
1.练出线条就可以显得很健美&br&&br&2.时装周面试试装都跟我讲英文&br&&br&3.一胖脸上一有肉就是柬埔寨人&br&&br&4.拍户外节目没有打光像难民&br&&br&5.在直男眼里自动过滤黑皮肤妹&br&&br&6.从来不长斑&br&&br&7.衣柜衣服颜色都是黑黑黑黑叠起来根本分不清哪件是哪件&br&&br&8.从来没有网购过没试过的首饰手表发带衣服&br&&br&9.跟别人一起拍合照不是你过曝就是我糊了&br&&br&10.指甲颜色至今三种来回换 宝蓝 酒红 裸色&br&&br&11.化妆的时候要跟化妆师讲一万遍“不要把我打太白”&br&&br&12.外出和工作百分百自带粉底遮瑕不然老没合适色号&br&&br&13.可以拿闺蜜的散粉当高光用&br&&br&14.白不起来省了一大笔美白要花的钱&br&&br&15.约会一定要百分百提前考察去黄色灯光的场合啊!&br&&br&16.没有口红整个人都很憔悴&br&&br&17.不化妆上课被老师怀疑吸毒&br&&br&18.每次用宝丽来什么的要调一下设置&br&&br&19.好不容易穿个泳衣秀秀身材下水一小时出来变成土豆了啊(可别人泡那么久也没黑多少&br&&br&20.粉红色是什么东西我不敢试&br&&br&21.千万别走古着或者森女路线完全就是村妇啊&br&&br&22.黑皮肤的人都比较容易产生角质层我会乱说?&br&&br&23.跟白白的男生一起会感觉自己莫名其妙man了起来&br&&br&24.染奶奶灰还有各种鲜艳颜色就算了吧会像戴假发哎&br&&br&25.黄种人又黑意味着就是不能用黄皮肤要避开的颜色又不能用黑皮肤禁忌的颜色可是那还剩下个鬼啊??&br&&br&26.经常有什么概念装眼皮一抹蓝绿色之类的村到可怕&br&&br&27.皮肤黑一定要记得牙齿必须白啊不然会很恶心&br&&br&28.黑皮肤就只能走欧美或者性感健美什么的风格啊这辈子别想装绿茶婊了&br&&br&29.夏天一过整个人身上晒得到处是印儿下次考虑晒个纹身出来也不错哎&br&&br&30.最后一条:为什么还有人问我怎么美白啊???你是不是瞎??!
1.练出线条就可以显得很健美 2.时装周面试试装都跟我讲英文 3.一胖脸上一有肉就是柬埔寨人 4.拍户外节目没有打光像难民 5.在直男眼里自动过滤黑皮肤妹 6.从来不长斑 7.衣柜衣服颜色都是黑黑黑黑叠起来根本分不清哪件是哪件 8.从来没有网购过没试过的首饰手…
小时候,过年奶奶家里包饺子,一大群熊孩子,都有幸获得一块面团,学习擀饺子皮,包饺子等技术,而我,不管洗了多少遍手,大人都笑着说:“看看你的黑爪子,你捏过的饺子谁吃啊!一边玩去!”或者就说我的手没有洗干净,让我再去洗。卧槽,答主只是黑,但不代表脏啊.......&br&&br&每次和那些皮肤白的小孩打架,老师总是偏向皮肤白的小孩!没错,就是种族歧视!因为黑,总给人一种调皮捣蛋,不好好学习的印象。但是皮肤白的小孩就不调皮吗?很多小孩整天和我一起上山抓鸟,下河摸鱼,但就是晒不黑。一起淘气被老师抓住,老师总说是我把人家带坏了。&br&&br&长大一点,总被问,是不是你们练体育的都这么黑?&br&尼玛,说这话的人,你平时不看CCTV5的吗?长期户外运动确实会晒黑,但人家该白的照样白。&br&&br&和熟人打球,总会被戏称为外援,和陌生人组队打球,总能听到,不要让那个黑的突破!那个黑的溜底线过来啦! 上去给那个黑的做个挡拆!&br&&br&每次穿白色衣服,总被善意提醒,你以后别穿白衣服,显得你更黑了。每次穿黑衣服,也总被善意提醒,你以后别穿黑衣服,显得你更黑了。。。。后来上网查,据说穿暖色衣服会显得人白。于是穿暖色,然后第一天出门,同学就说,卧槽,你穿这身好怪啊。。。&br&&br&学马丁路德金的《我有一个梦想》,同学都回头看我,满满的恶意。&br&&br&拍证件照,修照片的时候,总能听到鼠标猛点美白的声音。&br&&br&女生都喜欢和我一起拍照,可以显得自己很白。&br&&br&每年开学去学校报道,总能听到,卧槽,一个假期不见,你特么怎么又黑了!&br&&br&到外地上学,总会被问,是不是你们陕西人都像你这么黑?(给陕西人民抹黑了。。。)&br&&br&大一时候,被叫小黑。汪汪!!!!!&br&大二,有不知道我名字的学妹,听别人都叫我小黑,以为我姓黑,叫我黑学长。。。。&br&&br&如今大三,常被叫黑哥,老黑。。。。。
&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&...............................................................被赞这么多,爆一张初中照片吧&img data-rawwidth=&670& data-rawheight=&502& src=&/ed2b5bcecadb2_b.jpeg& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&670& data-original=&/ed2b5bcecadb2_r.jpeg&&
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I don't like my ethnicity Dealing with racist people (other Asians) 种族主义者让我不喜欢自己的种族
Guest_Ethnic_* (楼主)Posted 16 April 2010 - 07:25 AM I don't like my ethnicity but I can't change it.It's not my fault that my family migrated from (certain poor developing country in Asia with a bad reputation). Hell, I don't even like people from my original country myself because of their behavior.My family has been away so long I'm not sure if I should identify with the country anymore.我不喜欢自己的种族,可是我不能改变它。这不是我的错,我的家庭从那个地方移民出来(一个贫穷不发达名声很糟糕的亚洲地区)。因为那边人的举止我甚至不喜欢那边的人。我家已经从那边迁移走了,我也不知道我和那个国家还有没有联系。
Anyway, I get people (other Asians) telling me I am inferior because of my ethnicity. They don't want to be friendly with me and they say that because of my genes, I am uglier, shorter, darker and more stupid. Actually, despite the stereotypes, I am quite fair(I daresay I am not darker than most racist Asians) but I am indeed quite short (only a bit over five feet one inch) and I have a flat nose which I hate 然而,其他亚洲国家的人告诉我,因为我的种族,我很劣等。他们说因为我的基因,他们不想友善的对待我。我长的难看,矮小,皮肤黑脑子也不大灵光。事实上,我长的并不难看(我可以说我并不比亚洲其他种族的人黑),只是我确实很矮(只有约五英尺一英寸),长着自己很讨厌的扁平的鼻子。
Anyway, I used to be quite happy with my ethnicity but meeting all these racists has gotten me down. I didn't know other Asians thought my people were inferior. I wish I never found out.They say my language sounds awful and low-class like people fighting too and people don't really appreciate our culture. In fact, they don't know much about it and are not interested in knowing. They only like Korean or Japanese stuff.我也曾经试着为自己的种族骄傲,可是遇到的那些种族主义者让我自卑了。我不知道其他地区的亚洲人认为我们的人们是劣等的。我真希望我从来没发现这个事实。他们说我发音听起来可怕而低级,就像在吵架。他们并不真正欣赏我们的文化。事实上,他们并不了解,也没有兴趣去了解。他们只喜欢韩国人或是日本人的东西。
What should I do? I want to visit Korea but after meeting some Korean racists
(from Korea), I'm afraid to go because I worry the people there would treat me badly since I'm not Korean or white but non-Korean Asian. Should I still go or should I save my money and go to a less racist place? I am a girl by the way, not sure if that makes a difference in treatment. 我该怎么做?我想去韩国旅游,可是当我遇到那些从韩国来的种族主义者之后,我有点怕,我怕那里的人们会因为我不是韩国人或我长的黑而粗暴的对待我。我是否应该照旧出发?或是节省钱去另一个种族主义没那么猖獗的地方?顺便说一下我是个女孩子,我不确定是否因为这个被差别对待。
P.S. I mentioned Koreans because I'm hoping to visit Korea but actually they are not the only Asians who were racist to me so I hope no one thinks I am just targeting Koreans. Though I do think Koreans are very obsessed with blood purity. PS:之所以提到韩国人是因为我憧憬去韩国旅游,事实上他们也不是以种族主义方式对待我的唯一的亚洲人,我并不是想单纯指责韩国。虽然我确信韩国人血统非常纯洁。
