coverletter letter怎么提交

网申时提交了RAR压缩包的英文简历和cover letter,之后收到此信百威英博网申
First of all thank you for applying to our AB InBev Global Management Trainee program. I had a chance to review your application but we were unable to find/read your resume. Please attach an english copy of your resume/cover letter in a word or PDF file.
You are missing either one of the following documents or both:
-& && & English resume (either in Word or PDF file) 英文简历
In order to complete your profile, you will need to reapply to the position with your current username and password on www./ownyourfuture
Please email [url=mailto:][/url] if you have any questions.
Thank you and Good Luck!
The AB InBev China People Team
** This email is an auto reply email from the AB InBev Online application system. **
• 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.Cover Letter 很重要吗?没提交会被BS么?
  看到网申中要我们提交三个文件,但是没有强制要求。我看到大部分人传的都是Cover letter,想问一下,如果不写有什么严重后果么?写一篇实在头疼啊。。。  有没有没写cover letter但是进入笔试甚至收到offer大牛来现身说法一下啊?
&&&&我也没写,但是我觉得,写了最多可以加分吧,前提是写的好,而且那么多人投简历,HR能把每份简历都看一遍已经是很大的工作量了,再看每个人的cover letter估计会很烦躁的,如果只是为了把简历填满,写的一些没有什么重点的求职信,我觉得也不会有多大优势,如果有什么重大语法错误的话,反而给HR不好的印象。。。还是简历精巧名目点,比较好吧。。毕竟找工作简历是主要的,其他是次要的,我想HR应该能分得清主次吧。。
&&&&我实在不了解要求COVER LETTER的意义, 简直是增加双方工作量。 我以前做HR的时候, 根本不把COVER LETTER打印出来, 何必浪费纸张
thank you for sharing!!!
我也没Cover letter,不知道会不会被BS。。。当前位置:
如何写Letter of motivation和Cover letter
如何写Letter of motivation和Cover letter
How to write a letter of motivation, or cover letter"Letter of motivation" seems to be a literal translation of the French "lettre de motivation". In the English-speaking world, the document is called a cover letter. Remember that it is a letter, so the layout must be correct:Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing a cover letter.* A "letter of motivation" or cover letter (CL) is your opportunity to "sell" yourself, i.e. convince the institution or company that they need to have you. Do not be modest: when applying for a job, explain clearly why you think you are suited for the position.* The goal of a CL is to provide a picture of your background and goals that will persuade the admission committee to accept you.* Recruiters expect you to show that what you have matches what they want. Remember, this is a question of interpretation, and the secret of writing a good CL lies in using your qualifications and experience to show that you are the best person for the position. (This means, of course, that you need to modify your CL for each position you are applying for. The same goes for your CV, of course.)* Beyond the particular skills required by each program, a CL should show you to be a clear-headed person, capable of thinking clearly, and a motivated, active learner. Write in a clear and logical manner: remember, the way you write and present yourself says a lot about you.* Before writing the first draft, take some time to think about yourself, your goals and your skills. Think about your background, what and where you have studied, and how all that makes you suitable for the program/position. Put this in to the first part of the CL.* Continue in the second section with your professional goals, explaining the connection between them and your studies. Present your long-term plans, and say how the program you are applying for will help you achieve those goals. Make clear why your background makes you suitable for the program, and how the program will help you achieve your long-term goals. In this section also explain why precisely that university etc. is your choice & the courses, faculty, research interests are possible reasons. In conclusion, state how you can contribute to the program.* You need to take time. Expect to revise your letter up to 10 times (no exaggeration!) before you come up with a good CL. One strategy is, let it rest after you have written a new draft for a few days, and read it again, in order to get a more objective view. And have it checked by as many other people as possible! To do this, of course, means you must start the process early.* And don't just copy what you have said in the other documents that you submit, but try to add to them. Answer the essay/statement question, if you have one - it usually will be something like "Why are you the right person for this program?".
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如何写Cover Letter?
