solbridge international school of business school好吗

Life in the Kimchi at the SolBridge International School of Business
For three years I lived
and worked in Daejeon, South Korea, as a professor at the SolBridge
International School of Business at Woosong University. About halfway
through, I got married. We both found Korea to be a wonderful place
to live. The people were friendly and extremely helpful, especially
to foreigners. They love their country and are very proud of it, so
they want to show their national virtue to the world. They have a
great work ethic and love to come through for you in a crisis.
We both highly
recommend Korea as a place to live and work for Americans. However,
if you're going to move there, you need to understand some of the
basic differences in the ways things are done in the business world.
This is essential and can make the difference between a pleasant
experience and a traumatic one. The opinions and suggestions on this
page were gathered during my time in Korea, and they are based on the
experiences and observations of various ex-pats at different
organizations. Also, as a professional consultant on global
economics, public affairs, and international relations and a public
speaker on ethics and the global economy, I have advised clients on
issues pertaining to living and working in Korea and doing business
with Koreans and foreign countries in general.
Here are some
helpful opinions
and suggestions based
on observation and experience:
1. Contracts: The only
contracts that are legal are those written in Korean. English
translations are provided only as a courtesy. If you enter into a
contract, you may wish to ask to see the Korean version and might
also want to have it reviewed by an independent translator. However,
a word of warning: The Korean concept of contracts is very
different than the American one. Korean contracts are sort of loose
agreements and are highly fluid. It is not uncommon for Korean
companies to re-interpret the meaning of a contract partway through,
and often in a way that results in them paying you less money or in
some way to their benefit and your detriment.
2. Payments: Further to
the notion of contracts, payment problems can be common for ex-pats
in Korea. They tend to be better with Americans, though. They may,
for example, try to pay you an agreed upon dollar amount in Won using
a rigid exchange rate. If this happens, then you will be at the mercy
of the currency markets and might be paid considerably less than you
are promised in the contract (see above about contracts). Also, if
you decide to quit your job, be sure to do so after they pay
you, or else they might refuse to pay your salary.
3. Visa Issues: This is
not such a problem for Americans and others who can come to Korea
without a special work visa. However, Korean companies often use the
threat of pulling visa sponsorship as a means to control their
foreign workers. Make sure you have an exit strategy and plenty of
money to get yourself out if you do not have an open visa arrangement
between your country and Korea.
4. The White Face:
Oftentimes white American, Canadian, Australian, and other similar
workers will be paraded in front of other Koreans, as well as
Japanese and Chinese dignitaries as &proof& of the
international nature of an organization. The knowledge of the foreign
employees for which they were allegedly brought to Korea is seemingly
not as important as the fact that they are white and foreign. It is
very likely you will be at some meetings in which your only job is to
sit there and look pretty. This works quite well for some ex-pats,
but can be frustrating to others. Just be prepared.
5. Teaching: If you are
a foreign teacher or professor in Korea, do not expect the classrooms
to be anything like in America or Europe. You will be expected to
hold the students' hands, figuratively speaking. The schools, even
universities, tend to expect the teachers and professors to ensure
that student actually study. There is no &treating them like
adults.& The student evaluations will be higher if you make life
easy on the students, give them high grades, and don't catch them
cheating. Your contract renewal, salary raises, etc., will be
essentially all determined based on how high the students rate you.
One problem, though, is that cheating is rampant in Korea. They have
it down to an art form. Take as many precautions as you can to stop
it. Of course, if you actually do catch someone cheating, you turn
them in at your own peril. If you do so, be prepared to be blamed for
the incident. And, of course, the student you catch cheating and all
his friends will give you low evaluations. What is worse is that the
institutions tend to whitewash such things and try to sweep it all
under the carpet.
6. One Decision Maker:
You might be dealing with or working for a Vice President, Executive
Director, or other high and impressive-sounding personage. They might
tell you &yes& a lot, but then nothing happens. The reason
is that they cannot do anything until their boss tells them to do
something. Usually a company has ultimately one decision maker. This
could be the President, the Chairman, or someone like that. Until he
says to make something happen, it won't happen.