Posted 16 April 2010 - 07:37 AM so then what are you??? you still havent told us what you are.. god if u say chinese, i am going to FLIP.那么你是哪国人?你还没有告诉我们呢。如果你是华裔,我要笑了。
be proud of what you are, because thats what you'll be for the rest of your life. be proud as f*ck, and life will seem better. 为你的籍贯骄傲吧,因为在你生命里那就是你的标签。为它骄傲,生活会更美好。0
Guest_Guest_* Posted 16 April 2010 - 07:53 AM I'm guessing your Chinese. DON'T listen to racists ... they stereotype all the time. Learn to appreciate your ethnic culture more or at least ignore the racists and just be who you want
As for Koreans ... yeah maybe some of them are arrogant but ignore them. btw try some Korean food sometime and their music is pretty good 至于韩国人……有些人确实很自大很傲慢,无视他们就好。有些韩国菜可以试试,他们的音乐非常不错。
As for China ... as proud as we can be about some things of the culture ... because people say alot of crap about it and it does have many issues they need to clean up and improve ... we don't always want to be associated with China. I don't know if you are Chinese but I just guessed. It doesn't matter. What matter is not to always identify yourself with JUST your ethnic culture and country ... we want to separate ourselves from the bad stereotypes, even though some people would still be ignorant and judge us by it. EVEN IF a stereotype is true about you ... as long as it doesn't bother you, you don't always have to care. If it's something you don't like ... change it, if possible. Ignore the ignorant至于中国……为它的文化感到骄傲吧……虽然很多人污蔑它,可是中国确实没有什么需要辩解澄清的问题。通常我们不想和中国扯上关系,我不知道你是否是华裔,我只是在猜测。不要总是把自己和种族的文化与国家混为一谈。我们需要将自己和那些不好的东西区分开来,即使有些人以那些来评价你。不要被它烦恼,没必要总是去关心那些。如果确实有些你不喜欢,改掉就是,无视那些愚昧的。
Just do what you want and be who you want. Be an individual and just be happy 做自己想做的人,快乐的做你自己。
Guest_Ethnic_* (楼主)Posted 16 April 2010 - 08:33 AM Guest, on 16 April 2010 - 07:53 AM, said:What matter is not to always identify yourself with JUST your ethnic culture and country ... we want to separate ourselves from the bad stereotypes, even though some people would still be ignorant and judge us by it. EVEN IF a stereotype is true about you ... as long as it doesn't bother you, you don't always have to care. If it's something you don't like ... change it, if possible.无论你是否因为你的种族和国籍来评价自己……我们要将自己和那些刻板的印象区分开来,即使依旧有人以之来看待你。即使有些印象对于你来说是真的……不要被它所恼,如果可以的话,做出改变吧。
I'm from Southeast Asia. I don't want to say which country because I don't want to shame my country. As for my ethnicity, I'm 100% Asian but a mix of three different groups (take note: no supposedly superior Japanese or Korean blood).Anyway, one of the groups tends to be darker and shorter and I wonder if that's why I'm short and have a flat nose. I really feel guilty that I resent my grandparent because of this. Even worse, some people from other groups but the same country look down on us. Yes, my own countrymen look down on me because they tend to be fairer/taller and they think they are purer, higher-class.我来自东南亚,我不想提自己的国家,我不想让它蒙羞。至于我的种族,100%亚洲人,可是是三个不同族群的混血(提示:没有那些优秀的日本或是韩国血统)。其中的一个族群长的更黑身材更矮,我怀疑就是因为那个我才那么矮,鼻子那么扁平。因为这个,我怨恨我的祖父母/外祖父母,我感到愧疚。更糟糕的是,同一个国家的另外族群也轻视我们。对,自己国家的人因为他们身材更高而看不起我们,他们认为自己更纯洁,更加高级。
If people look down on my culture and say my language sounds awful that's one thing but the worst thing is they think my blood is dirty/impure which I can't change. I read this blog post by a Korean guy saying that Koreans would never date someone from Southeast Asia because we are ugly/genetically inferior/dirty blood and I was so upset that I cried after reading that. It's not that I want to date a Korean guy (I prefer guys from my own country) but the knowledge that they think of us that way was really hurtful. And it's not just online, I've had other Asians refuse to even speak to me offline.人们轻视我们的文化,认为我们的语言难听,这是一回事。可更糟糕的是他们认为我的血统很肮脏/不纯洁,我没法改变。我读过一个博客,一个韩国男孩写到,韩国人永远不会同东南亚人约会,因为我们丑陋/从遗传学角度来说劣等/血液肮脏。读了那个博客的文章之后,我感到自己深深的被伤害到了。这不仅仅只是在虚拟网络中,现实中我同样遇到过拒绝与我说话的亚洲人。
I just wonder why I have to be born as what I am and suffer racism.It's so unfair.I don't mind white racists so much because I know they hate all Asians and can't tell the difference. 为什么我会生在一个被人歧视的种族里呢?太不公平了,白人的种族歧视也很严重,但那没什么,我知道他们恨所有的亚洲人,他们也不能分辨亚洲人之间的区别。
Ethnic, on 15 April 2010 - 11:25 PM, said:P.S. I mentioned Koreans because I'm hoping to visit Korea but actually they are not the only Asians who were racist to me so I hope no one thinks I am just targeting Koreans. Though I do think Koreans are very obsessed with blood purity.PS:之所以提到韩国人是因为我憧憬去韩国旅游,事实上他们也不是以种族主义方式对待我的唯一的亚洲人,我并不是想单纯指责韩国。虽然我确信韩国人血统非常纯洁。
