no wrapperapache no installedd什么意思

Windows环境下Android Studio v1.0安装教程准备工具JDK安装包。
要求:JDK 7以及以上版本。Android Studio安装文件。
(235 MB)Mac
(233 MB)Linux:
32位系统和64位系统是同一个安装文件。如果电脑中已经安装过Android Studio,可以使用压缩文件版本。可以根据电脑中有没有 Android SDK 来选择下载是否包含SDK的安装文件。建议使用包含SDK的安装包(exe)。
安装安装过程中的下一步之类的简单操作,不会进行截图讲解,因为你只需要点击 next 。
本文使用 包含SDK的安装文件 进行讲解,包含了 不包含SDK的安装文件 的安装步骤。如果你使用 不包含SDK的安装文件 进行安装,安装步骤只会比这些步骤少而不会多。如果你使用压缩包安装,则可以直接跳过本节内容。
第一个选项 :Android Studio程序,必选。第二个选项 : Android SDK 如果你的电脑中,已经存在 Android SDK 可以不勾选。 第三个选项 和 第四个选项 都和虚拟机有关系,如果你不使用虚拟机或者SDK中的虚拟机,可以不勾选。
选择Android Studio和 Android SDK 的安装目录。
如果你在 讲解1 中勾选了 HAXM (也就是第四个选项. HAXM 用以为虚拟机提供加速服务,详细内容,请自行搜索),就会出现这一步。
Android Studio的运行需要 VC++ 环境,Android Studio安装的过程中,会自动安装。这也是为什么建议使用安装包(exe)的原因。
有些人的电脑使用 36X 类的软件会禁止安装 VC++ 环境,请注意放行。
一般不出意外,你就看到这个界面。说明你的Android Studio已经安装成功了。
运行Android Studio前提准备工作安装 JDK 并配置 JDK 环境变量。
请使用传统的 JAVA_HOME 环境变量名称。很多人会被提醒 JVM 或者 JDK 查找失败,几乎都是因为 JDK 版本或者没有使用 JAVA_HOME 这个环境变量名称的原因。
运行Android Studio讲解6
每一次安装,都会显示这个界面。用以选择导入Android Studio的配置文件。
第一个选项 :使用以前版本的配置文件夹。第二个选项 :导入某一个目录下的配置文件夹。第三个选项 :不导入配置文件夹。
如果你以前使用过Android Studio,可以选择到以前的版本。如果你是第一次使用,可以选择第三项。
这是在检查你的 Android SDK 。有人会在这里卡上很长时间,很大的原因就是:网络连接有问题。可以通过配置 hosts 的方式来解决。如果检查需要更新,则会让你安装,从而会有后面 讲解8 - 讲解11 。
在Android Studio安装目录下的 bin 目录下,找到 文件,在文件最后追加 。
能看到这个界面,说明你需要更新你的 Android SDK 。建议进行更新。
选择安装更新 Android SDK 。第一个选项表示全选,第二个表示自定义。
如果你 讲解9 中选择第一个选项的话,会显示这个界面。选择 Accept 点击 Finish 进行安装即可。
如果你 讲解9 中选择第二个选项的话,会显示这个界面。需要你选择一个安装目录,需要注意的是: 这个目录中不能包含空格以及汉字。不建议使用默认的%APPDATA%目录 。点击 next 后可以看到类似 讲解10 的页面,选择 Accept 点击 Finish 进行安装。
当你更新完 Android SDK ,你就会看到这个界面。直到这个界面才说明,你可以使用Android Studio了。
选项1 : 创建一个Android Studio项目。选项2 : 打开一个Android Studio项目。选项3 : 导入官方样例,会从网络上下载代码。此功能在以前的测试版本中是没有的,建议多看一看官方给的范例。选项4 : 从版本控制系统中导入代码。支持 CVS 、 SVN 、 Git 、 Mercurial , 甚至GitHub。选项5 : 导入非Android Studio项目。比如纯生的 Eclipse Android项目, IDEA Android项目。如果你的 Eclipse 项目使用官方建议导出(即使用 Generate Gradle build files 的方式导出),建议使用 选项2 导入。选项6 : 设置。选项7 : 帮助文档。
如果一些选项不能点击,说明你的 JDK 或者 Android SDK 目录指向有问题,请看下面的 设置 **JDK 或者 Android SDK目录** 。
其他导入以前版本的Android Studio项目修改项目中的一些文件中的内容。
项目根目录下 build.gradle。
'' --> '' 项目根目录下 gradle/wrapper/ 。
http\:// --> http\:// 具体 Module 目录下的 build.gradle 。
很多 Gradle 字段改名,需重新对应起来,更改详情看下图。。
设置 JDK 或者 Android SDK 目录有时很多人运行Android Studio会提醒你 JDK 或者 Android SDK 不存在,你需要重新设置。你需要到全局的 Project Structure 页面下进行设置。进入全局的 Project Structure 页面方法如下:
选择 Configure --> Project Defaults --> Project Structure方法2
