
The Goddamn Dave Hill Show:
from April 6, 2015
Three unstoppable hours of Dave playing face-melting hot rock jams, talking with extremely important guests, answering the telephone, and trying to figure out what all those knobs and buttons are for. A sincere effort to get the original members of Dokken back on speaking terms will also be made whenever possible.
9pm - Midnight
91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM &
WFMU LIVE Audio Streams
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April 6, 2015: Mondays- am I right? Anyway, tonight actor David Krumholtz and musician Adrian Perry from Dead Boots swing by the show and it's incredible. Get tested!
Listen to this show:
(Reload this page to update the song info.)
Thee Ole Boozeroony
And The Circus Leaves Town&
Dave takes important calls&
Distant Correspondent&
Goddamn Dave Hill Show Theme Song
Cheap Trick &
Naomi Shelton & The Gospel Queens&
What Have You Done?
Sabbath Assembly&
Glory Hallelujah
Mike Adams at His Honest Weight&
Findings of Feeling, Findings of Fact
Best of Boiler Room Classics&
Bad Brains&
Silent Tears
Baby Huey & the Babysitters&
Exact Paperbacks
Hank Williams&
Cold, Cold Heart
David Krumholtz in-studio&
James Brown and the Famous Flames&
Angel Witch&
Angel Witch
Alessi's Ark&
The Bird Song
Adrian Perry from Dead Boots in-studio&
Dead Boots&
Dead Boots&
Mon. 4/6/15 9:01pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:01pm
Tasteful gnu:
Dave Hill Show!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:02pm
hello gentleman and ladies
Mon. 4/6/15 9:02pm
Hellllllllllloooooooooooooooooo Dave!!!!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:03pm
Donnie Hyde:
What's this song?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:03pm
reverb is back.. but has dave learned of the voice modulator!?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:03pm
Hey Dave and the rest of you old boozerooneys!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:04pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Let's Go Wisconsin Beavers!!! And hullo davesters!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:04pm
i love kyuss and reverb.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:05pm
Howdy Hillies!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:05pm
Hey everyone :) let's jam those phone lines with your calls! 201-209-9368
Mon. 4/6/15 9:05pm
Hey folks!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:06pm
Fragrant reverberations, everyone.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:06pm
let us all band together and thank Pat Brynne for introducing Dave to the reverb unit and it's controls.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:06pm
Evenin' all!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:08pm
Donnie Hyde:
Reverb rules, but quit talkin' about it!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:08pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Save the reverb for special occasions. Like farts.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:08pm
I enjoy the echo/reverb in small doses at appropriate intervals
Mon. 4/6/15 9:08pm
@Dave: We like reverb just fine. Also:Kale.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:08pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:09pm
Donnie Hyde:
I'm at the grocery store with kale in my basket right now. NBD.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:09pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Is it Carny, Kearney or Kearny?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:09pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:09pm
hello erma!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:10pm
hi dave and hill folk one and all
Mon. 4/6/15 9:10pm
spelt Kearny - pronounced 'Carny'
Mon. 4/6/15 9:11pm
Happy Easter and Love to Shaina, Monte (The Littlest Hillfolk), and The Daddy
Mon. 4/6/15 9:13pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Thanks y'all!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:13pm
Dave Hill dead?...
Mon. 4/6/15 9:14pm
...holy 6th Sense, Batman!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:14pm
@Ben Dover: and spelled &pork roll&, pronounced &Taylor Ham&
Mon. 4/6/15 9:14pm
Dmx's crew is the ruff ryders
Mon. 4/6/15 9:18pm
feign a broken hip?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:18pm
Thx King Dean
Mon. 4/6/15 9:18pm
Just scarfed down some delicious kale & mushrooms from K-town.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:19pm
This guy sounds like a sociopath.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:19pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Looking forward to the grime blotter. Mostly coz my kitchen is dirty!
Bam! Please tip your waitstaff and attempt the veal...
Mon. 4/6/15 9:20pm
Hi Danne D.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:20pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Typical Cornell student. Spending all their brain cells trying to get laid...