Korea is one of the most singled race countries in the world lol like 98% of its people have like Korean blood in them so I guess you can say they are abit xenophobic about other non-Korean people but I have heard that theres alot of Korean farmers that marry alot of Southeast Asian women so I dunno... its like half of all international marriages are between Korean male farmers and Southeast Asian women. So I wouldnt say Koreans in general are against Southeast Asian people, maybe just the particular type of people you meant. Im sure not all of them are like that 韩国人是世界上唯一主体民族——朝鲜族——占98%的国家,那里的人都为他们体内的韩国血统骄傲。我想,你可以说他们很排外,不过我也听说过很多韩国农民同其他非韩女性结婚。韩国男性和东南亚女性的婚姻可以说是半国际的。我不能说韩国人针对东南亚人,也许只是你遇到了那些有种族歧视观点的人而言。我相信,不是所有的韩国人都是种族主义者。
Posted 16 April 2010 - 09:54 AM If you're here to rant, b*tch and moan about how you're mistreated, alright.
But if your here to let everyone know that you hate your ethnicity because you get bullied in life and go on to praising other elasticities, then you kill yourself if you're that miserable.
*No, I didn't read your entire post. 抱歉我没有看完你的帖子。
Ethnic, on 15 April 2010 - 11:33 PM, said:I'm from Southeast Asia. I don't want to say which country because I don't want to shame my country. As for my ethnicity, I'm 100% Asian but a mix of three different groups (take note: no supposedly superior Japanese or Korean blood).Anyway, one of the groups tends to be darker and shorter and I wonder if that's why I'm short and have a flat nose. I really feel guilty that I resent my grandparent because of this. Even worse, some people from other groups but the same country look down on us. Yes, my own countrymen look down on me because they tend to be fairer/taller and they think they are purer, higher-class.我来自东南亚,我不想提自己的国家,我不想让它蒙羞。至于我的种族,100%亚洲人,可是是三个不同族群的混血(提示:没有那些优秀的日本或是韩国血统)。其中的一个族群长的更黑身材更矮,我怀疑就是因为那个我才那么矮,鼻子那么扁平。因为这个,我怨恨我的祖父母/外祖父母,我感到愧疚。更糟糕的是,同一个国家的另外族群也轻视我们。对,自己国家的人因为他们身材更高而看不起我们,他们认为自己更纯洁,更加高级。
If people look down on my culture and say my language sounds awful that's one thing but the worst thing is they think my blood is dirty/impure which I can't change. I read this blog post by a Korean guy saying that Koreans would never date someone from Southeast Asia because we are ugly/genetically inferior/dirty blood and I was so upset that I cried after reading that. It's not that I want to date a Korean guy (I prefer guys from my own country) but the knowledge that they think of us that way was really hurtful. And it's not just online, I've had other Asians refuse to even speak to me offline.人们轻视我们的文化,认为我们的语言难听,这是一回事。可更糟糕的是他们认为我的血统很肮脏/不纯洁,我没法改变。我读过一个博客,一个韩国男孩写到,韩国人永远不会同东南亚人约会,因为我们丑陋/从遗传学角度来说劣等/血液肮脏。读了那个博客的文章之后,我感到自己深深的被伤害到了。这不仅仅只是在虚拟网络中,现实中我同样遇到过拒绝与我说话的亚洲人。
I just wonder why I have to be born as what I am and suffer racism.It's so unfair.I don't mind white racists so much because I know they hate all Asians and can't tell the difference.为什么我会生在一个被人歧视的种族里呢?太不公平了,白人的种族歧视也很严重,但那没什么,我知道他们恨所有的亚洲人,他们也不能分辨亚洲人之间的区别。
Bleh, I'm Korean American. Honestly, sometimes I can't stand some koreans. Some of them just think they're the best or something. Ignore them and do not feel bad about your own ethnicity. What makes them so much better than the rest of the world? And for the guy that said koreans wouldn't date a southeast asian? I'm dating one! My boyfriend's filipino. That guy is just an idiot. Bleh,我是韩裔美国人。开诚布公的说,有时候我不能忍受一些韩国人。那些人认为自己是最棒的。请无视他们,不要为自己的种族感到羞愧。是什么让他们在世界上如此自我感觉良好?博客的那个家伙说韩国人不会同东南亚人约会?我正在做呢!我男朋友来自菲律宾。开博的那个家伙就是个白痴。
Guest_Rain2Day_*Posted 16 April 2010 - 06:48 PM First of all, why would the f*ck would you take their comments to heart? What really matters is what you perceive yourself as and that you are satisfied with you being who you are. If you feel that you are lacking certain things and are not satisfied with yourself then you can change it assuming you are determined enough to actually make that change. In addition, don't let those dick-heads make you feel bad about your own ethnicity. Don't let their petty comments bother you because ultimately you are in charge of your own life. 首先,为什么你要将他们的羞辱放在心里?重要的是如何看待自己,你和谁在一起,你是谁。如果你只是觉得你缺乏那些特征,对自己不满,那你可以改变啊。不要让那些蠢货的话使你对自己的种族不满。不要让那些琐碎的东西影响到你,因为你的人生只有靠自己改变。
Posted 16 April 2010 - 10:05 PM You're probably filapino, in that case, yeah lots of people hate them. 你可能是菲律宾人吧。如果是那样,嗯。确实很多人憎恨他们。
Guest_ignore_*Posted 16 April 2010 - 11:56 PM You are probably Vietnamese or Cambodian. You shouldn't be care about what others think, you are who you are. There are stupid people all over the places. 你可能是越南人或者柬埔寨人吧。不要去理会他们说你什么。地球上到处都是傻x。
Guest_dd_*Posted 17 April 2010 - 01:20 AM ya i think those are truuth. south east asian sure short and ugly but some of them kind a pretty.
