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v宏山防洪堤工程(0 000~0 602.4段)施工招标公告
龙泉市宏山防洪堤工程(0 000~0 602.4)施工招标,依据丽发改基综[号《关于龙泉市瓯江干堤龙泉溪流域一期工程(炉田至南秦大桥段)初步设计的批复》建设,资金来源为政府投资,建设资金已落实,工程前期准备工作已就绪,已具备招标条件。经龙泉市招标办核准,决定对该工程采用公开招标的方式进行发包,现将有关招标事项公告如下:
1.2招标范围:龙泉市宏山防洪堤工程(0 000~0 602.4)包括的工程量及全部工程所需的临时设施。
(1)企业法定代表人参与开标的,应携带本人有效身份证;若委托代理的,应有法定代表人亲笔签名并盖章的法定代表人授权委托书、被委托人身份证;(2)企业介绍信;(3)企业营业执照(副本);(4)企业资质证书(副本);(5)拟投入本合同的项目负责人资格证书;(6)企业安全生产许可证(副本),“三类人员”安全考核证书(A、B、C类证书)即;提供企业法定代表人、总经理、企业技术负责人、企业分管安全副经理(须提供企业任职文件原件)A类证;项目负责人安全生产考核合格证书(B类证书);安全员的安全生产考核合格证(C类证书); (7)投标人的受委托人参加投标活动应提供至投标时连续12个月(企业设立不足12个月的,从设立时起)在委托企业的养老保险缴纳明细清单(需加盖社保经办机构印章),未提供缴纳明细清单的,应被拒绝参加投标,总经理是受委托人的可不提供。委托代理人和项目负责人不得为同一人。
1.6招标图纸不记名获取,获取时间:2010年 1月 15日至2010年 2月 3日。
1.7本工程交易席位费 400 元、各标段投标保证金捌万元整,以上两项费用采用银行转帐方式一次性交纳。投标人应在2010年 2 月 3 日16时30分前交纳交易席位费和投标保证金(以到帐为准)。投标人应按招标文件要求缴纳,否则做自动放弃投标处理。各投标人交纳费用时应注明投标项目和缴费人的名称,交费人名称应与参加投标企业名称一致,否则其投标视为无效。
联系人:张友华 李炜
中国环境标志:十环标志,由国家环保部环境认证中心认证,由403 Forbidden
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on this server.CHINA& SCIENCE& AND& TECHNOLOGYNEWSLETTERThe Ministry of Science and TechnologyPeople's Republic of China
November 30, 2010
*China-South Africa S&T Commission Meeting
*Genetic Variation Found among Elite Inbred Corn Lines
* High Conductivity Nano-Powder
*China Sits 12th for SCI Citation
*China Won Iris Recognition Contest Again
WAN Attended Carnegie Ministerial Meeting
At the invitation of Howard Alper, Chair of Canada Science, Technology and Innovation Council, and David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy, WAN Gang, Chinese Minister of Science and Technology, visited Canada and the United States from November 19 to 24, 2010, and attended the 38th meeting held by Carnegie Group during the period of November 20-21, 2010 for science ministers in the suburb of Toronto. WAN also visited Canadian and US research institutions.
Science ministers and senior advisors from Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States attended the meeting. Participants discussed four major issues, including meeting global challenges with enhanced innovations (knowledge transfer and associated commercialization), digital economy, clean energy (carbon capture and storage), and global research infrastructures (governance and funding). Participants also listened to the briefing on counterfeit drugs in the developing countries. Under the title of "Addressing global challenges with enhanced innovations", WAN spoke to the audiences of China's innovation policy, basic research and cutting-edge technology development in line with major strategic national interests, preferential policies to encourage innovation and protect intellectual properties, and China’s active participation in international cooperation. WAN also spoke about the measures China has adopted to develop information and communication technologies, to stimulate industrialization using information technology, to support the development of modern service industry, and to narrow down the digital divide between the urban and rural areas. WAN said China will host a ministerial meeting for the fourth round of Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum in 2011, and added that people should pay more attention to resource oriented utilization of carbon dioxide in an innovative manner, along with joint new technology R&D and associated demonstration. WAN also talked about the experience China has acquired in building and running open mega research infrastructures, and China’s participation in international mega research programs.&&
During the meeting, WAN had talks with Gary Goodyear, Canadian Minister of State for Science and Technology. WAN visited on November 22 a Fuel Cell Innovation Center under the National Research Council Canada in Vancouver, and Ballard, and had a talk with Szumski, Vice President of National Research Council. On November 23, WAN visited the U.S. Department of Energy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in San Francisco.
China-South Africa S&T Commission Meeting
November 15, 2010, a China-South Africa Inter-governmental Joint Science and Technology Commission meeting, and the fourth round of China-South Bilateral Science and Technology Sub-Committee meeting were held in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa. The meeting was co-chaired by WANG Wei, Chinese Vice-Minister of Science and Technology and Derek Hanekom, South Africa Deputy Minister of Science and Technology.
Both sides agreed to enhance future collaborations in the areas of biotechnology , mining/smelting, astronomy, indigenous knowledge systems (including traditional medicine), palaeontology, renewable energy, new materials, nanotechnology, agriculture, information and communication technology, transportation, environment, and climate change, in the spirit of the Joint Declaration on the establishment of an all-round strategic partnership between the two countries, and under the framework of a range of bilateral committees and programs. Both sides agreed to start in early 2011 the sixth round of joint research projects solicitation focusing on five major areas, including biotechnology, mining/smelting, environment and sustainable development, indigenous knowledge systems (including traditional medicine), and renewable energy. Both sides also agreed to expand the scale of joint research programs, with a raised number of projects from 10 to 15. Additionally, both parties signed a protocol for the joint commission meeting.