Mon. 4/6/15 9:20pm
Can someone tell me who controls the comments section?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:22pm
nothing better than dave takin calls
Mon. 4/6/15 9:23pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Jerz folk! What's a more happening spot, Kearny or Colonia?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:23pm
@Sam: Jesus.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:24pm
(Cleveland accent): &Is this goddamn Dave Hill Show still on??!&
Hi Dave and Danne and all you Hillfolk!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:24pm
I'm here for the David Krumholtz and computer science
Mon. 4/6/15 9:24pm
heya Dan H
Mon. 4/6/15 9:25pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Call back in never minutes, Dragon Boy!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:25pm
Hola Hola :)
Hey M_f_S :)
Mon. 4/6/15 9:25pm
Don't waste your Skunk Juice on nothing.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:25pm
Way to bring the Oreos, Danne! I think you're damn near close to earning the prefix &AP& here! It's an honor! :)
Mon. 4/6/15 9:26pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Ate an entire sleeve of Oreos the other day
Mon. 4/6/15 9:26pm
I am no pretender to that throne M_f_S.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:27pm
&Dave Hill Dub (180& Mix)&
Mon. 4/6/15 9:27pm
New here...is this considered the chat section?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:27pm
Dave does seem much more patient with Danne since he started bringing cookies every week.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:28pm
@sam. NOOB!!! yeah this is the chat. sorry for the noob comment.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:28pm
this is a flippin monday!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:28pm
&i'm gonna play ome jams&. &i'm gonna play some jams&. &i'm gonna play some jams&. &i'm gonna play some jams&. geez, 15 minutes of this hollow promise
Mon. 4/6/15 9:28pm
@Danne: It's all part of Dave's/Shaina's/our scheme to get you into an FMU show... ;)
@Sam: This &comments&, or, &chat& section is indeed, that.
You can talk about kale, or about not liking kale here.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:28pm
I'm surprised the Oreos aren't stale
Mon. 4/6/15 9:29pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:29pm
If I send Oreos to wfmu can I get a date with David Krumholtz?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:29pm
Hola Hola, Danne D, P-90! Cookies are always welcome.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:29pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:30pm
@Hola: the Oreos must be new! Because yeah, once you open them they do tend to go stale, like within a week.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:30pm
I like your name, Sam
Mon. 4/6/15 9:31pm
Is this song dedicated to that dragon caller or that guy that occasionally calls in from Rockford
Mon. 4/6/15 9:32pm
@sam - make an account on wfmu and get a sweet avatar.. donate some money and get a heart! feed the machine!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:32pm
Hola, Hola!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:33pm
Oh hi Dave
Mon. 4/6/15 9:33pm
@bobdoesthings NP never apologize for stating facts or basically keepin it street. @M_F_S Thx for answering my ?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:34pm
Matt, danne has some sick thing for stale Oreos
Mon. 4/6/15 9:34pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:34pm
YOu know it, bobdoesthings!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:34pm
Hi deb hempmilk is hempmilk a real thing
Mon. 4/6/15 9:35pm
Gotta think of some sweet Michael J. Fox questions for Krumholtz ......
Mon. 4/6/15 9:36pm
Hey everybody!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:37pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:37pm
@Dave, Cheap Trick are the third best American rock n roll band from the Midwest, behind Replacements and Husker Du.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:37pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:38pm
You raise a very good point, DanH. I will go with that.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:38pm
Hi I'm new
Mon. 4/6/15 9:40pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Hey David Hill! You gon check out mikeadamsathishonestweight this summer? They sez a NYC gig planned
Mon. 4/6/15 9:40pm
Dunkin' Kale_Milk:
@Hola: yes there actually is hemp milk.
also: will &Hockey Blotter& be a regular feature?
Maybe you could even develop an app for that.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:41pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Never really did the Du and I like cheap trick better that 'mats
Mon. 4/6/15 9:41pm
Recently started eating Greek yogurt since I abhor regular yogurt's taste and smell. I feel like a god damn health nut now. Shout out to Fage and Dannon apple pie flavor!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:41pm
Ben Dover, MD:
4 out if 5 fake doctors agree
Mon. 4/6/15 9:41pm
@DanH @Dave Hill plus there's Guided By Voices ... so hard to choose ...
Mon. 4/6/15 9:42pm
I just came back right when “Running Free” comes on? WOW! Perfect!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:42pm
Spring seems to be the season for new listeners...hi sanitariumhill! Any relation to Dave?