you proably from vietname or thailand.
maybe they just joke with you. dont take to heart.
just accept the fact ur ugly and short and be proud 我认为确实有很多东南亚人身材矮小,长相丑陋,但是有些人还是很不错的。你应该来自越南或者泰国。也许他们只是同你开玩笑,别放心上。
Posted 17 April 2010 - 03:07 AM The best thing to do is ignore them. Don't be so self-conscious and gain some confidence. You should be proud of your ethnicity. 最好的方式是无视他们。不要这么自闭,有点信心。你应该为自己的种族感到骄傲。
Guest_Ethnic_* (楼主)Posted 17 April 2010 - 03:57 AM Quotetheres alot of Korean farmers that marry alot of Southeast Asian women so I dunno... its like half of all international marriages are between Korean male farmers and Southeast Asian women.回复:不过我也听说过很多韩国农民同其他非韩女性结婚。韩国男性和东南亚女性的婚姻可以说是半国际的。
It's mostly old, poor or divorced Korean men that can't get Korean women that resort to mail-order brides. My ancestral country is poorer than Korea right now (but I hope things will change one day and it beats out Korea) but I assure you that I was born overseas and those of us overseas have no need to marry Korean hicks.Anyway, their reputation for beating their foreign wives is so bad that some Southeast Asian countries has cracked down on the mail-order bride thing.Cambodia banned marriages between their women and Koreans recently.很有可能那些是因为既老又穷,找不到韩国女人的韩国男人,他们只有去娶“邮寄新娘”。我的祖籍国限制比韩国穷(不过我希望有一天它能打败韩国),不过我向你保证像我这样出生在海外的人没有想过同一个韩国垃圾结婚。那些韩国人虐待外国妻子的恶性是如此的恶劣,近来很多东南亚国家如柬埔寨,已经禁止他们的女人同韩国人结婚。QuoteAnd for the guy that said koreans wouldn't date a southeast asian? I'm dating one! My boyfriend's filipino. That guy is just an idiot.回复:
Do your parents know about your bf? Most Korean guys say their parents would flip out if they date a non-Korean e.g. other Asians. Some say that Korean women (from Korea) are the best and that marrying other Asians would dirty Korean gene pool and the children would turn out ugly and stupid.你父母亲知道你的男朋友吗?大多数韩国人说,如果他们的父母知道他们同非韩亚裔约会,他们的父母会发疯。也有些人说韩国女人是最好的,如果同其他亚洲人结婚,会玷污韩国的基因池,生下来的孩子也会既丑又笨。Quotejust accept the fact ur ugly and short and be proud回复:接受自己长的既丑又矮的现实,为自己骄傲吧。
WTF? I'm short but I think I'm average looking for my ethnic mix (flat nose aside). I haven't had plastic surgery either.Anyway, I hope to marry a guy from my own culture though I often find them chauvinistic and I really think they should step up their game. I think I would be very careful with my kids' education and bring them up to be good at their own language and culture so they don't get brainwashed by pop culture crap from certain Asian countries and start despising themselves wanting to be Korean or Japanese.
I see too many of my own people wanting to be Korean and Japanese and it's bloody pathetic considering that they look down on us deep in their hearts. We are interested in their culture but they are not interested in ours.Whenever I see these people who are not interested in studying their own language and culture, I want to shake them and tell them to wake up. I used to be like that too until I got to know more and saw the ugly sides of what was happening. We always complain about our singers/movies/dramas being lame but If you don't support your own cultural products, who will? Also, I really hate the racism on certain Asian pop forums where anyone Korean or Japanese is cool but the rest of us are second-class and the pitiful &Do I look Korean?& &People mistake me for Korean& threads. I swear here that I will never post a pic of myself and ask people if I look Korean. Newsflash, neither you nor I look Korean.
