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Adobe CS5.5 Trial Downloads: Direct Links (no Manager / Assistant)
[UPDATE (Nov. 2016) & These still work to download the old CS5.5 trials. We also now have the new !]
Some of the most visited resources on this site are the
provided for most major Adobe products.
So continuing in this tradition, here is a complete set of direct down&load links for all the new
software (Windows and Mac), for instant easy access and the ability to use your own download manager or download assistant if you have any difficulty with what Adobe normally employs and need to get the CS5.5 trials without it…
We have also linked the free
downloads (aka Additional or Functional Content) for all available products.
Below is a table for CS5.5 trial downloads in major languages. These links go to the auth-entic and original CS5.5 files residing on Adobe’s servers, are guaranteed genuine and will not change. For Windows, each program consists of up to two files, an .exe and a 7-Zip file (.7z). The .exe file will only work when the .7z file is also fully downloaded and resides in the same location. For the Mac, it’s just a single .dmg file for each program.
Special: Legally download dozens of
for a limited time!
The supported languages vary by product.
The Western Euro&pean languages can include French/Fran?ais, German/Deutsch, Italian/Italiano, Dutch/Nederlands, Danish/Dansk, Finnish/Suomi, Swedish/Svenska, Norwegian/Norsk, Portuguese/Português, and Spanish/Espa?ol.
To see which product supports which languages, visit the main
and then click on the selection menu for whichever product(s) you’d like to try – it will tell you which languages are currently available.
Install now: Get all new Adobe
and free trials.
Note: Very Important Instructions
More Direct Download Links
You need to have a
and be logged into it to use the links below, as Adobe sets a session cookie on your browser that allows you to access the direct download links.
Otherwise, you will receive an “access denied” or “no permission” message block&ing the connection.
So please follow these instructions carefully or the links will not work!
temporarily turning off any surfing restrictions you might have running, like site or cookie blocking, filtering, firewalls or antivirus software.
, before clicking any of the links in the table below – this is critical!
If asked, sign in with your Adobe ID or take a minute to create one for yourself ().
Now you’re logged in at Adobe with the trials cookie set, so you can instantly download any of the software below.
Just make sure you have enough disk space.
Download the files either by clicking directly on the DDL links, or by right-clicking and choosing “Save Link As…” on the popup menu & and save all files to the same place.
Then follow the .
Creative Suite 5.5 – Adobe CS5.5 Downloads
Adobe CS5.5Direct Downloads
Western Europe
Photoshop CS5.1
Dreamweaver CS5.5
Illustrator CS5.1
InDesign CS5.5
InCopy CS5.5
Flash Professional CS5.5
Flash Catalyst CS5.5
Flash Builder 4.5
Premiere Pro CS5.5
After Effects CS5.5
Contribute CS5
Fireworks CS5
Audition CS5.5
Acrobat X Pro
Creative Suites
CS5.5 Master Collection
CS5.5 Design Premium
CS5.5 Design Standard
CS5.5 Web Premium
CS5.5 Production Prem
Related: Do you believe any of these?
All of these trials are supported on Mac OS X or Windows (32-bit x86 and 64-bit x64), with the exception of After Effects CS5.5 and Premiere Pro CS5.5 which are .
For more, see the complete set of
for Creative Suite 5.5.
Note there is no separate trial download for Photoshop CS5.1 “Standard” – the trial is always the
version (having all Photoshop features including 3D and motion-based content), and then you decide which version you’d like to keep at time of product purchase.
You do not need to uninstall previous versions of Creative S some users prefer to keep the older, familiar version(s) around as they come up to speed with the new product’s features, and some folks have CS3, CS4, CS5, and CS5.5 all on one computer.
We suggest using a browser other than Internet Explorer to down&load the files above.
They can be quite large and IE has been known to drop the extension (like “.exe”) from the Windows filename.
If this happens and you can’t open a file, then just
to add back the extension.
But generally, using
will work better – and if you have any issues getting the downloads to work with one browser, then try another.
*** Note: If you have any problems getting the files to download or install, be sure to read the earlier comments on this page – as most questions have already been asked and answered below!
Adobe CS5.5 Extra Content
This is Extra Content (also called Functional Content) that Adobe bundles with some CS5.5 applications.
It is technically optional and not required to run the main products, but will improve your experience if you can take the time to download and add it to your installation.
What’s included in this free additional content are typically media assets, templates, tutorials, documentation, fonts, footage, sample files and projects, and so on.
If you own a suite, you can download the bundle for that plus whichever applications are in it.
CS5.5 Master Collection & Production Premium Extra Content (175 MB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Mac: &
CS5.5 Design Premium & Web Premium Extra Content (176 MB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Mac: &
CS5.5 Design Standard Extra Content (167 MB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Mac: &
InDesign CS5.5 Extra Content (156 MB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Mac: &
Illustrator CS5.1 Extra Content (120 MB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Mac: &
Fireworks CS5 Extra Content (131 MB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Mac: &
After Effects CS5.5 Extra Content (744 MB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: & & &&&&&&Mac: &
Premiere Pro CS5.5 Extra Content (2.5 GB)
&&&&&&&&&&Windows: & & &&&&&&Mac: &
Creative Suite 5.5
for each product within the suites
Version differences between
Ask the Adobe CS5.5 Pros: the
videos on Adobe TV
What you need to know about
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And please see our companion page if you want the .
