有空来看我 set me free 泰妍

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &那个吓的qq都设置问题的篮子,怎么有空来看我切你狗娘扎的现场了_扣字吧_百度贴吧
。。。黄词啊 师妹
「京东」联合20万+超级品牌商 &11-11&嗨GO全场!好物低价 任性购 任意购 &京&动世界!扣字-玩低价 求品质 纵享品质购物尽在「京东11-11」
你妈了个老腿儿的。给 你开这个帖子没别的意思。就是以后我骂 你你无视就得了。再拽我一起说话塞你妈 屁眼里2斤鸦片供你狗娘高潮到舌头伸出两 米。这帖子你也别回了。不然就分尸你婊 子妈的尸体。
《Friends S10E16 The One With Rachel‘s Going Away Party》歌词
— 英语广播
All right, let's play one more time, okay? 好, 好, 再玩一次, 好吗?
And remember, if I win, you do not move to Paris. 如果我赢了你就不能去巴黎
Okay. I can't believe I'm risking this again, but you're on. 好吧, 我就再冒一次险
All right, Joe, you remember the rules. Heads, I win. Tails, you lose. 别忘了规则, 乔伊, 正面是我赢, 反面是你输
Just flip. 快点扔吧
-Tails! -Damn it! -啊, 是反面
So we thought we'd throw you a little going-away party around 7. 嘿, 我们为你准备了一个送行会, 7点钟开始
Oh, that sounds good. 哦, 听起来不错嘛
Hey, Rach, you're leaving tomorrow. Shouldn't you be packing? 嘿, 瑞秋, 你明天就要走了, 现在还不开始收拾?
-It's all done. -Oh, yeah, right. -已经收拾好了
-哈, 是嘛?
And after I took a shower this morning, I just threw my towel on the floor. 今天早上我冲澡的时候, 我把毛巾扔在地上了...
-Oh, God, it hurts to even joke about it. -I know. -哦, 天哪, 就算是开玩笑我都心疼
Honey, seriously, I did it all. The luggage that I'm taking is in the bedroom. 莫妮卡, 我是说真的 我全都收拾好了
This is Emma's Paris stuff. These are the boxes that I'm having shipped.. 这些是艾玛要在巴黎用的东西 这些箱子都是要托运的
and that's the sandwich I made for the plane. 那个是我打算飞机上吃的三明治
Which could've used a little more mustard. 不过应该多加些芥末
-Okay, so you've done some good work. -Yeah. -看起来你干得还不赖
What about your carryons? 你的手提行李呢?
Oh, well, everything that I need is in here.. 哦, 需要的东西全都在这个包里
and my travel documents are on the counter.. 而旅行要用到的文件和材料都在台子上
organized in the order that I will be needing them. 我已经把它们按照使用顺序排好了
Oh, my God. I have nothing left to teach you. 哦, 天啊, 我好像没什么要提醒你的了
-Where's your passport? -It should be next to my plane ticket. -你的护照呢? -应该跟我的机票在一块
-Well, it's not. -What? Well, maybe I put it in here? -嗯...没有啊? -没有吗?也许我放在这里了?
Oh, it's not in there! 噢, 没有, 不在这儿...哦, 不会吧
Oh, no, I must have packed it in one of these boxes! 我肯定是把它封在这些箱子里了...
-Here, let me help you. -Shoot. -我来帮你
I can't believe I did this. 真不敢相信...我怎么会放在这儿的...
At what point did it stop being funny that I took her passport? 玩笑是不是开过头了...
Oh, wow, can you believe you're only three weeks away? 天哪, 只剩三个礼拜了, 真是让人难以相信啊
I know. 是啊
-You don't mind me touching your belly? -I don't mind you touching my belly.. -你不介意我摸你的肚子吧? -我不介意你摸我的肚子
but your hand's kind of blocking the part where the baby's gonna come out. 但是你的手现在好像 已经摸到孩子出生的地方了
-Hey! -Hey. -嘿
Hi, Erica. Welcome back to town. Wow, look how big you've gotten. 嘿, 艾瑞卡, 欢迎回来
哦, 你都已经变得这么丰满了!
That's because I'm pregnant. 这是因为我怀孕了!