I intend to take courses to learn more about my own culture soon. I am already trying to learn more via internet since I live overseas.以后我通过课程来学习更多自己国家的文化。自从我住在海外以来,我已经尝试着通过因特网来学习更多。
P.S. Sorry that I seem to target Koreans so much but seriously my friends are brainwashed and too much into Korean stuff and I get influenced by them too. PS:抱歉我指责韩国人太多了,但是真的,我的朋友们都被韩国的东西洗脑的太严重了,连我也受到他们的影响了。
Posted 18 April 2010 - 11:22 AM I'm Chinese and I'm currently living in Korea. Yes there are still a lot of racism towards south east Asians. Yes Koreans here (mainly the older ones) are racists. Yes Filipinos are looked down upon over here. 我是一个华人,当下我住在韩国。是啊,在这里有很多针对东南亚人的种族歧视。这里的韩国人(主要是老年人)都是种族主义者。菲律宾人在这里确实被看不起。
Guest_Chinese_*Posted 18 April 2010 - 11:53 AM 陈先生, on 18 April 2010 - 11:22 AM, said:I'm Chinese and I'm currently living in Korea. Yes there are still a lot of racism towards south east Asians. Yes Koreans here (mainly the older ones) are racists. Yes Filipinos are looked down upon over here.我是一个华人,当下我住在韩国。是啊,在这里有很多针对东南亚人的种族歧视。这里的韩国人(主要是老年人)都是种族主义者。菲律宾人在这里确实被看不起。
Are you working or studying in S. Korea? What is it like being Chinese there? Does it make a difference whether you're from China or overseas Chinese? 你是在韩国工作还是学习呢?在那里华裔生活的怎么样?海外中国人和大陆中国人在那受到的待遇有区别吗?
Chinese, on 18 April 2010 - 02:53 AM, said:Are you working or studying in S. Korea? What is it like being Chinese there? Does it make a difference whether you're from China or overseas Chinese?你是在韩国工作还是学习呢?在那里华裔生活的怎么样?海外中国人和大陆中国人在那受到的待遇有区别吗?
I'm currently working here. As for what it's like being Chinese here? Eh, it's just like being any other foreigner from a place that isn't from south east Asia. I doubt there's any difference between being from China or an overseas Chinese just as long as you're able to speak some English. I was talking to my coworker about what the native Koreans thought of Chinese people and he said that the Chinese are respected here in Korea because China, as a country, is &powerful&. I dunno what the hell that means, but I guess it made my stay here easier?
As for flips in Korea... they're mainly here as migrant workers so they're not so respected by the older folks. Granted, Filipinos aren't the only migrant workers here. There are also migrant workers from Thailand, Cambodia, Pakistan, etc.至于在韩国的菲律宾人……由于他们来这儿干佣人的活,所以那些老混蛋都不尊重他们。菲律宾人不是这里唯一的打工者,也有很多人来自于泰国,柬埔寨,巴基斯坦等。
Racism is only a big deal to the older people, the younger generation couldn't care less. 种族歧视只是老年人才有的,年轻一代不关心那。
Guest_Chinese_*陈先生, on 18 April 2010 - 02:02 PM, said:I'm currently working here. As for what it's like being Chinese here? Eh, it's just like being any other foreigner from a place that isn't from south east Asia. I doubt there's any difference between being from China or an overseas Chinese just as long as you're able to speak some English. I was talking to my coworker about what the native Koreans thought of Chinese people and he said that the Chinese are respected here in Korea because China, as a country, is &powerful&. I dunno what the hell that means, but I guess it made my stay here easier?当前我在这工作。至于华裔在这里生活如何?嗯,就像其他非东南亚的外国人一样。我怀疑只要你说英语,不管你是不是海外中国人,都没啥区别。我问过我同事对中国人的看法,他回答是因为中国有力量,所以中国人在韩国颇受尊重。我不知道那是啥意思,不过我想这种看法让我在这里住的轻松多了。
There are stories on mainland Chinese BBS about Koreans bullying Chinese students and workers and saying that China is dirty, poor and backward so I dunno. Are you Chinese American or something? I'm born overseas so not from China. Certainly not from a powerful country though my country's rich if it matters lol Hmmm...so I see they treat people according to whether the country of origin is rich or powerful?大陆论坛上有关于韩国人欺负中国学生和工人的新闻,说中国人不讲卫生,又穷又呆,所以我也不知道。你是华裔美国人还是其他的什么?我在海外出生,不是来自于中国,所以我的国家不强大,虽然它富有可是却无济于事。这么说他们是依据你国籍的强大与否来对待你的?
Actually, when I'm overseas I always wonder if people see me as a Chinese or according to my passport.To be fair, I think foreigners should treat me and my mainland brothers equally well.I know people who would really emphasize that they are not from mainland China though.
P.S. You stole my surname! Just joking, maybe we are related PS:你抢了我的台词!呵呵,开个玩笑,也许我们还有关系哦。
Posted 18 April 2010 - 03:01 PM Chinese, on 18 April 2010 - 05:52 AM, said:There are stories on mainland Chinese BBS about Koreans bullying Chinese students and workers and saying that China is dirty, poor and backward so I dunno. Are you Chinese American or something? I'm born overseas so not from China. Certainly not from a powerful country though my country's rich if it matters lol Hmmm...so I see they treat people according to whether the country of origin is rich or powerful?大陆论坛上有关于韩国人欺负中国学生和工人的新闻,说中国人不讲卫生,又穷又呆,所以我也不知道。你是华裔美国人还是其他的什么?我在海外出生,不是来自于中国,所以我的国家不强大,虽然它富有可是却无济于事。这么说他们是依据你国籍的强大与否来对待你的?
Actually, when I'm overseas I always wonder if people see me as a Chinese or according to my passport.To be fair, I think foreigners should treat me and my mainland brothers equally well.I know people who would really emphasize that they are not from mainland China though.
P.S. You stole my surname! Just joking, maybe we are related PS:你抢了我的台词!呵呵,开个玩笑,也许我们还有关系哦。
I haven't heard of such things. So far my experience with the Koreans here are pretty good, especially at my work. I'm born in the states, so I'm Chinese American. With the exception of my swag, most of the people here usually think I'm Korean until they talk to me. 我没听说过这些事情。到目前为止,根据我与韩国人打交道的经验来看,一切都很好,特别是在工作中。我在合众国出生,所以我是一个华裔美国人。根据我的经验,很多人会下意识认为我是韩国人,直到我同他们说话。
Guest_Chinese_*陈先生, on 18 April 2010 - 03:01 PM, said:I haven't heard of such things. So far my experience with the Koreans here are pretty good, especially at my work. I'm born in the states, so I'm Chinese American. With the exception of my swag, most of the people here usually think I'm Korean until they talk to me.我没听说过这些事情。到目前为止,根据我与韩国人打交道的经验来看,一切都很好,特别是在工作中。我在合众国出生,所以我是一个华裔美国人。根据我的经验,很多人会下意识认为我是韩国人,直到我同他们说话。
Well, I assume you are there as a professional and am from America to boot. If you were a Mainlander there as a factory worker, I daresay you'll receive a lot less respect.