I thought the paper lobby outlawed MJ to stop hemp milk taking away from wood milk sales?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:42pm
Yes, I have hemp milk every morning in coffee instead of other milk. You can get vanilla hemp milk, too. Yummy!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:43pm
Yes, Ben Dover! And he's gonna be on the show the night before!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:43pm
@Dave, Why thank you. @Courtneynoir, never really listened to Guided by Voices. Dave should do an entire show dedicated to great Midwestern American rock and/or roll.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:43pm
Funny thing, sanitariumhill is my instagram username and I just made the connection to Dave Hill after the fact
Mon. 4/6/15 9:44pm
I'd become Ike-CashewMilk, but maybe the milk names should be reserved for the ladies, and I'm not one of those. I don't have the right plumbing.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:44pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:45pm
Cheap Trick, Husker Du, Replacements, Guided by Voices, Devo, Stooges, Alice Cooper, MC5, Pere Ubu, Die Kreuzen, the list goes on and on.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:45pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Awesome D.Hill!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:45pm
Hi all. Yay for Maiden! Rip a sweet Maiden solo now Dave,
Mon. 4/6/15 9:46pm
Mon. 4/6/15 9:46pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Rangers win!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:47pm
There's a lot of milks in here tonight
Mon. 4/6/15 9:47pm
call on in :) the number as mentioned before is 201-209-9368
Mon. 4/6/15 9:47pm
@ Matt: at first the bamboo milk and lichen milk dairies cried foul, but it turned out there was very little overlap of markets for their products and hemp milk.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:48pm
@danne - are there any call-in topics!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:48pm
@Ike: Very neiborhoodish thing, but have you gotten gas & electric scammers swing by your place in the past few weeks/months? I think there is a new wave of clowns out there so just comparing notes.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:48pm
The Embarrassment, Cobra Verde, The Dirtbombs ....
Mon. 4/6/15 9:48pm
No one here likes the rangers
Mon. 4/6/15 9:48pm
'Tis the season...for new milk...
Mon. 4/6/15 9:49pm
@Jake, nope... or not yet.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:49pm
Miss Mollie :)
Mon. 4/6/15 9:50pm
@P-90: Niche markets for all the non-dairy dairies out there.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:51pm
Is it controversial if I say Sugar was way better than Hüsker Dü? All the Dü songs sound like they were recorded in a cardboard box on a Type I cassette and mixed by a Trash-80 computer.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:51pm
Stalky's Pizza
Mon. 4/6/15 9:52pm
Dave's got a LOT of confidence in Wisconsin.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:52pm
Mollie is more famous than she realizes
Mon. 4/6/15 9:52pm
You're in like...pizza, Mollie!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:53pm
Memories Pizza in Indiana
Mon. 4/6/15 9:54pm
Why can't I upload an avatar
Mon. 4/6/15 9:54pm
@Ike: I like the 'Mats, but I don't know any tracks by Hüsker Dü offhand. (I'm more interested in the fact that 2 of the 3 members are gay, and when it was rumored that &one& of the members was gay, everyone thought it was the guy with the mustache--even though he's the ONLY one who's not! :)
Mon. 4/6/15 9:55pm
'evening Dave and Peebles.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:55pm
&I had NYC pizza& Jesus christ.. that could be a wide gamut of experiences...
Mon. 4/6/15 9:55pm
&Fallen Pizza Employees& -possible (Midwest) band name?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:55pm
NY pizza is the best. I'm not afraid to say it.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:55pm
When I was a college DJ I played &Comfortably Numb& for pizza delivery guy and he sent a whole pizza to the station.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:56pm
Years ago I got Vinnie's Brooklyn Pizza. I'm sure V he was about 300 lbs.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:56pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Did she go to famous Ray's or Famous Original Ray's?
Mon. 4/6/15 9:56pm
There are all kinds of NY pizza. Good and bad. It's not all good
Mon. 4/6/15 9:56pm
or just: &Pizza Du&
Mon. 4/6/15 9:57pm
NYC is a big city.. there are plenty of crap pizza places that somehow exist.. to hear someone say &I had some nYC pizza& like.. jesus.. that could be anything
Mon. 4/6/15 9:57pm
It's was Johns pizza
Mon. 4/6/15 9:57pm
without knowing where to go- just trying different places over the years,i say nyc pizza is 50/50 good & not so good...occasionally terrible.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:58pm
DiFaras and John's Pizza are the best. Joe's on Carmine if you don't have a lot of cash.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:58pm
Bye mollie love u
Mon. 4/6/15 9:58pm
especially in touristy areas..