-Right. No, I understand. -Oh, okay. -哦, 对, 没错, 我知道
I'm just always afraid that people think I'm just fat with big breasts. 我就是怕别人以为我本来就是个胸大的胖妞
No, no, I knew. 哦, 不, 不, 我不会的
-Okay, well, stop staring at them. -She brought them up. -嘿, 别死盯着人家(的胸)啊 -是她先提起这事儿来的
I didn't realize you were coming back so soon. 你怎么这么快就回来了?
In a couple weeks I won't be able to travel. 再过两个星期我就不能旅行了
And I wanted her to get to know the doctors and get settled into the hotel. 我想让她先见见医生, 然后在酒店安顿下来
-Why isn't she staying with you guys? -Because we're moving in a couple days. -酒店?为什么不让她和你们一起住? -不行啊, 因为我们马上就要搬了
Plus, hotels are fun! My room has this little fridge full of free snacks. 啊, 酒店里很好玩儿啊 我的房间里有一个小冰柜 里面塞满了零食, 都是免费的
Erica, those things aren't free. 艾瑞卡, 那些零食可不是免费的
They have one of the highest markups of any consumer product.. 实际上, 酒店里的食品是最贵...
Ross, she's giving us her baby. She can eat you if she wants. 罗斯, 她正准备给我们生个孩子
I'll be right back. 我马上就回来
Oh, man, I can't believe you guys are leaving this place. 哎, 真不敢相信你们就要离开这儿了
I know. I know. 是啊...
You know, you could take it if you want. The lease is still in Nana's name. 如果你想要这间公寓的话, 你可以住进来 连名字都不用改(公寓是以莫妮卡祖母的姓盖勒登记的)
No, no. This will always be your place. It would be too sad. 哦, 不, 不 这里永远是属于你们的
Plus, how much a month does it cost to feed Joey? 而且... 每个月乔伊会吃掉多少钱?
Yeah, it takes two incomes. 两个人挣的都不够
Is Chandler here? We talked about catching a movie. 嘿, 钱德在么? 我们约好了要去看电影的
Oh, no, he doesn't have time for that. 他可没那个闲工夫
You can go help him and Joey pack up the guest room. 如果你有空 你可以去客房帮他和乔伊一起收拾东西
Packing. Sexy cheerleader comedy. 恩...是收拾东西呢? 还是去看电影里性感的女啦啦队员呢?
Helpful brother. Creepy loner at teen movie. 恩...是一个好哥哥呢? 还是一个去看青春片的老衰人?
"Creepy.." (×#※¥◎(×¥....
-What are you guys doing? -Try it. I can't feel a thing. -你们俩干吗呢? -快来试试!我一点儿都不疼!!
Are you kidding? 你们开什么玩笑!
-This is packing? -We're taking a break. -这叫收拾东西么?! -我们累了, 正在休息呢
From? 怎么会累着的?
Jumping on the bed. ...刚才在床上蹦来着...
All right, Rachel's party is in a couple of hours, and there's a lot to do. 好了, 瑞秋的送行会就快开始了 我们有一堆儿事情要做呢!
Ross, you've got Geller blood. You're in charge of these yahoos. 罗斯, 别忘了你身上留着盖勒家的血
-You got it. -All right. -知道了
All right, she's right. We gotta get serious. 她说的对, 我们得认真一点儿
Let's put Styrofoam peanuts down his pants and kick him! 让我们把这个塞到他的裤裆里, 然后踢他!
No, guys, she's right. We should get to work. I'll take stuff out of the closet. 不, 不, 不 她说的对 我们得开始工作了 我来把柜子里的东西搬出来
Joey, you pack them, and Ross, you repack whatever Joey packs. 乔伊你负责打包, 罗斯你负责把所有乔伊打过的包重打一遍
You guys hear a ringing? 你们听到有什么东西嗡嗡叫么?
-What the hell is this? -Hey, handcuffs. And fur-lined. Nice. -这是什么鬼玩意儿? -嘿, 手铐, 还裹着皮毛! 真有你们的!
I didn't know you guys had it in you. 不知道你们还来这一手儿...
Chandler, you don't have a sister, so you can't understand.. 钱德, 你没有妹妹 所以你大概不能体会我现在的心情...
how much this bums me out. 不能体会我现在多闹心
I didn't know Monica had these. 我不知道莫妮卡什么时候开始有这玩意儿的
Maybe she used them with another boyfriend. Maybe Richard. 嗯, 也许这是她用在别的男人身上的
Why would she use them with Richard and not me? I can be kinky. 为什么她和理查德玩儿这个, 却不跟我玩儿?