Since I've never been to Korea, I can't say what percentage of Koreans subscribe to Nazi pure-blood ideology but I'm pretty convinced I'll never want to live/work there. 虽然我没有去过韩国,我不知道他们中认同纳粹血统学说的比例有多少,但是我非常肯定我不愿意在那儿居住。
Guest_jnjlk_*陈先生, on 18 April 2010 - 02:02 PM, said:Chinese are respected here in Korea because China, as a country, is &powerful&. I dunno what the hell that means,因为中国有力量,所以中国人在韩国颇受尊重。我不知道那是啥意思。
oh dont be modest, im sure you know what that means. it means china is the most powerful nation in asia, thats exactly what it means. ill tell you something, chinese people are one of the most hardy people in the world. survival, its in our blood. and thats how china managed to pull itself up from the sh*t mess we were in 50-60 years ago with virtually zero help whatsoever. the rest of asia's gotta respect that.
Chinese, on 18 April 2010 - 11:09 PM, said:Well, I assume you are there as a professional and am from America to boot. If you were a Mainlander there as a factory worker, I daresay you'll receive a lot less respect.好吧,我假定你是因为你来自美国所以这样。如果你是一名来自大陆的工厂工人,我猜想你可能会遇到很多不尊重你的事情。
Oh, for sure.哦,可以肯定会的。jnjlk, on 18 April 2010 - 11:20 PM, said:oh dont be modest, im sure you know what that means.好啦,别装逼了,我相信你也知道那是啥意思。
No, I actually don't. 抱歉,我确实不知道。
on 20 April 2010 - 05:38 AM, said:it would probably help if you found a strong spirited and confident man from your ethnicity. 如果你发现在你的种族里有自信强健的人,你应该会感到好很多。
Guest_Ethnic_*&&(楼主)orange peel, on 20 April 2010 - 05:38 AM, said:it would probably help if you found a strong spirited and confident man from your ethnicity.如果你发现在你的种族里有自信强健的人,你应该会感到好很多。
I dunno, I'm surrounded by creeps who think our own girls are darker and uglier. Like they are hunks themselves. They dream of scoring with Japanese chicks (too much Japanese AV) or some &pure Korean princess& (too many Korean dramas puke). Yeah right, like they'll date you, dream on. Also, there are also those who think the girls born here are too Westernized and so they want to marry someone from the old country who will be &more submissive and feminine& (they're just after your money and a green card suckers!) 我不知道。我被我们那些又黑又丑的人包围着。他们做梦都想和日本鸡(太多的日本AV)或是什么“纯洁的韩国公主(太多让人作呕的韩国电视剧)搞在一起。是啊,他们做梦都想。同样也有很多人,他们认为自己国家出生的女孩子很西方化,所以他们想在落后国家娶个“更加顺从更有女人味”的女人。(他们只是为了你的钱和绿卡)
Guest_heheh_*I have a feeling you're Vietnamese, especially by the way you described your language.
Anyways, who cares what people think. You can even lie that you're from a different ethnicity if you're so sad then.
I know this Chinese friend who has dark skin, so everybody thought she's a filipina. But nope, she's Chinese.
If you're Vietnamese, then your skin isn't that dark. You can pass for a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean even if you don't really look like one. If you lie to people that you're an East Asian, I'm sure they'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just go along with the idea that you're an East Asian.
So yah, when it's necessary, just tell the other people that you're Chinese/Japanese/Korean...since you don't even like your ethnicity anyway, why tell them the truth that you're Vietnamese? 所以,如果需要,告诉他们你是中国人/日本人/韩国人就行了……既然你连自己的种族都不喜欢,那为什么不干脆告诉他们你是越南人?
Guest_bigdaddybishock_*Posted 24 June 2010 - 11:30 PM Not all Chinese people have flat noses or moles 不是所有中国人都是扁鼻子眯眯眼。
Posted 28 June 2010 - 08:41 AM LOL ...
I hated my ethnicity when I was younger. I was the only Asian in my &white& area.
But as I got older and learned more about my country (Hong Kong) and my culture, I began to love it.
Especially when I finally got the chance to visit Hong Kong when I was 20 and actually could see how amazing things are over there.
I think you just have to appreciate the good things about where you are from and grow up in a good way.
I've learned to appreciate all cultures and it's so exciting to learn and experience cultures.
Racist is based on fear, lack of knowledge and insecurities.
Posted 01 July 2010 - 03:02 PM be happy u have a country to call home. in america people can't tell. people label me as korean, chinese, or japanese or whatever asian group i look like today. 为你有一个国家感到高兴吧。在美国,人们可不敢这么说。那儿的人给我贴上了诸如韩国人,中国人或是日本人或是其他亚洲人的标签。 Guest_student_*Posted 12 July 2010 - 07:05 PM Actually I get your point
When I was in Korea hanging out with my overseas friend, I just wish that I have a different colour eyes and different colour hair. The Koreans are like worshipping the whites over there. All my friends were treated like celebrities. And I'm like... wth, we're all human isn't so? I don't get the point of their differentiated treatments even though I'm also a foreigner there. How you look does matters. But just laugh it off at these silly people. There are racism and differentiated treatment anywhere and everywhere. Accept it and don't waste too much time probing over it.
There are definitely many people, even the whites out there that has the same situation like you. I have friends from small Europe countries like montenegro, lithuania etc. Everywhere they go, they got mistook as American. They just say they're european at the end of the day because they got so sick to explain where they come from because no one knows where it is. But it's really nothing you know. I was even asked to vote in an Korea election!. I laughed so hard at that. Those people must be blind. lmao
The fact is... a white in Asia, everyone think they're from America. A chinese in western country, they will presume that all of them are from China. Too bad they're the supreme power of both poles.