选择 File --> Other Settings --> Default Project Structure
在此页面下设置 JDK 或者 Android SDK 目录即可。
哪有exe版本 ,只看到了Zip?
请看 **讲解7** 的最后一句话。
下载了for windows带sdk版本(813M)的安装文件,安装后显示提示:
The following SDK components were not installed: platform-tools, extra-android-m2repository, tools, addon-google_apis-google-21, build-tools-21.1.1, android-21, sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-21, source-21, extra-google-m2repository
系统是winxp, jdk7.0版本,这是为什么?求解
使用 **sdk manager.exe**
D:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools\emulator.exe -avd 4_0_API_21 -netspeed full -netdelay none
emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!
Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.
CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!
Android Studio 1.0.1 修复了关于AVD的一些bug,可能会解决你的问题。同时记得升级你的sdk。
SDK Manager 打开闪退。studio第一次运行的时候一直在下载 Android SDK Tools,revision 24.0.2
Can't Run SDK Manager (Broken find_java.bat)
There was a bug in the find_java.bat command that shipped with SDK Tools 24.0.0. This was fixed in version 24.0.1, but unfortunately, that command is used on some systems to launch the SDK Manager itself.
If you are unable to launch the SDK Manager to update, you can download from this page, and unzip it into the root of your Android SDK it will replace the files tools\lib\find_java.bat, tools\lib\find_java32.exe and tools\lib\find_java64.exe with the versions from 24.0.1.
(If you are using Android Studio 1.0.1, the IDE will prompt you to update to tools 24.0.1 which it will do inside the IDE, so that update should work without needing to call find_ similarly, if you are using ADT, you should be able to open the SDK Manager from within the IDE, which should work without find_java).
我安装好了,运行工程会报一个Error:Failed to find:
提示 play.exe 出错
自动退出 无法使用。遇到过这样的问题吗?
SDK 中 android support repository版本过低
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
& Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugCompile'.
& Could not find any version that matches
说明你的sdk中 android library repository版本低于19,升级即可。
更多as的依赖使用,请看后续的 gradle plugin的教程。as的依赖更多的是以maven的方式进行的。
The envrionment variable JAVA_HOME does not point to a valid JVM installatio
jdk是1.8的 JAVA_HOME
1. JAVA_HOME 后面不要跟分号
2. 可以试一试jdk 1.7
Error:Could not find any version that matches
把build.gradel里这行删掉,改成classpath '',怎么还是报这个错
你修改的内容混乱了,build.gradle 里面是 classpath ''
我新建项目一直停留在:Gradle:Resolve dependencies'&app:_debugCompile',请问如何办?