I once did a naked dance for her with scarves. 有一次我还光着身子给她跳舞来着 当时我用的是领带
Bumming hard, guys. Bumming hard. 越来越过分了...
-Hey. -Hey. Where's Mike? -嘿
-嗨 麦克呢?
Oh, he has a gig. 他有一场演出...
It's kind of like being married to a rock star, you know? 我越来越觉得自己像是个摇滚歌星的老婆了...
My husband has a gig. 我老公有场演出!
Yeah? Where is it? 在哪儿演出啊?
Oh, he's playing organ for a children's roller-skating party. 哦, 是一个少儿滚轴溜冰的聚会
Rock on! 还真够劲儿啊!
Wow, this is quite a spread. What is all this stuff? 哦, 摆了这么大一桌子 这些都是什么啊?
I thought this would be a great opportunity to use up all the food.. 嗯, 我觉得今天的晚会是一个好机会
that I don't want to move to the new house with me. 我可以把所有不想带走的食物全都用了...
So enjoy. Smoked oyster casserole with a breakfast-cereal crust. 那么...尽情享受吧
Kidney beans in their own juices, and for dessert, a questionable orange. 四季豆加豆汁儿 然后甜点是...一个过期的橙子
Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say: 那么, 我应该替大伙说话了
-Hey. -Hey. -嘿 -嘿
-Where's Rach? -She's putting Emma down. -嘿, 瑞秋呢? -她在哄艾玛睡觉呢
She'll be over in a second. It just hit her that she's leaving. 马上就过来
可能是因为要走了, 她现在情绪有点激动
She's kind of emotional, so no one say anything to set her off, okay? 所以别刺激她, 记住了么?
-Hey, Rach. -Hey. -嘿, 瑞秋 -嗨
There she is. 在这呢
Hi, you guys. 嗨, 大家好
What did I just say? 我刚才怎么交待你们的!!!
Oh, no, no, no, it's okay. It's okay. I'm gonna be fine. 不, 不, 我没事
-Come here, I'll make you a drink. -Okay. -过来, 我给你弄点喝的
Oh, man, I can't believe she's actually leaving. 哦, 天哪, 我真不敢相信, 她真的要走了
How am I gonna say goodbye to Rachel? 让我怎么开得了口说再见啊
I know, she's been such a big part of my life. 她对我来说这么重要...
It feels like when Melrose Place got cancelled. 就好象梅尔罗斯(美国马萨诸塞州东部一城市) 要被剔除了
I mean.. 我是说..
Forget it, I miss Melrose Place. 忘了吧, 我想念梅尔罗斯
-I had a chance to stop her too. -Yeah? -我本来有机会阻止她的, -是吗?
Who loses 57 coin tosses in a row? You know? 没想到猜钢崩儿我会连输47次
Heads, she wins. Tails, I lose. 正面她赢, 反面我输嘛...
Wait a minute. 等等...
-Yes, Joe? -I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning. -怎么了, 乔伊? -我忘了把衣服从干洗店拿回来了...
So you doing okay? 你还好吧?
Well, I've been better. You guys are gonna come visit, right? 嗯, 我好多了 你们都会来看我的, 对不对?
Yes! You know, in six months, the statute of limitations runs out.. 当然了!再过6个月我的禁令就过期了
and I can travel internationally again. 到时候我又可以作国际旅行了
-I'm gonna miss you so much. -I know. -我一定会很想你的! -我也是
You know what? I have some goodbye stuff that I wanted to say.. 你知道么, 我对你们每个人都有些告别的话要说
to each of you. I was gonna save it till the end of the night, but come here. 我本来打算在结束的时候说的, 但是...跟我来
Hey, what do you think they're doing in there? 嘿, 你们说她们到屋里去干吗?
If I had to guess, I'd say.. 嗯, 照我看来
Rachel's putting on the bubble wrap, and Phoebe's doing the punching. 肯定是瑞秋戴上塑料泡沫, 然后菲比来动手打
Phoebe, I don't even know where to start. 哦, 菲比, 我真不知道应该怎么开口
Okay, well, before you do, I know we weren't supposed to get you presents.. 嗯, 这样吧 我知道今天本来不需要给你准备礼物的
but I do have something for you. 但我还是准备了一个
-What is it? -Well, it's a cotton swab.. -哦, 哦, 这是什么? -是一个棉花棒
with a bit of my saliva on it.. 上面沾了些我的口水
so that if they perfect the cloning process while you're over there.. 这样一来 如果你在巴黎的时候发现那边的克隆技术成熟了
you can use the DNA to create your own Phoebe. 你就可以用这上面的DNA来另外做一个菲比
I'm gonna throw this away.. 啊...我可能会把这个扔掉...
but thank you so much for the gesture. 但是我很感谢你这份心意...