7. Hierarchy: There are
hierarchies everywhere, but you need to know how they go in Korea. It
is very, very, very &top down.& There is essentially no
delegation. Your job is to do what the person above you tells you to
do. A Korea's skills and qualifications are actually secondary in
terms of being hired. The number one requirement, other than perhaps
family and personal connections, is that they are compliant. Just do
what the person above you tells you to do, if you're a Korean, and
you'll be fine. Well, for an ex-pat, this can get frustrating...and
probably for the Koreans as well. You'll likely expect a lot of
delegation and initiative, but you'll be disappointed.
8. Alleged Korean Law:
Be prepared when your Korean employer doesn't want to do something
that they will say they can't because &it's against Korean
Law.& Of course, when you ask them to show you that law, they
cannot do so. They must have an interesting set of non-existant law books!
9. Told the Wrong
Thing: Be prepared to be told the wrong thing over and over and over
just because the person you asked does not want to lose face and
admit they don't know the answer. No matter how used you are to this
or how many precautions you take, this still has a tendency to crop
up and bite you!
10. No Personal Space:
This is actually common all over Asia. You might, for example, be
looking at the labels of some cans at the grocery store. You left a
few feet of space between yourself and the shelf...thereby providing
enough space for a Korean to pop right in there to look at whatever
they want to see. That they are blocking your view doesn't seem to
enter into their mind. Try not to get too upset with them, though.
This is how they are raised.
11. No Lines: No lines.
Nothing resembling a line. Actually, lines do get formed when some
sort of &authority figure& tells everyone to get into a
line. Usually, though, you better be prepared to push and elbow your
way wherever you're trying to go.
12. International
Doesn't Mean International: Koreans love to talk about how
international they are. This is one reason why you as a foreigner
have likely been hired to your company, school, university, Hagwon,
etc. They seem to think that having some foreigners on staff or using
some English makes them international. They seem unconcerned with
knowing exactly how things are done outside of Korea. (Stay tuned for
the picture diagram of Korea's world view.) So, don't get too excited
when you see something that you think is international. You might
find it doesn't quite measure up to what you're expecting. Then
again, as the saying goes, expectation is the root of all disappointment.
We hope that these
few observations (and more will
be added soon) have not
discouraged you from
taking a job in Korea. It's really a great place to live
and work. The
quality of your working environment will depend on the attitudes
of the place where
you work, and also on your attitude.
Be prepared for some
things to be different.
However, you also
must be prepared to stand up for
yourself and not
allow yourself or your family to be bullied.
Koreans are used to
being mistreated by their employers, but
that does not mean
that should you have to endure sub-human treatment.
In the end, you
must be prepared to walk away.
Being prepared
mentally and emotionally is essential to success.
And what is success?
Is it money? Is it contract renewal? Is it promotion?
Success in Korea is
finding out that you can survive and thrive in a foreign
country with a
culture vastly different from your own. Success is gaining
experience about how another culture lives, works, and functions.
Living overseas
truly will change the way you view the entire world forever.
All information presented is presented in good faith.
All persons are encouraged to seek current information
from official sources.
Entire Contents Copyright & 2011. All Rights Reserved.SolBridge International School of Business——韩国读研 - 韩国
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BFSU-SolBridge International School of Business
BFSU-SolBridge International School of Business was established in line with a vision to create a truly progressive and highly integrated business education program that combines an international business teaching model with an in-depth understanding of the Chinese economy. The International Business School at Beijing Foreign Studies University, China and SolBridge International School of Business of Woosong University,South Korea joined forces to bring about this unique and forward-looking international collaboration.
The campus, located at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), in the capital of China, provides the perfect setting for such a dynamic program, focusing on Chinese businesses and their evolving relationships with western and other nations. It is run by International Business School (IBS) of BFSU.
BFSU-SolBridge International School of Business offers students a most pertinent and unique combination of subjects, addressing contemporary Chinese business concerns, Chinese culture, Asian values and advanced Western and American business practice and management. Students are encouraged to develop themselves into responsible, ethical business leaders who solve contentious corporate issues with a strong practical and theoretical grounding and cultural sensitivity.
All class instruction and discussions of contemporary business issues are done in English, drawing on the vast knowledge and experience of our international faculty. In addition, an interactive and applied learning model is followed in order to give students valuable practical experience in the corporate world.