麻烦大神帮我解答以下运行的时候提示:faied to complete Gradle execution是什么原因啊
exe(不包含SDK) (250 MB)版本的
The following SDK components were not installed: platform-tools, extra-android-m2repository, addon-google_apis-google-21, build-tools-21.1.1, android-21, sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-21, source-21, extra-google-m2repository
您好:安装(813MB)出现we could not detect a java developent kit (JDK) v7 or
never on your system .please browse to its path if known:
我修改过hosts,第七步还是安装不过去,安装到 tools, addon-google_apis-google-21, build-tools-21.1.1, android-21, sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-21, source-21, extra-google-m2repository这块就不行了。现在准备跳过这一步。在Android studio中更新,但找不到sdk ,安装sdk吧,又出现点击SDK Manage,一闪而过。没反应。求大神回复。急急急。。。
建议使用完整版的安装包。或者从网上下载完整的android sdk。然后跳过更新检查,设置sdk目录。跳过检查,请参考本篇的讲解7。设置sdk目录可以参照 中的第9个。
我知道你说的这些,问题是我下载的Android sdk 安装不上,点击之后闪一下。不安装。能私聊吗?大神
Can't Run SDK Manager (Broken find_java.bat)
There was a bug in the find_java.bat command that shipped with SDK Tools 24.0.0. This was fixed in version 24.0.1, but unfortunately, that command is used on some systems to launch the SDK Manager itself.
If you are unable to launch the SDK Manager to update, you can download from this page, and unzip it into the root of your Android SDK it will replace the files tools\lib\find_java.bat, tools\lib\find_java32.exe and tools\lib\find_java64.exe with the versions from 24.0.1.
(If you are using Android Studio 1.0.1, the IDE will prompt you to update to tools 24.0.1 which it will do inside the IDE, so that update should work without needing to call find_ similarly, if you are using ADT, you should be able to open the SDK Manager from within the IDE, which should work without find_java).
Failed to fetch URL http://dl-/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml, reason: Connection timed out: connect
'tools.jar' seems to be not in Android Studio classpath.
Please ensure JAVA_HOME points to JDK rather than JRE.
卡在 checking for updated SDKcomponents,怎么回事?怎么解决?谢谢!
卡在 checking for updated SDKcomponents,怎么回事?怎么解决?谢谢!
Failed to fetch URL http://dl-/android/repository/addons_list-2.xml, reason: Connection timed out: connect
Fetched Add-ons List successfully
Refresh Sources
卡在 checking for updated SDKcomponents求解决
The following SDK components were not installed: platform-tools, extra-android-m2repository, tools, addon-google_apis-google-21, build-tools-21.1.1, android-21, sys-img-x86-addon-google_apis-google-21, source-21, extra-google-m2repository
参考讲解7 ,或者设置代理:/inferjay/AndroidDevTools#android-tools
为什么下载之后要安装时它显示:could not detect a jdk v7 or newer on your system......
没有在你的电脑检测到 JDK ,先确定已经安装 JDK ,同时记得设置 JDK 环境变量。JDK 最低版本为 JDK 7 。
讲解7的一段话:“则会让你安装,从而会有后面 讲解3 - 讲解6” 应该改为“讲解8 - 讲解11”吧?
您好,我安装时怎么老是出现The following SDK component was not installed: tools,然后retry了几次还是不行,请问是哪出问题了呢?
请教下import sample 老是失败,怎么可以解决
请问电脑里可以同时装有ADT-Bundle与android studio吗?会不会对开发有影响?
Error:(2) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button.Inverse'.
Error:(2) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Colored'.
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
& com.mon.process.ProcessException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command 'C:\Users\WAN\android-sdks\build-tools\23.0.0\aapt.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
选择android studio和sdk的安装位置的时候,不要让它们在一个目录下面,最好是并行的两个文件夹!
Error:Cause: failed to find target with hash string 'android-18' in: D:\Users\xiaohei\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
&a href=&openAndroidSdkManager&&Open Android SDK Manager&/a&这是什么问题
安装完成后显示的 “import an android code sample&,从哪里可以下载到官方提供的例子的,有没有链接地址可以下载的啊,麻烦提供一下,谢谢!