Mon. 4/6/15 9:58pm
As a non-resident of NY, I seek out those places that purport to make NY Style pizza. I realize it may not be 100% the real deal, but it makes me feel better if I make the effort.
Mon. 4/6/15 9:58pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Hola!!! I can't be the only Rangers fan here!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:59pm
Erotic with Irony!
Mon. 4/6/15 9:59pm
I like pizza too but when i talk about the pizza i like people talk shit
Mon. 4/6/15 10:00pm
John's Pizza is reputable!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:00pm
Please don't talk shit about deep dish to me I'll cry
Mon. 4/6/15 10:00pm
Gift of the Erotic Magi!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:00pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Denino's on Staten Island
{drops mic, exits stage left}
Mon. 4/6/15 10:00pm
Blackhawks are going to take the cup adios
Mon. 4/6/15 10:00pm
More of a statement on bias and vanity than erotic, but I'm glad he came around.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:01pm
Hey Dave, I never got discount pizza, but I got two free sodas at Wendy's the other day when I complimented the cashiers Zeppelin tattoo.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:01pm
Oh shit Lee's Tavern in staten island has the best pizza
Mon. 4/6/15 10:01pm
Meowy, those are the places that prey on tourists- probably the worst of the lot!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:02pm
Lombardi's is pretty up there for me.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:02pm
If any of you ever make it to Los Angeles, Barone's in the Valley is the best pizza here.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:02pm
I'm sorry, Hola, I cannot support the deep-dish concept. Just call it noodle-less lasagna on a crust.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:02pm
on spring street
Mon. 4/6/15 10:02pm
Hola I had deep dish tonight! It was the best
Mon. 4/6/15 10:02pm
@DanH: DiFara’s is overrated. It’s not bad, but for my money Totonno’s is the best.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:03pm
@BobDoesThings: Lombardi's is great too.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:04pm
@JakeGould, DiFaras is the best. Clearly you cannot recognize greatness.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:04pm
@sanitariumhill re: avatar I think there's a faq link in here somewhere
Mon. 4/6/15 10:04pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:04pm
Ok but deepdish is really good if you want to sit down and enjoy your day
Mon. 4/6/15 10:05pm
Yeah mollie, it IS da best
Mon. 4/6/15 10:06pm
@DanH: I ate DiFara’s back in high school and college in the mid 1980s while hanging out at my friend’s place listening to Cream and Pink Floyd. The pizza is good but I would not go out of my way for it.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:06pm
@hola. you're on a NJ based radio station's website.. you will not win this battle.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:07pm
@Hola: I have had deep dish pizza. It’s not the same as NYC slices. Cannot be compared and far more formal.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:07pm
Chicago pizza and NJ pizza are two different foodstuffs
Mon. 4/6/15 10:07pm
Deep dish pizza is Chicago pizza.
Stormy, husky, brawling. City of the Big Shoulders.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:08pm
having said that, I fully appreciate the chicago style deepdish... it just won't win me over NYC(NJ) style.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:09pm
Pizza Dü. -wow, just discovered there's actually a feature called &Swipe to Umlaut& on the iPad! Kid you not!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:09pm
Won't even mention L.A. pizza. They put it on flatbread here. Heathens.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:09pm
This JAM!!!!!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:09pm
diggin' these jams Dave.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:09pm
I wish NYC had California burgers. I want there to be as many “In-N-Outs” in NYC as McDonald’s; reasonable chain density comparison.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:09pm
Oh fleep, you have to hit Barone's
Mon. 4/6/15 10:10pm
@Danne D thanks
Mon. 4/6/15 10:10pm
@fleep - thanks for another reason I won't move to LA to add to my list..
Mon. 4/6/15 10:10pm
I'm going to invent a kale flat-deep-greasy dish pizza to accommodate all tastes.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:10pm
2 good pizza places, v.near ...