Genetic Variation Found among Elite Inbred Corn Lines
Scientists from China Agricultural University Corn Center, Beijing Genomics Institute, University of Iowa, and University of Minnesota reported their findings in the recent issue of the journal Nature-Genetics on the implications of gene loss and gain on the strength of inbred corn lines
Corn Protein Targeting HIV-Infected Cells
High Conductivity Nano-Powder
Not long ago, CAS Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry developed an environment-friendly nano-powder material with high electric conductivity. According to a briefing, the patented new material, named "high conductivity aluminum doped zinc oxide nanoparticle", enjoys numerous merits, including high crystallinity, uniform doping, controllable morphology, and fine scattering and dispersion performance, with a volume resistance as low as 15Ω?cm. The nanoparticle material can be applied in a broad range of areas, including scientific research and industrial applications, being conductive fillers for transparent conductive electrodes and antistatic composite materials.
YANG Xiaoniu, a researcher at the Institute, said it is a simple process to prepare the novel nano powder material, featured with a short cycle and low cost, and surfactants/templates free, desirable for large-scale production. In addition, the invention has created a new approach for preparing monodisperse part of other transparent conducting oxides.
Mountain Biological Protection Has Its Law
Researchers at CAS Kunming Institute of Zoology said on Nov. 26, 2010 that they have sorted out the biological law for protecting the creatures in the mountains, through a bird diversity study. Based on the study of the spatial and temporal distribution of birds across the Ailao Mountain area, researchers found that the birds composition in the area presents a high spatial heterogeneity, though the area is not very large. For example, birds would see a fast changed composition over the coastal gradient, followed by slopes. The birds composition at lower elevations shows a higher spatial heterogeneity, compared with the higher ones. The finding facilitates biodiversity conservation efforts in the mountainous areas in Asia, and associated protection design.
Dr. WU Fei, the project leader, said the study results show that when protecting a mountainous area, the protection shall not be merely confined to the mature forests at the top of the mountains. One has to take into account the vegetations grown on different elevations and slopes. For example, more areas need to be protected at low elevations, compared with the higher one.
1-D Deposited Atom Nano Grating
A team, made up of the scientists from China Institute of Metrology, Tongji University, and National University of Defense Technology, has recently rolled out a prototype one-dimensional deposited chromium atom nano-grating piece (213.1nm±0.5), thanks to their 3-year efforts of mastering the chromium atom deposition theory and associated nano-grating technology. Researchers also developed a device to test atom deposition in a highly vacuumed environment. The standard one-dimensional nano-grating piece has passed the metrological verification of professional testing agencies. The development makes China one of the few countries in the world able to work on deposited atom grating technology, making the localization of standard nano measuring materials possible, and providing a fundamental solution to addressing the traceability of Chinese made nano measuring instruments and associated calibration.
China Sits 12th for SCI Citation
According to the statistics released on November 26, 2010 by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China in Beijing, in 2009, SCI (Science Citation Index) has collected 108,800 papers with Chinese researchers as first author, of which 16,800 (15.5%) papers enjoyed a citation frequency that is higher than disciplinary averages, or 4 percentage points up compared with 11.5% registered in 2008.
Statistics show that SCI database has collected 127,500 Chinese papers in 2009, accounting for 8.8% of the papers collected by SCI in the year, ranked 2nd, though flat with 2008. When the papers by Hong Kong and Macau authors are removed, mainland China published 119,500 papers, or 25.3% up, compared with 2008. Even under the calculation, China remains No. 2 in the world, or two more advanced, compared with the preceding year. Meanwhile, this is the first time for mainland China to rank second place in the world.
As far as times of citation are concerned, Chinese S&T personnel published 720,000 international papers during the period of . The papers have been cited for 4.23 million times, ranked 8th in the world, or one seat advanced over the previous year statistics. The papers were cited 5.87 times on an average, slightly higher compared with 5.2 times in the previous year, though quite a gap from the world average of 10.57 times.
China could lag further behind, in terms of citations per paper. For example, China sat in 12th place among 14 countries that have published 200,000 papers during the period of
on a combined basis. China’s citations per paper are lower than Japan and Korea, though slightly higher than India.&
The Institute also released the EI’s collection of Chinese papers. In 2009, EI database collected 97,900 Chinese papers, or 23.9% of the paper collected by the EI system in the year, which made China sit in No. 1 place, or 7 percentage points more, compared with the United States, the No. 2 position holder, enjoying an increase of 9.5%. When Hong Kong and Macao are removed, mainland China came up with a number of 93,100, or 9.4% up over 2008, accounting for 22.7% of the papers collected by the EI system in the year, or 1.2 percentage points more against the preceding year, making China No. 1 in the world.
China Won Iris Recognition Contest Again
it is reported November 24, 2010 from the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation that a Chinese team, headed by TAN Tie-Niu, a National Key Laboratory researcher, has once again won the toughest and largest international competition on professional iris recognition evaluation among 41 teams from 25 countries or regions, with an absolute advantage of 41.3% over the second place winner.
Chinese researchers have been developing innovative iris recognition technologies for more than a decade, including iris recognition information collection, from a single eye to two eyes, from static to dynamic, and from the close range to the long range recognition, and a range of other key technologies, including imaging device, image processing, feature extraction, recognition, retrieval, and security. They also established a theoretical and methodological system for iris comparison and recognition, along with the largest sharing database in the world. The database has been used by more than 3,000 research teams in some 70 countries or regions, facilitating the development of iris recognition technology.&
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