
相关资讯新一代的 SAMSUNG Galaxy S9 配备 5.8 吋 Quad HD+ 萤幕,后置 1,200 万画素 Dual Pixal 双光圈(F1.5 / F2.4)镜头;SAMSUNG Galaxy S9+ 则除了拥有更大的
6.2 吋萤幕,更配置双后置镜头,採用 1,200 万画素 Dual Pixal 双光圈(F1.5 / F2.4)镜头,与 1,200 万画素镜头(F2.4)组成。SAMSUNG Galaxy S9 与 S9+ 所採用的双光圈镜头设计,处于低光源的拍摄时,会自动切换到 F1.5手机界最具有看点的是什么?新品,尤其是新旗舰,因为你不知下一次会曝光什么新料。往往新旗舰的一举一动,对于用户、行业都有着深远的影响。甚至伴随着新技术的量产使用,每一次都会带给用户全新的使用体验。最近新消息不断的vivo,继前两天曝光vivoX21新旗舰名称与异形全面屏设计之后,今天上午vivo官微又公布了一剂猛料:彭于晏、鹿晗、周冬雨和王嘉尔都成了vivoX21的产品代言人,产品重要性不言而喻。vivoX21代言人:史上最强组合,耀星实力派彭于晏作为娱乐圈的实力型男,彭于晏帅气的外表下是一颗“全面实力”的今年是魅族成立15周年,在魅族15周年之际,魅族的庆祝活动也开始铺开。在魅族论坛上,有魅友为魅族准备了一个非常特别的礼物。将一颗小行星命名为“魅族”,并晒出魅族15年来的经典作品。此贴一出马上引起众多魅友围观。▲小行星命名为“魅族”▲魅族MP3和M8手机  从魅族论坛上的帖子可以看到,这位魅友将一颗小行星命名为“魅族”,作为庆祝魅族15周年的礼物,相当有意识。同时这位魅友也晒出了魅族经典的产品,包括魅族MP3和M8手机,可见这位魅友已经追随魅族相当长的时间。▲魅蓝官方微博转发  同时,魅蓝官方微博也针对魅其他包括信用卡业务、外币交易、定存交易、台币交易等服务,也都可透过远银O2O云端系统,由理专协助客户快速完成交易,提供便利和效率兼具的数位金融服务。远银数位金融事业群副总戴松志表示,远银积极发展数位金融,同仁皆具备「数位DNA」,O2O云端系统的建立,就是为协助客户和理专解决交易过程中可能产生的断点,让远银理财客户可在理专的协助下,透过最便利、最迅速、且最安全的方式,抓準时机完成每一项重要的交易。零时差!零距离! O2O云端系统 理专使用率达100%O2O云端理财服务,让客户可以在理专的协助下,免除纸本作就在投资人以为美国为加拿大、墨西哥豁免钢铝关税,代表川普不会坚持贸易保护政策之际,最新消息又传出,中国可能成为川普下一个瞄準的目标,估计会有600亿美元的中国製品被课徵进口关税,科技、电信产品为最大宗。路透社13日引述消息来源指出,川普或许近期内就会对总值600亿美元的中国製品开徵高额关税,资讯科技、消费性电子产品和电信业是主要目标,但涵盖範围有机会扩大,最终也许会有100样产品被列入关税名单。北京当局运用投资政策,迫使想到中国发展的美国企业,用科技机密来交换当地的经营权,华盛顿为此跳脚,决定调查中国是否3月14日,中国主流科技媒体联盟在北京召开《2018年TMT行业315质量报告发布会》,针对消费者关心话题,提出10个倡导,以媒体的力量向社会企业发出号召,以期促进TMT行业的良性发展。
商者,诚信为本,德行兼备方可立于不败之地,质量问题,关乎民生大计。今聚业内诸多英豪,为创时代新篇,领群雄义胆,中国主流科技媒体联盟How To Install ClockworkMod Recovery On Samsung Galaxy S I9000
While the process of installing ClockworkMod Recovery on most rooted Android devices is as simple as installing ROM Manager from the market and tapping its first option, unfortunately this does not work for Samsung Galaxy S series devices if they have the 3e stock recovery installed. In this guide, we will help you fix that and successfully install ClockworkMod Recovery to your device.Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.We have
and explained in detail the possibilities it opens up once installed on an Android device. If you have a Samsung Galaxy S I9000, you should first try using the method in the above mentioned guide to try and see if it works for you. There will be a few differences however – once ClockworkMod Recovery is installed via ROM Manager, rebooting your device into recovery will not directly take you to it, and you will still see the stock recovery.To fix this, you will need to use the stock recovery option that says ‘apply update.zip from SD card’ or something similar, to actually be able to get ClockworkMod Reovery working, and you will need to do this twice when attempting to enter ClockworkMod Recovery for the first time.If the above method works for you, there is no need to proceed further as you already had 2e version of stock recovery installed that allowed you to successfully install ClockworkMod Recovery. In case you keep on getting an error similar to the following lines, will need to follow the next steps to get it working.Install from package...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E: failed to verify whole-file signature
E: signature verification failedThis is because you have the 3e version of stock recovery installed which does not allow the installation of zip files without signature verification and the ClockworkMod Recovery’s update.zip file installed by
can not be signature-verified. The solution is to revert to the 2e recovery. This can be done by flashing a custom rooted kernel.
and download the kernel applicable to your device from the attachments in the first and second posts there, and extract the tar file from the downloaded zip file.Note: You can check which one is applicable to you by going to Menu & Settings & About Phone and check the ‘Build Number’ option. Ours said ‘Froyo.XXJPO’ followed by a number and thus, we chose the file called ‘CF-Root-XX_XEU_JPO-v1.2-Busybox-1.17.1.zip’. The letter or number after JP is the part extremely important to match. Do not proceed if you are not sure about it.Download Odin from the link given below and extract the exe file from the downloaded zip file.In case you do not have Samsung drivers installed, grab them from the links given below depending on your version of Windows, and extract them to your hard drive as well. Whenever your computer prompts you to install drivers or fails to install them automatically in the next steps, you should manually install them from device manager by pointing to the folder where you extracted them.Method:Uninstall Samsung Kies if you have it installed.Launch Odin, leave every option as it is, double check that ‘Re-Partition’ is unchecked, click ‘PDA’ and select the kernel’s tar file.Put your Galaxy S in download mode by powering it off and then powering it back on while keeping the ‘Volume Down’ and ‘Home’ (the big center button) buttons pressed. If done successfully, you should see the image of an Android digging with a shovel on your phone’s screen.Connect your phone to your computer via USB and if prompted, install the drivers manually from device manager, using the drivers you downloaded.Once the phone is recognized by your computer, the first small white box in Odin should become yellow. Odin should now look like this:Click ‘Start’ and let the kernel flash to your phone. It will also root your phone in case it hasn’t been rooted already.Your phone will reboot once this step is completed successfully. You may exit Odin after your phone reboots, but do not interfere with it before that or your phone will most likely get bricked.Once your phone reboots, you will be able to install ClockworkMod Recovery using ROM Manager. Just make sure to follow the additional steps described above in the beginning of the article right after the disclaimer, and you should be good to go.Now you will be able to install any custom ROM, radio, theme, kernel or app released in a recovery-flashable zip format. For more information, head over to the XDA-Developers forum thread that we linked in the requirements section for the kernel download, and join the conversation there. |
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