英文描述 邮政存款机存钱步骤图 步骤

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  Everyone must work to live, but many people are fortunate enough to make more money than they immediately need. What should they do with this extra income? While it is tempting for people to spend it all on things they desire, I believe it is better to save at least a portion of the extra income for the future.
  By saving money, people give themselves more security. They canno perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, the practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. In this way they are bound to lead more meaningful and successful lives.
  Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately. Nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants. However, if we learn to save our money, we can gain more advantages in the future. We will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives. We will also be able to buy the things we truly want but cannot afford right now.
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Lesson 5 Deposits and Withdrawals存款与取款Key sentences I'd like to deposit some money in my account.关键句型我要把一些钱存入我的账户.Please write down your name,请在这张存款凭条上写上您的名字,your account number and the amount you want to put in on this deposit number.你的账号,及您想存款数额Be sure the amount is written in words.金额得用文字书写.We offer an interest rate for fixed deposit我们这里提供的定期存款利率which is much higher than for current deposit.比活期利率高得多.We offer an interest rate for fixed deposit我们这里提供的定期存款利率which is much higher than for current deposit.比活期利率高得多.You can rewrite it and do it in triplicate.您可以重填,一式三份.Yes,after technical examination,we find this note is counterfeit.是的,经过技术检验,我们发现这张钞票是假钞.Please let me have 2,000 yuan in hundreds and the rest in small change.请给我2,000元面额为一百元的钞票,其余的给我零钱.Dialogue 1A:I need to put some money in my account.我要把一些钱存入我的账户.B:Very well,sir.Your current account?好的,先生.是活期账户吗?A:No,mine is a saving account.不,是储蓄账户.B:Please write down your name,your account number请在这种存款凭条上写上您的名字,您的账号and the amount you want to put in on this deposit slip.及您想存入数额A:I see.Here is slip and 1,300 yuan.Is that all right?我明白了.给您有存款凭条和1,300元钱,行吗?B:Fine.Would you please give me your passbook?好的.请您把存折给我,好吗?A:Here you are.B:Wait just a moment,please.给您.请稍等.Notes I need to put some money in my account.我要把一些钱存入我的账户.I want to deposit some money into my account.How much do you want to place to your account?How much do you wish to deposit in your account?Once againA:I need to put some money in my account.我要把一些钱存入我的账户.
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BT = Bank Teller & &C = Customer
Dialogue 1&Opening an Account 开户
BT: &Hello, May I help you?&
C: Yes, I want to open a bank account?&
BT: &May I see your ID? &May I see your passport, please?&
C: Here it is.&
BT: &What&s your name?&
C: My name is _____________ & &______________.&
BT: &Please, complete this application, with today&s date, your first and last name,&
date of birth, passport number, this American address, your Taiwan telephone&
number, and your signature. Don&t forget to sign your name! &When I call your
number, come back to this window with this completed application.&
C: &Thank you.
Dialogue 2&Depositing Money 存钱
BT: &May I help you?&
C: I want to deposit ______________ into my account.&
BT: &May I have your money and your deposit slip?&
C: Here it is.&
BT: &You now have $_______________ &deposited into your account.&
C: Thank you.&
Dialogue 3 Withdrawing Money 取钱
BT: &May I help you?&
C: &I want to withdraw $______________ from my account.&
BT: &May I have your withdraw(al) slip?&
C: Here it is.&
BT: &You now have withdrawn $_______________ from your account.&
C: Thank you.&
Dialogue 4 Exchanging Money 换外币
BT: &May I help you?&
C: Yes, I want to exchange NTD for USD.&
BT: &Sure, the exchange rate for today is 103 NTD for $1USD. Please, give me&206 NTD for $2 USD.&
C: Thank you.&
BT: &May I help you?&
C: Yes, I want to exchange $2 USD for NTD.&
BT: &Sure, the exchange rate for today is 97 NTD for $1 USD. For $2 USD, here&is 194 NTD.&
C: Thank you.
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