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你知道每年5月15日是国际家庭日"(International Day for Families)你的家庭幸福吗?请讲述一个发生在你家庭成员之间的难忘故事。你打算为你的家庭做怎样的事情?请根据提示要求写一篇英语小短文
作者: 文章来源: 点击数: 更新时间: 12:10:57 | 【字体: 】
家庭是我们温暖的港湾。你知道每年5月15日是国际家庭日"(International Day for Families)你的家庭幸福吗?请讲述一个发生在你家庭成员之间的难忘故事。你打算为你的家庭做怎样的事情?请根据提示要求写一篇小短文。
&#8226;Do you have a happy family ?
&#8226;Tell us an unforgettable story that happened in your family.
&#8226;What will you do for your family?
A possible version,
From my point of view, having a happy family is the first important thing. Luckily,I have a happy and warm family. We offer to give love and trust, and share things with each other. My family gives me love without asking for return. I think happiness is around me every moment.
Every child is surrounded by the deep love. However, we often turn a blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love. One day I hurried home for lunch after school,because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home,the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When the dishes were served, I found none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and wandered on the street for a while, hungry. Then I walked to school. When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me that it was my mother there that had brought it here. After opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes were moist with tears.
My parents always pay attention to my growing and my achievement, but never care about themselves. I will do a lot for my family, such as doing housework and sharing tasks in our family. As a family member, it is my duty to be responsible for my family. I will make efforts to do better.
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第14040期04月09日 周三
第2014093期04月11日 周五
998试机号:9 6 9||
第期04月11日 周五1004061103||小学英语故事短文(五年级讲故事),语速中等,3-5分钟左右.不要太难懂,初中以下水平.12月10日之前要.做比赛用的.别当这是幼儿园用的,有比赛。
The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat. T she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the she jumped and caught the mouse. But s so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.
Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."
A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. "Now, children," said she , "has anyone of you ever make someone else glad?" "Please, teacher ,"said a small b...
可以随便作吗? One day ,The chick played with a duck on the grass. They was very happy. Then the duck called the chick to swim in the
新白娘子传奇英语版:There is a very famous traditional Chinese story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Once upon a time on E-Mei mountain there lived two snake spirits, White Snake a...
Helen Keller was a great woman in USA. When she was a baby,she got very sick.After a few weeks,the doctor said,"Although she is better now,she can't see or hear." Hear paren-ts were very sad. As time passed,things got even worse.She could hear nothing.She could see nothing.She couldn't understand anything.There was no way for her to speak to other people. Later Helen's parents sent for a teacher with the name of Ann Sullivan.She herself once coulden't see anything.She had her own way to teach Helen to learn.When Helen was older,she went to college. Helen was very famous.She helped many blind and deaf people.She traveled around the world and helped many people.Till now,the world remembers her as a brave and wonderful person.She was blind and deaf,but she found a way to see and hear.海伦凯勒是一位伟大的美国女性。当她还是个婴儿的时候,她就很虚弱。几个星期后,医生说:“尽管她现在好一些了,但她失去了视觉和听觉。 她的父母十分伤心。 时间流逝,事情变得更糟了。她什么也听不见,什么也看不见。她什么也不能理解。 她没有方法和别人说话。 不久,海伦的父母把她送去一个名叫Ann Sullivan的老师那里去。她自己曾经也什么都看不见。,但她有自己的一套使海伦学习。 当海伦大一些了,她上了大学。 海伦十分有名。她帮助了许多聋人和盲人。 她环球旅行并帮助 了许多人, 直到现在,全世界都怀念这位勇敢完美的人, 尽管又聋又哑,但是她找到了方法去看和听。
One day ,The chick played with a duck on the grass. They was very happy. Then the duck called the chick to swim in the river. But the chick can't swim. The duck laughed at her. So the chick was angry....
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