太原治疗早泄男科医院哪家早泄医院最专业?We are all busy with work

是“We are all busy with our work”还是“We all are busy with our work”?还有,be动词是不是永远紧跟在主语后面?
前者是对的.all 必须放在be 动词后请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )
We are all busy with our work应该说:表示程度或频度的副词应该在be动词之后;助动词和实义动词当中,这是英语语法规定
We are all busy with our work
这个是对的 还有be动词是不是永远紧跟在主语后面?这个就不是很清楚了
扫描下载二维码all the people are busy () their work a.on b.do c.with d.does怎么选_百度知道
all the people are busy () their work a.on b.do c.with d.does怎么选
选Cbe busy with 忙于某事;忙着做…
Twice lately I have heard people say that the secret to curing depression is just keeping yourself wickedly busy. If you’re busy enough, they say, you’ll have no time to be depressed.
(I didn’t realize that one needed to book an appointment for depression.)
This, of course, is absolutely hogwash and just one of the dumb ideas that people with no experience with major depression have. It’s just one of the ideas we have to politely roll our eyes at and then get on with the business of actually treating our depressions.
Being “Busy Enough”
In case you were wondering, I’m one of the busiest people I know. If you understood the amount of writing I produce on a weekly basis, you would get it. I write for five separate websites multiple times per week and have assignments in between all of that. Many writers would be happy to write one article in a day. I, some days, have to write five. Plus manage social media accounts, answer email, respond to queries and do a bunch of other independent contractor-y type things. I typically work seven days a week.
Believe me when I tell you: I’m busy. Oh yeah, and I still get depressed.
Being Busy and Depressed
So my cousin said to me in response to the above advice, “Yes, because nothing makes you feel better than an overflowing to-do list that you can’t accomplish.”
Point well taken. Being overly busy can absolutely make a person more depressed, not less.
all the time trying to make sure you can fit 20 hours into a 16 hour day definitely doesn’t positively affect a person’s mental health (or mental illness).
Being Depressed Isn’t about Time
I don’t know why I have to say this but apparently I do: being depressed isn’t about having too much time on your hands. If that were the case then everyone in monasteries would need antidepressants. Being
and your brain can get sick with a full schedule or an empty one, kind of like you can get the flu with a full schedule or an empty one too. (No one ever says if you just keep busy you won’t get the flu.)
Now, I will say that sometimes people tend to cocoon in life and withdraw from everyone and everything and this can make a pre-existing depression worse. No argument here. But the underlying problem isn’t their lack of busyness it’s the messed up bits of their brain which causes the desire for the lack of busyness – not the other way around.
Keep the Sage Advice to Yourself
What I really want to say is: keep your sage wisdom to yourself unless you happen to be an expert on mental illness. Because this “sage wisdom” just ticks people off and makes people feel bad about themselves (As in, oh, he’s saying that I’m doing something wrong because I’m depressed. It’s my fault.). And believe me,
And we have enough to handle without fending off ignorance. We have meds and doctors and waiting rooms and appointments and symptoms and side effects and we just don’t need anything more.
So the next time you feel like telling a sick person what will cure them, don’t. Just don’t.
You can find
or @Natasha_Tracy
or at the , her blog.
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