Mon. 4/6/15 10:10pm
Great call Mollie :)
Mon. 4/6/15 10:11pm
4th Ave G train madness.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:11pm
...to each: L'Asso and Toby's, near...
Mon. 4/6/15 10:11pm
This the Melvins?
Mon. 4/6/15 10:11pm
i'd eat that kale pie.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:11pm
@sanitariumhill np - I'd point you straight to it but I'm in the app not on a real computer
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
Thanks Danne!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
Yes, DanH, from Gluey Porch Treatments
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
Best American band nominee, The Melvins.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
There was no battle, everyone was talking about pizza they like so I brought up my favorite
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
Hanks a million, Dave!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
Hank Williams?
Mon. 4/6/15 10:12pm
@coelacanth: Kale pie trucker slang for hippie chicks who put out.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:13pm
Cool! I'd have 1 customer! 2 including me. Should I take this to Shark Tank?
Mon. 4/6/15 10:13pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:13pm
Best classic New York slice in Manhattan these days: Mariella's on 8th Ave near Columbus Circle.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:14pm
Anyone ever see the HBO animated show The Life and Times of Tim? I loved the hank williams song they used for the intro..
Mon. 4/6/15 10:14pm
whew what a voice!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:15pm
Meowy should call and get help with her Shark Tank pitch :)
Mon. 4/6/15 10:15pm
loved the hank williams dave
Mon. 4/6/15 10:16pm
Is David married?
Mon. 4/6/15 10:16pm
Danne D are you trying to be a smart ass! That would explain a lot.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:17pm
swimming is great!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:17pm
Futile Fitness.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:17pm
Dave's married to his career.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:18pm
@T90 Fancy, I agree. Melvins rule!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:19pm
&Up to the minute - the minute you're up!&
Mon. 4/6/15 10:19pm
Have you seen Stuart Pankin lately? He's lost a lot of weight...
Mon. 4/6/15 10:20pm
i know a guy who lost well over 100 lbs,primarily by walking.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:22pm
Grope-free zone.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:22pm
Duke and Wisconsin change lead 13 times before ending first half tied at 31-31 -
Mon. 4/6/15 10:24pm
&No one gets out of here until midnight! -- You're in THE DUNGEON!!! Of freeform.&...
Mon. 4/6/15 10:24pm
Whens my release window?
Mon. 4/6/15 10:25pm
Lol I figured it out but look what happened. I feel old
Mon. 4/6/15 10:25pm
he wasn't even crooning yet?!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:26pm
It was an accident, Jimmy hasn't even sung yet..
Mon. 4/6/15 10:26pm
We are picture locked!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:27pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:27pm
we lost jimmy before he got a chance to sing... :(
Mon. 4/6/15 10:27pm
Jimmy hung up before he could be hung up on
Mon. 4/6/15 10:27pm
The Great Rock'N'Roll Swindle: Who Killed Jimmy? ...
Mon. 4/6/15 10:29pm
Dont get me started.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:29pm
News headline tonight: &GWAR Sued for Allegedly Stealing Late Singer Dave Brockie's Ashes& -
Mon. 4/6/15 10:29pm
i miss jimmy already
Mon. 4/6/15 10:30pm
Leave my jimmy alone.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:30pm
&Oy! I'm constipated half to death, here!&
Mon. 4/6/15 10:30pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:30pm
Seamless edit.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:31pm
uh so the lines are open now...201-209-9368
Mon. 4/6/15 10:32pm
Grape juice, wine and Coca Cola: Very cheap remedies for constipation.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:32pm
Clean up on aisle 9.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:32pm
FL retirement village metal band: &Regular Pooing Schedule&.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:32pm
Remember that one time I called in and danne was mean to me so I hung up, I do.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:34pm
Death is hilariou.....xxxx
Mon. 4/6/15 10:34pm
call in Hola!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:34pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Mon. 4/6/15 10:35pm
Call in Hola! I can't, I can't even hold my head up I'm so weak.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:36pm
The Norman Lear-verse frequently used that kind of ending. Even &Fresh Prince of Bel Air& had those silent endings at times.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:36pm
Ben Dover, MD:
No Dave, that sitcom was &High Times!&
Mon. 4/6/15 10:36pm
Chunky Barkmilk:
@Hola: Danne was just flirting with you in his primitive way. You should try calling again.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:37pm
would be great to have some more female callers :) lines are open 201-209-9368
Mon. 4/6/15 10:37pm
What about those babies who look like adults in their face
Mon. 4/6/15 10:37pm
Just say &brown out&.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:39pm
In particular, All In The Family &Archie Is Branded&, 1973. One of the best.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:39pm
I'll call in for a special occasion that isn't my childhood crush David Krumholtz
Mon. 4/6/15 10:39pm
This guy sounds like a dick!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:40pm
I had a dog that was part ridge
Mon. 4/6/15 10:40pm
Puppy Pals!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:40pm
Danne stop trying to make sex with the female callers
Mon. 4/6/15 10:41pm
PetCo sponsor.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:41pm
Stinki Yeast Milk:
@Hola: Didn't Oprah do a show about those adult-face babies back in the day?