执行完讲解7后就出现了一个checking for updated SDK components的进度条,然后弹出来一个窗口The following SDK components were not installed: platform-tools, extra-android-m2repository, tools, build-tools-21.1.1, android-21, source-21, extra-google-m2repository,这是怎么回事啊?求大神指点
我安装到了讲解12图示的步骤,然后单击或者双击“选项1 : 创建一个Android Studio项目。”,为啥一点反应都木有呢?其他选项都有各自的反应,就选项1木有。
麻蛋 我都不知道要下载什么。一会 androidSDK
一会android Studio 这两个都要下载吗?我的 电脑是win32位的 该下载什么版本的啊?
还是没搞起。。。下载的800多M的 带SDK的exe,为什么安装好,并没有SDK呢? 就是步骤7那里,好像是出现失败了,无法更新之类的,反正和楼主后面说的就不一样了,真不知道怎么折腾了
android studio2.0首次运行出现Internal Error. Please report to https:///p/android/issues
java.lang.IllegalStateException: failed to create a child event loop
at io.netty.util.concurrent.MultithreadEventExecutorGroup.&init&(
at io.netty.util.concurrent.MultithreadEventExecutorGroup.&init&(大家怎么做的???
Unable to create a virtual device: Missing system image required for an AVD setup 请问大神 更新到最后一步出现这个 不多Studio还能打开 之后会有什么影响吗
要回复文章请先或Configuring the Netgear WG311 v3
Getting Started
This how-to was produced mostly using a Feisty Fawn live-cd session, and verified correct with Hardy.
There may be differences in the procedure with earlier versions.
There is currently no known driver for this device that will allow WPA encryption. You will have to run either using WEP or no encryption. Its been found that WPA works possibly only with a specific version of the driver. See . I have managed to get WPA working perfectly with the 64bit driver linked below.
Check your chipset
First, double check that you have this exact model of the card by getting chipset information.
Start a console and type in the following command: lspci | grep MarvellIt should output something like this: 00:08.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8835 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03)If yours looks like this, then you're in the right place.
The numbers at the beginning of the line are system-specific, so don't worry about those.
It's the rest of it you need to worry about.
Once you've verified the chipset, proceed.
Getting ndiswrapper
As of this writing, there are no native Linux drivers for the Marvell 88w8835 Libertas chipset.
However, the program ndiswrapper will let you use the Windows drivers.
Unfortunately, ndiswrapper does not come installed by default on Feisty Fawn installation CDs.
Furthermore, the packages necessary to install it aren't on the CD either.
You have to download them.
Which is irritating as hell, because you need the packages so that your network card will work.
It's a chicken and egg situation. You'll need to download them at some other computer, or using an ethernet wired connection. Either install ndiswrapper via an ethernet wired connection, or read the rest of this section to get it using another machine. The ndiswrapper packages can be found at
You need these two files: ndiswrapper-common_1.38-1ubuntu1_all.deb
ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.38-1ubuntu1_i386.debIt's probably best to use the most recent version of ndiswrapper, so if the packages have been updated since this was written, get the most recent version.
Just get one -common file and one -utils file.
Download the files and copy them onto some portable media.
A floppy disk will do if necessary, since the two files are only 48.9 KB total, but a thumb drive may be more convenient.
One wonders why ndiswrapper isn't installed, and isn't even on the CD, given that many laptop users cannot even begin to get their network cards running without this package.
48.9 KB doesn't seem a lot of space to sacrifice on the ISO in exchange for a functioning network.
Getting driver files
The easiest source for WG311 drivers is directly from the chipset manufacturer, Marvell.
You can download Windows driver files here:
(dead link) You can download drivers from here:
The file is 6.2 MB, but you don't need all of that.