Chandler? 钱德?
I was just in our bedroom, and I found these on my pillow. 我刚才在卧室的枕头上发现了这个?
Oh, yes, I decided to leave those out for you in case Richard stops by.. 哦, 我决定把这个先给你留着
and you want to engage in a little light bondage and mustache play. 你可以跟他的胡子一起玩
What? These aren't mine. 你说什么呢?这不是我的!
Oh, yeah, right! 啊?是吗?
Good luck getting another scarf dance from me. 以后休想再让我给你跳领带舞了!
That would be a terrible punishment. 这种“惩罚”太可怕了...
But I'm serious, I've never seen these before. 我是说真的 我以前从来没见过这东西
Really? Then what are they doing in our guest room? 真的吗?那它怎么会出现在我们的客房里的?
Rachel used to live in that room. 瑞秋曾经在那里住过
Rachel. With handcuffs. 瑞秋...戴着手铐...
Interesting. 真不错...
Joey's bare ass. 光着屁股的乔伊!!!
Well played. 真有你的
-I love you, Phoebe. -I love you too. -我爱你, 菲比! -我也爱你!
Please.. 你..
Please don't.. 你可千万...千万...
Don't turn into, you know, a French bitch. 别...别变成一个...法国婊子...
I won't. 好的
All right. Well, if I'm gonna do this, I better keep going. 我得继续找其他人了
-Okay. -Okay. -好的 -好的
-Monica? -Yeah? -莫妮卡 -哦!
-Will you come with me for a minute? -Sure. -跟我进来一下好吗? -当然
-Are you wearing waterproof mascara? -No. -你的面霜是防水的么? -不是啊
Oh, you're so screwed. 哦, 你完蛋了
What was that all about? 这是怎么回事?
She's gonna say goodbye to each of us individually. 她打算跟我们每个人单独告别
Are you kidding? Oh, my God. 哦, 开什么玩笑, 天哪!
Yeah, I know. It's gonna be even worse for you. God. 是啊, 我知道, 轮到你的时候可能会更糟
Well, just get ready to do some serious crying. 天哪, 准备好好大哭一场吧
Man, I'm not gonna be able to handle this. 天哪, 我怕我会撑不过去...
Now I know how my students feel at the end of each year. 我现在终于知道每个学期末我的学生们的感受了
And why they act out by giving me such bad evaluations. 我猜他们是因为太舍不得我了 所以才会(在教师评定中)给我打那么低的分数
Mon. Okay. 莫妮卡, 好吧
I better just say what it is I'm gonna say. 我就直说了 我想说的是...
None of the amazing things that have happened to me in the last 10 years.. 如果没有你, 我在过去十年里
would have happened if it wasn't for you. 我不可能会这么幸福
No one has been more like a sister to me. 一直以来, 你对我来说就像是姐姐一样
I know what you mean. 我知道
You're like a sister to me too. 我也一直把你当作妹妹
I don't know what I'm going to do without you. 我不知道没有你我会怎么办!
You're the greatest friend I ever had. 你是我最好的朋友
seeing you every day. 每天见到的
What? 你说什么?
I.. I.. I.. 我, 我…
see you every day! 每天都看见你
That is so sweet! 太让我感动了!!!
Oh, no, she took down Monica. 哦, 她连莫妮卡都搞定了
And I'm the crier in the family. 要知道 在盖勒家我是最爱哭的
Oh, God, I could be next. 哦, 天哪, 可能该轮到我了
Maybe she won't talk to me if it looks like we're deep in conversation. 如果我跟你说话, 她可能就不选我了
Oh, so that thing you said about the thing.. 哦, 那么说你之前说的那个什么
it really made me think about that other thing. 让我想起了那个什么
-Rach? -Oh, it's okay, Chandler's talking to her. -瑞秋? -好了, 看起来钱德找上她了
I really made you think about that thing, huh? 你想起了哪个什么啊?
Rach, I think I have something that belongs to you. 瑞秋, 我想这个应该是你的吧?