寻正 在稿件写与论文提交过程中,的确有必要的麻烦(Necessary Evil),比如提介信(Cover Letter),许多人把摘要也当成必要的麻烦,只图应付了事。摘要是你的论文开向学术界的窗口,也是你的论文跟编辑的初次约会,其重要性不言而喻。对于收稿众多的编辑部而言,很多决定就是仅仅依据摘要来做的。 摘要具有无与伦比的重要性。写作中的错误在正文中可能不会显眼,在提介信中无关紧要,而出现在摘要中,就可能是致命伤。 Cover letter是泊来品,中国传统文化虽然有时也有相应的介绍信,但没有实用性为基础,这种行为并不普遍。Cover letter许多人译为求职信,维基也如此译,实际上,它的直译叫“面上信”,在提交给别人的材料中覆盖在面上的那封信,正确译法应当叫“提介信”。提介信没有独立的功用,它总是伴随其它相关物品或材料并对伴随材料物品有简单明确的介绍,它是提交者向这些物品材料接受者提供的一个介绍信。提介信最简单的形式就是大家上网购物,售卖者给你提供的一个装箱单,如果箱子里的东西与装箱单不符,你就知道提交者犯了错,可以马上采取相应行动纠正错误。 在寻找工作的过程中,伴随简历的提介信叫求职信,它的写法很重要,而其它大多数场合,提介信功能重要,但对结果几乎毫无影响,写法不重要。提介信是现代社会交流中一个“己之所欲,施之于人”的社会原则的体现。 对于求职信,网上网下指南甚多,我这里主要讨论学术交流活动中向杂志编辑部提供的提介信的写法。 如前述,提介信对于论文提交只是必要的麻烦,没有太大价值,众学子不必太过于担心它的好坏,好,不影响你发表成功率,坏,不影响你发表成功率。你需要担心的是,不要把它写得太坏,引起编辑反感。编辑对你论文的初步决定,取决于你的摘要,摘要写得差,编辑直接拒了,如果还能看下去,编辑会阅读全文,然后决定是否进一步提交给同行评议。 在提交稿件的提介信中,没有写得很好的,但可以写得很坏。我所能给出的建议只是让你避免写得太坏,以至于编辑失去了跟你进一步交流,看你的论文摘要的兴趣。 你面临毕业,正缺一篇论文交差,学校规定你起码要拿到发表通知,你很急迫,Desperate,那么是否可以在提介信中对这种境况提一提呢?叫编辑产生同情心,看稿快一点,要不要给个爽快,好让你有时间去投下一家。这是不适当的,这种不适当,熟悉的人会容忍,但不熟悉的人就觉得被冒犯了。这种不适当在于,你把与学术不相干的事情带入了一个凭文论值的过程,编辑给予你照顾,就对其他投稿者不公平。 那么,你是否可以像方舟子一样自吹自擂,在提介信中大吹特吹自己的中国良心,写作水平多么高深,曾经是英文状元呢?同样地,你违背了以文论值的原则,你或许自鸣得意,编辑却可能觉得你很浅薄幼稚,不懂学术规则,也喜欢把不相关的东西扯在一起,连看你摘要的兴趣都丧失了。 好吧,你放弃在提介信中推销自己,唤起同情、称赞、或者崇拜的企图。那么,你是否可以“客观”地评价你所提交的论文的学术价值呢?起码给编辑提个醒儿,免得他们错过了这么一篇重要的学术文章。这,是可以的,但却是没有必要的。如果你言过其实,反而让编辑反感。你如果投入了大量的时间精力写这提介信,结果编辑部的内部流程你却一无所知,看提介信的是编辑部的秘书,她的任务是看你是否写了提介信,提介信中是否包含投稿须知中的必要项目,有就通过,没有就发回叫你重写。你千辛万苦、费尽心机的表述全白费了,与其浪费表情,不如踏踏实实地回到提介信的基本功用上来,写一个中规中矩的提介信了事。 提介信包括五个部分,最重要的部分是要求宣示(Required Declarations),这对于某些杂志是必须项目,一般要求你宣示是否发表过(当然是否啦)以及在其它地方公布过相关结果,有的要求宣示利益相关性(Conflict of interest),你必须知道你所投稿的杂志对提介信有什么具体要求。常用语言举例: This study was not published elsewhere or submittedelsewhere for publication.本研究未曾被发表,也没有向其它机构提交试图发表。 This study was presented at the 27th annualconference of Chinese College of Surgeons in Beijing in 2012. 本研究曾于2012年在北京中国外科医生协会第27届年会上交流。 All authors declare no conflict of interest. 所有作者宣示不存在利益冲突。 The study was partially funded by ABC company which providedthe testing drugs. Dr. Yuan, our third author, declares an employmentrelationship with ABC company. Otherwise, there is no additional conflict ofinterest to reveal. 本研究部分由ABC公司赞助。我们的第三作者,袁博士与ABC公司存在雇佣关系。此外没有其它利益冲突揭示。 第二个部分是对提交内容的介绍。例如: Attached please find the following items.附件中我们提交了如下项目,或者We havesubmitted the following items through your website.我们通过你们的网站提交了如下项目。 1)Abstract 2)Manuscript/ Manuscript in word file including tables 3)Twotables in separate files 4)Threefigures in separate files 5)Conflictof interest forms 大家最好采用列表的方式给出提交内容,因为这样一目了然。 第三部分是提交信意图的介绍,这往往是一句话。 