Guest_Beep_* Posted 28 July 2010 - 07:43 AM ^I've been to Korea. It's nothing that amazing. Lots of Koreans want to move out of Korea and live in America. Although I do agree with you that it looks better than the more modern cities of China like Beijing and Shanghai. 我到过韩国。没什么有趣的东西。很多韩国人都想移民到美国,虽然我认为那儿看起来比中国的一些诸如北京上海等现代化城市要好些。
Guest_Bubble gum_*
I fee the same way as you. I'm from SE Asia too. For me, I wish I was part of the 4 wealthy nations in East Asia (Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan), and if I can't be from those 4 nations, I'd rather be from mainland China. China has such a big influence to the world, and no one can deny that China is rising like a jet. In the next few decades, China will look so bright that no one dares to look down on the Chinese. Sigh why is it that East Asians (China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan) have all the goodies while we SE Asians get nothing? No influence, no nothing. I hate to say it, but I'm jealous of the East Asians. 我和你感觉一样。我也来自东南亚。对我来说,我希望自己是东亚四个富有国家地区(日本,韩国,台湾和香港)的一部分,如果不行,我希望自己来自大陆。中国对世界影响如此巨大,没人能否定中国就像一个上升中的喷气式飞机。数十年之后,中国将会无比耀眼,没人能轻视华人。叹息为什么东亚国家(中国,日本,韩国,香港,台湾)能地位如此崇高而东南亚国家啥也有没有?没有影响力,什么也没有。我很不想说,我嫉妒东亚国家。
Guest_Ethnic_* (楼主)
回复Guest_Bubble gum_*
I don't know which SE Asian country you're from but I feel sad that no one says they wish they are from my country. I admit I say the same thing and agree with you but I'm kinda sad when I read what you wrote. You won't believe the ignorant crud written online about my country by Westerners and other Asians. As for the food thing, there's a difference between liking the food and admiring the culture. Some countries' food are worshipped because people like their culture. I subscribe to a website on Japanese food and it's full of non-Japanese and white people oohing and aahing over how kawaii and zen bentos are. I'm a pretty good cook but if I start a blog on my country's food, who would subscribe? No one even knows anything about my country.We're Asians but people always forget us.
My country will never be influential and well-known due to certain limitations which can't be helped. We're doomed to copying other people's culture forever.Hell, I used to look down on mainland China but I won't be able to do it anymore in the future. I even kind of envy mainland Chinese.I hate the idea that they might affect my country's economy.
Also, why are northerners always considered better than southerners? Mongolia has even less of an economy than SE Asian countries for god's sake though it's in northeast asia! 同样的,为什么北亚通常被认为强过东南亚?蒙古经济比东南亚还要差呢,它是总所周知的东北亚国家。
Mongolia is not a good example. Obviously North East Asia is richer and better developed 蒙古不是个好例子。通常东北亚(比起东南亚)要更加富裕更加发达。
回复Guest_Ethnic_* (楼主)
People usually mean East Asia EXCEPT Mongolia.
But, never say never. Korea used to be dirt poor, and they were being looked down on. Now, who dares to look down on Koreans? Similarly, mainland China is being looked down on, but I'm sure that in half a century, no one dares to look down on Chinese.
So for your country, never say never. Your country might shine in the future like how Korea is shining right now and how China will soon shine. 所以不要对你的国家下断语。未来你的国家可能像正在发光的韩国或是将要发光的中国一样闪闪发光。
It won't happen. Smaller country=smaller population=smaller market. We don't have interesting cultural traditions either.
Also, East Asians have a &yuck, tropical country and dark skins=dirty, inferior& thing going on. At least white people sort of like tropical beaches, tanning and think dark women are exotic.
Yes, I admit I use a whitening cream and stay indoors. It works somewhat. 我承认在家里我用过美白霜,总是有点效果的。
不会发生的。小国=较小的人口规模=较小的市场。我们也没有令人感兴趣的文化传统。东亚人有一种“热带令人厌恶的国度和黑色皮肤=肮脏,劣等”的观点………………nono, you're wrong. Singapore is part of the 4 Asian Tigers (along with Hong Kong, Taiwan, and S.Korea). Who looks down on Singaporeans even though Singapore is in SE Asia? No one, because it's a wealthy country. So don't worry about it, if your country shines one day, your people will not be looked down on
不会发生的。小国=较小的人口规模=较小的市场。我们也没有令人感兴趣的文化传统。东亚人有一种“热带令人厌恶的国度和黑色皮肤=肮脏,劣等”的观点………………not all white people like tans, go to a beach or like dark women
furthermore, if she's using whitening cream and whatever ... then she doesn't even really care. She already said she's not proud of SEA ... so we don't need to waste our time on her
dont worry..tooo much ..not everyone look down on south east asian..whether u r from thai, vietnam, malaysia or filiphine...be happy ^^ hmm...for korean obssesion about blood purity.. 100% pure korean actually has flat face and smaller eyes compared to japanese or chinese. 别担心太多……不是所有人都轻视东南亚人的,无论你来自于泰国,越南,马来西亚还是菲律宾。快乐点。至于血统纯洁的韩国人……那些100%纯洁的喊个人事实上比日本人或是中国人脸更平,眼睛更小。
不,你错了。新加坡也是亚洲四小龙之一(香港,台湾,韩国)。即使新加坡位于东南亚,又有谁看不起新加坡人呢?没人,因为新加坡很富有…………You seem to have forgotten that Singapore is 78% Chinese. So technically, although Singapore is geographically located in SE Asia, over 3/4 of its citizens are East Asians. It's pretty much a bunch of East Asians living in a SE Asian country.
are you f**k*ng kidding me? im not saying i look down on koreans (because i dont), but there are alot of reasons to look down on koreans. who dares? everyone dares. as if looking down on them will yield consequences. what can koreans do to me? nothing. what makes them so special? nothing. seriously, ive asked this question over and over again, and no one can answer me. compared to China and Japan, the nation of korea does not stand out one bit. oh drama and kimchi, big deal. and then you go about saying how people look down on china.. so basically youre saying china is more prone to be looked down on than korea... ok so please list down all the reasons why china is more prone to being looked down on than korea? go, list them!