Chinese language forms a part of the curriculum to better help prepare students to understand the local culture and economy and take advantage of rewarding internship and employment opportunities locally and abroad.
Top University
Study-in-china. org is a resource platform providing comprehensive guide for international students who wish to study in China. The website presents the overall information on China in the following respects: universities, primary and secondary schools, interest schools, admission procedures, scholarships, study programs, tuitions and fees, study tours, cultural characteristics, educational policies, living in China, online Chinese learning, etc. in- (the earliest institution to enroll foreign students in China) copyright
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  据师介绍,曼谷大学是以一颗紫色和橙色的金钻为标志的,英语 BANGKOK UNIVESITY(曼谷大学)和泰文(曼谷大学)在其一旁,标志中的紫色和橙色是曼谷大学的代表色,这颗独特而华丽的钻石标志不但意味着曼谷大学的高品质教学,更意味着在曼谷大学学习的充满活力的大学生,不断创造的闪亮奇迹和傲人的成绩!该校创建于1962年,是目前成立最早,规模最大的私立大学之一。
  曼谷大学是一所实力强劲的私立大学,建立在泰国曼谷,是泰国建校最悠久、最有名气、规模最大的私立大学之一,建于1962年。 目前学校拥有了一支世界各国专家、学者组成的高水平教师队伍,并与国外其他著名高等学府进行了包括课程设置、教授互换交流、教材支援及联合办学等方面的交流与合作。
  曼谷大学被评为最受学生欢迎的私立大学, 在BUSINESS COM (泰国商业界最著名的杂志)2009年6月第244期公布的泰国私立大学评比调查中,曼谷大学被评为最受学生欢迎的泰国私立大学。
  学士班(国际课程)Undergraduate (International Program)
  Bangkok University International College (BU International)
  1.商业英文Business English
  2.传播艺术Communication Arts
  3.电脑绘图与多媒体Computer Graphics and Multimedia
  5.饭店与观光管理Hotel and Toursim Management
  7.学士班(泰课程)Undergraduate (Thai Program)
  8.会计学院School of Accounting
  9.商学院School of Business Administration
  12.国际商业管理International Business Management
  13.组织与人力资源管理Organization and Human Resource Management
  14.现代商业管理Modern Business Management
  15.商业电脑Business Computer
  School of Communication Arts
  1.公共关系Public Relations
  5.表演艺术Performing Arts
  6.品牌沟通Brand Communications
  8.经济学院School of Economics
  9.国际经济International Economics
  10.商业经济Business Economics
  11.发展经济Development Economics
  12.工学院School of Engineering
  13.电子工程Electrical Engineering
  14.电子与电子传播工程Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering
  15.多媒体与网路系统工程Multimedia and Internet System Engineering
  16.电脑工程Computer Engineering
  School of Fine and Applied Arts
  1.视觉艺术Visual Arts
  2.传播设计Communication Design
  3.室内设计Interior Design
  4.流行与织品设计Fashion and Textile Design
  5.人文学院School of Humanities
  7.泰文Thai Language
  8.观光与饭店研究Tourism and Hotel Studies
  9.观光中文Chinese for Tourism
  10.法学院School of Law
  11.科学与科技学院School of Science and Technology
  12.电脑科学Computer Science
  13.资讯科技Information Technology
  14.软体工程Software Engineering
  15.硕士学位(泰课程)Graduate (Thai Program)
  Graduate School
  Master‘s Program
  1.商业Business Administration
  2.商业(中小型企业)Business Administration-SMEs
  5.资讯科技与管理Information Technology and Management
  6.室内设计管理Interior Design Management
  7.娱乐管理与创作Entertainment Management and Production
  8.硕士学位(国际课程)Graduate (International Program)
  Doctoral Program
  1.商业Business Administration (Joint with University of Nebraska,U.S.A.)
  2.传播Communication(Joint with Ohio University,U.S.A.)
  Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing (BBA)
  Banchelor of Business Administration (Continuing Program)
  Marketing Major
  Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts (BA)
  Bachelor of Arts in Business English (BA)
  Bachelor of Arts in Tourism and Hotel Management (BA)
  Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Entrepreneurship (BBA)
  Bachelor of Technology Program in Computer Graphics and Multimedia (BT)
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