We will still add new stuff with 1.6.2 as of now! (to moderators: this might be an update log abuse but it wont happen again!)- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
Greetings JavaViewers!So I'm going to be away for 3 days starting from today (23/10-2013) and I was hoping a lot of you would tell me if you find any bugs in this version because there might be some! An update to 1.6.4 this time, hope you enjoy and have a nice day or night xDDownload Link for the 1.6.4 Version: - Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
The Star Wars Mod V.4_08_97 - Bug Fixes and WIP new Force Powers!So basically there has been a couple you asking about this bug lately about ENDER CHESTS everywhere on Mustafar and Hoth, so I checked it out as quick as possible and whoops :S Ender chests everywhere :S So I went into the code and tried around for a while, It has now been fixed! Also I didn't realise before I re-obfuscated the Modification that the changes to the Event Handler I had been working on was of course also re-obfuscated so Force Push is also in this version, More force powers on their way! Stay tuned by subscribing if you haven't already! 530 people have done this and we're really glad that so many people are following us :DWhen that is said we may soon use 2 A.P.I's so you need to install these as well, but that doesn't really make any difference. The Dimension API and The Vehicle API (Not need to download Vehicle API actually :S) But look forward to this !- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
I know a lot of you have been waiting for an update on the mod for over 3 weeks now!!! I am so sorry that it hasn't been updated but I have though been working on it a bit throughout the last 3 weeks, thus said: The Force Powers!Yes The Force Powers has finally been added! I haven't added them all, fx the push and pull since I want this to be in a later version, but I did add some cool ones instead ! Jedi Master:If you have achieved the balance on the good side to the top meaning your Jedi Experience is at its top (Level 10) you can use Force Throw. It sends any entity into the air!Sith Lord:vice versa, when you become a complete Sith Lord you have the evil but effective power to send entity's to the nether! (Will be changed to 'The FreeSpace' when I get to making that) This will create a netherportal if you haven't already one (you have if you played on survival) Jedi Knight & Sith Apprentice:Higher jumping! Due to me using something called EventHandlers now, I have figured out how to make the Player able to jump higher without edting any base files! this can only happen if your force level is below -5 or above 5. It will also reduce any fall damage taken when you're below -5 or above 5!More about this can be found in the description!
Greetings JavaViewers!Sorry for not have uploading the VV for V.4_06_03 yet, but here it is, and I am explaining everything you need to know about the Star Wars Mod's unique Force Level Saving System and how everything is going to be in the future! New update coming out soon, so hang tight! There will be a lot of Decoration Blocks for you to create your Space Station and The Space Ship Crafting Table with Crafting grid of 5x5 ! :D (took me forever so remember to leave a diamond and a comment, and hit that subscribe! xD)
Greetings JavaViewers!Welcome to Update Log nr. 42 !Tonight I am going to tell you a little about the new Update. So in V.4_06_03 you will see that there is 1 new Item and 1 new Block in the Star Wars Tab. You will also see that there has been added one more Tab ?! All about this you can find in the Description under: &The Force System& and &The Force Level Saving System& As you might've guessed then yes... The Force has been Added ! (no Force powers as of yet though)Videos about me explaining The Force System and its Unique Saving System will be up on youtube soon!
It seems that there is bug with the Achievements, if you achieve one or more, then close down the game and try to run it again, the game crashes, I'm looking into it, so don't worry! ;D Hopefully it will bD !!!- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
Greetings JavaViewers and PMC'ers!Today I thought adding a series of Achievements and so I have started, The first 4 Achievements is done and here is a list of the four of them:Find a Crystal Ore (The first step towards your journey!)Open/Close a Light Saber (requires Find a Crystal Ore)Open/Closer a Double Light Saber (requires Open/Closer a Light Saber)Fire/Shoot with a Blaster (requires Find a Crystal Ore)Now all these should be self explaining so there is not really that much to it yet, it's just a quick release and hopefully (when I get a stupid error done) there will be a lot more goals to go for with this mod! Next Achievements will be Travel to Mustafar and Hoth (separate Achievements) Also added a section for some pictures in the Description for Achievements - Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
Greetings JavaViewers and PMC'ers!And I am here today writing this Update Log for the new Update for The Star Wars Mod V.4_05.23 ! The Update is called: &The Hoth Update& simply because it adds in the Planet 'Hoth'. Hoth is the Snow/Ice'y Planet in Star Wars, where Luke is being captured by a White Monster named: &Wampa&! Han Solo comes to his rescue and they keep on adventuring! ;) So in this Update we got a new Spaceship along with the required Items to make a spaceship meaning we have added another: Shell, Control Panel and Spaceship Item, and a bunch of new blocks! Along with that we have improved the Environment on Mustafar by adding and !Everything will be included in the VV that will be uploaded to youtube in the D so stay tuned !The Star Wars Mod Team:- Thom, Head Developer, Texturer, Modeller, Banner and Video makerand Leader of JavaBuckets (I do almost everything :P)- Josh, Texturer and Member of JavaBuckets
A lot of you guys has been asking how to install the Mod so I made a video and seb edited it ASAP and here it is!!- Thom, Head Developer and Leader of JavaBuckets