LOL another self hating vietnamese...man plenty of viets be claiming they japanese or korean nowadays
I think some of u guys are just koreans here, i've try my best to thought why is that so pround of to be a Korean, but after long thingking, i still couldnt get a clear answer. I am a Honkonger and have been to many Korea,Maind China and Japanese cities many times and i can surely tell you that korean cities are the worest among them. Seoul, looks no better and nothing more mordern than even the second class Chinese cities like Nanjing ,Chongqing or Tian jin. Just dont believe what the &Korean made&dramas shows u, go there and see what their cities really looks by ur own eyes,they only took their best senses and shows u what they want u to see.Clear?
which area of seoul did you visit? can you give me the exact location you went to? in that way i know if you're bullshiting or not.
I didnt say Seoul itself sucks, but compare to other Chinese and japanese cities, Seoul reallys look sucks and nothing special.Now, there are many Mainland Chinese cities looks no worse than Honkong or New York . I also have many friends who came back from Seoul told me that if Seoul was a Chinese city, It couldnt ranked in top 10. Anyone who dont believe me just come to Hongkong,Shanghai,Shenzhen,Guangzhou ,nanjing and other second class cities to see if i bullshiting or not. 我并没有说首尔很差劲,可是对比起其他中日城市,首尔确实看起来差劲,没什么特殊东西。现在,很多大陆城市比起香港和纽约。看起来毫不逊色。很多从首尔回来的朋友告诉我,如果首尔市一个中国城市,恐怕不能排前十。不相信我的人,只要去香港,上海,深圳,广州,南京和其他二线城市看看我有没有乱说。
楼主可以代表龙腾网网民表示下:伟大的 思密达国家,无人能比,中国自愧不如,大韩民国 万岁!万岁!万岁!。&
世界华人得不到尊重 是因为中国和政府不够强 不够硬
华人在任何国家犯罪 犯什么罪都要能引渡回来
心理学讲 自卑到极点 逆反无助后就变的自大 棒子很像&
大概是了解的太少了吧!只能说傻 天上掉馅饼的事情有几个是真的?&
陌上桑 发表于
真亮 原来是妹子&
笑了~咱是男的 不过咱比不少女孩子还白&
一会出来好几个人 让LZ嘴干净点
GEE GEE GEE o o o 回想起这个调调,我头又开始痛了,&
就拿听歌来说,我发誓我不是一个因为不爽棒子鬼子就不听他们的歌的人,内地先不说,现在流行文化还不怎么发达,日语歌英文歌等欧洲语的歌都有许多好听的,耐听的,但棒子歌就真的非常少,一天到晚GEE GEE GEE
他们是文化为主 工业为辅
从文化渗透到工业带动 三星现在的称霸太可怕了 虽然我一直都很讨厌三星手机
我们近代民族文化没有得到传承 这是很遗憾的 旧的文化没有继承 新的文化也创新不来 一段时间内我们必须低调点&
leemz2002大神说的好,在人类历史的大部分时间里,中国都是世界霸主。中国的GDP被英国超过,不过是1875年前后的事情,至今不过一百三十多 年而已。所以,中国全球霸主地位的回归是迟早的&
棒子还是高贵血统?&&一个靠整容来获取美丽相貌的种族 还敢提血统
mickye 发表于
很难理解为什么东南亚人都这么把南棒子当回事儿,就因为他们的泡菜剧和整容文化?在东北亚地区南棒子是最被 ...
的确啊 我也分不清白人是哪的 美国? 英国? 德国? 分不清。。 话说除了中国和日本有自己有值得骄傲的文化外 其他一些小国没什么文化底蕴 所以崇拜那些白痴韩剧 说句实话。。。要是把中国人 日本人 韩国人放在一起 我也看不出谁是谁。。。 哈哈
日本人开起来还有点优雅 低调 自我冷漠 韩国人则是一对小眼睛 精光闪闪 不知道在动什么心思&
本帖最后由 托尼托尼·乔巴 于
23:16 编辑
& &支持翻译~
人不自尊 别人怎么尊重你&
= = 我还歧视棒子呢。。。&
我从小就以为中国人而自豪 好吧 中国只有历史 只有古代史能够骄傲一下 但是这说明我们那么多的民族我们的文化是优秀的
历史事实已经证明了 而现在短短百年的衰弱不代表什么&
mickye 发表于
23:01 龙腾网
很难理解为什么东南亚人都这么把南棒子当回事儿,就因为他们的泡菜剧和整容文化?在东北亚地区南棒子是最被 ...龙腾网
其实我觉得广电不拒国外电视剧也是好事 让老百姓眼界开阔提高国内市场的欣赏品味 让那些个裸泳的国内导演无所遁形 让观众和市场鞭策国产片&
主要是广局比较开放 尽放韩剧 而韩国则有点禁播大陆剧 说起来 标榜民主的国家更加的文化保护主义 而我们则在大开大门 好像不怕中华文化被其他文化稀释掉 不过我泱泱大国以宽广之心对待外族 是小国寡民所不能理解的&
mickye 发表于
很难理解为什么东南亚人都这么把南棒子当回事儿,就因为他们的泡菜剧和整容文化?在东北亚地区南棒子是最被 ...
本帖最后由 小怪兽 于
23:27 编辑
是已故总统卢武铉的时候改叫首尔 以前叫汉城
估计古代朝鲜跟我们汉朝或者汉族人有点瓜葛 好像还有条汉江 后来央视有放改名的事情 我去网上查 看到韩国学者强烈支持改名的事情 大意就是这汉字跟中国太有瓜葛了不好&
hermescn 发表于
从我很小很小的时候,我的奶奶,一个只认识有限的文字,但热衷于阅读历史小说的和蔼农村家庭主妇就告诉我, ...
龙腾四海 发表于
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