I'm sure gonna miss pretending to laugh at your weird jokes that I don't get. 哈, 你的笑话又来了 每次我都得逼着自己乐
No, no, they're really yours. We found them in your old room. 不, 不, 这真的是你的
These aren't mine. Maybe Monica used to use them with.. 但这不是我的啊 也许这是莫妮卡以前和...
Don't say Richard. 别提Richard!
Well, if they're not Monica's and they're not yours, then whose are they? 如果这不是莫妮卡的, 也不是你的, 那是谁的呢?
I think you're forgetting the kinkiest former resident of that room. 我想你大概忘了 在客房里住过的所有人里面, 谁是最变态的?
-Phoebe! -Yeah! -菲比 -哦 !
I think these are yours. 我想这个是你的吧?
These are not mine. Look how flimsy they are. Come on. 这不是我的! 这么松松垮垮的
My God, you try to hang a guy from a water pipe with these.. 如果你用这个把人栓在水管上面
they'll snap like a piece of licorice. 他轻而易举就跑掉了
-Can I talk to you alone for a minute? -Sure. -我能单独跟你谈谈么? -当然
You don't really handcuff guys to water pipes do you? 你不会真的把人拷在水管上吧?
Where do you think Mike really is? 你以为麦克现在在哪儿?
Oh, honey.. 哦, 亲爱的
Let me just saying something because once we get into this.. 让我先说两句吧
I'm gonna get all uncomfortable and probably make some stupid joke. 一旦我觉得不自然 可能又该开始开无聊的玩笑了
I just want to say that I.. I love you. 我就是想说, 我...我爱你
And I'm gonna miss you. 还有就是, 我会想你的
And I'm so sad that you're leaving. 你就这么走了, 我真的很难过
Oh, you know what? 哦, 你知道吗
Let's not say anything else. 哦, 其它的什么也不用说了
I love you. 我也爱你
Not so tight. 哦, 别抱的这么紧!
-I'm sorry, give me one more chance. -Okay. -对不起, 再给我一次机会
Okay. 好吧
I'm sorry. Just go. Just go. I can't. I can't. 走吧, 走吧 我控制不了自己
-So I guess you're next. You ready? -I don't think so. -看来你是下一个了 准备好了没有? -还没有
Oh, you're definitely not. I haven't cried like that in years. 显然你没有
You cried yesterday at the 6:00 news. 昨天晚上你还对着六点钟的新闻哭来着
That old woman was being scammed by her mechanic. 那个老太太被人骗得好惨!
God, I can't believe she saved me for last. 天哪, 没想到她居然把我排在最后
Why are they taking so long? 他们俩怎么还没说完?
I don't know. But, God, Joey seems to be handling it surprisingly well. 我也不知道
不过看起来乔伊好像没什么事儿一样, 真是意外!
-No! -No! Joey! -不 -不!乔伊
Okay, here we go. 好了, 轮到我了
-Well.. -Yeah. -啊, 好吧
I think I'm gonna take off. 我想我该走了
I have such a big, big day tomorrow, so.. 我明天会很忙, 所以..
-Rach. -Yeah? -瑞秋. -怎么?
Aren't you forgetting something? 你是不是忘了什么事?
-Oh, right. Ross. -Yes? -哦,对了. 罗斯 -怎么?
I forgot to write your mom a birthday card. Would you please do that for me? 我忘了给你妈妈写生日贺卡了.你能帮我写一张吗?
-Sure. -Thank you. -当然. -谢谢.
Oh, you guys, this was an amazing night. Thank you so much. 哦, 真是奇妙的夜晚啊, 非常感谢
I love you. 我爱你们
Good night. 晚安
What?! 什么?!
I don't get a goodbye? 都不和我说再见的?
Lucky bastard. 你这个幸运的混蛋
Unbelievable. She says goodbye to everyone but me! 我简直不敢相信.... 她跟你们每个人告别, 却不跟我说
Well, maybe she thought that with all of your history, it could be.. 也许她觉得你们这么多年的默契... 一切都...
-you know, implicit. -Well, it needs to be "plicit." -“尽在不言中”了呢 -啊! 那起码需要“言”呢
You know, maybe she was just really spent from our talk. 你知道, 也许她和我们讲话花费不少体力
-It was pretty intense. -Yeah, mine too. -真是非常的热烈啊 -对啊, 我的也是
-Mine was a humdinger. -Okay! -我的很了不起 -没错
All right, let's think about this. I mean, there's gotta be an explanation. 我们好好想想, 肯定是有什么原因的
-Did you do anything to make her mad? -No, I don't think so. -你是不是惹她生气了? -没有啊
You didn't, say, borrow her Girls Gone Wild video and never return it? 那你有没有借她的"Girls Gone Wild"录影带 而且又不还
Really? Now? 真的? 现在?