Mon. 4/6/15 10:41pm
I laughed/screamed about Jimmy
Mon. 4/6/15 10:41pm
Oh God :( Jimmy's dad
Mon. 4/6/15 10:42pm
I'm ready for some music. Looking at pictures is boring.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:42pm
He could use some anger management.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:42pm
Jimmy's a lawyer - you're pushing yourself too HARD, man!!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:42pm
Dammit Jimmy
Mon. 4/6/15 10:42pm
doggy party! with (gay) pizza!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:42pm
c'mon Hola we are always looking for more gender balance in the calls
Mon. 4/6/15 10:42pm
Nuclear zombie holocaust runs in the family.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:43pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:44pm
Jimmy's taking a beating on the phones tonight.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:44pm
Anyone who mentions Jung and synchronicity should be hung up on. Jimmy, me, Sting, anyone… Hang up on them.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:44pm
Looking at pictures on the radio is so fun.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:44pm
*smashes a cup on Danne's head* ya blew it
Mon. 4/6/15 10:44pm
No remorse no regrets.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:45pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:45pm
These are the daves I know I know these are the daves I know
Mon. 4/6/15 10:46pm
I know nuthingggh
Mon. 4/6/15 10:47pm
Railslide to rocket air.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:47pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:47pm
Dave, it's OK. Keep breathing.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:48pm
Likewise, I also have to write off every negative trait as a sign of &intelligence&.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:48pm
What's your icecap question?
Mon. 4/6/15 10:48pm
I dunno what happened - the wilding was scheduled for after the show
Mon. 4/6/15 10:48pm
I heard it!
&Lock up the street&, ya punks!!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:49pm
She has a great voice
Mon. 4/6/15 10:49pm
Danne is outside chasing the kids with a rake or something
Mon. 4/6/15 10:50pm
Rigor mortis doesnt count.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:50pm
Why do you think they call them chubs
Mon. 4/6/15 10:51pm
Well I'm one to take Nurse Paula's advice :) Thanks for the convenient theory!
@hola: KitH! That was a great song/music video!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:52pm
Fat people do fat things
Mon. 4/6/15 10:53pm
Mon. 4/6/15 10:53pm
Hello?! You kids get off my lawn!!!!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:53pm
I think we can all agree that everyone should be getting some
Mon. 4/6/15 10:54pm
Paula lets talk ppe and bodily fluids getting on us sometime
Mon. 4/6/15 10:55pm
He's an honest jerk.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:55pm
I used to work at a thrift store which is kinda like working at a homeless shelter
Mon. 4/6/15 10:57pm
Rock steady.
Mon. 4/6/15 10:57pm
Ben Dover, MD:
She sounded sweet. Especially the part about her being cool with the possibility of my taking a dump on the floor
Mon. 4/6/15 10:58pm
Oh, I almost forgot:
For those who *haven't* seen the adorable Little Joe Franklin yet! :)
Thanks adopter herb!
Mon. 4/6/15 10:59pm
one of my fave James Brown songs
Mon. 4/6/15 11:00pm
wait isn't it Mt Hope NY ? not NJ?