The zip file contains four versions of the driver - Win98, WinME, Win2K and WinXP - and a setup program, which of course is irrelevant for our purposes. Unzip the file and grab the subdirectory 'Driver/Windows 2000', which contains the actual driver for Win2K.
This subdirectory is 540.8 KB, so you can still fit it on a floppy if necessary.
We'll use the Windows 2000 driver, because it seems to work on several versions of Ubuntu with no problems. However, if you have trouble with one driver, then you can try one of the others. That is a general ndiswrapper guideline.
I'll refer to the Win2K driver for the rest of this document.
Getting driver files - AMD 64 architecture
If you are using 64 bit version of Ubuntu, the above drivers will not work. Instead, you
need to get drivers for 64 bit architecture. These drivers are third party (i.e., not from the chipset manufacturer) but work fine. Instructions are
in particular, see .
Installing ndiswrapper
When you don't have access to Internet on your Ubuntu box
Now that you've got your packages and driver files, return to your Ubuntu box.
Copy all the files to your home directory, and then install the .deb packages.
Your file manager may offer you the option to
I did it by right-clicking the files in Konqueror and selecting "Install Package" from the sub-menu labeled "Kubuntu Package Menu." In Ubuntu 8.04, simply double-clicking a package in Nautilus causes Package Installer to open. If you need to do it from the command line, the relevant command is: dpkg -i &filename&Do the -common package first, and then the -utils package.
When you have access to a wired internet connection on your Ubuntu box
In this case you can install ndiswrapper directly from the Synaptic Package Manager. You can find the Synaptic Package Manager listed under System && Administration. Do a quick search in the box on the top-right for "ndiswrapper" and select the following files to install: ndisgtk, ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 and ndiswrapper-common. Click on 'Apply' and the ndiswrapper will be available in the terminal. Verify that ndiswrapper is installed by typing this command at the console: ndiswrapper -hIt should print out a list of command line options.
If it doesn't, then ndiswrapper still isn't installed properly.
Installing your driver
Start a console, or return to your home directory if you've got one open already.
Navigate to to the location of the .inf file, and then install it: cd "WG311v3 V1.0/Driver/Windows 2000"
sudo ndiswrapper -i WG311v3.INF
installing wg311v3 ...Now check to see that the inf file was installed.
Note that the option specified in this next command is a lower-case L. ndiswrapper -l
wg311v3 : driver installed
device (11AB:1FAA) presentIf yours does not list a device present, then you may need to explicitly instruct it to use the driver using this command: ndiswrapper -a devid wg311v3Replace "devid" with the PCI ID or the USB ID of your card, in the form XXXX:XXXX.
To get those numbers, run the command lspci&-n or lspci&-nn (for PCI cards, the -nn option adds a human readable device name so you can easily identify the device your are targeting) or the command lsusb (for USB devices). Once ndiswrapper lists both the driver and the device, you need to insert the kernel module.
Thus: sudo modprobe ndiswrapperYou may find that the terminal does not respond to this command. In this case, restart your system and enter the above command again. It should work now. Once the command executes successfully, check to see whether it worked: iwconfigIf iwconfig lists a "wlan0" network interface with a whole bunch of details, then it worked. Lastly, to ensure that this is loaded each time you boot your computer, run this command: sudo ndiswrapper -mThis will write a copy of the settings to your /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper file. Ubuntu 8.04: If the previous instruction gave you a 'deprecated' error, then ndiswrapper might not load automatically next time you start Ubuntu. Simply add the instruction "ndiswrapper" (without the commas) to the end of the "/etc/modules" file and reboot. gksudo gedit /etc/modules
It'd be a good idea to make a backup copy of the ndiswrapper files and your driver in case you need them again in future.
The next step is to configure your wireless card to connect to your particular access point, which is beyond the scope of this document.
But you should now have a functional card at least.}


更多关于 no installed plugins 的文章