I mean, don't I deserve anything? I mean, a few tears, a cursory hug? 我是说, 我真的那么无足轻重吗? 哪怕是几滴眼泪, 一个简单的拥抱...
Not from you! 不是跟你抱!
Ross, if you're this upset, you should go and talk to her. 罗斯, 如果你这么在意, 你应该去跟她直说
And say what? You owe me a goodbye? 说什么啊?说“你还没跟我告别呢”?
-I mean, he's got more pride than that. -The hell I do! -他的自尊心往哪儿放? -什么自尊心, 见鬼去吧
-I don't get a goodbye? -What? -连再见都不跟我说? -什么?
Everyone gets a goodbye but me? What do I gotta do to get a goodbye? 你跟其他人都告别过了, 为什么没有我? 到底要我做什么你才舍得跟我说句再见?
Be best friends with you? Go out with you? 和你做好朋友?和你约会?
Have a baby with you? 跟你生个孩子?
Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute! I did all those things! 哦, 等一下, 等一下, 这些我好像都做过!
-Ross.. -Or maybe I'm just not giving you.. -罗斯
-哦, 也许我应该体谅你一下
enough credit. I mean, it is difficult to say goodbye to five people. 也许连续跟五个人说再见是太困难了一点, 嗯...
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, g.. 再见, 再见, 再见, 再见, 再...
It's physically impossible! 哦, 简直不可能啊!!!
You know what? After all we've been through.. 你知道么, 我们这么多年的感情
I can't believe this is how you want to leave things between us. 我真没想到这就是你想要的结局
Have a good time in Paris. 祝你在巴黎一切顺利
Rach, I know this may not be the best time.. 瑞秋, 我知道现在可能不是最佳时机.
but Joey's going over the balcony again. Could you just come talk to him? 但是乔伊又去阳台了, 你能过来和他谈谈吗?
-I hope Ross isn't too upset. -I'm sure he's not more bummed out.. -我希望罗斯不会太沮丧
-than I am. -Tell me about it. -我比他难过
Well, you can't say we don't know how to throw a party. 看来我们的聚会办得不错!
I think I'm gonna head out. 我要撤了
-Where do you think you're going? -I thought I was going home to bed.. -你打算去哪儿? -我打算回家睡觉
but I'm sensing there's something less fun for me to do here. 不过现在我感觉到有人要逼我留下来了
We're moving, and we got a lot of packing to do. 我们马上就要搬家了, 有很多东西需要收拾
-It'd be great if you guys could pitch in. -Joey and I can finish up the guest room. -如果你们能来帮忙就太好了
Yeah, good idea. 是啊, 是啊, 好主意
Oh, no. You and Phoebe are gonna help me in here. 噢, 不行
You couldn't be cool. 你就不会装得冷静一点
We're gonna start in the kitchen. 好的, 让我们从厨房开始
Plates get put into plate protectors and stacked 10 to a box. 首先盘子放在盘套里, 然后十个一组装箱
The silverware gets bundled in rubber bands and then bubble wrapped. Got it? 银器要先用橡胶膜捆上, 然后用塑料泡沫包上
-Yeah. -Good. I need you to be careful.. -明白了
-好 , 你们要小心一点
and efficient. And remember, if I'm harsh with you.. 同时动作要快 记住, 如果我朝你们叫唤...
it is only because you're doing it wrong. 那肯定是你们哪里做错了
Hey, Mon, I think I figured out whose handcuffs they are. 嘿, 莫妮卡, 我想我知道手铐是谁的了..
-You did? How? -Well, I was cleaning out the closet.. -你怎么知道的? -我刚才在收拾柜子的时候..
and I found some pictures of them.. 发现了这个
-being used. -Oh, my God, let me see. -一些相关的照片
-天哪, 让我看看
Who's that dirty old lady? 那个又老又脏的女人是谁啊?
Monica's grandmother. 莫妮卡的祖母
Oh, my God. Nana liked it rough! 哦, 天 原来她老人家喜欢这调调!