Update Log nr. 37!The First Planet has been added into the Modification! Custom Biome2 Blocks [ Mustafar Stone & Mustafar Lava Stone ]Mustafar Crystal Ore [ Spawn everywhere ( 100 on the Y ) ]That is basically everything that has been added for this version, this took me some time to code so bare with the ( not so much) stuff that has been added but a Planet takes time to code :D
Greetings JavaViewers!And I've just spend like half an hour on a new Awesome Banner for The Star Wars Mod V.4 and isn't it just a great looking Banner? :D I personally think its Legendary! what do you think? comment what you think of it :D- Thom, Head Developer on The Star Wars Mod- Thom, Leader of JavaBuckets (Master Programmer)
Uploaded a Youtube Version Video (VV) of V.4!If you are using The Star Wars Mod then its highly recommended to watch the VV's on our Channel and if you like them and the other viD also subscribe on PlanetMinecraft to stay tuned! (and make us happier) :D- Thom, Head Developer on The Star Wars Mod- Thom, Leader of JavaBuckets (Master Programmer)
V.4 The SpaceShip Update!Greetings JavaViewers!And welcome to Version 4 of The Star Wars Mod made by JavaBuckets!This update brings in SpaceShips to minecraft as well as The Planet Travel System! There is loads of new Blocks and Items with this Update so a lot to play around and have fun with! First things first, This Update DOES NOT make your gameplay with the mod any better than the R2D2 and C-3PO because as it is now, there is no Planets, so you CANT travel with your spaceship (yet)! In the next version the first Planet will be added (Mustafar) and it will be in The Planet Travel System! :DThe Next Update will also contain Stormtrooper and Rebel Armor and probably some more Mobs!- Thom, Leader of JavaBuckets (Master Programmer)
'The Star Wars Modification' Website has been Updated!An Awesome look, an amazing website = stuff that can only be made by JavaBuckets :Pjking but go ahead and signup on then website it would be awesome if you did, also you can leave mod suggestions on the website and even subscribe to it as well :DSo go on it! and enjoy it!- Thom, Leader of JavaBuckets (Master Programmer)
Fixed up some code and png names, and now the textures are fully functional :D Enjoy the Star Wars mod V.3_01If I were you I really wouldn't comment that this is the best mod ever and all that, but its gonna be, so wait with that till in the future :DWe try to answer all the comments we get and bare with the time we take to answer, because we use another time line than America. - Thom, Leader of JavaBuckets (Master Programmer)
There we freaking go!!!! Updated to 1.6.2 New Features!!! Read the new Description I made for every detail (took me 2-3 hours :S :/ :| )Im pretty freaking tired now and unfourtanly im going on a vacation on Saturday so I wont be able to work that much on the mod for a while. So in the time om gone I hope you will be good to wait for my respondings and please download the mod as many times as possible because I would love to see the count go above 100k when I get back :P I know it might be too much but I have the rights to wish :P- Thom, Leader of JavaBuckets (Master Programmer) and the guy who made this mod :Dand pllz comment that im awesome :P :D
Added a small series on Youtube called the VV's (Version Video's) which in i will record the latest build and features of the Star Wars Mod and for those of u who are modders this mod will also soon be OPEN SRC (source) on its website: / If you want to read more about it also there will soon be an alot bigger desc. in the Star Wars website and other cool features on there.About the StarWars Website:Basicly what this website will help u with is to communicate with us thorughout comming up with some original Star Wars idea's and there will also ALWAYS be the latest build on the website only and ONLY the recommended build on PlanetMinecraft- Thom, Leader of JavaBuckets (Master Programmer)- Alex, Member of JavaBuckets (Programmer)- Josh, Member of JavaBuckets (Texturer)- Nack, Member of JavaBuckets (Texturer)The rest of the team is working on other stuff like: mods, maps, videos or even something else... Not on this mod:- Andreas, Founder of JavaBuckets (Programmer)- William, Founder of JavaBuckets (A little of all)- Seb, Member of JavaBuckets (Video Editor and Community Guy) - making/adding the VV effectc and songs.
Updated LinksWork In Progress:Planet Travel SystemSpaceships (with custom models)More Entitys (Mobs)3D Models for Items (Lightsabers and DoubleLightSabers)Go check this guy out:
(hes soon in JavaBuckets, hes a Forge Modder)
Added a Webiste for the Mod!!!!
Forgot the Texture folders....Added them back and im working on config file so you can change the ID's.
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0PTi0NS said
Hi if anyone can download this and paste a schematic of this in their world or server, and give me a...
David5886 said
An FX 8300 or 8350 will give you a performance boost, not a big one tho. That will work for a while,...
Zitzabis said
Please open a ticket for this issue. Thanks.
Peachiee said
GlitchDesigns said
This is just a problem when you lost connection to a server. Happens to me sometimes...
striker107 said
Hey everyone, I'm back again with some more updates! I didn't have a whole bunch of time this week t...
Constellations said
I wish I could help, but I cant really because you gave little information... If I were you, I would...
JohnSolo said
What's more, I had never even heard of the guy prior to Wednesday, haha.
Masteroftheair said
I have modded minecraft not for a long time, and it worked fine, then 1.11.2 cme out, I got f...
Perfect-Storm said
Umm, hi there! My name is Perfect-Storm, I've played Minecraft since the days of 1.2.1. I've actuall...
Meiwa said
whats so funny m8 ...
Pecoliky1 said
I made a sorta bigger adventure map. It has lore, commands, parkour
PrometheanRazer said
hello everyone, I am currently working on an entity that spawns approximately 3 mobs each time it's ...
BastenADD said
I need builders for my hub!,
Please contact me via skype : basfxyoutube22
Maybe i'll pay you....
need to install video card drivers
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