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Adobe Flash Professional CC &nbsp CC
* 下载慢,下载不了 ? 。
Adobe&&Flash Professional CC提供建立动画和多媒体内容的编写环境,并让视觉效果设计师可以建立在桌面计算机和行动装置都能一致呈现的互动体验。在这个版本了,发生了非常明显的变化有:使用64 位架构,也就是说32位系统无法安装Flash CC;增强及简化的 UI,Full HD 视频和音效转存,全新的程序代码编辑器,通过过 USB 进行行动测试,改进的 HTML 发布,实时绘图和实时色彩预览,时间轴增强功能,无限制的绘图板大小,自定义元数据和同步设定。
价格低 服务好 软件全 游戏多
Adobe® Flash® Player 是一个跨平台、..
在线视频观看必备 Flash 播放器, 本版本为老版本稳定版. 如果2014..
Flash Professional CC 2014 提供建立..
浏览器内播放Flash的插件. 最新版本,建议更新。
Flash Professional CC提供建立动画和多媒体..
Adobe Flash Builder(之前称为 Adobe Flex Bu..
浏览器内播放Flash的插件. 最新版本,建议更新. 支持H.264 和 H..
Flash CS4 苹果版 汉化程序
您的系统必须为 Mac OS X 1..
PowerPC+INTELAdobe官方Flash播放器 For Windows 官方版
千万流量共享 百度高权重排名
软件大小: 15.08 MB
软件语言: 简体中文
软件授权: 免费
Adobe Flash Player(Flash播放器)是一种广泛使用、专有的多媒体播放器,flash播放器最新版本下载成为适合开发创造丰富型互联网应用程序、流视频音频的工具。Flash Player使用向量图形的技术来最小化文件的大小以及创造节省网络带宽和下载时间的文件,因此Flash成为嵌入网页中的小游戏、动画以及图形用户界面常用的格式。flash播放器插件与flash播放器的区别在于flash插件是一个网页ActiveX控件,而flash播放器是一个exe的可执行程序。前者用于播放网页中的flash动画,而后者用于播放本地swf格式文件。Flash播放器最新版本下载截图软件截图2
Stage3D加速图形渲染探索Adobe高性能2D/3DGPU硬件加速图形渲染的新架构,为应用程序高级渲染提供了低级Stage3DAPI,给用户带来了互动体验类的框架开发。本机64位支持Flash Player现在可利用Linux、MacOS和Windows上对64位操作系统和64位网页浏览器的本地支持;增强的鼠标控制和相对坐标功能针对新的内容类别制作身临其境的全景游戏需要利用无限滚动、鼠标锁定、相对坐标以及右键和中键的情况做了全新调整;Flash Player后台更新借助此次针对Windows系统调整了功能增强的更新机制,可以更有效率地为终端用户提供新版本。安全随机数生成器新增安全随机数生成器,开发人员可以利用加密安全随机数生成来构建更安全的算法和协议。TLS安全套接字支持利用客户端/服务器应用程序对安全通信的全新支持,更安全可靠;电话的G.711音频压缩通过FlashMediaGateway(FMG)和其他第三方客户端(通过开放RTMP协议)压缩,支持与传统电话系统互操作,无需转码;增强的高分辨率位图支持可以开发使用大量位图的应用程序。BitmapData对象不再局限于16兆像素(16,777,215像素)的最高分辨率,最大位图的宽度/高度也不再局限于8,191像素。软件截图3软件截图4
操作系统18.0.0.209 (Windows, Mac) (Linux) (Solaris) (Android pre-ICS) (Android ICS)软件截图5软件截图6
室内设计软件是一类通过Flash模拟技术制作3D展示效果的设计类软件。常用的室内设计软件包括3dmax、vray、AutoCAD、Photoshop等等,设计师们可以通...共收集款软件 通常说的Swf播放器其实就是ADOBE公司开发的Flash Player软件,Swf播放器是一款高级客户端运行时的播放器,能够应用在各种浏览器、操作系统和移动设备上。S...共收集款软件 现在的网络视频播放器实在太多了,如qvod播放器、暴风影音播放器、迅雷看看播放器、皮皮播放器、qq影音播放器、pps网络电视等五花八门的软件,网络电视软件不仅资源丰富而...共收集款软件
大一新生们刚进入校园,想必都买了新电脑。大学生必备的电脑软件有哪些?常用的电脑软件又有哪些呢?小编呕心沥血整理了一批常用的电脑软件:浏览器、安全软件、聊天软件、播放器...共收集款软件 平面设计是一门技术活,并且涉及面也是非常广泛,室内装潢、商标和品牌、海报、网站图形元素等都需要用到平面设计软件,随着需求量的增加,这些平面设计软件也是越来越多,当然最好...共收集款软件
热门关键词Outstanding performance. Cross-platform reach&
Deliver amazing games and applications for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS using a single development environment
What is Flash Builder 4.7 Premium?
Adobe(R) Flash(R) Builder(R) 4.7 software is a development environment for building games and applications using the ActionScript(R) language and the open source Flex framework. Flash Builder Premium includes professional testing tools such as profilers, network monitoring, and unit testing support.
Develop games with ActionScript
Get the latest game development tools in Flash Builder 4.7, including support for ActionScript workers and improved mobile device workflows.
Build high-performance apps and games
Easily create content using ActionScript workers and the ActionScript Compiler (version 2.0). Flash Builder 4.7 also includes built-in support for Adobe Scout (available separately).
Easily debug and test
Debug and test applications on locally connected mobile devices or a mobile emulator, including direct deployment of ad-hoc apps to iOS devices.
Code faster
Speed coding through syntax coloring, statement completion, code collapse, refactoring support, live highlighting of invalid references, and interactive step-through debugging.
Creative Cloud
With Adobe Creative Cloud(TM), download and install any of the Creative Cloud apps, access and share work anywhere, publish to websites and iPad, and get new features and apps as soon as they're released — all for a low monthly price.
Use Flex and Flash Builder with...
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