-Hi. -Hey. -嗨 -嘿
-What are you guys looking at? -Oh, just normal pictures.. -你们在看什么? -哦, 只是普通的照片..
of our regular family not having sex. 正常的家庭却没有做爱
-Oh, here, have a seat. -Yeah. -来, 坐下, 坐下
-How was your night? -Oh, it was okay. -今天晚上过得怎么样? -还不错.
I went to a movie with my cousin then out for dinner. 我和我堂兄去看了场电影 然后一起吃了晚饭
We went to this place that had.. 我们去的餐厅...
Anyway, they had these really amazing cheeseburgers. 噢...噢... 总之呢, 那家餐厅的起司汉堡真是棒极了
-Erica, are you okay? -Yeah, you know, maybe I ate too much. -艾瑞卡, 你是不是不舒服? -有一点 可能是我吃多了
I keep getting these stomachaches. They come and go every few minutes. 我的胃一直有点疼, 每隔几分钟就疼一下
-Oh, my God. -Relax, we'll just get her some antacids. -哦, 天哪
-别紧张, 我们给她点胃药就行了
She doesn't have a stomachache! She's in labor! 那不是胃痛, 那是阵痛的症状!!!
-Oh, my God! -Yeah, you gotta get to the hospital! -哦, 天哪! -要赶快送她去医院!!!
Chandler, get the coats! Erica, let's go! Phoebe and Joey, keep packing! 钱德去拿外套, 艾瑞卡我们马上出发
菲比和乔伊, 继续收拾!
Oh, my God, we're gonna have a baby. 哦, 天哪, 我们要有孩子了!
We're gonna have a baby! 哦, 天哪, 我们要有孩子了!
Oh, my God, we're gonna have a baby! 哦, 天哪, 我们要有孩子了!
Oh, God, I've gotta sit down! I've gotta sit down! 哦, 我的上帝, 我得坐一下, 我得坐一下
-Honey, it's gonna be okay. -You can do this. Just breathe. -亲爱的, 一切都会很顺利的
-你一定能撑过去的, 深呼吸
Okay. Okay. 好好好
Okay, I feel a little better. 我觉得好一点了
Are you sure? 噢...你真的好一点了么?
-Yes, I'm sure. Oh, honey, let's go. -Okay. -是的, 我没事 亲爱的, 我们走吧
-Come on, let's go. -Okay, bye, everyone! -哦, 亲爱的, 走吧 -大伙儿再见了!
-We're having a baby! -Good luck! -我们就要有孩子了 -好运!
-Chandler, wait, wait, wait! -What? -钱德, 等等, 等等 -干吗?
If you get a second, find out where she got that cheeseburger. 如果她有空的话 帮我问问 她的那个起司汉堡是在哪儿买的
"Dear, Judy. "亲爱的.朱迪
Happy birthday, love Rach.." 生日快乐, 爱你的瑞秋.."
No. You know what? I'm not doing this. 不行, 你知道吗? 我做不来这个
You think I didn't say goodbye to you because I don't care? 你真的以为我不跟你告别是因为我不在乎你?
That's what it seemed like. 看起来就是这样啊
I cannot believe that after 10 years you do not know one thing about me! 我真不敢相信, 都十年了 你居然对我连最起码的了解都没有
-Then why didn't you say something? -Because it is too damn hard, Ross! -那你倒说说, 你为什么不跟我告别呢? -因为...那对我来说太困难了, 罗斯
I can't even begin to explain to you how much I am gonna miss you. 一想到我会那么挂念你 我根本就开不了口
When I think about not seeing you every day, it makes me not want to go. 每当我想到自己不能再天天看到你 我就不想走了
Okay? So if you think that I didn't say goodbye to you.. 如果你以为我不跟你告别是因为...
because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. 你对我来说不如其他人那样重要 那么你错了
It's because you mean more to me. 对我来说你比他们都重要
So there, all right? There's your goodbye! 好了, 现在明白了吧, 这就是你要的告别
-Rach! -What? -瑞秋 -干吗?
-You keep.. You can't.. -What? -你...你不...你不能... -不能什么?
-A little more. -Okay. -再多塞一点
-A little more. A little more. -All right. -再多一点, 多一点 -好
Little more. 再~~来一点
-All right. All right, let's do this. -All right, ready? -行了 来吧
-好嘞 你准备好了么?
Yep. Now give me your best shot. 好了 记住了要用全力
All right. Here goes. 行 来了
Doesn't work. 一点儿用都没有...
《Friends S10E16 The One With Rachel‘s Going Away Party》歌词 --


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