Mon. 4/6/15 11:00pm
This playlist tonight is straight fire
Mon. 4/6/15 11:01pm
Yeah me too Danne! Great song!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:01pm
FWIW, I had family members in and out of hospitals for about 10 years spanning from my teens to twenties. I never felt more like I was engaging in an Eastern European system of nonsense than dealing with that world. At least that’s what it’s like in NYC.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:01pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:01pm
@bobdoesthings: “The station also broadcasts to the Hudson Valley and Lower Catskills in New York, Western New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania via its 90.1 signal at WMFU in Mount Hope, NY.”
Mon. 4/6/15 11:03pm
Ben Dover, MD:
Playlist tonight: less in quantity but super-Hi-quality!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:03pm
@jake -yeah that's what I mean, they said before MountHope NJ - oh well nevermind. all good
Mon. 4/6/15 11:04pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:05pm
there is a Hope Township in Warren County (NW New Jersey) maybe that is where David meant
Mon. 4/6/15 11:05pm
Kiss each other you Wikipedia nerds
Mon. 4/6/15 11:05pm
@bobdoesthings: Those jagoffs in Rockland County? They are in NY. The way geography around here works confuses me as well.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:06pm
@Hola-soymilk: Kiss this.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:08pm
&A& on Sesame Street is brought to you by Angel Witch.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:08pm
that is what it sounded like outside a little while ago
Mon. 4/6/15 11:08pm
Hey nerds!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:09pm
aucune chanson francaise ce soir?
I have to go to bed, my little Taylor hams. Good night!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:10pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:10pm
erma gherd iz cald porkrollz lol
Mon. 4/6/15 11:11pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:11pm
g'night Erma :)
Mon. 4/6/15 11:12pm
Nighty night Erma. Take David with you.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:12pm
sorry I messed up the mic, Dave :(
Mon. 4/6/15 11:12pm
@Erma: Good night! Taylor ham wishes and Disco fries dreams!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:12pm
call like the wind! 201-209-9368
Mon. 4/6/15 11:13pm
Good night, Erma! I'm hitting the hay soon too. Not farming, but going to bed to sleep. g'night Hillies!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:13pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:13pm
g'night Erma.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:13pm
Why is everyone going to sleep
Mon. 4/6/15 11:14pm
The song Black Sabbath on the album Black Sabbath by the band named Black Sabbath.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:15pm
WFMU legend Irwin calls situations like that with Angel Witch (band/song/album same name) a 'trifecta'
Mon. 4/6/15 11:15pm
Dark Industry, metal band.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:16pm
Take care Meowy!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:17pm
Exploding roadies.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:17pm
'night Meowy.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:17pm
23 ex-Angel Witches! :)
Mon. 4/6/15 11:18pm
Duke up by 5 on Wisconsin with just over a minute left.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:19pm
Bye meowy :)
Mon. 4/6/15 11:19pm
&Motorhead& by Motorhead from the album &Motorhead.&
[yes, I know that the song is a Hawkwind cover]
Mon. 4/6/15 11:19pm
Dave is just too honest and pure to put on the artifice of an accent.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:21pm
/trifecta.html Trifecta list
Mon. 4/6/15 11:21pm
Yeah WMFU is in Mount Hope, NY, but there is also a Mount Hope, NJ, right off I-80 somewhere, but that's in the East Orange transmitter's territory.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:23pm
Sorry, wasn't able to hear the beginning of the show.
It sounds as of David Krumholtz is still there... did you ask him:
1) Did the cast and crew of Numb3rs make a point of pronouncing the 3 when they referred to the show? Because my family and I always did. It was a constant source of pleasure.
2) Did DK have to spend hours in the makeup chair to look like a wee Judd Hirsch for Forever, or did he just pull it off with sheer force of will and acting chops?
Thanks for your service.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:25pm
This sounds a bit like a Wings cover!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:26pm
In fact I hear a lot of allusions to &Helen Wheels& in particular.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:27pm
Dook wins and Dave loses our bet!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:28pm
Hot Jam! Roaring Sound!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:28pm
Fix it in post.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:30pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:30pm
All Things Must Pass tattoo.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:30pm
oh man,... Tower Records documentary.. i'll watch that. ::tear::
Mon. 4/6/15 11:31pm
Jeff call in and ask 201-209-9368
Mon. 4/6/15 11:32pm
wait you can raise money for a contract killing on kickstarter?!?