We submit our manuscript titled The Psychological Impact of Awarding the First John Maddox Prize toShimin Fang on the Chinese Anti-plagiarism Community to your journal forpublication.我们在此提交《论方是民获得首届江*迈多克斯奖对中国反剽窃社区的心理影响》一文,期望能在你们杂志上发表。 第四部分是针对论文的介绍,这可有可无,如果你想推介一个自己的文章,可以用一段话来概括一下,或者点明它的潜在影响与意义,最好不要太长。例如: This study highlights the consensus view of the Chineseacademic community that Shimin Fang had plagiarized multiple times in hisscience columns and the Journal Nature had put its reputation in risk tosponsor an award which was received by a habitual plagiarist. The award hadfueled a sentiment among the Chinese scholars that the western academics were routinelyinfluenced by commercial interests and held fundamental biased view of academicethics in China.本研究突出了中国学术界的共同看法,方是民在他的科学栏目中曾多次剽窃,《自然》杂志支持了给一个习惯性剽窃者的奖励,损及其声誉。该奖在中国学者中激发了一种情绪,认为西方学术界常受到商业利益团体的影响,对中国学术道德状态持有根深蒂固的偏见。 第五个部分是礼节性地向接收者致意。 On behalf of all the authors, I thank you for your timelyconsideration and processing of our manuscript. 我代表所有作者向你们适时考量与处理我们的论文表示感谢。 现在我们可以把这些内容组织在一起: 【发信人地址】 Editorial Office【信件格式】 The Journal of Nature【信件格式】 Dear Editor,
【信件格式】 We submit our manuscript titled The Psychological Impact of Awarding the First John Maddox Prize toShimin Fang on the Chinese Anti-plagiarism Community to your journal forpublication. 【第三部分,意图】 This study highlights the consensus view of the Chineseacademic community that Shimin Fang had plagiarized multiple times in hisscience columns and the Journal Nature had put its reputation in risk tosponsor an award which was received by a habitual plagiarist. The award hadfueled a sentiment among the Chinese scholars that the western academics wereroutinely influenced by commercial interests and held fundamental biased viewof academic ethics in China. 【第四部分,论文介绍,可无】 Attached please find the following items. 【第二部分,内容列表】 1)Abstract 2)Manuscript 3)Twotables in separate files 4)Threefigures in separate files 5)Conflictof interest forms This study was not published elsewhere or submittedelsewhere for publication. All authors declare no conflict of interest. 【第一部分,宣示】 Thank you for your timely consideration and processing ofour manuscript. 【礼节致谢】 Yours Truly, 【信件格式】 John Maddcaw, Ph.D. 【落款署名】 提介信非常易写,你如果把上面段落当着一个模板,把我随意编造的实质性内容删除,就可以产生一个严格的八股结构,然后每次用来填空完成任务都是可以的,不构成抄袭。这些话是如此平实常用,充满绝对的实用性,随便哪个来写,都会重叠相似,故而一般的针对剽窃的判定依据在这里都无法应用。 前面已经交待了,提介信是一种为接收者考虑的针对你提交材料的介绍,要尽量地言间意垓,点到即止,大部分的信息实际上是接收者根据内容就可以期待的。跟求职信不一样,向杂志交稿的提介信不应当花费作者过多的时间,作者不要期望因为提介信写得好而获得额外的发稿优势,只期望不因之写得差而不利于发稿。对于不习惯用英文直接写作的人,如果采用模板,都可以直接在模板上编辑,而不用写一个中文的初稿。本文来源:/blog-661.html
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