Mon. 4/6/15 11:32pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:32pm
Metal band: &Crowdfunding Killers&
Mon. 4/6/15 11:33pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:33pm
Kick The Bucket Starter
Mon. 4/6/15 11:33pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:33pm
I forget where I heard it.. some comedian.. someone said.. what if you start a kickstarter to start a company to beat out kickstarter
Mon. 4/6/15 11:33pm
i agree about dividing those donations.
...and fuck yer kickstarter! who's helping me?! NOBODY...and i didn't start out as a spoiled brat like most 20-year-olds now!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:35pm
[fade to vomit]
Mon. 4/6/15 11:35pm
Anyone here check out GoFundMe? That’s worse than Kickstarter since it seems like 100% anyone in the world can post a picture a sob story and collect funds.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:36pm
Why haven't they outlawed milk-water yet??!!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:36pm
Weather on the 666s.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:36pm
Crim3 Blott3r
Mon. 4/6/15 11:38pm
Oh no this is the part I get scared every week!!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:38pm
Bobby Brown cant drive.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:38pm
Did the car have one horn or two horns?
Mon. 4/6/15 11:39pm
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Bein' Nice to Each Other?
Mon. 4/6/15 11:40pm
Car alarms must die.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:40pm
HA! Dismantled the horn at an Arby's !!! :D LUV IT!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:40pm
This is a good erotic short story
Mon. 4/6/15 11:40pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:41pm
Fetch me a Gatorade to rock!!!!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:41pm
@BGZ: &Two Cars, One Horn& ;)
Mon. 4/6/15 11:43pm
Sew afghans.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:44pm
So...Angel Witch = Bad 80s Movie??...
Mon. 4/6/15 11:44pm
Kniting Factory.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:44pm
Mineral Milk is a good band name
Mon. 4/6/15 11:45pm
Can it work on making my roommate move out?
Mon. 4/6/15 11:45pm
Tortured with Angel Witch deep cuts.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:46pm
Wrecks havoc on neck.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:46pm
I LOVE THIS GOAT! “…officers apprehended the small goat after getting a call that the animal was head-butting a door.”
Mon. 4/6/15 11:47pm
The Goat Diviner
Mon. 4/6/15 11:47pm
“Another told the perplexed Gresham police team that the ‘goat only respects one man’ and warned them to stay away.”
Mon. 4/6/15 11:47pm
That goat is a sonofabitch.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:47pm
&Goat Blotter&
Mon. 4/6/15 11:48pm
american principle - one man, one goat
Mon. 4/6/15 11:48pm
Have you accepted the goat as your lord and savior?
Mon. 4/6/15 11:49pm
Obviously the man is Johnny Cash. Blast some man in black.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:49pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:49pm
YOu guys are going to give me an earworm.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:49pm
Goatbladder Zero
Mon. 4/6/15 11:49pm
Woohoo! Angel Witch Cupcakes!
&This Goat is under the Dominion of no man...&
Mon. 4/6/15 11:51pm
9021ohhhhj yeahhh
Mon. 4/6/15 11:52pm
Damn Dave is gonna want Angel Witch Cookies now!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:54pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:54pm
I'm trying not to laugh and every time angel witch comes on I start shaking
Mon. 4/6/15 11:54pm
I want a goat.
Mon. 4/6/15 11:54pm
Follow @staceymolski on your Twitter application
Mon. 4/6/15 11:54pm
watch out for backgammon hustlers in NYC
Mon. 4/6/15 11:55pm
Stacey is good tweeple
Mon. 4/6/15 11:55pm
Also watch out for backgammon hustlers in jersey city
Mon. 4/6/15 11:55pm
The only way to win is not to lay his dame?
Mon. 4/6/15 11:55pm
thanks listeners and callers and commenters and Dave and guests! until next week!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:55pm
Mon. 4/6/15 11:57pm
thanks, Dave, Danne, and all you various Milks out there!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:57pm
THANKS Dave and Danne and DavID and Adrian and callers and commenters and listeners!!! Great show, really fun chat and HOT SOUNDS!
Have a good night everyone! Stay street, and stay sleep!
Mon. 4/6/15 11:59pm
I want Angel Witch ham on my Jersey breakfast.
Tue. 4/7/15 12:45am
Thanks, everybody, for listening, chatting, and being gorgeous!
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